OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAkE OOUNTY' unr-1e Tr.Wpbusc N(1. . FIIorls R idenee Telepie o .e im.4 Ubertyville Exchange Ente,-ed at the Pitofie etsI LiberLtI15. Ili., .uSecond Clame Mater I,, EKKLY. *UVKTlq1NG straTZS ADE K50WY ON APPLICATION S'J3SCRIPTION PRICE 8.60 PER YEAR PTRICTLY IN ADVA14CE F;tNNK Hi JUST................................. ........................... ..... Editor £Ri L. HUBBARD ....... ................... .................................City Editor FRIDAY, OCTOBER' 20. 1911. ANOTHER WIRELESS WONDER. Another woutierful chapter lunte stvance of wirelese tcloiraphy wusa tarîtten a few days agu when messages weie excitaugecl from San Frencisuse lu Japon, 6,000 miles. lu the eariy daseof wireleas il was thougitt that the curvature of the eart woulti col off long distance communication. But othor obstacles are much mure serlous. For instancete steamship Caroula on passîng i Scily has founti il impossible to pick up stationsalorg te Italian toast, but itat nô 'dlfficuly lu talking with England andi Hollanti 1,000 miles away, with te Alps between. Thte growinq reacit uf tareiesse s seen lin Mr. . Marcanis recent work trecting s station for communication belacen italy anti East Africa anti Soult Amorica. A queer phase ot wireles whicit ettîl mystifies te exporimentere, se the diftlculty ln seuding messages ttrouogi sun lîgit. The scieutiflu sharps amung our restieres wili be itereated to knnw that titis le attribualeti te lte "lopizallon cf te gaseous molocuies ofthlie air effecteti by te ultra violet raya from te Strangeiy enougit, titis dtes net affect te longer electrle etaves, but in sitorter distance. brigitt sunltjbt acte ilite a og haut. In commuricatin2 bettasen Amnerica aud Engiamst, morniug sud eveniiig &te bsd imas, seien part of he distance is tits'ugh dayight andi part titrougit t-e \ bsetini. Thte change fnum sunlight ta darit ceema ti etiect te raya. Cont. ,r.unitatonensu ortiansudouth Ues la lets, dfficult, as igitling conditions are lteon mure unîtorni. Truly 'It wss a dramatic moment Ion yeares go nexl Decenuber, wheu Gugleimo Marconi sot ln a little signai station on Netafountilanti witit a tele- phone glusi te hi* eir, sud a kte tuggiug at te tire 400 feet u aale. Tise fate ut hlm 3Un patents, sud capital Invesled bytuaInsaîlfi nds, seeMet trenblng lun te bakauce as tiq gontle taceti youtht nut thoen. 28 yeas sOid, lisleued ta the lnglng of te wire. Wheu titre. distirlct cel" signifyiua tte - lster 1"8" w., e lîncut>hiterdi b>' ii nsd hi*s sasîslsuls, Il w»slite CoiUm- but flretso ef nolte Amertuan situes tirougitlte fog. *Withm, tv. yea re mmt litItima cont transsîlanîilinhuewas uslng 15,00 woede of t wronme lstrip from port te port. Of Marcooi's pn.dilôtion tit tiaîna wIU raduce.teeilout f mssagesseraés.te cocosnste lwo conts a vlqrd uhould ppae rus, ilt wili bcuan enormous belp la Amorican foneigu tradte and tll'add 16 lte cemfort of Huropesu ravei. s BASE SAI.L AND ITS PRIZES. Th '.'- Tisshadles of oui sîsolMcitMy foreftte.s woulti utter protuse exclama- lion pointa, coult te>'seslte mob ofpeupl, tat wOlattend te gamesttis - w.atbekweette New Yorkt Lisissand te PliedelpiîsAthititc salkIt ilte simple deyb « Prifflon celege, th. Inaitutionai Isawcalleti Rn«playsd seit s stick atibalj "1w andi uubecomlng to'gentlemen," un 4 ~ o uk ident he cnS t y ; : ourant predi te ti that lhe fr que ul ae- Tua>' tisesa"sekindsfti&4 ! iltre ta rt tosa fenarnm 3",,Pr«llicns wiI b.tequiutl>' ilpplutgtle lte grand sand t .t haà Wworld'a pluhl w*, 4and "vry iOkly Witing Ibsoir colars under lte strala 4fts &crime1lIt gmps*w 145»5 Speuple,- selthi ale rbTo )If ~ePs gm*asseffis lsp fiN honte bskleg poflIes. ~vqr rvi -te dra*'w e, Wlll produce s bigger erowd. Thid.eWin stu*af- et. Ihlp0 snMfed hy ïseuls asseisblageasanmts te = O'asu or4y s.eeflpii b4î, élistIse,, vtttih4thrwsatbare ecaýlége pro- "maY have eaiI.