Newsof Wapkgu ad$ ews me MWIIRENCOURIO[8hoEwDpWèeOxtio _ .unun -Clark. vho bas ben for the peut Browitci<n fPortable eevator Co. d alovsthe'Chmpany rerée ent surpise enUsa1401 cov ors orte he onme hidlfgterndcaGeo rge .Frostwelimod ftd » thï h eh fldot beé ithevme cfiatral D 3gB al8 1008 >5i ustin esnéE;anth é lrocaitionof the ùd9 vX].bZedi ans ar it vtIi h anoA s fare î tth romresoro ah la ndbod"s.Thrnginee Ofatring ths.', va int embonsrtsDf fo otè iocb~ etr iar Milios f ormArre angemeildngs a e conuced0fthe board b l -fthsboase Orfan-FDO" D usé g c Xe- n .&soee y rTr Living from acnda riok, Ofyléch one str sityfotabv ide ftorhupees. g 226 DSont>a 11ebà OW*isft elty Mout, BaePtr. lanto oray ofPoildn, rfe.,tSTle ort hr icagoa ndut.ii -c 0ise- my upment -widle b)nuet ondedond twnty eetde iith te Th fllwig rtcl vaataen illali itetin f héco Ta e oation et -th Brovn orbe b thnlrtt cof t Cosa wi-Mutst 19a solern t Baya tHe Ccoteiegrain unerfelarieN t o ae, aede m and ofllunoievadtor l mayt.lcTe thér fac- Wdneday f n4 Judgen E. ~te 0 Oct.14. 111 Stphen P uiead a y Pl aato fe teBrovn led inby kfthi e Bron PvoiPr u'thes fFe l oulzLe h u W~oe sg sbv Wooj t orerptr 0f Tranaf ur-portabe feevaoratanle noveyo om ndElvoî teTenyS Abor eder rta nouagngoronveylng ofornhe nd omemmoud- n crniad xptra to émpaodelln-ait jryDnig !Hglig ~Wdadabsuo ~ah of <h ladrton yetera tn bapprécaiasbxesro . busie smen ; adthe lca tiand fth ih r. k tf e endnoe ,lisan bndes Ter wn l wO athréyr hs nt a emo l arg tl± T dvrev grwad~ l>Dom .4 wt>to qe haes re tlatithe, At a Chicgo.Oct.5191. Pansin Dtai forPlat. i fu] opraton hre.Thei bu id ehund prCo tly yd fvai bt. tire hM-'wbh ave bau dlgltlng IhésaonalAocfato n an- huiltg.buldrang ahcostpled ofthe! lot aly f t eék, viit fov r aanhébirLy o-, cdbu ia.nom-la&t ~~.r<Id t lais.beld ct. 4 a unnimoua mo inl Duna f onhé plain, vhich y tltléa e o! roun. bu eyhv y W5foliourvhntécava Ipolnted to Ivie minatera andcao a nd Waukéan w fact dretpaI ndfofutri"etdeve ipet. Té ettrs lUnG iec kngaul h onni osnh a it ch furcha fBaey da naton oad oe t c oay budnti,p tsbing aeticlhe mNu!ternure bno us ncru h oe bone>'n becin noopras itin t avace th aop nsorhuanes and tentvy hèelamanvéy acu tici one ad ainéfing th g riofthé décrée. ho belng Ipmnt The folowing aticle ms taken It le be interésentfthemCom atyonprotétet wi*éth Ailwntortablnfodreatioo içneiconugelned daue of oFédéra 91 tin a wepbelievP at hus in ytha de5ofte0rwnt relngniéth ouot thé ak -vo rlg t of sMis. ofsing. IL Dobis o- ng a be, ok cf 133 oa m o.. bop e. t dlretio tu a sethé oceuase figC o tableo vPor ae Eléva Yto ma'sixtrolevtorto go intoh ili sud hve nthmatwrof tmet ain thie évie n idan 13s.ud ncera o!n.Ilh eime saiRsnn thl and acs t a t hehat n at Iagnav. tnb l n d o Pn atretmach t Tiné le é a gohér con uth a gvén sav thé févi e rd0! nadaiead fog*mh tIi cbr rbof od tnds for v or Totiami o. Thé ndofé a oSagnav Arian counbtre. Thé