OfPlCIAL PAPER OF LAKE Ô094tTY ~ !tASRPTlW4 PRICE $1.50 MER VEAR STRJCTLY IN AOVA#40E lt* NK M. )UST Edito.... ..... ............ .... ......... ~Y L. NUSBARD ............. ...................... City Editor FRLDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1911. AUTUMN PROSPERITY AS6AJRED. ON. Upo~ andMikEsb us Henury CIews & Company, the. Wall street bankers wlio e hoainvkfti] ~ Uii 10'05, .Er ailma' bout Uhc bett financial review avallabi. te the. Priasof the. country. te-i from setig Ea hr dy tisas a pealml.tic atateanent ttlling of Wall treetas diacouragOment by Iik Ob ag d . "UntaverUbF@ dîveiopeuenta," such au nervoueas over the Morecean situation,- Oblltioal uncrtalnties, pr.mature opcnlnq cf the. prealdential campalmn, ho.- The followlng angestions to daiii- till>y ta lneurperatlôn&, the labor situastion, etc., followed by a semephAt mne. men bhave been prtaited by the Chii. éptimîstlvîie ln tthe followlng language, and whlch appeals te the &UN au cago Board uofIi..lth tn prantticaly bsad upo more subtantial conclusions than tho*e arlang freon ufrcat of indestructible forte and arc now bcbng capitalisteansd nioney kinga: -pacted lu tihe baine of ail dainies "Théa adverse Inluences ahould, however, b. partially ceunteractedi by iri. vhc producttamli or rnilkproducta flu«ise«aof a favorable nature, whlih the. prevallnq poaalmistic tomper le apt for thc Chic*"o marnlet.. iueludlug te ignore.W. are faclnq no crip disaster. On the. contrary, average tropxa Saunes of Lake- county. whlch ahlp of what and cern are pmaetlety certain, and a large yield of coton la the alunoat entir.ly. tQT Cflo pussntprmie. E asy money le expected durinq tihe rentandft of the. year. Twenty Dalry $ugg«eates Ceegru acha adjeu rneS, for wiiich thaiksa slouid ho deveutly ciwi. Tbe 1 Cons: e.untry wilnowlite. a temporary rosi fro e$W agitive moSSibus and Inquisi.J 1. The.bo butmioMl bt.sted nitil tonrali Ir ýci tigtorr. 0, r foreign irzle ta Inexcellent condltloin sa'owinq 1 tiibercelin tvicoe ea hyear. Reuneve ParU expert balances, erd the. frorlects are for erripntaed large aliirment of! sil tubercilopa cows proenptly. Boy fflhraw sud manufactsr.d articles. . n tic dirActon Ilec a coeraetive force fortly recently tuberculie tcated c'ows. .1u mt motne t je worling alowlyand quletty, but s*.rcly lu tne 2. Lnt ecc:tqda'ry cowa lii fast detimu cf undamenta I mprovement. As seecurity values deelînaS large lhin-.r'!ng or o-"etTise. Do eut permit teithIave bien accumuiatinq stocks, and the. textent cf tic .fq .ft piinlS os<0si.Slenu rw od bol roinmhered, makes operatione on the. short aide lees porfitaia sud More or dltches. ý dM@PgroW atien lefoe. Thora ta airoady à short Intereat lu thc market eti 2. Keep lean thertire body cf m» im nportance, wiich la a baief tréngth and wil tend te etimulate w> i cn li hr the fidder bair. eselmal rtilea. Wblle tha gener ai situation laeonat t Mdemanda cioe 4. Never give spoiled, decayed or wubd>o cl'ê a no rmaiunsounln.sS, snd the.auturma promisésete bc-s ai,'- soured fod. ladW i8Wfai ctiviy snd coniderablo fluctuation. In stocksa, affordini s' gond 6. Proviabe plenty of Iroh. pure ,,'l ng market"'ntr ,OYAL ELICTRIC, COFFEE MILL W£ wià te .ati.. y mt va bave inaled inour tnranew ROYAL ELEOTRIC COFFEE MILL. Tl. maChine i. .qC4p.d Wtal teelwv wvian eut t. ey nt peatieaily m Aul Colle. MISs heretafore *saed vil -93, e--àlathe.ber,7 