4 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1911. LARE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ,,,grsada chmngpoal ROiS Iy O0IIL AE F LAKE COUNTY 'tiît Oiî ligh regard. TI! S IO L Car c f Captain Fulam. T I C O L Caitiain W, F bV 'ulain. Ný S. Navy. i cs- 'o, ii-io, vltn,îl.' c'teî'ît'.cS. t" . ~~iî 5l~~O~lîî¶îî'rcottaniter of the TfatUlehlp Gi-ter prOkrea ha been made ln giis'-eî si.-'. '-'ii' ilt~.sin-îic 0~--'-"-~'-~~ t.ksiiîill a nancd as tte Iext com- ýeducatlon ln the United Statei durtng iO.5tit55~iri -S.si-i. iuit 555 ~"S' -sicii i Sm.,Mandant Of tte nasal tcalnhîîg station tht lait bsn yeal than ln any previoua SUBSORIPTION PRICE $I.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE fit Nrtbtlicgto. dcade ln the countrys hiaîory. ('aptain Vtllzliii etîtered te nav-al A study of the development. lait:I Z- iaadeit, i% Mii, 17 grsdirslng li11,e competedl by the federul bureau of FRANIK HJU<r 'Edîlor hi-suftfli. tclav*alniii 177 ad bas etlucation, shows thttdurIngte ,ears RMl' L HUSSARO Cils Edtor i nii-i' thtt followitîg Cal)xeltieî: 190f) to 1910 the annual itconie of the ounqhi- V à;,S SMarion a nd Trenton publie achoola hua nearly datiitled. littit, e 9lier'aieas. I187-1879' ln having lncreased from $22000000 tO pî~ ~~ NI~ 1- M l~v ~ ~ ~îbt,.SIi .:ra ciii Chitna station. 1879; $425,000,000, whille surfilaîi propria- YI)V N , ',-s1 i oaI il iii inilttîitrfions to normtal selicold fir tii" train- THE BOY FROM THE CABIN HOMEý There was dedicated November 9 et Hodgevtle.Ky.. the grillait grartteý memorial hall oin 'l,,ch s enclosed htit lle log cabin. in Nhch Abrahaml Lincoln, was born. Veferaî,s of both Unien and Confedierate ermtes joied in thtg tribute. And ricw thus primitîýc home, scarcely mec-e than a defence againet rar, andt frost, the only floor of sshich was the chili carth. wtiich cold hardly colt over $255as day labor. il ensnrirnd in a magnificent !buiIding erecteit at an ex- pense cf $112,000. The lowly origi and subsequent achi-ement cf Abrahame Lincoln and rnany other Americans, os.ght to brin9 a message of tocpe ta nany young fel- lows cf tcd5iy -hoi are disccsraged becasise the'- start in life sl from unpro- pituous surroundings. Reaity the squalid c .in that sheltered :ouiig Abe Lincoln liad muchtat make hie mmmd and heart grow. with de Bible. Pilgrimi's Irogress. Aesops Fables and the Life of Washington. it Is coremor, ta tind a luxurious home toda>' stuffed with oriental rugs and silker, draperies, wtt rottî,g jin the wiry of books but show volumes on the parloir table, In which the flotsam and jettam of literature sl confîned in glt edges and morocco bindings that ame never op- ened. Tht modern business man oten pays down moncy in order ta bu>' the good taste which l'e lacks. and Uis home i-a>' be a harmonious svn'phony of cotor values. But if t crtain one of the work of the wise men of the world. ts wisdem is orly of dollars. and dollars are the n-ast traient thlng in the xsorL. Wtiat rs calledi the slun, cme cf toda>' tas more ot physical comfort thar, Abe Lncoin hud. sas-e as thc e edî,g of people in greet dit deprives the prowing boy of tresh air. Ta those of us who Itve amid scenes of pbiysical weil being. there oughtteî te a glow of pleasure in helpîng up th boy of the allume who shows a desire ta risc. Dont elbow the newsboy out of the way sa carelestl>'. Mr. Business Mani His raggdd clothes and tht e lvent>' aenes of his home i>' conceal a hert that il full of the desîre to clîmb. Look, for the gleam n hie eye rather thar, et the diii on hie face. -e: l1,sa! on. sudni ere a.fsg'o.d ta ISltîîre iax 42 nîicre GO T PAIAi i :ie diai [ire oa paser-,;'ls LEAVES NAVAL STATION ien Thc { se v.ji re-rsj heref. 