Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Sep 1911, p. 4

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ECOUI'(1 'USNtT ~~~~t15 eklprO PI< O Y EAW 'r tNIO1<Lt-IP4 AOVANIE ............. . -- ............................ ..~..... City £ditor FRIDAY. sFERIBER 29, 1911. The patrm nteeta'st o e lb. Qsgr lnuithir constitudutl, auman- tfo thd , 11*tr"lit(Mi of f e vàottebIeaid fiuWer mod., dosea ot meqm te bu bruly Aptrciated bi 'tii VÏW*ctbW' Amuqition of rnerica. wtloh boajtamt heu ld im nual s"Salon t Boston- gleunge te aay, the preidefit of 11<1. ln"u*tlitaorganlzatloit ' lahie pro- *m gi.of woric for theYsear, waa 80 iungrateitilai e toInluta emipaign for Meli*înuof esoe.d distributi on by CongrcSSIiSf, and the lM0 of the mai. pioily for agrelulral darelomêfit. 'l'ha bondifMu arouuid yearly of 40,00000Packota Of freeti.abeau nIbte of thei oet efficient and economical mothods of building politIcal foncte ever devis«d by our Indu.trloues slons. The. uceipt of auch a packet gWem the constituenit nt meoley the saNme "fnl ofeflmure that comas from aà mention of liii nguii0 ln tf*ei oum nt.- r tj ~.r.balh dde the feeling that your rapt*" latVt la rlgt en * ljob and lo, e1ndalrte advaiica your Intoreste As *a prOport)iowirnesoMd ligen. te uiuci fr-om the. politcien* Viewpolnt. fDut le.tam payer lias alwayo bedo strangiy obtuae te the advantages, acqulr-cd by tihal"I million It cotte te ippare and dtitirIte thema mcda- A secd of a umful plant ha. béen jruly called matros jeweJ,çoskt. ln tse .11.0' hOSr-te l ck4d a pote'icy ef41C . I'the. mlro.etpibd iI*te eb. twa.n 4agoed and a poor smad D110.tig d bOfO t pi f gokuuel ml oat Mud poverty. If thia govemmnoit.liggl# Ut 6à,tl tld Ia fafl Sta»r-n the advontalle etweill a.lcted seotîe o>'IUdb. w.IUoOL. Mauthteimon Who are ctilig t' ~ <ln Stltetthe thoies 4f e..d, dont Probbly Ptt hirn imfbmàr m l r l- eyfflmiito r 5gjtloay eily tiieW N têi es* a5ipWd l" ie, W5 dip h ramr 4 *îÉàà m *4 uh iet nwii ât às *Par os* I nlo Md th a le we mcgdas hle tIrs equIsthe ti.Pb ~*Or#et *bhi id. ai Utd berneanad higIt emosi ............r. llytewtraie Y mt Jeudgs*roeouap bheM mu awnwIphllomephy of I mà' et I 1dm,blut 0.tally bha U l. la os lao frFMI, r, uiiuood' lasiihodhiebrmatoploi a àPrivae 14*1111 làjew or»Mpipetrui6lq wil thti t la t htt th.y have r *8~#«ý qî~5~f <jeieuhue-. dsw#.f s'ey as tge tomse, ani m*l ha looks for n9 ýw relie ro« routtt»hie amn .Z z .thé ti.wfo p6 er. foi ~Iat mm os ti.bary h eae The uwut4l.'Sivhlui.a et ielug given mo*e 5h ie *hm .1IP1èý q the olm accordilieste juiga trooacup, i M* 401h* qty,@or*sI.alle to al leoo 5f L'ees O ni :, O tlbeyore sdsveI of w êt de sIsltcpropag e n4luOer <h. Put nem otesl, but agalimt mn uijust lAndec r i*qdgqda5WlVmreeat te te mako .very corporation gel gover-umea muliM y tsiSteoc",tegovgruieaoitsantion for Ia capftalilx tige .smubei lis gullode smItItý 'I gvauuntluorelaoli hava»mn late .porltn p,,ani te punlighaIl vWlom oncf corpor-ale tillaI. TH1E POLITICIA?4S 1MONG THE PAUMERI. Noeg wi1th tbig pumpkIin and the fat ctttos of the autumnat agr-lci tierai fim, tht pettlchhuia procad't e 015r thammlvot aman e l.ex 1h11 muid Mart otefr