HN M RWY, OCTOBER 6, 1911. for the 'Balance of the Séa- son we W a, ~lconomy Jars at , o'st. Pints, - 75c Dozen Complete Quarts, a 90c Dozeà Complete1 2Quarts, $1 .25 Dozeni Counplete. Je EU TRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 Rubber Coods FOR RAffl WEATH.. ___________ER. WE HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENt 0 F RMIN COATS FROM $400 UP TO $1U.0, RURBER HATS, RUBRER BOOTS AND) RUBRERS RUBRER IN AND SEE EVERYTHING FOR MEN Phone 14 J. B. MORSE & COMPANY LIBERTYVILLE, BESWICK'S STt 1IL L 1N 01S h i YOURBBY ,JWill need ifa PI4OTOSI faken noue fhe warm weather la here NEW STYLES Bath large andtasmall sizea of PHOTOS ueo can show you aI Loue prices. IïPICTURE FRANES We have just received a noe lina of pcture frame mouldingsan Cd can frame your pictures on short notice.j LOOK! We will Exchange plants with you. Bring your Geraniums, etc., to us NOW We Wil[ return you a New WrATtR I'LAG 510f AIS OR11IBERTY ILLE th ppe 0ftLlb" vle wI. no doubt b. 1Ud t o hat a corn- ~ esut0f aA*r sgnl fageueB b.fluenon he sefryof the Fulds Mil-. de. ipa ho hemae aresngemente wth the W.ather Bureau ai Sorlng. àVldBIilet1 mlhIk.m wth. reporte mach deywlth fthe foreceat of fihe wat.r .. ue omln7 twenty.fqur hours and have fiarrdahed them vwfth a 'W. reprodocé a r* a eut of *&ch fiqg and below show what each flag indkcates Ne 1. 2I.2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Wite Bk,* White and *lagc Black and Fiag Fleg Blue Fiag Flag White Fiag No. 1. alone, Indicates fair weather, sation"ry emperature. No. 2, alone. lndkcatea pain or snowe satonary temperature. No. 8. alone. Indicates local rein or snow, statlonary temperature. No. 1, with No. 4 ibove if, Indicates fair waather. wvarmer. Ne. I. wth No. 4 6.10w I, indicafea fair wéather, colder. No. 2. wifl, No. 4 aboya If, indicatea pain or snow. warmer. No. 2, wth No. 4 b.low if, indicates pain or snow, coider. No. 3, wlth No. 4 aboya if, indicafes local rain or saow, warmer. No. 3, wth No. 4 below it. indicates local raie or snow, colder. Thtosa lnf.rested in these signais, we wouid advse cutting out this piece In thé paper and keep for future reference. LOCAL AND I>ERSON AL MENTION FOR THE WEEK To ineure publication in the Indepen- T. R. Baker of Lakeo Forest, traneacted dent. copy muaf b. in th. office no later businees inour cit>Tuesday. than Tuesday of esci' week. Adver- Mie Liah Webb visited Saturda>' and tisers, especiely. are aaked to take Sunda>' with relatives et Antioch. perticuler nofice f0 thisaeffect. Rosa M. Tailor ha@ beeu appoinrted Mrs. R. H. Cotle 4vlelîing ber parente ai Ridgewater, Wle. Pred Grabbe ii attendlng tiselitate Fahr at Springfietd this week. 11m i abeUle Rudoipis apont baturda>' sud' Bunda>' wlth ber parent.s t River Vise. Gleorge Quentin and A. B. Titus tran- eetd usimetaIL.ake Zurich Monda>' Geore Ounetand wilfr ofAustin, fil., ,ietd over Sunday'wlth Mr. and Mra à. W. Cole.. Perry Deavies ad daughter of Indiana, are ePendlug lhe week vith LMr. and M ra. 0. A. Newons. Mr. and lire. W.J3. McBrlde of Chicago viited Sunda" wlth Mi-.. McBride's ister, Mir*. Berthsa Fry'. J. B. Morue and John MeCormick are thie week attending tise Oreat Western Race Circuit meet at Lexington, Ky. Mise. hoda and Ocanuma Du Bois hava jnst retnrned rom a