Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Sep 1911, p. 10

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wroda of the C M- St 1 D iju LLE GE~ uu~i .'te oniy roîat tatentýroa tb. Vwo t41- RA IE& KENOSiHA sort tow.aa. Thei. reaso» for isulldtag thse chenflel was ta give the pqople 0f Long Lakte and lInglasde a direct va- Waukcgan Chess and CheCkef ter connectiou with thse othar chain of Club Anxious to Arrange lakes. Seles of Friendly MatcheS Vison lis conipletion thse people o! wlth Rival Players Now. Ingleside and Long Laie. wili bave a direct taterway ta Wilimot, Wis., a did ,ance o!f, iteen or elghteefl miles, (Froni Saturda's SUN.) and also ta VcHenry a distance of Tise fit-t newss by wineiess fronýt tueVe miles.w Mut! and Jef is a query as to wbethi'r Thse channel teil b. comisieteti about thse latter bas as yet jonrd thse Wan- the fifteentis of Seutembet-, andthe)' kegan Chess and (isecker club. poplie are gettitlg auxiaus as mt os' Thse Wanhegan club wouid like to boatinig ta very popular, tisere being hear froin an! players In Lakte coun- over three-huudrrd private hatson ty, Kenosaa Racine, ta arrange aFoLaend but if"n ,g frlepdly game or match with any Lakte aitishe present ime. wbere froni two Io six on a aide. M.esnbers. bcl said, can ase use FRENCH WOMEN thse t-oms nt 114 Washington street JOIN IN IOTS. for a reading t-om, and a place ta ment andi enjoy. All ches0 playera are also welcome ail tisedtue. A Chicago book publser lias wrlt- Disturbances .Aring Out of ten ta William Wood, one of thse mem- High Prices for Poodtulff1 bars, offeing ta give to thse club any Are Current in La Belle asnowt o! booka andi magasines, andi France Today. pictures. and Mr. Wood lias left for Chicago ta geltishem today. Tisey wilani be bre b tongbt.Paris, Sept. 2. - 'M dIscrdera n b. ber by toiglit.demonsratlotis artiita out of lthe bigli prices. of foodatuffs continue ùft ian- LIXECHANNEL oasparts of France. These ftoalCCi Brittany andi Bnrgisndy bave Joine in1 NEARS COMPLETION. thse wof their aitera Ini otiier part ____ o! tise republic. Tisere was a iol o! consîderable Channel Connecting Fox and proportions at St Quentin, intise de- - - - - partment o!tihe Asne. A mob swept long la.kes wflu DO uom- through tne town, mzigtewn b" t.e ber dows of the food a"ope. Troopa er pleted bySptme 15, calied out and they charged on theG and will be Iniprovement. crowd. Tihe meee lastduntl IR * 1 malifestants were more or los£ sort- (Prom Saturday's SU.N.) ouaiy injured. The. foosd shopi ln thse town are a&l clofOd now. *The. people along Fox Lake and Elgiteeli hundred -women hled a LOng Lake are watchinig wlth i noest meeting st Dunkirk under the. auspices tihe progreasl on the water chajinei of thse Genera.i Confederatil oo La- thut la being dug betwedo thse two bor. They appointed a coimittee of above mentionefi laites. The p etten 10 draw up a maximum o ciiedule wM Prooted y the eopl o nleet of pricera tey were wiling to pay for 8i4e andtibFx Lake assiated by people odtf. Ownlng Property borderlng thse two 'Mkék By producing a new six-pound gun, A COMpany was formeti known as wiich can be elevateti at any angle th*. Long Lake Iniprovement Asaocla- and has a maximum effective range o! tlg and i8 chartereti by the state. seven miles, thse army outstepa the '1IM Toder & Schwartz Dretige 4. nay i efforts to find mneans of de- wua employedt 1 bufilth ie canal W. fense agalrit warring aeriai craft. iWvoen the two lakes at a cost of about Tiihe atutif fti- e rfh a£ ËnS rthousanti doliara. The channel uatruencton ofete neat if cl - tb. tlirty feet wide and six fooed landi, Il., arsenal. Experimentis,,with âéep whch viiimoate te depth solu- l vii begin at te Sandy Hock.prov- fl0rlnt to carry a fity paBsenger boat. li groundis vithin a fortnight. The 7%£15viii l a waY efeoét the, bus line navy oniy a few days ago conducteti butiaa at ngle1de sas the