tuelir «Miea l rttiabt 11xt th* fArm vota. No man connfier vmu»cI-I- upeilice. ithe ids I Irigomo tcmalte th rreoni of the caule ulrows mund gpssphands wthtl h farmar-and hlm hire man.m mout o? aur- euccesaful politiciens irSlbl hile. F.' mon ever lt n gee-of ay *Ut*e hm lasnet soryOdgan apprcntciip e? apoxlclnq fr-e e7:iducastad ucatte Mtails tg a ÇOM Moildé audience. Tht oman wlio look$ morely at exterlors may mlejudge the forceansd pore of tINa audience. Cri.emoade Isolation throwa a certain montre of paslv ne over a misu'.facial ppearanm .He dat0. pot have the aerIfacec the ameohi alor-n and dappar nietrOpolitan At the *&me UOme hie aoltary Ilte ice hlm the power? of analti theesgliMe o mac.tii. incongrVltieio? pr-ofesiouiand performance quie a iceil as lhe urban <Weiier who live. it an elmomoro eW bluff. Ilence poli cal Intuition tells lhe statalman Ihat i b.olima net mae qooi In the. eyma Meauience arcund the caile shede, hia e k lia beeu défective. V Il la aomewhat customsr-y ho iauçlh t 7-.n-maothenhigh cignitari *ben they etart out on thua ruatlc came'~.j..Q mgelFted that 'tie lower themscives by a pr-cloute o? interest ltin nge fr-ar which otherwit tlicy wouid romain aloof. But the high officiai who romaine iu hie office and secs only the. manuf? Iqrer, te lobitylst, the politlicin, geta a ver-y distorted I" of te Ille of tI people. To the common run of mankinil, govcrumeut maria a remote aud oft' an unfrioudly force, difcuit to influence. HI-lgh officiala neod 10 got alie -'ta thb. moin mani nnorder- to find out hie r-oai noeia. Lett iï gaver-or tiren get out ta tic cattie shows and renier a repart titir ver-k, andi learo what tie countrymanthinksasbout their- loams. Prom t people wio sufer met frai mistake lu govrnment. they vitl gel judgment on men and easurea liaI le directeti by contact with the hard fac aoflf.. gntouçtbn oisdW#, ', te Mlissd polo,*wa tii"rse IbN Ç4 fflbths, eTt é ular. rwoe Oî toMèd 'I wb-lo b ôi% sys Il of "aeeiife u mnk,M Ilpo.sibl for you o »b*v0 teprlvlleoeR ýou OW r "The promotion n attmiment of the. frëedosai. Puce., happlngsm n geobral walfr of AU.. THE PEO)PLit." Commoi; lag* . whetber wvilten or undéntood. ti. simpil., tho m mthoda of conduct *rI olabvoe lavutried sud- foold to work tO th*. good noft&IL A@ candi- tion. baiii.. 5W muet cb4nge, but fnndsment*lly. îbey muet sI-.we b.fthe Anyegaulztlon of Indmvduaiâ havini ~ oeooitend l in YW requires tle àepputinwnt of nue or more of iw S âQubor wlfq*ebuaI4eflit viiili e 50 0 kW* alter the Iteret tof th* .majolty Tb1. Individuel or 'th@ee bdvduoab. a l d,49 bab 'thkve bot. Tboy - osMrsed iit, Tm"oriwùàlf r UM I*C1I1I5 ltlw bMfdMb smor M 'à; opto4d b the coIpI. ta*uoWe suid MM lbi Welsl.r b70W b» elt. b4wi m b t e y.o o mo uaSulv *Ppbus 1 bqkfl maiu to.i mutnhtb rov a eb du ~s Id o wauditbm erkt Sbd ln ll1iutatiou. pleed upoel.*4 t&. of ' -Individus! memb«re amd- tbm imIte- ~tiou, or moo f ecodui ,lalw,. Ilf y.' Iliot lt botter, Mut bhe .tii. epprovg o <f theaia'olty otile pwpie.tu lie l ee Jow the. meré approvng sOf roi.. oor tlav, sand Un .degatRos.of power to ai oSclw"due. oQI complotoe b. Là. e0 Seme&#»0 u~ enRay"ôtisIela rSlliy t 'y vital partI uf If.ail. %btir emOliIndividus! 