Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Oct 1911, p. 4

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LAK~E COUt*TY ýINUf'Pt OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY >ENTI imee relepsine No. 1 &ldtor', FýedeCce Telephoie 1No. 1141. lertyVife g:chang@ Itntered at the Pcnoffie at LbertYviUe. DL. »asSecond CIs Mater esCU.D WCKKLY. &DVCRTIqIlq RTIT 1<505KNOWN ON APPLICATIOM. SIJBSORfPTION PRICE SI.6O PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVA14CE FRANK H. ,IUST RiAY L. HUBBARO. .... . ........ ........ . ... ... .. .... .E dif or ............. .............C ity Eilor FRIDAX , OCTOJ3EII2 1911. JUSTICE HARLAN AS A HOUSEHOLO WORD. t has bren said of Vile ;ate Chief Justice Harlan that lie oas the onl>' one of the Supremne Court bench whse naine was a household word,.JlàtIcel Hughes ta as widely known. but his fame was acqulreci inexecutîve and poltt-ý cal work, flot en the bench. One o-ho seeis te, know the reason can hardi>' find t in Justice Harlansa fengîli of service. in spite of the reported general impression that he was born on the Supren'e bench. Even the indlvudîîu'lty of a great justice la usuali>' obfterated b>' the tenident>' to make (the bnech an impersonai force, just as ilhe tndividualîty in lustie Harlsna oid time dress of a Souiherro country gentle- man under the uniform black goaro. The law is a vast and coiiplicated macinie. Many' lutyers are te closef>' absorissed in its intricate niechanism: that they fais 10 pay attention to the pro- duct it In turnîng out as expressect n terms of human life. Perhaps one thtng that made Harlan beloved was the fact that he brought the red blood of humain fiereat Imb the mustiest iaw book. There vias a pissionate force in hîs utterarnce. showing bow keeni>' ho feit the intimate re- lotion of faws to humain life. Th-js when he delîvered his bîstoric dîissentlng opinion on the income tas, he pounded tht des-, sbook hia fingers unider the noses of tbe opposing justices, lie turned aimosl angrif>' upon is coleagues, be eiipressed is dis- Sent in lanquage more ltve a Popuiist barbecue (l'an th'e Impostg ceremonial of this great trtbunal- Justice Harian bas been calied the great disserter. Frequenti>' he tood alone. notabty in the recent Standard Ois and Tobacco cases. Somne men bave a certain conirarity of mind, which seems to pfease tbeir sense of a su- perior îndîvîduality. If yru ake one aide of an argument tbey are almost certain to take the OCher. Justice Harlans dtssent lad eothing of hat conceit It bans been said that lie went to bed tith the Btibe in one hand ai-d the Constitution in the other. A i-nn ehose mind ta seeped un tbcse great doctrines of human op- tîm#sm ta neyer a mere prophet of denial. The majority of mankind are se fearful of being in s minorit>'. (bat the opinion of their associates thunders like the voice of Goed from Mount Sinal. A man wbo boids irm to lis own opinion tbougb often wrong, but whose mind le anchorcd to the fundamentala of la wand r'gl-teousness, o-lit afo-ys have the fervent admiration of Amerîcans. A DYNAMITE PLOT. rhe felows who tried (o dynamite the Soutbern Paciflo bridge ai Gavicta, Cal., buit by non-unton workmqn, just before President Taft's speciaf train was due 10 pass, may bave tbought hat mere murder sn getting too comm-on place 10 attract attention, If a presîdent of (fie Unitted States could be l-ag- gsd, Cheir deed isîuld cjet just ihe right emphasis. The great majortty cf Iu'bor entons hav-e uecv.n more peaceful and iaw abtdling. Askeci if it s posible- 10 prevnr) sicluttucc irottnectitn Wth strikes John J. Mitchellsasys -'t'es: if twerecter.