757~, ;~*~ ~ ~7*~* *.~*'~ ( f5~55~ - kd .00 ~$4.00 tbmte baumof d nldclity olled. poopiele an "Rêve H atree, do.bssthw M w lm E.'xpresgansd postage ..........4,500 1The bunting scagon opened yeuter- Minsa Lillian . aiu las turped tn h1q.IlO CZIPoiSff. ruto t>a ougwaf cdthtesLord draW- ,IIf«I 7,,000 spécil ilettera (iiielidirig day lut Wisconsin and many hutiters her Èomeo at iampbelspoit, Wls, rf- Mani Who éea the killingof tbis soit- eth nigi." Thse Lord alieuks of ttisaiFpostage) ...,87..hied theineheq tu oGods and marilh- ter a vlait here. tytalAelsik h rmogiltt Da fRéopes"as a U"ie of!. il i i 01 oira j..Il.for.es lu searcis of gai.- 'The deerbhunt., Vben Septemb e elgteentIf,, i;c by usyiag. "Arn 1 my brotber's kp trouble' -ofthie ovellhrow uof lire.' nuuOF OuOOdi47a J~'IkV5 L.'7JI~ T t'ade J oîrnals -xi arcilito Iii' ing seanon il ii n ot open! Paddock case reopecis ai. WItrtowviî, P AR FAITH ttreullzlug lisat front tiseDl% lualu in. lIse uplifting of tise Pour and ceiir, 0 1 ....1,600util Noveuliber il inid nie h lirers XVis..jrwIll ho to fld, ian, Waie- eedplt theY alnve s rearion.lbllllY tisose that bhave unuhelper (['m. ITxiI, 1f). 'u~Ii Icn'u p('ii o f 'Tii' w Ill have Il'rot iii ohilh tan aItneaaes aitendIng, as f i s toward Cicr,'altier Chlrstian wiîh *ý,Tho Desir. of Ail Nations Shail\hn gof1abr rt ,0 o hoLer biibe ecdAR n od esmo 1-'i wion tise,'are Illscontngt. lbey Corne." ii> a r-- go < îis 1400 f0 shotd ter, il t I iii ho u il lie i'eu Oth, id b nead uio should ealze tbnt loyaIt,' to (,od Thute wiso are eutirel,' satis.f]ed wtb h..t.....ay>2.40 'eaitd1 iiw h ue(a I iew esses tu New York sa- mearnsas sè "loiild show fortl'i* îa r tecmpr.~agautnî e s.u)îlber, 1911 ._2.800 one deer. Wlîiî th s0;o11'119 O> ls' i Tiseity offices laaiied one isu1ire the>risea t tl'eiy fWhwio have spécial uadva'Publi3hers SpedTrm m- ohulii tihe, g ~seasou tise carel' i lnter aitet-sv b tn lCac liiveiso.y.. aled eniT,- 4, ranuii'.Otoe . o..... ade'r hunîîngntng leB ongit 'otfea Ta masesareîili'oleîted ousAinuntof shto Iiili( o flini Journal (fuil carrlrIg the hiles and 91isul ItS ii iorningltie ftrst dut cf the kent- somaeoft liem properi,'go.sort otlierm1 1 ,I .....Cçhir,191 ii wlcorne out andupdîod ole i i, ifl The lirenaes are mat about a lua word. es'ery true Cbrqitiu 1'lio' of tiem more dWaontented thon hi r'a- Get'W'ares to Publie. Satuîr,;ýl îî1'.inti Plost fîil îdangqer of heing killed or miailent for forio'rbý 1 mlea full cnertOu f biifl ni, sable. AIl but the ver,' poorent andiz ;N _____....__0__tc____y frntt(-huiin sHeRRC CS EL I ute lird, le walk Inlir ie fout wortstitaed are botter off today (i(full agel Dplice imnpaî 911 Iooui-d n od on emit frie od ortindTus rn ii ~~stp OfNE the $ l0r, or luld wtikeu 10ti ton are rieir graïndf.i'rs er4 le-Ptf ]cit ellW--l, u-'. '~ iii- si (,( t i'. of persoy; whto Europe, 'ant tetact tisat wetare in a 'luiail iae coniaosled. Thse spirit eof119cutont, n uPeiosPplr-tiuiî(,".N'eusr Iicn- 'lilir 0 tersrons her acri.Tes îeitc- P&ft RuAsisell soaThot Evolulon. We are Ia thse