Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Nov 1911, p. 8

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LAXE (OIINTY INPEPENIYENT, FImIAY, NOTEMJ3ER 10, 1911., N ews of Waukegan'and the 'North Shore ABKS RECEl VER FOR 1'TAKE OVER LUNCH ROOM ÂSK RECEl VER SAI WRITE HOLLAND FOR BESLEY CO- Sesame Club Will Turn Mat- - Waukegan Undertaking Fi rm ter Over to School Board The RIoot Glass Cornîaut o! Chicagto May Dissnlves0o.e. ,tomdat might lat tEe May DisolveWiih lie nem- hl uhrîoîi estishs Mootiay fiioti a ieitiuît lu circuit court In -- c~~ýd af the Waukegau Towanship igl i asking ha a ocitr le ppontt Pol 1'loini f akgnuc-bol ni d lrlîtenîa eicess, flie se- aigtselruevrb apiti Warren '.lolad ofWuea saine clubl. aliiitiui-d uand liati by Jtîtge Chlnes Whitney for the Bel- ' - ?citiay aterîiooOed inthile office Icharge of iîst pait of Iîeaork ever ley Brcwing Compiany, one uf the nid- cli ot thse circui cerk, a pefitinn for the Inu itois fotîntiatiotu, 1s to tuir the est lIndustries in Waukegan. t<t appointmount of a rouei-ler for the et lunch room oic-r to lue c-obohard, The mater ai corne iii) before pe' fects of the undertaklng iirm lie oçerated ti iIat ho(Ilianti gov- a' tieytoa. h R it O lrnedaiong aifli ibe roîttaîntirof lie JlgnWiegtdy Te Ro Wbite-Holland. aîfh parlons l: ba cool aork. Class Company, manufacturons of lot- lu en Madison streef. TEe lunch, roo aas estahîlabed in dîes of Chicago, a aiont lote ago las r The dtails of the petition are not this City last acar, a short time after saidtetohave lrouglit suit for allegeti1 maepbie si e xetsth at ciool utrtet. i the otiset18fit wasa hpyet fablsidt edt oi maiepblc- s t i pettiUs aru'agreaf succ-es Neanly oic-ny st-bol- . synu o ib ali1 h bi nera wîîî Conne tc, a setîlernont, and a an in tEeusit-ool tcok ail or part of the complany for bottîca furnishedtihte recetver nol lie matie necessary. At-- tEe lunchEln the tining roorn, abîcli brerF<. T oordlng te tEe staîemeîst of the' clir asafit'ti ii in hIe lias-c-nent. tn rcpiy to the peilion. tbe officiesT h Here the ctmidren wcre soiti huge fl tise peition tait-caou the Char- bowis 0f nourisiing souilu.cocoas.lreati0 o!thebelreaery comflamltfiled a los acleristirs of a dissolution of part- aidttibmter, cake. initk or abatever bllinl circuit court. This answcr setsc-a xieruiip, anti nothing more. The un- their a1ipetillc migit cail for for a forth the fact that the fiesiey lirewing itW dertaking parlons may lie npecafcd for amaîll sotio manu' of tho chltrctptr Comnpany bas neyer aiiowoti a bll teale a ieudr eevr i asicbasiug ail lbey waltfct to cst for the golpladta oodro or ben a im udr ncc-t-raulu a o f il or 10 cents.g upui at ha oore f or but ln lhe endi one of tEe firro. or an It s'as nt tbe plan of the Sesamoe was cver enteredi to enfonce the pay- head otsider, will take ut-en tise business. club to turn the lunch rOOmnltott a ment. ke Âcoording to the efafement of bolE rnoney maklng Institutiotn, the plan be TEe ansaer fuither sets forlh thehe- ing to malie if self-supportlng anti1 prot Mr. White anti Mn. loitandti.teir frrn that a-as ail. fact that the Compîany bas nof suis- ls soit-ont in exent- way, bt a dis- Prom tEe suarl-tihe Iiituc-room fui- pendeti oporatilns. andthuaiono 0flicer post agrernntlv aii f laisareenbefilied ail the oxietatiolu of tbose (n lias et-cr returneti a "no icr t sali agemn ssi!t aeaie -c-arge. The liisnitesti o! eatbug founti'report. )Oeryslli tween lhes io memiiers of tht- lirai, a cold luncith, tint anti of itle nourilih el andi W. P. liolianti matie application mont, wcre treatedtet warm foodi, ut Thoro are se', crai sîîlts againuit the ax for the sîîîoinfnîc-nt o! a receuser. tbe hughest foodi vaiîme, a litic Pasîry Besley compans liy tarînus Chicago il i Il a emIst-eti boveer.lia afaîs atisent iîac-k 10 tbelr roouir