Oro(& COUT NDP~DET 6 OT~ 2011 adOf Supervisors BrW Offioia Proceedigs of the Ieular 6eptçmber Sessioa . llId inthe Court Ilouse at Waukegan, 111. Prs Sa FIRST DAY. field, Vernon; W. J. Obee, Deerfleid: At W&ukegaflIli, Sept. 12, 1911. Eugene A. Reevea, Newport; E. Bl. Aug. ,,*M»Odffl jbeW the Honorable Scott, Grant; Wm. A. Meiody. Wasskse- 010 o - upervisôrs of Lake Couxty, gai John Hayes, Waukegan, Lewis Gibb at %Uek rannuel SSUSoXi helil B Hanby, L.thertyviUae Ira Frick, Slupervi#orW'Rooms li the Cuba; Fredk Horenberger. West T. Lwtl2 tuelethe Coity of Watkean, Deerfoalt. Hl te Tusadu.y the 12tl day Of SePtern- And Be It Further Resolveti, That W. bot .A. D1. 19U. Cj1rilea OtibWm te lA alowing namjeti persans be and iMat pplnsa @M %Usufoiniwing uéinbers are bereby aeleted te serve as Grand Wst poiseet: Supervisera Brooks Cht.t- Juroai tht-e aroli, 1912 Terinof H.E t.,cis*.. 9m-ad De-m the Circuit Court of Lake ('ounty, lii- ey,1 Fm PÀlward5, F'tke. WorrY.noie:s.w !kýWeberg«r. King, Meyer, W. A. Curtis, Benton; Fred Hatch, Bari ~ Simoe, Wec.-1S. Antioeh; I.. V Skeg, Avon; Emery J.1 ê!ý,sirVlaora Kirachuer, and Vose. Wankegaxi; Joseph Korrigan, SteN ME ý Shields; Robert Luebbe, Frenment; si Nlnat et precedfirg meeting reail Wm i esebing, Ela; Christ Johnsoni, pot Mnd uvioxi motion o Superviser NMeyer Deerfield; John Burges, Bouton; Wm. M ased. remmit. 'snttoch; Arad Chandier, 'I "jp>a.yIpr Meyer (halroliSnof Warren; Wm. C. Doiexi. Waukegan; Iron msaBieouute ulbtdAudrew Lunn, Shields; Milton L. tuioimï roert: Powers, Wauconda; L. H. Kruger, 1 To taise CW~rnmm nd it te Honorable Version; Cleorge P. Everhart. Deer- To Ecard fo Et iHOer e i of Lakeie flei; William J. Oliver Nwpo tH. p outy:. P. Lowery, Grant; P. C. Regan., Waai 10 r Libertyville, Ill., Sept. 4, 1911. kfgan; J. P. Arthur, Wsukeâan; Tom a Ara RWe unit&ae appontetet Corlett. Libertyvllle; ,Miles T. La.mey. JO ïM *ith~te Commisdanes ofut1H1911- Cuba; Frank Nlau, West beerfleld. *9 t» ls. nucd Liboty ville en a Motion earrIed. sm~eifor a new bridge en lite Tow Supervisor King, Clialrman of the n»ro«* over tise S"evY Slo«ih gapial cenittee ôppo&nted te soe«et D3glflMO Dih. luinsait tow1. beg Jurea-s mU eo befoliewiug report: bil havye te report that they met wtthtlie Wakffn, ii.. Sept. 12, 1911. dri CommiSoferB of Highways ot sait Mr. Chaiman ant Gentlemen or lthe PftY r».amApri ItO, 1911. SUPervibur EOard o! Supervisera:M I.C. W. Mayer was elected Char1â Your Speclai OoxinXtee apointeti te i Mej. B.udbbaM ldoirk. It ws es el~ec, 100 nomes for oach trial tem J OtI elded that a. new bridge w5.5 neCeisarY 0of fie Circuit Court for the exsuinag 111 Mud the a erde s wO nrttriite td-» year aubîi the folowing report: M vutiS for bids. JaMeES F. King. -)&y th. 191i we met ai Liberty- Edward Corad. .1l amo retejei bide for a steel A. G. Maetiier. ail over concrets bridge. Tihe Bçntoui. B b4ring were thse bids ei~ed. EmIl Cekert, Win. Bucksten, James me Btý . aliCo.si. trel. 17100 A. Fossland. Chas, O. Carlson, J. H. In Z e mental Bidge Coe.. i6900. Grswald. C. Sisson, L. Hlgley. P. AI- pi-i j " ..... ... I brlght, 0. W. Davis, Chas. Stiekne3r, de:a cntrctwas let to. BruinID .Jr.,Franuk DeWoedy, E. D. Seibeek, E5e ouar,, for $1.686.00 com¶lete. th Bmnel Cle, . L.BcetLserIe ,ç où ju I 22d, 1911, w mt t Smith, Chas. Mancus. John DBougon. Mi *#,a, «A .uois unai . A. Summers. G. E. Sperry.A anowdiMISOO conti-got, and In a goo. Newprt. ^WoÈlSnllbe mannor. The gradlng Jamet eBoamuorO, Chas. Cashmere, rsoo pzd gravoing of the apiroachest vas Chu.. E.Deamnaai, Chas. Edwwrds, Wni. li- =à« tbUeo alierviaon of thbe Giessoni. Elmer Faulkner, George Bol-F Olshiaia !utgHàweya by order lanid, Geo. E. Jemueoln, Ray Kelley, drç Z .=eto¶IiteO and cot l0e.60. L-eoLauy, Ceo. B. Lewin, Anthony Pi' .:'z~et-oaicoa oft-b bidg laasLabel. J. A. Lathuni, Davi Murrie. for * W%,. Antioch. i Bo"contractors ... . $4850 . RDroni, Chas. Johnson. E. E. Üzi ýr.os1s , ...vil ......ee 6.00EFiedsGuy Hughes, Ch"s Webb, D.a U iti I ciy ire. ive tripse 1î.00 B. Sabine, Lugene Clark, Brt Bonnxi, l au y Cravct Co.. gravl. 