Zk INDEPENDENT -IWAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOT~XXPA0ES LIBEgRTyVILLE,, LAKZ.,OUNTY, ILLINOIS, TIIDAY, SEPTEMBER -29. 1911. ONE TO EIGHT *1 0PER YEARI{ N ADVANCE. bia padi PO cirel beyi lion TI S W., tat' mai Io TI a t o ASSAULTS HIRED GiRL [oead of Naval Station Barber Shops Arreeted George H. NcGIlligner , bead o f the )arber tthops at the Ulnited states na- t i trainug sebool at North Cbicago, id ten yer a soldier in tihe Unied 3tales arry, was ltriday niglit arrest- >d at bi% hme on Nrth Genesee reet, WatWesgan. charged with au ai- ged atemptedl assauit upon the 16- year-oid ltired girl' employed at the hausebolîl, Olga Kalar, the charge bing that the alleged asault took place a weel, ago last Wdnesday. The KAirnar girl explains that ee uot tttk Engliali. andi ber sister, 'ho ca, 19 a traineti nurse ad aî been out f the iît' on a case, so the %v,'& t w a e ri, e n te rt ti ,i til e - te Paddock case. Accordiflg îo the story oftbe girl leIKîlijgners wife was away In Chi- (ago hen te - man lireti ber up- staira, abe says and attacked ber. 80ie fught ls off and ran to a nelgbbors. te police keejuig the case a secret fr a week util the girls sister de- turned so that thy could get at te facta. A note which lte man ciairna las wife lot abe says ho tore loto bIs. Then, the girl aaý. he allati ber up- Looks Godd for "Mfac" Theu e la a powerfui Organizaf ion foîîing la the luteresta of Attorney 1'aul NlarGiffin of lbertyville. one 0! the hest Laite county lawyers, for tbe utate senste and bclie lassureti of the strongest posasible support the me- mient be maltas bis annoncenient, dat- ntely. cHenrY andi Boone COunties ai support any Lait e cunty man agaînat oisou, il la stataul by poil- ticians and laka ,countY would natur- ally support ber owu msan. SECOND RECRtTIT MElS W. B. Hunter. Âpprento at Naval Station Died SUndaY CLEVER COUP> 0P TWO MEN RESULTS IN LOSS OF $400 TELEPHONE GALL DECEIVES No Trame of Men Can be Found and They Nake mutthteallegéd lillezgivotera arc salitoia. t ~furtiier. Frckm thl tftn Yeu te chîcagoeus anad athla ait tne isa a lV lii1 demi with or. Parka P'*WankegausIte nlu n u h.utti ettd thet the was Mt a wîb WinetLia ass.0 MS ~ lI 9ublia sy ataten, pf qhich t.r~ araWitb a tre lendout nias utevi- V1 1 1 L publc py "In, f Whch hersa- enteciouSul'dy 'op*iilng liuled tt, That lnthe bCy. nglategwic n!st the a lon keapers of Wau- - httebaký119IotrwihE kegan andi North Chicago, and with b wrttt.n t Mns. Coradi HOUteIn. de- appear hoaiore thn Lake (ounty grand T B T publah jur, the moruhig et the frst day of na n~pIn 30or ba would pblhthte October term-ot cput't, it la deeni- -hIgs esaid hei ywr,, rv awthen-i-inl flkely tt, fay satoon keeper NINE YEÂR OLD LA )OUT et h'IU]MX . ) 1>NTIST la max to an elaborats plot forravange L= -VSand AWo s w o fîully ki illoen~sa. ai fginst Willam J. Smitb. former edi- V Y C G AN") Bati moat ofthe id, a i scpro. NUTTING DROPS le 'OXA » W R tr adonerof te 0Zete, n rt 1abillty, tha ire 01theisa tatea attorney PROY TREE b DL Q N IIG turn for a pont threat ta expose Parke BLINI) ?le CABES .1ahasben eu mat by thaîr bitterbe by mith,. tbon wth the Gazettelarud tbbor iadicatîs e atitude,.P th bao' sldtd that titane lano doubt lu the rind 4o! Wrngd ..ca Wma. 