Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Sep 1911, p. 9

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INDPENENT WAuKEGAN -WEEKLY SUN LB!EWrYVILI LL., F'REDA, SEPTEMBER 29, 1911. FOUR PAGES. $1.50 PER YEAR IN À 10 au Who w Iu rncep Mb Goodt aMA4#ocb, UL * (ProU SUN.) 'A aivaSu mlis o nheIbm few atumetof laI Ps4ao of tesCoune imeurames*.johnRoda.. vie outil mev, bh iSptitiand posttlof e ellervinor etgg M W Whani io nov lms beea uiewte basistit te tl. gemert maagere i.American Ute jaeaceCrpùy Of Illainos of Chi- me&u. f ta satiae aiould provo te bh âmereir a dtsplng atome W morne- thlaa stli botter, Ik voulti motsurprse jobs Rodu. at ail, a"l Ilvoulti Dot ,eurPriae MY 0Ufi f lnd i(r. Redie ,,Mi omtnu. la tii. active direton of the etsulaiaani cultiatng of lie buenb et th ordtaary dsamrtmat. il-miaget kW" m anti lkea hlm. Wé emmetibis effrtsta Jour c.- egg111,10g- rW.W. Wsmo, e bay lmei 11*1 ytou 'Ucé- moe vit l. yoa viipegroti * jw«tiw1e l ein lMa' jo~ueui mi nos viii m* i s ac Mreola- sme betael, biclila vha" evrj ea. vauts. Krtrab for 1Mr. Hotife Md obe hope that ev.ry &Ont vil vritleWantil uhi. go. 13 ARRESWI)ON,- A SÉRIOUS CHARGE bMao Htvrelft WeU K»nw Aothtie Clty Arrewedon C.ldut et Ctoe Tsaet .kldiSmaStreet. NMWITT DENIES CHARBEI (rom WedmemiaymS UN.) Irvmt, Bevet ,a vl-kauvi yDtlig mm eft the City, sudan ompoje 0 ab Oreceri eoupan>'on Grand avenue, w v rrgited lasI nigiil on at uagepremt btihiCatherin Thoan-1 ois, 1W latiieaavmtm 1 OtiieirneTbemas, on Mondai WglailI, itla imaiiit, vgmeeut Ion asu enditib>'br motuser, snd vhlm on ber W vm% ntvasil ltaclaimeti, at- bsoeti. Tiie place viieo te allegeti amiauitta masil toalie .taken placin mar the Nxon ----l---- u ontie v%.s ad anti tuhela ts e evand aishî bossare ter ietveeg. Rtnrnloa t. ber lhocg,%%il la ai, Catueriti not tel ber parents oft vietwvasuppoeti te 4vo happent&. bob esrried bersecret unti» jeste?. day vWhou ber paen 0,&.belng i. Ser ofeth fîe mater. hoipilie D, lice antiHvott. .vibm tbe youg girl gcçuaee, vas arrsatet lest uîghl. H vas roload s - M*1,00bondt ils cae bolng dontinued unutil nome "aY mort veek. Tbic girla saidtotabh lu a seriocSdmtonltausa a roatil t es. alegeti attAcit, An" tue twuavs u ed te 10 alciaber condition. Roaevtim sfront a tarnli qr"hto* liasrdetila ltiecity msni Vearu.anti lma varrntetithe respet ef .Wr>'one vilo linevi ibo. Tiiei suieom Nov tork trest, vhlciirima ou* lb rom Grant.avoeuie, ecii cf tue cty limita. liv hing evett denieth le- charges oas Wfl yth ile girl anti "oanatilt lie ~M ot se.eruat &ai-on the nIait la Oblation._________ Imm ï utting porte« are Invadns *q. outri round about thei ol e Ynor. Th i frnuremai tIsa -ýw.wIad be battc10 fiI pefitouim , be.f Z £AUM Dey et tisetaryfea #1 tlvalt ,t re« Ooeto4 fet % Vie DPd*16 rFED S N*D 1iNeCTOR e mi OFITE",CITY MILK le. For DINNER TM£D TOMOR110W] (FronWednemday'aSUN) The Harvet >iooefestil. giron by the Gurno. eamp X. W. A. asti R. N. x. opeititodey nt g*0 modem Wovinen hall aI GOrue tFu îopl qint vii stiduretlroughont today and tonsorrow. ?oday vas entry day andi fruit. resetables, canilos anti&aHlfora 01 iroducts worm placoti on exhibît. To. morro the ladies yUl aerve