Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Oct 1911, p. 9

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LAKE C-OLJNTY INDEPENDEN T( WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN YO.X.NO. 5.R w. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAY, OCThBER 27, 1911. POUR PAGES. R15 >I YEAR 11-1 ADVANCE. DATTLE A<ÎAJNST TIMOTIIY KELLY RÀ61NO IN COURT AN!) IIOVERNMENT DETE,'C= TIltS TESTIFY IN CASE Jury Is Selected Yesterday Afternoon, Which was to Try Timothy Kelly for Alleged Sun. dey Opening, and Twvo Goveroment De- ectives Subjected to Grilllng Today 'rhe second hattle ln tlie wr of the Attorney Harrs for the defence. but POOPM o0f Watkegs.n egainet the s410 they bath remaîneti unaliaken ln iheir la poBtine opeued ln the couaty cour testlmony, anti no amount of hully- GUd morning. wbèn, vît h a jury fIug or questioning on thie part of the twelve men selectod yeeierday aier attorney for the dfeuce coulti shake noon, th case aganst Tirnotliy Kelly their testirnony ln any particular. fotr aloeged Sunday openlng was start- The other witness testified that he 04. had bleen ln the Kelly saloon on ses- Tlhe jury selected le as follows: eral Sundays, but vas unable. or lie William Cansberg. taesForest. clalmedt tabe onalile o biellofanY W. W. Wagner, Higlisooti. ont Sunday. or fix any apecille date o! A. Hamdil, Hlghvood. liie visitea t te plane. William Mathewg. Hlgliwood. The Interest lu the cases la flot James Elabury. Gurnee. dying out, affer the lrst conviction. Thonuas MeCuUlougb, rne. athougli there are lew ln tlie audience William WInters, OW*1iet. whîch attends the trial except the a 5- A. B. Dizon, Gtrnee. loonkeepers. vho are anxlously avait- L H. Llnhttield, Waukogan. îng thse urne vlen they, f00. will be George Lrsen, Waokegan. plaed on trial. W. A. Iiielody, Waokegan. ln soino manDer the saloonkeepers Augugt Wirtz. ltrenont. have obtaineti a 1st of te fle Ua O! Tisera ver. thrft vifueses heard fa.' diqln hecas aaJnt alonkepe ýevery witness who la 10 appear In da~ Infhecas agtaft slookeeiertheir cases aud lu one or f wo cases, il -for aleegd Sunday openlng. tva of l leeta hyhv etnUe ivikom wveo3J. F. Brandt andi A. . tilat tht vitness need neyer enter thie Aver', tise tva detctves frorn Chi- Pl'a ce under any consideration again, eago, vho tetilled la theOt ase~if lie gives damaglug testtmohsy lu the against Edward Wech.a, tlsld ?%dr tootinony. devotoped the fât Casi esli tbM t tey wl in tise saloon of Tmo- Ift t expectedt tat thea case agansl Giy Kelly, go tisey claim. on tht Zbth Kelly viii go to the jury some tîrne et Ju»e ai Gis year. and hatvhlle today. It, took legselime. and thet ,-tn ~ ~ ~ ~ ýe seatyprcaeddik exarnînation of Issu Prospective jurn1 testufled also thaf t bis vas the iraIf hanOeteiemnf rth place tley videtti on thaf day, vhen case, flian It diti lu the case of Ed- they carne 10 thle city f0 gain evi- yard Welch.1 douce Agant thse saloonkeepers. Tlie case agaînat William Deauti Tise tva mens vere subjectedt fatlielias been continued and yl lie started mont rigid and scornful eaminatiou by lafer. theis aerlf vwer-elulitre anti Nelis asked me ta write dowu some nanes 1 ashed i hm why lie dld flot write thern hîxstîf anti le salId he didu't vaut Ifta appear lu bIs liatdwriflng." Coutuung Paddoack sald tflat