- --,i t oc,. eabandn1hie -bote labur tOOn'o nteO' The iracie unionl an have p'iitshed tattst.cs showi ttt talt tl eut' ter of mai-rite thle anthrac:%e cDit t- I r utc er i-i -isiidance in 1-01-3 - oas but ctîe te 149,O00af the po,,tator trotsct. I n t ltc33c tth. popottcr of trurocrrs c epulato-ufor a yeut te at-out une te A G On the other hardi theri-taa mrtortty cft ai or untonittS wrio qc in 'tt game to wo- t a yt>cost. and cors u;er ihtc --;O s t' fatr Iiauo Ome t the alioged cri'î.es cf captal. It aHl refiecis the inrtffeicmce to lft and tailute te enforo, lt-e awts. A te- cent wrter compares the resultt of homîto" n Chtcago andi Loer. Lon- don ln a recer.t year bad 24 murders. Chicago witiiî esn than a tlttrd in pop- * ulation, had 128 ait the same titue. Mi London ail of the alleged murderera tocre arrested and nîne of ('hem cîea> hn R, four ging toi the ie'1ii-asylum. In Chicageo ot of (fie 128 homi- (bdeters were 34 convicton, andi oni>' one was executed. Doece he Esigial murderer ait down on the sidewalk until the London po- * Ice eaItie4laig te gather hlm lu? As >'ou look at our Impressive police In theMc âe ! fiheir march through the sireets of a pleasant afternoons, the trouble dorsa not look Illicolck ef piiysical courage. Tise lzvlsh ofîringu eof flowers received by asie murelerers from the gen- irai ps.bUr, le one sympteme. Another le hai the police officer whe faillato catoi crminale laleslii unpepular than one Who usezs mbill>' a littie socfi-e- quently In arrestlng a drunk. Wberefore w. hope hat the officers wbo ai-e scourlng the huis ater the pe-gltrators of the Callofnla ourage hat started thalle refiections will be very kecen to the lacent sud rusi ver>' fast. THE DEFECTS OF OUR JURY SY8TEM. Thseisoles ln aur system o! triai by jury are *gainu sugested b>' the long battle with whicl tise MeNamara CralIet Lot Angeles opened, ovOi- the ac-d ceptanceef Taeasman Nelson. lu view of the possîbîlît>' that Ibis ernl imy1 hst six menthu, lb la not surpriaing hat oui- bout cîtizena are willllng to admitE themeMos stupld or corrupt bu order .to dodge thiq irkaomne dut>'. The phrase "trial b>' a jury of is peers" reseunda 1k.ea trumpet, wlCaIi bIasa cf rltamphsnt demecracy. But wheu yau came Ce look over t11e averagej jury, you are often remninded of a stor-y current amoug lawyers ta bise effectî thab a certain jury was asked by thie jutige Ca take helr usual places. Thiyl ail filed Inte th. prisaners' dock.1 Ib coat bthe country' $16.000 ta get a jury lu the Chicago stike i-ot a fewi years ego, 1.929 talesmen bing examlued. It i doubtful if a hîgiser depgme W, justice w auaeccureti thon under bbc socieut tcustom o#0<pckiiig *ho e iret t*elve me-n wbo wouFd scear Co gîve a verdict accordiug te taw aud evidieuce If a betfier type of r-dp la Ce obc persuaded to pcrtormn jury dut>', the)& muet have comfortable conditions., lb snnet cnough (o sas> that the>' are botter treatedt hani' n England, wbere t is common ta make themn agi-ce on1 thei- verdict in an unfurnisheti room, unleate i n cold westher. wibh