dînnor. oneO of Uhme Olti Wabloed N'ew Vjxg- landi blui, anti a suppeat nigt. 1136M ver. a largenumiier Atof - tries, asuailUlthec0>ntry aide lias boon eaautag, brevlma andi bsklng for the paat tvo veeka, gettng rsady for thSe Harvent Homne. There lu a long Ust of prim ta W lawaartied i hadtia tutl t the compeiflon and l udoum have heen aeiecesd te avard -the. prize. to the vlaners. flIRT I18OCRS", 90 1DIXTY FOOD. No U Ni a otheaP as DU"t UMand DMrY Foodanar Us»UalY heaper, but lb. Cleaner the Beftte. il b lit It f f Ther. La aunolimauina, "ltcia. lt la Ia trime 4t4.iat la cOep. fit> tlk la rnnally dea mstk. Mati fOçtipf Miy kiiita é1la ot tbat t as e90 o r U Primlenl>rl erliOtibut cSdty la thb larim The grest, daner in dlrti topo# tisla ias being moIti as easafe foodi vla It la not Inspection lava ahoaltimalte It Imposible for dlrty, daansau foodm to ho moiti except lie>' are ao taggd anti labled sa tu varn, the pur- obasa. a 10justat hoetlta getting. Il lm a terrible tMungfor a mother 0o pay god monoy for liat mUk tbat, Inmieati of iaking ber baliy voîl anti itrong, makea It slck and lu Urne kills I. The lav torbîda the circulation ut bail moeo. Anti it hlould ho na leau strict ta puntshbng thone vio soli bail fonds for gond monoy. In othor word,there shoulti ho the Uaie standard for bohh. Tie i. lIk yo bu>' for baiy's unshni o mabeJut augooti ne the moneryoyn are requiredtu t pay. Tlis Ides of Idat4i. sud taimes boelo- injers and sellera of toud stuff la grevlng rapidly. Conaurners are, vakhn op t4. the.tact thatthieY bave "pn rlglits in trauaactlons of tis kind. lasttiUre la nol fKr avay viion tueproducor of disanest goonds wll find that. mu enllghitneti public w1ii ual tolerale ismotuada nor pur- chaos N a ar. I FORGOTTEN IN JAIL Theoe After 1Tv.0Varm. -u o (lagsalt.7-Pavel Macca Wbas SMed tu Wtire. montbe lu lie omin- tyha lattorctesnVt et court. ThtM usa lm yiouuma&.. At tiexplraka oc' the eutmmce b.recelvoti anatuer three mont. ilta' esnceandt hn hm S»m MaMUMOliVas forottma. B wau taud iocomping a cltlu te th e.uaty.JeU ml srvl4g bitas mntenc #»Watnt lot knewlna t "le vW" UimmeMani lng ne grtstte ce ont. MM *" va setmoed, fer contomipt0 vlan le ssil lie wvas abshe ta M bis divoreeti ifs *$l'No aulnm.i. ,%n« et labmaacon>" wuvas lin lthe aueior ooat t ator tue reletse Forme, chlegeUas V Çe - IavvoihKun, SopI, 7.-,Jobi p. waii v4m u ih fbota th. itot IU.ulohj- tr6d 09 i the e uSs 41t PIumbIm ud Oarbage Inspec- ter TOs. 6 W 1W oties Ttlay 6f Ispeotlng 1VIN. WIli Tou-,he Csuiity. and In- VuUtats Conditions ln t es d Rfaittbof eow Ait~ ~~~Ml toP hpIa 1k1 Th, iÏyWl,, Have te Obey Hlp Orders Now. (Front Wednesdays SUN.) Mr; Aloi Crammond, of tlils City, mita"7 Inpector, under civil1 service haç inn nameti by Commsaloner oft Public HeaUthand Safely Carl Atter- bMn *a mrltk Inspecterofutheiecty of Waukesau, andi las started on a tour of taepoeUon et the herde and stables ot ftaýitogu iipplng mllk ta tuls City for Dousumptlon. Mr. Cramiuon.d va named piumbing »n" garbage inspecter for the ciy and Igmd tuatt Ure fi; as declded ibat tuer. abould ho aume une named who voulti lnapect the borda uf cova, the smlik frein whlcli la ahippeti to Wauke- koma