Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Dec 1911, p. 4

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LAKE OOUNTY I.NDjEPENDENT, J3RIAY, DIECEMBER 1, 1911. TOI T9YQPSU m SUMILERS *Ilbinlo" e1ieeote, Inoar- certed lu atiFore, Plac- ed on Trial. OtsL AYrfIStOare Pound to b. in Posuuion of Kuch Opitm For Sae. Opium wus Delivered te the Chinee.of Counry by the Alleod Smugglers. Au opium, smmtghnplot ty meatii of wblcb hundreds of Pound% ai tbr eoutrabansl article bas beeu brougtb tub the country by Cbnege border ruuers anti pnpOuthe ptrecelaof emuggled Chinese i-as revealeti yes- terday i-hile thlè federal grand jury Ober. i-as hearng testlmouxy againat 'Crappy'* Nelon, Bîmit-' One' lette. wbo i-as keptinluthi- rointy Saliherm for sRnie urne. Locu to Int-- bt-rt, Gordoi FercIs anti 'toy Slug. lalested as;leaders oi tht- chlnese amuggiing trust. Wheun Ferrbs i-as ari-estet inluDe. t-iois ix cang of opIuim were found luin bis possession. Opium. It IR s5d vas also fount Inlularige-quantîtlt-afut MAo S ings sigore, 453 South Clark ,' street. whffb stuea hîdînt ilace for tbt- contraband Chia~.s lit Ni-w York au Moy si 'Pght's plaît' lu 'loli ii-iem. large qiîantties i-cie bud. opIure BrougM oni tearmers. At-icordlig la information ohiaineti yesterday the gaternmleut tilutrati f55 Io0und that the- opiumm uas belng sumng- glei sahore front in-bounti teamersi iVictoria. BIC t 1wfas taken to Windsor, Ont., an utistiigglt'd serosa tht- border elîher ait Dertoit otc Niat- "aailu ealeti box <ara tnti lu- Grand Trunk ralîroati or l', ÇChiitct't'iui it-cc who 'rau tht- <anaultan lii-- uier eues-,r ai darýnins. AfeUieroittan île' rie liti-tirno tac site-I ith 'he rtf erOntîitelîl uit1tht- ritlv ihe cars i-i-e stii'iîied a Iî tht- Ccinitrabauui ihliue antid i , Ia r laken ahoardl ty 1lie n lte ,tii-"n the ammitglint- t-sut-At htoil hBei, lui - the thîtuese sicut- iteiallu ui-i tus the wihile tutn 'a ii vert-erltheituuet ta deliser tib Conirtihantit i.>clie l Sat Tut-ht in Stw Ton, or Otru. Sînt- la 'hiu'agcu Fi-uniCoast tu Coast- Ramifications of the- anut-glitut gang extendeti fi-um coi-st ta cousu aud ,romi the- guif up mito anada. ai-tord- ing ta the oveastrmntut oiials. At NMoy Singes store whlch i-au cou du.'ted au a ('hinetse grocery lu China- tOwydl tht- federal officiais yestertlay roud evîdence wih Ii lsstheni ta ballIsetehat hutidreda of iiinlmabanii Chint-se hat butait kelut then Mort- tban l0fi matirest-i utils are n tht- t-ar endiai ihe place Ifti aisuthi- liesedt iat tht- lîluiiinw-s dtîtrîl ii-j front thut place. Aile: basing seceiveti rcqutu s ant i -t iirtnue in i,' of itsii iuirg-, »ttu, )stier Sui,,,". 