Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Nov 1911, p. 10

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iw«m11I cnridMav ThNDEPENDT. F9' IDTAY W(WMM 10 ifl11. Page 1'wo 1 A -PUVU 9' X - LN.Ue-C-, WETS AND DRYS 1, in here va . l rPg tg~is epod airve: sa ti e mjoi cJH HAf P[N I SPLT EECTONS few~ye.11RemnaAtienl, 10FTilin, 23; Momids 320, Inte ils ititri 10ai optionttin in luGrand ('hain, 10; Peterabura-tii MIMARA siAsf EI'EN IN S'fATE 1 liisoit le ire -dry- lorce s ton a betîshi,4 rir Ilit itslorut The îoalority stas 156i Even ExQitange Made.Jr o ild adarm - Ji as or of a valootî1les dlii.Ties elections brotiga-uJuy ox FiIe aex-rmp Twenty-six ]Minois To-w-ns and Cities were Centers of Local Option Fights. Jacksonville, fI., Goe Dry for Third Time by Major- ity of but 156. <Pom Wcduesdays SUN) Tihe local ol)ilon figbisin ttttantV- sixe Iliînois lowtls was sio ttiti yesterday, as-ah practicails es crY The totail t tte mw s: ltrY t,87.4; change for tite two forces, the -dry Welý 1 718. 1rapturing ilardin atler a- bard figlt Tsto ars ago thl inrijorîts was flive votes, wlilie Crater citanged fr i -l a. oittlri s ei-- v otes le-s were"dry" to -w et' by a saaulfi asot, anîd o t te r-ttt can lie acrotini -t l'S. cd for as indica'tittg normai condi- __________ tiops, No barge n co t îton et tun f:îtrtr S ias mie pagaitot lher Side, T.9sies of Mietus. anrd tai1el; publtt opiltiont -hanges, il Tite first acieutllicteîblk-er Ns lat fairtto assutt ta t rtJ1acktanvsille be- Tht ,s of M icI as. ite aiout 61 3. Ibng leular ' in he dry oliinn lit-%vs thUe irst lu allîrtrînt a logi, do -v egt itrit t ie d~ cl a n-- SoîItit ion of maleriali teti rtena. wl l'b "el itn"-,iclot les and tbe tiajori out resorlng te mythologîcal repres, tie' relut nied are as f,!.lowss tations. In otier worls, iThales v .a1.~ostl,6fl;. olconda, . f6 the firt man, so far as we know, I lawu trg, t'ilarti tn,-,;Moitni tCar - yte find out the et aclatrulli c utiel, 4""; Ta1lIt. 71,; Mt retiosia r -; rnlug the world we Ilvin lnils orkg iXtlfrttî, 11ell 2 tut tJtr lIt7:tNa econstituttionl aM deulnY. Dainty Dresses for You Here are the Hlue serge and velvet dresses that Fashion declares to bc Fail and 'Win-ter Favorites. The large sailor coîlar trimmed with a deep color, the pretty effect of the tuTn back cuffs, braid and buttons used prettily on the waist, the graceful lines of the plain skirt,-all these features and more are sure to make these dresses of more than usual interest. The price-an important point to be considered these days of high cost living,-is in striking contrast to the beau- ty of the dresses. You'll wonder how it is possible to malce a dress o! the Iovely materials for as littie as $12.00. We will flot attempt to describe the many pretty styles, but take two average beauties at $12.50 and $15.00, to gîve you a fair idea of what to expect. You owe it to yourself to see these pretty dresses; to put themn to the test of a try-on. Youill flot be asked to buy-all we ask you to do is to come, enjoy their beauty and get the many style ideas they offer you Prettv- 1li( serge dr-ss 251111 ilarge sior fectiuint- Lt-i u i lý Iilli li( %it tt copper color triinirungi, tbius triinining also on cufs,-thie yoke otf 1i'lal-i-n1'i'ge high nie<-k, waist fuîll, plain î'aîi-l mikrt, a very attrat-tive drss ftir oîiil A,îît tltîr nFYai-- ive miodel is the î-tItluf'vMle îî- il 4îî u-s that buttons dIoNvi iii, la h-i ollar and Lu- -u-îffs, bltttis ton I'-tîît rather liii~ ~ ~ II( i.tIt-L tt îu xaist, for the lipr--~t-u~i-ov if 15-00 val by cal it seli- ras tory Challenges Begin. FEDERAL JUOBE 6ETS EVIDENCE StÉte Cour-t I-ad Ordered $tâte 8herlff ta HOlid Same, Pendlng De- cision by state Su- primne Court. tu Les Anigeles, Cal., Ney. .