Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Nov 1911, p. 9

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 8. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILIF ILL. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1911. ]Fouit pàEs. $1.5f) PER YEAII IN-ADVANOE. LFCIRIt iberty- herigh XS. on- Dot- lectric ic Oom- One of rs. 1 the Cons- 1 y, for the 1 lnes that Ir entribice di W ben lt 3ir Service os wax of. (ont rotled 't yville and Chicago & (-d line or S ii N seï- dI set erel .f whii h iee ei-itric- milds of thîs Jcondition, i. f0 taki- tiI the liie li it atready h- hands or trof nt ai] Ilinol', HIltd tbh' o îf ibourfi iglit and unt). piais îittanii'd bY itService iel lniull. alth Edu..on letitl rail- r utilitie, au f the Nortig ini th,: ,)tin- Page, hans., 1 tiold te th. mn of North- <if $1 andî t-iâPJ ii -ra- taeilient ini "i tIlti the' ýoe u tia ae nit Iro o ilit butn( In thes rty go eot uto td Sheridan, e bluffs and xtensIons on lie stocks of lghl n value, ad possiblIr e miade lie. o(Ssession or mprovemienta )f the deed, ric coinpany hern Illinuois n twenty4ave ous snrround- proiably lie- plants, mib- ny ot the ol! . 1, but was In conneotitat lectrie power any, ut us eý Chcago and way ani ail or connecting rtyvile ls the Eny, and hua l many times setlement of ) and Miiwau- d by Samuel John Guticit. y Fineu Wlluam A. e Cuunty Liq- iturned Into cerit the sum i and coati) of tie city whe re fossnd gUil" niay. Ines '. Deane-Iu 6 Uostr.- CIIARLES JOHINSON DIES I FREEZINfI IN CilICAIJO; DI RECALLS WRECK OF 2' RESIDI3NT 0f LAKE FID YBO D LET CONTRACT FORanh-Ila ogdeer OVER TO GRAND JURY Te ouo the big $111,010 pant COUNTY 61 YEARS (rmWdfla' U $1009000 PLANT 0F TeIii oitadFsencm E A 1 Paoyhas aiready lnttalled a svittch [A UDIED LAST NI6ftT (Fiom Wdney MartiSn) Dekr GAS COMPANY IIERE tr: k1 "gel im 'teriats tetgouD ~iummmThie Syracusc lrin o an expert lni L ~~L IIII ~re's'ntIig the cty andi construction, ni ot 1 f gaisud cuike plants TU ,teWtt Rsdet fFtu dtey cesast higi at Northî (ConWdnsa' U. and the plan here witt lie une ot the ('hicagWi, esdet ofbond vn' tm tWeran juy i'rt ii SUN.n)tr LaeC utySic 146 hagsî,nd o0 f 21)1 fortheslgrad jr as-i herunr e ContySine l 6, inthesui of20ufortheallgedas- The Sprfiiet Set vey Company, une 0f Died Last Night. "a"îîft upon Aiex Siret, Fiîîdl3 tetîîng the biggetst construction flrms of the LIVES Iaka story to the effeet t haf lie heard country, and toi-ared et Syrecuse, L t V S W as B orn in D ublin, Ireland bg w t r u i as o th ough f> o er d e bs bu ntr a r de e ln s sudb he F I. Pn dl'wrilasorhC i forthe new N cgoT o ae Il .1 h di>i a a N rh (hi ani s hei fcroutathe oueug h efor ihes-een a w rdedhore u ins anda ccsd fasalin l and ameto hisCou - - ýrk1nzWrý beauseStretý'onolIatedGaâ0omanypl treet (Prom Wednesday's SUN w iii appoint tire teq cournsel piossible, nîellow heart of ithe man rontesiing - o!i0 wek o defend ' " i wieth the sense of steru justice or the r (Mcf )i 18 OhMsofanol raed o wec- Tears came unbidden sag to th@ judqe on the bench and the attorney_________ 64 Dres«Wkd frth before a 0yz f the priaoner w hd en1W5iners wa" the fIralt to die,. et lu akeganites tant Sîînday, wlien. arrested elien cauglit stealing away ter a cliaçter ot sensational Incidents Removed Two Years L ;4 yiklng upth begpairty rin h tChares Johnsaon pa etlt fer piliftg shavIngs and refuse that need flot le reallzed. excet tf0 to This County andE bsdahby freezing and exposure. againsi neo the Weimers blulldlngs lsgiale that lieforelie died lie W"Rcas R r Sne 'Tii Ite ws unîtermtîn to atiLake Bluff an alleged încendtary, reconciled wltli lis elfe. froîn chou. Rsde ee ic TheaItewhodas floet ng wo canght red handed. lie had disagreed for years, and pela- Mart vsodd ô no h restored between the cite, suris Johnson Wa. iudge Donnelly dtd appitnt Illie bet W" lcOiii8fl ottainable and for otd nake'1qad san.sru enedymS- But ho was the mani whom the salle, did the beRt