lime menl1oued 1,3 St. eltisaîesti and a fallure tle not' 'mdu u ty lai Haroldi.ulBellxnhWrightOn l idlig (îouthrc anddIf Tueson 1ioi;amdhp nlnteDval 4MaAr 14.pdwiniklng theOo0opie. Pu.we eeynauusui.sa >'enjoy the great blenaings N ',-biI sGîdiAhir aOvcdcieloitd ado (les îoi(îeddtintriuwer lI QCjanIae a * I1Vwneit Toward Unuîytrled so as by ite" (1 GritbiisîîsIli spu'de ubuni1iy.ts'meIî îit S'Se. lue lnei off' Lefot' , l<'1' 12(0wîîdie araful. ohraîîet ttaalnl t *P1 Cre.d&-4fAn la Mis Srothr'.f13.) Tise teslhng will hic aluuug ilIe! wonderfulky, in our dii, .piaii ______ ,iii.I000 lflarold lheu Wrlglît . The 'rullng of thse postolice depart1beîng matie al Queenstowu, Kiilarne> fines botit o! tsstiîiando f cuurks. <)13' Nevertiielests. some bave rsifr isouis narksl' ý.ý ... 6410 ltais he ublteroaadetpUe Ç- tiss.holding firmal,' lu 'ise failli unie dlsciulet' iiudgomelo ir fr lctol ps hltoîe. îî bdii agaînat toneUuse o d hei8lsta.r.u adetipKel Qr flcsmn, a, elert 1 is iilli"iil ' ~ fte4arf'nrfi urel rgst Single Order f ru dentaisi.0aSîî tsrtunUle ts poat'n'., fBerlmn fBergeu, Denmark. Seutý fVohls. nd, Va., turas li e eoules hase niditiin ewTtll- axe alasn nletters includes only ]anti, Glirallar, lthe Solomon Island: tbsgIus 2. -l a-of gfrfoaiorridu amitas.1 Booki Bince Boblairs 7,10mtisose stamps which restemble tise of- and otier places. mi L sM i wrk.. s i tuiîus'ftti lîiu r'gril, upou i;r ise h esot ,"9f 1fe ie '. Iitngo Fl 'In Brlookiya Taher- quIre. Thiuu clas. 1,uk 0 tloir rr' $1ily i3 bl':r f,îréiî"îili. a re ul t Have Been Made. Tî lo îlhn flleWiuigfictltIhsîgnla, anud la e lt cover or- Whiîehaîî Nlch., Sept. .-Mma OaocIe lreahedl opoasîblt,' toward <Jul sadh'.flcret-ll 1wtot ru'oftul' l îlu iaiîurara \Virth ' wau iîcreased t One .ncdlbl r'tlkr, CJn Dwewl rea gl tie »ere todîsy nuder roiu sud tMeIlIble. and fi"'lfl 7-1' hlli oiur I.'.lift unulirlii t liumst Bini un Lise press. 26ui,oo1I copies wIere corOîîîg o a rullng by J. J. Brltt, third home, Ban 8iacDhoi. Sunday alter. thse auspiies o' tiereforu-, virlî tberebyIIIs' l.pjil itiila sntrut. ui) tt lit(eii -,, lis, i nn-.g of.arbara Woth . ....hfore da'. of îpublication. assistant liostmaster-general. This mnoa, on "How to Pray,- anti in celi tise laleMlatloufi vl eh îs (; d iv iiilblios tbIl ]il'lit a Dot fuor dl-tudt>. ao io! LA5..1 5/ O,. .a VIi Tise pîîrcisause h ie \esiern >ewsexaato of the original onder la nc nwluu ber religions efforts, wi'll B ibl1e ltfudenta tisaîr endenvors to gorIfý ii! on.'.lgî aters dire i iîg ;III te, Rexxikable in More couiiiautî of 50,1,00 nîî<I,1lei'.of -Tise eîl.al eto Aaeu'ahos La1 piBrthr'.Kepa-'osill. îr(Io ! "" ' mi.iîî iît ii i u'Innintîîg ofBarara \ý is efore cnae in tise postal bulletin etfcondîct a religions service at the sause luM lisiels n- l tsa ins o sîvey utul s.