0 llILLBGL yOT16 CAES ny eue tbat ha W1M close 11te ke OTIIER IS PROSTRATED w WroV UfLoal IJOngan sud North tJbIgo 80 ia tiy lnb YIG IO Y lO N tba new tbeory of the story Ieatis a- I et,&f" XI, hatth 'wb Invtbeconclusion, witiely y afeQMyd t4o e letht the l - ~ a heievItaMr.olailageal-14 l bti. wn ltitherel belvdtÀ ir.lsenla a urI dIp bt- ~IOOU1k oxt ou .aetcac h iwiil. ashaLost Balance When Shaking t b iIJo Parkg odlru5 QÇr a Xil - , nbas conisteattly atraek to10the ai >UJu Yd 0M es tlôim Wutyl>' t ven weith the 8 point et issue and refused te be dl- Limb. Drops Thirty o.k XlyoteriOU# Wômxa neep rma, anti thatellsh iowed pl18 jee; Ppies n vertedi by thse cIevdt trawing ofliet great moral courage li aexporai;gthte Divorce Cut'anime seed baga of ter sîrauge ýl Feet to Ground Cort causes acronsathe trait o! the main anti fi in cm.88ltter writlog episoe. biet gante. Il Basides tiis new development la flift t.'trm'on Record. O. ýitle9yal o eiadf the news that Parka hit a aregular cîr- Teoein ensof the Lakte tThe titrea ets of bis causes t a Oe111e9 er-i oydatati r. Francis H. Par"tsfor two years cuit of citurches, nikitng the rounds cotinly circuilt anti county courts wilii fought %,Ill ail cuutbteteab mak teain mter lytng laItisapeit ota nt-hf nt.it oft Waulcsgan with offices et ecri Suuday, titat be regularly attend- be tbe busiest in the entîre ltstory or itbe court feaias soaon to corne histoîfrnIeaoct letilfanth N. Gnêtes &tracit le à ,isCner i' dchurcb upesantdeverts, alwxs tise counly or uerbaîs or an conty Ini eVeny sentant o! dl Word. ting expedition te North Chicago, lun'T p r n eti suppans ~~~of the state and dme te the unpai-aIle! Ta TransforIllâ15100 Cases. tcnge seto wnyscn kcounty joli ch&s'ge with aliegeti witli boys or wfere ha couti flid boys, . acti lvity of Stateag Atorne.-,. ttluh1 As stated excluaively iyty e the reio es f wet-scjd3 krail. Tiha Information camne te and that whiie efforts te coianect hlm J. Dady. wbo bas establisheti a record 'weal<s aga. ail of Ibe saloon caseslare treet lontiay evening. local police. Later Chicago newa- wîtls allegeti mistiemeanors ln regard mereiy by the filing of tht. :ases, the te ha îransfarres'd rom tte coonty, The 1iad w ho waa killeti waa lienrv >boy havepthg furrmlfld, arentscounity faces outib a dean uoitas t10 ruurt. where Ibui bava beau lotigeti ni'Hulil, a Yeats of aga, teson of NMc irrpresfoedinto te city. te'bya ae hsfrfald aetiquer çlagsie sPots. iaw violations, Informîations, te thse circuit court and irIs ha& been prominent in ciiurctt andi churis officiais genera.liy were anti generai alleged inw breakings, L.etore the grand jury, wherete l- lanti Mra. Marin Hulin. lilving on the f tes, and hba iai 5idOr Of thei distrustfui o! hlm bib tis regard. as il neyer bas b haf eore. denc>' ls a te haors severe lsouthweet aide of North Chicago. i W' Stinday scisool clases e il a* 55 Ak For Further Evidenca. Features of thea court pro- aato-l spleea wif oralfd o te Teo soit..non a e tiniaxtas aser ln the Y. M. C. . subscrip- in onuaectiou wllb alleged sus- ceedîngs now. andi euch as are shal"kees n a cule! tldtc r cu itio ubro lyae campaign s ysraa 59. ilîcon tt teardtoboys ant ithltermieyte om eaturie sfor evrl ourt raîlar tia face a triai, aorthat last evening