anauts g "i helet .oeils, aliovin gthe.Cou»e r Oil to ev"Omte, thii., Lmpine th.e Byti ev preces the late oncdhel in itz feustreeffth hiaIs la me resuesnlay a1 celleu t in tdis Mil illiim maile to ftanoepsamok ecffm neodmisa vi4"ucolle.owv w"y. Ie Lover cf GCoC ber*eass.isa 9 ao' Baver ne Colle. grund le thi.e odlery Am " bea oture of "icMii l V3Coffwe ouatas fiesm thiea "d à il dm b foIresfiU d"uai iinl<is prduced hy theai af gri"Pe. Yen viii, terfo bave anIer Cep of calle hW moaddy «elln-a resaitof u style MIEL RayaVCut Coffee is aleo adaptable for per or Frerch Drip Coffee pots. Try a pound of our coffeê cut on a IRo wid f know you wil be pleased with the r=su Wm. Walrond, kLLI --ne finer Cernent i ground the. more solidly it bind g aksstrongest concrete, because it ifa * fin st. !ts quality ne 1er varies. Always tt * as given complete satisfaction for 13 yeai get the very lest. cernent your money and insure yoairsclf of the very best whcn you u "The Bes Yhat CanBDe. Buld wth"D6ube A" rfi-proof, decay-proof, rat-p § -,!--.-verrnin-proof concrete work1 last form-er. Corne in first titi -te"ansd get a frac valiable Cernent bookiet that SHome Lumber Company LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINÔIS -ýîllRgDonIcal Tis wmlo fiais nay. st y..m my Stables; S. Koep cons ln stalle cCtnPletsy aserge.frein iiormsa.Celliaigof sas- ble. muet b. air tiglt If loft la kept above. 7. Stable should b. dry., it (tour square feet glasa per cov>; 600 cuite teet cf air apace par con, vell senti- lgted, nîtiacet drafts on cons. S. Flouor muet b. tIglt; cernent la lest; vallu anS ciinea b. susotil, tiglt aud dean. wrbltewasbed tvlce a rear. 9. itemove manure dally to field, Or store under cover, 40 foot away frein stables. UJuIptbouses. Il" Locate ay Ir.m Soat.,odors, hoge, etc. ShouLld b. Salit, dlean, well ventîlated and nel- sereened. Prno- vide vltii cesuent coollua vat anS ce- mnent fluor. Il. Use utenalla, of metel only, vîti asooth seamca neyer masty or rougi. .iii uteusils inuetlie useS ouly for mili. li. Clean uteusits ta pure vateu- oly, Rinse nith narm s vtitar.crub lu aide anS out villa bot eteaustua 50- lution anS rnase. saleis.vtb boiling water or witb itiEana; tien keepulen- "ubît&A ils le an inventeS position lu sucn Sn oudmatiod pure air. ~c, ainys 111k anS mlk handlila: ,tamdci ~ 13. Do not raiae any doit nîthte dotthe. li bll bour lefore ilking Urne; beisue. do eut feed or beS cons vîthîn that 14. Wlpe udder and surrounding T MI parts lhea dean. dasxsp clot luame- ai mm da tietbeore mlIIkng. 10. 16. Militera must vear dlean outer garmeuts. Wash banda before mllk- :yviiie, Ing. Mli nîtil dry banda. Do eut NO I S uss tobacco. iiaSntanarn top. paferably vîti s sftraler or a hoo& 17. Milk wbIcb J# ltody, trlugy, or bto vieh Ia ba or dînt bas faîlen stiould b. dlscarded. 1.Taie mlii cf ecdi ow lm me- Slateby to milk nooni. $train at once tirougl ean cotton flaneel or cotton. Thon cool nt o e to Wdegrecs F. or loe.HveatemoitrI mik bous forteetng tperaure freesr. 