'SOME TIME THIS cb.loaiTd' W'EEK s-"ia-.s.'d-î"crs !:s arr- "'- r di'0 ethe il'o TOTAKETRIP'ROUND WORLD 1:î1 '-d-ci'nAlrda'ig -" ai 'e a I.mi *< iiohicis -. île if -' o lif's dierr 'ind he Was Retired Four Years Ago cli 'imii worik. wtT! elFe tb, proi obably forpver. ti:o But Remained at the pý sm oV ashtne'on. f' C, an~d N aval Sehool i or;ts 'lereafier leaving for a ?2 vear :our o l 'se orld -ith i, 'sd.."h er, 'o 'o~f m heiail. " te bei' gi' "I at The fluai offl(ilIordero 'ru'i-ier'î-nz te crld tecmaid (f the nasal moation a' Tl'e or-lei "ead il h.' inrî'icicib North C(hicago front l ear Adoirai Al- 'a- s-n ndî xlIires \,Inda, Reri A. Ross. retired. ioil'aptain lw ne!' P. Fuitau ocre resi'ed ai;tIse naal; "Cm;>. n F ':î si t Via .,o' e etaims' Salîrita, Th,, iIr , s rt liý opi s ouceed- b o' frontis' liai aIdei-s'-lieri ntsd are.S lhen ,fs K- ýýnîi7' mn ,;sta, dater *\ovIf'. an ril"e- r '-PTni - o"a'tot'dn-ci- ai te - 10 roi oquî-h ! , cminn it hes - iz iaia et-'o - Red SI-'tnia I)Ia iîq5Rîîî','î..-iî5'.- ' e. -'Z-'j tisra 0 i Pr '-111e -'C'h" smti 'dsthe ild st-f ai- tme sr! i iiO- oeh- 1iin , i i 2îi," 5 i c , ip,-ke lErl'orît r' ii s' 'O" Wîil Tour Worid. On a o'oriiClv i,.s Ij il" ' - ~ ~ r, i," . fdirlt r- MU,U-ri, nm -t'--k' ' c I sui- a isp K 'a 1"- r-.s- - , lz- FranksU"-' " ýor n 1 - t I "'t ' ' t a St- ihiiia - ~ ~ ~ h ho: I - il ' '0rOri. 'o-- . 7" * d i. ' - i a., 55-".l ,'- , ' - - , ' ,O Camt ien e ar, Aq 'oals, 1' ' - - "i. z ad flano ffor tlic cbl d iii o it - '-' -- ' The 'iO- ' - ' I"! . O proi andlic forîicd c il "'th, 'riteDri me pemI-a.Iiu"12i c .eal Illl i-nuit a il'1c 1,e s>ns stýedrd h4 ' r 1 ru' .s ,f ms iii 1f-le d nd he land i(bag i .- ' h-- t~~~ ltot o.mI l the site slf thna1lii.u,- A- "lRusa, ât, 8 sIson s o- Ii rned uSer lii te' 005 lai>and ii.. iii îs,,l - 1. -s--eno't riient, anil S-i il 'oS;tint1 Otf-oi a 'htore, lih, t', "ifCsh11<1h n i lii lab ut regrell IfaIlîî adiitiin l v'a . I ktenisî .'-iI tiH, . ' WM wsOitt Ite uiiteleled to 1<ai î!-"s' tlrIii l th".,'is" ff- î'on . a taion lto other hanits - I i iitdauallpir has il ars Forty-Two Recruts Leave. 'o îîl-vvnl !ýis'sa con .About a week ago 250 OsîI c-lu, i as a p î.cdrs'd ii br leaSirat tý an 1,,î i.altt11- ti the IBoston, I t iî.Y un. ow n ands Chicago, ,7 lxin ti he RaIleh sditlsito- iîiis th. IS x<iins tlse vlitiser News 0inail hulings,, c the sialmh o'tr . ln 11.11t' e h-ii:,Lsiosiser, 1119 1-l011 tilb il ,& trî!ciii. I 907 and a mi "ncois I litii utof'leis rattnttie latioin Su \i s -rI 1!4o- P1i0 Ws ile- is soiitant cf ilie \I s net i a ý,î îslson.. i Ie 'se et ttîdii'n Atn d nl cl intit, a s' ttîîsder Fl lzaisi cr- ,, il iOuiti-idulrt ters froin te it eîsof ;tjate md ecre- la,- ofi 'ho onas vfosr thte tîansser ln 'a ici lie