lie coîîld lu sel, lita' And Johnson died et exposîfre andl irs Kate Watt, 7-d ye.irs ,ft MUt William F. Weimar@, ss.Chi. aid frieni ilrough lits troublte. the 1 freezing lest Sunday niglit' ed-n1f,.aecnit o Cago magIter In chanc*ry and rýdn rLk onýfr- pesmient ttoniy, hred,(lieidi tthe honte of Jr. and Mr allllged wiin thés enational tory S an rg,nize, ,er>d î ss ;,jiation. iisî, fJffro i wàa hot off the bat, te et lire to L L IU T ~for votunteer corkers cwo Ii tie n fight eti 92., frein eaConilict Weluere' Lake Bluff property, lt an active canvais for the sale of se ais Irs asei nlt w n fteoldeagi wua tated ai the time, se that IIR Ih A I( L n ter resuectiîe Nroitmirnîli NIr Wi cson f h od Wemar* coutld coleet the tnur- I H16HI f I KS O Eî%reir ommuntty fitSb ave ,ctMe le 1lrs ut latte cointy. Site ca- one. ,lu, ogailztlo , , la inuli n îîr. lreland, in 1831, ai( Walmo la ead-Johncim e Itzen chu Cen voltînte-r i do til brought t o tiis couiry bv he dead--,,d the deth o the.latter R D S A R E cork,1Do not cette for tire Siars- nM- h*a'l e _________________ sociatton tu 'rite to 3oîi<u 'rJg hirugo and reeided there for »0W erve t cali one of the. mjd- youto ~do thîs îý, tsortie lib, . l eamttt ioig to hLencout, * demi, but pettiemi artorie that > and sttltîig on a farîi nFa low.r came to light n tiile cty. :Lake Cou.nty Tuberculosis or îniivtduat volutteer ai oive M su, r sereie tegrae T 'ia day Johinson wus brougît nup Isitt ensii r e omninnittes have alreadN formed a liereiii., ramîng te g'iater 1, b Circuit court on the charg , commIttee te do thia. The state' as sarao « mad, hefacedJudg Donnlly. for100,000 865.18. sociation bls ordered 4O,0r,)sa 'x"r 0 se facedJudge Dornelly. fo sale in he lat drn Dcnbc Se s urvived by teo hi noted for his good heart.frBi nteeaedrn eerbl b The judge peered down on the pris- i d as fthe populationtoetibis greit I \Xalîer and Amnas White, r: oeter. There was somehing fantliar 'Sale of Red Cross Seala is an state ta 5, 638,59f. it otîgh t e lene ',idrtrg atiRounid Lake. Thef r sary for the stat.e assocation tu arrangenments have not as vi In iàr a ppeairance. Index to Intereat of the uîetierefo asteore h îeileted and arrangements s "Coure Jhso. People ini Tuberculogis compaign la over. The largeat or ,erlees cîi li e made later. _______________ ders so fer received are as fottecs__________ «VlUC LisJolinson fot (liar- FoST eraAscainfrtePeeto lie Johnson ciao used to lie the min- (rin Wednesdey's u t PeraAartonfrlereeîin Wt. oer In the. circuit clres office Tlie saue uoflRed ('rose l'hri.tmnas of Tuberrulosis ..... r700,000 3ealo.MANY 'WOULD WEA la Clllago. fo Cook cnntyuls'CRLitato soute extefit. an irde'x Of Lake ('ounfy Tubercuuusis f GIncrP81f "Tee, JodgeM-'the aine." lie sait! thse ieiest ufthte îleeîle of the traie stitute ........... 10,00 seai v'ith Sosumm' In their antl-tuherciiloosis ramnpaign Knox (iOunty Anîl Tubereîtlosis "TOU, are clirged wtli attempted Today, ontiide o! Cokt'rttotint y, iherel Association . f .. 00000 seals (Frein Wednesday's SUN. SlMOf." aiowiY said! the judge. "Wlat le flot a îiubll> iiîtiftiy sanatoriumlifor ita CtîtvAtTurclos h 7cr lea" tberuluîs a intirte tati of: Association ...0. see.s A tage field of candidat« f 'Oullty. Judge," aaawered the pris , lltnrs, etiereas, i.tery coiinty ini tire1 A lit <f trîes fer ites snd inu fedet'al iigeshrp mtade vacant Oner wlth eliame snd reluctane stete sboutditiiake amitable Irruiiofi dit iduaus for the higlestper capit.a esgnatton of fîîdge tiroascnp1 The Judge started and tears caine'for Its tuberculeus îîeoile, ANu) IT saýle eft 'iat la being lireliared and ti'55red wettI the reasumrption of to hua eyez. SHOt'Li NOT Bk' IN tON NECTION r di u.aîîure ae ', h istration actit les at the nation 1 baive known this man for twen ýWiTJ THE COt NTY FAitt OR t) owos that have an asoclatoui forin- liai. Chitrag atone tregente f tY-flve year." hli aud, "as a steady,llPOORFIO17SE ed liefore thefirst of tiecerber. the ceili uppored, clth licleprospeg hfl pbi evntaoihsaleeh trasainnioe hseats a o as od t ar nmore cililie added befoire the Noftishe old Cliente Johinson,1 i cent aîreal to) ail the w.unties*, rifles Its cork us bv the saie efrlRed Crossdetmksa pliint do *Il t (mm for hiseoisuei1 tocns and villages where there leai lotCristmnas Seats. For the îown that: Those nue lu e' dence are ha . c- ,lrge t,..,,.,,,., saleJesse A.