-fi2.MOIupleoîe nt tîi-îs' îuuir,'i. giuiiî ma Ways Than One. pubiîction day la lise largeat nuii- Aist.9, recalved althtie adianaso- tinte anti place eaclu Wetieayia'veiu claraucOol' I e' asr. aver andîlî lrd i"ig ttNiti Oler ever purchaseti ut an o iuok isy lis otfice. rtt salis the attention of îng. posetia Dl.t ciratm- netireonséier).tyforaslr.utlsbae Ittl IbiltItiy O Niiu'd f ne dealer sînce tise ant of bsook tnak- tIsa deparnment iasibeon called te0he Colonel, MçuI, 5S.Aryat poeowh rt-nu epnlll;o I. I.tuge frIfsuir-stiin iîglrst baegan. .1111118W tr= Joail on'slaves. Ife %ions tuterî'atud lilî-r Ln g iea.-krlîroelise rotbStura>s S1 fact tisat mssuy tootmaters are hold, Mrs. MeÇu~'a.redltl rt dénomnations. boulliand their morais, for î1, ! lis teur,' laugist hlm 111tiiceeu'. thiaI lg letters ils inalaile bhanes, a New Yor)t ft,,.wm har ie, were Vilt- àdwd why duritg-et crowdls sIWi,'iwere bis lrol'.rt,'. îad »yan ,,' tit' miiiil utoia uully deîîrtu'.e. llit sure- T>iî ai tctthat IHarotl lie][ riglîîa tev. A. APlatistiehl, formier lias- pinnted label or "iaticker" la attached lng theirsan, Fnsign T. U.?t~ne' Éttenud bis id4reses. whllsthse ('iurcis-,oni elît l 1,s.nu-loi1,11'i 1.i liium i ciy nonaare tilt> r' ell exîîi ,, theni,.',liou. "Tisa Wliiiî.'of Haurisarat o h rsyeincurho hqt ielneop.Rfrigt h r ls. of aiU demniuatiçns are 'oinpiaincar hi m en-a t e0bill, ain ilol. îi 1 I\'li,' igs tae nîof iii'ialies ti;-1ri ie 'elye'uu iîrl It tub o ue srlotie. lmeferns tis exi- ir. s. evy. Mrm. theCbattelt, IsA àn lu, Idiot'.fhe smli.o'r iîî-liî-'.î 'ultsil tt , illias isetîtvisîtlng aI tise honttue itiutoiewuîi aruofeiS e-tasardfottieistahpLs Iag otfslus atteudanciu l'ustor IRussell rep>uuslbllit3,. h, a coiti'rialî' uti- tiereno auenut fi'.iliulî'tii riglut- Iaiiexiseuses lnregarilomtiaiisetiiug ioIl i.P. I)ailtisoti uring thei' t Lclndlng the Redi iroms.tisa MeNamara lama lu the new torpédo boat destsey- Poplieti."Thse peuple are tiiuklng. Par- Butl Dow ail tisat hin i huagi-d 1-erfsu. usoslu iL)et.ery minut,)t.[.if ,îîtr race. tl fsorte lInerest lu WIaukegaiu, ilc'wes'k. Mr. l'ranst1iltsailei for gF uad oluullar stanîis. l'r. Brîti. col- er Btruwe," 'aud asatknetIDtdurt,Ïa plexed t he>' i.infidelft>' and IlIhier anti slaves. retetieul front iligaI n. -andt îat siIin lmurgcl.% tir( i,-si"t fIi o!louk Siity compaiuy. ('iuago, Isoi-u pervi h uunradalrtne:ýpsmse' li hrfr riac 4ero hp gigbd Cfltliamngb laulthje principal ca;' are wltisouî auperyl'iolu tuuil un'. 'luI.- unfavuralîle envrrîîîîiits; iîîl lfinit m ing0PsL titemtutt, WIiei-l showsi'. lbso, at ieainmradalrtiho: "oîîstr r hr reonae foar midshipm anatuen [èetansd pulptunasa,' desîre lu have leus fit af cuir ra'e ar(.'1luse-îrion's ubill the îUajirily ,,f iiiikiriii ' i.;. iît irebuthe attisuor s Iliiîiiriio i îiting ln Norway auti lohisutihi' laforuneel that hriuterdinlasor "stick- pooaifotniibptn f n an lâtarpretation ot tise Bible consat- ger ouf beIngcrowdeult th al St. Oîur-glati. indt'etl, If s--e mu' li'.iiit' rpuu't i-a -iit-.nced lasalis ofut e'. ois sailîcOflin Ne'..York un tlie ltantiliiig- ara" whilch are not llnmiation of, or siga eut wll. l tetf anti bot aWar wllhs lawmaksrs haie necugulced th- liii'fuu'lion were hu itItlîtuuiii ad îuîîmlw Tarbuîimns' Anierniui.arrtiltig tisane on 'ionctay, rdo not bear a rmeemilance to postage Attorney' Bejamin Parmales bis the reverentlal exereosetfraison. Tise sud have lhrowriu aroun I liii".'eaker onut o! limnt uuli iulii«iîn'.iiidl'l(I hem V\'iihit IL rost th isa,àiI ier iii gel Stigni21. Mn. Pfnnstleil ailI go te itaunpa ifortn or design, on wich do returne t fr.