andi aIma the stables and sur- rountilaga, l inwleli the cattiloare kept. Mir. Crammond la now engaged ln this vork. Comniissboner Aterbury plans ta seni Mr. rmmondt luChcago la at- tend tii. municipal cungreas. nov lu session tbere, to gain nov Ideas on the disposel anti care of garbage, as treateti la other dUos, anti aàso la gain tmre polatera ouhls new vork, la Vauk inspetor. Ziumrnsous cauplns have been reg- laterOti by the peompe of Wankegan lu regard tu the purity ouththa llt bond- md out b>' lhe mJIk dealersablie. Thre dealers. It la 'clalmeti, lay the. llmo on tii. tarmers andtidaim that condi- tIons at the farms are not up ta tan- dard. Mfr. Crammanti on hlm tour yl Suspect the stables, sud order condi tlons eliangeti, vhre lie>' are folnt ual ta lie lu the beml coniditin, anti any tarnber retuaing ta, agreeta Ibm ordera yl ho refused lie riglit toasitp ilk liere.. HAU ONE CHAIC E IN EIONTEEN MILLION But Ur.,S. A. Dunn'a Com. meftbilon cket, Whlch Was Bkwa o«t of a Rollmad Cide b wIudw, Came Bm& Ail Maiht. STORY OF A COMMUTER (From Weluesday's SUN.) Sup""a.yo" vore atting ln a railroad tra»ione h1 undred mIles from hoe,, And, th@ . wld carne alongAand blew out «, your veut pocket,1 fram wfichje protruded, your commutatiom ticet, What clUnOewould you have of ever aeIng th. ticket again? About-on. lne *ghteen million chance&. Sure. Tha',Vha.t B. A. bunu, cty lall. tbonglt.but the. ticket camne back. Retiently . rdatlve Of Mr. Dun ,dled at joflo Caoe eount),, Mich.. and ho departedt 1 that cltY to attend tie funeral. He notioi on thc way 'over that lie iad piaod is itatcago-Wau- kegaa commuter ticket luhils vent poekçt, ant i tt as tlcktng out. Resolvlng to placo it ln a better place, hlie attiei Na spertacles an hIe n and rend. Wben lie came back troM JoILes the ticket was goue. Ile gave It np fer loat. presumlng rIgbtl>ý that the vinti lad buwn It omt Of the open mar vntiow on the waY ovor te JoneaaMd pald NBrs. John Whalen ln tuit for thlenmt ticket. Now comea 'tii atrange part. Mra. Wla.n liu recelved a letter encloalllg thetickçt ltram an engineer ut tlie Pero Marq»Uee telllng that ho found the ticket, Oui tl6iorght-ef-vay cf the ihgq~Ol whch road Mr. Duog had Uteo 4.jleà at New iBuffalo, Mi. Tboro Yon are. la pqllag lils glas- es tram lils vent pokt Mr. Dunn hati dlalodged tlie ticketdm ii.vnd wafted it out of Ithe apen carvindovw, andthle engneer had founti andihonematlY re- turned ILh Untt.d ltstea Comne feurth. The. United stStlg s vnment la 'tbe lourth ta estaialiau seronan- tical laboratarY. Belgis, PraCe and p4u*et have already dom. ao. JOHN De ROCKEFELLER PAYS SECOND INC MiNITO MIT TO L4KEFORETI)AUOUYE Servants on McCormick Estate Said ti> Have Been Pledged to Secresy and Date of 'Vis. It is Unkown. Swiftand Armour Have Big Deer Parks ln Use Now. ,John D. Rockefeller, lhc ricicat Long Tom or a General Join C. Fre- man lliehévorlt, se overiurdoe4 ifmont rifle lu tic banîde of a keen mycti vttu maie>' that nu une hans ucceetet pioncer coulti easyy brIng dovu a ln coutng It as ytha "vont anti deer on unIh. Sone antidue fi" gan-"gtim aloed' Louis F. Swift, miltionaire packer, tit Lake Formant viere rosîtes hlm vho mjoys