* L,\TE (OUNV' ?4~F NTtiT..FlRTDA'V. NOVEMBIER 10,'- 1911.- __________ -buIlding wltli an excellent yard and 1 uttie provIsion wes ma:e for lr * a IteestngSt l C UN Y ASshadentrees. ad l aWeil fenced. The 1pupsin bthe rrne men o!tf i)îrlag l' laI lsaalyeee ucr M DELSC OO S rooni bas a beeter . wer. Llthe In- seats; btack boards palnled on the lis 8111IN ~COUPIINIY gth at iclyer heeM D L C O L terloyaorthe bulding la painted [n a a l d sbo~erU: 'ORor N- wee2164.03enlutoyes lapon45he ail lenol well cieened, seule need te senîlay er>' l nsurlag good etl kil ed and .,-'tout1of evera' Ihîrleen ...+ +... ... arranglng. 1,.a.ailiannd beat. seating fail l od Mrs.Josph cas' j urd. The toa:anuhroaR The Dodd school, neer NMilihurta.lia 2r. Hoffman vlslted the Waukega Mm oeh T.Bowen of ijr oannbr fcsi WHAT THEY ARElaFe sove In tlie front of Ihe l'00n <tl, higli echoot yeseerdaymorralng. Oc gStates She would saite dîîa'ng the year was 1601.55,aof :. rom He deciaredIla one of the best higlia e toLocte. wbicb 10396 were persans killedan td îoar' 01 ean. bsn etlain n choi buildings tIn the state as ta Plan at ___________ 15,59teroe naa'c ! los Rcadyseolrra'Itlîburt, a, of lghtIng, beating, sand ventilletng. dea klld4,9 were classeal as "ýirduetrla . ++4 + a faily good buIldIng and yard. The and coMpllmented Principal Stebtlis i Coloy, o b an ndutril 'àc'ceid «*tove la near the front of the oom and the people of this township on thee rai CoonVob a ndsrilacients' and those njureci 79237 In leacldi days, any old .and makes t difficul ta ventilate. splendid building. He etaled thet lie o Schil1 Seeing Location oere sa classed This classificatiotn kiama] ta a country erbotai Seats need rearranglîag. The rooffis1lewslies the state higli scliool Inapet- Small Lake. rovers those ratiniacclced an ihe iîolia-eill.-ai o dy. q I t.'tescolan e ads ____________ novemeni o! cars or erginer on raile. Il c differeni flow. The Wadswarth scbool lias a good ýcrîplion thet Il naay lie published In Durlnig ile Icar 5287 îersans aere If the couatry school iowac buildinug Ila od condition but par- ame of the Btate ednuceatoni papers. il N teOffered Yet which das,ls nt Iall a 10standlad as iualasleabtrmthdTeSnadSc fn r killed anad 4,614 lnjured .while trespas + to ighitîlg, beallng. and sata- tlrlied lce seto fTe tnadScol. a W Ml th AOSi fur'n heprpetyofralia eating and rearcengement o! ths. The folowing le the Ilst of!tandard ils. log, i on of .-'-Bi , la t0 e state 01Scha oal f ihbis ttywbho have I 'wit slg lar lrlaaerandalrosnnu thoid hy bth eate. of Mnr. Bowen. aad'tn yaioiislol eeta gratated Mte i îtlome forth b_______'.lc fornias repotrt in liae forai h oa îeehool. near Wads- T, onUes maleril coandiions of the buildings (ÀI itiCI",,and le the aîeia+4.worb; seats are Ira had trder liere,1adgons That Lakle couaty wes liae prefered Propose Municipal Saloon i prirais îoiiowIng I lac o t4 he floor la very pour anda le u iieadrons by ls'theil .ferlear lackboard I le lied, wlile ' Spaldilagc ('ornaers site for Ilie new $200,000 Inensariai Presiarnalall% a aNaoid a *'ders vola-,, t hersml. isIiaso l 0 h on l il.EastB'ntan, Vos-e. colon> was.testa temeot of 'tire s. l n Jortahngcsca'-ca i a di acciairs ! ts reir. The York Hanse, schotl aiis o'alIStefford. (Gages Lake ephr T.Bowen tiss seek.cecse alStOIaca oa a l7,eras CfI 0kLoîtri. schoaîa iii brinar