8.10 E. Buhmore, John Cribli, P. Chisan ti e County Indeienent, pri-ii.0 eter Larse'n, Willtam StorY, John the ,,%Ufr bds....a......... is es seMartin, Ceo. Hubber, Emer Pollock. PUI e v~ig pac eand 1 t.gvuga- 4860 Grant. bwtiia I. C. .Meyer, committee 17.60 Horan, John Hiller, Edwart Larik, 8 g2e - ýUi , - W..ori k .... 11.60 John Rosixig. Henry Stoffel. SMain ours.ormSittewrk.. 2i1.0 WihEr ouet uibarry services as coin Wih, alTwned o f1M - ... . . toit. 3011Avon. Oc seOi- ces a s roM 110 A. W. Harvey, Eanl Barroi, Orrixi a slo .erviese. .a.s. oi Maible, W. H. Snut-h. Chas. Kapple, ... 22- c S. C. Lttwiller, Cee. Cleveland, Jr., Or- jkj so15.&e0alanrdo Il ook, Geo. E. Richardisen, Ceo. Lo TOW iî@641.50è Sheldon, Fired Hlailin. Ed. Wella, A. soi tLîiIW& ' e' F ps&y ts le' "sflA W. Thompson, Beu Smith, C. D. Dos- Hu RtMW Meyec..-.>.......'...1.0 ?w.ioka 17.se Warren. ,"U eomoret .. ....... 1. 10 L elie lDonner. Frank tBurkte, Jadhn ni To .....9 Camîpbell, Roland Houit. L. H. Mliller, Col Tow. to Psy The Fslowtng ~Winî.Nlclieady, John McClure, Afret z ris. ........... .... 70.90 Reid, Abnier Taylor. L. W. Wakefield. uoniett................. issWa.ga.5 Stues............. .0 Peter lÇicohuer, Thomas Ki-chnier, Sw County tndepondeit 1i00 W. H. Board, Wms. Bauer, Ni. Kiaxit- Te Gousty ri-avl Co........ .e0w lhubery.........1.00 owky, D. B. Clark, Joe SioereI. 4i Suydam ............... 11.00 Robin. Thoma" Newmlanl, A. E. Eutt, 1 Dais 2.............. 0 Arch NicArtilur. Roy Ricina. W. A.i D. EubSai]à....«.... ... ... .. .. .1.0 Woodward, John ,FlidUqeon, Walter 1311-W£ Total.................. 851q0.50 harti. N. Lareon, J. C. Dennan, E. P. 00 ýMJl ef wich le reapectfully ol- Bdixwer. W. L. Lux, J. W. Hoîdritigo, Y lltted. C C. Sneeslby. C. H. B3roWu. C. E. toi cemmitee of Superviser*. Scbvarni, E.dw. Dilleubeck, Wmo. Wan- an 8C. W. Meyer. del, J. Hl Whtdeu. A. H. Seiert. . ed J. G. Demirest. W. Besley, Chas. Street, Chas. Speul- wi 19. W. Brooks. ding, T. F. Grady, Geo. Whyte. C. A. gr Commiaeione f c4ighwaya. Hurn. Wm. Straxia, John Auat-ix, T. St J. B. limhor-y. H. Hope, Cea. Harvey, Eobt. Thor"e.,te F. M. 6uydam. t'..IF. Gerry, Peter MeDerinott-, W. . th E. L. Devis. Sampuon, E.,A. Duaiuuil, Ira WcrsfOid, 18 4t-tMs, E. D. Hubiserd, Town Clori. S. B. Boti-no, (Jeu. Etinger, N. T. am iprvlsr Simons movet that the Rearton. John Manard. W. E. Zlis, ci IbtýMt be ho auepted and siioptet. W t' marrie, N. A Griftlu, H G. te l"àuion arried. Wilder, Wmn.FPioher,. Eêvf. Ingails, Oa ..,Wer'Weor Meyer rnoved that a Geo. Canhert, C. H. 3acksons, Hrail Sfoinatttee of three be appolnted te Larison. Roy E. Werner. John "MW*, gr. qpeetac loiors for the ensutng year. General l-kits, Neloi Pearsûn. Po1ol' lMostion carrieti. Goo<bout. Henry Seigle, P. P. Brs.nd, th Ibo Char appointet a snaob Cern- J. G. McKee. J. iAAbecit, Fred W. b UMtee Supesviwr King bConrad and Buckt, Nicit Smth, Wm. Toulurn, ,m attoh«.Jamais .dorjKmW, Fred Wrigbt , 1Mi4 IQ 4upac'visor Chaitenden movet that Gision Win. Belinsit!, Ckas. Crapo. . ai lé» B e0rd or Beview lie extentied for- Blupberg, Wm. Sbemaker. John il *ër lime tei ixunlete, chir werk. TontIdkna, H-enry Sheridan,. Fred Mat-- à$oUeoe carried. son, H. BroadbaSi, Wm. Porter, 1Mw. t4 Sspervior Kng, Chairînan of Cpdci. 01ll4m, Chas. Desuer, Wmn. Beuft, R. i£ al Commfttee appoiut-od t-o select bome. P. EicitanuI, Reese Moody, E. lm Imu a tp0rbimltted the following Rese- J. Chiarberland, Theo. Meyer, Franrk D litin. and moved lIa adioption: Petosvsek, Fleury Chritil, Chai. l-ar- q' .Ralv'd, That- té aie oiing nain- tei-,M. Crîson, A. J. TrubY, 'NIunk b .d prDon ha ut Uey are hereby Ienn e. Prk0r, JOhn IÀDwkuà0t. te selectedte t serve as Grand Jurons et Hatt Walil. Adam Utter. lHenry thie Octeber, 1911 Terni of Circuit Burk, W. C. Dolen. f Court of Labo Couxty,Illinois, pur- aSOiOtdS suant- to Section Nine of an Act en- Jobeph Slater, Wni. Cnnîberg, Ei- S tftàsd, "An 5.01t oncernlng Jurons and ward Brfflee, Afred Sandedt, Paul f t& Phepeal Clertain Acta themein Roeber, James Grlffts. Josephti ianaen. namxe." approved and in force Feb- Ciem Noèag. Lambhert Ba, James urylith, 1874. to-wit: St-sle. Tbomas Dougiassa. James JIen-9 WLTumnblhig, Benloo; Nonne sen, James swanton. gains Rundoauiat. f ro2i. lui-och; Henry Dombaki, Boert Wetnberger. Normaen tewit. t AinAlex Whan, Wouieogaîî; J. G. Chas, Lameel, Peter F. More, F. J.P r ibtillds; RlbF..lieuse, Frssîsoii; Urghty, . D. Goses.a GeSoge MetEa, W. E. lBrand,. Deer- Libertyvilie.1 fi9td; B. E. oBinions. Menton; Prailk John Boyaoii, Ceo. Perry, Berte ZOck. Axtitoeh; Frankt urki', Warren, Brasher, R. W. Bilkley, Anten Wbeei- johnBessley. Wsukogan; . . PWe'n-er. Albiert Fenîkiuer. Frank 1. Wirit, *8ar ý1Iadâ; Franik i.. tarr. Wauccsî J. H. Grldley. L. H. Hauhy. Chai.x 4 Wa.llace Rtzenthaier, XVernon; KIWser. Pelr Bockieuis.n. Balpsh >lui- aaM. 