<$» figant. lit and111iasbolng,biIlWit it. h am sst=bfePýnQgte te yeugot"e sho redoeen isT>' CeW$M" pt 1 oh~Su 01 tte bail fover luntae heart ef youlis sell nov . pur .. CIO1,111 Wy anfd silh.mas. but titere asescertainfato sabe a mua bue baus bg* "WariLa theat ton bcItieji>' pra.nted by lte toxý Pvnlto ie,h -yeels t:s L ~ai beee bail as a goiti mine fer lise maisntaho donsa lte mllno. * ~ ~ i T e, Ebil 5151*8 db>'"Outlpg" Magsinti ie mo mnthes noeltaeth1e fr aser>'of'ti s--V*ruteplayer e#flita American sand Natilsi Loagi a sabout f,« 000te lt ase-ail, mntit.. Witen youlconolder taI liteavenage base ball ployer le 9"d for abdult tn yeers, tere la mueit lu Chrlsty Mslisowaon"s r- warning: "Keep ouI of basa bel! usa,>eas >ou are a star." - r 1'HE MUS14ROOM FAD. s - - About a score oft tilsph avd been eportadrwith in a weeit or se, Irom atin0i poIsonou uhore A certain rPmance tid fascination ta titis myterious crestune ot tue filIds anti woodlsnds. lu chldhoad w. u*met 10rendi iow te fainies tauced on thjit tuadalol anti on te green rings cf grasa tit talen grow waouuai tu igthat alovei. of edlýle mutroan tes te short enti of a lWC0 to 1bot n a oising asethegantuffods itat poslbilily of disasser taI emnpiasiges hi, prit. lu, hi& skiil. .Finding iimaeif alîve aler eamtlnt mnuairooms, hitetes te enue cf satlsfieti sciieverent lunte way of resaroit. Yeu nover aec men ut sporllnq lemperament out gaterng lte humble endt democralic bers>'. Thire la nu taug of risk about sucit a cesmnpisce r , punsuit, shîci la ooutieaoendiugiy relegaleti to wome, children andtihie de- - . ciepit. The gamy muaitroomý'however: areuses lte luel of competItion. Vour en- tagouîst sa nul so mucis the chance of getting tite we'ng musitroom, as yuur sonse of superiorit>' over :pur neighr, shose Ignurande anti foursatiebr hlm trom one of te cholcest murseis ln natures larder, whiicit Ia placet ou your table b>' yuur ck<n science. There la eomethiug atter picluresque, toc, lunt.etougitt uf golîing your breakfast lu mc unlikel>' s spot as une ofthlie sheade traces ut your street, or lte barren hitliocka of your pastures. Lietheit boy sehu sticks hi& lingers lu lte jans jar, youu@soentle have extract a goody tram Moter Natur.espsntry whien site wasaul lookiug. Te caretul studeul eanu uutiubletiiy estmusisrooms eis ast et'. 1Ne mat. 1h' r511> arques that nu une deticles te Cal £rulls or. barries tound growvlug valdit eteybucause titere are pulsenaus varlelios, then wity al» veto ltmuait lu tilir dsirtu gel lightt sud air. A t in no wonder t he hirsu er otnsl A weili tnovwnsciontist aays taI itleis ualpossible for lte amateur la tel[ whieten unlmno" nvarleties are polacnusuaornonulAs everyoue slau amatýeur lu begluseltis, andi ail vaities untuatan, mont uf us regard tiemsh . ruent fad lunte saftts ligit ltat you aitouldti nucgpinto the wsetanun*tlyou have lesrned luswlm. AUCTION SLEASON ' Auction Bill osf ail Description, Executed with INeet- amee ani Diffltch. et This Office. rELEPHONE LISEPTYVILLE