onerlicn-Paink tvs.tvu cnisvl'jTh okcnan alta ean Wthé édetiosuthé taer OI éabtann e a té oge. dè it mla S too h in aCO. aaprhat éth The divaore dés , re n tepst thé once nrcate rl nt u anttrogu Coosoae hic"D héctaugt9b1. Put ltacns aln oét élnstalléd lf-orhPlrnt.a t e f M a Dnsi té te it th de creé. lTtions. ,b oc suyfRt T e Thyl b ekix eceg flntth corne.v Thy.wle ut InternaionlAsocieatin of as in- lu i.thé om an ma snuct etpo ta- aiso thé vire fence cuer btat iber- as e",andooec rcles m tate asea bni edOt ,auaiosmto léva orah o!pailndt , uch wl a yi acr o rold ui t iaêd a vedé fr - .,piainnlng thé enn v rogt im teMon- ir s caction vas apromid ebey t h ismsédf renl o the raNborthsCi- to Ofl an ace and ois af iutoie ian ewsrpetd ylier[ mean a btal eta fiié 'l advtl o ionrvithé fédétrsatind o aeleaorand so anfor s distroct ail Thénd or ftr eemn.Ternattoreyllim0ieo hcgsi heriatepro aPit tmda.qrceo er et n 38.000 mmhers icao! por table ibâtcers anl ti clmanuf atrit abanqth oncenx IksV5 cooer .te oit stie,sndvCa r "ma opn fonvyrbsies adTuésdboe e ay vencig Osatnthé e bra n- heisnln fi-theA nîureh n th i n oratréion v oiei l - Théprésnt nv plat, a planetitel fr th purogé 0 diausaig so e !smpytelh Ipr U IU I sccsathe ifItdoft o aa>tv tb uadat>' laften l nnth e rhot oth ibo oy atr -ta r t ofM vunn. n l itLs cn- 1té rla nitégi bado * asat ashdLtGad ro in Brthr' arat ss company plant of h hav ugh t efor té atnus eét- litDninglatalgdcul nhc a eumSvde otBir 'mdire-.tepvnc hen caue olfe.Cpesti e Brofndalettingthr oifrnad hésix lvts to tauesu and oibaCveM.G .Ombel ih TérvsonvsWd oesr and Jeslna't, a asthacCtln thcsdfotn nnvsot Iogo. It la earestly dealrodatbt ail 1.....A ieardans aond tth nr. f t ha ieo as réod: le éoneetagnd l o hiagdoe ecinevlab uose thitcn omnimSothes gienPark, toeriect ot-héat y~eeenieio oe Iii .-Br t ns*dé r ou te plant iii ha outh u ofthélaSteend Whî Co.b asquet unvi atiOns ai ff tgoat Concon. kui !heoe tri eaded if ntry ri l g- ,. xv praer'hcbhetog hie.ucputrsint cmmsio.,Joticeb sa llaite haul fr lant memer * tuons. Té boaoti appolteon the part - As ai.Th knhmble mlitrulnsnDeuil.o! hé Alr e ctetedecre Wtoons gn vrténdrgra * 1 atCtoîncun, -lh Thé cman buildnfbrckt ul pre.13 te 5wnkion Ternat h er-'- t)tosat u u vrtigfo . <hbe o 0PPon ér.,aI f0 t a !ttu.trsviih h-l lSs Ms oe odn tahrluneo auhe.Texprésà e n dr regulatiousMon Uhk kOWi t yUrca ait fo rea, thé vgrino bélgl ot olo!nia ci>' laec.dfléd -nith thé r., 'u a e bateasthé IMI aiactont os ar se sl vt, tel faIndustriellniecontr o ygd eor yor ofnthe fori ofla tursgndseotio vii o atu Th er bortne v ii svrecsmeenufcuer f uttobjeti oal mIlitai tn ln- I of bI~ai iD 71 i bidngvi o t c arrirs adCo éany a idyin k bnuner on e o!Bult Bon txaesrersetq<3,00moner.kid-prabethe so-calo n t h eii on r ill ha e ba X .CH.Dtl Io ~q~ e-b'3 > 6f 3gthisan belng o cnvyos.tii. yvnu t teShwrzHo nente, anIfpr o do aa thg For :Te prgen !t hé plt s