hanîtîcitaffaira imiter t tig viidi iin, Iti C'uba aîtît1Hondutras. TheIi,'S tsilqji. îsndec tii iSîti tîtanit lias- tieu ti gu the test ,of ce lýid- , fiol carî ndin'speletmrnd otfi 'te reccirit. for getiersi effictencs a matter o r course-for itex GEl' IN- TERFESTED N' THE PROPERTY PROPOSITIONS IN THIS CITY. andi ing of teachers have gcciwn front , .69.000 to $6,Ç30,000, The "aliie of publie achool pi-operîs Il)Is 19d1 'as $550,000,000; itu 191o1 it Ns more Ilan $1,.000,000,000. The number cf 1pib-lic Iiigli ..'îitcl advunced from 6,105 li 11,2131 aid the tsuniher of teucher- tliecenti rom aboit 20,000 10 tao, P thlîai 11.0100, w'hile lte lofailtof îpublic s îiici ',acb. til. itsircas'd froiîi i: '-limdi, ' i111 Salaries of tenacr.t' o i l -r- :rtr titan teisns-ars ago. lie ais-rape sala. s ri msale leacliens non ý% n;;a nolts aucomparedl o i lsi-$16,7M it 11. aud those of woîetî foi $,14 au tîsoutitto $52ý A t.jîînîiîfrotî l'i. .îiiIiC. 1 -i o ulli i-shows n ii te pit tuii-ve limita of unisersiti.- ncoliegs-i iandl sni ts'cttîicssl achools. anîd ans tcus 'nisînutincotîse of lt--t - Siitiil', lfrît source ru t ber t hais etidlo-i iitl Firhe rle 00 low '-sî-î-toîsa iii tiOesclio(ilsasu againstt 1,0,000ipîs 'Pears ugo. and 1I 'i.(iîiuns'riiclcr-. 55 tbev LE-ARN migs al,..t i-al ctaIt Conpared oith Y'7,310in 1900.1 Keep Your Feet Warm! K F ee p Tc arnouq BALL- Oe r co0as SIJA( $10. $12 & $14. E. W. P A RKHUMST SCHIÂNCK BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILI, STEWART Stoves and Ranges,I 1 Base Burners ANY CA RPENTER oi i Z'; -i i.u t'!,at . lt l i-tu1 r-k ,i-,sir o-rts.imi lirs -rLio -.mnle*d Buikiiug ate-.,! l' ta-. i iln'oP, it. s C. ."I'sîrt a tîgîiî l,ît îsa-esi Iu :îm d-r I ,ahn ti-r~te - ir irIiitor,r mi,.ttîiuîsîr ptirp,ii'. t' ilstu' pwý etii lSi t"i't *ilas- Home Lumber Co. Uibetyvil M.II ~.,.qgg...g w. ~ We Want Your I:riendship and Advice During the Coming Year. The Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, is the Successor to the Ndorth Shore Electric Company. This Company in the future will make constant and earcest effort to study the needs of ils patrons and to render perfect service. Necessarilyj wuth so manyj customers to please, we will sometimes make mistakes, but if you have a greiv- ance tell us about it. When defects occur we will esteemi il a favor to be notified nt once rio we con correct the faulb without delay. We are easyj bo reach,---personaily, by letter or belephone. You can help us approacti our ambi' tion cf perledt service by telling this office promptly and explicitlu when things go wrong with the service in anyj particular. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Of Northern Illinois ~ue@ *#*~~ ~u**u* *umôméaé é.é ~ à o9 mm1ý WJNTI3R TIME .\t I S >t..;lh..tip li ( Il v 1, lit 1 Mit -'utî. l'O Otitibth ai 1111 glay t-lill- iiig sky. T1he treem strtctli forth toi y u. tht-jr îîaked bîrancuhes am if implor- irîgly - 'Fe air pierces anîd çixîhum yoit: a lîoirt-,eiî'k iesolation uc-aspii arouil ui oirshivering, shritikiig lit-art: and theti nature worksa uîirclae 'Thé- gray,.m-intery stky un1îcsek lit-r trtiastire's: the esoftness and wbiteiiesiîi, andi warmth. and beataty tloat gently down lipoji both the t-vil and