1 1,1 f I I- l't 11,I- enui5g' etfodit i-- l-iS i a'mIl -ve- 'tuwi.ip bi b is district, 1 g3v 'treIhe il tc spoitf 'it Nti It, Oî-bi 'ii u l b i0 . L I-tit I t , tii i iii l i 5 tii fn i the nstt.r v,"ycai-efullaeug ttnand iif lti i j hi i i IIii tiIgîtt ', o t 1 , t/l i ltitai i -tI iî it' t'l hav e decded Lu lec- eacansiidmte f',- îîrîîrt s'iilii u-i ii t ftiiIl tu1u1But ii,îlîtl tit minority repr-'ntative .tl. thL ie wilI oi the, votIrs as exprý-e s t the tt u . itii'Iis - tiiltî ivisîtet i i ii i'Ulitf , , tlt11... l democratic pçtm- mries la he huld on lJbsutli. - ui'ulns 1ijIlStindaY iiitut tui tti.'I u i Apil 9, 1912. il iIttttie Ot uu uI- li,.. i iaiti ft, - 1 < t i t t B.iemvng tharte the nd ied II I knasiedge wbîch 1 acqutret ini- u tire Iti- ý lterei ý s iii r 1 ..l tu ta tlong terun niof .temiflyearis1-a evd sa1 luu.iieceFidsIl fit titi l tIt, ti arlie e, q '1, ii, lCon. e, -i~, a mumebr ni thte Coumty BoardtfJ'll i, icai iva Supet-ior- ut Lake Couuty, be.g .lti tuud'-s ii'~ t i iiii- iigii Chaimnaus a tsi- nr, as.-eH asChasirnin iae odi ti- O .t ilta n tbu t i 'tî , %1- 1, P17, III i , , iii io te Boardini Review. licter qualifies 'tc 11 ess . i . . . it i tl'-i ti-' Ilsih inii tui ut itil i t f ,. tie Lu ervre andl repires-emt te. pe ple o aii ews i_ 'I -k -1ý 111,11 i ibln iiii: i oi i i this district tut thse tte legilature thamif uD 't yunttt-atf'ieiiulîî Ii Pr . iii-t l triti--Ii ittutthetît ,,, ,, tl. fýl , a main-h.h bs nuLrtid the, hensfit nif- Mîi-i Grs,-'t Tui rs-ou ottlred i Ru 1-tii - tr I 'I 'i f ,î i , kIg a pop su iepeî nlapublic affaire. 1 feel ftian t ii-it-tt tî ,îuîîîus'of this su-' . t'ii iiiilhou confdent ofn succes, anti if eI-sted ta'W'ARREN liihi tttijtfii- iu l'i t t- ii .i T'i iî. -c -thse office tLu svh i fapii-e, Ixiii uxce III %l.a d d tg t allegiance Lu. nu class or faction sithin uTeVu IN rretiI-uît'î is ,iti' nl Oii l',î' luk.s tnl taîlt îtiu tihe Demom siatic PartiY, as iil ,,oll be My or',it 'Ni itit Nu"Ii-i ,tii't 10 ttt 'I Iu tIt(11 1 V iih i ,n t ;I f-,fis as. tu atof , t s~i. t i fi i, T" t1 i i tlunrly desire 10 ser-ve .a iaIkehuanu 0"edneiulay, hiwiiciti l ti-. i blais I tII tsoio ut Pututk i% i T ý1tii" t 1 aark the, votera a is iistrict Lu tudy rt record ni fourteen yea .s as a 'Irs. il l. W ' .0 tu' s ut'v' rl ilua I mi-u ' hai brlt'isituu i- t, c minembe ofuthLie Board ut Supersisors i ok tti-ait, eu i(fil. i Titet!iniit t' t..T.i...i-'luiiu l, 1 rontthe township and in thse couniy lut f , ,, .IIt. ex- ti wich i usas <tsin and bave spent -YNi 'Irs Raina Ati , ! I f tike 'titI t, slit 'Ir aru Iti 'I',Ohilir liuntiîr Suitnda-diiT iîi' tt fentirne flie, and opon hat recot-ti 1 mlicit etlfrtients Itoue ouin ttiiiandî ti i dnl, 5iit u t uwitti r uîîî,îuur, Mirs ., I 1l- iion 311 i Iti fthse support ai Lie. votera ni this ditict. Itii- Ro alhuittlS-gliu - l e, I- . t 1 i. iî Rea e tui ui5 lIi- tutt Sire Itutîl -o ýj t tidis 'iit-ri- %s, ibei - ti,kct soucia.l ili if i , u... . ..