Pacet len told hlm thaf Borne of the naines lie wrote were thoelie hati seau lu tht news5paptr5 as the, 11sf drawn. be ol PADDOCK CLAIMS SALOONISI WROTE NAMES OF JURORS Loveand Paddock Says Sa- loon Mau Âdmttd He Madea Out List. jeld Paddock cf Deal Later, 'l HReSays, ,Under Cover of 't,' Greâtest Socrecy. w Pa _____________________- th g t, 7 jeeon Cowty Bar Assoc- istion Investigatig the g Jury Yrame-'lXp. (Wrom Wsdnegday'5 SUN.) t Wtertovti, N. y., Ot. 24-An adi- jourasti hearing wvas tît Iis alfer- boo05 by tht cOmmittet of htie Jeffet- son Count>' Bar Association cOusiat- hug af Johin N. Carlsle, JOBePta Af- Weil anti Wayland F.- Fard, vas haitE ttdsy lu theTttft -ohftallegeti1 transe ofahtht jury in the Paddock1 levelalid paddock.ý Fred B. Pitcher sdohn H. tYBrien vers, callei anti ~~iOovliS5ce o! a 9ensatIonalun- tare cama oUL LIOveiSfld Paddock -ý >artu±ig l in*nrl th ia lliam plaSein Pbene'e saloon lanwilch lie Clsimedt tIPlace Iod lm a!f havi;g * rtteii dora the -naines 0f urtan Sjurors drawn lu tht case. Ms. paddock ras tht Tint vîfuSs toay. He thst iaSeptembet' 18 st p. m., hie ront ln Placesa e'place asud bat a talltabotaholfe jury, Be mket Place vnha I hauglit Of -bju *15 u anti placena mlt,"WeilI,yo to look out for tGem-" ai- w?" seld thet îfe-e ~and Place fl11yoa .goaating If yoo ,4I, oqUd= hr, fQyeur gaie hlm k MUFE8KET. GALIGER. CORN PRODUCIS TO DOUBLE ITS Pioneer who Dled Buddenly Last Week Came tei This AR(O FACTORY CountY in 1W4, and has ______ been Continuons Resident. Plans Made by Huge Cor- poration to Double Ca- Miles L OGalger was horn oct. 23, pacity at Argo. 1838 and pagmed from this lifect. __________ 19, 1911. He therefore reached the, age of 73 yers, lacking four days, Wil Make Changes in Other Linîcoln couuty In the atate orNiane, Cties, but None Narned wap hie 1>irtfh plane. for Waukegan. He came with has parenut. t thîs Étaie, Laeke coaty and on the preiteul home Plane in 1846. If waa here he M1anufacture, of Syrup to, be grew tomnhg0d, andi prettared ili Confined te, Argo Plant Self for the work lie ha-t follwed dur- AtrCags litg a lire dîme. _______Changes._ UPon hiii fafliers deatit he took tî (Prom Wednesdays Si-N the labors liehuid laid d"wn. lits 1f' A1parenitiy lisg litth. f,..î of At was devoted tu a ingle locallty, a torneY General Wickeraîw's "ig single houseliold. anti scenes of hiîtstik tilgl i lrttîç i boyliood were those uiion chicit lie ;tck"o rlkroditt npaisy iv r-toîeiî last lookett. ltis plana of enlargenientiandluii On MatY 20, 1866 lie wms arriedt 1i rvttu ttalispat 1Mie" Margaret tarkill Eleven (ql-i KET. lBradford, presiderit of tlite hbi ,dren were boru t0 this union, ail of[ luc0se corporation sajd: !whora are living. I We- are Inspecting the 1ulaîitîsat FROM A BUILDING. 1j L EOE Grand Army Veterans Comn- mander Gets a Splendid Letter froin Rear Admirai Albert Ross Today. ARE ASSIGNED POSTS. (Prom Wetiuestiay*s SUN) C'ommander Joseph Palmter, o!fie local Grand Arîuy p6st hast receeved the following siblenîlld letter tronu Ad- mirai Ross of the, iavai scliooi, per- halls thtelitai the local post ever re- oeived, as It accords permission f0 vm-erans f0o occlty a pKgouf os ttcîi ativantiage at Ille naval school wheu tie president cornes on the 2tli. My heur Conmmander Palmuer: i autainln recelpt of your letter ot Oct. 21, »hIl.lunwtilclî You lforu Ille that ifti four veterauis of Watîkegan bost No. 3i4 ohflihe Grand Arîîty o! thle 1tepubiil, contenifflate ai tend ini ltep dedîrtiion of thiIs station l'Y flie i'resldent of the Uijutedi Siateit O1t 0c'.'