hîmamît lu a Inore clty "tiagier, Mr. IlaroîId MclCormick, lot 0f tvelve hundreti acres ur flue and. ot again, vithout auy one "catch- Lake éuunty lanti, la lie roanon. Ina- him etfil. - Syt, Who 1la une of l". countys1 Tiie vimit Iethie McCrmlck Itailan chaiacterstle gentleumn armera,1 vill tocit place sone veek a go, and bas Installoti-a deer park, anti nul for vas mats i.vti overy emploe on thie venion packlng purktees,elther, but eqtae petget to kuep Ibm aoouru 5a jut ta look ai the prmtty croatures. dark, dark secrmt. They vere nat tW toI, il la stateti, on pain of îoaîng tir Fort>' Acres Fe"oeoln. jobs, lrorty acres have lugAi fecet iIn an . mvtidt t leait out? Na one Imovu, the deer park, tie tn« boing tvelve fu àbe faut. romaine, as stateti, liaI fotigi, vili postatbrfe test apart t dikjng pait Lake Foreal hlm sec- an vicli Uglit meaheti vire nettlng ot nemnt riaIt andi got ava>' vti liasbeen ati-etcheti. ta mane t Impos- ~t.sible for the sportive buoôk or dom ta, The parmar.. et bvtcannot be loup tlie loapa. leii I ,Tii. forty iias ien m ateti ta yaung Ït Ml believti. iovever, liattho trip grovth Ir»ea anti utienbrUaiita pro- vasUei a tatiieri>' anti graitiat- vite a itural liabtat,,' Ur 4 %ba t utMr. Rockeieièr -Intui l ttforty lied of timer as *Wl ýo #sl ases the splenddgev near bthe native pcls-,A@ possible bOrne. lias igen placetitaand nletiM. - If *s~erPark, Aimour No 8" IMMO1 14.. 'eb~ ...tZL. avez 4 u,, l i J. da*u Âi,,,,m. net Oita sec tu loiiVýaiput iroe 'iêifuilabeuit e imt i he ito 4 » i k m tuanti ~ pr, l- Il ~*4~ 4-thevever, 1~ --I VACCINATION FOR TYPIIOID FF VER IN ' RY WORKS WELL A MerianNical Journal, Tcstlmony of Mony Wltnesses lm Heard at Wstiown and Pduch lotereat et Trial Down East. quotinig Army Reports, JLE ETMN UE Shows Gain. 1JLIYT 1MN RJE Vaccinaton for Typhoid le- ver, as at Fort E$herldan, Work a Well. The 801k. lu intwo Camps 84ow Gret Differences ln Number of Casen. Tphoid lever in the Army it is Thought Wini b. Stamp- ed Out Socin. (Prom Wmtnesday's SUN) The American Medîcal Association of Chicago lias reprinteti tram Its jour- nal of Aug. 26, 1911, the article by J. R. Kean, M. D.. lieutenant ' colo nel, medical corpe, U. S. A., entitleti "The Ssnitary Recard uftheb Manou- ver Dlvlalon.' The facto gIvon in an article ln unr Issue ot Aug. 12 entîtieti No More Army Typliolti," wre taken trom Cal. Keau'a valuabte article, lu vhich pro- per credit should have been given. A ltler article pnbllslied lu aur laue ot Sept. 2. vas taken tramn a furtbmr ref- erence 10 Colonel Keansa article founti lu a dally paper. This contaîneti a statement wvilchIndicalei liat one ot lie lvi> divIalons of (Ion. Flttltugh Lomes tva diivsions Iu camp at Jack.- sonville turIng the Spaulh alivr bat typholti inoculatIon andth le ocher tilt not have it. The comparluon lu Col. Rean'e article vas betveen typhoti record la lie Texas maneuver dilvision ut tlits yoar, wlilcl hati been gîven the lyphaiti prophylaxie, andti lat of a division of the Seventi army corps lu 1898, vIlch vas ln camp npder com- parlively similar condfione. but vici of course had not lie benefil ut thia protectIve measure.' Colonel Kean In bte article lu tic Journal ofthtic .merlean Medîcal As- sociation aya: 'Mie Immense savane In camp sanîtallan andi partlcularly the value ufthIis pratectlve meneurs can lie estimaleti iy comparing thc typhid incIdenco ofthlIs camp iti thal of lie Second division, Sevenli army corps, vilci vas organizedet tJack. sonville, Fln., about June 1. 