efresih-- conce rne for supplies.,hbt noue o! wiiiliea mricably adjusfeti andtihe etiati arnuet rougbont aud 'sitE lisse bats corne totriai as yI . Tb he thir mnltts cioatrod li tEe s'srmnI business conducteimunler the drer- lut-E.buils range in ausounts front $:'() u01<.itiaj lion of ans on boUs of the members TEst 'sas ail tEe Sesamep clumb de- if is saiti, anti if a receiver is appoint- gt er the am.sined. As sooui as bey bati establisi ced tEe effet th esBesiey Comnpany gt Th imbsbe neitnefretitherount, ppt it on a liasis avero a e8l, n h oie ee danti Ti fmba heninexstnc frt bey 'sere certain Ibat if wouîd stand mtti siatitE c>,oecl o severa.I years, anti botE W' P. Holiandth le test. thet decIdeti that thoîr worli apportioncti arng thes alieget cc-c-ti- mend Lloyd Mbiste are s'oîî anti ta'- s'as done, anti bence tEe st-hool huard, tors orably known about the cîy. at ifs next meeting wii prolialy lie The Becsic-t Breaing Co.'s-as estal-i- ; calieti uîon to take over tEe ilunch Iltibet ln Waîmkcgan abotut 1846;, sud mîtý connuat the scbool under their owu n 'ot GREY MAY BE 1roecting wing anti romove the rns ia one of the oudest indtitries5 of tEe ltîl- sponsmilifv froro the shouutiers of the City. The Besiey familv a short time thbo WANTED HERE Sesame club. ago retîroi f rom active management Mut-h credit la dîme to the noble 0bu Sffk t Conet H W li anti 0f s'omn. wio bave lent their 0fthe concerli. anti the affaire of tEe clef Soek O ConeotHim 'ithsupport or starteti many of tEe iest tCompany bave bec-o manageti ly- Wil- Ravini.a and Highwood lealures In tEe City. TEey alune con- liam Strung. Rit-bard uarnutn anti oth N ceivedth es Ides of the lunch room ens. Robberiee lhers anti members of tEe club volu-tou Indopenentlnqiryteereti to take over theo respoiibilite 'bTE al Inieenlet nqir wsas starteti ut maklng a suc-teus of tEe affair. anti TO CELEBRÂTE lindYtofndou hohr r tetEe îIeas, utceedeti. SÂLOON VICTORY tun Momayto ini of ebebe orflt Iie The rooro will lie conducteti aiong o Besîjamin Grey rresed by Mas5i5,Ithe samne linos, anti sonne une wil hoer Ouparraet Corjiss near Racine. knew appoineti ly tEe echoot huard tri take Big Rally in Waukegan Sun- do uîy2tbing about the Higiwood anti Ra- t-barge of the roorn, anti soesIbat ail day Alternoon ani runs smooîbiy. Lunches aIli ho serveti viae Park sale crackings, enti wbeti- s'lth tbe sanie regulariiy. and ti tEe Oneof thte biggest Anti-Saloon au' er. se la suspecleti by otasl h at h eolmeetings a hic-tu Lake County ever ex. e iman lie 'la lie Benjamin Gray wanteti board belng con-unt-edt tst ilavrks precdwl i bin u ypli] for a murder lifteen ysara ago if Mar- only for the gondi of the pupila. p1ect itls ot etSna aftenon ai 3 o'cioc-k at the Battent shaUtown, Iowa. BIGGEST ANTI-SALOON C rmory under tEe direction Of St. in Grey lif wlliehorecallei, liasaleti of ME TN V RH D. ltews oalAtinc iaue 1 1 b ka knos'Ietge of the ratrick crime ME TIN ____ s'D. ahe 's TeotAbsrgance u t p ]seor Cresct Cit y anti Wafseka, In wic wsreceityorpope n ai-Pt' ibis3 stale, wben he isitei saoons Attorney Jhn D. Pp to kgan. lei skear Corlas andt Iis led to bis armait, Preside and Father GaVin The meeting. whilein bdirect chargeag sue wbciliela llget f bae cn- to ntodue N te A~-o!f the St. Mathew's societv la non sec- lattr wich ie a alege to aveCoin toIntrduc Notd A ti-tarlan anti ail congregaions of thesa feset at h b lues'sreting about Saloon Worker. city are 10 unite 10 malie this meeting the Bradrick mortier, alîbougi lie diti on wshic-h s'ii mark aim epocE ln thebel zi0t take part in il. The liggest aiti-salonu demonsta stoyoflb cut h In cohiiction wth the Bradrick f ion sen rsoren in Waukegan uuîlisl msthoo foi cuuy mUrder ln Ihis stalle, thefiory ,.,- belti un the Armory Sun'bay. Nov. 12. Attorney John D. Polie. Waiiegan, f0li Iated ai the lime