at. Misa f or donthé aterof part ng onnte 10 Oranisean te, w. 8 08rrl oale oth of t Jéffnsr o ort and atesuth aven ar te sttaethQUaE Couatyuer- ri lerula nna tae gas braaio pern OuSzdaboorsd e blitlnaruoais lCtmpanyplanth inectedfm-ugnipe that hé éxneleunut o!anmenor bvfýbmTe olwn e ecgT.Nrhé-Icothhrd uilingylig b>' 4o8 n th pia, fèrng inoteiy fe - Xdàta'G.' R. Auamel igh hel.c<anlsion sin iu b' Is oiess- Çaa l.131tliti 5iid 0n- fe t ucsandtvo ationhg a n t viiiho e. la ea~ mty elsjghtan Iad Park p réset a- Aàil. to i1. sti eopsud leNohib iatg o ts l- 0f nio teawoco mities vmu lus uménr f ear mis ecyand that Itese idof ecln 1111-Bur <lniie Tsed ? mThe o at! Ibcn pilt utérof the jatn h re qe.Iniaiosa aeat 81éO bsbuG . C nyvh no dop ent nmreql> o n séféctivol-s a o. BnryparIt"n-b teln pool laota a ehd rm n eutlmHb ijd ak n kaeMo da>' . he. bordiovlnteih5 denm to'iau ubeli i itr Bh fuil d i .tilingf tihO1rer fipner aiooas héaralgousé oetboeuvthed oi, a wod va ré ilyn Ct lecu1, <h he în builddingtbrickb Dr. W. H5Wa tie s are eudtouterthé alaup nt mov 'Z tio tS Ytthé» - yi f n o nic, sock roo yanba rh. ne e dayolest v evbl iaer r e.kitha t Ms.CnpeMi éi-mlasunsar egttro.(o - l-iiite oeirnIc vh tt y ofthetenureswil thé nai glust Mie vas eac G'lea b uer n atthe é og bl t er.i uThrezPrno natr l euation o soth e n tb am a u Mdusmil w i do thé b heulidinga. lnSouth cbooi f a C antî>' o nk il Luiretheouuey Tubércunlcels mleati »t' prenoal t ~ le o lu a maazinnetonla hov a pit !e O !ber hneailsa. (t cas io a alr U[=UfaCtUr6r8 Of la niai e oehct ofpal] larid ainv- e £ rs a! eejaoer v*ad lu h rani. n org grati <om a p rivo e od vaabéd berin ebandi. amecing , In'uu héMrae Ctag ~<iy -! muis. a enyh on fthéii ot arair*i ran st> fo aov l ai, Ovah ilte b omhr avn benbui fr dulaor and hae sov w nin ou hsoIdier tan bulklig willlog, odoM. .uCanltblaiidp bnéoliindoraoe 1, te-al c t Iion ! do ilalshavebau >~ w ubicchra>' I hi bonoua an b' ealioetrr Bo'n in15Mn. Cmnullhe.ivyata e ut ou and rglet. oains <eg bt'a enrtaitevrt 7r0nia11- by t30 a y ab lehg oths ne h aW annt y ýwo «*b e-ttn fthea plnaant 1v p té u.A fMievGodonthlatter peatoftla tive iterést inotiaget beony s lu nieîtbtalnhaért aa tomthosani murn Mé e .Frote a tlfthane ad laid, w tha er nta Suger on v ers vs peset !th é vke ouions clbsr h euain a sabt rn l .aborr d u < a o bav uoun froqug o weristaboire. baeh>'naCourtnandi South avudemédicl iaiilo ig nie la )rs StCtae . bttalon htf aga su t ra- Wbas éei ig tustsand cr- fnt ad tw atoies hgh, nd w bc ,,a ospitl, tneriiraitimo! fthti."year.y MtalionC.behlmét Saga.ionteachge complt nled by etpidrt epo-ea isx« nemihat, iergur4ea vandlhatfor fiedduetrlai *m> te teOn « tho 0 striatono an sd th au sit uiio la a e h e mnai e ari ud ofti h e a o f i5 - u OM s cyulbesIartex on nia e e n .siieita olsitifoen. s t oo b httu'.cb>' mmdst o mor t ao n .cae o! Patinie bait h ne 1 b ng beouint a net i r te go acc .TH am eler aîuacoromw T. (f~ne, Sr Whli not aa'eé<l Nondoha ~~la luinaittai asocie.