channel its Arst, testa vitis the carnlage of a viaeà ,A- *L,,withilnga,. A n.plder pn ~ Ap~idffiffnqfq ElcctJ i'Of oftloes is heI4 ut Ir anse Temple Yesterday Afler. noon. <Prom Satul'days SUN.) At a meeting o! the. local W. C.' T. Lb. iselin, 0tise Temperance, Temple yestenday aflernoon, new officers andi trusatees were eleceteti. Tise trustees electeti suticeat ieniselvea. Tise foi- lowing officra were iactti: Presidenl-Mrs. C. J. .Tuat. Vice Preilen-Mrs. L. C. West. Secratary-Mrs. James Brefllon. Financtal Secretary-Mrs. E. C. Ya- ger. Treasurer-Mr. M. R. Sedgwick. Trustees;-Mrs. M. 0. Persona, Mrs. Cisas. Wiibur, Mra. C. T Heydecker. Vice preeidents front churchs aup- etintendants o!fteparîments anti dele- gaIna t0 tue eate andi national con- ventions vIiillie electei nexlt Priday. POSTAL DUTUCTIVES IIIGIWOOTII-IEVES (From Saturtiay'a SUN) Chicago police at-e searcising for tItree but-glana wiso, afler fallng lis an attempt 10 enter a residence, stole a botse anti buggy. loeinotte btie posloffIca at Higiswooti, "crackei" tbe rate andi escapeti vilS $600 bn atampa anti currency, eanly yetarday mono- ing. Delecîbvez Sent to Hljhwood. Detectivea John Mason anti Chanies Akan, former laspector Huntsa office, were sent outI 10 Hîgiwoodt 1 pick up tue lt-ail froini liat place, but no report vas turnetilnby i'tuem last nigst. WAUKEGAR LOCALS Pib Deltas have a dance Tuestiay evenlng. Zion Cily cases uit ln tise courts agaîn Tuesday. Tise Waukegan Cuba play' Highlandi Park ai base bail Monday. fire. E. E. Siaten enlartaineti 14Bhlisis ber o! frinds anti relatives &lbhr lani ?urk, vas among lte guseti. Mja%6ýr ehaurneey carpastewýson o! Mr. end IM . .T. Oaa'Pentar, ýla sostiêhltt treproveti afler bavisg p-s sedthe tii.riss ln a casa of meningilli. Maderi.01aelle Suzauhe Hally-Omith tItis a!teoii ata Perrin Hall receiveti tise met aïbers of lte laat aflernoon dancing ,ciii., ciltren o! her own age. Tii. Clampaign Bela are the. attrac- tion at tl]e Schwartz theaier toniglit. "Tii. Tii ee Twins" tomorrow nlght. anti "Pe'3lt'sata Boy" thse nigbt o! Labor da y. Th ii.HIgland Park boy sOunts, ln charge on~ Mr. Perrine, returneti fromn their ten day camping expedition at Long Laile yestertiay morning after, a if. o! outdoor sports anti tillina, wiiicis every boy tborougiiiy enloyeti andt frît tise happier anti ieaitisien for. This la (Tag Day for the, Volunteera o! Amaricis., Captain Cook, and vi!., commandifig, andthie Volunteer cause la a rigbt good on, te aid blniis cily, go heip tte caplain anti bis aida along. TlteY'll meat you somewhere today or tibis evening. Services( at tise FIrat Mlethodisti Episcopai churcis tomorrow ai foi- iows: Suaday school at 9:30 a. M.; mornnng service at 10:30 a. mi.. anti evening service at 7:30 p. mi. Sermons by te pastbor, H. T. Clendenning. Tii. muale wili b. under direction of Mr. Wm. Wiyte. Epwortb league at 6:30 p. in. Mra. W. d. Terril, a returneti misslonary -will speak aithtia service. Second diturcis of Christ Scientiat, boltis serviées is nooma over tise pont- office Snnday at i1 a. mi. SubJect, "Man." SuU*ay scisool at 9:46 a. ni. Testimonial Meetlng Wednsday ai 8 P. ni. Beatn t'oom la open Monday, Wetinestiay a.nd Salut-day f nom 2 10 4 p. ni. Alaxne Weiconie. à dîrectom' meeting o!fbtbe Lakte County Tnbe'cnIosia Intitut. viiilibe Iseit Montisy afternoon ai 4 o'clock ai the lent e<iconi' raI of tise clly. In. steati of!aIt h. office o! Dr. W. H, Wat- terson. Bebcllon of new dîrectors, andi officers, are among otiser Import- ant busineas, 10 be transacteti. Tii. tifreclons vilapect tii. grounda. anti equlpnient, andi plan for next year. Modern Wootimon. o! Lakte Farent victiic on Zarweli fieldi aI Lait.Forent itg y' to trade at fif s sferèe, 01U-, ekt <he, fi-ot quallty for 'he Ureeogý.t n'qIey. You *are sûrëe ôf sàtlift 1on. QufYoùnk Men's Srnappy Suits are atriv àg wey êy Ouïr, By's, Die pa r t mernt i s. b g"' ge t'pi..rnevçeP fgètte r value s, larger aïssortment. We arçoutalictab i 41busi- eiss, gur goopIs and way.,of do-, ing business are sure to bring It. We want youl to See our Boy's Sits at ........ 