was that e ast at 3-30 p. m. under the auspices ol f ts saiti, as licen cliosen to presiro I lwo of the mon connecteti wlh tbe Wý C. T . . n an rnr o h iy iias take part. TEe main atidroas oftles the kiilng came b 1the scene in Mcs.W. C. H. Keougb of Chicago, day s'ill ho givon liy Mrs. W. C. IL s' an automobile, and hence lhe be- for-mer îîeîber o! tEe Chicago board Ke ho hcgalae na- fou lot thal lhsy are the sonme desp- Of educaion, aili epeali. Siel alo eentis a tciy. de erate band that robbed Ravinia mesober o! tEe Caîbolit- Wornen'e Les- snmeuein bthe a.tinefsy. Park sale, cracked Hîghmwod post gos anti ls one oI theouffut-iai l Cellier anti saloon roovemonts iately in p stromîg box, and proîsaîly imerder- asîtatives frontEe (atb'slic-c-burc-li ni r tedretrsuto ter ed Chauffeur Wennerslrom. be on fie huard of direcions of tEe 111- mn ftecria opn etlc aides possibly beng invoived ln nois Anto-Saluon isagime. She w'ilil hoscimulngof ibo caivl companf las P ter lesser crimes. Introduredi to the audience lit Res'. shows directly at-mos the e areet frurn Letters have been sent lu, Wafseka, Fatber E.W. Gavun. Attorney John the CEont-b(if fie Immaculate Concep- visere Grey bas ileen aken frou, RaD. Pope s'ili presido at lie meeting, in fwhc ahrGai ateai oins, Wls. tfind ont 1il rey's com- Rot-. W. W. love s'ili otter lie Invo- liasteur. b ahe Gvn a Wh fluions at tEe tUrne of tEe Bmadit-leration anti Prof. R R. Laughliu il SotI le hecrla cmaya affair Confidedt lu im hem allegeti isatitEe singbng. One thousand tihîe o tly eandertefec-il corpantsyt miateedsalaong the lotf bshore, anti ati-saloon campaigtî song bookis batve sosat fie neotcat of tEe pastor, the a te get a description of tEe nrti shore heen ocdored for the occasion. No rnpi alstheS dyslo nC bndit gang memiers If possilile. c-arge for admission. Ail testa t roc. trmpad aaun t te ualtier saons The other affaîr about which in-Pallier Gsvin starledthte agitation fora q9iles have been madie today ln Father Sohuette to Leave tE9raîalo1taS. ale regard to Grey lo the ailegeti mur- Vomsn anti childreu wept anti society among fthe boys anti youîng 0 der onf a negro fifleen years ago stnong men iad a suspicions moîsture mens of hlm oburch. Organîzers f nom $ near Marahaiiown, Iowa, in a sec- about Iheir eycs aven, last Suutiay Chicago ,aers bers a short fume agu. lion camp by a min saîdt 1 have rnorning at St. JosephsB Cathulit- andthte soclsfy s'as orgazizeti.e been isameti Benjamin Grey. This c-urt-E, WaukegaLn, tEe beloveti ltaaor, Thie meeting Suntiay aili take on Grey waa of the aime general ap- Rev, B. J. St-bette, announ-e t fat tEe mles of a celeiration over fis peatance as tte Corils Grey, was hoe sililestae tEe citt nexf Tbursdsy vttory of tbe people over ths Suntiay 94 the rairoad type of worker aIt stcc-lt a promotion, the t-barge ot saloons, thse vit-tor being s'on lu lise f me md 1 n a riiroad ftbe Naperville German Cathuhit- County court ast aeeli anti Complet- cam ofl~he~e~mttccrie as churcli, s'uhi usltwice as large as eti toiay. îî la expectedt îaaîresolu- com v m±aS,¶(îe k>gro rustlng îo Iis one, bavlng a congregafbn ionsomngle vr t Ste's th i~a4réemett ofa white ires bundreti familles. Aon oey Rli Dady 0regardf0 t Borne o! the tires wet- caught. soccessor aililie b psst Grey est-aped anti1i. 18 bellot-e thfat No îrlest ln the diocese bas et-or ___il_____ hoe- îîîy psîbyhît'lu aanteti t Mat- gainard a stronger boIt on tEe affec-- ArTest Four in Vacant Hous sbalîtoavu. althougb Uere nt-en- tions oa ishapeuple than FatEer talnty abouftIsAis. Toe tetermîne St-bette.bIlle many excellent qualithes Tavo naval station recrulîs aere an-a s'Eetben hEs is;the sane man ocrfnt have matie ir a figure o! prornînence rosteti in compant' wth tavu youngf tEe letters bave hoon avitten. n tEe C-t oulsitie ils cEurcE, aise, girls Saturtay nigil by lhes police ln1 The Waukegan rnan who linoave o! andthte siole cty joins ln regrets et a vacant bouse on daouli Sheridan,( fhe .