'Scbiieder, Ieerfielti; Mich- holand, E. W. Buttei-field, Jehfl W. l 'S R.ioeaxi. Newport: Gore Stan- Lawrence,. Wxn. Main, Joii Oer-4 tord, iraut; W=. C. Parker. Wauke- I, \Vxii melhinaxi Sa=n Duha. John1 Mi;4lr . Saler, Waukegan, C. S. Brasdley, David Mrrian, Âdiolph. SAt,1 ,Kà6bertyvllle; A. W. Meyer, Frank Suytain. 1 C.W. Pet-tii.West Deorfielti Fremorct. bei sIL t uor llruoi'ed, Tiab Fred Converse. Jos. Bobuer, Proai *h- ialbewlxis ameti W-tsons be and llrsderic s, John Qateor. Nick iCi-t1 Ela 24 U*e land owned by sa-id Tweed Ui- -ouil Gesny, Fret Xropp, Arhur K 6sdu ja, Ilenn&4 Koff- lMra e = ieUtuem ierafeit-herrÇWfl iker, Gao. ThilaOtoD'-uit. He'U e at-.5John Convyrsoe! the l*e i Baeochlng,10. W. MeYer. of lés Lake, Lak.enty. 3»inctdç ~ ,haa *>i-thse lest t-vo sommera -taken 1 CBunxild -~, W. &uotilar, F. paoosioln of salt i*llnd andTi ani-* masos. Juba Legli.Fietta&»M thoi'on a lotofia-h bhsenasi.10 ove. Cee. H. Smith, Fr'ank Tulley, a aa2k or t-ot; chat those are oh- lu irgo Voix. John Moyer'. Alfr'ed Jectionaeandsunudecira-bie featuro. te tilff, J. Id. rEler. t-h. ait-Imm e of o Laite and eroate West Oeei-fteld. aa ilsaosa te _a amalp te mui- wg1. Wln.iers. Wns.Houiieneger. i-kqu a po 't; httring high g.Hixterberg. James Fa-gin, Win. aiÏto riosllaurt la lovYere aut t-at- )br, eoo iacki, »nLs fer thae iost et Ottime turing t-lt- ibonsa, James Ry'au. asunai' 0Kle «iied tandt bist- t-be Deerfiaii. la veaet-at-lois grassng on t-he sere. c rH. Ca-Il, Arville Et. Pater, A. W. The petit-tuners bfflve anti are ln- L limer. W. W. Wagoner, R Shannon, foi-tild tisat- »a 1stlvltnai or potie11 A. Hopkinson, John Stupey, Win. wD5 sali land but- that thie Cont-T13 Ltews, WinCumiall% - C. A. 'ofLak-êba5sogmae litaz'ost a-nd cOU- tt, R. G. lsh. IBle lia-vis, .J.t-ol eversit Iland, andth -e 0.41er- Brady, Fra-nk Eva-u35.Joseph Moon- alionet boliove 4t oPult be Ou t-hoelint- B E. Nelson, A. R. NOenhersD. P. ntei'ecta of a-H. te bave a-il paons tabou, Michael>Mct;agry, C. H.sd objectiotrablo foulures raiot ker, Jabhe Ralph, Adolph Lanson, Irons sait Islad, ant aliow the sa-meT H. st-m1pe) (Bat Linthieusu, Byron u'aulai lfi l te naturel abat-O. B ans, Herbert Moon, Where!ore, t-he unteralgueti respect, uperviser Eger so.ved t-bat t-be e- fîlly roqunt- yeur Honorable Hotdy te ri: e acepeil nd dope. taite conaI lof set-t islatItami take E 'thMo pe -tiontoptet. snach reusunesoas nia-y honeceeearyb rhe following bill o! the Van Dora bu0oe ]wI oh ovrs eie )n Works Comnia-ny vas pi'ested: Inavo IritUeosa-me, ant to reove t Cevelan, O., Sept. 12. 1911. Islnaitdbietonalkea t-ox'es risalt Laie Casait-y, Waukogan, I., D-r. i1 n.su etakoauhsOs osaii t-be Van Bora Iran Worts Coi- ho nOeBSOi'y te pi-ort naI y ee G8 uany. fionu telng possaeioen ot sa-id 161»W nov steel celle and one p-attet cou unt-liI tia-ie eosaiîl betest-abliiIsO ts instatiot on third flacr o!f<ounty %cIcol'tixg t-qla' ail at Waukegas, 111î...$4.1000 Datet a-t e-O Laite, Illinois, chia IE O. K-H. Boscon. libliday et lune, A. D., 1911. h H. W. Ferry. lfred W. Moade E. A. Ficite. ElatOoriJ, L. T-weediest-at1 Superviser Weicb movedt t-at-theo John G. Browni,1 i1 ho aliowet a-nt that the dent Preaident Village Hart. av a- warrant- un the T'ea-sumem ln William Clayton,1 yment for sanie. Owner Lots 54,5. totore carried. N. T. Greutor. Supervier Conrad movet to a-d- Owneri Lot ni. arai lx) 9:30 o'ciok t-emons-ow moi-u- John Grenier. 9 Ovuer ot Lot 53. 