19meoiber of the orgwoauI#cou .p in loue a #0" wch ithe. solt of tii.offlaial. aie m- kuuew wbt they *te trylog ta do and or Wba tbey aie NalIçdoiug sudIn la wi h. law*-tbeu wfl lawa, iudLI yuu-tbeuimlie. le L»Cunlie oider tbI»Sl.owu orgaueae q>iùn. You hale Preeldftt and couua us. board a'd i u 'dditIcu veruon ue 1 y ottkiahs. -Togtbe on bave f rai ed luted "uni etodlecerta i w.e wbut c.j yàuoudliortrnances. he e te ne the iuajority. Il tbsy do iot they vtai ut etnd and moit b. cbefged. Yuu have couveyed tlu uer oufIicfds etelu puwere, but a auoumeu i eiiectiuu wIj âJî- obow you îb.ct tiey are boeiled« t rt» .ufurcerour Isews i :ouu a body, ut a"Y cuuldera'ble uuwber of you decit lic tu vioW. t beoe. TLinmeaumey o us be vcr- 'e- cal a of ea' iey sec- the ser te? t a chas ,,VELO" 246559 44784 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALUON IUHeim Stallion Registration No. A3625 renowed. 'Velo te a Càk horme weighing 1900 and of iinnsual quality. '1,!a itbaoItely soemA, sure and bis get are of the very tdgheet itype of draft aimials. lHe is a hiorse that has prov8fl himif. Nele will m~ake tihe seat-on as usual at the IIANSON STOCK FARM PRAiRIE VIEW, ILL L - MILWAUKEE ROAD FEE $12 to insure Výole m oy and Tar COnipoV ni Before yon Reach the Limit Bih istaluha itshgisplace s@ lbe boat 0Of'iai r'udrur-snecanrd wvire onr bog@wôMl5 xmedy fur- ail cougbm sD rýonditi(rrrte c iii 'urabir' tale Foie' citiio for clildreo or- grova' Kldapy Pille Tiir quit sîthon ais V ~ l.,1~vouis <ur-tnmeulla fro, positive reniteiwil i eligt vru. For son ie gnule F<Mi<j*bakchcie, nervouenesa rlreumtiem aur su oupidad refum ie'l ktelecy. biadrier and srinury troutrIr','uritioli ail lthetiie ta1 eeryitiue. S2 iLe croeiut fa' part lut 09 r-ubit udiiduai, tisu,i wuntan and cili of tiiukiug age, eeu. Itt.duuttlihu morK of lte lawyeru andl poitiitlwainue tu kiirw sud under. sttand .Ouihasâ, but k t.e our-îlots as a, inreâer Of Ibis Ctiltttiutti u lu ku wb.u jua vole for s certain meusure. wjy un vote fur i. Il t bewome.a 1iL i tyuur duty t u cupport iL suit carr> il out tithse ietter' uctl uctitque .e iL i ealrgrtr by Ilhe wMiluf teu usuj,rty. Tiere are laSi, 100. bigiter titan tites,.e is eau ite for your lrrrivduai welfar-r, ieceuse lhe weiiare or ail tire 1rufrie o! lie nation fufet tee ttuusldered. Titene lave of jour corotty, ertte sud ntion muet bave lu. dividuai aupIrort ju it e sqentren i rl 0*alolluiian s. Bittuae oiriy by a drirg Miil V'U stînin Ilatfufr W"11 lau inicuric lte freedoin, pence, bappiaesa sud genersi %welwd of ail thc peuple, Now reieciberiug itait i. peer andi autior-ity of îOur- otiltale unuga Irons YOU as tudlvtdiubî, joU&. cau sue tLitIt id lotr-ti. Up w on Il 9thel gai, lu do those thilfor wbih.iu m put thot u utbce. Il lseyr cuber auparai.iy or n. i body fai orni'egect tu curry ont yusui lava, te wuuleSni s aMiqur-uby, Ilici are a nienau c t be htpublic: gondsand rhoui b.cremoved rout office. Il la your duty lu e. u al tifie, idoue. or i thity cuiot lie ififld usli i tel terni leunp, liaItbey are at lit nexrt ietton sud lionest efficieut Mes put in chlir-places. % hlei.'iasuceor