ibeir Bellîinoi 4+ Ihlriy ilidreil eroadedîaoo ale esaisit gatu' AWhite lra Sonae time ago it was slsled that CalE, aie arginat a amuaniacisai saloon. . i la natta lUne witla the brai 4+ room, poorly heated, said with no pro-1 Archeri. Vailmt.la a site lied prectlcally been seiecled (o lic nîcathelia-' aasceoeni ut a '+ Tliaia irogless. islons for ventation. ehile' liglil l .1 oiad OIliceerasci noaai(il 4. aoacr. NIany conditions are amofevor- Vlciertaan.ai by lime. Bowen, and tisee essoca,îPdbouai i l se dretors 10 lie elecici jlala isang the I.al.e caaîartî4+ alile for efficient worl. Archiect Ira Worsfoid of Waîiaegan la wltla lier in the project, the eeit e . Iýv heic'oleîîle, and lthe pit oflstaihe * shîosfo iaclas sei. "-The Dady achool, e-est o!f Waukekan de ie155fchu h on located on one of lb-e smaiier laIes sangle aloonin leeaclidistrictis Io lilc'+ Stale inslaeitar Il. J,1-offiaan ls ln good order'gtaod e-cals. dean iLor ake and the SIjaaaldlng'n corners in the county.Id ecoied toai In n rilroveent + 4.andOAnltySiapecinieaadeaat of aid waIls, bha itaa'ib ig ,intelthe ecboos abichtIc. Horffnan lraise J.Scliools Simapsoan lhane laeeaa4front of the roonî htaeasIbehe ecl- so hlghiy as mollet urai echools 4 Monde>, however. il e-as satid ibat on -4 01a touar.e and part of the sctool. An ah- a the planas for the location rof the col- i Sale f Illiloas, Caaalv.oh Lakre. -s 7.Terslso leîarae omnto ulc omo ual u . on>' il1the laIne lied falien ilirough 1l'irciiiasîit ourtof.ake (uty: as îe Iaidn he ftliaoing atidle. lbouseaaend nohibrery. i is- ccnilaaa.r Terna, . D ., 191i. Tsco sîaIrcmeîata arc of Bar-4 A sali exrenee woilld malte Ibis a "jules Vaedrines ara. t te l'otnraaaliahe temprariyandIbatrar-' ltietl ais as'L. tHenrya' se areai iHenry, len4+ Ifsssang lilereti a e colan- .faly good echool and i raid Imure OiyMi rn !1000"el Ilr the borne were heiaag soîaghî 'i ancery, No . 5,ý9. j. î. e ffWc leol twocla. DlyMi rz , >.0. da1 'I want ta sec the c'ionyonale Satisfarlory affidavit Ilisi the dai-r Tues a re Wre'niait cahotailias a good buld'member o! the 'ýesaYork sero ctub. F of tlie enalter lattes n sour conta. iisnt. Frea Ilenry, resides out of Ithe 4+ Tle ic sailaîce ('or iera .og, rooni cienand ilds, good warer. 'bulVedrines aa'al in se oma epiendldp Statp orfIllinois, eBo that procesee oan- 4+ scilool s one of lthe liestcolin-4.HowveerIthe seais n r a i10le rear- rizes yct îles nalthe man btasa 1 sid 'ars, Howraî ofChiragoal ona-fot iLe eerved uopen hlm, havlaîg liee + try achools lIlie stale 4.ranied. aird saneiler arles shoidlicc alscouragcd by s isilure or two. AI a' tay. "AndaI tamrrady hoaeiectlw Oied Ina the office o! the Clerk of aniai + The Waukegen high sciacici4.addeca. ,nluncheiaithet laaSesoy iluondon. ah an> pvacaltie daer flc ani onCour,notice Ile l-refore bereliy gis' isone o theiesî in th stat + Saugaîac cae h' pe d aay or twoaller talla iîly Niail ton~ cerd In oan or near e hodv of waîer, en ta lthe saldt Frpen-itry, defendanol, blading, witb excellentI condtios ' t est. Vedrines saai l"Fallure acte onra an ltdwt uedikn ae as aforeeuid, ihet the above ai naSed aIt4.4.4 44.4.+ Ih oo mellg nonbaln Rta LoifILedwlt pue rinalig aae aiiaplai ni tberetofore leai ier 5Bill4-tiala'. ad izelîl_..