notbtng te est or drink. Even untier tle more favorable condtions prevaillng ln thie country,' there sn a tendeni>' to bustie (lie jarymen about as if bIs>' werq prisouers accused of crime. This tires flot tend to make work for a day labor- ,W& psy an>' more attractive ta tle business mac or cvempetent moccanic. e n luomne courts, as part of bbe attem Pt to currounti court proceedîngs wltb #tJeiy ceremoniai, t tancastomnar>' to make the jury remain standing WIîle- thé. jutige delivers a charge of an hour or more. Wby make anioneroua duty Mn>' moe burdensomne b>' dusiy red tape? . Man>' lawyers urge tbat jury work be done b>'piofesionai jurors, wbo should receive far pa>', anti oho woulti becomne expert at ifting svItenceý If the rîght type of men coaidlt e secureti. i would bc no more neetiful to Im- prison thern like crimtinals than to loi k up the jutige. Perbaps we couiti get ri of influ ences ike that wicb swayed a juuior lu a Nse York murder trial. He sdm tted after-ward tbat le voteti for sa- 0,lttai because ho titd noblitke the way tIc assistant aitorney' trcoqed the defeedan's lawyer. "6VELO" 24655, 44784 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION Illinois &tallion Registration No. A3625 renewed. Velo Il& a black horme weighing 1 L9ii and of îtnut3ual quality. He is gbsolutely seund, suire aîid his get are of the> very higheet type of draft animairi. Hoi a horse that has proven himiself. Velo wil mlake the ksoason an s uu at the Hanson Stock Farm PRMRIE VIEW, ILL. MILWAUKEE ROM) FEE $12 to insure - M -P~ ,ft1vieiL ____________Ilbe takea 1forli May'mprttUtteraumes itQO"eDilI"de tlnou9h tise Par*%, MatoIniportantar s st 4t 4 ocO8k ho will .ddreesa ane. Expectd 'te Fa from r . M. C.'A. meeting at Qgn Lipsof realeat chPel, rwennrth Street and Wa&- bla e venie-In *the eveniag b.ý Tbxee M m 31 eetings to be sPeaks bet«e te Chicago Bunday 'HeId ini Different PlacesEves:Iinglub t ig Orcheatra hall. in CjrW un Howillattièàd the national dairy shwl i.leternationar IUve tock Ail Factions ofRepublica = orty-Thlrd andI Hslsted 1,etreets. t 980 o'ciock Monday morn- Paty wl» Bury Hatdit îng. At 1030 he wpjl lake thie coner and Harmony Preval. Stone of the new Hamilton club bulid- ________on Dearborn treet between Mail- Presîdent Taft will be Chîcagos!son and Monroe treets. giteat for three days dori the week. At the corner atone ceremonles Dr. i)urfng his istay in the cil-. he will Franli W. Ounsauluis wiil give theo lu- miake no less thlàn q0mbspe-eches. The vocation. after whlclî addreaae willl programnie niapped out wijl keep lm ho deiivered b>' Wiiiian B. Austin, bus> eery ourô! he Il 'fo ~< chaîrmnan of the building comrittee da% e'ien iîg, wiîen ho r#aches C'hi- and john H. Batteiî, former presîdent cago uni il the followiîîg )i1kalit of the club and the preeldiçnt. tel foot,, w heu ha leavea for the Fiast. ThFli-irst Cavaîry illI act as the No Pt esident oftIhe tUitedf States presîdents escort lu connectloiî wtth ever lise made a tltree dasv iit to' hi Hailfton club exercisesanati Chilcago, and accoriling Ibose a-rang-i baud of fortypleces will furnlsb %u iug foi- 1fr. Taft's entertrainment plan sic.Alil traeIlleIn front of thie Ham-î tu niake the occasion a memorable thîîon cilb building wil ha auspended one. The comnitte i geiteral eharge for two honra. of the tbree daya' programme la cnm 1&t n0000the Prevîdent will aitéd posed of Congressman George E. Fos, n-frmllnhono h la*l Harri- A. Wheeler. Fred L. Rosbach, club Inthie Hotel La Salie. At ;,'p. C. 1 Dlerîng and 'Marquis Rati . m. ha beaves for te Ess. Wîlf Discues Polîcies. 