shqrtly aflar 5 o'ciock, t ,h Chicago dupatch1l: ater alaeti attenipta et biackmsil- even go 10 the supi-eme court, otte or two conylctlotme will base the anti reacbing a hickory nut trais which i "F'ranrls H. Parke. a dantistatie jng, a raquset la matie thal people art ae fotiows: saute resuit. wbl tome telieve thelIwa.e weli laden wiîh nota, thte lad as-1i iueaadatece fcidrnswoko o ntni f lhrcln On. hundred and i nnety cases marne titing wiff >tppen ln tbe Zien'cenoed te the uppermoat branches ln ukagan anti teachr of eîlofrealiegiod nowo!ginsances ! aatdr aom-('ut y raaes, tisa jl mon in the cases.ý ses ln chnches in that city, wat. municata with William J. Smith. wiote ~ageti lbepai vo ig aii- t anrding trial sudi i uttle unes tak- an effort te aitakete trea.t an Into cuttody today hy faderai will treat tbe malter confidentlaliy. a b:t'10veilmaY tt their madictua gladly. lu saaling ltaIB salidtte lad pot t cers an tha charge o! nsing the It la baiteveti iy lMr. Srnith that Elhyincas weea- BiggCmî tot>' pvor Written. tae mut-h strength luto tbe tankt, anti2 lte blackni. tera rnay hacaaes o! allegeti black- loons are. sleoge.d te have kept btha cgand tin ity o!atse sal1oth'test bis balance, antifut iegott For ore hana yer mal o rnitr tn o! boys ln tbae xy miea abos r blegest ever wlttéWln tbe Laite rou-a distance ot about thlvly teel. lu etters of hoolclng nature have rity andt iis, ite urges, If tievelopOt.e .exst w, hmeo y history or titi hiatory o! Illinois falllng the lad atrucit several heavy ioen roceived by women and chil. will itelp the rase againat Parka. James Nlchol. outh Genesece b tlsatsl>.lt intt lmae b releoerabn ien luWssskegau andi have caus- Io a Picullar One. street, ad Thouma, Ondy. ou stuCte!itqiiry atone dwarflng the Dant g round, turneti a roniplela somersault 1 north G(jouis»see- h an vlesadiadee htd ni bd ascandai ln thet own. The Parise case alpears atfitrt never itept op e n wh hande jsOhit escnda itare &go itiden nanti truck ou is teati. tSuperbntn*diit C. F. DeOWOOdY igit ta be one Of the Mot Peculialr Ou twenty-nime Mon hicgosya- OIelsentebale ta tony al H a pO. pucoslu n 9 hedqrton o j$t« e» reor, ndifth resenga îheonY la loons. Nrh hc..N~,itacGuufin, poeeitial candidate for caried te is toma, wbere te diet a afe th spcalaent t ue e - ecrdhaeiIflta e, tl rbbe etyh ae fa- istala eaatcr. wIllainbtbre trial o! fewmoments Iter, wiltil tever rm liled ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rue a pca gn ets mt n.as It uppoars 1 a i aprbb e gTe Lakm ae s cf ai- ln ig, te Zion Cil> caceill" wlicb ite laganzcnslifes Hîmoer eni wben à lutter demandînq $M00 that Parka wll ha punmed at s ii in4- *aUt Oit-hi oowty. ýaiIr apdl ingiigcncoses lt ohr tain telty wommi'lnuWaiulee- cet. I, 40essIt o.a 3' isos i bi» U "VIW aUrit t5! iich ita ty toJg steaks. ,s'.gt alai 1sMna arin Holin. faintei wben te pa sas rocilviti the dentit was are ln tours with te case. noftaeZion Cit- cases o! aleil- grapIiérs.l t a dita pac- unconscions fatarofe! er son vas b.- rretea i ls atior." Ovanheard Expoture Menace? leaai oting. aradjryilwbatitued seP..