& atrip through *ise-e. ScriPtue ore ttof ut wday, sa>iug. nez and i sudren segnurd- i itirlie ution laplaise o!f îuuîn'riglileuuiisuî ieboku-oe h eflu unirvle .J. i olecire fntburnmrl cluae oHbeTh rpcno mbcsloe o ?There shhliu&a *tiU IDtiselandi; lawa. protcttluîg lint front de,.ig'uung Justice. cisuli> 'li iteIikI' e le U iuu', i-efre tise tîu-a,uiuic Sii)iirvlle.n Jlitin ;tai isar%' tuocba ueraltu cl ae for beThe fUowip ng pWed ang ,'es ot, Dot A famine for breti ft Ist people who would explit lieni for les-o, intirfle demire of a large uieiunl 9i1411 ..1....... .$1 2, olî(lotieaamp r strgratii e s ieafr.'at l ia- ipr water, but for lise isarIng e!r se elais purpmsa lu ever,' nation, a iîrt-doiuuuiaiiug rit 1 , l4110uHurd............. tuili'ominge sttub se rt,, ewh oteor - a i t. Bufthator lney a d s w EVer Wod t is Lrd <isa il 11.No Nevertbeleaa. stitis ail [bat bunmn Sncb a reigu of ighleonsni'ss, j aic,' 51îîîîrruoira. . 2,000 MARIAGELICENES. 1r uetin eti, uiewm ftheisr.gpoit, BuffalohAlbang sHud, 4v fi, tales au tborossglly isatit,' In- law has ,'et been able te accomulahs. equt,' lu tise sorîti. stiti sI-'diI> e 'îi ii, er-al Imlniut i(i suh rfîeilaes rslkr'Lhongon abliea.(louste, aid teffigeatt lisnkers. wisoe coasera are tise danger ta lucreaseti. As kuosl- suit, he aId, fronthlie estaus iiuiîl lais 90 lodPiat iy................. .îo !ot 'nt îylogeai ag ri piti aezo sces hul oMrieed lue i increaslng. Man,'ofutIbîse stho ah- etige Incraea". truste aud combina- of Mssili's Klugdom. for whiu iu !'1 >0poster portrlits ..........700 ('aroline Lyilus, ciîy- I.. egau ngec O e] atlase itt~ tend m,' sfrvices and mny ,'Who rendi tiens selftail, bootis e price of lItas pra,'. 'Tis, Kingdom cerne; 2hit'.'iliý au, sermons tintthe puble prînt long neceussillan sd luzuries. Those ment- ha doue on eartlsias il la l ien ca(iii i-- mince ceased, te attend tise eburcis sr- hors ot our race la.. favorabiy equlp- Most expiitly do tise hu-iphune. de-! tees.. pl for tise baie o! litse na erlousl,' clamae thîs, suying. 'Tise deîre ofaill Two sers-ies vere ielt. one for the dissitinantigeti. soule b,' ressiontîof les» nations shall camae" (liasigal Il. 7). --- Public. : nslderlag tiseliront "Ilere- iDtelWl pî ,wers, otisers b,' eason Tis declaration ta lu conjsuil ion li altIer;" tise ofiser, Whleis se report. liusd'f tLunavorabte Cilcunttaniesansd en- the foratelilug ofthtie establuisment of fer lU f5toitGod's cati luiCain. atter ifruumnsotâa Messaha Klngdot. Tise reugt o! ho boli@loIn bis ~brother. "Wbere i1'Und ehucsconditions Itl luont sur- rlghteounuena whicih sIl I ilugurate, Tii, Brolisery' antdCalasreffly. "A.s Zrgfatt,. t Iswo areablue are baud- stili ats da f iemse 1 My, Brother'a ldieper2" uliaGneais Iv, ing together tin unions for tiseir osto mankiati, altisongis qulte lirebabi,' tise 2.