. 91M i 1Under tîaaecover Lliere are lie- lug frwarded flfty-four tickets of ad.- 1 mittaxice to the administration lild- Honra arn 10hlmlu dîhtîun ;htîe lî Jan. 1to 0set thpirgo pliant iug aittis stationt,unue f tht cholceat fIat derlved froma a falîlifit sud site1 reaclu 54),000o bualiels Caa(tlý F i points of autage lu view tis cere- cesful fa ilife. Ile was appoinleti grindiug 25,000 buahels sud file liige uîony, andi consideriug the poslllty poofmaater for tvo Lerma. Tht Bu-sij water plant 30,000 bushbeis, aindiait outr inclemneut weather, possibly the term rain July 12, 1862 f0 Marcit 18681 plants are ginding abo)ut lttll(l'itimuat tiesirahie point for the reteras andi the second term from ian. 1. 1903 bushels or normal -conaunit ion \"e or yuur comimandi. io 1 15 1904. When the office watt1 expeet to Ixprose our Pekin anti Gran- With asurances uorluy higitest con- aý L by rural delisery. ,Ite ('ity plants to produce miore 'and ider-talon aud trustlug that y00 aîd' Hé leaves to mouru bis bass, seven botter. Among other Argo pulas are volîr comrades înay be able fa be lires- sons, Zugene, George. Frank. John, facîitiîsa for mann!actttring sîrîl, iLou te occaaion of thtetiedicathon Oreana. 1Ill., and Bert, wlio witit lus'Hlgh prces of corn affecteti Our îtroîl vife, resides on tht famui vîithaifs s ouityat, but v. are earning miru motiser. four datglters. Srs. C'arneidîvîienti. No ianiaI plans are jiut Hanemanu of Chicago, %Irs. Mary nlov belng contemphLteô."1 Ocott of Wankegan. Mns. Auna Whit- ney a« ODokavllie, Ill.; andi Mrs-Grace Wilknson of EIburn, 111. Ht aiea 'Mrs w sses. Iouisa Blunt Bso'Mnse nJ and Mca. Bla Richardsz, anti a brother. o tn M " nj .laines Galîger I Charged W ith Mi He vas a man of igh Itegrit Y lu stinpur-pose anti actions. veil Refuses £0 Coni reail anti velI Infermeti, kIndt f0aIl,ý wifli a word of greeting for al, belles __________________ ing In bisllowe ant i hltg 1o tg o I afrientior tranger. He vas th.a u]yî a Chistian man, - thig ifitht Clistian citurcl i a Fort Hill about 50 yeas ago. His lre vas strong, lielpful and Godly. Tht fut"rai vas lieltiat the famihy residenct at1 0'c lock. Sîînday, Oct.. 22, is son-ln-law. lies E. B. Whitney- tsf cookssille. IM., officiating. The re- mains were laid at rest lu the Fox LaIte oeretery. P'eurs Insanfty; Hanga Self. Very slîîcerely yours, A. ROSS, Rear Admirai, Ui. S. N., Commandant ait, [urder of Girl iment on the Case MONEY LOANED TO M'CANNA COMPANY Theodore Dursi Files Suit for Recovery of $4500 Loaned to Infant Industry Monsy was Paid on Condition That Certain Terms were Fulfilled by Company Company Struck Financlal Rocks, Il is Said, and Môn- ey Should be Returned FATE WITII JURY Chinese Slayer Captured HeJe Has Case Nolle Prossed Be- fore Judge Isadore turne Recently. FACES A HIGHER TRIBUNAL (Prom Wednesday's SUN) The cbi#rge of murder agaînst Cliow Fou Hun. tht Chînese murderer cap- tured ln this city. lias heen nolle proseed b3r Blatestorney LJ. B Wayuian of Oook county liefore Jndge Isidore Hirnes and taken before tise Cok county grand