1898, andi remiatncti here In oamp unlîl October; s1ome of the regiments leavlug In Soei- tember. ThiIsdivision vasn fot con- Lapicuously untorlunale lunlse typioid record for that lime, anti la selecteil because ofthle close almtlarlly oflis conditions ut service tu, tiueo-0ft Ib manenver division. Thc tva dilvisions vere encampeti ln ncarly the same latitude anti for about lie banne lengli of tîime, andi caci bad, a gooti camp site anti an artealan vater aupPlY of unîmpeachable purily. Wile thc per- lad ln camp ofthe Second division of lhe Seventh army corps, was luter In tic year, the number of mon Invuleti le larger for lhe inaneuver division." CHiCAGO LICENSE TO WED. jLoule Truby, Waukegami........... 33 Barbara Wagner, same'........... 21 THESE MAY WEO. James 0. Woeb, Nrth Chilcago. .....27 Chrstine itccktcmvaiti, clty-...26 Walter H. Wiard, di-...Lgal ag« Mabel minard, city ....Legal age Martin Nieriier, Mlvaukeem -...28 Mary Marini, Onme--------------..36 joseph SeidtiiRa.ctne-----------..26 Vîpla Oooke, camne------------...19 Rose Beecher. RaCine------------..2 Gertrude teil, s&&me.......... 27 Plillllp Preder, oiti-------------..21 iait. Grimes.,City------------...19 Frankt Samftuk, M .n....o..21 1.1111. Wacia saame ..... .......8 CalPete, Milvankes...ï ....-24 (rom Wetineaday'm SUN.) Watortown, N. Y., Sept 27.-(Spec- lai tu SUN).-Hiram Wlieeler of Evanston, the wldov uofMtln LU Pad- dock, via tor' yora landiodtheib lundi seit for George B.,?a4dockb, car., vau on the stand ail day ant tolti ut troubles experiencetikeeplng Paddock at lioteis beansoc e in andi filthy habits. lie relattd cgnviw-l sation ln whlcli R las cla.Inied George Paddock told i hm Frnk Paddock, Peter Warti anti V. K. Kellogg, Pad- dock's atturney, werm trylng to gmt hlm te stan bis property over te lFranik but that lie would refuse. Testigioy resd vas liai ut Robert Ingalie, Wmn. J. Smitli, Theodare Durst, 0. C. Eàs- tîn and P. C. Seidel. -Thab of Dr. July of North Chilcago vas lielt ln- competent. WOODM4AN hOME 'IT10 RISE FROI JUNK IIEAP AT MO0LINE Article TeIling of BuIsldlug Plans of Woodmen There., City Fathorp et Tbat Çh~Iy De. chatJuulkl Hefap I#vut be Vaoated lmmodlatesly. Out of the Tangle et Ire. and Watt@, Modern Woodman Structurels. To Rite. Building Wili be Used as Nome of the Wood mon, and WIi Coît About $75,000. (Prom Wednesdays SUN.) Contingent on ibm City commission deciaring the Brady junk yard lie- Ivemu Pourteenth anti PIttoonth atreel anti Farli avenue, Rock Islandi, a nuisance anti urderlng lis Immotilate removal. thc Modern Woudman lbave agreedt laerect tva nov buildings aI once, saya tie Moline Dipaîci. <One ut tien la ta cual libmthenelgibor- hood uf $70,000 anti vilt be usetifor varehouse purposes tor the. proeet andi evenlually for offices. Il la ta ie huilî at thie corner ut Filtmenth street anti Thîrtiavenue anti directyIn l le roar ofthle presse offices. 