%arBalltown cas asserts fiat bis îeavîng. le la regarilet as an ex- avilcis'as formorît' knos'n as tEet les description generahhy ansavera anti t-tioually strong man lu tEe thurt-b Lake Vies' Motel.t tiat tic- ratter la -rorth Investiga. aud tuse Promotion us one rut-lly de TEe rerrulla gave hesr Intimes ast tion. hie reîraleîî tie old msurcier ec-vul Malc-olm Sliane, Thrd company. sec--i on readung otf tEe cature, n the SUN, anti hattaibon, anti Charles Berry of! RacIniplile Officiais Iis morning Beef Cases Start tEe samne tomlsany. The girls gave board tEe tîanîhaltown story wlih The iii tnie o! the guveroment in heIn agos as 15 anti 12 espectltety. Interoist but 'sers inabl to sede any tEe trial (if C. Otden Armour of takes sud the boys s'ere boili 18 years o! lihtî on il. c-ni-c-idtta CnGes' ansar- Forest and'I ithor heef îac-kers, c-arg- age. edtuefisc- i'-eniou'nnweli- uan-Ing age, et 'sitE ct-iiîrzt-v ta rosîcain inter- None of thesfour aere retainet i S anmd aviliefliec oliuss Grey lookB 30 state paclu' violation of tEe Sher- Usbe station, bot appoareti noxt mno- or so.,flic- Narshabitown CGray mut nan las'. 's a nte yesentiay aven Ing anti told their tory. Tbey c-alm bc et east.50 Untedi States fDistrict Atorney Cil- tint one ofthUe girls bati matie tEe The trater s leing folohsed up rson rmade nîlîcat ion hfore Judge proposalIlba il go Jin thle vacant wiîi iniereat. CaXpel5IOn ln ths Unitoti States Dis- borne. They wsere lions but a fes' _______________ trict Court for the tal of a speclal minutes s'ien tiey aers sertn anti Tise îNDEPENDENT tas mare isub- venre of iSO ment f ho exarînet as dm-bten oei. r a long tiuuc- anti nu arreassbave tien matie, andti tEt a c-ertain fes' tber onos. i ft her do nul barbon avo- nen, acI as asstgnastion agenries_ andi orl it tEanti tor a ittumuîhrof aun- t-toÙnale sOtmevîu requentiv tes- tn led lu Wailigan WitE île i aniuibing of these tan nrlileicgt-ti Sut cone c-an again taspect a salon keepor. andtihte sa- ion mon aîîutild e aviveto see tEe point.- Wbai General 1-rflcpal ls. TEe generai îprinc-ipal of tEe public- and of the 1,31N anti the state ail tEe 'ay Ibrougb ibis beneflcial agitation and series t-f prseculione bas liosu ual thessaloruionusensbnîuti simpla' seII is ac-, luot metile lu poiitics, uot sec-h oisivuu or contrtîl otuflie mt', nol bre.ihthe iaws. andti tEt if a saloon lic-ils-r couiti hanlior avurnl. gamblers andti s-tImac-bines. anîl open Suntisys, ail ulegal at-fhen a gooti <mdînant- citizen shouuti ho altafopay $500 lIc-ens,- tee antic-rat-k sa!e-s. ptun der resiences, outrage o avtn. anud ut-en cummil mortier. TEe principal, the peoplie cîery one agros, is tEe lamie, dlfferenily staieti, tiat's ail Saloon Shacklee Broken. Conviction anti finint- of Suntiat spenInt- salvoon keopers means fiaI tes polticst backboue outhte saloons IntEls citu' i-i lroken tacet-en anti that neliher tEeut'y nor the county nosti tale au9 ttî tram or atnive f0 pro- tac-I ant'mliii avIo commîfs a c-nimimîal Cliczens ut-w expeet lie c-iiy polit-e. anti filis mc-:ns et-ont'Ist single oui-' t-en anti his i buefe. la upholdth le saine las' that Itic courts baye jîtst t-indu- cateti anti icent-theneti. andti a(It swayeti. on hiîlrnof laiesthe Path mittedti haitut-E an onder halltibec-o ttios ailtlog Ill-e ouird lîtitnif ho mac-heduiutfor hîm Et tEe people lis snlt henî Theidec-uo ,art î' of' il rfi-?