- .bredi tathe rom 'me liXe e tantcIe ius etn1 %fei, !CoîpntInirl e ai ('Court, on the 10 ilie buildinlg savryapaparent as theice aaînty. A tandeBrd scîaooi .barder workla""Then. wllh aebailie, ha "S fr ier ls hm 10sleîlnClanrery side iliereof. and tIbt a racnas are criasdeai. The huiling la Gages school bas e go-ad!brick huilai- dd.d. ..'Success. aller ail, le ualy' "Sa er tere as een o seec o mmrrons theeapon liseea out o!f ntlOt a i ghled. windows ieiasg 1aac Ing ln good condition. roum tldy anad talure e-tb a bell-r rviolerrunda ews of a site. One n-ar Crysial iLake waesai Couart aaliet the aboye ai med cd on Ilire, arisdes 0of lotia rooa ssean,beeler isiacedai aIcorner o!flice chassie spoken of t0 me. bail I wes scelle ta dfnaa.rlîn eo b rIdy Stafford scbaol lea arileaida Ia-c ront.i cOre a n>'teni wlliibse shd'fenthc lerna bl onIh e rci Courtof otlcee nial curai scliool. Thie The Wihgli ciool. n-crLîirt' The INOEPENDENT hais more tubi ta any Nrnis with t S~~~~cholisl' nest of Gurrace. The room svie, lise a goodblingmIa e l,"îg9hI-eaci. esadl h bs dete owued tbe lroçert>.ansîa Branoler i.iale Cooncis. f0lie field naitlb-Ccourt. decrabar. and la 1h. bell advertltlbtnnopgiion ade site wltl bave ta lie sle Nai coa l ouse Ina W'akearn lesali Laeacsoidy. caa.aiIea.A akid.akldeov ular ca on as muabrim ba hae- actearaîîeCoulais, on lthe Firsi I'onday Of De-ita'ac'is j.aceai aii ie bauxo!flice foi-veantiIation. The rooir as-setiiffY Imdium In Lake county.1 muc tie bs ben i)et (i IlecemerAr. AD. 1011, as las liv1aw rce'ota""a, eating al arts or Il cqîaally mater, and 1 ihinla hat befurc long qicweedwlh utl vllpnda l a.TI e a aac a-a e ll aaaanged there will ha a sie affared wahic Mill EWS ROI"KWV Va. ('leria l i llg .ik'a golnlao tla coîdiion, aîd hoac :ol au'îkegia, Illinos, Oct 21ItA. 1) elatila il chial. ffliltcni tinstadIoie ii it1T'c' \ ose s -hool, lhr'aaa l" esaqt site wllbe l.n,ahe (aaaaaac1911.a ,aa.c aaa oa aidn oa will'alalin ' taeclcr, C'aplaî~nl c ad arana ood jics gaoaaa.urvi 11h voutag The Joeph T.llowein 'Nleaiairial acol illitor.,l - aa aacs:aai lestCr. the ony is an Indutrianl achoaîl inilar la'a c.aîde.ihoalî ' a ronge.îlaa Gads Hill. now caller Shore Ars Every Iewohnorasto , aah 'o c'a' ar -ethli, . t aaa caa s eilaang The colony s 10 a' e lcala'd 1 the you glera coacerîalng the Citly tin ai att i a laccapaîAc csaai a whlch you live through yoîar ad-ana ho"al menrory of the laie .Iosep~h T. BOWeli. 'awrînz tripe will he USWFUL 10 'I lae i' tarns eclaa.ol. also abtoutitlre et Chicago. van perbaps Lneuraxpectc'd aas mallasaiaesa of l;aîaaae. laha a arls good Don't buy a piano merely on its appearance Go beneath the surface. Examine the rnechanisrn and the workmanphip on the instrument you think ol purchasing, anti test it for the quality of its toue. If you are thus careful in niaking your selection voul wiIl find that the inItrumonts ive olier ,rc 'Lliekiund you can tiepend upon the kinti you will be glati to have in your home. Do flot fail t,--,thoee w<a-e have- ready ýor your inspotion a, Ingall's ;ewelry Store, Wauh-egan Ray's Furniture Store, Libertyvilie A! h(,i Iiv -.gi Ii roin in lr,-' a i - nîîge'1< 1ii iiii Conover, Cable, Kingsbury, Wellington and Inner-PlayerPianos At.iv 'ial tI [t. i ; ~ ita vili tell-'nîî artjî:t t a -' h Il kîîl al of iliti alith t make satia'faa4' a -ii hiall. PRICES AND TERMS If 'a a i) Iî. .ll a' aliait îlie c' tc'.o! l a' î i, ii;j1î4lllîaît, a r ;î n