Jury, wlien an ln- dictunent wttl be returned. Etnyre Jury Boonu. A coroners jury ila bon tb Inquire loto the deafli tragedy of Ona Etnyre, kîlled bly lier husbauti, who also ,wounded a Fort Shieridan soldier. (Pr-oni Weýdnesd"s SIUN.) __________ ilainting tlitat te isîccanua Manu- at trng eonîîay fui"leif lie up f0 te telits tif the contruet whichi la en- LBDOR UNIONS, NOW tered it> cliithte tommnercial As iatio , hona; urt bsIled a suit F A V O R S A L E 0f R ED give to bthat coilîiany wlien it tirait canme to flua çily. CROSS STAR S. The su it. lsdirecteti agaînst thetNic- Causa AManîactiîring comîîany, Thea- dore DuraI aud Fr-ankt 3ackey, recels- AMerican Fedeaation of La- er for ftle conpany. b r U i « W t h e Accordlng lu the bill led. the com-I OsaDt8Wt h a pauy was lîresented wlth $4500 when Cross Society in Work. lt came lier-e, together wlth seseral lota of laud on the west aide. The compauy entereti Into a contrant with Aims of Labor Unions are the commercial club, tîpon default of whlch contract,»1e notes vers tf0b. te Improve Working Cen- due, aud ttmney given teflie crnm- jij<>fls pany returned. Tht contrant caileti for the emPlOY- ment sf at lest thlrty men for ise Consumption Kifs Ont Out' years sud constant operation. This. l is clalmed in the bill, the company out of Egvery Three Be- lias faiied to do, anti the rnoney la tween Âges ef 15 and 45. souglit. The notes are nov dechared due, as tlie company lias fallete 1 live up to (Prom Wedneday's SUN.) Ils contract, and satifbas been started. , - Af5O401ER BOMB -I BIASTIUN CHICAGOj Commonwealth Edison Poles And Câbles Wrecked end Windows of Ilundreds of Residences Shattered. t Chicago,Ct 25.-A homb. suppuseti ta have lietu made of dynamite, was Place Bald, tht, "t Poniac, I].fOct. 2F -1l: b -t ta n ii 2:60 a. m. et tue itou t elon.g te fhe samne order yoîî do sud tsar that lie was going Inbar - J datil Commonweahli th isan Electrit tom- e d'nt vaut a man vîts belonga fa son Tucker. ont of Farmint6tG aypt o otg roeaeu a se saune order as I do bautonSouft pehatkonfarmner-s anti atmeru tweeD SpolebnCotige fyfro ttreta ,fthousanda oh dolars." ber of the Fulton county huard o! it-tenSxlt n SxYtrtsrez pervisora. ob bis ovnIllfe by hag- Windows vers shattereti lu msny of Mr. Paddock thon askeul permisl- Ing imeolfIroins a raiter lu a sheti a- the buildinags la the nelghborhood, cou- R on te tell Ptcher anti Plate inSIlY fer rodas trainthe bouse lu vîlci lie ' -siterable damage vas doua la Sanst (>Id ibm h. coobd anti atviset inhl 1Iftâ heiu hotu anti lu viclie lbild Souci park, liondreds of people ver* 'holiedîi nf aufgu th 107.11Yd it u 11e . driven from tbtlr lieds lu terrur, and t _____h_______nt tht bggottneajury. e lu lsendistrictle. addock sai notWung vas nild aboutth 1tigârýeltedsrctvs he naines o! vibuesats belng vritteu Many Fruit Tres Bloom. ltrrsptd. a lon. Pntifia, ,Ot 25.-F'rult-be-..