-lBaldwin, Thoiffl Tayl 1912's Undisputed Leader Has Arrived! H ERE s the car that has caused more talk among automobile makers than any other car this year- the car that possesses ail the good qualities of former Maxwells, and combines with these other qualities that were hitherto pro- claimed impossible in a popular-priced car-thne car in which power and style have been em- -phasized to the utmost. Wc wanr ro tell you more about this car-to show you why it is the greatest car cver produccd at the pricc-to prove to you that you cannot find another car of equal power, style and stren tn unless you pay at least $500 more. Ready f.11r debv.ry C orne in and let's talkitt over-and ataotogert an Advance1912 Catalog. THIS 18 THE CAR THAT WON THE GLIDDEN TOUR. C. G. WENBAN & SON, Lake CeMnity Agents. ""PNONR22 LAKE FREnST, ILL. cf seul ls cul be the sureet cay te gelr ia locau soclety started sud a visitinK j nurse emptotied to attend aud instruct tuberruiosis patients In tOir homep8 Juet chat Is te le doue iu firther- luîg the figlt against ttîbercuiosis tliroughout Illinota ln the veer of t1912 dependsalemoit solety upon the funda reised durlng the conîlng December tirougli the sale of the Ried Cross Seala. cwhicli are Issiied liy the Nation- al Red Cross Society, of wblrh Preel dent Taft la president. Thece seais, wchiare a littie iarger titan the or- dlnary postage stemp and chicli are te he piaced on <lehectis et letters only, are turned over by the Ried Cross to the National Association for the Study and Prevention uf Tubercul- The National organizat ion in turn distrIbutes the tamps te the State biodies, are efficted etth II, the naine o!the society lu tiuestate heing "Illinois State Assocation for the Pre- vention of Tuberculos,'. In ilils eay than, te entire Unted States in the montli of Decenter eacli yeer la cos- gred liy tlie sale of these seeta, the sýates entering into a friendiy contest- Every penny derived from theffe sales goes directly to Oie iglit on tub- ercuiosis and relieving aufferlng. The Illinois State association this year ta prepering for a record breaking cent- paign and to properiy piace tihe seals on sale tlirougliout thie state and giseý every man, comrn and chuId lu the commonwealth the opportîinItY to buY at leait two, A eaul for velu nteers lias issned from the headtuurters In 37 aa the outs persîm l tu sac SI)reei, th-- -payp li tni and lias established an office Ireet t North Cicago, fornterlY It la cialnîed, had flot inolested the on the groundsalaready, in charge of agent for the Blrk Brothers Brewing woma. ja suplerintendent Oiompaly in this city. Later1 ftu ne rat "'t be fi ,r tIti. MOES.~ for the tliy th, lihas ai,- ,admin nal raip- byve, al et that le Prer ie Judge liorurr mer Reuîresentat!te lHenry S. Boutetu., Judge WilliilamnSVincent, former judge of the Supreine court uf Nec NfeBxloo and a dettorrat, and Judge Cuttin, the te-st a ta' rite in Wauke- gan. It louks as thotigi the clice wouid ue emong soute of the Chicago candi- dates, There are indications ihat Senater Calloin. eho îe makilng a fight for the appolntotent et Judge J. Otis Humphrey wIlît bd It difficuit to car- ry t te a succesaftit finish. RAYMOND DOYLE DIED THIS MORMING Ten Year Old Son of M m. John Doyle Succumbs to Tuber- cular Meningitis et Home on Juniper Street. (From WednesdaY's SUN.) Ra.ymond Doyle, 10 YearS of age. son 0r fttre. John Doyle, of Jnptper street, died et the home et 6:30 titis morning trom tubercular menîngitis front which lielied been e auffrer for severai deys. He