No. 1. te'si SCC IIILL '.1 W5SIIIO !n Le" P . Swift One of Pow- erful Backers of Recent- ly Completed Canal. Three Drainage District Now Save Lsake Connty MuchArabie Land. West' Deerfield and Vernon Ditcea Cut Out by New t Method.a Lake (otîuty cen agaîn tbank ]ita slare titat withîn ils borders are many nulilloniîre faninere, wiîo take an In-b rerceatiu the rounty ar large.i Thisti tne ih h hLewis F. Swifh, tîIl)I lienaIre Iaiker o! Lake Forest. Tht tiila-for which hoe houlti Ie thtonredti iis tinte Is hetter drainage, as ho lasOnue O!fteheaviest landi own- 11-1 Iiinte ernoni drainage district,c a rtsai for syhîit 'ras comhleti yes-t tot da. bv Cantracior Iohnusoniof Chi-y S,' !iibas ilirce iundrod scrr-' as- trinthe s-distriet lorthlier dr;ilna'e canial, the rniutit o! whlch s riglît at hie îrolîeriy, and hte as% one e! the ht-aslest contributurs. Cumpietes Long Citain., The romnîuelion o!fte Voruou dltch, two rd a halt or trv-ee muer long,t theotmuiel ion of îletI)eettheild Union draInage duit.iiree or- four miles Itng n.and tl'E conîîîîeiîan af the lita kie danaa-'- raual now itiaho a total of abour s4x*tcen inileq ot drainage 1ditchIn lu aie vmunIr. wIie te West l)eer-iltandudthe Veriioti tIbees, about seven miles long, iake a con- tliuouO drain 10 Notittielti. Cook counli, amd the nartit branch o! the Chicago river and the drainage canai. le Smoter Dlcit. The Vernon ditch, itiet fltnsbeti, la afx feeti *Ide aI lb. botlom. six feel déep. mand thirty feet vide aI the top. Il vas excavateti by the dry ditehlng metiiot, a d.llcher beginuingai t the lover snd anti working upvrards. Tite process la saldti 10malte te diteh1 finisisetiIn a smooher faabloc lien b> lte vet dîlebina- melinot. The new canal drains betveeci 3,000 anti 4,000 acres o! vbat vas ahrays swamp land. As matera nov sidte Lake county swaunp land drainage ares. be- glus at Rondout, Ill., and exteuils t the Lats coud>' IUne, sud bas bien sevedt 10be giet as arable lanatant- 1Iblua- lite 12000 acres or mors. 1The Vernon diitoit begine veet anti a bit soutb o! Laite Forest, and la cleaner culthtian the Skokie canal. Offîcens ut Ditrict. - 1 Martin C. Decker, cil>' atorney ai 1Northt Chicago and a prominent Laite i ount> attor-ney', represenle both dis- X ter officiaIs Weet Deerfielti Union drainage dia.j Iriel; George GuIder, Titoçus'Caro- kumAhme. %oet Vero-Per Davon. ,Mle. J.1 Strona-, JeÀmes Lyone. At a meeting of lte Vernon district hoeit ye.lterslay P. B. Warren o! the Oftbe Bank aItek.- Forsit vauelec- tsd tremuer andi asasmeuts are pajubie et lihe beak uDame&. ,Both tliasWest Deerfielti andth ie Vernen drainage districts are oe'gau- izeti vI tIt ittowo conmmission andi eledt theti ccomssaoere forte drainage control emui year b>' a direct vaote lb.t"eopie. SOLVES 1Y8TERY OP TWENDTY-SIX YBARS Wu= Clears Disappearance of "JTack" Smith When 'Jact" lSmit, bottier o! the laIs James Henry (Slent) Smith, dis- aare4 frurom Waukegau andi Late coauty Iveuty-aix yeare ago, lta- bIs1 wife anti chilti wIîb hlm, the ,et W.a the sensation of the entire middtle wet, andthetscame o! tht son c! the late John S'uiIh of Mlîburn vas lu the moutbs anti the inda of the peo- pIe o! Ibis vicinit>' andt Iis state for man>' a day. Il etas lu Ibe sari>' sigities. Wbat became o! "Jark" Smith anti 11Ie family, vhers they veul, ethal the' tild, boy lb.>' vere comîna- ou, andi their viscle fate bas been a mys- tery for a quarter o! a century. 