IN TUE COUNTRY Elght I<owiti Time oft Yeai te Gather Wlnter supply of Hickory Nuts. Dry BeSmon Oaused Nuts ta Loosmn frai» Bhuckz, not Waiting for Prost. Wante and Butternuta arei ,lm oPIuitIftln» Certain Nearby Sections. The Latter Two KjndL% How- eirér, Must be Put .&way to Dry 'for Shucking. ' (Frein Weiuesday's SUN.) Nuits et ai)his are pentitul tiIs Year and a large tuimb.r et tannera upon suhose land tuer. are trees grom- Iug are mlhhIg te give amay a large nuimber ot tu, nuts. The cmep et nuitsi Ibis year fa s recemd-bmeakem. Stuailhickory nuts ltai menti bave beau priaci hat 'euaieardiscardeti by sot gptierera hia Yeax. Wainuita, bld- ory auts sud buttai-nuts are the. mont pentful ahougb tiere la a largef the hazenunta. Ou.eofthte1 pecullar tbiugs about the. hickory unuits tbis rear la liaItue "abuiols' coin.t 99 no galli'. Tie puerai ruile la that I iim 'hudbs'VM o nt erne ONfunthi star a frýoI but tha year tiiey adI T1he mainut sud the. huttemutnui 'bt AM araathereti nov are talon mtb 215 obuscia ou sud caimel b. sinckedti mithop a.iarge maiounlot trouble sô fiel14»ay put them amay tu dry. As % Xfis the hutternuts aim net ieutifui te la 11terrItory but' lita yerthlb. IRisesare overlomieti. Nearli' everyt beKy lu tomu is pmdcofutbis staliiet blm*adm»asthe remut cf sincinn the . VlatU anti buttamnuta.c TWPIAD0Od UIUD N W3t4 5110ETOI> à "q Mohrs, Pi ièreUo s itu.-am P, mi bas mkUd chries fi#t a l IOeO' lgc m e M-rom ftMday'a SUN) r The. cri "aidcg rang threugh fie treeUfth t e dtY ou the met aide tmlct iodai-, atrilg terrer te fi lie naohii of-s et n ialctdmen. sbound tb.Y fandliedMighil b. lu the. pau et tii. earagei besta, sud plcturei lu ther MInistbe terrible sirsuages antiP horrible diaths et those btten byi-thesi AusXg<a ala kuemu, oui'eu prsnb mas blttauï by oltiierdog tOe ', cha 0".tintu Charl.Stelnkamp, a grec- M7 oinsu e matWashugton street Jlie mstadisg ufar mic store tW@ Merning, suhen a dog turulng the cora uer fadteneti lis t..t in lu ilohg, ilu-I flltiug a bai vouni.0 The dog behenged ta Jacob Nuts, a t gariener esdiug meSt cf the diy, antil aPparently mas &ah i rgh mhen lhe deg v-tIi bis uuastem lafiboni.. Arriving Ou the streets, the ieg suideuli' baga»n te sot stranKehy, btina anti snapplngP & tv-las Of buls., atidigglug up the e grounulvltii bis Isus. f - 40er bltng Otemip. the dog bli *iioter ido& mhlch raù eut atter ite sud the polio, have erderedthIe dog te b. -ied UP anti mtciii. The, Po- e hc, have lIsanedors chat everi' degt "Weint aigus of railes..1 mii e shot on sgimi About 1 oeclock thus aflernoon theE 4reai ocry agxn anugmuiot on Waah- WXglon tr$et, and Ibis tiMue a lre jb" Vlebird mmi, mth a lhcl bea us '4bwou coping up ties tueet. A rush y j t oierÇ for theim chiliren. a fem Wildcries, and lb. dot mas passeti, ýbw ma«-u»WiAssstant Chier Tyrreil be gatl sud atie sa85vthe dog 1 la ~ -~ in i osr ethle $Pread Of rab. tueoattle on a ent $w alouthe. of ïroad1way, ina fdt or »14 a4M.ut te Lots *, t. 6 and 6uln k l lnluC. r8ak Wrgb4 Addition te Ubôrtyvilleë, lii- ngesaocordiug te thie plat thereofr..» corded lu Book C. ar plats pages 46 aud 67: Beit ordaiueti by the, Preuident sand BOard-ot