î u,-îrsig nailet,. Ibeur suc-cc-t in tisese c-oity coturi thcîn, that ther 'solIl I nemain chiiec Ti - ttinrada olo cases, there d is'at fie recalfor as toung a',s uith iatordier 'sas un forcet t-i'. - ic- peiliutrei a tina.of the. hins, onraorte, andt here la slways tEe anti that thc-, avuuht stand by the of1 'uiea.d i tl u-lîiitu t-lt-l service hualrd trial for tEe uffu- word tht-y gaie to te tates attcr-lîonuîulegab o ne lu, ainloaYtEe rer avEu aitisanti aIe Atterbunt-I nsvhoral dvntIabdnte Wiat is t-o in Chicago me good iher.e -One saloon. bowoier, ut:te reluorte istihrtir o' .o at TEe civil servîtc- means nos- ueii soe n dnaInauîi'astistteni g cal] onou th,-ire(<l-iant Chicago, b3 a-bic-E polit-e are îîiaced ti laisaliegeti. luofe-oten ahen an cuo eh.i5trcecalui-unaits - iOuvrti atIe saine c-osi tcu thc- c-19as ian triai, areîust as go0xi bero lbuithle con sas' a mnlimier tht- Influece f ,- ut -guarfiera SI'N ducs inut blt-hve ibat lie', witl i une reguilathepl-ne. lie needeti It la said tbat themlani lo-fltEt-u rt Ve olwdteianso 1be broke the- ocseoutthe cti Tlii-ipetîtion wth iLs iolticai powver brkn btesortiy afler. anti hais nut t c-tn ant i al the naines was rt-ad houe tEe salon assumeslits cberisheti rank out turnet cumnîulsîonc-rs ast oigtutai the itoc-t holng a mers plat-e ut business, not 1 mut- For a longtiii tuje bre s'asai- tEe iroa Estîti tEst tirotîles the cuty. TOO LONG SNOOZE onîce. <ut one bcbng 'sîttngt- t break lanti miust, ilium o! polticai influenc-e CAUSES.ARREST. thc- lte aulds't.nt soinehitic -' and prîviiegea. do like any thîr mr-rn o h oiiiqqi,ýr chaut capect t odo. nley tic- as.wThntuc f E utuuituui, scihomre, plot. anti conspieme u c-tit Fort Sheridan Soldier Woo- arose anti stFîicd Ihat ati utay of ant iset it ai naugtEt ed Morpheus Too Long~ names ýIkP 1hsue on tue petulmon touuutiit bluignnetd. anti surli and Landed in Evanston recognition at toast simoimhtiho glas-t BLOOD FOISONING Under Arrest. tu te 1uction. PROVES FATAL ('otuusulslinec Dictttsyer uc-ut toul 1 A, Kowasil a privte ic-n CompanYt' he fluor and tiaaitd tEst le effiienc-y Sufferingtwot'aoperafions lu an on- E. ,Tweolty -icvenlh ln!antrui. tIatiOmu- o!htilie deî,artrocnl shouti ue nmain- doavr f sae is feWiliamRine d at Fort Sheridan, a-Eu sas arrest- deaor o sve is ife Wilia Ki eti last week iîy tie Evanston p taineti anti nul ec-anumy looketi ai ai formonlu' uf Waokegan ant iatE mant'1lit-e ou a change of disortierîy candîîct tEe finie. He fat orde itsretention of frientis bers, hst In lie battIs betaveen wsreleaseti au bail Wedneedat. anti thEsc-alroen. Ilfe anti teatE Tîestiat- rornînt- ai 7 bis case sot for hoarînt- Nov.4, de-' Aska Futher Conisidenallon. t'c-lot-k. ciaredti ta le hati been aseat;lted by totîîmisaionet iv'er. u inte nls ofW 3 Less than a wee k bhore Kines, a policenian anti streelt-ar condut-tor paeaerto rts ni1uvt avilie buntint- in waia Is knos'n as the Tiiestiat Kos'alski lett tEe fort for i fat tEe petiflon ho laid over for fun- "Jiungle" about Janeet-lhe. aocidentally Waukegan but feli asheep on a Chics- iber c-nsieraf ion. eho biisît n le efitou. s sasgo anti Milw'aukee Elertric- ralmoat sht inefInth ef oo.t-wa ar anti awoke in Evans un. He saldti 'Esu a c-ommusiooer ashuet talenIo ltfe Mercy hualital ai Janes- Ec- toldth te comdutor. Hi Pond. tEst Dit-or If ho avoldti ulaentn bis moi- t-ie anti a short tirne 15.fem gangrene hEs lidloti bis pumnes ai tEe fort anti tion fa Inclutie the resluest luat the poIonsetinant a olcrtio sas Ford. according f0 tEe soltiier. perfrmed andbislefI lirnI amputai- strtuck hlm several tintes. The police the city pendînt- thie Investigation. eed juat abuve thes knee. acre calleti anti Kowvalski sailt' Commisslonen Dit-en refuseti, stat- l-He f15usd IoraIly ftram this opera- awhlue Irying 10 exîtiain les sas sfnîck lugt- I bai li ilno linos' tbeexact a ton, hoavever, antibils condition ho- anti lnocketi town Et' a politeman. reasun thai the mots lati bec-n ils t came mucrE aorts. A second onera- _ chargeti tEe ctl w 'iîî Irosoc"te fmnovoato 'sceîoioo ~ra-of Biedier Home For Sale c butlns E eao i e, tans withouu îimrning on betilg l