Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Dec 1911, p. 5

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-Ifl LAKJ~I ~OtXI1iY IET. LAKE couNTY NVPEÔN OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE OOUNTY ,30ce Teiepboue Na. 1.PdtlOrsReMd.nS eTelfpbone No. 154. lbersyvitie xoiange àbtsesd ,t he Posiffce as uboeily,llti.. - SeOOsd Clanm atter U505D.W55ULY. MW55?5%%No SStU MADE K30wu e V 1O,ÏtoR. SBSCRIPTION PRICE 0.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVA14CE FRANK .4. JUST-............... . ..... .. . ........ ...................... Editor ... ........................... City dtr FRI)AX. JECEMBEJI 1. 1911. THE HOME COMINGG 0F THANKSGIVING. Our holidays are very different tram what those who made hemn intended t'ey thould bc. If George Washington returned to earth on a modern July 4 particularly a few years aga, he would b. more apt to think that h occa- sion commemorated the brthdlay of the king of the Cannibal Islands thon hat of aur nation. Sacthe oid Puritan who siiould happen araund ta our big Thankogivirig dîiners would bce apt ta think the feast was planned in honor of Bacchus or morne Lard of Gluttony. Th.nkagivîng la ciii a time when sons and daughte.-s and cousine gather At the aid aaken bucket and dream a bit of the days hat were. As such it la ane of the finest of aur public occasion*. Orginaily a pureiy New England institution, it spread througil he Narthern states about 1830. The South took il up lat.,, Virgnia leading he way in 18M5, and eight Bouthern stol sin 185U. Though the war interrupted Cas observancoIn hat section, yet recognition of the holiday was resuened subaequentty. As a day of religious emnotion and generoue hospitality it ha@ appealed ta warm haarted Dlx.. Iall familes are finding, however, hat there are flot the home camings that were commoniy seen twenty years or mare ago. Even oc recently as that. the boys were apt ta seek a lite wark near the oid home. When Thanka- giviag day came hers was a wîde circie of couisinea wthin a reach of a day'. drive behind aild Dobbin. And haw the paternal roof troe wouid ciatter wlth biind mani'e buf and the Virginia reel! Today comparative ly fesa boys remain near h. aid home. It se regarded as lest of a journey ta go tram Newa York ta Caliltrnîs today than inCa the pext state thirty years aga. In thousands and thousanda cf familles, wfsere the merriment of scores uaed ta ring hrough the aId faim home on Thanka- Vivino night, the occasion this year wiii sec oniy a haif meianchoiy littie group about the dyinid embers of the hearth fire. But, on he ther hand, with the advance of prasperity, people travel long- er distances ta gather t the aid hearth atone. And in countiess home& here wili oc a glad weicame for sans and daughters that have traveied hundreds of miles ta greet he aid friends agaîn. THE REPORTER AND THE AUTHOR. A unique provision in Jospeh Pul;tzer's will pravides prîzea for menitor- lous services by nesspapers, for noes;, plays and for the best exampie of a reportera& work. It lo significanit that Mr. Pl.!te offers the mamre honor to achieveme<-t as a newaspaper reporter as ta achievement in naval or play writîng. And yet, sac recalf a cartoon published by a humorous paper, in whicn a society girl wac depîcted as asking, tCan a reporter bce a gentleman?- A glorified hala of artistic temperament descends upan the head af the yaung man saho annosncea that he has chasen a literary career. Friends whoae ideas of succesa ls measured in terme of automobiles and Persian rugs, may-wîsh that he had chosen a cailing sahere the financial rewards are les, caloriclous. But in their secret hearts they admire hi, cpartsmanshîip. While the calling ot the reporter ha, grosan more dignifled as nesspapers have grosan botter, there does eximt sath &omne the impression that the report- ers position Jacks dignity. The public of course justifies a young man wha akes that position, for sillingnes to engage n the rough and tamble climb over the stepping atones of lite. But there is yet ta came a full recognition of the tact hat the callîng of the reporter is one esaentiaily of large dignity. In the temper of aur times. in spite of the occasional realiy vital navel and play, th. noveiist and playwright, usually only amuse. They make the public laugh, the reporter malles h. public thlnk. By the licine of fiction, the wfole world of imagination la t the command ot the noveiist and pay- Wright. The reporter la given the hard bare tacts of lifte. H. la heid dawn te, rules o! precisian and accuracy, which neyer hother th. novelat or play. Wright. If he la a realiy good reporter, he teea betsaeen h. tacts il th. vital principles of lite, and so chapes hîs @tory hat they illutrate hose prîn- cîples. Under precent conditionc, h.esaork cf the reporter am uaualiy underpaid, because h. public taîls ta demnand h. higheat grade of work and pay for C. But h. public aste is grasamng mare discriminating. It sîli before long re- fuse ta accept newaspapers which prînt aloppily written and inaccurate