1 The American iiiiig congrea. at Ini ai least lhree of his spee ches whlc-h Presîdent Taft and SerreCary Pre-tideRt Taf t is exîîenled Io make of the Interlor Fisher itake addres impjortant rtîterances relativP tr i bs ses', opa-us on Tticsclav irteritoon and Policies*onîntesuntil Siitlrda>. A discus- The finsi of the6e wîll be at fuie i0t. of th. Alaskan coal situation le cîtîzenBs mass mîeeiniin th,- FirstI isted for Wedîîesdav, while Thuraday Regment armory under the auspices the conflict between the herman set of the Hamilton club on Frîday even- and theieninig Indtî"lry coma-s up for ing: thte second ai the Ameriran Miln- coiiideration. Frid,i.1 la government lug t'ongressesniiSaturdayi mornIng, da'Y anid the tird ai the annual banquet Presidenit Has Record. of the Chicago Actiocialioýn of Cnet- President Tallas pri-seni tour wili merce on aturday cvpnlng. adtl about 15,0oo t uiles to lIiirecord, The Presideni is ecuîtecMte d isculs- tHe willl ave tisýed teif tailfier i te t on-,rt-i i et-t h- and 1>ti '(*ilU- atata-t wlnîîil la octîl uded an iv l l laIvtChu t-ot-rnii tt itli, tnwiir.f have il-at led 2t-,7 2e tuilfs sit, eI1, ze îu'niti' lîutt a ii the 'tiriiigjPtre-dt th, cetît-rloîîî:it1 a .,,t' iit lit <Sil4 , ntnt t ýc!. : is'i, m t - T, htite ii onti iuc ;ulu unt, ct -tof iith ,ilt.0,dt u f u e t , i h ýi. rat t uit tit t- t tt tt~ e t- teil 1,7i71 îs ' l ., - of t0- ,ic-.t i t.,f1; t-tui Ic-'th, ? a! u tit- is ltte iLv wrd ;er tut iu an initiertlr-g go-'t'ut - te l,î ýrtp tb te.ial of .ttrna- Isit ai t-rvertil:iatlce's'at thie deqti tiliiai utrbit rai-on - ai i ho tOi oetf etion ofi h na lu 1stat ion.(raa t'l,- ('hirago %.s(ocat'on ofI-t'cr-Urtain wil te repr4sentuIM y lior The- prasident's sueriai train, wh'ich are Nageulr. Iýrltish counisuil günerai lias luten toUrng the Wult tfor stet-In Cicago: VI e l ia sent laan de a] ssuuks. will reach (thicago front 'tit- Puiligny; 'iaa m iliirend seiS ts d-el- Wankee at 7:35 u. ni o',er the Chaicagoé and Northwestern railroad. Thed President and bis party wiil be escort-ç cd tO the citizens' MýEting ln thed Frsi. Regiment armory. A committeea o! the Hamilton Club wili for-n a prominent part o! the escort. . President Taft la due to reach the armer>' at 8:30 p. m., andi alter mah-. log an address la schedufed te go to tic Blackstone lotel, wherý- he wiuu makebils tiquarters. At lte armor>'. Fred L. Rtossbach, prosident o? the Hailton club, willl set as chairman c? the meeting. Ma-y- or Harrison wIlli dliver an atidrees o! welcc-me on behaif o! the cit>' and g Governor Deneeo, provlding hiehi-a suiliently racovered f rom bis broken lei. willI defiver the adltreas o? wel- couinte or tue tste. Harmony for Nîglit. The commlt(ee ln charge of the1 m3Eeeting Includes ahi factionis o!fCthc Reptibtcsn part>' in Ilinlois, anti for the avunlng at least barmen>' wili pre- vail. Senator lorimer la represezntat on the comunttee b>' ,Iîdga Adehor J. Petit, wbiue Senator CUîIAI&la repre- i3enueti b> John C. Amas. collecgor of cusatoms. (Govk-rnor tenean Ila aMem- ber o! thu commttea and State Sena- (or Walter Clyde Jonas, the