Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Sep 1911, p. 11

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1911. u UsCP S.ertopl e weil wplytan erear - b f oré!riuit tarai purdoalea. male Mogainstu -pas optaend oats, yield good efre opauT ihl ari o! Ibae reat LAND oux rng te bre lutheo0d00. e A.s mil-ions 6o bfaco red.fte w e Anotier Bui"1 of the Long- SuÉfeIaigReodskins to be Acked W Move. Pine -Ridge Reservation, in South D**UL, to b. Op- oued for gqgWtton. Land wifl bo AfqWd by the Dra1wItg of Ift by Those Thea lands have ieen ciasaited and appralsed by tle govrument, aud a nomInal prica ot f roui26 centu to $6 an acre bas heen astabliliîed. Pay- ment may ite made iln sunuai inastalli mente cevering a perlod orfive ycara. The Indians who aguangt h luntae necis are descendante of Sitting 1Bull, lied coud and Kiciing Bear. ýamd thair foliowers wita massacret CusB- ters comannd ln 1876 andi were ra- eti et Wounded bee, S. D., lu 18,1 Tbay wiil lie assigned land adJOinilg i the section lu lie openeti up. Applicauts titllie permîtteti to go urougb tandsut10inspeet it wit a vlew of makiug tileir choit-if the~ Who Have gÙMtred. wan. +.4 . 4. . . . . . . . . .. LAVA STAEAM FROM ETNA 940W TO OET ON4E OF 4 * lmblinga end Explosions Heard end TI4BSE FAfiMS. + Raine of Ashes Seen. Caal.Sept. 1?,-Tme tream ofi litesister at Gregory, Dallas. tlev r E on tna ina dvanrIng i " or itapid City, South Dakota. thebarte of 400 y-ards an iheur. Il l0 ". At any time betweaas Oct. 2 +. 3, yards wide and i egtit mites long., +3 aud Oct. 21 (Botb dates ln- + and titretens beli thte railmad and +4 clutiedI. + $thse higitroad. Il han eut the ram- .3. A+e iedalg ia.. .4~munication tet ween IUnguaitiostsansd +3 land office viii notify YoIf 4.Randazxo and huasdevtaned lihe lina + you rîw.W1forests and Inteyards of acciasliisa + O Apil , 112,begnnîit ansd Cardonara. Another vent bote " ai 9 a. m. entry May b. madie. 5lIna ai Ms w one rjaiglo armdte ". Que-lfth of the pisichaze +. lied te th plains +3 priçe muet lie patti thon. + Iucessantî tremora. loud rumblinga . Titan you wiii bave' te ilve +3.end explosions are teit sud hcard aud + (n and cultivate the land for .3. tiera are Intermittent rins of lapilli +3 14 monthe if you have hy timi +4. sud abes. + tiane paid thea prioe, «rom 26 +1. 4.~~~~~~~~ cet1o$ prar) i 4j LusMcCrath tr-ken. + oetsmteeaiperoereIfn ,+1GrandoMpis. MdSept. 13.. Cap> + yu iistremtatbee fr tinLenis T. N rtone ofGrand +3 llve years, when if i'ou have .Riapides mont promiluent cîîîzens snd +j a4til the amouriý a patent for +. soteti horseman, was siricken wth + telandtillhoIii beand 10 Yeu. 4+ popiexy lits condition is critical. + sud yen tnay titan do vutiSte +4. +. landi wiat yen wish. I. rish Primate la Dead. +. You cermet sai or transfer 4. Duhlinu, Sept 13. - 111051 Rev. Wi- .3 your dlaimn untîl sItar the +4. lnt Aleanader, D. D,D. C I., Ozon, + hoestad prio. + LI. D., archt) of Armagh and 4. hoesied peroti.primate of ail îreîand itYlurcit of Ire +. You have 10 spply in par- +. land) sInce 1811, In deait + son to eglter. Wrting wiii 4.+ +. do ngond. 