tact, n1 uÛdea ietrmding Jseiridtu b.u nexcuse for rioiatiîîg thc lai elçiUer by un-h or- faRen tu av.t, îbey are nenerttelama L. Principal csuete 01 sucb violationf. Wito tfael tite case te riait kind of lualruetlo eoon recuieiese b.ttîer-. Botbebre l ir eomueîlîitîg yoD vasa 1 inote loly asd ,y examinue jour-self ane on ou s. To' d littie r-cal,unuseifishinRter-flt i.hepublie r- elfare onu lb.par- the i ndIviduli c the onmmursty; ton, frequsut athlng of thte questbonuIl Wat efet l viiiit. bavi *-- i 0~ ft f4 uitr hîd ypifi»ra i5 og us pur*h 0~ andadd ~ ~su~ofçOurir bo, W 41a uthor-ity tRuq t"S prtiiýIphl. ý'. lu' hiehregârd Lb ii- pieuple a o? twWn sad uomiiiWiitt t4t t4e wt*aIee ote a~ ud louai quartattu. regulasUoile. ia' tis bLi ma-senpuulile tlroucb l4u IyIty u01> our officiais, yole the peoplu ar» tu, biame. ifl>Our lawa. ar- unadequata or .io;àr othlits brie hu»pord 6.ytih e k ut eilU.ýit .il l up lu > um luthage thome coudîtiqMu ihe be uw*tt"ueus uud ullhiu si few u1 ya ý Otve bru ouuci .tOýLi. itulaboliS ji6YU, lhe wbole peupwo ais Tepuniibt tifee eyuri id m)& ll xe you'rIgeýu Sd pririieged as tti»». xuw tliuk iadl If uuly teAnpcv cei-L Of lb. puoplu0& trua tu*u b.d bas *liYbi Uieg uom tli iaisnd "q riabiu u i ri. eothur l iluw" tu du Z4e wur#,, Uuicuudiùom.iwuoid je aml pbenli.~nvr-bare Corne ct. t1 Nov fur Ml e utW your tamiimu, 70if. Wulm« 54 iàie futur. ut 300r town,, ptrà sir ".,Boeethins.. ovelt- 'la ,sé-t *ûtuq7éXthe la%, ou1ef tg i u r ~Ifb*~b tel, Indbue'. lu IS cru Ie.e5 u fallr. 0 i Wyou 4s isyi" sl t 1t Taifore. teem-if tho e i k. T w (ODO 1t0 far muis tbt 91 O&" atownm mnl #bgeltbatle M- I 'a-u tiiyp âimp-utilipos yïPuby a *heol o 't..stte "ad Ute . clui ry *4 Ra, il.,vORtuhé svy. bas1tici bsarou e"ca etieni, sud you ïaud 1, ad' e.1?. le rueepstiegtton W ho loveOur.luber y le udi our rigbta cant aflrd tu pas l. CIi%0Prime»ltco hîpl. ThinI t andra 'di. Bmsutr -it tetrue t i amnàow 550055 »U hit thal rer-y faut snsbW t ue tu appre- cinte moie luily thie futberrgur (à tie cci aation aid reuiixe wbat i mous lied It tukeis < . . is* wpfflspioaoioctloe ectUstonirri to living iidt, 16 put Ih ln&dy, Ulisa.irtfary r.',îlriOui "a dod nos ruppîvcîat.r Iolr bailcoxdillou reaiiy are, likthi,.-ü«iuttcoriug lutu thlufu fr tti f ilue. h i. thlm fer wàet êlouvâmiero w hMM* tyom ilsMa Iiulclie4 l be eSuu'I at pptdis sud 'owéprul,% the .rfeeratlli' abi. Rngtbr cu' 1.150e.praciclt 'a whom, tlfla aew»us omamoS b,'tbs$r ovm mlaeiudnet Br4P4tn. 'r«««IL . Blil., oomwMaidht th.deP-etMeRt.o? C&I'taruul)., ak»uuwSprm.atod otiurei.' oeoneniiti" 0oliii.Import. ' lb lm' nipogliîla~ ponl% xPIqleuUofl, thre relor 'mua fat.4 th le, oumtw *Oerdb. pragteiee 'UIbla luthe h*uIS or* mItaiiiw 0" 00 w »M mai tmoâàto0 ai rwssatwd'by ha i> s ROIw.saWy mai*0-lb " liss otJw, boflhty p.y aliovoi fSorero~iatIot tu" ate lat.uc b 1voow e n a potoumw i od ot dimstpUM Mm, U0e timn 4Irectlr omstbl abils d«Or- tioa.Meisfocoinuostithat mi loes osehat ? l of# »u" ramsuetbePiao- oit (Mos gisucit v ia payeatar natIf *0lu " o tue III.soiScr atmoet PattIt. Evoey Item. offiv uton1li 7<51 MON INuw lMor~g tC. cMW hoyow R %ie b"Mt romr ad-an. whiciu prompt, the. wrinle