83om easserbetieven Ioday ethen asaedti lta ick Smith le deail. Olliere viusely ehook their heads anti sserleti thal he vould beho hard frei nsome day. Othera opluedt ltIhe vas alivs sud wei lunlise golden weat, where be @pent most of bis lIme lu the sari>' elgItiese hen Kansasaanti Nebraska vers new statea mest openiiug la vide setllemeut, and thal tbe late James 'H'erry "Sillent" Smnit bail aken cese ut hlm tht-oua-b anoîber heir, Tbiuslte tissus o! goeslp us evren aller twetu>sît years. WsÏl, nov l. take up lte tissus o! faut. "Jack Smith' bas been beard from. le alive anti vell. Hie vifs la &ac aive anti vell. Hia sou, a b4he lu armiso! lems Iban s year vben the Saiths left titis vîclaîl>', le nov a col- legt graduaIs of tweuty-six Years. The>' are well-to-do. The aId trouble. are aIl forgotten. The>' ors nov trav- eling in Irelauti eu pleasure bent. Thte SUN le the lirai nevapaper auy- where lu lreseut lb. ke>' b 1h.e.& la-ma e!tlthe dlsappearapce, througb farts uneavere i b>' acideut aud not ln Wautegau, and wvbll the follovInt tatement of the ense mav not be ae- rurale in ever>' particular, itlal lu the main believedt 10b. correct. Mrc& Smitht Visîtati Monu. 'Mme. John Smith, fommerl>' o! MiII- uit-n anti Waukegan, bas retuirnedt l Tou. <Oassisea ia (lSt 1w tliM409e 70u pieuoumeo. I Ina& *Ordl %Znary, and you do not even ti'ouble te iuquire whicb particu. lar Mrs. Jobn z-mith wus ber. But If you did, lu Ibis pafleular ID- sltanlce, You would have letred a stOrY O! surpassiâg itilert in u Iis ,entire ouny. sometblag tes maite, v- ery relieut o the eunly from more than a quarter of a century ugo te now ait «P and take iitloie. !,pr the MrM John Smith referred to le MMs."Jack» Smith, the wifs 01 ta0 béojiler of the lote Jwne. Henry s8i estCSmith, and sho came bock te, this COaUMY and two ulmnthe sfio aftàr a voiuntary exile wlth her huaband of bwentyilx Years, wiiie ho, ha. nover been back to tbis vcinlty *Ince tv-itty-six yeara ego. TiterO seau&areason for lthe exile, but ltat I'. amusforgolten uow, anti Jackt Smith bsd, even ton yeers &go, ciesred every obligation, hie brother, James Henry' "Sileut" Smith »asit- Ing hlm, s9 yucan't get us lu say' auytitinq more about lthaI. Anti, anYwUlthe rosi Itory le that uf te exile of iwenty-elit years and lthe tignifiesuce ofthlie return, agi of ehich are chapter lurlthe rumanllu history of the George Smith millions, ethich dtesCeudeti tiret lu James Heu- ry 'fient"' Smith sud then to hie heint, One of whom lJe Anita Stewart, who marriedth ie Duke cf Vizer, Port. uguese nobieman, whom tomorrow a 1 1PlO ut1h. dico of fate may make king Of Portugal, as hellthe roYallat pre- tendkr anti s rival, according tu di,- Patch»a today, of ex-K<ing Manuel of Ggiby Oeslys fame. 11, fact, Just about the lime Gabys 'ilender foot Cea l.lcliug a crown from tbe hesd ofiVlanirîe(iý,andtI ls gît ing Anita, liîchess cfrX'lrer, and step daughter of laries i-lnr- îIleut" aL chance to become a queeu, M rs. Jack .Sýmith and her son George were visltlng lu this 'Irinity for the flr&t time In more 'ban a quarter o! a i-en- tury. 13*lieveci to ho Weii-tu-Do. When Jack Smith left thîs vliiity with bis wlfe aid babe, ho had bat about $150 ln the world, andI a bard world lb wus that faced hlm. Piret hoe eent 10 Australia, wbere ho couducteti a sbeep ranch, hie wife opersblug the ranch bouse. That *sa' aitenyas g. Thon he andi bis fain eu o nlandi after ton bard In uAsîala uEnglanti the>' bave Proepered aud are uow cou- sldered well-to-du. - & Mas ati ardTi Tme. Jack Smith sud his famîlly have bad a bard upwsrd cliimb Going from bere to Australia .wlth but at nominal sum besicles their pas- sage, tbeY engaged lu rancbing sud Managed to ho a feit bundreds abeaii afi-er nine years. 