threo weeka' visit witis relatives ab Tripiett and St. Joseph.,Nio. 0. L. Hubbard. one day last week, traded hisebhos, and lot uear the Ameri- eau Wire FancesCg. for tise Abert Kunke properi>' on Lake atreet. Mfies Dunbar retnrned to ber home at Beaver Dam. Wis., Tueeday mornlng al ter apending anme time vislting with ber cousin, Mira. R. H. Prichard, in tis City. Thurada>' morning nf iat week E. L. I)avis oid to M. B. Coihy his eighty acre farmn nrthuwest oi thia rit>'. the consid- eration beîng $8,000. Mir. Coiby will ttaa possessîonuînmediateiy. Thse fort -firet annunai convention ni the Lake Count>' Snnday Scbool Asso- ciation wiii ha held at the M.E. church, Libertyvilie, Oct. 1*2 and 1:t. opeing "Rison, Thursday, the 121h, ai 9 :30 a. m. Every bible schoni worker shoulcd coune. Little Red itiding Bond. th, i, xart opratta presented et thse tnu n hall lat Thunday and Fridu>' evenînge, was irreeted each night b.v a large anmi np- ,îreciative audiene The play wa@ given under the a ofies iil, Ladies, Cemetery snciety with M I ý Ali, e Biaker Moore as diroctor . Arîrut cumi nas realized, The tnlowing article was tîîken frorn the Aberdeen, S. D., Sertnel df a roerint date: Yesterday înorning, a siodsec- tionunu nuiober sevtnty-eîght, tlhe east- honnd Columbian passed tlîrough tie re, tomprisiug tire cars. lîiaded i wtl i lti and a coach which had bon u odeci frnns a Pacifie steamer of the Taconuia docks for varions eaotern nmarkiets. The train was bronght to Aberdiesîiby nger tjeu. Lnak aud Firemun Riehbrd Schultz. Tise rn fcom Bnwdie, a disitance of miles, is repnrted to have been made lunity-nine minutes. acting Postmastor nf the Lihertyviiie The Ivanho. M. W.W. wili give a dance atIlvanboe Thurada>' rvenfng. Oct. 12. Misa MMadge Bennett suent Saturda>' and Sunda>' wllhb er parenteai tBar- inglon. The regqIear mting of the W. C. T. U. wlit b, held at Un b omne of Mra. Lize alesmo,, Ot 10. ie. Edue Shapter returned Saturda>' fcom a two w»Ike' viel t wi th friandse t Fort Way»e, Indiana. Harold Laffeldt Tueeday for Hobeon, Mont., wbere 6e wlIi visit a short tMme wlth friendsansd, ma>' ineldeu tally pur- chasland ln Judth Basin. Mise Aile Fquer, head compositor lu thi. office, le enjoytng a two weeks' va- ration which ab* will @pend with hem alter, Mr@. Louis Protine et Buffalo, N. Y. Jý J. Porteoue fa Ibis week in attend- auce at the State Palr ah Springfield, acting lu the capwas.v of police officer lu the departmeui under lhe aupervigion of W. E. Davis. W. Scott Hayon bas opened au eletri- rai shnp on Sprague etreet lu the wes+ om onif tho Home Lumbor companys office building and reapoctinli>' raques ta your patronage. 0. 1 Luee & C'o. thse fireI of hOs e ek hook over the mouagemen o! tise barber shop, bowling aiiey snd pool ronm lu the basemeiit if their tarnîture store on Miwaukee avenue, operated for the liait year or an by Josephs Meloy. AlI patrons oi the scisool, pclncipally the grades, a h, are lutereslted ini ihe formation oi a Niohers' Club or a imilar organîcatonu will meet ut the school building, Frida>' alernoori. lit. Ito eifect sucli un organisation. Tuesday Pauni \Iavinffin,làbertyvcille's western sund agent, condncted a land seekers'excurelîlu tii tie Lake Bfasin iii Mlontana. E. Wýittteld and G. Tý Li* ofithuis ity . uid John iCon verse- if Foi Lake, wsrî. uîîîong tise partyý Home Talent i'lays and Entertain- ments are vers , -uiuîendabie for ti a,îrk tiîey atteuinpîtiiu do, to inter-,,, pieuse and to iiiuke moue>'; beyond tiiîs the'1 doi nut geiierulIy attempt tu Xiî A Lyceum Lectuîre L'ourse seek3 to di nmorie tuai tlîis and 0 ucb et a finie.