Trusts«.fet iVillage of iLhhertYylle lu the. Coanty of bLte and state o01Ilituola; Bection 1. That a contrats cernent sldewaik b. and la iiéreby, 4rdered cou, struoteti luthe.saitd village ci Lhbevty- ville IDi, Upon d along the noath aide Of Broadway ln front of lAts 8, 4, 5 snd 6 lu Block il lu C. Wrauk Wrighit% Addition te 1the Village -of Libertyville, accordiug to -the. plat thereef recrdOtinluBock C. of Plats. On pagea 66 and $7, s»li aldeaul shahI b. couatructetiand laid cf con- rrete witb cluder or Fa#ul feundation accerlu* to the fellowiug ipmcuca- tiens, directiona and provisions, name ly: A euh or eartb tondationoti)l te madeI-, grading aud filflg se as tc. brlug the, saine ta the.graie berelu- after speeillei. whieb.founiatien sual lie flve teet sud,the muid, line or edge thereef $hall te distant six in- ches trom the. lot, lots or pête.a of land upon wblbie ii ievh touches, or êbts snd =ab:=', a~l tberewlth. The Imer aund cuter eaUlgj ot sald foumiatlon, te lie paraliel. Bait taudation shaI bc graed andi Med as aforesald no tliat the ,saune ah baye a unitorin deptb et twlvesd on@ hait biches beosu the.grade of ti surface of the. IIulahe sdelalk. Thia ont or earth tougdation -wbere- ever necSmari- muet be consaltdated by vebbing and rsmmng so as te give proper stabultty, sort and spcngy places net affording a fdm1 toundatlon, muet b. iug eut and iOued vlth dem, bolier ciudera or dlean gravel antýwijmi èompscted se that subenssiad tounda tien saah be wet snd properly r"'s- me& , eas te furnlab à ftrm topma- tien. the, aine shaihbave tih.grade Aforesaîd. Oyer aud above tht. entime outi toundation, tiiere shahl be spread snd laid a betiof t ean boller cinders or dlean greaielwblcb shah constitute the cinder or grave] toundation for Bald watk. fald cinder or gravel, foundation shah l e ef uniterin deptb eut elght luches. Said cluder or grave) foondatIon shah)lite tbemougbiy pud- dled wltb mater sud compacted aud leveied by ramming miiiL proper raM- tuera as atOmeMai, se tbatt tifret layer of concret. merk te b. laid on the saie as bereluabeve pmovIded, Mhail bav, a clesn andi unIterm, tblck- riem ef three and eue-hait Inciieo. On tus clier or gravel toundatian Lb.esahb.i b spread a layer ot cou- craeefour feet wide. se 1ha1t the cen- ter line tiereet ebai b the samne as Lh. conter lin.etofsalti clnder teunda- tion sud sbali b. e teuuotmucted the.t tb. luSidelin, Or edgetofsatd cou- trete miien completed shah h. etaI disatance eton, toot tromtheti.nearset lot line on wblch saiti siewalkabuta ad sbail b.paraiiel tberewltb, the Juer aud enter etigez et sald sldewaik te be parailel, whlcb layer o 0f ce hail b. as bereluabove provideti et th. unitorun tiickness oft tiree and oimehait luches. UWaId OÇe sb.Aimaithave said tIi- mess slter tberoughly rammeti over tas wmlsurface. fli concrete wqrk uballbeniai. bY tliorongbly lncorporstiug lu a dry *tOe sport coulsut eq»Juai uqeai- yr snd efliciency le the.test Portlsad ceeet, tmo parts dan Torpe muind Mi fies parts of deau cruabeti grave. Wlb gravel shan ceutain notiosa more than one-Inch luauay dlimenonm. whe b 1.11 be se adici that vbeu il in rammneti laplace, la