-,Ing berne lu uiponutes itottdens of is The ai-nul cama e-eoza amigbly Acidn eD .J oette- Htre l la raîtutedt ttt a chauge C ld~ tiyard, Joiasemd aiershta arrowing layrnates, andi la nov in- ne 1alion. as noling o! tise kîntiwas tntfon wbom Parkae worked untîlal iv'ne an othaer ruerta v Il .touf 't tI cctota!lt alo ie iaraee hyiin *-b. for. Voisa. ola rndiai t 1yhofn 1 She t ~tabas been onconsclots munit et Th etr- ie ak rt and aar or a year anti a balf agr, Mnr e.ugepl ceteitn ifttt>o!L c Saioon Keepra Undai Fire. o ietm ie h ciett e tictauea he r-et aatii-cttiday anti Intormedthe di tiîst iŽiaî ha ZiotiCily hbaaiings laite place bn. iegEu _. ,a oanniaa s so on and ti i imes ber lita bas been Mia.ConatiHoialan, Iteet he saetite xpoa Prte Roant sat ia ttey vIlIlia ecart let up le the loirs, tio.r),tisentitavg pleat guiltY fenet for. Hysterical, anti re!ustng Ilfa. ourit olltei, wfe t te wshe taexpse ark. Rbers sidsuit-anis coul-tif tthe ronvicîli eOsunti. liaid thaîr fi 05, se tisaI bev are t0 te comtorted. ira. I-john bas sus- el known tiuglot aI County andti Ial Iis was unnaeesaiy as ha vouiti tnue, as Voiva stands itack ofet caraouI o! the way tise naztemreo! cour-t. ashin nareS niponnu etlcag ak Ionce. whîch 'Îe titi. oeaof hissfoltoirers. accortiing te bis Wuea.taisoti seserel asena inking spells, ' lngÀon treeo, ad prminen ln ischrge areetw. ateinant, ant i mlse tem W kIan ny voenonsfraternal aoclelies. Pise The theony belti nov la tisaI Parka Ow aDavidi ,iyeas.Denain OBrien, and t i lafenreti ber teant lo affacted. ttrotigb. ieIqeiwshlioe a a alglr of Davidi Hart of te i-m oeeneandtheuta Ireal anti bas mibessevenîy-five or elghty 'par cent ofi o Niti iiPÂ4£cm 1) TeIqetwBIedoe h a !(Conrati & Hart anti a mambar o!f taI lume teli 'barateiy valteti bisaithie Conrad & Hart undenîakiiig e o! lise olti familles, chance, itlisa aiegeti. ta get Smth teo roorna Nioutiay anti a verdict o! acci- The lellai writtea leir deinantieti dngrace if posbe. dnta etfrnaalwsrtu- 300 anti sait tial lite tar tuadt Besicles Smnti. Nira .Hetis§tein la thte THOMAS GRAHAM~ CANDIDATE FOR MINORITY eti atcheti certain automobile trips' anti innocent victini. mti Just prier te Ibis inqiieeit another as piepai- atit disulge sacraIs wicb The Ibreat which is it aetaCMCA REPRESENTATIVE, T1 M RI taboti ben enti osa Charles Harnnit, e knew uniesas $300 wras paldt im i. exposa Parka, came miten It carne 10taTRTof Zion Cily, mito mas killet by a Ci-i lie name of tie laegeti chauffeur the ears o! the former dlitortaI ao&Nrhetr ri tteMd as given as connecteit i Wttheu, cage. Parka. t is as repoteti. hast beau an- îaosîreel crossing itiieta> nigbl. Titi The manies et ne otitor momen are tertaînifla boys alerte lnbis tmain, ait!ritl ii aeacietldah ten la ecipaection wit thlit casa. howed an intareet ln youatg bpYs Parka whie bai-e for twe years or whIch vas deeset Iimpi-oper, ints o!f- amade gi-at citurcit pratenieus. ailageti crime aven betng cornant at Wadgwoirth Sehool closes He vas arreslt tedhre l le bsof- theUie. 'When. FrIdate>' cr ant iipî ceb> Dpb. U . aishhWimot parkae inali>'. i laletbouSliI. dater- -'plies itae cemmon acisool aI Wadis lesi-y D ati taU..ash ialla ilo ilfa cule diaeameras he 414 ort sgw it ornftet, ye lita t h rda y l a d oa n s M na y ta C ic e o n ao neao f a u s e tso uid e n ts , o sI h u c oa cretit Bttt " -tboei Mr *itmkalln elter boutie cutlO ' saliteahe Johnsoni, wais bi-oka out nited tati omenoerMr A C a* &D .Ovrwthuitit scarlelt evar, tieselct l as SUd Folae ho oras bounul ovar wt tatife- la atct a ele clalna, being lise denl>' atjourneatianti ail the pupili rame= esalt hieh tinbavah*are entsomeiTe palen aituo i-l grand jury ln tle.smuni o!