aktz- fair &co ' .ll' v' it 'a il 'ah itolai' n'î> 1 ofit'i fhîa ',\lf.'P aft!rr ( )iii toi [i-!a aI a' a l"V. .A s~itiil laiN ia-it <i.I. Balance I il) 1!1î)Illily iIinalniîiîti'. Ic'liel an iii l'lii craul 1 at once. Special Bargains in Used Pianos w <- i Wa V. iii ii~ îîht-r of l iacs w hicîth a aa p i aa t ta-d for a tirne îaîd( takt-'aaii lar'.ilaa (' Ia'l1 "aa-'1tl1 t Xc ry laîw 1ria-e.' anid scili on1 very ibira I ter'î.. CHICAGO Special Representative T. P. DURKIN, AUCTION SALEI The unadermagnold wlll oeil at public Day oil Friday, Nov. 17,19)11,.beginaing acetion on the .John Nadeîhoffer tortu. at 10 ) 'rloaak a. mu , the fi owlng inaiýes north of Libertyllle on Batur- property to:wlr: 2 bindere, 4 pluw.a, ly, Nov. 11. IMI,1.'ommencnget 1 p. 1 dipe harrow. 8 birrown, 2cornblliers. n. sharp, the folla.wlng property: 5 nanu re a proader, 3 sdern, dnnap eart, Ows. 1 yearlirgt bull. 4 calve@, 8 monlaeba ay rake. 2 mowers, 8 cultivacorsi, 3 ,ld, 7 goese, 8 pige 2 moutile old; 5 ton qmall walking cultivator,1 wbeel ,ie hay lin hart). ceveraitons wild boy. scraper, 1 large coller, 1iail rtller, 2 ?;,0 sbocks of <corn. eunie crn fflksi, 2 pair bol) sledà, 8 b&i' racks, hay tedder. iht wagons, 1 buggy. 1 wata' tank. 1 hay loader, these touls are ail bigla 7ding cultîvator, 1 waliag cultivator, grade. 2 single barnes», 2 mets double ind other artIclem ton numeruus toi mon- biarnese. 2 single uileighe. bnck board, 2 bou. Useal terme. buggies. express wagon bornos, folding Mi.ilS tEl'nos., Praap. W.I)ac0 tr'e o crnin ebovik, ilbasket@ W El, ApiiEy, Auctioneer I oaasbock, 80) tanéo taruathy bay and matai other articles t, numeroustat Having deided toiallait tarIn ang 1 wli maentionr. lsî,al terni.. 'il1 at publie auctioan on the Won. F. E. MARASH, lrop. uydam plaea1 %riles weiltoaatLiber .ty- W .PTHAniler alla'1. ii, a111 Nov. 14, 1911, conmmencrlag GWai PtFTKre<, ACiar.r t-war S;-,bond Ltraavn Swiee regiotered ________ rad gradei, 1 !rceh liailel i 0w. [3 2-va'br ild laviferp, 1-year-ojlcl aealr. 4 boad Thae undprigtaa'al ',îal sel1 at publiei hoamevs. mare at 10010, gelduiag Wl1200. aailiîan (arathe .jaata lklitfrona IY nmllaes 3 vonr-aaid-l'erchvron l'y lompo wt raartla a,!Roumaai Lrake, on Tuesday. 300, 1.year-old Maargaaa colt, 2 Ba'rk- Nar 2m, I1911 vaaaraeraring at 10 4laie galle, 2 fat laagaa. 2 eWarin blaves )*CIoaaa ama. ýhe laallaawilligproperîy 4daîzeril PI3 a)Irnll Rock claiakenâ, ) lt-wit: 27 spriragers, 2 No ia r alves by ares cbrak jzorra eut wlta binder. )M tras so, lbalane.ca îralkinaa. l.ay ;galding, Il uI Noa 1 tarnaatay kay, 150 bushel ne y rtcia], wL 1550); gcv.v rjane. 8 yrs Old, buits glutton, stark ora rwa aawl 1550; 2tsuckaug colle, 2 colte 1 yr aarrow tire with toi box, laght runaboauît, Iolal, 12ye aadcult, 150 bens. 24) ruler tir, topla luigy alraaavt nw, gee, llaerlng grain binder, MuCormick )verirag maawing machine, bay rack, vuorr biiader, Claw er Leaf tuaitaIIre spreader. pclipse sli, y pluow. seetl bat,,waiking Gle.'cara plarater. îauivvriza'r, 2 idir.g alow 14 iîch, coain planter aad cSI) rode cultivatorol, walklng cîîlarataar, 2 walk- a! im. -eetianlever harraaw. catter, aîag laws, (lang plaas. raalla'r-, set uat ealdiraa kottla'.grind8tane, set talua9 t-vvtiaaa drag, laew; aa.'2 aa'ctaaniraara aaaardm,.botars e . gardera sed drill. dragm, 2 et wagaoanaarîaagm. laY raak, band callt valu r, siau rl ,alk tank, iM galviiair [d water t anrak.,a-a-a&hIuran k, ailk c.ane, 50 lîaaelel potatops, torks, tank laa'ater, freéd rirad"r, '!laay ruelle,. ahaae aalbu, 201 grain sae, ningle truckw a sgon, luira w aegon. 