lthemaner ifoseaid. a fIim o leJtai.SWha> p suar an top. UPeRansd over sad concret. shah be. laid a top drossig or ftWg«lu ay1er tounr feet vide. which shall iieu Iiue ib.euoe Iloc n thilieea"m &hall te cemupouet of Imo, parts of Caint, e<ul luqualty sand eMileuq te the, beut Portland cernent snd bre. paru ts odcea Terpedo sent, whieh shalh bc mIite liteeproper ostltusmSr, W"tim ater, anud shirea a-Muotiy bef are said firet layer bas @et, anmd thorougbiy trovled ou te a jucethet i nlabd srfae. AIu i and ye uufl upon id vsik shaU bee fre UsadOt d andi saY forelga matter ubaves a &bail b. kept -tioroughly dry untIt The. sections of sai sidewalk t. mween cross malks sand alleys shail b. divided Imie blocksa unifra lu aise sand as uear lIv feét lu ieugth au possible, Laid sections or blocks te b, separat- ed fromu'each other biy atraigbt per. Peudîcular sesi n d shall b.e gocou- atructed that ne portion etftth. cernet or concret. or tiie top finula uauy block shahlu inauy manuer atihere te auy adjacent bleck or section. AnY Part ef sai sitiemalk vhlch ghall iutersect a drlveway or carri- age entrance et any lot, tract or par- cel et landitoucbing upon the, line ot sali sualk shail b. cauatructeda Rhove, excePt lb. thlcknas ot the firt laYer of concret. for the, vldtm of sald irlveway shaîl b. uniforni ilckuess et four sud oee aItlu ches. T'he thlckuess et sald i nlshlug or top layer shaîl b. eue Inch thiroughout, Mhlcb fiulsiig layer saîal lie goved for the, fÙihi mdtiiof t nidirIvema-, >r entrance mith linsatour luches spart and oue fourth ef an Inch dep, Pamallel witb ,ach otiier and with the. edges et said sîdewalk- Aiid provliei furtiier on esnb aide et nild finiabed walk ai mach divmmy. or eutrme and for the, entime midîittiiereof, and extending elgiiteeu luciies luto the taine. a projection or ! crfu- crete et layers made as atomegad, the, thlCIuestoet tre rt or biioum layer te bf our aud eue-hait luches anti top layer te taeuoe Ic, shah b, cou- strucied l uetchmanger chat sali fauge shall slepe untformlytr i . edge et ssii aide mal nast eI dowu te the surtace of sl rv-a' bihlciicecrete shah bc laid ounaCie- der or gravel foundation mad. as storeI ssld, aud miiici toundatlen&alal b. <liait bd. secont Ibo gNM tie , gdae hon St Ii, ilaaLanasdi am" "Mo sai 8lieimi Il m"dlie top line, ashah, mien comphetée fllovs: Ccrnmeuolag ai a- point lau4to .Met ln.s et Second St. 11 $calsotm f et h nertb lin.etofBsoaimau- sud-eltly- iii andeiqu.entsi ts batvél. ilg- lage datqu, ruata limýo a-ceehIr> lu a shrnat lin. to s point in -tue ash hueo'Pronuoid i OgUhe- t f Lot 1,- blol ilator.sadt mhieb mpoint ta t fon out ofiai"idues-lblinot Broadway- Mid 84.27 fiel ahove msld village dtaandti rouis fd lnim lino or aigo0*sai w1all ai0s e e -rliei. tlb.