ast aveeli, andtihte leg ampufateti at ITEe Dat-Id Biotler home af Guruce, ýstaieti Mayor Bitînger. "and t i finu andi lEst tic- nterests ut thie cty suo- the Upl. lite finest Ionie in tse ailage bas mtore ian rit-ht tiat ave shouiti lnos' tiallt aud t-' i omlc-ally bu safo guati- Esc-n ibis openation falied ta defeat j lien offert-cl for sale, osingt- 1 tht, lie reason lietoce tbc men arc- dis- et absolumlel,,lut- ils constîiteti guar- the gant-relis poison avicE bail perme- faLtt-flaI Mn. Beitiien is nos' makunt- cargeti." dians ng.iiiit Ic-gai scts ofl sisi aed lis sysem anti dealh -ire Tuesýs hboul, lin California. Mr. hietie Men Are Reinsiateti. nos sbuîih, licotuerit- operatet. muet uta-irnint- ai 7 oc-lot-k - bas heen inthec western state et-c 1T-i'rIs wsas nu second to lb-ef10- lie sufforeti. i atîpears. anti is sviftereti TEe fîusral s'as heiti W<-uneetiay silice Dot-doler of laitt'est-, anti a lion of Cummisalonon fluver anti a lit mositîlollu aflernoon a 3 uc-lt-tk St Janesviiie. short titesafter eaving fEus section. comumsiioen mut-cil that lie Pt-atae For Dadly. and the e maine ave shiied ho Sa-tietiedt l offn bms hornte fuir sale. petîllon ho recemvrd snd ilat-et on ie. Tueet-is ou i ie1Iotn atbouut tlUithe]i h ito '110 Es former borne. for burial. Thcîuiauc lias lcen lo!t in tflictare andti ial the causl len c eInstafeti hiht-b posiiibie pmais s (Ilue Ilu i Ttlaie ,%Ir. Kinea haal on at-cident af empiot t-. Severat propositions for unfil turther Investigation vhuid ho Siafes Atiorner Ralib J. Dauiy. lie -ant i ife police for $5,000) un a commer- ihe purciase of lie home bave hoon matie. is tEe otan whpt matie go<îti.the frtf c-i mens association, and juusf befons rot-tet e by Mn. BodlIer. but su fan Two Voteti "No" In manu' yo-tcs ao grap it avltfhe bis tiesi l ooki Oui a $2.000 life polit-y1 nons have beon at-cepteti. Several Commissioners Dît-en anti Atterbury saloon question andti lres' h In tEe avic-i atruveti hast Saturtiay. Ifses'as Chicago men are saidtof have' offereti volet 'No" avien thes mafior was pti inlneta ! Isepepîs fatîlimatt'agent for Steels Medetsoonpant' In lu porc-base lithe omo, for use as a tio a vols. but tie remmîntier voff bave tnieti To iim muaI go the praise tEe Jaeatille tistriet. sommer bomne. "Aye," andtihli motion s'as caries!. LOONKEEPERS 1 liat always goes t0 tbe dariîîg, 4kilI SAW0148 ]MUST fbcourageous, rongcientious, right T Y COE IFMN ([ IIÔ If( TAKE THE PLEI5GE tbukIugaud night acting Official, and1 iVniauiuî,~ -i.,,~ ~ w~o bs tueconsutmheosalons r s'tVaîîiegan 'do flot lierve, andi taring Io utter one word in cloe undays and staY ejoseti, their City Fathers Decide by Vote iany s aloon or saloonsu< o curr> catndertnatîon of bis saluorion eo îeie îîi eokd0 o2t entt Lîtcaifao ad o,,r^ h <ml lons anbs o3i n rel gd thie Thls, il lr stated liy tWo principal Discharged Firemen. aitl tb isloon keoî'-rftir. s los .,feutni ukngbto tors li t te affaîr, la the iitirnatl asin is n wore tdnelire ilSth las'abiding serte andifloi a gogi citi- of the city officiais te 'he saloon menPr oesM c Diuso. th»ingca lipe ei it therod , en115.futtEe clty. i vksM chDsuso 'hic i, ropr n tiihe tat&b All bonor is (Ilthe imainwli does fl marks alimoltîte surrender of theý at Meýeting of City co)m- ici leadgi bnsthalo.i, 1 aw 'his dtiuY, anti itsti renietulereti hig saloons to tEe will of the people, the Last light. deaiainst saooi lt' oath andti dd it. No îîîaî cau do more. end of saloon control over the city of- saigbayfruMany do lesa. .ndtials and a new regime of regulation, i lls and Reprts Form the lThe politicians neeti no longer The luatter Is nos' up to Commis- las' and order ln ibis clity. as thé city ow. scraue. trucidle. îoady, or Blouer Carl Afterbury, wlio nos' bas a E Chief Diversion of Com- wha 1 oteSalons W+l+Do. .. . . . . .. . .. . saloon oten