19gb. Nvrmlx mrigadeven- ids20. P'ersona wtb typhlod or otiier mew ' .contagions Sîsease. or parssons expos- ground e-i to saine. must le icpt away froue the same. cons. utensule and mlii. Immediately ars. You noti!y this departmnent sud sro ur nil- r can buy man of auy contagions isease on st rstýl6, your tarin or Ile Ii. egbboniood. Attac ed 0to <iiiposeer laa brinon a hich Uie<aInir napector records tic date of eaeb Inspection sud the ponts scoreS for thse Sairy. A perfect Salry e ilscore 100 points.. Àny. dairy l- ing belon 65,pointâ a iscolecred nu- aafe, anS If the, conditions vhlch are milbiaticg agaiest the prbduction cf a Mt sate nllk are eût riedied tie snpply Made #> froin tbbs tarm. lo 40hied entry to the and your Chicago menktt rouf, an4, Daîrymen ïMbliulg mli or mîbi pro- wiIl try ucts te the àGlcago ilturie ame re nei yOU'ir ,,quireS 10 keep tiese Inspection reé we have urds liosted on thotr xpromises- If the Chicago nmUi consomrar wouîd Intereet tbensselves more lu itearning the record of thei' miiit pro- Sucers tiiere noqù4 b. a more getira endeavor amoaeg preducera ta Impro*e their records.' The. Separtesent of bealth nl furaihtbls inforfuatp . 1111 t slating , tn1cl :111:00ha 11. Attend the iie st.re rtii.e Hoithe SA tl ta utreboard outac ii eS logg bonewl ta do thig te Ba 0 4 îu£, vt u tiior icuien wpl city f Wik«» y ragts he, ueé-Msta *y esolsiof p e t" bs, vLuon and Chalisesia; Dutai Thé Jol t l lirsae g tav Fntdw t#ax, * l aekgn it Pb* imleth@ .. eoQlý AtrI vlt a "u tai, llgllai Pit, ntil DrtWn U dO=tI$nly pus n vfi tua plt UdY nd, i tbryla futulerbord. o rtsrb. a 2ueegoad Ibong The bow-%Jnstof nc'easlG wakp. cM4 là tb.O'aethe Iht isai bami , Lng.1A%» charimn i "w raditia, olbeOrte viytii. bouet gana aaa.ies b laas ce oet c ie cl>Ileac"an. frinsticta tOrsl ci. a tii.viSo wltl ber O> *W, OmTo OMlaTheo datattidoit wlio a flgitlit te ~ay fo a dnliie bal 151e * n stee Fee. sud lt~n tls fity. i. sf m o bas and b* t lnatebs, alcf xaig c0f on oe- , tc~lm th re mile, ta'.l bor l 'i laliga l e rlo aà bo'th t nuatt daie mages fronter à tho ore ofI the Rerw til ba'r ôalb aItegiTo~r flatnoItamate das mdst GM"b he m. aor vrtii. bo 'muere thbutapassagtie lv Who la y oI£mau;-tta . cifor a nS i a d.pzîu ateatel and lit hp pue, ati aî panlle.far c li uo A s eurs. If a 5cr ii.iii ettii fot o Walatgt teirasca hatic upri.t te c atqo h ot So,01Ol egh bus lu t t. Tt asi thle ni 1 Thtere ut aevew.orathelri compay Cn <'. e.tsteity, a" Aitas, tt le n pitts lo thenU b. albtyigha qu le. ca gant 226 o tM .atte 105i5tu1O tae. If as der ebicetent foodtia ofmpan . flueireulatilafiyiu futuresttg conomed e licInreso ftratelitbInthe aut T in naely assasd e $6.00.Tu lafo relt cantth sofeec ow y sfo li1 The sseme vale ettibeles lt ortsa neill-or, île curts luman ttsbti.e nuen saseCity<Pseue mî tpitsBTmanuovned fr nle, h0.00,as ta Ins leed 26ta b hete c lgrit ttii. tarPAUSec pe ent aresnable. bPnYhm Uesaves Tis cenandl ogtte Th scs e latltd t saheInert e» atpeslfleWo ownsthe ai sA -a re cft a iatelrcf ass wer puli Mof lcilt.Iaeu uThelçlty h compao her a becou tii.navatIon e etsDeio wo p affor to ay sd, Hi boad t butsopea nomorron teour su. ln hiscit. T e nw.a"»mnt p téeud tatl a notpobabe ibat sbouel y, reo kn g pesbl e to-Qee.Thlu is canou tt !0n .le cneibec~s es toasestaet.oPunihoon s ite ato pfyoer ofraeb anies ocssle reasdubli 7ti qestoo Diou ll çr clty lcompae and iiitcrd tacane-aition Sficsit oit l i pro i preent 05 Mn Toule ron at a tart e su t ro bale tato tblg o tii staraier I tpile au owîene ofadwoldlicnete aal Inoman wtheor bîlitgtalreadsatsbnet.ofSre andriue passeS uver 1 T1h maires osrsiblean Ithe a t(utain ptee o!prerty wilsne etty ncom» an atii th boad ac ion fruetl 80 ft lu te rir ftue.e on. Arydffclt int nth oe r An a prevntsOld aitTroule rom i pae t ad het lgl bc very dece fii;o th. C.oT. U. Co te mnor tnungl Joet aloate ery per Tii. aie Cto bian a c.r. utho. surliaa dferent Ie asaed r ie a Themat onerin oi he catthiitin pseS ofver .erson treet.aIl hoidilsanuralcors'mfi.,, I R ck.