%msure or ast u aàed mal shall alope uinIfOrS-ly tamaris Lii, conter ef nid Broadmrai; - mil a fa oatIe ue-of su Inch for mcii riolt la- wmi4h'o i et sale) Val4<bye muttae- aan-lied lshoe up.mhuwde Pront the piseé-fVniège dislnmas U' t.alhished hiOtlace No. 103 ef @id illae 4asaeti Jamari- & 1,M.5- Tii. iaIis -sud Sotructon cf %aid mail shanho maunes- lie super- -visu AIthe Preslds of the slI LIhaiotUertyville and suihjecft to. bis apptvaL. ge«iou e. Phat lb.eoMuer or oms-l Met âf 4i loIs or ParcehaaofhUnid *00ehlng apon tiielina of sli pro- ialdsdestalar e nbyrequireul ta construct sncb siiega in lbita 'f their respective lots or pancehe or SIaL andti heaeby releve lhesui rirou the.specialtam as -lerelu pro- vietie leviedt tereon for the. con- itruitios oftMWsali elulemaihvtbhl 'ho apaceetfIhirti dam *sitar Mmi liallng et notice lii'tue village clerl iitlrpusd le the eprt3'- or parti"svb eaid the hst assenailames-onast los e a-ceWo f land, mhich uallc lie b nluthe. nos ofe i.Vilage ct UAbertiviI. eby ssii cierk sud un- der tue corporata iet sfsiivihlage. Section 3. That senutaci cf sSi *mPriemeut as chnnet b. mie hi - beo 0v-netvthin holimea folesal 411ailhb.maie hy »M i llage hi' an- teflug luto coulrsct for tue *ftiaiis- -lau cf sali siemOilandtheb. miel '15s Ibereof le b. pali for hi spectl litxation on the lot. hots or pacolscf andi coutiguouis lc and touching upçut the lin.etfse much cf th. propoee" siiemalk as nsialie. bliht hi' sli vil- lage hi' levylug the viole cashtiieéreof uiPon sali lot, lots or parcels 0f hua 'a proportion te themrese aiv tmuniage upen sii pmoosd sidemahk. Section 4. Tie bih) of the. coolof se muchoet nid sideWa]k as shal] b. blt b>' sai village shcvlug the. caSI fit the construction sud supervision tioreof s&hlh. ma"sd y hile sali Prevideut ot lb. sai Village oet UboripYllie, -togetiier vith lie hist «,', the lots or pa-cehs et lai" tdelig upon' tue Iue eof sal 3demait. the respective troeiagee lhèr.qf andt lméunes of lie partie@ v-ho psu hMe at'genersh taxes on lb. repcIve lot cor-peraleoftenda lui =hfePomif lie c-mien of a» li, bledbitr-tor paiili of ilad bas fale., eglectetior ne6se4 te cou. sIud- suce sie*alhi»lu acondacoe miti tie provisions oftchic erdnmnce *sii President of sali'-village er Ub- etyviBle chahproceffl te prepare a sPeCW ltam netat ginOt m sli lIots. biccl, trasts or parcels of la" nti km of 0<or ioucbîug upon mWbci sud sideval boas net beaucoustincflei h sal omners. sscertaiulng by compote- lien the. amouat ofthle apedlal tam te b.e charte geti gut awor cfssiilofe, bleds4, tracts or gsi-cela of land, on1 ccount of th. construction eofsaI val, Sooodnlg to the rai e iai hi t>a levi'ofets peciai tam hi hum oriluancp, to-it: aceaudlng ho the taIge et each lot, upou ssii Broati- ma, vhlèh special tax shalihob. fei la the. office of the. Poudenhofithie SAli Village cf Uhertyvilie, "ui ima la'oidentote Ra sii vilagaetf Ulas-- tp-vile"al htiereupcn ucse asmar-9 ranI directeulte tb. vllage collehr1 of the. cai Villagmfor L fytli for theii. tectieutOf thé rnua appearlug froi sali specia te bo due froua the rao-lell bicts trats or pou-c ol t ud > 4h 'nt upon lii.limetcfsai-slésmaika aud theé aii cfolctr sihvueeite 0041.01 nid -anunt bh iuving notice lu wmnlg hi' mailng the. suate th* oddnessoet hie payti o m ie j tedlentuaI aessra tam on lhe respective Ioto, blocks, laacts or permism cf land lu sIi l, that MWiitai Set la lu tii. bauds of sald i lcer u-coollenansd9 ahi aoneysam colei hi' ssii oflIcr1 shanho h. hislialueiately gld evea- 1 lime iresaurer cf