[It seeks to entertiîî, picase, luterest anîl instrlci, luit not futidamentiiuiy 1< niake inoney It isal insaY:tbat tisonis ot a traveling idiviiual or company in the Lyceum field, wlîîiniiione way or aniîtler do not giv unue tiie îorth oi the prive oil the. tickeit whlcb adi it. hlm to the enter- taiumeut. You arc getting the wortii of your lione>' sud ai theseaame ime arr conferring a beneit uponthecommunîit,% and doing a real service wisen you put- roniza sncb a sens utofeuhertainmcnit8. Subscribe ho thse course Ibis year. MONEY ORDERS *Our BANKERS' MONIEY ORDERS are the moist Convenient, SAf EST and CIIEAPEST means of ë-eidinig money through the mail. Call and ask about theni. The First National Rank 0f Libertyville Next Door to The Post Office Open Seturday Eiiening Il-e Obituary. Atlan Bock was boru at Hait Day September 2, 1884, and died sti Deep- water,lMo, eptember 2(, 1911, aIt th. sas o27 ycars and 27 days. AI the aga of elghtlhe moved wlhh hua parent@ 10 Llbertyville, growlng 1< ,ninbood ln our viSage. Six yreeru ago he engaged empinyment wlh the Chicago Bridige and Iron Worke with which Company b. was engaffed when h. met hie traille death. Altier four jeare of taithfui service be wae ad- vanced to thse position of loreman of one of %ho. companys severai gangs of work,1 Men. ,& yeer 5<0 Mt JBla&ry ehila wvork' Ilunà akI Okaboma ho laet, withi thse scaffold on whlch ho was working, a distance of neari>' oighty-ave fet, break- Ing hi& limbe and nue arm, s a resuit of Wh"chohewaa a" invalid and groat sut- leler lor nearl a yaar. Atter recoverxog from this injur>' lie rsturned to work wlth the aimo compan>' and it was wrhile working un a huge water tank in Doespwater, Mo., that ho tel a distance of 118 fret, cauiiing instant death. Thse romaine were brought borne Sun- day, Octobor 1, atx-,[iipa8ied b>' Mr. Wakeloy of Deepwater. The tuneral was held troui the residenco of hie parente on Monday aiternoon, Rev. J. B. MàacOuffin offciating, inter- ment being la Lakeelde Cemeter>'. The floral offuringa were man>' and bewtiful. testltying to thae eleem with ishicis hie memor>' lo cherishod b>' the man>' friand@ who are lait to mourn hie untimel>' demiae. The tamU>' has the heartfoit eympathy of the entire communit>' in thia their sad bereavement. Card of Thanka. We take Ibms mean of expreeaing out hoarthlit hankalto thetfriendeansd nelgh- bore who mo kindi>' slted uneduring Our reent bersavement. Aloo do ueo w"a to thank tb. ingers and thoee who cou- trlhuted flowecra. IMs. NIS Mus. PE=R SOMkAI [PFÂMiLy. Rey. Whipple Beturned Joliet, fIL, Oct .-Foliowing are the Lake county awmmentz made aetIthe Joliet Rock River Methodiat coule, ence. H. L, Clendenning (o Wauke- gan; J. C. Touker to Lake Bluff; Arm-. Itago to Highiand Park; Whipple ho Uibestyvlle; A, F. DassOdar to North Ohlc11fgo; G. W. MCfOload to Mion City and JohnAu Antin to Dia.mond Lake. The assigumenta were made at the cloGlng sesuion of thse R>ck River non- foeoe. Now le the time ho have your repair ng doue. At the same time let un oit your barns for yon. $1.00 par set for double harnons. We gnarantee our work. 0. 