$10000 iohai-mîtvsei slt't tp arets orna. Tita pll thVit- in defanit t hlcis haola tli nllte principale anti ail Wankt e Me attait . vncuc tZo iy hsl e Cook cotinty luPak, tr. autitentliateti. The scboo.l la now HM itest1ng viiitala placet Oct 3 1411e la kuomu *or pgrke'm hli->', loseti andi vilI ha raopeneti Monday et ~ ~ ~ ~ i la M~lc alt ta-enbfr aS id ta have coma tram pbsladol- atter fumigaioni. Healtit autitorittem commisebon iie k MaL A.iot. piate0tis Ciyandtatebave a vite b o olaa nepdnk Dr. Parka Wa is sw*mi eubpioyati tae emtern City. Bomte daIm tisat h. by Dr. Robt.'. WhoaParka ltortis bitba n : .beluse boa counta , WÂt.R BUCKETB mo-mibu cruaieoteinvill is officsg, « :rM nthure. auppait h.- lai ber ' t U A O O monda>' morning, . hianiet i aenr th uleie d loxit>, andth iaIt ellewas gN eeyfrti ul ke m a n ti' ald a t ie la n d W s y t at h a b ut t hm o r a te liv a visa n P ak a o R m d o r t e P b *as goicg tael >ta put a mtop teavms reledrpracrtlldaaathmvtcs oiasBsiIto ia'hv sas rukfg Op Aoi ha tiecla-et taiese. The misole affair ha whsevas nteetifor a cime in Phila.del- by Law whlch d~an b. usei foilovOti. tisaI lie> have overboard ile sa>' taI nti O u Atorne>' Jas. G. Welch nalrasanîs Ifbh iee veroncame bei-a ha mosltintefgtbo blg h ul Park$e, but vonîti maka ne tateniant leave as napidluu ai possible, lu kitega fiulto bolai i e tl in regard le the casa.Otiters clisiethdat bh tbld tiethati ibko e tiut'l en lurgr h ae iea vite "antie achild bati lopeti mils periencati ln prosiding a subsetitut JumIfor te olti mater bueket n connt' Jslas th e lter eallged le have anotiter man andt iat heha ta adi-sho.lnmtofhe heaeq beau wirttIIt by Dr. Frauda E. Parke OM. . . ctools, lag eo! Ies ta wallen tietnd Monday aftorucon eta itIle 5amatimpossible ta gaI aIt teepniuencsayt rl 3ýa myeterlous wmStlwhornm ltaInuItodomalter ' Iteieil ad streneaearoY te dm111 police mand federai asthorittisawil 00w Md oud f huehmel at, a tehae b ln otaterlmer sisit, calleti Up Mr. Conr.ad Holimlob, Accorting ta Information titat be- syslteqetio1eblng. ottanl when about te folowiitg conversatibonlcame - o! IyPrk adaA ber eiof rpeetaIe r took pace: ioued o! citurcbas iticit le matiffeach cutysh tbad woaep «I rnM h wom&n te whom Dr. BStida> fon unkneemi>retirons, poasibi>' ulexet ib iis qutestien hase putcen tctOlbats ieaeu Petite titottoti as tihe one who would comeled witit makug fri-ende. At- mre pt h onysprne atein n t ucasm C taly o da1eill (isati museietnols-M-.Gaa bst" !Lieut o! Grndty count' obsrc c&I youu p about arrangemets 1 psy atdin oiHe Cuthast eRaas.ha c, lhml rnoir te hbn.?' t- - t s, niey th rhar -* r Gaa bso " erendedth ie Installation o! a 5-galli fouMetodnt ad.sanisi lbdrtihers et Long Laie.Oum and McHeui-y cont>' rOtIrleati- annel tank mit tatcet. Eacis a -l'Mn &il aloni lu he store, o ouMw)da nt atit S nda>' roaatloupera, ci-ackt shota antir ndI a el cen ~ ~ or creaodben sd se meabhoti, Il l aiteti heutda1.1 iib iIv'io ven lîveti, tea os ni-lashaivaili meet tient