1tta cr-e George W. 3ootb. Hei-in A. Meyer. SECOND DAY. OurLts6,6.11 Waukegan, 111.1 Sept. 1i1, 1911. FxLie i. et.lth 91 Bloart met lui-suan t 10 adjoora- Fo e ,Il.spt ek 91 lt vibh Cla-imuianoGi-a-am pi-elt To the Honorabhie, tise Buard o!fBei- g a-nt the fottuwtng minîhri pervisurs 4of tbeaCont-y uf halte ast esent-: SupervisoesaHB'ooks, Chtteu- S-te Ilius S. Cark, Cenrad, Denînrest, Deacon, Cietemu:-l. t-he ttirlgued,j gerEdwrdsFiçe, FrryGraamFrankt Otterex, resltlug at 'ex La-ke,. reuberger, irsecheer. King, Meyer-,lnsi 5uta&eng btjm f et-ler, Pi-rir. Situons, %eloh-18. said State et Illinois, to eriiby mirie Abssent, Supervisai- Wyin-l. -applicatlioiort-ho puoeasafe Im altd Mîinutes of precetiug meeting were County o!fLit&e o! tise tollewing des at ant uPon motion nf Superviser miedndie b norat atah at teit: rocks approvet. mnindbrt tahd owt Han. Judge Chailes Whtneuy ad- A tract- or parcel o! lanot ln Piatakeo i-naet the Huart lu regard t-o an Art La-ke, Laite douat-y, Ili-ois, describeti & tivling fer a system utf probatilon, as folova: BeghaiiiSg eat a peint- lnn ýr the appontoielt- ast compensa--mdlk oae sflou e:n nu of pi-abation offlonrs.ast aut-hon- ing at the Nont-hea-at corner o! t-be Ingthesusensonof ina juginntNoitbvest Quart-sr' N.WU) ut the i Ig thesupesion o!fintnalejutgponinortheast quart-en N.E)4 oftIra-c- trou ise d mpoalty of etainieTed nfratienal SeatiOn nne (9). Toswnallpg Julsndoffen ses, yo coi-ta-n ling oty-ie(46) Northl, Ra-nge aine (9), lino a-t ofenss, ot lgsi Easg t of't- te zTiird i i-t> PrincipalC ler ultima-Se dia-hange vlthoiib Meritiaxi. i-nnig thence s'est on thie inishinent. Approved Jlune 10, 1911 i--lioo15dqu-S'setli r td in force July 1 , 1911. anti akail sait lin pfradad, qurhter etioniaor a-eth te alnh x ac cord-ty-six ant four lent-bs (406.4) lest-. osve vltb t-he Sait a sout-h 47 dogi-oe, 23 mtuites SupervaiserBrooks woe -i-t h -er aoait nia-ttoi- holaid over for In-es i hdr tetâv an 2 etga-tion uztil t-oeioiFQV at î10alght-âeiths (92548) toot, s'hleh point la tise point- o! begjgnilng et prepab'ty- Motin k. ridberein descrlbet, i'uaing t-banco Mo Tn.i-tid. e ddf-dtesent-b 2 tgrees 35' «uat- cmohuntred C.r Tn readtekthe wdre'mofdthe thlrtYtOo sut four-tout-bs (132.4) lest, as-ire regay rtoat-ovetyo! anhothence sOutb 35 tegreffl 9'% vent- ke fo n apropriaionofS o f-ibrinehtindrod !euty tbreo (24a) fott kude folrsanapropriteiono!Tv te ionce noo't-b72 doges go,'sait- oue. undrt tilai-afran th Cent- Suhnndned toIt-y antdol.ght teatba- (140.8)t Surist-sal Boks molvlted von t. heet, t-boucs enth 2H egressa314, esat latter b elsrBrokstmvtet-bant-e six h'boniet t-rt-y-elght- (638) feet, ator h erett a -beFnacetisence senth 77 degroo 20, eaa-t onet umiultee. bndi-et thlrty-elgbt a-ad eeveii tenthat Motion ca-i-ied,12 )feUec oth1 erO Thebo ollov-ing petitione ant reon- (2.7)fetec -uh1 ePe trace ererea, nd eferedto he40' veat evo bondi-ad (200) fest ta na-ne er Ltand t ro r-et -ot-be Uoplaco of beeginl.tbe gaine con- o Ue Hord o Suerviorscsf -hotatning tvoana-d six toxit-ls (2.6) a-cres. Centye t La-e a-utSo fte murie Oor lIaa, a-il boig inLasCon Illiois:t-y,Illinois. Illin eti it- ovrs ae t-is application li accord- ourespotliemJOhn nverse, a'aire vitb the lava andt regniatloxis ent reepect-ully eisent e- -covering t-be paneis"se taaap land". ,eotnoversy b ateiatefor nianT amidIiepectfuily a-aitbtht t-hosaid sin lands iit-theoCouit-y of Laite Hoard authorize andi direct-tUeo Chair- utd St-atofo! lliinoi 1, vhjcue a-rocIa-in- ma-n sot Clark of saiti Boardt ta make. t t-o ho saaiteutoveriiowed la-nde exeoiXte aud detiver t-omeina.thie ît-hin bae mea-nlng of An Act o! Cen.n- aint- test o onveYauceo! ailnst oas eut-ltled "An Act in, Enable t-be tîtienti Jutafi-oestyiii a- fail rignty ltte o! Arkansassand ot-her S-at-es adIneetwba.sidCs xi~~~ Stl-l -e -atpSn a vtsn as oi-.may bave in a-ad lte tseniave ha-f elimt," l arootiSaptiboer28 doacri-bet land, ueS yment hy nme t8,50, a-wla-te-sana-toi-y t-erea' o! t-be saim o FiN' (50) Dollars, bo- nd ca-led e h coore ai i~ing the minimum paymant- te ho mate gn ludet vit-bAn t-ho rant-ao! Incbautst-on purchase o! a*ausp lInnds nder -judd wihàn he gantsof oc ' lnde4h. lavesud roeuloti1055coaeriuig th. t L1aite Cont-y under Chapter r17.8u hin.mure than t-ha sf~~~~~~~ ~~~~ aaeura tIiuls !th Ys'sn o! $1.25 per are toie -elsig .852, a-ut acsa -manda-toi-Y chOeoçtet>ho 1uicha-et. nt other lave o! tho Stata O! Illinois- FranitOttorsen. Tour pettioner would thOie!Or re ay lia-t- the Chai-suaha-nt Cle'k et »de Tise follovtag communicationivas Board ho athriset sudd isrtoti t- ads, to-vit: na-ko, ex-tcte andi teliver te tho loi- To t-ho Honorable Board of Supervis- WwWz gna-mot person W'b, lela tqise or, Lake Ceont-y. Illinoi: actual poseMOn O! sit land and liThora la nov la Toier Count-y ;sail te actual occopalosi of sMlilanadsa a prieoser vsoso nanm e late is at oga axae Wrtine pffl gao-sare sai-a-he this itlnie 4nitmown This prison« te be0oeo0PWQ, a nt vbo elaimis ie lu Jue ofchia yegr auje .