Su Yoîn' success depends upon vour Efflclenty, your Knowledgs of Humnan Nature, your Knawledge of your Buoinena, anti your Ability te jifuence Men and Wamnen. Yen! gain Effiienev by a knowledge anti application cf the Scence of Man Bilding and Personal Develapment. Yen gain knowledge ef Human Nature by stiîdy anti application cf the Scence of Character Analysis. Yen gain akéýw4e-dgef yonr Business by study and aipliation of ý;àioeiftt lysis or Bua«,us Logic. Yen gain power ta ihfluence Men spd Womn by study andi application of theWScience of »" m suPaychology, whieh is classified commni senset about how thie huinan mmnd works. These Money Making Sciences Are Ta gkt By TUE.SHLLDOýN ÇOOL A L&15io County Institution, lôcated neer LIibertyville -'Ïùd Kockefeiler,' Illinois History of' the :Sheldon School Twenty-two years ago Arthur Fr-ederietk Shud- don began sellinq goe'ods. Whenever he made. a sale, hie carefully reveiwed every step in the- tranWat-tio-i. He wauted to know why the eîîstomer boi.ght. Whlen- ever lie failéd te seli, bie studied the whào1eexperience eveu mure earefully. lIe denmaîded an answer te lis question, "Whlyî" 11e kept <lis Up for two years. At the endi of that time le was selling imore goeds 'than.any other man on thie sales force. B(eeau)3e he-always asked ' h "foiun th le a.nsw-er. andt hen appliet w-bat h* lhadkIarne t te is business, Sheldon rose rapidly. ln a very few years hie was general sales managei: cf a einpany doing business ail over <the Unitedi States and Canada. lit, this position lie hired andi traineti many salestuen. Some of them succeedeti. Some cf tlent, failed. And'Sheldon alwavs studiedth le men and their meth- otis te find eut wlhy. Afterwards, hie went into the ptiblislling business for himself, studying tbat in the saille way, andi xaking a success of it. 4s a result of bis ewu expérience andth le study of otku- men, Shelden came te the conclusion <liat uwetsïful Waeswansbip w-as a matter cf ebedience to natural laws. These laws, hie believed, could be for- muîlated. As a young-man he hatitaken adegree ùî law at thre University cf Michigan. There lie hati learneti bow Blachstone had erganizeti andi classified the coîninn laws of Engla.nd, inaking law a science. Hie beieved that thelaws of successfnl salesmanship could be organizeti andi claissified, <bus niaking sales- manship a science andi the practice of it a profession. Wlth titIS ldea in mInd, ho began ta search lbrarles, la Sund what lave aifsalesmanalip other men iad formuiaied and clasiffed. Ho famnd nons. Sa ho began ta blaze a trai for hîmmself. Siovi>' ho ho- Zan ta formulate the lava. Ho iad hlm avu exprence-hîs overlast- Ing »sking 'Wiy?" and the ansvers ho gt-to guide hlm. Ho siudlod ailier men and Institutions mare than ever. and profittdb> theîr ei- Pertance. Afier long mantha of bard, palnstaklng vax-k, ho bout or- ganlaed sud clusafied the laws Into The Sciençe, *f Succeasfùl Saleamanship. He realizeti that bis science wouild have -te lic studieti by men andi women w-ho were actually en- gageti in thie work cf selling goods; that <bey couti net take thie <ie <o negleet their business andi attend school. Se lie wrote bis science in thie forin cf a. correspondenee course. Then lie organizeti the Sheldon Selool of Suceessful Salesrnship. Hie opêned à little office in Chicago, and weut out te seil th e rst courses cf lessons iimself. This w-as in 1902. The science caught on tram the firat. it vas practical beeaunse Itha boom ea wrlttom l'y a Mu witb many yoars af practical experience. Those Who studled and applied lI found their sales Increasîug ln long i.»4.. They tld others atout it. And soan u th ile scitool bocamo a bg Instiution. It cownted amomg hua enthusiastic tudents "ome of the