wbat te do Iitead of î;,e missioners at Meet. Wha Saoon Wil D. . + saloon men telilng the city what tbey 'he better elemenf uf the saloon *+ ATTERBURY WILL KEEP +1 want (dont, hos' ihev want Il, and bow Along about the tirsi of NlyIi .or hs lwyshe-nfo Sudy HEM CLOSED. +mocît ar abrlth aller the loeur commis- ing andi for oliedlenue te tEe las' wa nyth-s hoit ucads and tbe 4. C iisinie Cari Alter- The saloon men ail roceived orderstioners ant] i te ousuor coinm aniin Saloo keesflcaoonly u u omsor o pble from ithe clty te the effei ibat ibeY I ati been elc-ltteil h a majoriî9 vote t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~i sflokees h aooit ir.cmîasoe rpbi ut cloIoe Sind.ays or lofe thoeir licen Of lie loooi, o<f Waiilign these coin ,mselves say, wbo toted otig0igt the +~ bealîh and safety and tbe city + ses ie'sierdsy andi are t0o obey ciieter-tOfisionOri alfilehct, and In a sesion iand the people. and of the bot + officiai reaponsible for the + fully, anti witbout any st-bernes frdeslgnated whicb or Ibeir numbef is it la tieclaredtoii One saloon .4.fact Ihat tbe saloons were +dd .O4.i sevito tt. hll odfi rBý-i( fes sec thaI none of t'ieni hati the .+. operied on Sunîlsys silice May dognupterlevibyst. soldolti-rscîti.ofcs I + The attitude of tbe city officiais andi t'mmssonr t r s'as nanied perty to tiat a fine if il amas fii- .4.1, Saturday oîoruIng de - +.4.t, .41 lrt t U epre ffie saloonis wilt mec-I s'ith geuine ht-aIl oftht- tic-îartiî-ni of arecut 05f 0fofthe tiecent iaîoi ltyof the + .TfiAT HF ,L HEREAF pîtae ant connandiiiteu by the tetani ituai,al-ri-c-Ilr t-tc-î&al onu kept opon liociiive tbe other .4.~~ ~~~~ TE KEEP TIIE SALOONS + pil s abd u b tplytt î-t - «aiiei isrusat ooskp oe eais h ohr+rit y means a jîlmît of thecommission- iiltro%iecrîta '<i«,itiisiou- lw diii. anti wben svîii g acre fdead + 0F THE CITY (LOSEII ON + Prs loto the respect and affeclIons of s-îc-ctdti tii l)ic-d<t ,f eîusndmîn ious to psy iheir fiti-l but foîîîd +4.SUNIAYS and that hbcatii+te epeof4.î,j ,*ýil, i' iosible boctiue thpir union beld .+. iee that r lie -salooni keejîcrs N+earl aleo loo keo!ofth' ai Atettli < h,;d h lu bok el. e+la tc botr.. tii.Ncoue as'i i aa - rci ity anti North i'bicago bave now ou is-ace andl ioit i( fl'.'itW orit o! the saloons a ii libndito .4. aîfb iniereit. as saloons baie + foredtStheir ttleai; of guii y I n Cti.teegahi -sa t-ori iIi Ite oliel ""pi tlc Ier 10 a leagme for law, olietience. .. een open during ithe- lreseut + ceopern, anir baesenfor usiessdg iti nc-at ou safî-;itioýtigMna ithat: the new uniîon will punish .4.grani jurv investigation anti + 10opO hi iafrbsness agaîli SitheI ai i iii-utt-i g,\nirtisc se who break the law lu any ferai. + triai,,anti 'ithot tany cil' + onheondas't arnoîgooleewsre it tur-H f liitt thal bcî n iî, y Deep dos'n In ibeir bearta fthe sa-.4+ police interference. Nwany vot + Tofrilatbo aonkeir esosr tjtlltieiti«i ae> Du keepers anti their liartenders are .+. ilteers wiii Viatrb te sec tbst ( jported Iin coutîron Saturdas' of tait antiall <lier ii, Io- ir- ,aiî-iiof. iy glati of the dat s rest tbey wlll +4.tbe saloons are leîî closeil weekbut owIng to tlic day, tuer-e -vclli ftîî + sere one ws'E diiifloit corne into )w get on Siiodat - andtiwill make + .4. .4. tl ueda.T-cýri- ws'i,) i li it i o*,ai],(,,Ii e ocasion a holidaya-bore before ......... .4......+The f +++++++ t-Ove aiiiitii TheaiaIwtinta e, acre coopeti 111) lebinti acreent chanee 10 brant i iinseif a saloon aTdbee foilosgted aio 1reIti esl aal fiéaigmnnuio a lire of drutigen wbile-evert one slave or 10 show ibat be ls a free mainti lic-eetnastientbPInfii-omtio~n hoth lf ie aiiit if i alîne sth n in o c- s'as iaving a gondti ime alti a gooti officiai. The StUN s'aits frtclnto Efnlrain, ilt l *odpiii it ht iii a- riseli<n ile deîîartmtur-r(tielit ai-i nîiitug b i t Few Iliegai Priviegefi Left. A5t terb iîryto10heculenso î-gooti officiailreiiaiîierffsbnoiinofiing nti Wit th pidge ofthesalon en hisis oischace.i preoset i i'State*s Attoru iiyPt: VifitEe lotios t lIe saoonniot Thi islus -iiaiceTbe litl ollos Watier Eraiue. loiî,diii gui -ii î.