1JuAt about that tinie a usew raiiroad proposition iooked good to tbem, il le sald, sud thsy lnvoeted their tbousnd dollars lu tbat It ent up In the air, and tbey ls evers' nickel they hail being forced to start çver again. Then bea-an anothe'r elruggle lu wbicb thers 1sreason tb believe Ibat "Billent' Bmiyh aided them lu nome way sud by sanie encourageipeni. 9milh, who le a brother o! the late "Bilent", Smith, the latter o! wbnm dled Cutideul>' lu Japan. Io lu the mer- Csutile busess wltb two partner, lu s deparbment store usar London, aud la dolng eteIL Hie le even troneidereti wealthy. Mms. Smith, wit b ler eou Jack, uow 2& y«-raold ,sDent th@ summer lu Waukegau ant i AtMllburn, ahdt the se- cret of their vili waas 6 carefuily kePt that il waa Dot util two eteeks agu that a newepapsr min unearthed the farts bY accident. P0lluwing the I'ialt bers. Mrs. Smith sud son returneti &0 England sud are uow on a tour of lrelaud, ou pleasure bent teiug lest board from ai Hlarney CaOtie, historie Pile, wblcb the>' vieil- ed lu tbeir travelo. dot Soume of Slient's Mone> 'rTo? Wblle the naine Jack Smith neyer aPPeared lu lb. vill, sud Chîle Ibere le reallY nu deflulte baste at ail for the assertion, It Is believe t Iat the lats James Henry "SUîent" Smitb left in the bauds Of another beir, Who le nameti. a ebare O! bis millions for Jack Smith, sud that Jack Smith 1a euJoylng them attei years of anu p- etard clmb. Mrm. Jack Smith and ber sou were weleOuied to Waukegan andi to Miii hurm Wilb the greatest cordialît>' on their rt-cour visit ber, fandi the people whio kuow andi love tbem are heartily tbankful shartbtey have endeti their voluur.ary exile and are corne inta their own again, altougb they mlght have remneuotii le saId, migbt neyer have gone away lu the. firet place. Was StQckmnan lu Esriy Days. Ar the time o! their sutiden dleap- pearauce snd at the climax In their affairs Jack Smith won a stockman, iocatîed ai North Bend, Nebraska, where ho baridled large sunis of Lake couuty Jnoney for the purpose of loan- ing it out on ranches and herds In the bonanza cattle days. The story ta reall>' One of the olti West that bas diýsapPeareti, aud the klndly hearred People bers are etili- lng 10 let if take the sane path loto oblIvion asi the aid wiid, etooly Wet has long silice taken. Killeti on Rue.kiug Horta. Tc flod theirIlittle sountianglng dcad elitauglei lu the reins of bis rock. lng-bore, eas the nad exporlence of Sunderland. Scotlanti, parents. sai'Uw days ago The Utile fellow. Raymiond Wat&ou, useti to cleverîy ride the bore wblle Il was swlugtug briskly. aud It la tbOogbt ho bati been pîsylus cîr- eue trieks. hadti ost'41a balance, aud tMVIng been unable to extricate hlm. self lu the absence o! bis patrents, bati been chokedti 10deatb. DIfficuliies outhlie Historien. To Obtaln blstory whlcb lis lîteralure sud bietory wblcb la accuraI. depandi upon humnan.quallues 1101 ften found In tbhs e rBr en He wb. bas tb. The Rouier State Board of H.afth Fülrin l Nation to Take step. Prist Story of Exactly How Typhoid Vaccine Works .on Patient. The Japanese îeawt-ed Agar, Agar la Used for Germ Ow.iture. Dead Typhioid Ba-ll in Jelly, are the Vaccine