1Au addition lu tic preacul publica- lion building vill bue recleti aI once. Il la lu o etva tonies Iluhelsit and viii correspond vîti lthe premieut office building In architocture. It yull coat nearly $75,000. The Brady junk yard bas been de- clared a nuisance by pruperly ovners for lie last ten'-yoars. The junk yard ls belvoen lhe presenl office builditng andthle propomoti areliuse. Property ovuers have atreatiy aignot a pettîton asklug for Its àameoval. BANK< AT WINNETKA ROBBED) Oassler Ly"rd trom Place anti *éqo Taken ?rom Orave,- b>'Stranger. Whmnoka, 1II, Sept. 27.-Tie glate iMnk of Wln»otka vaU robluo t Iff iO tie enire contents et Ia qo.u MMW draver, st 8 oclcck ltue tbé Wmb. Tva cm i re belaveti te ho lIX0olvi tu "it robbmevylt the pouce bm .ns olew W l imIr itinty. , 1- Honu7 p. Raie M. leva. aloSu ls tue baux t aI3 ocioob vhounFa stanragiteroti anti atfflluabout cpeln a auent. D" t< hcon- *84t 40Wr tiRe7*l>. sitb le tele- Pulne a*. MIg lte -t~OQ atu e banh apearetirvaseul if'Woféàer. Thie easilei lt tbte ostug IMOn thle lnnk. On bls roture lie foind tlte s#ranger li" untero ti lcage andi ltýakentue csb fiiom thelc trawer. Ti be k' a fe1 vb Itb v m locked, lied col bou ile.1A& SUS MNCE Orders are Issued from th$, Head of Postal Dopa$-'" ment to Paint Bores. AB Boxes in.Rurali eUvt DintrietNuat b. Pa4ated a Pure White. »XesNut MAo b6 Put on the Bide. Purpose in to Aid Cr#o te Dbutnpuh b. bJot% for Deli.v«y. (Prm Wetinuldalo B BU) The potcaster vHi la a JW Aý Issue au orties WevyW aqectedtiihitle rural of Konosha dernianint gtJe, rff lug of evmr box Tits la fla keepia' wth mi4 ram the po"oeldepartwmt 'W pravides thst anl bomme t is4i md white anti that, tiiey inat ,*Mý md to show the ani. cf1De' The ystern of ueaberlat w ttroly Dow aysteux vm>b etIP « vogue ta to be abaodôdo»4 1* 1 Thts lias beau mode noC*mea> *1 tact th#. at the Urnet l of the boxes smre ti % trous t4ok the ia ,pu htem» ortbe Na The poolmtr sud 1h bave been -ove r e outes *aod *dlected a nuahor for ovOt7 , i Àlbe patron vIii le coullielié f4 'tanumiler andi bave Il i,»t, 'he box. Tbe order aise uUs ~) ies mst bSmdph 'l t they wlU beeaally ouse,1 carriers. No longer vUrM of tihe Zarmîni ll buof ta drop coel litbe nxa.Iený the. unntepatufthat thqtipsh.1 lsii tient out udbuA ff lettera. Il tiie cMaamre Îa for the carriers tliey pepoibo a separate recptacw Manti arranged th latI 1h vibu o. malter for. the carrier te rom6v t~ The. order la t go tutu once and evory pto f hi routes vIll recelve a Pbe explalnlng tii. nové«a the nurnier tbétI ubim aolp STAIM Monde. ÇOrauO, J TumWay f4atur Cornes, .dWed CaMse i. lt~ NEW CASES ARE (P'rosn Wotinmaay'a SUWI, On Mondai of noi tb ,~tO jury o etIbm reglar Oet4sê." circuit court vli report ter,,4* start lu on utn v04 wbvilit IrI sbly comsme bot Ittiovo'W Tueesay tla manslatImou~ on Ibis day *g uuiuber ci trqý goodu>' upuilsut mTh ceo viii omu iW tuemireelurpe By Ibo nev rules ofprav fi çireiuIl emuaof L kk $6;inel>' t um th Imea1'u~9 notceot.cae t ç-l lovlg um asshaveaul cther casea' oav i m )ti WHEELER ON STAND AÀLL RURAL 10 TELLS 0F PADDOCK MS EP

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