-té niiloPpirkfontréwtneut.âge ci>'dhae.banld aotohea'.sud Anthér nuovatca isthé p cvisio 00101010 m moreaie tatives o bitte pvnt roometieolcottagse-ondbut.Italaletievhél tfor mnkb ofethunottagehéa eniot a>'al ldril - lu even>thin in tat.on.Murda>' 51.thva rémovéti 10 b. er M auatqora' out, as wsud wsviii ho aailn n lgcin *0 Yen, g m <straua! ioa1 isu, The jgon d 1«tauilnrd edrlerfna alwa h a a salé: "A pover cf du euruth la-h tnhluniyegstok on ad u cn omin au] undablte t end ta ber dM is o-1,;ai stt vbo a> hé sCripkelvidani eant moresaury ge t t rovenéu o! *Me modant Wh"amlu tra- ng oan to i h andug et inaténlai on hasachi nTh mbi supp he t a cotae. aiThé ad&urlca n g.0 odé ian ba s efomtin ti avuh. cv] h h laathu>'ne millhoncsd hof thebailies i. Tr e So< aeuth stho tr ubanti vas . u b- e sdaWke om n>' abrla'od hvé ti roAninnoffation lnel fattléfomatine " livi, on nu rselvante th e ad le omosicie nnus fRoum e anr co teude ie ttemantagem n e'nurses ome iaO go* n e a b? the. Ylure agra a gaziv e lcoa ser abl t e oft- ogir kl. inmm coln m eila lît. là sut e l 0 h. t ies y a ried wn oaé iovrt8larn'- Sandtogelur mat cot o!thégood tothé ous-ho!thscctondsdclatutaget lehe-a-agag_________ sce. rigde hsd dvisin dill a le monhs Mma l - hén peake b'riécouer, a>' mshla olih otblte ofth Satt etd yMDICaellthe oneCÂtOthetromete. chane ffl by uegultloth *«àooêet eueva w cf veu. in' r niitrat in rinae iertull oataducele bne elcig I ooynmdte agrtCtae ma$' iihy tiurm . Coreth é laliub-oute a>' avtug tr!in. herty és or l aon r fod vhra lethe r k oinr n enbi eraqàgte fan pipm shtowie atryan an cdir hég »sai. amuinrpra i t ar e oiug n taé pnkyu inso f e t cmétitown ue l teMmhol idaamupbwer l Epl osionmeâgres t ation of cibopalei, att tber ir»bsaplnrea o! a timit>'. it distlaant rinoeate u ce apelbs lastke uI" ad ea.U Cma so Réa.lbtaphensF.dWoulf e, aessrs. m onop tunlr apltslesfanen cmyberfbad andfir.Mp ews rsiet fth e sa..<hrta lca nt aforlinucitn cactlm's Chuncir heingOurni.aqnt viie ire. elaniig b~- Ad o! e n oe n oia afluteRdCOgSefCtae alln, t e tag e , ahi. hoît. at vUm cme»@bW eare a e e naTis li aro-posei tio rea a bone.attnti 10 a pn . flot lu . îT e mt cir- Mlet>'or th condititalifnbu Th e e-u s.otaci hém egun. IeELEY-FOW'eloy. R r alivaugutre ia , bose, Inus cutriel' AIc oda'Stne' o bif,~ot sutanéctt ageset.plafal'- cimen ugo te ti rsquatesoniagt- M" p Ilana,-gr t., uthe> a vésitonn auate& - bjne sd osepl a se far ofip in - tanda'orké, lllng <ho r exlon hso a n O p lajî o wn é ta pstin.Th oi ILT. e DD r.WitnG tOD Y Ne or oeft Ilioi ngad util ag cars. tshe o ta ortd c-pilens h eip tSi. have ba mii ai Pléssuat Paidie ut>' f r Innovationlthe rvsonh W"onds faravuhobootstacasmd 1aufavar!nirp e . r t otagete, onr."