> Tiesakieer &MSIni prt:- protertion; nam hoailti Ifsurpîrise %te overlhtow of Trustsanad Combines No une can dispute Ihnt Indius1-aI -[bt tholos, aiso. selfisi suantiard o!fstilI, for a tinte. not ha viewed sympa- lWs, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 pesnllaeedncpraniiiart. ilit sontetintes ha unjust la theticaly b,'tisa ich. is t. s iWponslbillty, bas doune mu-h for tisa1 tioir demandai anti someimes cruel preferreti. tise favoret clams, Oudler deu'aiopment o ut rrare. Thse serttiontanti toly,'te la,' Ileir lîotîsen sio présent conditions. As if equleti lme, ttud poeenalisns O! lise puint sere Dn- Joins tilent nob ln tisir orgialzallan. for tise slave boîtiers o! tise isat te favorable te intilvlial lisougisl.r- In ther déire toi promota tise béat in- becoet reconclledte t ise lueofut tieir aponaibullly anti action. No trise a ndtierests o! lbier urafh the, mas-, Indpedt, laves andte f0see tisa riglteousuess good man would tiesrtr W statatuit resonabl,' axhori. felios-crattsmen 0 te ftisaîr halng freeti. aoe1it lît be itis lova ut Indefendeace o! maInd. support the organztîou. anti m,' those Wiso at présent are closely Ideu- Isow Ilx adrantagea. but hayan t tisItIffi villa gréati: nstitutions micis One Extrema, Thon the Opp5osite. the,' dame nt go stthout lufracting are brngng mnud oti oa aver,'. î~;.a1.L -e W. are la ddanger. Iswever. ofseiung -tise princltèof justice andI brlngtngOunr Lord sized I)th ie situation, gay- 200 f ull sêfli.n uCotD u g cvr p4tr, i u tetpopposite eztrem-in danger of Divine cosdemnutiosu wici. moner or Ing, Blesseti are ,'ou Wbo weep se >0- COUtin tiis lot worth lesthn110.00, Final esr 'lg tfesbe bt of prsonal Inde Inter, ln oue ay, or anoîher, wilisaura- messin. for ,'ou shaîl be comnforl. 'Wifd-upisale ail tls Wek. . pendaence [ou tar-imu danger et ruagiemt- 1,' homnteild out. Woe uno tiose wiso are full, for they ~. lmg aunte mho soulti bave assiansce- Sean front fias stantipolut. ulount shall have tiltresa ILuke vi, 21, 25. i.i5u 1 LJ 1 je danger orf Ilinug of a1l men as as a re"pnslaîhit>- tostard brelismeui Tihe reigu of justice apdti lgghtçons- blag 0nI,' yf ree but eqool. MWlla not menuiera o! the unuon-f0 trentuines vîliullîmalely asuuei ta ailu nelal olsetraI5clr ot va ail shoulnd have propar fréeduint o lsen jott,, kîndi', ielpifuil>.Ant i o ihert liarmon,' vils .lahoyab. aue aJIlLde'alwtlseaes 4clr o yuil. yet ait ame mono or licqa bandlciej- d= obt abidatite w-oud living lise Whso taittielrhiumcornteInto ihert bar- u t 3.0An \ Wek.......... .... pieti llisheexereeofthel tî. As Z1 larger isessing and [ruer tropeit,'. mou,' vils Hlm viii S aicenulet iau l'nul salti. "We ronuto do the thlin unworlia,'oit Hia gift os! evertaaflng ie - wiiiwie would" Sie ure laves o! My Brothers Ke.p.r.