3.45 See our Boy'shUe at ..... 5.00 See our Young Men's ail wool suÏts at 1 ......12.00 See our Men's Su'its at ...... 2Ô.00 See our big sÜowlng at ....25 .00 4 h~. Ail the New Faîl Style Hats arc e eswaiting for your head $2.00 and $3.00 Stetson's $3.50 & $4.00 au~d $o ~ioth". t y are earnink con-. i«rau4"ed a b'o'y. 15,Years of age,wh1o previously mj et s weèk. Let 4' o the same for you. Think! IT is a iact that Mrs. Jt44', School of $horth 14 _,hç t1 mxIu $ cbSlooi oShotan and TVpewîting in Lakce Cotiàïy. We think, it's hard to1 4o more than one tfhîni welI, This o ne thi ng we do: We develo pyoun g people into stenographers---rtal ste- nographers, you know, the kind that speils and punctuates, arrives 9 h office exactly on time, and so on. The world is calling for Eoyoung man, young womin. tus qualify you. 10, 11, 12 Munay Block, Waukègau ft~ j- 1,11, 12 Murray Block, Waukegau Ç~*S £I'S..1'-~'S A ~... .,....ea ~ ~ ~ S. '~ - ~ a ail Term Gpc~pSep~0oeIorll lits 4MAre ep Ceeu June 10, 1910. Car,. lMra. Jutida e30iool of Biorthanfi, Dean lra. Zudd: It l is n e a grtat desi of piasaUre to cou- pend lte wcrk youu have dune asti are aoing ln your achoola. 1 ca , adutea tros yuur, i4huol in'190à. As a rasuit 01 thea tisoruegis training recolved I batas aurk on a n a quai bonia with ea0a$ia~ut àMveral .Y.ara' exprienca. Twu yaeaatter rdution 1 was engagedti u teacii ln edeof-the tisprtmonte of Grog& fShol, Chicago, the. largeaI ahurtheadiandi typeritlng sac'in iitihe country.' ln MIay. 1908, 1 op.n.d an effîce ln ChIco te court reporter antimmhe a emuse an4uyable Practica. 1I»as-mamber of thse Chicaego La» lReport- er*4 Association andtheIs. National Shorthano Rei.srtera Association. Narch 26, 1910, the Itinaf Mdal'asa permanently asarldtu teu- ja,,Ialrntional Cntel pÂis elghteen aItera cftlenowg,#Mility frouj.AftrentlIats of tisa vonld. ThiasdaîosrA, u.U l, in short, lte aignittcanca of .hha bit stenographer In the. sorlà for *y exjsreneo. 1 attributs uy aucoase, tu ltse oretbl trainintg racolet in byour aciiooitanatuth le Gnegg System ot *oband ahicis ye otaoh. Stncsraîy yuurs. M S.,JUDD'S Shool 0of ot- baene is.,.located in threc of the Mq§t cçsirbt. rço!mslto be foqnd in Waukegan, light, well ver -f tiIatd~ r~is~pthe Murray BI6ýk on G'jn ce erýet,. TZhis è , scertaily o ne of the most hrdôIye.pped iii t ~s pàrt of ,thé couitry ia4 à f t~ boasts some of the Most skill'e busi- ness educ-atgrs iç the proojçýof.,,, Mrs. jlu dd, t he proprié&or. of ,this sicbool,* has-had.,more thàn.flftè e~rs expcri«.îtce irz this line « Qérk. She~~~ eroalcoucts themost i!Tpôtànt iredttonse 1 mm âtied Wb] Édtenti bit e of ail < Iag o! .liiti iepiled. 'T pleed by Cmelbcsm i lIsgeaanti 1 su intea'pr ont vitis i acrlptures ?bhere omi neo a faim for valet-, Word O! ti !abry talai teingant il Increa"Ing. tend nMy m mi' aermos ice css Tvo ber' public. :cm' attar:" the for lus tei Titi'Brots 1 My' irol 2.> Tii. el No one. igospense riaopoubil davrelopnie andti ean favorable sponsibiit: good mn lova o! lis On. EXI Waare I pendence t lttg morne 1 je danger beagDot we al xho ii. yet a pet ln tise l'nul sui. sin and td lems. Tise lion appli ln IiquIty celve me" l'was i of the. des bear with aSti sot (»Ornans piieti byi wouid cet benealecl as Out-lise Ulietesa. il amUire bute mes. 10 É wboir rar' Goda iln respousibi rawpectiug aigist for wIth tise broturios uet lie co pùTtes, et tise pais 0< tise va lis,iliter nov, biecs lutttons h ctee5. 'I mpvemient creedol lit ogns8ltGo Obrist as as, tise Di, tre Chrit doy Cini friendg. anti sem<.t dootrtictio posslbly t ljinbut Crtiles as siltation peeple, ltu walioq Cg: Al t1 dpr--i 'W

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