Material. No step talçon by the Indiana state board 0f heaitb lu receni years la tbe- lie ved by the men'bers o! the board tiC be chars imp1ortant Iban thal to pro- IIie of ucharge. "tinos" ,>o! ty- pho] iforer verrine for Ise hi repu- table physîclans vho etili agres 10 help tb. huard In studylug the effecte île tise lu the stale. One other state, WVlâcansln, bas taken a elmîlar step. but the Indiana huard ex ta 10 beglu the distribution o! thé eerumn on Nov. 1, wthite the WIsconsiu board vl flnot dlatribitis ans' of the materl hefore Dec. 1. Tbe "errim Ile preparpdnth u e basis of a theo'rv tiUersalIv accîpteti by modem phvsicians, that deati bailîli !nJecteti Into the blood eill render the bodylummîue from attacks o!lilvP ha- cîll o! the , s ane se een subse- quently introdoceti. The theor>' ls now adepteti to the cure of tuitererilo- sis lu varylua- conditions, for certain blood disorders. sud for varionîs other dIseases ethere bacillil are the cause and ethere they ecnbe Isolated and gruetu on culture plates. Pitysîcai Effeut Oliglit. Dr. J. P. Slmonds, superlutendeut o! tbe pathological laboratory o! th. Indiana state board o! hetlt3i. under wbose direction the serum la belua- prepared. describeti Ils preptratlou as folovi: t H W 'VACCINE 18 MADE.t a Cltuesof typhofi bécilli 4 ht areMd on tbe surface of 4 9-. agar-agar, a jelby-llke materiai 4 d1 made from Japanese seaweed. 4 4- After the cultures have growu 4 4.for twenty-four houra lu the 4 4. luubator, they are suspeuded 4 a eterile sait eplutIoui and 4 4.a proper dose of tbis solution 4 4.le plsced ln saiaal glass tube 1 e4. aud tboroughly sealei. These 4 y.4. glass tubes coutaîn lthesate- 4- 14. pençlou cf typhold bacilli are 4- 2 4. then Immereed in a vater 4 .' . bath sud beated tb 140 dé>-4 e.1. jmes ItabreuheIt, wbicb kIil .4. the bacllI. This suspension e0f dead typhold bacilîl islaIhe vaccine and ln then ready for 4 4.use. Tt la Iujected wltb aur- 4 4.dinavy bypolkermnlc syringe. 4 à. Tiheeffort on the.pientl 1 W 4to cause a sigitIirrittsions 4 4.about lhe point where the a aslight feeling of lassitude for a short tino following the administration. No on. ueed 9 e«perlenoe sny more 111 feel- 4- 1. ing, however, than from a,.3 4. elisht cold." t V The Indiaua state board bas been figbtiug typolid fever for several yeers. but tbe fight ban been chlefly directed againat the causes of tbe disesse, such ras surface wells.fIlles, open garbage cane. open vuulte, lueffectual sewer systema, unsanitary foud produciug establishmnents, Including dalies, etc. tThe decision t0 distribute the typhold serurn etli cot cause any abatement rin this f1gbt, as the board realîzeS that the only way to etamp out the disease la by removal of Its cause. The Rer- Il m for the most part etili be used ta noculae persona ethose vocations take tbem wbere tbey are most fiable to tieke typhoid andI especially for nurees and physiciELns banliling the disease. WOE FOR DIVORCEES MÂkRIED IN YEAR. Circuit and Appelliite Court Judges Hand Do,ýn Deci- sions that Such Marriages are Ilegal. ANY CASES IN CITY? Divorces of the Reno bracd. etho seuffered a severe sbock wihen Judge A. J. Petit reoentiy handed down a r-Iion 'bat ail inariige; contracteil euIhthe N.avada "0. X" cn ttls lie- ent lîlegai, etylI experleuce a sM411 mores evere brinBtorn when they learn of the decision rendered by thbe decision rendered by the Àp- pellaýte court cf lthe Second district at Otta*a yeeterday. Addiug