-,,,t jI l,, i> ' rai THMA1cI!¶..S EF. GRlA HEiAM i Iwith Mr ail I-.Iît iîî[u-lit t ifrv li iitulutu ittuuiiir t ý 1 t (,Ifi i. ' ;-;1,1 n t,.- lîuua' Mu. .tItloo'-uirc ir ;ti, 'is-' utiltitshiigii.ltrtt. fe'i a ' iil lil titi ..Iciilî-ies i,u 14Y FALL AND WINTER STYLES TL- ,tîurgt-e tT 1I Ir, litBackai-i't'.Hiaduche, Nervolitus -- .itfîu iutliu ultiitti ti _____________________ !t,'e ut \gfi, i ite G b, I s0ii,, hiii ti ies kijuest . ' 5]it nlt1 i iiTii,i-ge te Are Corrspiete in Every Respect Vose <un Weu-ois i'ue ulstt,'iilîelturtilîii- ii ttuîtoftic us iui,ih io-titol Ail. tt. LatlIit Styles,,and-t tuts is-f n il alti betlli yotî. Sirs. %O, tîtn,,tif ii f ei-ihi tif :Oit utforIc leý AlltbeL.. DStPollen ic,,,ti itO Tluîîuîîuouî, i-ankake. MI., say'i, 'I sua, îu'ou ut2ri tiiti ifet' itw i il til gs tîue, Suits and C)vercoats reu il" trouîtîI n th uit'tktdneys ttfout a t... îlit. id 1tilh tî' ,. ui luieam, Mdt.Order f tutianti tiedsi-si-ucpabns un tue hauterîî rt u tir i tsur MaiaiiIndttbiatideranditat turnes feu us lîtucît l hreo r 'lI11. :o Cleajutu DyanE a" - moe Wiih the Coming of Mitdle At-e lii;go ibrouiglui ni-hale body. Ihttluttu lutI lI I i ,I l -r finteur Cleains DyingIsss-1Repaiiing Dn _____________________________ Tbure i. a lettint- do w nt l 1iiPhysiclIul db eauhi Is.v'ially n the morieutitiuusud oi tl, quit î' t, i is ut- TWO STORES fom'ce@ o<i ltmhown lu annuyung anti d antsue pks litating ht-tre îny seî m ttie BURLINCTON painful idti ey nihitirabtuisauj reiPue iiîe ii nia he G.AYSI..AKE n~~rinary irreglarlties irFoley Kidupy titi me goot I ikept tountil I took buri A-p'trroicl tti-fe lu ~ TmE - Pilla are a splendid rogulatiug anti battît-s. Thev lias-e cured me o! tus- Yv IM uaazaa TAILOR trengtherring modicinestuscb a tint,trou bl e antid artl ec11nt h-a ~ Storm ti ors xl i use %ii.vutt. Try theni For aile by aIl Drnggists. Frsl a'alGo-gss uu ist. e-9 1i3 F. --BA RSTOW- MANUFACTUAFF 0F %rgble and Granîite Monurneni s eîietery Work% of E'ern .orresponden.e SoîiciteLl 116 Genesee Si WatikegaD Il enry Sine&s Sale Barn to-t Wt'ure- s tt,ha Ave Ail"t ,ute- Htuc-Wago-ns md D f_ c ,,Ou"- Enehage aiatt Itrm. AUCTIONEERING FOR~ PUBLIC SALES tB. F. WOOLRIDGE Contractor and Builder Etiumalca Furnisheti Phone 151 CWADIVARIUS VIOLIN For 5.