Pl ti» t. er &Wtinu duiug it the wr-ller- ouly deâires the goond oi us uli. Sohool Leture Courue lVe hairstiuce tual >the cninr-Cia' of th ibgii ehoollauder lb. axupicesof te public erirout wiIi briug ho Libert)- mile suolir- aud a mIe lutei'etiug euiertain met course tbuu >Yser. Tht course vIlagate cosit of Ove nunuberu sud yl CZoot f12Sui.0 vwhichIo aTo $1.0 more tbau lte courue cout fInt es, Donît Take lt T jA ungame Tb@ course fnut Year Paid ilu o12uàe .il e ibnic '@ Wvitl vou vant. expeees snd tante oui $13.20> tà ticleBries x itk er-e if yoîr- iutouobiletiret goudit R ctould do better tisiu iat r-alr-ing. We m. lit rePair il 80 that lb ta tti oesuu. TLI.senior cisea vii liave au tod as t êw. We guarsure Our ieutire ausglmeut utflte courmes tid vork. Our ruitoieru are nivavg enlie- the daine nlîrhcb,rts are uot prirçureil to Wfitlhiiiour tort and witiu ou, prie" s wifouc.e ut tIbis tune villiho.cloe; Tou i viib.eetttuLred If you seiud jour enough togelter tu break lite monooury ork lucre, hi cause we deoq;-çY good rof a duili ueltrtsiing vinter, st the wor-k. asaine liwe fur enougit&aurt fot 10 le mono tououe.d. 6Laycock Co. biew tut Weat.iey Gal"., lma u ighlîli Lihertyvmil M i -rtcoummended leclurer, &nated Ottniums rEiuctutr wittba reptftutliau tita te4i j udecil worlity of a large audience and rau enttuiiabtic patzonnrgo a Eimerson Wiutsralma a combleatlolh tbti t.indeed uulq» ti is uncomui ,.. 4 Mot now ueceSwarhy, but ontul ft i i coiuary. lie lia m nlgenr~ ~ i music and mut mtoWl aly nusviodcÈge as atilacVoriy.i'" ou01$ tick s*ufltblh5- rtou la au at 01ii i s.m i., Nece ir botter ttige " mby kesOnlufimýIq jl" i y i mporuualo. of 9t eo. .' Cititfo - il instance, Wlii irprtotlvi reïisto la Juaht àe;Ktrb,'# luIr irsà Ir- and ble eutm ,gi biclilis'l0 Ir M&ansd t ath ýaùd lb. "or t1a aW hold tis attention 10 lè b. a.'W XLRXMNt t The. Jane irtt. Coupl tIo 15powb)lj $bui. trI umbOr, 0sofeut u..dferti l theitechltof oarisud tel ou jut t-oam, on out icoures. Riho J'ae »WIlsie inb staneces.ery tulue donc au whit lr Wr-elusa re4iterau ortaiQ t iâ libt * i, cotte put lt in m fd iltat ait. bas dma u . luerS Siikt Pelct Runrnng Or-der- ' a r i t1sM m R i m s. J n ' s, s- r a l t tli y o u e a u l em c t o r uo t , a y o n p i e t . là uni sceompaut and mci rl- R-. ân , Inu pikindsof reparwoitk, vo do ouly in nolinlelu and flop~t &Pd formis a tbcWry beat ivork and yeu need bave uà le concert compstiy thatliba avers ulgit hositguey in lmavlug lteé fiticat article in 4 durlg te lieLcuni ss&50flbookd l s ae Ic eiready. A cn 01 course Ned Woo&iiiruiptlblimurI5 Dt amid cartonnlet nuds no omeatIlor df lacduttnr-y aestipnta. loie r&Jàà F s ,P*ekurd are l.4o~d rmte 5beY li i r ~oU ~ l..osmtf, D~sS 1ubu~i~~. Z. 14, 1911. ~r~w W.WO~.*6L~Frma1demt. *~0e< ~&SLW ~ ~ 800rOtSi7. Prié' .nUim18 MAI SCANK suesn. 'àe2pee pSu, - W~EI4 RIN1IT L Yu Inn t aeu t ceor Th1W&a Our Way md vo soli* ta trialorder bo Yromo Home Lumber CO. LihertyvMle, IIL Modf' ~aaa~.eea £aBBo~eBO4IIO*OOU 2Uth CENTURY Manuire Spreader IS THE BEST MONEY M~AKER ON A FARM Mo 4 SCtIAN K'S rT~ - "-t q SGRANUI RI1~ "R"

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