1. LucE & C'o. c-46-tf Il la best to try what <thera try and get more heat, lems &oh, n sont That in resnit ni Petroieum Coke. IBERTY- VILL E L(-iBSICo. C-1-2 It is best to try what notera try and wwmu qm get more beat, lemBa aih. no sont. Th at is the resuits o1 Petroleum Cok. L ,BERT 1VILLE SLuMBER ClO. C-1-2 lont let an>' lilfie coke argument bas your opinion, and try Pefroleum Coke and be convinced ît is the hast. Sold îînly by LhsEîîTYvii,zbLuxunea Go. e- 1 -' lDo Von kiiow tliat Its easy ho huma oft coul, (if it'o good coali. wishout thse anoyance of sont and suinte. Juol givo tLe ftri a ver>' utIle uir en top. Dont chîeck tise stove pipe daitiper tio looelly. Use Pyrolite Washed Nut. You ean get It from tise Home Lnmtwr Con,- puny. [t beda loseit tînt lilisti>', aud eaî iii ennngh air spae n tue ire tb humn aIl ti e gaies tiîat woîsld ntlierwlse mute so t antdmke 11-tf Many a Man Owes His Success to the Building oii aliiiîe le, ansit bîia sorved am ailunlihr sud kept fhllu n -triglit lino aud uîvay, pose- îll.î.roni tue îîaîîy get ricb qIiiick' scisenes wliiih are no lî,1,iitilul tîîday aud his i 8oiten îîîean ricboa ont>' for the amots tonguiie promotors thtreoi. By investîuîg IN YOUR HOME TOWNyou ars dealing wIth value@ and peupla with whîîu you are acîjuuiuted-peopis. isSuare lu- teresird lu yîinr wîliîsho. cause yiiur suceis si eaus tise sueri,éi, ,ofîthors about you, aud tue liore î,iicvs4ulnicititilis a townl vau biaitofnile botter place it wi li e. Ail tlialunîber we have, lu onr yards was pnrehatsed witb the vlew of giving our cnîtîîîîers lionoît values, and when you de- ,ide toiiuld we want tii tll VO miore, about oîîr metiiols. 'noe e a goiid îiuand nîîw for umcdium .ize housesa. (ot bniv, havionue ready for flu sai.he ns. Libertyville Lumber Co. PHONE 47 Douen by th. Old Depot. ASK THE MAN Who Checks on this Bank Whih He Conside the Safer Way tW C*m yMontgy Caihi the Pocket or On é o Our Check Books The CHIECK BOOK "#E ONLY WAY Wben Safety and Convenience are ConsidereDd ]LAKE COUNTY NATIONAIL BANK PSI AROUND REAL ESTATE Office la Lsce BU We bave bmi up a gemetal bm.... that eeawesie *Bd Lue laa.suwoj, dm oetgegMeaL.aa.amu Laiag. WbaMe the me eul te qmy .au lu m fiatieme. WeshN yei y eum un or h « . « u Schnaebele & Wheeer If Your Chickens Don't ly-- FEIED THXM ON GR.ÔUND GREEN BONE--G ROLUN D FRESH EVERY DAY Corieitt & Prederi LIlBI3RTYV ILLE, ILLI COMMENCINGA Monday, October 2 AND CONTINUING TI1IOUGI1OUT THÉ wrK W! WILL IIOLD A BIG FALL OPENINlN SALE AT 1BOTH STORES GRAND DISPLAY Of NEW FA1L AND WITER GOODS AND MANY SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DIFFERENT UNES WATCII rOR !URTtIER ANNOUNCEMMII W. W. CARROLL & SONS CO. TWO. STORES Buy a Home and Stop Paying Rent We sou hOu.e. on usouthi>' paymeuîs, "ame as paying rami. We 'snnon afpayment& at low Pnicesansd wâbinht aer Loans made at current rates. Fient mor4ma«e for sl. e oeed i onuVillaMsdfiM propeni y. Ufo, Acudemtbsud Firee aeseý. solicied. Reating sad collecting. ýDYMOND & AUSTIN Phone 26 aCs fi one in the Spring for each one you bring us Meredith Flower and Vegetable Company 1 a