cati ha prosite iet mlau le Parsomb. al i.kiatbIii. place bea i n eaubur of te Mens candhietli 4 _Àtejocratir mnerIt>' *,th na serions op o ltterce vd~ iikn u nilt rb 1iiag tat ahiwoetId capture the nye.ilecme.rta 0lt vI rato b is distrct he, e tOs ha tiamarvea aed t # I o u s w o r n u if th e c a m e . P e h m o d @ r m e t 1 4 e , l v» l O e s u ni dS e t î N e m a I l i n p u b l i c I I e 4* i e r o u i t - * t% , o ," a i d ig e w a a n a I h e1 ti 5 l Ott c iey X t iiuth a l iu-« h s t1p ab c* WCite t h 0 f v h i it ' o r ta t h *dit. i 1 5 1 % 1 _itt e r - lik e ti A ctii i i 5 l i tI U t b u a i itus vls oas iaks on$itdOlt hTm e i . nt l cci . a e s lculali@0 1oe nd f he ino, huM edloymsai.11 1 cj ~ais11 p 'ba tI andtevpi ialh b e aii ne iittsenia;su «i ut - ,'lu' *W1111Otslmànw&F «00>vp*th eaeatv tI. 1 7,,b>oetadt ti Ibco ok os 0 *. n l-naq *baeteçr"eI; ittUa town o! LitthoLot. qor. bis u tt dý,e4 at g H un ie r ha lte second *nai r cr iu t Imak on Bondai hft.ab on, 1M u- te dia lu ltae Jane McAloler ittspital no trace o! the body>'bus bas« - a- since te cavai ebiool vas oponeti o ni anti n o tiuitut bas bo u m M V at Juiy 1. Tise station itospitaila19col thec irk o f lte court for tise &» «à tg y etco m p leteti, bol a d am an t nb ean n ien t of a m te îo i vem li tat e t b e ÏM O d_ mrnte b>' the navy departnient 10te oni-Thte tan liai gon lu the leta" 1 lapiate ltaI lintitin as 8gnnas pou- upnsi Buntia>'anti eery lun tis att t e i le se th a t lt h 1 1 e c ia r- u t ay ha n o cn h a v o t tdn t l u a b o t 1 4Ie « là I-careti fer asthle'stalien, boat vlan tenuS floatta at es 10.0 rw diaseoftite lak is. tih oisla t. ai- Army Mule Days Numbered efforts te tandian>' tricie oftbe s Tisa lime honoraiS arn>' Mul, a- v r <1' at oua" e lu * 1f i au aImportanîtfacrtnuvan e a4 vaswudragget nae thw pw ea Put, vii probably ffsoq,ui-ieutiai vitre lte liol vas fe«"Sbut,,-s te lte moden molor t-titiS EvitionO boidy vas hi-ouet toe 1eadaee.', o ! d is a c o n s ta n l> ' p o u n t gin m b tis a o g h p s i b e b a t " " *f van tiepartett renthte COnMaM&-iD bugtpsiletsItiam s Ing otticena le, tita Ibid. ,,Ipa latent hate dasaeti lheb. iolat d'al~ !C racotinmandallon lu this.ý connection Cisicago, buol badaimot beau 1ho"5 bu& jusI iean recivati trota Colonel bisfriands thia moinng-Kfl@i 3d William L. Pilciter, comrnindig lte 3 departmnent o!flte Laket, mite says: Nea. d * baiavo lte lime is nom aI ibndis mien expemenlal types o! meono .trucks sheulti ha constructeti Sud le- Cheati sUO i e s u e d f rto n eia te s ta s m îit h a v i e w tlui id - P iIa d e I e »1* ý P a * S itb2br . O x- ing a type ti t lii replace lte ified .Marlon, Ihqat>lc a an.vito uesf uewagon te lte greatest possible ex- dhnItYb "h etL"t tryimpomai epoan hlm flottisa llI*,j ti. bis vit, vise w as rane m e 34d Rt Bar Liquor Sller of Zion Cilt, vas commteti tg 1 1 R Hotel teapars librnseti te salI inlox- imurimientl hiougis the e«ffOti rka l atlng iq era ill itneafler lie bar- t hse acttos.s anti actrasess n à â. out rati froni admission ote taOtddPal- Ioma entier. Thisames lthe dacislou tise coutanry, tuxiay. for lita OrsI U f lte acaseigitgrand lotige et QuiS atace ltae tagati>on Augual 10, 10 tnti FellowsataI niainapolise, micit5dO et Wilkesuarme, maveaieti