4+j Oath ls 75 Vears Oid. +. Soîiers and sallora bonor- +. Bath, Ill., Sept l? --The sceety- 4. abiy disebargeti aftar 90ita iys' 4., tifth auni%-ezary oi lie fouudang o! +. service. their aidows. unies@ +4. l 111iiihe ceiebrated No%, . The +. sine. reuiarrted, their uminer +4. cons1tuttion f !te loman wa.a vitten +. orphasus. may regiter hy+ by Abrahtam ilÀncoin. +. agent, gîvîng the latter a pow- 4+ +. er of attorney, whlcb may ho + O LE N OPIA +. procured liy applying t +la 4.NHOPIA ". Judge Jas. X. Wtten, . t. + Aceldent to etcerlng Gear Causes FOI, ". Land Office, Washington, U + ln Sierra Mountains. + C. + +. Auy lerson wtb socb pow- 4+ Auburn. Cal, Septtl. -Robert G. +. er of attornaey Mnay regîstar +. t'wer , ho etartet on a flight ars +. fr but one soidier or sailor. +. the coninent, lies ln a hospital ai tise +. If you own 160 acres of 4+ Moinalu in Alla lu thse Serras vitis 4.landi now you cenmet regisiar. L ~bi& hart spra.ined sud suffering from +. %linr childrep, unens tish oe ni- bri " .Hie aeroplane lian a 4.heads of familles, cannet reg- + g- : fwekg ttebs + F '.b e.tat stands on the. ..Ister. jgo!tsroky gorge tbroitgh which 4. %larrieti womleuunlesasthey 4 ie otiruPacific raiiroad vintis + are the iteadsansd supîors o! 4+ lisway ough thse mouitaine. +. familles, cannai register. 4+ Because of the accident te these aer- 4. Residence onithie landi muait4+ Ing gear of te maochine soan a&fier thSe +. commence wititin ix moenlha +. aart Fowler bast contrai of thse plane +. after etry is mate. + anud virile trying ta land caiUJded wftti +.te trea. His machine fell ibrough +iL ~ 444.i444 the branches ofthtie trea anti vas badh .r. . . . ....... ly damanet. Thse avlator escaped Are you landlesa' witb miner inJuries anti sas ibat ha Do you vant a t arm for a sont? %Iiillie able ta resume the flight vtb- Vieil, beres theg.variîtteft hoît I n tva or three days. te baud out neariy hait a millilon of new, ricit landtInluonc o!f te]ast o! B*llitonst Ala Hurt. ia big land loterles. Auburn, Me.,sept-. 12-Il aiait conaclous condition, H. Percy Sbear*ý Titese are the facts. Your Uncle man, prasident of the Williams Col- Sîin s going le squeeze lant anotier loge Aeronaotlcai society. was iftadi nuncit of redsklns. towit. thte Sioux out of the basket of bis big gsbai trilles ttat nomi bolti forth on Roebud loon on thse farm uof iienry Etes o and Plute Ridge reservatiaus ln South th1eshore of Laite Auburn. Siearman Djakota. lies golug Io shove petit-Le a asou a fligbt frosu Pltsfieid, %lu& hart ffer enough ta seli soute 30te bMontreal. frmos, dîriclheant, ta boua ftde hin- steaders. No specuiastor's need apply. YOUNG BRIDE POISONED Rogisiration conmencas Oct.2, Former Lover Charget with Putting i-otinuulîl unîiliOt. 12, darng whitch Strychnine lu Headache Powtsrs. lime appilcauts for land 1mal' baud it -1 t titir namegai al %~las, Gregory and Ameitue, Ga, Sept. 13. - Mary Bapiti City. Oct. 24, tce drawlng wiii Chillder.p, a bride of six menthe, ila commnce Thefirt nae dawnouItenmd as a resutitf0<strychnine bainS commnceTuelirI nme raw placed In a botle of headadhe puy. of tite pile of saaled appiicat4on l ~~dor iii ieîeto iedesr Se ive li-stcisiceutthe1. fu frrom aet e Sotel, and a. C. Ken- be oene uj Ofen hsttiri cto edty. a arominent yong man, anisun. is worttm maur tisousalds' of dollrs. der arresl citargeti vitSlber deatit. Andi thon te draw ing will continuie Reienga la tise motivae wlimmi la said util the lest natiafi 1 read omt, ta have lnslmrad