&W sed or ncuine'ae us te oarulaito ne antivi Karielage omaDinhter of sud o mn tér urpoies vhéch ani asupye sud ivIl ed. F ine r. dea th ureChicott4ëýui d w o W. M . blofioe hrsge.» B>'qn ore - 1tua cert.ain 1 w P bi e nolvé Sthé o a or sung expense o lare lna, noufla surddbutga o Mraiman, oei>' aréid eento ma- rgn1 aanatae na notfa eM: ~ ..."Ao h i t a htcieythdfr th acumle atnov abOroeatend e vhnh la ig-10 -10-Yu élI ndvrI bo sdmre tlae ur oger atnPe 3> mectaou 7" Mr." PU. *g andatum ilTw lo a oi ný 'liolTheo n klaIto u posahtho ' m!ak ad ieai o! hMn. Pulman cStelas odrn ush esbt bstîgln ,thé va' ac làlgîe jate onmcheind aa, leeirh xeopn bs m nfcetisr,<o lasu'cjand t dveOp s< rle <omWaugn fniolisha R ntirellcss nth fieldoflv a ttleundere.- t»te «ehmt- er.f Misaredua Fover, rse Pontind, O.., fr <holasi iré tré prfus < om s>' einatIve.utiv o mverimus-Aoiorlvtonaiy1ti.p- dtigrero Ms Fak .armé eb SgnaMlk frteh.,aie dpblie ubiin n -ati Mi.Pumu ae e nce. s ion gs oad a p an t ii o rir- Md- cdeanierta a thé Stundho! th bas a e oa etértith rea ethetononf- ote ésib ala mrte !nab- gbaMn. Puirnan vo. aboutd Th sOsgY IO rU voo-admrda s thé blding o! uthé nev ?ac ory Thé aréen s aou l Mnda'W.nt'oIL evraluNna . XBfç bsi oido aar o h la e*e sorteptintebyouwi ev. F'o be iuésid teuoater, an ate noce- ,$la service. h trâ eiimn 'r « e: Tht gou pi- erlerthW ea n r In Nosan Ccg o , wbertior t b o vii rati odcat e iItéinosa tahro ui'. Dt asfut t .de eb i th _techngein________ th a. a byoa nztip éJsas et e ndbavé ai nei t actl is fre ting asbuea >' ta may ke fig h as la refomv chh imIbenosu- cmvait ofa the onal rmdé u >o tte androtrprUob W a e n >'liitens deante ant fo bui n sa ian the' Woou s taei IbsvéltI.ons-ealmuls b >I t n teq ane a-a TuÂTcar- thej v-le ai ons tua frsofacai 177Nonhciné 10nuét an' écIl rquri-, Park motune. dîti Fover o dinte. técmaos>'ejet o o-na h be3,0eain o- A bt fumer IL ePt <a aoeacTHIGer aht Waakn e inie F. o an>'>' en- mne. héoperatuig folia efc o nt y U éhèlu iréevelnatiso atetherCom"v. . ti F. C. adatorw ecutr St. otacim' v e o Chicagdîo, udta>'>of112 vi hécae-tht flgrIvuiiairseé,tbmpin LotlionJutassnbt.oit.tIn a nunt' pinem-. trîrir, ati lac é agnathefandirv, bt m&he tire in oe -bae i a lae he o.i- o.W8ty overloél Of' bs itesd The - -s F ari c <.Wîkga SN H a lzil>' o! o e mhiné a dastores hpu'iiitckl o ebaui rallxpr. Mn wel> aabé a t oaeib>t héeroem p cui t igirk' thé iseondaStanpulic oé Itis blroevetin a ré aIraino!vicI- * gt t, rgltins e aalai>'W W.Pac aia P er ontc. ant Oie y aveii c nn tatI tn everJoseph'inas itéti Th e eao lug , ovo ber d eevpe lotiré . béa ymnt-t tomlsaat h W-D X "frélitenmn Ait iîmitfrro nt anda unadli ben matie spae seelt ta o a rtir dngl ers 'cbléber m auet b dea tairi -O -tagsnn h ht«o h barges =dOui>'ntirerimmédiate relatives ado.o e!4 culeaie4d h wdin hepestnto î~ rman'isathe propoelloo -tlc fi t Partor wetiré .,ps t eel i ytaperl oe n X u5 ige f D'g:teif'. Ha&ro ot b oat t McArs ndtrcks. M. f s ad w ilPia or-datiP ntChPair i xl o fiW<. M.Phe ." - __ __ __ __ E),for merl>'ontheti viline "M-i Soenlchvarge. NEDba pNt thei >'arrenantue la p mo as itie FPlatsud W ad hich Olendo teot feaiash té bu>' tintTUsea héf rPactn>couuameagai -ibtbydgigth a I -macu l rte etonBE T he Cpa ny buitr' FIsenuactrd ahop ." meand h. ouuv eenuo u>'pd:<eba te anti ega co nd n d e h'laawy ndrcv thest* *4~uatégn as otal cuivtural adplnemenjTa novamute pte pF r LE onio na. 00<7 5iO1ud.1 %ri.ralmnh 'Aoh MAX OÂPTU1RD.j à ti t ti fi t: 0 t t 1 le VOL. l Who, au ?orroridMRtI nX tor -off" ixoubht% t e b l of Po. dwB D rt W. .- 81u7ý'Q4W. obur- ioca citr' nov retetala îuoace.Thé V4 id min, v"lob b-u lIrafsd thre cl>'Waiogn ud XlU»isgAb- for toendim=i unbuns lut 1,1beau sapiwerandi la no"W foobe lu. tbe trc - otpaales r City f Aoti amZon avaltîngi pnocéoeiis Mmd. ltetoOne. whmch vilrhé utarted i (loutj. caem4. 1 i! Tib* man gave hlbisa s OU uike. Beurlity TWe s &Trust Com- MA* OitnDot aiIpOvo, nd bis lest place e! resîteurce as St. Jobu, Minh, no pr14 0Nw Businesa ir-s attractoti attention Ait ire<chi- of the City. auge & Mlvajikes depot ai zil rCity', virén ho haîmtedthe .statia nt.iinihe 'liooomiH. Donlt, prenident of tbe agent vas campelledta bturu off ail SeCutY Savings bank. Wiilapn B. ihel.igtahsanti bave lie station le Smilh. oa<lr6oter o!fitesanie bank, marnees. . -aSsor andi veflloweo npitalt, Hos vas captured on Eighteenih "bd Pi-d W, Churcirfil, tvény-tmmue Street, Zion Ci>' Monda>'.b>' (bie!r>ears an etpOrt lu thé regaI sute a&- mi! Poicte Hoover andtip~en, te jali.I.tràant bl#Iinds,.' are, la vas oaaùouinae Thé mna s Geibeti 0 mtile ua, Mbuda>.ithe principal5 i ta 1e nac lIm. tai amndimuscelar anti appeera moyen Potant buinesmos mérger Mg .Cit>' bas te have seen a raser. it la éxpeetati éKpérniigdin man>' à dey. thé pur- that a pétition le have thé niait Etchose Anti Omhliingo!thé W&uke. te an sylun vll héstanitdinluCoum- gan Abaînaut cOuMPan Y andtihie illis t>' court &cou. Abs»tract COmnpaumv- 80 qItieti>'ant i wth amm-ieascret et- Intbmidate Juror font vmes a s a thé dal been cariled on at ualnetan inkling O! lia nature te- Not content, itlta aalti, vith Violait- vélOPutiuntîl %Monda>' vben thé pnin- loig the. Suntia>'closiez lav o!f1the cîpoIO voré reagi>' lumaire tireformai àate Atd séekina ta Inttimidate iurers announcement, on Suuiday opanlng casés yet Ap icoUlé, pack o! thee morger le a blîger ston>' ut s aeêt iai ale a! thauns Ien ~Orgiration Ofa tile antitrut tionca iiicnpéttbibé comPnY on>téhécajmtallzemj ai $1i,000 nid that the best tblng ho eauld do anti quaitulér anti Oqmipiod 1 oa wis te Shako thé tuai of Waukegan abstract, tille isua eni tu of u"fvsu eer retunnhère business, b>' that being meat agalir that the nov compas> viii on déniant Thbis vas the report vhîcir vu cir. assume-varions positions of truai. senh nIipted about thé tres Monda>' anti as résalver or trustesdmJnisrator vas eonfirmmét lupart hy the Juron o! au QStle. OSéfutor, ant ilîke mat- tDentined Peraonally. Thé reornitons.