-Impoet- .n- ant developmenis ite McNantara gli, case are crowding titick and fast. The lwelftb jurer ha-s ean seated, tbe box filled, te premptory chiallenges ite- aan 1%e tate exercised two and -W) restedý The deatese xlausled flve and reserved the rigitt te spent mure Five men reasned ini the box when court adJourned. In Indiana-poila sdgîe Anderson of lte faderai court ordrered fadera-I mar- shais te seize te books, papars and Iphysîcal evidence wiich a &ta-te judge hadt ordered a etate aherlf te hold un- tii the stato, mipromiecourt iiad de- clded on ain appeal takien by counsel ef te Inlernatlons.l Bridge and Struc- tural ren WorkerW asaocation, In two houri the fedleaicourt ha-dte evidance. When Jeaevh Ford, assistant dis- trict attorney liera heard te newB hé sald: 'Oood, 1 am galad of it" ln the near future, ps-habluT nemt week, te defense wibl fie anotiier pe- billn fur the removai of lte presest triai frein Judge Be>rd-Well'e ceurt RESUITS 0F ELECTION Naseau County Reverses Iteeif. Hempstead, NN Y., Nov. 8-Nasau ceuaty, htome district of Colonel Roogsevît aud nearly a score ofet0he1 men prorineut iite lnancil and political world. whlch want Derne cratic last year ity nearly 3,0M,. afte' givina- Mr. Roosevel and Pridiet rTa-ft pluralttiai of over 3500 eaclâ, re r versed lszelf and fell toto the Repub- r lcan ranks agin ity neaxly 2,100 plurallty. James R. Garfilid Defeâted. Painsvile,0,,Nov. 8. - Returna from Lake couskty Indi-ate titat James R. Garfield, bnpubika. buaiIen da- feated by l~etcher D. 5aI304Dame rcrat, as delegate Vo the. couina- state constitutionai convenion. Garfield refused te pedke hirneif te vote for te Initiative a-ad referendum as t fpndamental part of te new constitu- tien. s s r s Labor Party Besten. San Prancistco, Nov, 88-The v'oter» of Sant Francisco prcaclsy oompieed thte destruction of tihe la-toi machine viien tey eiected a board of suPer- visera almost soidiiy anti-union. Tii. municipal conférence ticket. whch 119 reaiiy fusion. bas ma-de nea-ry a cîcai eweep se far as te board of super- viserp a scenerned. Democrat Elected ln Columbus, 0. oolumbus, 0., Nov. 8. - George .. Ka-rb, Democrat. han defeated Ma-Yor George S. Marshtal, reform PRepubuic* an, for re-election by a PlursJity of 6,000 on a ta-I vote cf 43,000. Me-r- @iailest housa-ads, etvotai &MaaTe- sut er bis attitude during the street car aIr-ike a year a&O. Mesvy Vote ln New MexîCO. Aluquerqe.s N. M., NON. 8. - NOW Mexico, ati le tiret utate eleCtbOn, polladtce heaviest vote lb ever <1551 The Iemocratio central cemmittea e.lms igteetale for Me-Donald by 4,- 500. Rettirna are lats ieca-use of slow and complicates ceunI. Phiadeiphis Resuit Close. PhlladelpiiaNov. &-Retui'ns iudi- este te election et Exîdolpit BlsitIca liera- for mnayer of Philadelphiei by a ajili lmaJeity, butte sotele l80s close tisaI ne defitte resull cao lie deterilesiuntil ail te wards calie ieard frein. Democratie Kansas Congroesfiàf. Topeka-, Kan., Nov. S-Returns îshow tic eleclien Of JosphtTaggs t,. BeRn- cral, In lte Second conUe'eEldis- trict Vo aucceed the late Mitchell. The electien ln te Seventit digtriat yl lis held Friday. SURPRISE IN MARYLAND'- Chooses Republican tite Offcers $er- ond Time ln Thlrty Vears Baltimore, Nev. 8.