-- Tht pole selecleti for tht dynamite i On tht crossexsnalnation Paddock ere a otatI bs~e utn forth buds for the second time thîs trlbubîng vires. Numerousi viras vra et imtxetiln hie date,but Insisteitinppt uteenefUatsearh ha Pac ali ell it flm~ yaar. This freak o! nature la causeti -. vhtr adthes ena s f oma thlima, amou by tht absence a! a killing fr-st andtir hylyfr oetmams he names lio vanteti vrtttn dovu asvepeiitto.G.E oltssttef0tht lIvsaof fthe curlous spec- axcesîverponaîpottion. G E.aPopfet re-oa-osli bddau foro Péorla Heightp has an appie rea tatoor s i ao,scan il yhcl a,uha d tti efIabltîr4 owore. PaddJocIt etralghteneti att vîich laj fullbnen. Cherry antiles1dseti fecueo h x ýhings partilty on the rt-dIrect. peacis trees are aiseoaffecteti. ploabon. the otîte Seft dfcte lue Mr. Kely-"Dbd Place tell you bttingblacrvsaayfomtt s rliat usnm e ovroton 1h5t ocs &arit*leFîght ou Perole Body. Rion?" Springfield, Ill., Oct. 25.-An'atlack MA TN -TG IT "A - No.' an the state apse boarti vas liegon Jj OTG L Y Fred B3. Pltcher uext 100k tht viti a suit filia lu tht circuit court 0F CHARGE MADEt by Hleny Snith, a tex payer of Cl tant and gave -date nvobvtt Inluthe cago, askisg au n luoulon rostratu Mr. Padldock heariuig htglnulug with Au- McCs'»Jougis, andtor o! publetset-Chne fVnuTksCr guet 29. Whenalie tthivee'd sso n ounts, and Mr. Mitchell. state tream Chnge Casenusom Beor ay iulpoenaea In the case te Under &ber- ores', front paying slaries ohfttha mens Je Hosee anti aked im hboy. manY bors of tise boar'd. nCaeFo Be r Ty laya ha vaubti rant te gel a Jury. lor to B3efore Sali. Phase of The suhpoienaes wtre for P. A. Ward, MPG]ER PLANS Pu brAgmns Claude B. Fltcher antd tublaofl SETTLED TODAY. icusos tecusm for F. B. sud George- F.- (Prom Wetinesday's SUN.) Paddck.Ht tIt f a onvraaion il tock of he N rthdi ititi ou a charge of alleget i dsor- tadbat ilS lc lit i o ufer of the orthly conduct, Carl Martin vas today xatrlally fronu that giveu by Pad- Shore Electri CLdEoO-S I LlI lIbefore Justice Bais on a change o! dock. my igt & 1Power Must Boston, Oct. 25.-Tht prellmluîry hlent?5 againat Richeson Ili te state- venue fr-ar Juctice Taylor. pronoun- _____________beUDliveIed Today. liearbuîg o! thte lies. Carence V, . T"eut Wiliam tflahut., a Newtona Cen- eti not guiity, Attorney William F. Try t fr aOny Rihe-onpasor f te lm&neler tiruggst. that lie solti cyailtiof Wetfs t tending. Insipeotor- Aiex D o eith a ei ttsassî From Wednsllara SUN.) potassaiu o eiiinîluster on Oct. 10, Cramonti preferreti the charges of dis- 'This day I viii Uve au betaluseO a Tht proposeti morger of the Brou- Batlat chitircit oh CambrîIdge. on the,1rior 10 the girlu deali, wvitclu the ordterly conduct folioviag an ar-gu- mes.I viii ho ffllled vîtisgond aImai amy Llgit anti Paver compauy wit charge uf murtier-lue Avse nnell, a doclors satlerestilifrein cyankle of ment vibli Martin about fie 'lresent Mdt courage. I vini do visat la right; the North Shore Mleclrl will ble near young vuman tmusic autent o aI lyut otss tut 1i8laalto statedti fat pluuîhlug Inspection controversy. the I wJIIvork lortheliahgluss; b nIl consommation today vhen tht n1Lattrt, Mass , wlîo belleveti herselfhih ieson aud Msus tlîîîtluncitef- argumnt taklug place li aSMadilson ptsoit 1010 avait hantraBP.. ,!8f7 tins.fot depositing thse bouda o! tht sugagedte ifhm, lias betu set for Oct. gethîer on lte day o!fte aliegeti mur-ý street blackamifli shop. mmii.. vaex pfsasln---Jo U Oalmy VQnlItaluo1e l cied. At tht close of 31. Strangthy enougli thiltvas ite e. At the drie o! Miss UuueIl'a vert . I vuil Ilos'ta .518* m -Y . tie IlînlTrust anti Savings hank. day appoluteti for te marriage of Mr. teath the papera caleti lb a suicide THESE MAY WED. esL onhus l u as. r~~'bistsieastomtirrar thet ime nl have Riclueson ta Mise Violet Btitands, an anti sidt t lnbuthe girl'a roam vas Frank Oglesby, clty-------------..22 &gr a dar'-Etbert .HubbaidL -- erafl. 