ý bat it that s' noté hati béen sent of thé nev r-ormpan,- viii te a certain juron mentioned. fstatlng lbé the B@cunit>'Tille &antiTurst Cnom- that Ince hé mad ait on the jury pamiy of Waukegan. but tie onimpon> whilch bat convictet a certain sale=n vili hé lOdependent o! 1h.@ semamt>' keépen thatlheho bttler léave towfl Savings banir. If ho knew vimén hé vas voil off., Thé oilcens o! the 3ev rompan>' The vaaallegeti te have are: ýrcélvét the note. statet Tnestioy PreionîTheo-inre il. Durai. niorning, vién sked about 113e cae, Vice Preàlteart-. Bi. Smih. that no noté bat béen sent him t Sénroltar>' mind aaéffl ret W. niai ho bat been toit, face te fore, b>' Churchin. one -of thé interésteti parties in thé TI'easmrer-T. H. luIrst ltrial, that ire bafilboiter léave Wauké- lOoird of ,DIré<tors -- Thé above t'au anticever i-eturn. ullmed. Hé taedt nai hé hati recolvét .-no The Wasukegan Abstract corupan>', noté, anti furtirér thot 13e dit net lui- anti ti 1- Joues havé been lu thé ab- lesdte b botthé alléget bittien threai airant bualeesa snce 1876, thé mUinais anti leav-,,but vould ti 50>rlghtbe rnt Atraci company for ihoqit eleven anti do thé hési he rouit bere. He 15e>'ars. o contrarlor residleg on ihereséideltohie Wamkegan Comapany, dating back andti ilel claimodti ibt tire Ibréat aiso ta Saturta>', vien thé offileenssud du. carilodtti It anothor statemeut thant nectars met anti reàigned- Thé a.v thé saloonkéoper. vbd la ciaime&te ioCompany' bas a niajorit>' o! tire I11»18 have matie the allegoti thréai, voulti stock, n large tirai thé cntre, han nain bis business anti keep limai <om passet jute thet né oOnces-n'a bande cempetung vlth bis féiiov contractons, anti théenione>' vili hépale ovor ai Thi siatoment. !ollavlug as ft once. dos nie meut o! anoihérsanlooniat, The iiév compeiiy -ni bécapilz- Iinmedlateiy atter thé Jury bat trsport- éd ai $126.000 of vhlcb $25.000 muet éd. that hé voui 'héat the ataté's et- hé dépogitét vuth theé atate te do au toné> If It teck evér>' dollar ho bat lnauii'ncO Of tille business andi $60.00 lu tiré vont, lenta a nov ioucb 1tSit do a trust busiinées thbt boUe béeen thé Sunday galonna Il 10 cOnnodet b>' business men tirat o! thé City' anti thé people. Watikegonjas long nootiet a conipon> _______________ O! the typé O! the nov one. vihmcrls Jri beon to-mo.'- Hithento trust Wtus ad Claim ibusiness o! the. type It îs Praposd te ijer->'Humphreys', 1203 Lenox ove- bondie bas itou dono thrumgbChi. nus, ibaa put Wauiregan *gain on tht e osu tocI,!mnimn>'ai mop ~ ~ O b> lnu n !thé daRims rot tape. Nov t <ian ail tue ttie wviioltire govérnment t-affiéd off lait home witb bomse capital ant i vti veek ai Gregiory, S. 1)0k. .