La Fol- lettea canudidate for goveruior, la aIse a membçr. Beats for 5,000 perfor wili ho pro- v1ded ait(he armor>'. On Sa-urtIs> mor-nng President Taft laseheduied te speak before the Arnerlean minlng congre«. In Orches- ira Hiall art 30:30 'ciock. From ,here the Preeldent wll go to the pr-es- Idential suite ln hie Hotel Le Salle for a brie! rest and et-12 ocleck lie tîlîl attend a Itincheon of tise Chicago Bar associattin In the hoCal. At 1 oclck ln the afternou ho wil ha escorled b>'thie Commercial club lu a spacial train to, hie new ni-val training station near Norths Chici-go, the dedlratlouî of wblch la one of the chie? aveulis c? the Presidets vlrit. The tiedîcallon caremonias willl ho lu charge of"olugresaman Fos. On Saturda>' evenbng the annuel baanquet of the Chicaego Association of Commerce at wbich the Preoldent la tu, Hpeak on international arbtrakion. takes place ln the Motel Sherman. [Jarry A. \Vhaeler. 'presidant of the association, will preside. Theît Iresldent wil have an opportu- nity on Sunday moralug, unleslie chocees lu attend church, to oul!er wih friende and Illinois republiceans. Poitical conferencea wlI five hlm au elcate Tho:i-,t-t W. Gibsouu of Torontô5 deput>' mînuster of itnues: Gllîbarto Creapo y Mtartine, Mexican Ambassa- der at Washington uîîl attend; t he Italien govarumneni bas appolnted as lis repreeentatl ve Professor George P. Costigan, Jr., o? Northweiharn univer- et>' and FrederIck Harnwell, local consul of the Bolivien goverument, wlll attend lu tise inter-est of the 'South American repubbic. XmAs Candie to be Higix Unlesîs tbe rieof cugar cornes down. theri- wiIl have to ha a general advanCe in al tle- unes <of heaper KChrlstunais <andîas. accordlng to del- ers. There haie bpen s gond man>' flur- les in sugar bu tishe prevaillng price tode>'teto hu canti> manufacturer Ila a fu-e-Ion sby o! 7 cente par poîuid. TItis lfoctli er cent rmisealnabout two years and in soemcimon aund much used an ttapie as tugar amnounts to a very great deal. la the cheaper cangliee the mat-gin of profit us always 10w andi when the price o! the chiot constituent In it grec ujt forhy uer cent thon the candy> meker beglîus to worry. for li ecse hIs profits eing chou-n lu aimoct tise point o? bos. Hlgh Priced Grade* Alan. Tt can hardly ha belteveti yct Tt le a tact that the higiteet priced ci-tule. bava alreeti> been affected. The standard candiai Cil-t the' eet girl lote longtigly etafter thée theter and thie nhappy yosing man wfth ber, boys, aven tisough Hie>' are 60 cents, 80 cents orea dollar per lumod, b&ve beau raleed a cent a Pound te tise retelier. Of cour-se "sePriebas net been ralsedto te h. imate con- sumner. Affect Bakin@ Business. The rmise lu the price of eugar aise bas aifectadti hie baking bçie . Cakes bave augar as a ilg elernnt. aud wlth Huhgredient htgh lu Price sand the price of cosnlonnds andI olîs and flour higis tierelinlittie profittlu Every Item O! informtien WhIcl yole gleen cencier-niflg Mei.cil la vhlch you live thrbuglx your ad-en- ii«eing tribps wll be UMUWUL to you-per-haps in unueieteulWays. Now le the tîme to bave your r-spai- au doule, At ltesi-oe Clis lot nse 0 yont har-se. for yeu. $100 per set; for drlebharnssas W Sgui-r-i-e. or workt. 0. 