~ .1)~" Ch*sp Excellent tons anti in pedfedcs = ion. Couiti senti on trial. Webtte 'W. Ber"it W. Mardis, Roule No 5. Rusestale, Kansa.. School Supplies AND SCtJOOL BOOKS Oui' Scuool Spt1at~~re Untxcelled-'--OUr Reîxîu l School 'Iablits, ('tItposititîîî Book@. etc. ('annotble Equalled fuor tt- eMiîîey. Wtt also eaMr Svhool Books-- W- cat get ytilbanyt book you like on short ntotice if wtt do it îh ave it iu Stock. The Rexali Drug Store F. J. DRUCE, Proprietor. rVOL-j RAYSLAKI3 DEPARTMENT F'RTINl1L _ ISCIIAMPION UmMrgaret ward atteuded the Mmr. Lynne Murrisof Rockefeller, apsat A SW M day. Orders latken for Job Work Advertiaithg Rates On Application of lier parens Mr. and Mms. Ira Smith. Misa Faye French, Noted DR, 0. F. nUTTDRRFm. Wi no we iChaooubi-jMrw C. LThomneon and MisMille Lady Expert wt Weap- ur& FASamutuL ne#, Turday. ______________________ Hogan spent Wedusesday in the ciy ons, Returns Home. 1 w issm Nettie RUsM il attended tbe temir- em ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l Vxrlalnl akgnFla ialardla Wheeler -ill spend R. B. Qodfm yopenaed his evrewstore to M"r. John WaýtOn of Volo, l9 helping esau Sat n kfl day Tbanksglving and &lie week sud Witte the publie gaturdai. t atskentare of ber mother, liro. Jante Father, Wild Jim Frenck of adgtra.ber sister in Cicago. Umis Fkmsiegtraug waë ln Chcago Con SVb() Wo lie quit. akk twitb Ântioch, Also Chamlpion, DR. A. FL CHURCHILL lira.George Eatîager loft for Spring. f- mrer ~kee t h îna.pueumonla. Here Today. Physiein and Surgo.a glpd, 11 ,id onday sol ilsit ber niotber ilîes cam oser Deeker h Bouaitdth1)1W aly who bas been vry 1Û. Misa Laura se-canainug factory eornpleted ber work Miss lifaBu Whitehead ie speuding a Tire young people o huOf bRodLaeonitor . M. I à odesP.5 cmnpnledberbesand lft for ber honme last Bttiday. te aawib rltvs tZna unday eebocî met a et h. . ÂWtdeL 1 M"711.r 'p,,.i.toU.o i e. ar oa 4f cmr. aj, ieir. Airs iub o r n ia .E ilrllueti î L.aili aturday atternoon aui man, Traveler and Lect GL"-" eStPR E' RV«FIT"Ma .daugbter Mary. of Libertyville, wviete o ra renelives anid triends frouai out of Work on the HenruKtril rbuilding <Orgais ie'îîng ueDe o ii. Lietvle. - -if gusi ! ha.ltugt lairayanitoien Thankigloig. isbe u. Worker Band.' Rari Devis watt eleced___ güeeo o Chis.Itaght Haurdy ad 1preoident; Miidred Pelton, vice pre8ideut; IMiss Faye French, the daugbter of Sunday. Misses Lllian aud Editb Darby @pet i r. David Wbhie lwuen un the sick Alie Inutie, secretary and Lauta ' Wlld Jlm" French, fanions ploneer DR, C. R. GALLOVAY. Arthur Frost and friend B. p'aya, ut Tbaultsgivîng a the" homne at Wllrnotlot but je murb impi-ni e sB-nwell, treurer. plaînaman ot the West and a realdent OFC VRLVL' R991,1111 Chicago, @peut Saturday and Sunday Thse sale ot Gien. Cleveland atéwase.ll Ed Drn« a ting il, nw fluor in the . lof Antloch, bas just contiitded a vsit utlgGeorge Beuwell. new barn teî-oin- x-rm1t n o8p I witb Mir. andi lire.Wili Enuit attended lent Tue4day lu spite of tbe tlad store wblcb bie purcbstud o o! Iiiietu