sakiivillage. section S. Ilusomfitheo fllure tu cohiect sai ageolal- lasInisthe monasu aftusl&. sali 'sillae collecter et1 s-hi vHl t hh oenor before tlia&i tiai of APuI, 191t malte repent ou nid ope"ialtai la vlhMOS th sCh aeaersal cer o!rlthe ceenrli tlaIe as maa h. autbonlsi W humte 9»17 for juigmn tageind, ei ml IMMsi for taies due, ce tyo ti nIl, cf aon tb. ola-er psrceh of Ilad ape-m bW laild spectal t«m hhall, %. basa n» unpshd, itim h a ms.e t tbcf ir rapt gecflve cv-nurs ier" o f erine ta»e saffe are luovu te sué du9er,.aMi lie eumbont due-and i upli >upox M tract loge ior lha co t lie os- uinace ades-Sa lthe Ceutrection oet sai uievaM h iebmi reoratoshalI le mcompaulid by lie ogli t t i»opicor chatIbs nfe-tIla sa corrc ieiO Mna ir li hos or parcel and on,-aIç the 1 spca ilevied y *bLahoIétty- 1 tivheethe oUlbestyvIUsf«o 1 u specgfle ,romains de.s ad saalsa chat the amoults thoreen tU lla , due iu& umpal, bave mot beuaê5c eti or «Y part therieet. -section S. Ailo et .puncealuo henenud e telb.ocetreton 01aM 1 sideval spod thlie e cem speial tam #bonho btaluCewulaaihp uni lualthe uaner p b$cni 1 pravision&s-cf au A -Of tt ems Asseau'ofethle la.ofr lale esideut Sep $ Up.99, »1.1 Bcou.e h Ngyflwe 1uus ethe naval tai- ialiMi- as aives Ia. te muid le- dl<Nte eaffec t iaI ti.y iaiy * e êe remeai'. be #W4e. - a ~Uen e th "t am. cool. sn< dosihieher race boing tii. baaf la C~u4onM. sud te avi pra* lt9 meeucoeyagailu toegueru 'l'h s âO a a ater cftact, Ibeme la nElito elb. dvantage e fotr&e 4g m lrlam tc b.s gaineet athei naval QbO&.1rmiiestuere are ne gev- »YMore thm athere nom<el*~~emas> oser(rmitop tc tm"£* foglm Opleaseul the 'u1k ÎW 'b-eý<pa liii masàanaval . r-1. . 13.- , ~iretsanga et. ,&eiyi'dePart- proviing tAN eoNowuwU» wimtu O snttun a thOilinilInvesti- the m-saterji e -e- yoteun luthe. vil - h 1>5 li altue lu lie la«get0f hbartrville, inois, bi' ail mI ljmmm e'- govmerunts. persans omlulag propemty or having çhuraetofproperti- vhlch là nov-or lusp 't4ha -rouait1et b. a-OUtmay bereafter be Indludedti u a semer pOn5 l< I*ii l ab, me-nthe - district;» «ie th thesim Ui nsvy on th@Be It ordalaei hi' the Presiient ani mma ot belag jiali pea ofarêem rdn Of Trusees 01 tii. Village ef Lhbert-vhlle, TAle Counti'. linos; litais -Section i. Tbst &Il pornsonnm fles lnestletlesWin go te the Property lu lie Village of Lib.rtyvllh,, Thes pin11e0*sanapJup A vIch le fldditiiluor may b. <raj Vmmçusder tii i'ugboetter Inudilansu semer,'dis. ttr» PauM d« th yongtr-iot eretotas'. or ieretter ezeatoti hi Xm>Uan-t t&ý»re uve Shi- tp odicucé ofthéiiVillage otft-lb- dl e,&-StiIa tQ«Iuci-, Mang, erlYvuie, mbich, M id property &aut# hoe la l» ch-a i mth seling govea-i- omb .iit<ii evarstem cf sali 11-navlillage alali jnueiatehi' cunect &Tl nI mtvl secrts. - ouse draixs,0mas pools or reevoira SUp5ummt hh$toralt ples have jute vblei a sinIr. ataie. or mater1 !144 amoa 15e bUâllihpasMd del flla dtinsieuor s» haorilon of tv ltati U bmsten__ eedproperty containins Impure or tun-1 prpryceut.lnlmgImipure etfuni-1 mlch bun etluOthe has ix tari' drainage wlthb lbe mld sMai7 ushia t»t a feelhlm veroing on sewer sistem, pu-viiet. bomrev.r. nothi irai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c0 O leof*cib'iii avl)i eene tsi s t-M oë»Ild. matari totl..Wlea imesrgt cf thei&. all l tb ssiisautari sew»r- uMg trg*p a le te sl hob.ste;si4uacuetlm ia M-eted cias4L9..s aysfu-fsDowi h'maela". eo -Altime ar, -»Jetn , estan foeiemo.,dluaiic o u grlpn laraf ter Anu eLl leicu2. 