- a fe o sa-id la-ids, la conaitaraitlon ofethte frunu obe Bon Crsesman of Iteund aymont- o! une a-nt 15/100 (41.25) Laite, 111. He vvas pursoot by mysel! Dllai- e pr a-aie, a @oot anti enffIcent a-ad t-he Chiefot ne lo£ <i ciiaxiry, quit0 cIa-ia tee lu t-be nomie a-nt onIllinois, a aan aop(iu'ed »y us ln behaîf o! thie Cont-y of'Laite o! a-ntUeo St-te o! Wiscouutii brauglt-t te ie ,'igist-.tltle andti utaiest- viLlob is-d NiMcHeuii-, Ill., by' ma nd, aiget ln Cooxitu'bai or ma-y have in a-nt 40 Jan lt-haroe nter t-M*Am e s!sie Chlet t-le lanada conveiret. lb.. sa-ms betng a -ot -Police t Mçiimeny, JPl.Mi. lact tit-se ln tee esimuple, provded that no Wekçb. avor glbt,, sud W& remoovet sncb quitt daira teet abal be execofltet te yur Count-y Jeu #ie nezt-day. i for any paiticulsi- parce1 foi- a-lems th4i'ore at-bat 'flu eA000 ovaa' sum tisa-nPifry Doléai-o. Ojefte by t-is e-0001ter7 forâ a- quarter o! Section Nîne. tovnship tweeD myzeît sud. Mn. Jiuak Wlch ot !ort-y-lve. uorbii, range asine .stof McHeni-1, Illinois. Ooi' disse wtt-b iny t-ho t-ird prnilàalaeiian,. aot-bat automobile coverefi 125railles. part e thUeo notheaet cquart-rorfetnit Yeui-a nespatittii-42t &iola lie wbh les s'est-ofetbe E. a. Doeltle. ceiiter of Fox River, a-lILa-lt-ouon- St-ut-e o! Illinios, CeuOiy o! Lake, es- ey, Illinois. 1, E. B. Boltot-l «?Gi-ayate3, Ifli. And lurthir t-bat lu laid dooe ei'o r- noie, hoi-eby siates Ilat t"abaose iasaeae peotioed ton thora ina-y h f acta as set fortit a-sa tae and core uictal at-ating tise intention I t-hoei-oct- lin every p*t*iUiar. Coisnty of lA-ete t-o nvoy ttl Iin les E. B. Docaille. imple ta tho proises therein couivey SwOmn a-id stibsclli-lhe t- hooro mes et anId ecibed. t-is ta-te, the oint-b" ta- Se8ptsaibO', John B. converse, 1911. To the Henoralle Uoa-uito! Snpervis' L. Y. Sites, ors of tLake Couebi. Illinois: Net-unitPolir The onderalguet petIi-leroi'espect-. Superviser Eger move tisa-t-t-be futly repi'esent bu your Honorable cOmmtilioti be laid ou t-he table Body tisa-bsuerasyear aago a largo beg MOtiOn ca-n-lad. ratat us 11,200 for t-ho work va Supervise t-ourmd aoyed tdst thie Id for Your county anti vs .ik Y@ acOMMWÙunC&t-lon halaid oD e tI tiba > MltM100t-An kgsl Ru*4Met-ion ca-oiefo'cns.ntia 150. read: We cor4*jnly Mlhk YOU 4%pt heayt 'llineml, StUe A"Mocat»g if CoitIy 7for vb.a- yum bave tons fer us ait Fam Sapepai4ndes1lB, Uai'Orwo iour von, I teemen, oad c! Supervisera, Cmixi- Yeurs vory slncerelY, It-y Conmissionorsanam Board of Lucy J. Judsoxi, Auriltarlos. Supt.. Galonsa, >lii., Sth. -,1911. N6am*. mioxtha. . .rinh Coaetanftlne, Etizab«th............. 8O , :oestsstlne. Marita........i ,5par xiiath .evna utrs'............2 .per gontb ILo- , Ireus......................îî1 100 pa xiinth Jatier, lashel ....... ..............12 P- e rlii- opth Bouer., Rayiunl.................... s-60 pal-' m<letb HIi tala............ .....ini 8800 per inonth nil l..................10 10 0 par month il.ha l............... 4 18.00 per moalli Hill Jeusui............ ...2 98.55 eliai- nth MIflkxuun, LîitIe...........2V, 03.5 per uSent-i XcAuley Marie.............. 155per month i-rag, loy...............i 08per menth Traas, Pl..........10 aiS ot 3i-debw, usa.............1 9.80per montS ~ivlla,~leiil 500 per' month Bradsha,Hug1o..........12 18.00 par mnsxth SImaihi Siss...........12 9.58 ar:sut itarln, llint........... 400 per month 'Och-lig. hm...........:..0: 0 per mousn oi. 8ere........... 000 par month StinbergOlie..«.................... 12 8.55 per mont Mo tn. aer..........14 800 per montS Brva-n , .JesIUe..... ..... ...... 