le 1ti he l dtfru andud vrillarelatives ln titis City, sud lett «Ouu-rmit3ad to8. Misa Kaiberyn Frost aud ButitiF rd. weatber aud thinge vient ai a fair price. Brom. rtceitlY. t-aebin utevcnty. le forathe homeiranchateAnFtioch. tShe bLbr.vle îî of Cary, viiteti relatives lu kenosio, B. J. Loîîus aud daugliier 1lîabt. sent At nuinuir trom hbe, etiflivtd ruler telt long and 310 foot wide an<tsri, dl 'ec ite____ Win., Saturday. luuday andi Monday. ast runday witb john ILawrence- andi skating et the Round L.ské- r .k Satur- foriflty cowsm, tell caltes anîd fiînrie-n psof Mcii. Jane Con verso e sv'ry itIIett tis fail i tLlbertyvîlle. '~ vnu.horses ;equippeti witl ittniswinginir IsPeewol lhte niPU A UFN Wriin~ Sr.audlui1 ver, charmlng, la the champion ATTORNEY AT L.AW. wLira I. ndM. PaunlAvery undi Mr and R Skes traits&atll îîli,,iîîe lustarnebtun for the lwoandl talves arow1 * I ht wrd wltb almost John Rîclijartisn lt very puîîrly agaiti. Mme. Allie Kapple and son filent îa<t <hicago Friday. Ventilateti i Itie Kiug si3stem u , axklwn of tedyweor l u a letslliln Dr. Well, , orMlleury, l tunltendaces. Sna ibEiKpl nIlniy Henry Kuebker traT -iIte,l busine-ss in ventilation atijîtwil be ru -netrak-bio vngrmralexbtosInfl8 Aire Eaiiiger aud daughter Mande, le tpn o Takgîu itIe Wus.aMod1 rrahmt iîl op shc uîtblci ivnce, reaablve rhibitn l USU11 to Rîin itainray lra.yâlake Pharînacy. Tht' enal sturi'. lrs. Barge auj su C lllîct, %v'e ~tn-tok tr teel la pbic inc shes ais taneveothîgr- drître e~~~~~1 rectid ila îîew mile tbis i uiitr ei JifasnIstctiegr ios liliaiî ltnger te viitiliîglier pltiant caliers here Satidamo&rtd ihem eetenD, ODN aunt, lMre N. Kreteîhnp.r. i G raye Lake, Make plans to attend ihe tiebekah ________naudeots netatdwheueelleit enaDR.rkDEN IN frfildluplay»ataithe Lîbertyville iowntthall next M. B. HuBon wP. lit oute) n-nmirror aot r rhifla efets mark 8 DtE12NTISlt 5D. for a few uedays.aud Wednesduy eveningi', business Mouday. wththe- aid of a mirî-reflcis or t1 ..1t .n SireA JRaînuni W&' lt ilil-ag 25eaujllS H..1. heeockle u-t ouîîleîugtîj i helo u expert at thîs work. Miss J. Eli TrigeBuilding Mm Aues.daymon iasan (i week)et tand I. Admission 251. and 3a5rcarkale prsthaety. witb Dr. J. L. Tayor,-Pbone 19 Tire East Fox Lakte Cenetery SocetyI)ehe-jsiteof bis altota 5hich or Ii lie trPet, inoeitu ihe Ilnctilttiresi, traveîeii aud Interestîng, Liberty* Pho ln ois fwli meet silililre. fila Baisntable, homrc e. lyîîn hii rdipct tage. and dure to tht- act ibat »lie lsaa ACKNOW'LE])GE IT Thuiurdav, Der. 7. Pid nie ufinner servied.hrt Cham. Gritîiii bas îiuîved ototua farim resldeut oftbs county, the vitit was jaeFth-a hiaotâmne hit-e Johnston, who lins i ployed iat Pikleville. attendeti witb runuumai bterent. DR1 F- FL SMITH. Jeg ic a (liai usn t-r tihe condeueîugplait smile- the' baildi pnrWlho hcg,'I- li lerfte.'Wl i, he o-LNI Libertyvile Haa to Bow to We<ieday îotg sas started 15quite iii ai bis li,îiîe, ipne cl i lînî.