1. Lucea & Co. a-4,6-tf, Cdof - Orhtnng D$ù Jbàî T***sned frona18 Qents tez coUnta WIIoles*e. ProgoeU sof 8aort 0 in ~Ieof Care. qoffeseMtlgolng up. The prisent whoesale prie la 25o per pound for lthe aversge quoity of caffee. Rewiiere add Se te titis amount, bringlnq th. prie* te 30C. At this month tout year 00f..e sold for.iSo per pound wholesal., or 7é las han the pretent prVke. And local dealers prediot an ln. croas.# liew York, N. Y.: Oct. 23. -Today's cofee market opened wth No. 1 Rio Lt 16 cents. the highest pilaimne 1895, thic year o! the offee famiine" ln Bra il. The uew hIgh record wasi set lu the face of a 'slght" coffee suppi> thirty million pounds greater then lb wae lest year when spot coifao was elght centsas pound lu the N'ew York market. Prospects o? short colfee crop lu 190O2 have somewbat Iniluencei prices upward, but the extramely hlgh level8 are due tothe presence in the mark- et olT the r-offec tri)at, formeul between the Brazilian governmient aud Amenl- eau, Engish. French, German aud tiutch financiers tu corner the cof- fee suppiy untîl 1919 and dictate ouf-- fa. prîtes te the world furtat per- îod. Arbicles have atîitouuîred a ad- vane -liitihe w-liaaieprice ho 2:lt,ý 1 i-utc. effective Orbtter 23. audt the clati ard, tact rge brandes natiaalur- u-1 ar oloMiii ,ttc 'it. hît~nmouChe tigo j uiti .tka,tr bastretiiei uitL 17:iid le cuite a pout!d Giganitic Pool, bhitl itç the princilii ett- " nd --.tttotb,"tt5 utN\ a Itrk tît oiit l! .. uî or-î i;,-euttt eux t i lo t- dip t? 0 tu. ouses j , i N,, I)or':, liar v t. 5rî(,i . 14rw ,îra d ll;iunloi,ttt,. t' t: ne ,tIiltle - tiuplti le tîttil. les, ît it ,as bus n for 'wet-iîy 'llie cofte pool eis lte prodtîrt of the hraîii of lieruian Slelchen, fer veairs the chie f igure in theoNfanhat- ton coffee market and hat of Theo- dore Willie a nililionaire cofe ex- porter of Rio Jeneiro, These men exDWaned te the Brazllian goverunent that a permanent cofee pool would maintai n high prices for the grower and would guarantee tu Brazil a con- stant revenue tromn the coffee ex port tax, Brazls chief source of revenlue. Brauil HsIpe t. In returu Brazil paaaed determina. tion lawea ad furniehed the pool fonds by a $75.000,000 bond Issue. A vaIcrlzatlon comeittee Of ceven members was appolnted to diter- mine eaeia year hem much coifge te release for conumnption. Siecben waa Ctee Aierican member. The peOlt deais excinaivel>' in Brazilian coffee. The more expenaive Java and Mocha ùofees are flot aftected and have not lncreaaed'tii prie. Slnoe ils forma- tlon, four yeurs am, .tho pool bas cieared. according te pre&ent values som*thIng Ulte $50,000,000. Buying good jewery. îpurohas:xgtbe chu-p kind la a wate. Puttog ei-enoui-Ie&Mount loto ea regAU> good riust, for- ntne sa i ase speodlug it fer- 00W iàtbiog. -r The ring assIste te produceshat gan er-al appear-ance of wel-to-do-nce wbich it wWl pay an>' man or woman to mditi- i-ite. And se witb othar jewelry. ýWsll. ber-e le a store hat bas abisolote- ly nothlng wh'atovcr 10 do witb que@- Jiouable oode. Rer-e @&tore hat belleves lu a !air- prire for- a dependable Ber-e la a soh aee enauare, 4eal erer>' day la the yeer. You are Inviteti. -A. IIUSS JEWELER bol"Ioislali iks44M durm gtue ~ adrlnn ht ths 0A0yir bave ben àdsu. Iehs gail i la ndm ie a %lseahioue v 1 ofo l 91oirHi elber Uv 200A0 ns th e Wbe infc As> ciel fl. w eia Immnense Phosphate Oîposlts. Phosphate lande whleh Ea ycsr or twe agir were wtbdrawn frotaontry for Settlement b>' the fedteral tovero- Ment, COnstute. 