-inewo l 80le eS vtelir gre ex lie, Cor is hairraIha.inlrt Tuendaypoit oneyron iHtinsosnde onep. 1. ii. a.u lucen estcd iefit o if ice ut prOie pelage aaîogb le oer dcul Exeulveseiio wliqp n I <:8, raîas ly su ion W en Atword pasà Coventi T . on ec lneiuoanir it. Ilur littIselaoni] hmalt t clos of xecmuvecomute. boi te ho erft dant ptherucai hodisanulta Env ]i)ýat oc "i , woîîld efunit tho ais abs Tii. 'iî,luairegars ut Amerc, Capt. an ttjrynxleydroAHthoru la rSp.111. (3okolWa kegan, nilI h eo tb e st do!tIif acholecbo rd. A u sonnai tasession wSlétordnai 10:30.,2.ere ag uhtheownr ceralnl uNslt beaveual sunSte avator niusii co11vAeti touopen mev receiwss on e tbrouButafroherldtyaBu nolu:t ca lose o titiisvelmiefte . Wake- ldonc. ocrtit patia termarhie n ws lreoig ardt eoney. Rmeiner tS 15 ~ "Iater igb ctino, t tey vilib preiAl ornui Sameeth a rtI need, eansbortly.Ticaswtat Theplaort- vrttofne. tCat.an ury-e uatac irAttnten ner _____ook _o___________ bave stei oodoftebiug te oar. "Ad pi annai ourda, o gàurdy, ept 2etcownîetions, bwever oto l Loo fo tI. np lac tot-ii.Lican staod teaao is T91. ttreo n oYfime Va ir rona. T "Ifont asatO he r ba ti. lBu t taM ctooty ftmeribe tba i a oaI 00atefoot boe you t, he w supor 0 ev uaoturallmuee rîglandto dyvie haneS thin tuigoht auanlujr p buIlcdis. hwvr ti l LIo.JoJtpbg le.y e - Lreaniynetiofi î tiv~îa onatuce - ~ " navp i n ho rlas ou igt to Thsr -uthpFi* jn. à . 0 olnt pove rty lan tnjbcînu le a urhe th int I resu1t .c>resaniding bmieghtmcuse uaci ry to theuBuildgng cf a Uer"Ifaebaudiegiatnouanstectcd. as au ancgbpropnStyepn blet leia atraitHiii aS awa, p e poue ht wl euti lily. lrnîm tiojection remoee riTt r tck' r-bernes thespoint.r 1 pleutifui ioday and ,alicih so 09t", 9 menu rireh oely Io r the. ma6th3 tuveotîîîg IN VOUE HQMIu TOWN you are deaqIenvltlivpýltae L- and prplewltba nie. ý Ton ar e oqeite-ptpme iso are lu-. ï teragod usuor we1 Ml t'ho- suetusOf otiiers abcmut pou --d the mnsueafic4sgaos '5 eau boast af t ~ ~~a lt *Doii't 1ýi&e It Tro »tiiglW viii le. Al tclibe ttIov siS .ianic ta i#bBt yota valu laouer yards wai~e yriiW fitIk ribu git boesil YOor automuobile nèeeti tevien of gli *o-re1a - ... ualrfe.Wnltpfwitiat beemet valu, .4flnya9e. -gocd easnen. W. guaatee oui' nids ta bimaid ns -Wea tte ioê!,pr&.Our eunOstel' r s aasauti mors about oir inthofé.. SarWlth cor norkanS viii or pries,. - iTOu niif bleaoâedaleSifyen send - yor ?sr esgood demaadso* lor ujalnjs Oe~rsc11, bemeu* cdo- ouly pood et» -boume. Get elar i. s lot W9 4. a"II Ueock o D"M by t h'âàà --rkO & ,.r, ~ 4 4 I .4 'i 4 t 4 .4 E~ W0 PURST ~H~SWCK t.m t.fi r' H9a tpPayingRt tri. l Lae aem etWrowei& t~ la magnf«,ai .a I DYMOND &AUSTiN thé 1 t ,~ .wuww w w ww w 'LLBRING IT o o o o * o o o *1 o lis o o o o o 10000f as Vou WS .it, a smaA lot or a lage prdet of Ceai nul b. hsndledto your 'flkig You want good clean cei, baud wit " dator diii. Thats Our Way s"d *e selicit a triai order fromisyov. Dme Lmber Co. Liber-tyville, MI. uoguuuuuuueoeg~oo*ge 2Oth CENTURY Manure -Sprea-der 15 THE BEST, MONEY MAKER ON A FARM jIF I' FROM oOOD TRY OUR "-WANI MÂ>.-IGcLUMWff é p " ý-Y 1 qoj