î,î., iI irfie.WI It'wil o ET th.e Ieiale-crsof nCa.Wgtia tl tfu u ouewr ndarsurrî,iG elluer last Sunday. braiiquttho galuet inluthe advenur- IneCasvfilablwe-80tetandito0rerkan orsolerlmigout lise of tht- early West, is an An- ava LAKIL tOTTNTY tuATIONAL DAM.. Endorsements Prove It 1 ire '500 Club, Thureday evcning, Jue. 7ýbis poition. bGertrudle Northrop fwas uoie lver 'lr adonr H wsatae-ouusb-Mte f12 a. nm. andti I5 5P. M. l)inaceulnut of the meeting iof the Dri. Slîafier s ne%,s I iii-'t raids-Sundaybut- amusement attraction whihlah b LbYril liL Wiimeus pltio. i-r it'V -ci las cole to Indiana. letvl liil Aite, -r.-stiuirle Publ ia ttient O ol nfiC'uhtuiing lin Thauksuiving unnigcnpeto.0w about to leave for tht- South.I-te Ulii flelua-sutfer giteti heit. sou ng there wil i liueietigthat wJuhus Weisin liii iiigtiio '[lies. Toa i"iadwxbridls sto visit bis ityîotay or îomorrow. nîtcnetr haeoeuin %rm ght. The îîcxt regular iieloiig itIlit' 1 da,' liokiug altecr bis iiier,,,ts tir.. Fiîîday liiiSt. Patruck's eemeiery -'I rnhbsh-uot-o h-D.i ALR met tome talibis oerwnclustua r-tu- I 1tJ. 'o ui 151 wards anti famiy iço'it Sun-.v.orld's belt-ti arlionien for over forts. t'.ly t hu e l i tr e i nc a s g o d -hua f i na sc e , . 1 4 iJ îîh n te ia u e y a y o s in g rt t u re m p ic u y e d d i kl i a t 1 r a i ie , W i s I s s o s t- o r s . ' u ir în t h e t- m a j r p a r t f 07 t o 1 0 J . R . 2t i 4 a " S . reit III' U-i'iel îuîi . îs'rflîire Rasme, Miss Kailierine Tasylie, assitant hi Ed W'tagnier of Fremuittisu(lait-'a.Ii ifni obsgvnpull xi o» wotrl. fi, t ,îer i-aimes R. au titist'tirs rî1,enî.er ('rassirul. Mn. ujoexi hidi fitls-fhlebas gIs-eu pubic exsl- sou-ns.? ta 10 a. m..2E.oS. 8aP.IM. Frank .1otuS'. 20-e N uttis' îltia ft iaîst.. 1ut-lt coi.fbnl.buiei-huisli-'ru aWtuy lkrner and G iertrude \urtltri, îatt' lioi oileIs'l about 60 andtithe 8îdenue inu Broadway. opposite PMsk. WsIuulegall, lit -M3s,.t-. , uto uwll mptiti lier Tbaiik-,giviig v,'ue i Saturdsy es'enlng. i mu'.-uuîstliat thel gs ni fbsyir mgnbe liO tua, t ;iîuls sai Il-î tiîî ii,' nfe>twîtlt frueudo in Mndigoit hrt's kimlbir î,ie îîuîî dîîuer ai ttif'liciNttrop IonieSuidav. iiiui-ttaofh s-aeIaiabe11,mt Oe stlll lnî ju'. t il slei-iita-nPil e , fl îued ie.ttrelo t eoe IfliYjs a g n h ta ee . H , sî ie e îîîiaiî Iill sulic iil" ie ire Johnîîitillarti wu- îî ]ii'gîest get ii tI.