- hmeb oni 001dlnctusg operationg Mn.'Humljhréys, vii ballot nurnien Manager Fret Churchlll vi " e 314, von l60, acres O! lanti, bis pliait ob01of0ce lu thoîn présent quarter, fnom 3.000 liké rarms luthé Rosebutifor thé tan. héunL anti prbaii> outi ont Pine Rîigé Indigo réservations, ' pring, nianaginslboi as thé>' are andi vili havé a chance te maké the nov. Tht COmbîneti companies boa-e race vith other ticket boitérs, oeealwa>', domé o busiess nluexe sof lmé lu Marci an April. As ail O! thé $18.000 a >'er and ti tréactuai tisai nov, landi la ot, due best hé cas make no mer.»' thé ivo purcbuae8 mati., ex. mistake andl bis friands here regard maIteifft> tirOusanti tillans. lila as thé very imclest man lu tavu. Xlla. Intention o! thé ofien te Hé ho. been occailouall>' snoutIng rénove bhicoupaliest aonev lana- about lu thé veat fornme yrmandtien on outua.firtst for oon.e'%t 0* bas alvays lad an Idea <bat hé vould, business trééta as 8son1o. a snUiile like ta settle upon a clim'thert, lu location cou té socuret. vhicb amabition bis vite agres. No No bettér manager than FréMi W. Oniér Waukegmnio vwon a daim ei Churcilil coult' have béen selected. Gregory, Fred Pionce o! Lakte Bluff, Ituovu as au expert lu nie àastract station asent anti operatot- at Gre business, iré.isa man of larger calte' ger>' ioslng oatt lu spite o! bis lmcm>' tti bIraocb aOfléanti ven fatted canihinotion o! thinteen o. te nome, te manage on importau nst itution date. addr'ess antigan forth, reiatéd ré- tiottaevhinb hé Ija acnopte the cently lu t» S'UN. naîl.Thé characar or!tniethnern"Y.N Mn. Hutrapirne>'santi vite, thé latter iltéaesteti lu thé uev Company' anar- a véli knovn anti popular Woukoglantles lis commiercil çtpingth anti girl, bavé tire western fever lu a vatti' SnAncial backlng. Thé>' are &iu'.ii deVlopeti fan antiè are enihusistic-knovu andti hll>mréPeeteti. about the ir future home. Thé>' con lu 'thé boa o! Jutige D. L. joues prove up In fonrtetn mola oftér' fren nie abstract business Wauk&o climng anti setting on bhe land., anti ga sufera tiepiviatil;Opf a vaimiem It la probable tirai thé ciaini up In figure, but bis busineas nouiti net have là la probable niai the clalpa, proven talion Intc bettén handa. UV, le vorth boiveén $5.000 and ti 'hha eén thé ambition aeTtg 48,000. Fortune naine quiekl>' to thé Jlanes for ten >'ears to have o tile anti« lucky 'Waukeganjte vbo la toto>' yre- ltaust Compan>' !ornid j vlaIsabstrAnt e0laig aI sorts of congratulations. bUuil s o ¶baisg andtihne motter Ta Ile le a ralîoat mnu. nov about ta hé acmomiiliém je- vli netalz n su ltses lt ir e ConseU tIf nie igbt tenant la net Iind dettatOtid omIpBitlé. te avoir yoir spmp*ay mek o 'ur -cmegio!rclMslfed avtirslau. -L4 ' abu 4 O 1Po - Mrs. Ch! Ahi Fai Pe W( -Ha ML~ "This wo.s lier uin andi the Chicago .S.zié heve- Louis. Wcui Mme atiafieti et USeinntoi la w éngilg "Fu'etiBrin dw ieUsply - "Frank sri lng foi- teas thehW hioa h Us. astise dg s'goscf att any k. nd. "'T'his wonl ta connont y b>' alleueti enOui> as a 1 amilmsgtc laack anti mi te% anti wu pelise.d or 'W.O do r sINng about sole, the Pc te diie, but % Veruallya p