1 8-00 per monbh 'Ptnt-hu. 00cpar month Euatsonudth.....,,:10. 00 per muil lueta-.............. 12 $8.0 lier mOntS Sais Hi--a 8 8.10 5panmontl Bi-stafol. C h eute r e ........i2 a00 peri- nxti ai-lbelEdi8:0905par nmontb aavsai. atre ... .......... 1 ô00pr nti H5 a i. TU e t-i .....10 .....pai...su..t-h clasal¶'Che"<r.................. ...i2 9t.00 par mni- Lichida, tar1055per untb t=te n e...............- ..12 10 .00por nntS, tate A is.... ................ il. 4.00 par ant-h iLcaie. E4 i 10$00 per month Laet-ci-sois . a......-...-12 flot par unonth Pae. A ..n. 81 2 $9.00 pen month Allý,EU. -- h............... *..i2Si 100 peurmontS a-dck oReet.......... ý..........."lagi i-'A' e en. ...*'*r............... î...12 0 tuer menth WIllîsHat z8 9.00 per montS Nea i. ERthlsa................. .-iW 9.51 o- vs Neleson sgst $at 10.00 lver wsak Aile, liatb .............. $%8.00 per m.îth gASO.k J onoy ....... . . 900 par montb lDerch. BHcsle . .. ..ti-i 1 1 0.00per mont-h Da -voeoys, A...e .....e ...... 9 a0.00 pi-r nonth infat-. Uhîi- w.lil ....................915.05 pr month Pau. a en C ...11.1. 3 A 055 pern mont-b BýIy ta-in ............. ......i w $4,00 par montS rive- IMicrhael.................... ri9. 00 par montS Wytcff lia i .. ................. . 1 .80 per montS CUTIoai 491Der41e Superviser B.ing nioyot t-at t-be sa-mo ho relerret te t-be I'leuee Cens- nittea. Motion, caried, Th.e loilowlig comimuniationivas Third Nat-lanal-IConservation COn- Kansea Ciby, 'do.. Aog. 14. 1911. Chalian Boa-rt of Consasonen, Laite Couxsty, Wa-ukegas, 111. Boa-r Str:-Tbe 'l'hrd National t'on- sai-vatien C.ongsisss yul b. helid lu KCansas Cit-y, Saptamber 25. 26, and 27. i enclose the officialI cal]. Ad- Va-no. inticat-iea point te a puat Ntionial meetIýng vith notable a-us-, dance frein aIl parta o! Uhecountry. 1 ha-vot-be houer te oxtendt te yen & apeelai invitation t-e hopi-osent a-nt t-o naine Ueree delefa-tes vith alt-o, na-tes, t-o reprea-nt yoeux Conty at the Cengreas. I ournesliy hoPe that va Mayraout on ye ndalYOUr dole- gates te ho imeent. The Cengress this year viilglve apeciai attention to t-he ua-int-enaue sut InePauvment o! the fettGity o! t-he soli a-utdteh influence et t-ho tarmin lit-be deveàop- meto! t-ho hlgboasttype o! AmieieRloa citizenship.Tonua-at your delegatea w-iIl finlutet-iest lin Ue Kafi- City Congresant aboarty velcom. lI n aaeg t-hie meOUIs t-t voUld belp ne gzeat-Iy if Yen wouit appeoint youii- elegaes imnuodltitely aMd sund me thiier names anti atdresses, Cane National Conserva-tien Coagresa, Kan- sms City, »0., @0 t-Mat they May necalve t-heur croentiniat pdtiser Informa- ea-rlIest possible moment. Voi-y trnly yonrs. HENRY WAIÀA±CE. Stuperviser Eger move t t-bt t-be eaSuimnistion ho laid citer ntIl ces future tinis. Motion carriot. The tolleviia-commnilcation vas read: St-nIe o! Illinois. Chaj'ltlaa Comiiis- Springfield, fil., Sept. 6.1911. Te t-be HonorahietUe ContyBMant çf Supeas'hitws: Gent-ensa:-The nov cha-rities las' o! 111400ba Autborta.aaYen u tsppalot oue or more deihsgate t-e attendhe Sét-te Soafgraies e! Cbii«anti Corecton chirexpenses te be pait omat of t"M col"r-m tremery 'won pi-e sontatIon t-a yen o! a crtifica-te fi-oi Ute Esocotîve Secrsts.ry of t-ha Stat Cisa-itica Commission t-ha-t t-boyvers presont aIt b thesodence &Mat atten dot lt-i mmiaoauL.mis lw a-W amrY "os. i-it -mlisls -&*u4gmoo u poa ibis vei-y lIprtanit coDfereil o! etthoeenon sd venfront oach eouxity Who ar e sna-emla % aP~ublie or privaea i't-abla usseliehiaga. lùtexi4gmU IMdbit -tsannual fl- 4t0l e8peeol -ispo-tm-bai lthe Perindeitet Our1' ShoieS i tbwe ulu o; sieur eemnst -aso almusnusea on Puerrai'l* ehouit.e t-eudt dis domrence2. The Canin ee vii liee lIt-is 70a&PlIn Chou pa-lgn-Urbaua on Octobet' 1. 22, 22. land 24. 