bhggest and Mosu succestul business Mon- ln Chicago and other largo citis. The Scence of Business Building. As <ie passeti, ,Sheldon was always stpdying and inprovilig tht- Scienîce. The eompany was, organizeti with a Iargeî' capital andi renamet The 8heldon School. The couirse w-as rewritteu several <ilues, in- corporating <lhe resuits Sheldon's fur<her stiudv and exei'euce and the suggestions af big business .. on vaad bien put- tg rlto Practice. lu 1909, the atest revision vas made. At that tlmue. there were for-t thoaaud at',dents af The Sheldon tichoolln ai parts af th" vax-Id nany of them voere lawYers. Plilactsns, teachera, exéeutim.s and otherb a-t dirertly egaged ln the sale of gonds. For a long Lime thîeY lad ingsted Ihat the science was flot Oui>' the science af saiesamanshihti. but a science correlarlng the laws ai succnsa lu an>' vaik o! ie. goa.Ilu 015 latgst releion, the wvas brnademed, made more simplc and mnox-e scientiâC, and csled the Science o!filusinsa BuIldling.Tho new wont m'et w it Intant favor, aid there are now aven lety.Tbree Thouasnd studeil, loCated lu ai parts cf tevnld. rep- rêae~atlg int lmof buins: ,,andI rnf'-siion. and ex-exy position ln tbab4UZ117ar two thoteand progressive firma have made thîs thelr e jfadtu t h cet-u uie Building, Mr. 5'iehdon and l~ eîtotai taf bae n ato ttcScinceof Indimaîial Succeas, the Sciece i Rtai Saesmaahi-, ht-ScInAeof Service. mad mn oIe- néontar>' course Ilu &lesmsanshlpý IFôr.lfmiria±h regardung an:.- or tiese coursesq, vrite or cati up The &HELDON SCHOOL Psocloefeller, Illinoin. Telephon. 63 jR ~ IsNot A Matter ai Luck * ipjr.-<. -r i y * i Shel4Ô.'n Scliooi TO0DAY lu 1906 and 14907 Axtbur Frederick Sheldon purclîased six hiundred apres of lanid near Rockefeller, tvo aud one-hal.f miles west -of Libeî'ty-ville, Ilinîois. Part of tbis propel4y wvas a v'al1ey- about 100 .acres in extent, Iyiug between woodedl hill. ln the loweet prt of tis vallcw was a littie lake, fed by twqo or three snîali streains and by. springs under its sur- face. It w-as called. iud Lake. The out let bf this vallh wass only ,about oe u uded yards Nvide. By bnilding a aîîî aeross this outjet, tb0 val1ley mwas filled with water, and Lake Ea.ra ereated, ' lt hý.s beemialled, by those w-ho ougflitt<o know, the rnost beautiful lake in Lake Coint. During the smm=er of 1909. Mr. Sheldon laid the corner stone for the ad ration building of The Sheldon t ScKhool on a littie bill, at ti ege of a forcat, and onlv a fem, hunilret! ,vards from Lake ý-. in Marrh, 1910, thiis huilding w-as erpleteti and tbe',ool rnoved eut frein Chicago. The build- ing is of -vitrfied-ý#d brkek and haif timbered rough casting, one hundred andi fifty leet loug and fifty feet wide. two stories biigh. About sevept -five einployes wverk tînder its roof, ad- mninistering the werld wide wmrk of the Sehool, writing and publishing neNvcoîjy", beoks, and a iuonthly mnagazine, The Business Phileoitüerë, whieh now bah a circuilation of twenty thousand; examniýùg the papers of studeiits, keepiug recordsR lookine after advertisuîg and publicity, collecting aceouints, and shipping out thousands of <ext books and other literature. 'lMe graumida bave been cleared and lmProved, fonces bullt. trees set out, lavus leveled a"d planteil. ronds built, and aîtreets ]ld out. Every summer. zinçe imes a tva veebi'st'smmer schoo has been held for studentsanmd repreaeîtativee aithe Scbaol. This auminer, there were one hund- red and fifty studenta.frosm@aIl parts of thia country' and Canada, and a few f rom Australi.. Sputh Aitea,5Iqgild, and athér foreigu ceuntries, Durlag the year. several training claases S l~rsnale are orgsSized, the termn being four weeka. A permiaent dilting baU and Iitcen bave been hut an the grounds