Kennedy. MArsd ,itnuedmately afler thse drawlng th5e Chiliiers, boore lier niarriage. wau sacctssfui apmplicatons wlli lie notIâdt inown as the mont badàttiu girl lin by te U.. S. land departmertl. At tai1 ibis section !4te state and Chiders and Kennedy were rival& for har ie notice wdît ha given tem iS 10 Santi. For aonme time site showed o te lime anti place or eut r3¾ tiat la. difference lu lier treastnent o! tbo tva t' it lim-e when the wiîînersiay enleri yaitng mon, umt six mQnihle _ a1a iliti te reîervatlatts. Iuntie case i ddcîly marrildChldera. Kennedyý 5eotries wciili e made hc6lniint Aprîll vas deeiy auxeredan sd lla altegati. 1, Eo2l. Aiy winnar neglectinit tel tisaI tao ade threats tatite vould' malte entry aithlie tigie and place des.-holieaengad. ignsteti b t uh aut oficbte ises out.- The neKtI i he moving up. Bo that Tisere.wiiilie a big tijne at Liber- it1otîild there lie sodite 41#ppointed tyvile eMentiay nigitt when OtditPal-" anas i ttedrawi#Ký tltj nià stîli lavaoa!Lakte couty nsd tise nortit stand a chtanceo o! çttis na hwaestepd ai4ore galber ta recalve Grand liar- Z- y at4eabaovea tWemýeilï I& màke afiai Blod of Springfildi, grand î. K,, try a et i ro1ért Uiîe- logs o! lliuhaos. Tise WaulegslOn e tte la eped. ati-a gmet maaty Iodge vii attend li a body. I The Globe Sets A New Standard for ValuemGïvn In Womeg's TaiIored Suits Yoiare abl t italas ilitei stiiig i bit i 'Nv asttisîppi iaspislieol sit fili YoI mog i(a o ei t lii i.c l Ii î' l t )ii i oiîi li s(- s atii i lle to igîlirsîiiiis esn b t g g The Reason fer such Extra Value is Easily Explained S-ome rnhntlis I o k Nw w cicfuitunatt iii lingoffei-ed ia lai .t juntt'of tailnateiils at a. dccided tlail 'tantage ini pice. It seiris that a mni tti o tut had an 'tmipi oducýtimn o we boughit tht st mnatei rals and had a lari tiand w iii kiownî gai iia t irii îkt inaîke tht inii p into the aceepted stytles toi- fal! and ôw inter. 11<e iiatv lttiiiduî uîig hi is 11 îa:n iand n i î1îmt toi i ss rmoney So for this tal! 'von (-an buy a sulit il file((I ob at a savtiiig iii thet lig'!ihoî Ilto d of'i > The P'rRes w e shall f'atirt sitîîîngl't aie 11>-tter wo kîîîansliip Nvas uitvel' put into gai'ilui-ti~ili is ini tt-est- iandsoine sulitg, for they were made bv the môst skjlied tailors antd întfltîsaitîyicoii iils. iti test tif haiî'-clotli 'tas Use inthe t-îiîstruetioiitof tht eta"id Ill liii itîg-" Z gîtlat iedfori'tw O stasîns ' w-car. We invte you to inpect these new styles and te carefully compare the values A Charming Dress for One of the Preferrei ty1«Of the Thes--es re ai d itte 111)in one of the 1rettiest st 'lves t ii e '%,st-tii tlijs t l-s î ie v art- in sizes foirlîtthi wt 1lalai mu sst-s anid liade b-fît inltaîail w-ool qualitv of fine aitdi beavy serge; c onte lt iii îm w Ni iii green sik trinmtiît, ai.s tit wvitii-t-il i,-i i vm iîiibia-k anîd plain hIaIII-kà0 Viietk, loi si tpall' Ia-k, silk girdle, Vei-sp 7.48 eiallY prieed at New Taiored Waists--. i-t-meuit shiiîiuîtttf strIk- iuîg iw styles foitfai; mîade -of (tile Nv-hîte sliiît1 tut. embroldereti anti piaile i frouis1poket and detacitable mtiffi thrtce s].4 ti . . . . . . . . ..-. . GalatesslXh ei- a-saof ginghtamsAO, li avarietyatd tinhe ,mint pleaiitvtyles fthim a6ta 14 ars : api ven foiti l] dreses or14sclmoi ,ear pi riesoufe 1.39 war . . . . . ..t.. . 