9Ite s ald, the great- est lrnown phosphate 4epoBit intrh(b world. These Lands comprise neariy the whoie 01 (lînta oesunty ln Wyo- mng, anti po-tiens of Ilforgan. hidi and Cache contteu ln Utah. and of Bear 4ke. tI3snock, flingbam aid Fremo nt countf de in Idaho. xaklug ln all abou:ti7.50Q square milles of terri tory wlulcb la mor-e or letis underlain b>' phosphrtt rock, Resldes these Tast natural depoMs tleIo ruolted oui (bau the gacea front bbc ameilers ni Butte lind tnsconda. whlch areil eryl lultîriOua to rugitatlon, may bit miiel to yield sOlihurir kcid for the manu facture or suiperphosphiate fertilîzers Hfealth Board. <Eyery tweuty seconds%, 0h1 dise ln the clvIlilzad world or prêentable diseases.' 1"Sleing a baby le an extra bazard- ou1 oiccupato." "An open wIndow Ia citeaper thaiaa closed grave" "If Your llikman brings Yeui WaMI nullk, malte ht bot for isim. C&ai tb.e boa-rd of heelth.1e -Warm rooma have killed more per-- sons tissu ever fi-oi, te des-Ch." 1"'When Yeu see a chlld loolêlng llk. an autel, do net kiese t; you puilgh make a reiautanel of ICI, These maxima have been auioptod by fthe Kansas City' board of! latis te be used at (he clhi welfare exhiblit to ho opened ti Convention hall Nov. 3l. Its aim ts (o set forth ln the meet graphie Manner possible the ra-ages. wrought among chiltIren b>' preventa- Mle discaies aud tu lustruct perenti South Ualcota Artesian Wells. Hast of tbe MissourirI rver ln South Dakota more t han 1.000 artesian weils zow exiat, drawing their water froni Fuiitmre For ftle tb'- supply carrI-ed by the tinderlying sandstone formation. and suppîosed to lRehtivea and lienvtiBor Ours in Uèuvet came f rom the Black bUil and theae ~befl0 outhe lookoiit fur dix w.-ekâ Roc>' oulaîs hes ~ef . uedor so,1 for a furnîsb*ed or unteraished maîni>' for Iraln..These purnosed are buse for Im ' Th<- av.' ic'ted three mainy fr Irigaion urpsed.areIzood ni" dfukrnlsbed boutoit all of wlicb front 510 ,0 1N) tet d-p & nd t5 I 1have tue. bonrilde off.-r of for a short pres8ure of watîer l h 11wafiorn part imtu. Tb-rPfore et , fb-r alilaur frni- of the sînle la sufnr-t i 10 ulve a suir tuo . Lr .male t.vt.pTtiD,g hodding, fn-t- ceept cilt the hit"îpo' lanttist-<rtsifls. rugo i<t 'h. o<, ot rPman- O.î- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i jelyti . uîot inaî. ,i.s i ', Mîît< of tiin 1la-re utc r id fiiimh ,rî' î"a o l ;i l. r ik itiîl l- . ah ti(fe iuy s Mili hi Lav ed fur tpl i t-tr1, I ia' -t t ,f3 ,> te 1'l-,w *21, lieuw î..t.., xcelet tuile e 9'd-o.,îdi in, planît by l-,b' Tf -'17, 1,t tt,. -<t 'r t ae1 .no<. t ii 3, l> ay t. i. tl, t> anti r -tC> tillgo * ., ,rg~.,.-ai b.- buii-ie-r I' ,- v ld eo, îtî,- SIT'J". 1 t b Cigitc Tout-ilt.ruîî. iko- ,-,r..<i<l A 1 t, n doihtrs at treaet tiirof 1tat-. s lt ltt, it stft' 10 o'.t ,>,trtrIt;.4ti tP-îrM Lt att- I t -ack ti -,f itiu rule of - ,tiIi-I,' o t< -tL t tislSg, a iit,~bti aie (<Utilî,tie- it ', :i et !WE'LL BRING 1TO 0 0 asl-ourge taS an lt o aurS&r klof 0. ome o-S kD 0 and we soikit a trial order 00 Us fro=nyou. 0 lob fb j Home Lmber Co.1 Libertyvle, IlI STEWART Stoves and Ranges, Base Burners HOT BLASTS, OMMS THERE ARE NONE BETTER., Right Price. Corne and. See. SCIINC RIosi -'4 - -' ' t- 'i-s 'v. 'i a -y i 1

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