- buggy, but liei ioni ttlie l linham tb ('litre andl fntiiil spr<ient tio ti u goSauons eso i s____________________ 1 -l il ie )l litn(es' tE Siil, h aîthîîr of ses-traI books detallint- til i a'du abotie sreiîlitaintthat'TIii reday. rea-lieti sI aruabbIf iht lsa-'dyR dltitt Iis eNîerlene'sias a guiode anti scouît DR. E. V. SMITHI t1ilit1 Imbtil Ofler 1l"its ]irj lly i sslanhei Itltltiru5 og,)lf al[itI-ot anuile .Tire moi r iat sua. Osa l'irrte hie, eîtlî lîîîîlttaktie ,5a. îitht-arils carafons <if immigrant GENERAL PRACTICE tt i t ta, u. - < uiuk uitI laine, Ms Iltche l1i(li u1 (ltag, lîîî iii ei, ruai unit,,, lus ttis i a 'a Ris- ruts- .1.r tIie ftii-til ilefî. s5et k i'ellhl ie ,isxd aru ht u, lt12 ttiSm t loli t t, ,r i 1 alsavs ska-it T[iattk-gliiîgit lii ir ultli,ri hîios.t n-titihe file-10te titi i adi7ii8. M » tît.lîo -Ittoi-ri giàrb' . u i ii, , k V" if':--ui-igtiiMuiriet' iltli Isild. îiaiii'î'i,i anti insepttled îîseî Lviîei ar-s. Store. M)à atMilnee l.î -Ibros (ceai i-Ilîi t fl,.% ilouatitktiifliiun I ,laitni of ti(- wifst Ht- lu also a SIRIUA L ArtIiNTIO5t 1'O THE IYZ tut-tlltu uit-i., nii tii-il-P f am al tîtato i,, t, ie dor ierma5abe an, wi.-iLIEtitiLE ILIOI tr flIti-c-- wti nsiita lookhet,-t al gii l-T"t<iltet , un î irsIiri,.iîîii,-lti letuu ilushuli emrkllî mnwtba IERYVLLI1I wsre senît f tuiti luit t.. hi hall nut1iibut i a. t ssiimar il,- ,ld iltlîs i s 'tllh of retiililotsenct- - l,.-tiur. 'Alier tr ed,--t. i i l-J liiteil tr tîW i a'. st alld. '[hi- bot,,- lii- 1.i1,latilîl t-ire ritie, iprix i-itrelIti sIitînes P119,- - reit. Tht-honte of th o Frenehes M.R11N . DCKE n'off -i i iied " t'its -Itatt-u liu, ii ni i- ii- iîua lii'iudasnitrnitit- stitrfif it ai l p uîc sil tage * i slucoioplotel.i ilîletiwlt it - aptins NMITI-i .t' .T-' Loesc t- o ui.--' tet.g,-I i l'ore-ilileu i %'ci ' ukegai i vbiter ur - iliîai. tit te caluatibridge Ii ir0I f tite lîunt and dbase, aud wlth prit-e- Fier- s ill t a.'ia r 'ii eiti tit. 1 Mr- tndi 'trs lio.vd il i r o i l fli-aSî t , i li îst lbeltufi ira sa e Jle-- ilt-,IIR S E Lutc p .lir t.Eo tto Fl-'i,ît-m i ( ,îit , lttilla o. N, 'irk,- (rayîcallections of Intilan ant ifalo <tilt agent, ,r filicb iitei l ie. lton, are mieeuîtua fhe% (faim n îib tits ,1ite-bitlly cii )img eitaflitIn! The ladî'itI I iet nl to-ct w!th 1lt-mal relira.Ciltice Phone 53U Ras. Phone DM îîîîîrîîîug . Allîtirestt'îl are insitteil File Petitions For Chtange________ TAYLOR GROVE. ROUJND LAME lTheti- znsar ti-as a gteat siiiteFm Petit ions for a change af venue lu For Higb Clasa Auctioner i 'ire Itenta Eeadritîn spettPart Of -ini-auiillv: abouîît 5, nus nitii-j Tht-me the- Zion election cases were fileti ou drà It iet-k wth hierèssera liti Wankegan. Lilîian Eninger lea aguest et thei- bîtîtnte tSilO r-tuti-j efront lite I12-i bautker- Thursday lu coîînty court by Attar-.58 oi e- i-nl-eo iratw dys chiefs. twintV-iltle