-For the second Uime iiu over tilrty yeusw MSi'Yland bas ailetdi a Repuiiicat ticket. Ita-t- tarna returus frop ail over titi StatO a'd Baltimore city show steadY R.- publlcan gains, tudlcatbng the eleMOfo of Philllps Lee Golsitorougli by a as- 1 jortty of 3000,or mors. T1ë Rettubic5ii uta-te chairili claimste ssat y 8000 a-ndlover. ,Many Injured In Train Wreck. Ardmore, Okîla, Nov. 8. - Sév"r5 palssngers ara reported tniured sud te engineer - e o f the. ocomotl'V@U probably fatally hurt, Ila a-lsad-oK col,- lision between passger traine neA-r Âa'~c~l, p~& ~L&~ubson, T(> poka a-ad Se-an"Fe raflro4 i i SýEÉK *G*Efi*ENT, SETLEÏ UP _9113 AFFÀIRS FOR* NELLXnGA 11N 13ÈSLEý 9ÙIT Lmma, O., Man Suys CoffIn and MalesA EPO TN W Legaces, to Relatives. 41:torneys for Rook Olals Cern. Granite City, Ill., Nov. 8,s.oerge Major General Wood Au. Zpany and for Local Brewerv MeKeen, a butiness ma-n ers, r.- no ce tht or r -1 Sek to éftteWlthôt Re.colvnd a check for $8.27, z'epreaentlu nue ht otIa L ekt el lhu e on, e Venty-oecond part of lte estate Xliieïpm *11 M 'ti celvershlp BrsIng Narned of an unele, George Stalter. aged sev- lre c e~léta *nty, who died at Lima, 0., lait Fr1- lre eplSMf' (Frein Wedneday's SUN.) F'omWenady' SN Neary ai da tody atornys fr eco=mlanylEg tihe check w"a a etý Po enedyoSW Neary ai da tody atornys or ter' epialning the circizmatances. Stai- *PaMi.,lov,7-are- the felsey Brewing Company and for tvr severai weeka before be dled, t al Mn. o. the Root Glass Company or Chicago bougllt a COfIRI for blmseif, ma-de et, erai Leonard Wood, chief of ate.ffor attempted to reacli an agreement lnu lst funerai arrangements, paid ait bii tii. United States ÂrniY, Wlii vit st t the petition for receiver for the local, debta, bala-nced bit baflk bock shiow- Paul the ocmlng wInter for l1i pur- conceru, filed yesterday. t ng a credit of $695.44. made out »Yv- "o f lnapecting Fort Sneling mâd It Is understood that lte Root (lss nty-twO cheoka for $8.27 encli for hie arra-nging te enlarge the fort intoa Company wiil receive bonds of telisairs, wrOte the lettel, to acceIPfln brigade post. l3esley Brewing Company ln satisfac- tbem. sased and itamfped the. en- (enerai Wood plans te aead two tion of their dlaims for absout 3,00 velolsea and deposet.Ô thein ln a Lima sdditionai regimenta of Infautr7 to and that a reecilversbip may net lie ba-oIc W le nuiled &fter bis deati. lte local post The transfer of ba-t. necessary. tery D cf the Flfth filid art1ilery trom Ailtebod1flieb lngcen- The coroners Jury Imlsaneiied te Iu- Fort Saeiiing te port Stil, thOod ftebeigcr-kia., liat pan avliaieil aad, îiîha.ait- qîire loto the cause of lte deatit of Deen postpenel for te preset e ed ln anîd îurned over te te glass James Mctiuire cf Atioebi, returned a cause of the need of a battery offfield ccynpany lu satisfaction of the dlaim, verdict yesterday, iflaciug the biame artillery te train thte millla batte>. _____________ on the raliroad. The lestirnony giv- tees lnMinnesota. Wbite cranberrles ana sucb tbings en developed the fa-ct that a freigitl The Twenty-EigiitbIinfantry, wiic snay be scarce and ia-h thiq Thanka-1train occupied the crossing and titat ieft $an Antonio for Fort S»ntg luit giving, turlicys are plentiful and wil it frigiitened