toes b uplesarit dleîum o! Judge Petit wbich Iuelsted that wife No. i 'should precede wite No. 2 ln the linaucial affaire of ber hu&baud, the reeldeut of llinois wbo vent out of tise etate and miarrted withic a year &fier getUing a divorce bad ormltted an Illegal aoL Snub marriages ame nuil tad vole the deciedon affirme. T1he yeaterday'e decisioc, ('blcago &ttoi'ueys declare, wiill dd several naines to 1h. flot of over 20,00,1 raid to bave been affeoted hy Judge Petitla Now le tbe lime te bave your repair nq dons. At tbe same tîtue let né olh yaur barnese for you. $1iDO pst set for double harassa. We guaranîsee ur work. O. 1 Luces& Co. c-46.ti o~-. ~i. 'i ~ft H. Buoko, Aged L6ke ZxIroui Dr. uer, the Vien«e.boueex- pert, n«# in chicago. wàaa luwaunit- gan F'riday to attndthe case or Hr- ry Bueko, aged 63. of! Laie Zurich, lylng 111 at the 11osPitai wfth a badly Y fruetured leg and back of big collug le th.e tory of the efficency u« j. Aiber E. Brown of Waukegsn as Laits county doctor B iv n lueke was brougbt te Waukegau "ying %londay afternoon. SuPervleor Emîl go Illeke took hlm there ln an automo- oo bile afler the man alaTaet akel Zurich between two and tbree weeks e ver 0f the brairen leg, the lnjary not b,1e- .' a Ing recogulaed apparbntly by local l@ a senpible.eaelse aWVise lnve@tmené aides. -puri*beaîug the ehi-ep klnd ln a waAte, As nearly as ec, be found out, Putting a reanceable amout nt 11a Bucko was beins manbandlerf lu fun r8ally good rinz, 1for Inosanc, le au W155 In oce of the Lake Zurich saloons uns spending t for new clotbiug. wben the accident took place, but the The ring ttSeioto te jWOdu CS thtusi detalle are nlot knowu and cannot b.e rai appearaoge of 7-ueAs found ont juat sww. 1t~iîpy'n a reoa acil ('ounty Physîclan Brown, filding itwl a aymno oa ecli Bucko lu bad ahape Tnesday ethen bis ln ot, ihote ewly attention wua ralled te Ithe case, due W,,dn tlthotbe ewe y neglect of hie fatvere Injury, sud flnd- IlWell.b'slea st4re shat bas absoluls- lng the fracture a bati one, dld his duty IN eutilg whiitever to du wihbquf- In splendid shape by eendlug for the tionalîle goo'is. Bere la a stare tues. great bons speclailit and for a couuity b elieves in a 'air pries for &,Jepeud»Isl vateltnt and the visît Prld.ay lelte re atil sui1t. Bueko etîlI bave the bstcae Beroslea storethat glveeyoua& quae.e for hie injury that the world eau fur. deal svery day in the year. ndah and stands a good chance.of ye You lare învited. Covery in epite of the weekie 0f ceg-A 4& - letI et l'ake Zurlo, A.h.S If Its a job fora wait a DONT JEWfLER LZAVE TT TO A PLACARD! detvtl-Ti "6VELO" 246559 44784 IMPORTED PERCOERON STALLION " Illinois Stallion Registration No. A8625 renewedi Vele Io a black horse weighlng 1900 and of unusual qpaltY', He le abisoluteiy soundý sure and hie get are of the- very highest type of draft animale. lHe le a home- tAlab haas proven himsolf. Velo wlll make the-eeaon.aâ houai at the- H ansorn Stock Far M SPPAIRIE VIEW, IL MILW AUKEIF. ROM, FEE $12 to insure i. q. q. - q. w q. q. www~wwwwwwwwwwww~ L' L BR,1N G,.1T o o i i* t o o IHo o o O o o' a m400<"7 STEWART Stoves and Ranges, 1 Base Burners HOT BLASTS, OAKS. hwAàded le yoS W Ukng '<oeavaut - clea oel. bandted vitowlde That'.Ou Way an&. we solcit a trisl ocde, from yasa, me.- Lmber Co. Libertyville, 111. THERE ARE NONE BETTER Right Prie«. C.ome and See. SUBA NCK BRUS. i I o o o o e e i e o o i o 6 i i i i i i i + i ; i i i i i i i 1-a-1 1