2.10 Il hampaes. daau1ale araaee bliltai laarmne. aay raape. laarpaaaaa lana.40) aaila canp, t,n an, baoaat arnd ,tber articles tt) iak ci art. 25 taans tiniaaaatb a irabarn. aaau"(u iaru a lvra tioa I suai tëraas <0<1 bushlavîs aa! aarnaliaacrib,.10 booshel WNi. su)aarI. Praaa aatataia asot dîaaiaieha,-,eee. 2 cal Hl J. aarcAtetaaana'vr.aiaagip barnees Fro. ina h ara naaan. 1 aui tel'laae flavaaag easeli tae lrirartafraia. 1ica 'r caÀa.lra .ali soi]l at publliea' aaction e)oaaV aa'1araraasa' ui laMia'aatikv ronda. Ifour raala'e vaual a,! Iltao a A, .'acîaa'r [,alavrta vaîla', rwu ileil Iarth of Hall R. W. (D a'îaC . llr, STO RESIDENTS OF RURAL ROUTES,ONLY 0iLakeCounty IndependefitooYA Chicado Record lIerald $<A PR MQ BTH APER FO THEONEPRICE.) IN ADVANCE MA apucîal ai rlaieilîeiit w'th '111 ICICAGO& IREC'ORD)HERALD ,I abahis-ail).a bfter o W, Itt great rdaily lîi-wsaaîer anal oîr owîî B0111I for the lîrice of onea. 3y liwal'is ofa4thia 2 1-t t a p't'aa' ia îs.ail reaîi-'xats of ut rl rîoîît'aa ara' eîabled to a aaect a' lak (' aîiî t i xx ýkly ativi(.'liiago's greatea.t laily foar ah cx-tî$54.101. I 0 ~This offer is made to every rural route subecriber of THE 'LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT who is flot in arrears and to others who are nôt nowv subscribers. M , Y lollo il'lakeG)uItv isrecgnie;1byeacli of' itrts iglît eîîîîlil-tito)ra. ta A ' ill\V Wb ilyol Cllget twei'a e pîiges aîid froqeîjînitINsi xteeîî fo itua' saaie ric<'. i cir aaiaai iia.ai .,a illl.'l ea, i I.. 'illia' i..tn, ar Is . ail'raî al "-' aa al ianyl lia' i1,ii i n') la.' Il a. (i i 1,ll ,a n iil I -p, a'l alia Iîaeee4 l'y nus lil, t aaaaaîîîr,. I ieJ i ere's your Chance! Take it While you May: Cail at our Office or Senti Check to us with Order. L~ HERE'S THE IDEA IN A FEW WORDS: ti The Chicago' Record-Herald, regular price per year aDI'6dasWe-------------$400 44 The Lake County Independent, regular price per year --- ---------------$1.50 Total - - -- --- - - - $5.50 WE WILL GIVE YOU BOTH FOR THE PRICE 0F ONE :: $4:::- . 00M FOR T The DivinE THE NE Pator Ruse' 8afel>"' of lusaur-Pro vi na Plan, E.poaaia.d- Hoadshipa World For ra, era' nI a en i e ren o!il .lna 18 lp a i.roiahi'eea.a aau.rldly e-la ltae' prormise itie 'ftalaaalell raaaa'e of (taxi' liia.'warld. la tann e I t eli'nclicn é. aarkîags ce t raîEna Our mwarld f.r a',of ligiz 1 rlac aa!Tlu r lia a al t'aa il, la aiera aaf a' aap'al atI 's eaiilries 1!l' a 'Ifraam i 'g eser permitl -- - atliunder Pisýan a a an ar mIlr' ils Own lin fild, the ma' a,.'baveal a -omplisberd wllh the tOc iconilaiiieda S anad (lie et ilshed dur] iastea)frona p.arti'uiarly t.îaw. down Ouar Lord' haîf d'aUe- raf f.csor' or gal 10 111e lar reqp Ilis labor: othea enlered iti 38.) The pl ed wibtlt ýIj he fer dage serveai also Isrnela andi the foi the wildmrt Canan. T the estebuILe the liesons c eixbartattam -' aituled a s their Age Ji nge o! tba lled therebi tern andi obE The a'rop the Apostia numbered ùt Predaouti - tIle Law'C- gntiered n a-mu>' b the or C'irrial. tvllicb lie Messaalirc seis ý(litai Lord. "ihaa nanI ailli G. I Ailcoi Io Jeboveli uf Messiait