the- gotsd. The- farmer looks îîver bis fields, res'koning on evsen litrger crops next year tîsan thoses that filled bis granaries and liay lotts lamt atttuini. Hte im eioyitsg the- products of orehar<i, field anîd garden and feediîîg out the- stores ot pros ender during tht-se tauproucîtive motiths whieh were tu) sooni tii coin". NO ONIb, IS UtOSER 'lO NATUREI IN 1118 WORK TlHAN TIHE FARMER, AND INO ONE KNOWS BETT1ER Tl'IAN HXI TE NE('ESM,,ITY OF 1ROVIDING FOR '[lIE FUTU1RE. Likewise, il() i 1e shotalti lxnow better tlitnlie- thet-eissitv o'- Iaying hi ili ttring Lt-t îroîluvtis e years, sutihsietît stoîres tii last lii tîs, an(] tio@e <de- lwitilî-tt ilpon 1:1 ns, <Iuring lte latter yeara of his life, wlitili lie lias nuot the- rcamne tiiergy to wîirk as iiow. A sav-it batik ansd a life' iîitlraiair -pîlicy aîre q site as îtt-cessary to liim as lofts full ot lia . and bLiniif clîrn aand tats and1 st-r-îs for aiothr'r stiasuls. With a habit (if lift- thtat oa îîst-s ini to fil I Lis barils. to ks't-jîa lealtsy sa\s itsgt' batik t s tsîi -aiiti to w51a a10111 ortably large lift" iîssîsratu'e polic'y, a fariner (-ati look iitthte fuîtu rs.N-ittioiit dreail. lie knîjwc Lt- will have hîad ceasoins wlîeîî crolîs are ;iiîor. wheîî lus saving batik inmiist be ual] id t uition t-Ielliiii out timm litrairl y, andi wheu Lis Irtniîilîîs art' Lar(] to pay. But what woultl life be withiuut sîitîe struggle4 Wil nlsit thse bloys gttmoIre oit of tht- swiînmirîglisole iîext r.îîmtîstr becalîse they xil ht- deîirixcd îof it ail wiîiter wlienîsail ii; frozeti and the- school keetpq tlieni bitîsy ail î1ay' 1)oes rsot tli,- fariner derivi' more streîsgth anid satisfacition wben le willie out after a liard etrîîggle with nsature than if Lt- liad merî'ly to go ott anîd 1miîk baîtanas atuy lime oif the- year ini order to live1 'l'O hiim who bas the ambition anîd energy tii work, anti to iîim who has foresight shall ie given oomfort in his declininig years. Thle bt-es are rio longer buzzing in the- clover, tht- boys are isot shout- ing ansd splatehing in the old swimming hole, for 8ummrer witli ites joys andI diîtiett Lt past. Happy the- man who can look uiporn sommer with joy unimixed with dread for theti nfruitful dayis to follow' LIFE INSURANCE. ANY OTHER BUSINESS CAN BEITER AFFORD TO WAIT. WRITE TO YOUR MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE AGENT TO-DAY. Organized 1867 Total amoiîtît pai to policy liolders sinlve oigatsiiation plus the- amonat now held for their benefit .- - -$949a .; A record of actual rt-suits which speaks for itseif. Special attenîtion is alisogix-eti to tise HIGU Cti ARACTIER 0F THE ASSETS of the- Michigan~ Mutîsal, which le UNS URPASSEI> BY ANY INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE UNITED STATIES. (Autal State- ument fîîrnished upon request.> If yoti wanit to itisure, write me anîd find out about our new TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE OPTION POLICY Beet t-ver devised for the Policy Holder. Total amount of Premiîims paid guaranteed returned at end of twenty years. Present Chicago Address 431 S. Dearborn St. JOHN HODGE, District Manager [T - - r r - 'rV w 'rWV e ~Giv * -i 't - 't 't * a 't - I -t t -i * -lu ~BI 11= 'I il iai ei hi Iii su' 1 ý