1 iii hlbeoon.o!Oft-he Most lm' partant u Ia tehlalasy. Muay-y eble speakers lus.e o'e e uutdsudtheii onat-ierafi-l eo!f abW*teMe vr)t, la clutdLng t-he uuviptilo courts. t-b. ooî -atut probatioen les', t-lieata-t e'Il a-ble inat-utiom . thMe 1011 l QOeSt10 nd maair cora are t t ledsce< 'I. tiolegates Yoe May sent te t-bise S«Om c. enos viii returfi te Yeu vitb linfowa Q t-ion a-utpractIcal Itias vbt-Ii isli bN eo! more va-lue t-a Yen lau d0505'e«W cents thicu t-h.ii-exiienees a-inut te. Lest y Yen the la-s' as lu off oct foi tbe e a ine t-u ant iienatoou ceont- t-ont -tva-uta-go o! IL.This year Mni mors viii do me. aW. trust tw 70£ pou viSve t-lIa ter sentos opqiaioenatlo n setchat yoi o i ufle ot-bit Immnsan 'eOOMIii1 0 etansipoint al~s, t-t-wuilV&Y Y«l Io *Q»euauty teo ha na or niome dele ptes att-hie meeting. lu 'foi,$ respectf nly, f Exectivo Sac. £0515 Cbut 194.0 14.00 28.00 96.00 90,00 20.00 8.00 80O.00 96.0 W.00 96.00 6800 86.00 62.00 96,00 96.5e 940 96,00 90.0 96.08 32.0 80.00 80.00 96.00 190,00 96.55 94.00 1M.00 10.000 $6.00 20 .00 1.00 10.00 96. 0 $9 9 00E 400 5.55 7055 10.55 1500 10 55 16 55 1050.68 To tIi. Chah-mon anfi Board o! Su- perviiors of Lakte Coonty, Illinois: icentlemien; -b givos us ga'e« pie&- sure te advIse yon t-bat the annuel 1 Maeeting of t-ho Stato Associatoi o!f ý' County Farm Superutendzxbs. Ma- J trous of Aimahooses, County 1farut. Committeemen, Board o! Supervisera, A1 County t~Connulsoners andt Boards o! Auxillaries wiii eho boitut t-he State Univerity Cbampe.lgn-Urbana from, o October 21st tu, 241h. Iinclusive. Tls mfeting le te h boitfer t-ho pu-pose04 o! dlscuseng the moat prsateai and j ecnonulcal moft so! coMdUct 91 almehouses and g1vixig o! out aide aid and w. have arranged 6.0M"va.the ableat speakers that wa ccald otl addreao this meeting. on BucIi eubhet as the toliowixig: "Tue Managemnt cf Countty Farina frein an lnalector'a Point of View," by Mi-. N. HLMe; 'T'h. Practcai Ue o!fblScience tuI Improvement.' by Cyrl G. Hopbins; A "The Velue Of Inteliget fOUsadmten- dents antiemployas for CouitY Farina" Mra. Ophejla I_ Ainegh; bl" idstis»A. on Monday afrernoon.Ocober 23i'd. MIr. William C. Graves wtii poak andl on t-ho ovenlng of t-le sanie day yoei wili bave thbe pisaisure o! beeelxig Jugi goSherman. W e hope y ou wtli a.. lt le sent yetîr Superintexident. Matroxi. ant et lestthUeChairnian O! your Couutyi Comm-ittee (if!you cannot god t-be tl enti-e Comnflt.e). te "in eeting. Stucereiy your friend, 1 WILLIAM EH.RLER, J Bocrtar. Suporvisor Conr'ad movedt t-at the communication be refoni'ed to the fi Couxity Fa-no Commlttee.À Mtbon carniet. Tb. following comunicatlione ia rosi adtndreferret te(o Moe OP Erveeus Aisemmtunt. *HEUghlaied Park, 11L,. Sept. 11.1911- Mi-r. Clark, Care o! Johnî Middleton C.omnpany: * BDar:-On behaif of my mothbai- Hi-a, W. B. Wrexn. I1 herevItis ubmit for your kind conalderetlon Uhe tax Ilgupag Migiven t-be amso fLake County, lait year li the ethadsle. Wa voro assesset a-nd paàdtht-e miOnso 112.75 on an equeluei osiesdem 5 thou!wed dollars. Net haxtng beexi LadvlsedlIn t-hoenuatter va ln error ed ihodulad min tb4irty-two abar Of o stock in a Chicago Bank in êe lai. ýThe taxs chedule vas M*0- &-Houseloîtgonde, $360,00; MO e vl xIn .ohixio. $15.00; 32 ebaras 0f atSok k on-tinental & Oem«eial faOiiu" 'Bank o! Chieago. $2.80 per aboot% [- S,"(L.1 'y 4nd asemiaier renemI.5r1'îIt t-b. »Boa-rt ofRevew tt-bSt turne adiied 26 shanea o! South Bide Elouatet, "0 sihanes Met. West Side EI.i'td, and l10 abares o! ChdcegoOpera X~s steock, ailofe! hiaraVa1leos.t-he 3- frEt two ouJlqnlea aving liqit- I-a-ted. 9.I alpn wollit 11ke te caIl yonr et- u- t-ei*ioate tise fiae t-batln tb4 a Oar's bdsohdpla t-bat Ja for 1911, thoe- la in- M Wmetd jifl euh nm ~y whlch )a lu 6a Citiago 8avlug bank asud 0w' le ar pugerstaxidliUg 1la t t 1isO" »a Buteo aib)et te, ti~icon not bwAi lu a-* Laecouatwlia. in .we-v* T ea ,l t- 4D l 10 owa Judmnat. TbmiJd=Flig71ou ft*WWmid *Iourni bL f4flr sW sd ou4eavor hltbbIs n0atý*r, X_ .*sq t ju jeet-yi ~ ~ lie I et&bo tOtet atwg&apDlty, 1 amn su ar. Nd 'Yeirs Yery troly. be W., B. WoX20N. The Iollovibg eoxsugmeO" W Sreat: e The. ltte Bak O!f &VÉWc-b.-loch, &d. ilxoia., Septexnuer 9, 1911. r gbpus . ulfa.Sui*i-5i50 ny Dear Sir:-On Mu-- 11111, la-at V1. fp O to t-be Secuts 8Vlnee t- l of ? aulr4gs.n. Coui.ty -Wayral.t ou Wiigber 4M.0?. -Apail 24, 19111, caylie lb tk .eror of J. H. P.aadle ar ove 0500 oa aeusi 1Ur<Iota '. le Webb& Coaabd m%èm'd 'l» ia mte t"0 seouity aala lsi. 4ita-ar bas pev<.oai , fl B!