1Mlia t 'hemosiia ' tlie 'ne~ '»'lebellve te b. chai-pe orproperti-Imrea "abvoiefi anliclelt nmmeo te attIactthie edti teor <*nlsmgpraperti' herolu- 0"~ Att*ntiuu. of biai licials. abovre reterreul ta *bu saoliail te1 Diapatchea ludai tram Quinxcy. cesupIYi-mth this crdiuace mthin 60 WO th amu draetem w dais Bfana the. date-p«tch, passage and lre ti. barc 0 dagitmumspublication cf li ordnlacscord- .eaet theér aj l i cvctomi latInlg te haw sabi Oeullu s sum et c Soverumut.i l alaea-t te the net les. han -$10 anti uot more -tha i Muhbittles eOf pIrIWIqg A uystasiat- <10000. Plotte otalaOvenmon navl-se ELP. SCHNAU9BIUProsient plo teOb5if Ornu5ist Dva-s £"BIL H. CORLUTT. CIel. « th là Msaumncet liA Irgîi Pami, Sept. 1M. 1911. ,obo o! the. t imli b. Coutinu"etiAprod sept. -26,1911. il meel sng a apeclalrepreseutp- Puuliobeul, Sept 29, 1911. 'aet th ii svy ippartiseut mili g90CIN AE Q CUmlCi te tblks.- charge et th. ln- lvig CTIOm uN IL slia Tb*. suspect e, -beu reloeeDOsecoendu 11Us th ofaslci au abm iia» oft cemert,' on Wainedai', Octeb le , glicalli h.o ~i orcvrwig- r. rî gand sudasatU Aýw ahanasthat he Hr=old otiO Llui-1, sather doyen. titiet lta ~*àSIla mitit ;e fhofl; jliten covSeeteasy r(ek tu, inipttable *Mad cir» ~~~#ol~~~~ Mli eps uicel~ îinalsîpuMing ulea; 1 i-va; 1 = A at #W >t lti4.t5 naval a s n renvei 1 kitceu table ani __j Soeu-1bai' togUi more«; - $h iouslblltl otfn ih oml W; -200 licronaîb,-ei 4« iaiu 1aI!msdelalltf ol hi'mnoYUWb Rock011 ObnU, cii dn 'Il le al ul Il", fu- a naval t1ev, 1 nunaiiâutý, 1 sulky po, Il mail., Dur tu iapu* serv n aplw, 1 C" i e, t1la ver han-cg. 10- a- ac. db- , uW pla s doeu 1=uesti1eatie 1 ter. t 1se «81 1 Iun~r,1 p in aite *tv.#ýtus savant aieslmcer1iba-reeI esihatnm irmeflimm ete prlvgle sud c*M- =doubl iu-e 'l'esrbu4gybur- Id *atta." be slitas .expesas harasa, ii5i'fott _____________ sd nopa, 1 extension laitir, 1 ha> - lam nioher Articles tou aeo 100".4*db : "rpkoAm te mention.- ?ismoe*s~>idieiAu.Ie , -Unu l lrais ne sle. - t a Oai f st> M&au-P. C. 1.JPIARD,Pr 1 ~. ~j ~ e-é~a< GOmm Volt- nollimeerA. ~PizcaChn. , i- Th, e bol un . 1. i us Mo au dr b an e or lm iv tii bou Io 9 14W1 It fioag let4ewr v wnolved hi De. W mmt*ucclqdet lime lAe xutr Tvomfo" btittit: - - hicgo.lh~ B xi.. .1. xr- Bau Dr. ahro:-b e outJvq Omulten of le-ID ilu Iste As oialp fo, ti the vrr eeù acu et T b sicuhegis At sM ee«tIng et lie cltp C 1~ t.dam, tomkuudu'va»ry cae»w qoswieatiom tlI me p bssa aid of voet f bIAke CeunI- '1uberculomslr %atinSe s wde, WMlMOss lachr amelcf wu atb-lusbjagdone. tu bostatof the Laite oui 'tuber. cimloéi ulue ,th.bta eAssociation quis oua *l- DpulicstIlarge o i" -ai uhreisty fimneial uppoil tote laies, Çquly Tuborculcela Institut. lIai'U wSf mokam b. extndeti, sumd V» e U4ý4 Amseltmm yu l -cu a1-enevs'imsyO&sable te a&YSc î6i ite cfthe LaIte