cas a pupit ln the sehool of the Cliruchi of thte Inmaculate Co>ncep- tion, and cas a briglit Young tetioc. The tuiseral arrangements have flot yet been completed, and an announce- ment di li e made later. Mathias J. Schloey, Kenoeaa iayor, Chicago. The sale opens Decemlier announceýdbia Intention yeaterday to 2nd, wce the association hopes ciii seek the Democretic nomination for lie a red-letter day emong the anti- governor o! Wisconsin ln thse primer- tuliercuiosa orkers througbout the les of 19i2. Schoiey ta a Iioenaed ira- satee, oon-keeper in Kenosise snd thse loal Owing, to the lack of orgenization manager for a Chicago brewery. He leretotore, Illinois lias flot lield its aerved four years In the city oonncii naturel rank citli other stetes. Ai- land lias been twcoe elected mayor. Me thongl tise third tate ln thte Unionj gerved one term as a member 0f lthe ln population. t rant<ed only flfttl n 'egiswiure. A 'years ago lie cae of- the gale of Red Croes Chrstmas Seals fered the norminatIon for lieutenant teast yeer, living been surpesaed by governor, but declnued it. Helias New TYort. Ohio, Pensylvanla and been mentioned sas candidate for con- Wlgcoànl. In per capita saWlest greas, but liase waved everything te rsuik was tentli. beoome a candidate for governor. 10à Anniversary ,oi // Sale Celebrating the completIon of our 68th year of service to you. The bargains for next week are too numerous to mention. Below you wili find an Interestlng list. Read!1 LADIES' SUITS AND) COATS y(,1 i-jni' il ut oi-Suit ior( nat when * viiigo ealling is aiwaYs -vati ied I)v favoruablie ioîîiients if' it is a Priîîtzess. 'lanksgiviîîg daY is aliiiost heî'e andi* vou i iI ant to look, est iiîtliai (la NVWl'hv lot get titi nevw suit or voat right nowl Th1piliîî w retuîi uhut von (-an sas e asiuwh as $6.00i on11a garotlit. $'1 u t foi , . .. . ' .ut'.$19.50 $1 8,501 (ats uni s.....$12.75 $1*275 (iitts n<ts ... ..$9.50 $22.50 Siits for .... $16.50 270Stits oliv .. 2.0 $.î.>) Sits itw . . . .$19.50 LOWEST PRICES KNOWN THIS SEASON Child ren's tinderwear Sale rie' bt-st anidssau'nest tiuderiveat- foi- ('hiidren to be lîad is uîffered at it'arlv ivtaif. This istnuîsuaiiv ipop- ;Ilî toi Bo s-s. <'anieis hait sinigle pariîeîts foi- i oYs anud gis inî al sîzes to ciear 34,u garinîtnts fi- ihidre n ii> to '2 sears foi........22 t,-) 4 gaiinetîts foi agî'3 fi .. ....32C 52< vgaiîitits loit' agi' Afoi'........36e G-) v garineuits fort ages 6 tît 8 for'.. 48C 72ec gai-menit foi' ages 9 aîud 10 for.5Oc i7Sv galutent foi' ages il and 12 for 52e 85<' -ar'mîent foi- iges 1'2 anti 13 foi' 54c 92o gfartîuutt foui ages 14 and 15 for 61c Titere ai-e iot s er.v îanv conipilete sîuts in ecit sit, 5soie eaî'iy and ge t tirt ioik. TIhi'y w'il tot iast lonîg. ç9rdon eiHOSIE&Y SPECIAL Su k bout stocktnig, lisiui deep gartet' top, silik fooît, lisleand 29an toi', a verYiiV tus lu t . 9 Shop to-morrow before the assortmeflts arc incomplete *aabisgtes 5t~ Speclals for ait Vogue until Sat' urd ay, the 25th niXv*ek' 3,-w' sîrali sie <isli paun, Miue ware, 51eciai ah ..................... 23C Butter Ci'ocks, iabeied, vover and bail 15e kind, oiv .........--lic C-av granite Preset-viîtg Kettie, 5 quîart sime, egtla ' 25te kiîîd only.l7c Ni<'keled Jndis'îdual Tt'a Pots that sîîid for '25e, slightlY tarnislied, can lii mtade to look as bî'ighit as new with mi pîeioishiitg, to t'lear the lot, t'a( h c Pietutîe Hooks, a âozen for ....... 5 Barrett Flexible Sasli Curtain Rod, thte teatest and tîîost durable rod, spec iale 0 kind foi'............ S Shielf Papet-, 15 feet in a piece, two jhjeetis foi- oîiY ........ .......... 5c Uniotn Cookery Bags, the kind tiiat M. Sover inade and rewromends, sold in packages, ail sizes, and assort- td packages, for ........%.....i. 25C Men's Shoes Your cholce of $2.50 and $3.s50 Shocu, ln sizes 6 and 7, ail style.% Whlle they lest at 1.39 ) L - WRITE Us ^BOUT .,T. r. ILL.

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