for the Snmmer Schoal and ailier ,Purposes. Tva portions of the tract of six hundred acres have been subdIilded. One portion la ln the village limita af RockiNIher, and la for residence puiposes. %any lots bave been.sold aad.eeral substantial homes have been but. The ather la on the. vest shore aof<ho igko, and la for Tiieso lots are havlng a goodaale, and several Chicago business mea bhave mut upon themu. qkThe Sheldan S'ebaai maw bas reprasentatives and Instructors ln many or the large citiez of the Uslted States and Canada. and Mr. Sheldon là nov absent lu Lngiand, lns<sllng the business Liere, witih eadquartera lu London. The Science ai Business Building. ta nov helng translated min terman and wMiiacon b. ipublshoddln that languago. Translations Into 8paniah. Scandînav- Ian, and imrnch vil follov., The Sheidan Sehaci today la an puttbllshed Institution af world vide reputa- tlon. It bringa man>' uhousands of dollrs ever>' year Ittu Laike Count>'. Arhur Predoek tIWeion la Proident oi the. corporation. C. H. Pattison. of "aie Bhtff., .a one of iie Y4ce Prestdies and tieneral Manager. J. D. Kenyon, genorai agent for theUlebool ln New York and colitlgSuxu terrltory, la tiheailier VtSe.r iftint. (L $, Durs>ad. af LÀbrtyrlîlei le Treasurer. A. H. Bmlthý, o! htom*eefllr.uteeretar>"la addltioWt t q esara.Sîoidon. Pattison. ICenyon and Boran&. ~P 17. ymàd, pibeMtvillle;, Anna osimîii Sheldon of Rockefeller; W. lrvlug Lake, o ai uga iti,' and 3ameaWood Pague, general agent of the Scooal for' GretBriin lid i rièLnd*constitUte the Board aM thiréctors. AM"njthe stackboldeça are Hanc. B. Parkter, 9! Maralst Fleld & Company'; John [lolpm, ln charge af the busines of the Metropolîtan hmajrance Company for Washington, D. C.; Hsrry Ford, Seretry o! the Chiaimers Detroit Motor Conmpany'; B. H. Krees. .ropretor ef a bg henBOi Irve and ten cent stores. and C. Frank Wright, Cashier of Lake Count>' NoktlaaodBui. Every one is in businiess. 'oi st qyou are, you ha -e te be fed,- dothod, and ohlteredhe eost înoney. And th e only honorable t'ay -#et money is to earn it. Eveu those Wvho get inQney'ýfrQUi fathér are supposed te be atances Ott nioiley to be earned later. Thle only w4y to earn, mouey is e give spouiting foi' it-goods or services. - ýThe mnu or people who take your goocis orYour servic-es aud give yen noney for thOým'are your Pa t- roîîs. Yen profit by their patronaÏe. Fuiiihliîg goods or services to* thomn for a.-profit Iois bWmbusi- ness. The preaeher's patrons arc»gMtiOn. The lawycr's patrons are. his clients. Tlie ýphysie- lain's patrons are his patients. 'The i>èec1wi. 1 patrons are his customers. The ermployé1&s patron is his employer. So thcy are ail in busineua... The carniiig of planty of money deptuds Wpou business And- i bnsnes4 buildinig ls.he art of securing permanent and profitable patrip44e., Patronage is 8ecured through sa4eemanship, whieh is the power te persuade Weple te purchase prodn<t at a profit. Produiet niay be. eithèr goods or servilce. Power to persuade, in the long run, la g4ined hy the power to serve, to the end of 8atildaction andi profit, both yoiirself anid vour patron. Your gootis or your services mna% be of the very besf, but You eà4n- nut ser-ve your employer, your elieut' yo ç9stoiaér, or vour patient until vou have persuaded hifo to îe- c<'p)t the The power to serve your patrsw S#twfactorily and profitably is developeti throngh à knowlýdge of yourself àiid the meaus of self4evyelopiment, your blîiîîcss, and thee t.her fellow.