tates repre- ut-selt-d anti Bai-les for Qeneral P . B .J OHN S ON li'.H. Brewer let Friu.lfor LaFargo, f e*-uted afolsuewdas.Ssotîanti. Ruglantianti West oerseer Volts-a. tadione statingt iat EVEItGREEN STOCK FARN %V'tix., tu visit relatives and bring Ilis Lavera PvIlîîn wau@ a viturn .ii l ntote froi Mies 1'eî ai it i-as Impîossible for Voila to gain a. ZION CITY rîî,,îer hotme wlth bnhi lmieele ai eta -Waukeganasid 'lia-a%9o, Saunrda a ly thauks to the inv nt -turihuîors. fir trial lu thîs county. Satifatios Pias euîîe8un.-n ilte Apiieudtd taitht- petltions wert- a utriteal mCty06W Rtemenîiber the entertusint,nî iitli-iw - 'tîike Sheil,, i tij eatset' e-e Rebitu lutîfii ii î-t:d at the PI>ùedjîtn.rLurlarii-et-asearitent ai newspaPem clIP- hon'. -h tii1)- 7, ut 8 o*cIclk. iii pngsto show the epeati of tht- caudil- ,PLO Ssaday tiomît. Soutins The t-aie ebl ilare fr-laieiîr a t tons of affaira in Zian City, and show- LaEN E EBAME The înany rieudo l i-awFddy si-te Jal. rtabeld rodilale fi-unitieHIirun o intata for t h'ustnta ury otientoh i-re usdeath. Thei- uieral ant i Mas." N Irtîti WoOotork. vi il( -nat o hita.'n o h eëaesfodpeu bueihiThur'say. fis wnu- f5 ila euthil--bîtîtîtfl'et, r Fiai-y Suodas . 'A situni tianfinuit Fvaiisiii n titii- Ilii cd the- ptt-ple uf lebie ounty AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR -riu- onitinii smpike bncithittdas tiilt hi igait Ziotu City litigeneri-SIanti Vol- ROUND LAKE 1ILIJNOIS e tiutitSun las smeIiltii ,iasht-bd in tr-e Ii lMtri t rutitrolarge Itarfitsuas ruist i ia tainrileulai-. Night Usîls Prompily Attended le Ttit iins utIll 10,stNe iti-lo t-jbîîîeuttîi Watt tie, n. lait Fridia.Rt crytiit- zwcnttlii-. oflY fît were led, uts that is tht- Lady Asstan-Special Atiasstle - li-idF mii ns tif u ti I c-cii i.>- a îs Iazlbane u til tî,,ts anti Tîturcs-las t il\1r. Stiiern lan it i 'i', 10auklegan amptsti'd f tii i le -sh i lse apîtîuart-d lu Couuiy t ais at hlr t-sIl kuustuIli,-tts .ek it it 00\\.tItIian hall.],t i g'tc -i -irtfandti liOtI But a stlIitlIauion waa TELEPHONE 23J. tirunil Itauiis lOit, s ti-e a i iftl.îî,iitirt i- ut I a I Jlie]t hh kitu t iti ii eltutti le vIlie i'r i il efs sndor dis iiii(l tm, rtial.fihit 1To the Voters of this, the I-.Hall andtîU-. o tixîfil dle \N f' ,tiiitti - îîrîîî-kflluîî ngs ofi Auctioneer Eigth enona Dstrct ti-r iu littSiltillaut iloii itiitI tNew Hospital Law. Iti> iod l on-es'antd Tam iourut ARt'.SALES ONE PER CErf fi' eiîrti uifii t iF il10li, -YIHICKORY, oi(It, , e -ipt u,,ltFirhoîttitiIl'iim.'tyv'uts l1i1 ofteSaeo lios ii,-- - - - - . - . ------- 't i iihetu-ttIllt tipti' 1 tll Dltrti-tf<PHONE 1431. De,ýcripti,)Ii l', lo ýhi, a ., of flio

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