-Funancially. Uta fo "le ibo ovaijne1bibrtÏe Tise l5opiset favrt"He [wlouilevéep netbbis bleliseestaMWsud ui-ont sin and deaîiusourie more mnd sonte Gratinal- the wornd Is reulithing ils wrsn abt cn u oîih lv A G I rtcaeSrn lion apples teous ai. *ivasmis ahuesi peteftt anti ageti. Tise Orpisanagea, Gdvom_0hrl o sel fllu. la Iniqot,', lusîn tid my mortiser-oui-Hospîtais, Homes tonrlise Pour, etc,. Tise thousauti ,eans o!fItesslab*s cita *s 545w 8.0 U h WMC>.... cel. ue"iPain n 5srl tuqulitseare ait prupes' recognitios of thereguduring misris ia Bride, tise B G I U ERT O feu WwsI lwo oelbtqa i iierboer b ootnid Crs t he Hlm. viii haqulle aufficieurt for tise - -u ales p 0.,IO of the désirs1abat St. Paul wmote o tireflue r rte o l hit equ ai zaflus ot ai o! lifes affaira for vle pt,2.0 Citueis. "We Ihat are stroug ahoulti cnnut claimstiat these institutions aretiantrrce nMIdyilitis - for ail titis week............ héat sltb tise tlnfi4itieu of tise teak. tise product o! pure tuaevoience, t% a rigîta . fosrlal," sudfnt tise mena- AA alai net please ourielves îmerely]," muât admît tisat poitîca lias Doucis f0 1> stron,'. In Mia Day evil dacma anti Foi* Satitu day p o lUomana 's-, P. This pinriple. op' do vîis lisent. The désre tom cou-.n$rs de ilb cubd ll pllitib,'tise Alostîe f0 the Cisimnii.tueoat o Iio s oncls wrtt o f w itera stilI thatmusise.1hala One lot of dress shoes for ladies, w o u l si c e nîin t,' h a s p ro tri ae a mdu t b te e In sti tu tio n s, iso a , o ! c o u rse . m u c t r t ~ o i l g o i af i s s i o t oa lw e as our iearta enlarge me ahoaltiaIl panditre o! aucis euormous m asanti %hal brug dem the rmiglt,'froin e _ cerna tu reahîze more ftnuî more tise auaO.ly go ta tise.lonfilutlona nst- tiaItseaoi êr>eât sale idri's school shoes unenesa. lise aoîiamîy o!for race - ral nougis ta sais urmy ot po- The Discipline& Acaording ta Previoua __$2.50 ____value,_____for_________________ amUira ihuman tamîl,'. ot hhSt.sPaul Mentîboulera andi oaiosskes'. Cheast.r-D.voloprnent. B-------e--ou B"ea. f te l opunGtis fce otu l e Dy otures ldayas l I e . Tisa viota orîti of manklud stîfl lngS p.o Iais eeo beautifuldisplay of NEW saen, 0f ue ll onthe facrenoletial TheA14isa D y 1R.of Our Creatorrufere Mt is latscfi ose~sFELT RATS for .......... . misole esrtis" (Acts xvil5. 23I. Ts i-eigaeu o ra s enta it, hoviililtak hem ust as WE aiUs,> . keape vatc-is ver tise affaira of Hîsa tiSa ame. Tise,' mli lu nvarions roun- 7T "Whora la Tliy Broîher?" cétrs m s tk atchb or dtlions. SenteWIihSemore depraved.Eu*oln oasfr ise adLdes # . lods Inqoîrt,'of Cain tioplieti Cala's Ahais Interests. Qed alloweti Cin t ho fseaImmsdepravei; sune wln houlleSa t olnCa o-iss n ais responsqiblllhy. andtoteches ns a lesson hvuisvf;aioeihl aklIli ur ertifeiaî nomc nudsae rieP .II ly0 w ra.pectlng or respunsillt,' ln u brotheti; alloveit the rigiteoun st- omne lems; usnd tisese diencleuof 200 Dresses, values ilp toi$3. igt fer oua anotisar. We wIliiliagin, fer; yef Cain did not escape, but visre claracter Witt depandup hon tire vaym e glit ssrmot vlh the Churcis. tise higist type cf bel accountable for tise deatis ot bis wblhiciasiione nuceptei or rejeee mi g lo ;alaO t4 s btotherhood Imaginable: Wo scult brOther. Go's sentence upua hlm sep- IW tundotporunlty liilise hreat of .,.s, percalesand gin- u« ha contant ta Splt intu sectsansd jaratet i hm front bis brallrea utIl Satinte. Tloaî o k-ncu tv uu w-mlit hamis to choose.rIm i at . ...