-i,-l it' th,- keep their pla-esvi osed oit Sun The public ail'satch ti o,- Pwtt-JA mt Ade rze lbi,""ofadný,,' is, there are few -1iecial polifical itber he falles itor nul AICooitb.Î uîlrle erouJosep Wi i a- t i-'uiii,i -iliii<,ll n-t vileges teff, sud ihese are confinetil Some Saisons Have Opentd. Ivanes Wtsn i FlveA tJocto ts giiailiaîiIllIe i-r gîit-Cuse.o sucE 10w men that the saloon kees- lauring fliese vprv lîresocutiols 'c-ang, tto W.11111, AStolarkî,CIMI 'lebat artmeno Vt, Causr e il ril is bellot ci. iaoid to wl lit 5soinof lb,-aloons have h ra7zeniEJohngor. tetet WaChri.sct e ven, a'is Tui ro-d-achoti tii ti1111- ,r i m ornie liouse rleaîîing o! their Owîî tiofio i tht-law anti ihoir lplaces Van 1-ieclieTii, PolauncheclifCbas ii, illoi. if stii m i ,ihi t- 1,, ' d finish ti) the g(ot work. fEus tif husiniess open lu show their lai,' lraa-lorti Fl'fîager, John Starziooer. Dincharged Cali Men. verting a dry citc indefluliely andti lircang niole. anti no ci officiaiIcF Petkovv,k. F 'utttcrlwnltlt. A Na'] fe- d<ays iîîiiiiev<t,- iting bacIlin th e resptect Of the interfered or trie-lti 10c-o.a' uietl.un Orta, Williantm cC'ite -lai id M\lt-t, -rî trYdsýja dfl tite aditi eethi thet wr- open,'iJorhnuîSoiiiMatlJ nîlu ui- 1,ii riitl tu Tbrougli the SUN.,a-bich aise lodati aiigbthe nînali iboys on th tc- 51i0 1) IlOBnien andti Sianiet Woltîn iip aimno hlfr ljaiort tEe iglit for Sîîntiay closlng, telling knc-w ILTluc-saloon keelueri .îtiotîiiicd hie s ii ttraitds oi te, flro- btui c- trith anti urging the las' anti the Ti ,îo ieîîî o bot nrig eea ftttiitt h -. ment liat ei i loî 11, v ith uic-Il.,hb Thi lo Ou Ile lme or hrelot. m raig, Aveal f lein flnt 's er- aiilliîg foli t ,c-tIe ir enfi -t o0ples inlerestsaail ibe waathtrougb, TEe SU'N bheliPeosin the goo0d laifh. hai]receite oti lîîe 'rom the c-utv ain'l- t b-i,-ii-- i iectt àe alot machine apecial political pfiî t p reselit, of te let 'officia-t.Tefiniefieî thata-oflngha.ther t' ,1"i,) ýeeweut blithtE boardi sume titre SUN boîtes that Aftc-rluru ill lot lie maînetil clIseetcnoy lhing wîtuti lie ge Chargeti Pet-analities. g.swated Ev otbeîa O! 1h,- comumission atrîght. buit if tboY acre i alifgit 0 luiuiil aîlî-fo1 h-- Hlosee I i-i ettevet iat etain o-crsor the uiayor, SOt of a bout îuavon soindai adn bf enlcn eicrnt-us ' .lr<iui, (<iar-îi)g plîtronai fel- bon i Laîlgnn -er fe' îî uilise-i, f0 chîange hus courge. Niav, %%Pewoîitue rt-toked. îîîgandl tEe ihrie- J,<ii.tlis liait- r, afIli maîntaun gamhling gaines.; ta>, biecausu'e wlieliete In their gîo9.041TEer wore ,îîia iluig zo <îtaî'c- rorn Wliii -a nd%(b otli ougli nulle haie heen hoard front faillialso. îîowever, ifAti rburi s< IViiîsîii Tiolghneîn<i i'<vaineiibitiîad- ROMÂNCI CARNIV, À D Mfr. and M] Highland at Elgin Mnr. Purdj of the Ca UlarY, Now Beela Mnr. Edin as Co Nirs, A. C Ethel King, a Elgin andi que bere ioen yeai Editaon Park. from Jutige E cago, restrait islUing ber. BîlOegeti attelo day lu gain year old son, Mr. andi Ni June, 1!111 han been resi' mont b ago si namt4ig 'ira Highland Par Kidnappe, Y est cr day, Iroae tu bis mobile lie Cibly the tchi Purdy asor itruck ber l tacketi a wo cort. Who wé finally beat, house. lie e ..My boy i said i.trs. P If hesliad i xýiost anytbi telil»sure that lie cailed hli siengel,-sa au NIrsl'und and is 'soit vlcinlty. SI Frank Grote Elgin. At In the Tos' under the n Watkins 1 Umne In tbe fuactor) Roma n( lTe rurnna ln the imar and Mr. Pu ception aitt Mr@. Purdy cfouple livei tii Mr. Pur- jý

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