- This kUied e-la gaitied hy a study of the Sciences ci. Mýt', ('oîîîîr'iL ogie -or Scieutifie Atiolyeio, -1ýindiuig Patrons, <'la rarer Analysis, an<l BuBine Ptychul- Mari Buiilding iiieludes mxnd .bildl sd bodv builiig. The luid anti body are built and d<evçf- oped for effieievwyb ytrai in alccordeince witlh nattîral law. Yiou kow thadt by Proper' nonrisli- nment andi exerrise you can develop any mnuwsle, Wp ply the cause and you get the effeet. ýIn-the sanie way, the mind eau bc built and develope., Ifusinees Loalc. or scientinè iAnalyosa.givOs yen a oeai ak te, run upon in learnlnx ali there la ta knov about yovî pîeaaa boa' to teil others about your buainesao tbat'the>, wl. pèreu*ded to patronhlze you. in FInding tbe Patron, you apply. practleài pethoda that have been worked out lna cuii experience tor every Wclîlpa. aod fou"nD ue celeful. lTe Science of Character Analyolq enablea you to Isige of th2e temperament. tinotives. strong lponts, weekM.sea, motivea. aud pè- cullaitlep of your felio-« men J romn their plIyalce aspearsao. ,Businems Paychology la classilled comunon sea aboutt boa' the buman mind worka in comlng tW a declalon. Tour oaom s l ha busineas depends largel>' upan your pawer ta g e: otber'~pe ta do thînga--to buy your ode, ta engage your serviesg, to u'ahaeyour aal. ary. to v.ote yottr ticket, ta attend your churcli. or ta abs>' rour or<lers and carry out your plans. Il yau knaw boy thel? min« " wmt cm- ing Into agreement wlth yours and acting up at katnqweat thon you wyul know bow te Induce eacb stop ln thst groees. Wlth a keener, qulcher. clearer mmnd, yau ulIU hAve botter pav- era of observation, more paver ta tbimk. soander jpd -0-. m re r- =abe mmry, snd a more prmctlcml imagnatio. VTlÇr1JI b. Mare ,mirul-More hopeful. more caurageaus. mare enlimulsue, sadMore honest. You wiii have a atronger viii. be qtdcesad 2gýir la de. cîsion. wark wlth more despatehi. baye More laJt14ttlvs Mt ar setlon and keep ati h vitu mare persîstenre. Al the» Çk f botter er. _.c, whlcb mesne more permanent and more profitabl* e grouffl, and this. In turn. meana more Money. Wlth a veil develaped boy, you a'il have botter b"ath and more endurance. Knavlng your fellow men better and your buslpesp botter. yqu wiliiho able ta bring the. twa taeetber mare sucteoaull aMd profitably. Ail thJa la taught by coarrespondence. Yot m a aîdy at hoM. durlng spore tinte, or on the mmad. Wbere there are ebtio sittudents ln one commuait>'. the>' are arganlaed In bs.mb or caU u au là- aiructor la f nrnlahed b>' the Scbool. You &Mao have tue eile».e cor- reaiondence vith the expert inatructasa or the Bahe"l o~ur to witb the course.and on yaur businesa probiem. 1Tbe S11éîde fbel vlth litathousandu or clienta inu iu«lietaibuaneq. g% 1ut abouse of buieàs building Ideas. %1 Others have madp thelr thousanda fromu the atudy and ai>pllca. tion of the science af Buaineee Bglidlng. Wby net Yeu? The 8,ienc. of business I& the fcignce of Service. He Profite . i&pt Who Serve* Best r ~-t .-. D~e n asCourses auh At-> Oui, Offices at Rocliefeiler EngigIz, Letter, Writing, Shorthand, TyPewriting,, 'Office Practice Fa:,il ~es form Septem~ber 1 Sto Teach these JuiPOr~ ~*~Ico~toevrybôdy nLieC utyfllo, *h0 wants to SUccoed in 5usiînesa EXPERT I 8C,ô8tZEASOÔLE ATeS Sxi~oCfrvc.Taught at Bin&Tre. . I Go60d Positionsfor Grdutes. Busib+e CiureS inclu,4e full instruction in Employxnent Departnîent helpa students ,to ,W4iWýMethode. (Sttgdentsm given positions in Lake (Jounty *n4ivid<îal ittention.) anti elsewhere. Co~ .1 Traîniag .Dept., The Sheldon S "1 - KeçIIfefer, 111. DI LU -Bal Ssisi@ by Dot Barry' twmo cl motai% sonl, un liber WALTI anmd à tumned Ciloeg bu fa turned ha" ci igr5 trial, e mystari Of Ce* everthl of RAMe hae, mit damud. .Aufful lha@ bei stesen l.ged 1 * uley m flOa traces cagoi sixtE *Chc" failed Bapi~ place play il Berge" tail v Peter au pri may b Woldmà C011 Thurs go W11 verei nevmr serivt lI gt the la ai W. of th bonme Ti4 a bat battis o tb lèterf en sepsi Ail ai and