1 ABroad Selection of Lè4Ing F&ll Mateiils et $L.D WX'tlî the hope of winnlingthie 1ptroniage.of eve' lady' who contemîpiates huying a i(\\ fall dress ol* suit Nve have this seaison assembied an exceptioufflly strong lhue tof tress gitods tii seil!itt one dollar, gi\: ]ýlg valties that hav e lever been appiî ached before. The, materiais that thiBi price emibrace are serges. wooi tattetas, parat mas, mixtures8, wide wails, poîiinS, diagonal,, nun sellinnga eropiane suiting., pruneilas, elingalines, ArîBours, mohiars. Hlenriettas, Santoy suliags. etc .... ...... 1.00 luturnn Corne and See the Beautifflmflts JVmo We're Shotg Aseorupl e e ciec ttio hoenwa ermeeetionin wofe nbed 'war. Already our millinery p ~ alo is revealing a large col- lection of the choicest eàrly falstyles. Manyhandàomeflew ideas are embraced in these i . new models, al of *hIclI, à1ie r copies of higher piced haf s. ;.*!We are extremely ager to show you these new creations and trust that we may be fav- ored with your carly visit. fair The Only Coimlte h Dépt. Clothing,Dept. In aa (dons suc- We are hetter prepared to substantiate this cdaimi st ' ie tb tlîis flu than ever, for our limes were never as coin- Illecoreet piete before. We devote a liberal section of our the mii ain floor tt) the display of the fincst lothes made I1 ni titis itîr bei s and it's to tht' interest of every mother to r' t in v iit. moittit lier- son where the election is large and the puirciaes 1 irs Iow'. *ust ask any of our elothing salesmen tt> $1 w t). Sshow x'ou the smart faîl styles that we're offering hair fiee speval at $3.95 and $6.95. arge The Spe~ Sale of Fttrniture and Rl Ta RocKe t 12d "itis eut illutresth as iîtd that goeso aea ii Io wprice. It saslni e signt with '2 iw otads m-u heavy filles ulfns;Ii tîgular price s*90.Spe- 10975 PRINCES8 DRESSER %a'o oi eosit travers lttdw hm melko4 large aval mirro,ý i n au excepitional 9 % 7 _0 5 bargal u a i ..... A l.i-îîgu i oivi' t î< eri îpa t- ;uîg Ilite itiuîîmst of eornft ihas th- i-lethtated Se-ug springs, w uit-h are- gîarantee-tifor 5 veatit.- iiîiulstt-red ini Boston li ii-r; iplatiinst-at, tîifttd bae(klý an îîi sdts, $18.530 valu a 12.75 ROCKER -A large eavy rocker wit a spaclus siaed seat, mate of Aterian (mîsrteed ost, higit rest mi acit spen- <itie a(eut$300, 22 salc i i 2 .25IC ,Solid otk diiiuîg table,1,11aid tti itu iNebai l and pmîisied. togi iitt eIAt $23.50--Victor Body Brussi-Is rg, exteliîds tii(; femt. 9 im- h sttid mitr flic vu-ty hest quality m3ade, sîze, 8-3 a 't-mrv sixt-ial Iimtmgaiii foi- 95li 10-6 shown in the tiost heautiful titis'( at ... -7.95 patter'ns and riehrst 23.50 of eolorings -.........233 Dining Chairs Sfioigyîilt tof soi Wflton Rugs - Higlitgtrade genuine id quartered o aki. hn,, -edam Wilton rugs, si-ze!9 by 12, hîeavy quaI. polishi-di stlimi leatltet' slip seat, IiCXCI itv in bcaîitiful two-tone greesand sold for less thaii $3.50, hrownIs, orcdiitaîiiy sold ~ f saeprW aukegan's Pa.test Gtowig Store at $40.00, sale pi e .... 26 Our I Goods1 us a trernend e*I55. Evt-r'vs is t-l itein th di-sugof new-ii1 le f)îatr Nvitlî Itaut. atîtmiîiulitiigt dliîss vittir motMET I . moirous Unc 100 Out*8a a*f3103 to Nifeceos sd, Nep r mows. 1

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