î &Wiit- lnp 9Wu* alidd idm !Jl 10611 iÔ5 ,p *d bavea Q Ip&ae osued 1Mr ,tnt. Paid. I.P.1 137.tee lm casauethie gixiai shogld t-nnp. Tours trinly, W. I. ZINGI..IR, CailOue. %no.viaf Binonts movad tat t-ha ount'y Clark ho directet te issue a iplicate warrant lu paymoot of thse Une. M4otion caried. T. Art-hur Sinipson, Snperintendisai rSeheela, eubmitted thse tilowing ýoft: ot-he 11cnombIe Board of BSperais- 1 boreth S ebmki a mot epî 1 '10 h~.. 45 an. 1 u, iFltoh. Ji. P. 2.00 ._-h i.ü.~ ew4J e. .5.00 ti-ch I. flues. 3 yJ. ae' r. p ......................... 58.00 Loch 20. Pin, W. A. laWilor. Police'laé. .......... ..........6800 1.rh 29, Intenea Un @Cant ul nud State Warrant...........34 60 si-ch 29130110o1 box fond.' Stiats *a"ast..............7211. -. inFne,JO& .. r less . '. . . .40.00 - . ....nes.......W......... 21.00 Total ....................101,03 t Dieaurssm ta uni1 1. J. A. Hoffman, township 162............ :........... 176.89 si-S 1, D.A. W i'affey towmi.sp 46-10 .......................... $74.97 'i-îl 1. Cham. Thonijioum. bwn- ahip 46-Ui...................... 79.61 Pit 1. W F. Wantei, towxi- Khip 46-121..................... 696.94 kPi-il i. M P. Schnyye-, town- Lo~. J. Ldolidil,.twnoi 46- 0 .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 40 4 p-1, W. J. Ssal.e. tuosnhAi 44-12..........................843 pi-l i. W. C. Titgg townahip 44-il.............. ............26106 Pit i.J u. Am ltownstp 44-90.................... ......20 I %%ii 1, 1),. A. Moisns. .towiuhip 48-12....... ..................1142.41 i-l1. A. 0. Masther, toallp 41-11. ............ ............. ma &pilt 1. F. ..Bi-ghasa, townsip 43-10................ ...... .... 2"A6 kpi-i i. P. L. Waternian. ten- &PrU 1, Cri Mete-lld îy MA Of NWbuk,an............ ......2770.10 nii il, W. SpedaICity SUiL 1. Oseuon bud...... 867 Total .........1 .... 10M02 1 1 8 t 1 1 1 0 a s il h x i . I 1 6 .4 0 utv. II.eaaiut. 23.00 Laic 'Ul, Eaninaion e«..... 2.00 I>' 11. Examixiatlan Wf..e. 3.6 ogonft '11, teowsl !so.. . .... 201.00 Total ................... igg. 40 oci. 14,. CDati-s Sdeha '. supe.1i1, for' in*ttute ....S 6,70 t. urplls for 15>atute .. i 16 a. 25 , ltli.i- WliL@. lt. 1,istoor.....................6.00 Y"t. 18. *il, Nipoussafor sisa- 'o.1.I Ins Lilaa Mu rny, lusttiat-oi- 0< miJ te .-..... .0 'Oh.10.1 W..'il W . Alood. la- situle instructor ......... 249 'eh. 1IM.'il, Diait Yeimi.y. in- altis le narurto,- ..... ... 56 Au S,'1.,lisai Cori-bm.le- stitute tîstruto. . ......... 264 -&0<. m1. 11, R .91 Lahlîn- atiute I notruatiis .. ...i. »l Aus, Il. - 11.ARneRBon, liaI tuile iu usl r ......... 100.e AUX. 31, '11, .aeh un haut ..... 4le Total.......... .......... . 5000& Respoctfuil]Y uhmitted. T. ÂRTX*V'R SIMPSGN. Andthtie Vue vas nsei--red to 1h. lelnsnlttoeeoni Ediiotoný . uv-iar 'Welch, Obisisma m Swansp LandeCommit-e. eubnit tho foUeowigg rfPor: Huart of Superviiers, sept- Teri, 1911. 114T. Chairman and Oaitisem of ths Bardat iupouivîmei: Tour Commit-tee on Swa-usp loal eo whom vas rofer-od t-be petition ot knâ'ev (ICD" aliing gîat ale ha me t ei o r' antISaepeusl Rwa-mp Il iatuatadl ft i i eboms eud 35 of Ant-och a-dut vloap i - 3 Of Grant ?OWndàtj, WndU lande hava baeffl dW esIavelat m plate, beg le"s te ralet ai hi. Iowa: That va have vWat-s d nd rgoitaIy exainuiSt't-he proiess ad varecoom- nment Iat upm the s aginut M « fy <$50.00) DollmaraSgled Md elqbcà tioieof lllanidelylug eWlI4. Boundarifa dasclbot lInssue PtOMLM snchcb alqiino ésim n sem easly tlJov vaioemark o! m4do ant FOI lt-lier Vit-lin aSU" bosedal- les. James Woicb, Cairmau. B.L. Sines. SuperviserCounseil «udt lb.th report ho aco9pted nd594 .'W t-bat tho Chalri-au aè ho a- Oboilsd ot tdigita test linaunourtae Motion carai. The follownS OIn C&-ePog wrai reat and ro!-5'red te utimmtta BonDn lu-saa »»Psa.14, eta: Mr C444MMuA Mds o q Iuomn t 4 Boatrd oetBp»rvlw>prg: 'i' Irpotltloers. lise Truste« of flt -BoUisaxM«Ek1 -Cflts0b 0 âeu~ y fpraeut t- a-w cisi la tbe ovuer Of oIWa4. 41j# 6-24 19-20-21-22 andi U, bhi~~- la. lu 1V e Re'Sntierviolon u ton ito 1 63't, aulncl, a«Mvas the 4USI' Ima lm ls a 4sii « &pu l UdA"4 Utah la 0OtStI .8 kXa for 1916 ami t a "es l 1o Ws nnUaing to 1211.11qhaX 'les 151 able bç4y t-o reulttota T=asalnoliSlllKte P.10 ltsor!11.19, Mdthié yog 'ru *à mendi bat use v4mous tambu '*a" 'e!uud -tu us aa k»ppi)a$ p %Mibd