- pùitles. Whates-er ows thse ignorance icit u htbs inasnn rsandti 414 Il ag i vlreeelve feu' strîpeul; atfu ewDp seqli tIe ad . 0<tie aron ceaiani enm la aty n, ' myho aune tisst theise el tii eIeman,'strities, tiecnuie etof- terns, they tome wîtl large sailor coilars tiens ,liera clin hseno excuse foi lIa-se clas of utr day mlS sliacnt previm hsrdenung of eisannîten. Ev--' nov, heu-amue ChIsnitIansý et aitu-enm- able for tise wllflii stsylug of tisir eiyis<dy wlthaoiequired. eenttmallv Ail Woo & rg»_Coats, 5 or embroidery; for this luttions bave ecorne te6aeditthe lpîîîîbrother, especIsly ta tise extent tlut tfý > m up tg thle fuît standard of DI: fulil ength 8................ ia1 Oearýec6 ; cçeedéi. Sholdt te not, tiieu, is a tisa brotiser s4espWsd ma,' fe a clilit vin e rqulreman[as. Tisose mîore de---------------- mnvetient towsard iseari. qnty andt el- ut GOtI.As Goti teciafletthaftish a fved W111, have greaten dîfficlroî nti Ail---r--i___ Beautiful Dresses, mAde inimercerited inatutl.4l, lu*aisip. otilteof «esOmlnademusi anl blondof utAbal cieti te lilas fro thlie thsesele»s &,pr,,d îtlissae lemssdit-' orhg1p uýffl$2000 and $25.00 tissue ahd French gingitams, values crislines. anongf those .t ieiuur- gruunti-cnieti tut Jutice-se the lnti- ficlf anti eceiva fewter stnîpes, ln Coats, Final,0learance ....t>.........8.7 ugnilli Goti as li-jier, tise Lord Jesus motonafle ttisa Sriptures la that al n- tise coingDp lu Dis-in equireentut.---- Christ alise ledierner, anti lie BIbe luee vnt> it vrmseevlI 'loeis otoîl ' ant t. astie isle evlalobnllsg I "Jusfrécompense o!trestard." gaL asellulieîe-eîg nelt fpoplin, linen and  vnes~o ew *I di*_ rsss VI- ls nt proper to sa,' as titi Calu t aneDiirtvî ernns tise w14, mgt qulckiy recels- e ie esa it a9 ert i $0sfanlegfaii sotm n i 1 u i s,'broher'a keeperle' Every- labrers, the toIIemý lu tisefieldi o! la- bleslog anti malle t>e mot xapid te uuj~maeilca aue o 1 ii a e cÙ ...... . tIre.e Churisian ssoil reaoiztisat te- bot tuda-,,.as crylnfg ouf tu Goti, sud as progreqsa.along tise Migwa,' o!fMuit- day Christianît,' ta bitg 4asaulol bbin lg ieard, and ti taresunlg ,In anése, 5.05 te fultlisuman rperfectionlmn.Desev l ltin so ouse ant i l s 15pnofessel great: "lima of trouble"li Itu sthsr ie anti etemnal lite. Andt io.'e stio nets. B-'.Dresesa.liiUW friends- Ia the:tinls-erSit1l. coheges gret, ts théigbiyan d th is btS stiailh ' sc u ieetstssitu !tcBEAUTIFUL NEW FELT anti sem<riias otail tenntinittieus os wepbitteri, (.amtes v, 1). As fisese K Ini oyp rIghtiougness anti hale - ATS, ALLI . 0OS AND up to $12.00p speewI bmttle la raglng. vhlcb huu-eteus tire aile nttise union nuen, genersly. visao nzqeeé,'uuins4t prenaent lato faviyotI ( dietrution of urCtgtll ail- L v>ig 00t8f fte préeanftnte, var vifs tie Eig of, klpg..anti thîna araWHITE, SP C1 A L FOR idcm n o ii