Count' Tub. liuoertiy yours, W. A. Eva&na, M. D3. Preient. james Ml»inIIExécultive Secly. ;.a tle ^#Mo Movements, The. moeanrentof airlr a veomgI deulgntod, secoiding te ls veioclli susaeh .brase, piai, gale Or bue [rick-& AÀdansé or th" ogte"coé tal; lu thi e aches-busesu, obsenia objecta nt a dlstanceorf1M fatst, * pa"s CitYsvelels VaX, vaI..dkSein arsout its vm- bidie laS Pur afel npf saun" ta A ceeemr, Who leaâlpmed Ir colleçt nu"«el.tnomcf his coaîtraci, A e-u sMooalingte shont $Mtufo *eh autonohule, plus about$4.08 ai- Ira for esai set the car contaIs,. Prftticahy ail the.machines are k4pi for OWeiy an sd Park drlviug. ^m Dsscelptlar. of millet. Ti.he sbipi John Poster chus de- icrifl a sblue: "He. cees religion, bât mua aspiierebut nu 4 line, andi in t a fIne lau wem l fl lvg. Ste lu hie asm ernbIi " W« "k-separigit fou-ari, but notllug te lii. nigt or .1et -ne mouhild Mineive a teslou of augels or devils aI - a distance eg tes yarda s eobe ulue or- b. h- tm , çaasiqa taf p, e sati osai Itrusai . gwom lter, etu , Ws dat'-MW00. W b»ob -bi I0 osae ir f ronst the wesierl lnpV'wmduO erhY i te iiienaut, waiey s of -Lot O.e la miDta l.s Oot tmor, . fl4àlt cetlifeti iepY e wiiicii la ailler te, ite 0( la tb. 000,f e045n ie ty Court et 14:s Oously, hiuels, < teinber tb, 1-Il, andcX«dltlI W. ali Court .as Ulertysille Speclai Asesa- ami No. 7. - ow<,p"ein- e mater Pions te br lvrjsed. -u pt lu ccegi4o te, paasMd OeecfcatIOumnov ou me» et Local Impro*»imetsor st.tIi.o oI. et -Paul MlcQnffin, attorney, L.A dp. Couaty NatilcUsJ Bald&liL bet-' viie, Minias. Proposais umuet 1te iai. ont upos bisuka turi*Ishe t the. abceui place san b dmsd ta the in t - dent efthl.e rd ut LooahIpror.- aeuu ali vsituae.entiemd . Proê, Posaisfer Water Systoum,"" db.. sccompaaied hi cash or a csutlfed 'lied payable to the orltei et the- rrese othe Bii outiet Loc lmli- prevemeneton seune respuie. bank fer an amOua $equoi to loi Percem etftthe agregate proposa. Bide vii be openedti he ii.Bori or Local Iproemeuts lu op"n mg- sien et 8 =cl kP. M., Octoler 151h, ,11. lu a mid village bail, la »Wid Vil la"e et UAbetysife, Ltse coti, . Contractors wmlib. pali hy special- ssaum t Mwarrants. Payable out of lberlyvtlo sit *somment Ne V toafirinetiSeMmbhier 811hb. 1911 *0 r.ame betag payable lu 'oe ut ali meut. Tii. Boari et Local Improeeimua reers«te hnuitte nejeet adi andr à Il bide an tihe ard i"isei cou aàesqr inrmse idit i i Iive 111eladisidjual naine et tifs, im- bers coMuloslug the. compauy 0r I with thelr re«Pective .ddresass S *eil as the. âame Sau4 ureau of the. R. P.' BCHNAEDEMU Preaident of tii Board et Local lm,- proveuseuis. c-1-2 Pteposaia fer Local iesreamaM. Seaiet proposaisviii be recsv*d by lb. Boardiet local hmprovemltaet the. villageetflhiisoYvile, L"d Coun- fi', hIna,Ountil S o'clock P. 'M. ou October 10th, A. D. 191t, ai ti. Vil- lage Hall lu vld village oetLUberty- vill, for the. construetIon of lthé fol- IYmlsg improvornents au a iioe toswit: A conecteti syatom f et -crs, vlth flushies, maubales andi bouse counea- tien aient* te b. cousrutetI luTbrd st., tra the. ntereeoou 0<orle cntet line of Thini St., predwced ureihi.ny byithee cewter lin.eo.Otevsd $L, sied '.lr bsc T 18S..edstne~ pamsetisimdap pmeove w Truotssf th11e Villon é f Ubetiçbl be. A, . 