'he btauoliii baopenoti on heîress of Cliasfnub ifiI. This lonts fount a palier aignounclug Richeaon Mardinsrewer, Woodtotk, 111 -....18 ?lrst cÈS-i gr hist, Sotaeuit, f ,pli*Iber 1, vson tise paymnt of a dratuateInter-est tete f e.sai hch !orthcouaiug marriage ta MisaetF- HuoaWeber, West Bond, Wla ...21 ,Wu*u a TSrragfor a Ire.lec dh'I4ad VII ieb. uad Wtliu a shsot la itineti by thse aoculad me's mantia. flstmiuîstttr la ln jaîl. hebti Mdu Cle, saune................ 18 -go s~o lisu9e t #4~il e t4± -fivns out * S oa- standing sau amlnister. An Important vîthouf hall. Ht refuses fa commýent J'ose. Demmea, Wedsvorth.... tg ýAuM j WN un l t» Z" ci i4ontlt. - Inany ax-Q t.:eu.rsgwv bt..: nu thrt roale0RiCoss Ste lisebfsr ghesen ofth Re rîca Fdhatin bai Laebtahordlu 10 a a nmeaonft matiboaSrdiby tsean eluneuAsocia mloe fo thbthetuNasudoPal veici Tubnuor heSuyadPevnin Af tht lst nol ovnto sfts tunerinan Fedieratlon O! tuber, a r«Os luflon vas auopteti calhlPg Onsail tise nembers of the feder@aon tu fuirtiior the sale as mont aua possible. The resolixaon reads as follows 'Wlitreas. Tht Anuerican feeta tion of tabou lias lu avery possible way aidedtheia movement for the ttudy andi preventlon of tubarcilos liroogliaut tht Unitedi States and Canada, andi '-Whereas. Tht Americai Naionial Red Cross lias heen lu the pat aud la eavrnakln*g an espacial effort through tht sale of Redi CrosChrlstma ease bu secure fonds to carry on G.e wr agaluat tuherculosia, andi hy moine of tht funtis raisei lu thîs manuer bas bean able fa do mnudl effective vcark ln flua direction, therefore lie lb "lteoted, thet the American Feti- tert Ion o! Labor gise lsz endorveosnt f0 tht mosemeli f hle .nsricaaNa- tlouaI Reti Cross. anti e'l0Oeuraga 1 members ta furtber la oveïrY rVomais aIlle way tise saen of thse MsosIel thelr respective commnniteM.' Tisere are asow four seae netisoda hy wbich conmmnptfre varkugMessIl the Unitoed statos are belua oered for. lu sucb ciflas as AIbany; EMlnra snd Binghiamptom, N. Y., the unions suf) port a seporate pavillon or Isospital. lan citles lbk Hartford, New Brftai snd Sauth Mancisootar Conn., the workmen , coubrihute bavarde thse maintenance of a fuud for tht tare O 0 consumptives. Thtemeiployets ai- contriaule t10 thesle fonda. Tiare ye also twa national sanatoria for tGo treatment oh tubrculas aowmei ss roperateti hy lalior unIons; aise bylise International Typog'&p11cai UnIOIn. and tht other by tht Prbnttssg ?r- men aud Assistants' Unkin lu Ms*A chusetta. Illinois, and eleserO, M. MM corporations anti manutetOr5 gV tagreeti soluutarily W OMMe fa9- their consutsmive emPbnysa fOi' m.U- iteti lengtli of lirno. "But as long&se oo",MSlmSt moi ne iuevary tire. '5w0wd1 ý M t tween tis a aof O 8t*b >Md 101 2five.'sys thse 24atIM*ikf 8for the Stuatir sAti ftîee.l 1bos'cul'tsls, asn îýW#ý,M 8 hop, a" belj"9U fed- the sud lttea. pet- e fthe i de- f lisii 0 ad- rderiq Sou>- mem- at ion will r lv nts h ie of nter. f the hlp ti lie aced as a I 't iatm a ld - tuer co*i it ýB e 1, e it is ýýl A ti D ti 19

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