the herse drIven by Mr. nlght, laerepected te rmel St. Panl De cbeap. McGuire. Titursday of i0lday mornlng. I fif)i sF atJac w Ghieddk !INS n Tour i IREE Nfax-ell Cars %vidi -ft Neti ,'otrk o riOtoher 14 h, ît-d theî r i154- mile jtîîîrney cksonivihlî-with a jw rfcrt sLotre Wte re Awarded the Glidden Trophy Of 64 tif Amierica's leading cars, some costing $5,000 each, which ctipeted in tenist gruelliîîg icotntest lnit ttr Vcar histtiry, the %lixvelli cametthrough as the Only Team With Perfect Score \X'lirliig tiver the rtiads at rail- rtiad speed, pluwing througb mud and sand, ftirding swýollen streams, poundîîîg over the Appalachian Mountains through a cloudhurst, and surmounting otbstacles titat no ordinary titurIýt would exer mieet, they led the w;ty intu each control wîîh time-tahie precision and justly earned the titie tof A. A. A. National Tôuring Chaiîipionship They completc their daily journey on the ex<act schedule, although several. limes the con- rnittee condiucting the event had to extend the fixed schedule lime to offset unexpectedly difficult conditions met with, The Max- wells neyer needed these exten- s ions. Tht victory of the MÀxwell entered by Gov. Hoke Sniiith in the Anderson Trop hy conteat guvez ail prizes offerec te MaxWeU. 'llie iNIa)<well victory is made moire reinarkable by the fat t that il Duplicates La-at Year's Triumph in the Glihdeit tour when a ttc!! likextise achieved the best teaiscoire. This tîndisputable evidence tif relîabîiiy tif Maxwell cars is nu surprise to the 47,000 MIaxwell t%iners itho have learned to know the dependability of the car through years of consistent daily service.- No car ever made bas acbieved a record approachingthé MàýWehI reffistration in New York State, which shows 91% 6f the cars made in 1905 still in service in 1911 alter Seven Years of CôÉcmuoûs Ue Ail the 1912 models of Maivvfl cars bristle with good points of design, construction,'power, and style, whiehnke them neundis- puted leaders in the motor world. These car values cannot be equaled by other iakers. 1912 * è2W MODELS SpeaTo*gCr -$1280 Mascott4 T&*dIg Car-1"()I Mascotte'isttr - $ Meesensea Runabout $W Fane: Club Sirloi Bosto Fresh Bonel eî Nice 1 Fane: Nice C. G. WENIAX & SON, Phone 22. Lake Couttty Agents. Lake Forest, 111. We wil hie plaased to Dgmonstrate tite abpve 6tate- mients at any tInte. Correupondonce Solcltdd. With a team of 3 perfect- score cars, Maxweli is the only one of 64 corni- petitors to finish the grueling 1454- mile journey without a si rile peùýhity. Another Maxwell enter6cl by Governor HoIoe Smith of Georgia fimished with a Iperfect score, competing for the niInddùl f>ize aek8 '*az awarded the Anderson Trophy, also 1and h AÀFi 12.50 ç~~~et- " -- OMM % - M.OW 1 ý MARS. FERI Thomiaé rapher Bec Brother One of Letters duced Thoemas at Peorla, Richard T. mysterious Qf Mn aLet Ace loday Lotharo loi Mystery of lie decia lhima-was auddeuiy ar datectIve ai man's love. lte characl beau given In a serbes Dean writt, In thsse la but ligiiVly ed. H-es man ln gen lu Chicago fers te thf famliy and Ercarpls "Dlck Ci held at a s as ie i H-e Wa-S ve renasn te 1< neot many mucit alone "Laura -Dearcît ca-rd titist neîîhew'st ton and s( Yesterdat, Ellas and rIble crant staîra and gaid sue ht rauued mu today audi cAie dosa t0 Vîsit ýc e'.er, "Say, Tt brottersa a ten hase and seven aln thte oui

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