hie I$400 ai--. eti an amrnentn te the consttu'l ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ l 0II feth ot t19li.l akng tIs knomu Marlou 4d th, e Iis ffet b a vte f 19 ai. Ibtat hati ta gen e lte *ùà" ati- t. ouitihava gens vits méii* à ni. Auction BineisrtbOru, le i on Thte seasîou loi- ucieuudsalela t Nly rosi neume." Us aiSMaimi. t u- b nd san oti e b . Ib e i m e u i ini. 1. S llivan. K y ' M otit r la di- lg eut ra&rIonS tlb.act v.n ara le a anti ibvs lu ai P&r ]FY4iec arnl posilltiote marva yonr Wâl0tufutisaI lna racaveti v qrdi th t My ael wilh neatpsesandi dliqtei. W, ara beau chaigai a te M, inthoreughsl7oqa5ld t ¶Ou4flat, w rota not oIi." Yton au order frool ailetpwlting havlng avn SM a Ma.W gaaUtiiate. s1r~ SP O-U b4M lte Grat LeS Naval talion 10 sud- iloaI>'cutLer frcm bil a -reu a tho easy oft diaUnitedi letai, William Lasconi HunIer, apprantice seamin. U. S. N., tiat ahdi Jane McAliter boapbtal Suntia> aflerneen eut 3:45. troni pueuonia tuisairttlosis. fi-ouI -which te hatilitan a auffenar fer aboiut ftor meeks. Huinter mas 2l yaare o! age. Ha mas a menibai- sfMlthe inalcompai> et recruits aI lite station, enti vas aniong tise firnal mnitr te ai-rivea t ltae station, romnfg thora ln lthe aarl> part o! Jul>'. Comlng tram thsa Suen>'Seutit, hie borna baeg ln 1.1111e L'at. Tennassea, aI lthe first damît colti day. about !Onr veeka ags, ltae lad centracet pitn-' ni, mnicit desaelpad symiptôme o! t- beretloss, deatit comng Snda. e T h e n a s > ' t e p a i - l I f e n t i a s n i f i o t i tte father anti motter e o 04bluet- ai-, lte atiter halega amencb»t Iunlte claver jatannai-. vas atrounliah*d aI 'Innaîka, ll., Tuestiay afternoea at 2 - d'cock, wiitlte aid o! a tlepliona. re ameunt taken la net dolinttl' son. 'but as lte thief teoit ever>' itM - tn lthe tiiaven, itlaitheegisl ltaIthe logs miii noacit close te $400. - At 2 o'clork on Tnaatiay a wa» Ireeseti etrangor mahte t thediaStAta Bank o! Wiieatka anti vas taiki41 O>' Henry' R. Hala, tis e ablei Wito> *a-LI ion. at dia lime, vison an m1 e . tha drug atome, nazI le tise Iii an qnd statedati itMn. Halo vms-ýW x5s1,, ti on lite lsephoeaa itahestoem, .tW part>' on lte oller and tie bUlne aIW- eng he coulS net Migel is ank tW is 'hon. vas eut etfmiSai-. Thlnkng 11111e etftisa malter, 1*6 caubier veut tW lie dnug at-l., a115 ha door. vils a patent catch b~il~' atm, anti loft tae traugoai- tne SU thie bank. The man aitlita Otisir end of tb*, Ina, evideuiltWan accpapih»ofCt» ain lelip lianit.iakd Mn. Relu Jf», w osiltiho In tise isanis for & Wbi»S ÎR4, alatesi that ho woult ha laite1ese inv blai-, sand rang off. M. Ifle rturai te tibe tist d&icuvar ltae moate> iuavoir bai býeI Woened, anti avery.-5111,prcib&W bu I40 itatibeau aloten, PA i*'~ IiÔW titme he ahati«01absent, tisa S6" venket tise Patet lobok anti tie moea>' ireu. on lthe t-iad of te mail. itauti tha i-su-oui tracite. No 4w» 0e gpeo ý meu coulbtihatosaut, aMd At 1su ne ai-resta hast liait!Matie. ,' Il vas one o!the ammilt eitsSikej acuteti COUPa ove? mttaltrPlu bSe vilnily, thomon ioaing àutil" Wl -ý the hanis vas comparativMelir ualx4C Sestoluers fte hé isaver. Report Priater Irow»,@ Reporta; from Tvta Lakea uq'sF day eveuing ver. IDth 111 iff5t tbMh4,> a man Suppose« tb ha a ClIiCmW