19111,. a certlled ccpi or mich in attachei te fie -petiticu et sai village of Liberty-ville te levy sn aosessunent for naid luinpreiet f ledi lu the. Ofice et tii cltriTettk-oeun- ty court of 145kme unIr. linaçlý, sep- tember 6111. 1911, anti docketeti la sai Court asu lb.rtYvllh. ipeclaAséesa- pneetNe. 6. Bld systein of gemer PlIea to b. f urniaheti huWtpot lu scooydlma ho1 plans anti specificaticua neo ouIn* là cooff th ftiirednt cf h11.-bad A ofIcl m pro eunents or aithlIe 01 Conty Ntps 5kBsUet. ville, finois. Propoaismntl b. maie'-cott upfta blaukslS uurelet ahthe abosg pep 1 Place sud b. a4ressed ta thé 0'>l dout cf th*eBoarn of local.lmpyîwte1 mneofa id ,Ilhags, sadoraitidPé1 Posis for Sew6ér fystea," 1tib amccipomnlei h cSh or a 1îiOi cbeck payable thlb.or-ten of t li Presitient e« te- Board etf-àtuoU ,-; veo .iunts ouane pliïWbb<n a anou)ut .quahl t- lin pet cent pi DIhe agrha e prposa of LoaMIlm trve etsa 'e8saW clon,0 a S olock 2.-I, cher t 01 19.114 luandvla.h~,l aIVI If 09Libertrvlle, Lak mCenI contiactors MI»bpuli by OP"oa - tieuMt vnins ut e =WdSepteaber. 13M, 19.1, th* carne belug payable la U utait- ment. - ,1 Tbardof Local Iusprovmuais reserve ch. jubt ta rejsea"au ait- bide ltbma ëd mayeloot. ,» companies. or firmea hIig. w,4l mailas ne ti use * itMWaddt%ço cf hii1 Of . SiINABULU. Uieesaeah t=t IMI: rigihe 6~> 9111 mI doils SsiS-tt emir pipes- toa fil a s~ i la se sd u d e S wi Se n pa«1 eiboc als tb effeti B tie onL llace sud 1f iisg u. m'aol 55~ îaffeyl1<o Ulà - -"weuig l4ellon l- T0090 or udMe Lent m » esupi ahi a1mable 0 ba mareret Componl.s responiie.-ji 511h se t 1. man tu , p ar i- uelse l. P. .S iNaEBUL0, PrSid wt et tise B i tf ocl ai or loc- semenla. -eI-I". Prepselaha1r ea ievosu169 uim vlhacts e be-vOUe.bale eeu UOdtae 0h ,B 9.1 tleV laoe Hallne ihs fUet- vill borngi posrcl,«f lie l 1ellubsemuts M a "ol tiluiS l toad o mtr fut e e'-t» Lt. trou th*e laterdct-yuetleL t lualus thene tien- av . i ouR c . P LrmA»L&S.* praie I f ?At Sa- flb.f V«i lan. 0f l4eet le ui Cmiy. i.2 sso i é vlseof Ibrei-vl. tL a 55 Octoeaasntfer mL D. uiwoveut *leij la lu Oiee pfflVie hf l th us hyll ointcftaI Cetp los Of t Suai- Salylewes steex ttp»Vers1wu plana- ap .hm m*$ "eO I4vlhaSt, gldofed rs-r by t oomli M» fyatem,d" SiMd ascompsulbe o n a cime U» 4M m i*pyhl qI.rer tl 4W 4, elo t e Ucr4 fIsl ~ a s muuI 4-ensi «- e sig ag Ui elite .»ceof thecli* Ofieà»erMul 1911,r la<ad b*oii Cor sce i) iy pe Mseent &, 5 A40 ph ffl Ioas loa la, me nteo M* 11 qtBi e çtovaamuts. je 4 ,Z * Thme hie roi HOOI maen, va oeudnnm( The ment Agent trom N Whil tuiiy a appea. Ruby 1 Miez cnes iiy. neot lu ment c it la k te hes tions meus let 0& tthe agents b Bluff, amr teernMay la belier au Impor Few a iag, aine Mms. We las auy saspurel *ho ta n- rate 'su! toi-Leau lederal The. g couliden a jail a tors.seu Pai-ke roonis a this clt3 tii. tact biouday Parkt andIa v-ith i le 4t a4 bav* àbout i Iugten Smith., Ing $P 1t 15 this 1et Smiith, csted tien.1 Satith'f g«t eV. reveng P lll novere -- 1909,1 late* i >cape tell ho It lu onastt ~ it