news &tories, and it saîifbc sitlng to pay prices hat mii permit newcpaper repart- ers ta make h. calling a source cf permanent reliance. ~ANY CA RPENTER~ OS Hoe*m--e o 1AC-rtviii,ý Overcoats $0 $12 & $4 X. W. PAIRKHURST OCHANCK BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL MUST PROBE are Gfren By &"ad Cases Where Violemeoau- ualty or Undue X=n are Cause, ln the Rullnge. A Oasualty je Defipied ua Fatal or Serious Accident Meaming Death. lames A. of the skate bourd of heaith. has received an opinion tram Attorney Generai Stead in regard to certain questions whlceh niait' the contruciolnmof tire statu te relative ta coroners, tire set requling coroners, physlicins and othema to e- port ta thre tate boarnd of healt deatirs. Thse letter easI as folloa-a: it 1*tb* iùytte croertmwftl, tesmosaJury as provldod by thre a.hOve sectiOn' o the tieatute and In- quIre into tise cms.anod mauer of deatis; ansd tise ft t huthte coroner ULaY 'knovtis "auseofdilet hIth *ne duty, or change the situation lu he W. IL STUAU, "'Atto rney Genersi" LOAD ,TRAINS TOO lIEAvy Railroads are Putting More Weight on the Rails than They Wrn Stand. Piped Rails Cause of Terri- ble Wreck on the Lehigh Near Manchester. Defects Develop in Rails that are Carelessly Ap- proved by the Roads. Hon. James A. Ega-, Secretary and A c-omlir.ihnscmr i.a.stiauiiUof Executive Offices, State Board of steel rails fromth ie furnece ta the Healtis, Springfield, Ill.: time they are laid la the track la s-- "lEear Sir: t have yomr lettes- ofte commended by Harry Belknap. chie! 16thi hat tn Whlch yoti request me to inapealor of the interscate commerce rentier you an opinion upon cestain tuomliaon at Washing-ton. D. C'., as questions tiserein set outC, whîch lu Cire reacmlt of h. Investiga.tion con- valve a construction of Cire statute ducteil Cy hlm InCa the wmecic on tire relative Ca coroners, thse aert sequîs-îng i.ehlgh Valley railroad. near 'tanches- coroners, physicta-na and atiiers t, r-1er, N. Y., Amsg.25, 1911. la wtnlch port to the state board of healCir ail CwentY-nine lives were lotit and'a stcy- deatirs. t wo were injnred. Inrepîr thereta. wlll say that- para- codn tith rertabsa grapir 10 of chapter 31, Hurd'a revis-- rail caiîsed lime deralîiment a! tire ed Stalutes, 109. I part. reads as foi- heavy train. which consister] o! four. Iowa: teen coaches anbd two englnes. It wasi 'Eveni' cantir heeverand as know'iias a'ipd'rail. arcorncg ta voeu as lbe knows on le lnfonmed hat James E Howard, rît the' bureaum oi the dead CodY of env perean le forIndstandards an expert i si",] trucr or lying saitin hie caanty, suppasemjturI lodvlw lnwdfr tu aveInroue t h, o he dathyw hlch he designiate' ata, esefi' ta haen ta rametehlor vrhiem deaby res," a fan- more (îingeroii. iefect hie shaît nepair ta tire mice w hene tire iat- ,iii."ad n hc oj ,icad odiedi ind ake rhagie of lii . te' dire' toernuire- .aiî'iîlinl t4e virai.and torthiatir ormmon a jian cf detccted hefone being laid or in i,înue six goond and lawful me-n of the neib0 h onfnîm lîîn't i~i. I orhrod s here' the boidy is foliîdrid drecm(efcti 1,ing, lii assemblte at the place where 'i Limit Ha, Been Reached. Irele dy is i suri a lime a' hi.shall orMio- riesea l's iri...vliiet flimem'c, and Irltconview of trite Codi'. In that thelilmit iiifs léetJ'r iPSImre lis rîqrire imto tht.raurse andmdrinter cf enrahiadpoIth sipas th. deatli ' i cn r a i ar c iill m i .' î,r ril fcl the rîsil i dth mnd liai "In aitrtriione 1tion W ('.KanP* l'of h.adandl(hat oi, icreasirtg OC' -tales attornev o! Saline camnty, " -lp irnIno aclenso i tvhrr ishemi on ppge 2,9 of the' repart af the1 1rer mm a wmrrrnrg cf thts fart. attorney genenat for t9i0, in digrusi' i betisil-ttlil.1mit'a 3l in thsa piatodo: i -paarah Cthia <-nnecrion r rri ih bCe'well ta I said:ral attention te the tact thai tire er " That cire rases ln whirb an Il tdn îpoî tc he interarate coin- tltest le nerlmfed are ranlnoliel byj'ici'l"'r 'o meri.m'ernionishowtrat in 19102 paragrapir 10, chaple-n 11, tirrrs Re -theni. acre 'ilentIW'O dreailltett lsed Statites. 1908 tt th.r"se o! due 10 lime' sainie cause tn the]Rast the puhrase 'violence. casmîsîty, or 50Yi$derad.i,'tii-, haie item "0.11 ,9derait. outile meanp," in tire abeve sratmîte. nîe'os (ausiem i ti troiîî-i rails. resirmîr I ii t ts;1 evldent th. rmarmest inention ig i (l ,1 , fd 112 iIIIe » of the. legglaimme, te reqirire an ita Tiie'chier tmi-tirrs atins îîue'mt in ail rases wbeme a liersea is ease lia, iofidlvi itîtîrsecI mnmi supposed tb have roce ce iis an lierf bers (if tht. rommnission,îri tut" 'lc ie- ileatirh I., doeane. casaltv or an, ton -le iir, i,, t rcf risti ti-t hirýti ,lie mi'arîîw rasorer Ttc er-rt"'(,-shomld Il.e'i ikin iiiitn(diati1i-l, ias- )ecean ude s cetd a -talai -n e i e aii tir ianit hi' . r'estutlen. ul.raîf, lintc rtsuIi higir ii )ire lrtrailsoethtie lire" est ,,Yr cri minai adI daN h aveiitit mtI'iive'i-R a ma gertiti "Vi h-er rut tis titi.terra "causal- a atlor -rols ac i ri, a lrîthvt-r st irttl ie irii' .iiti foi iii rirasiefr lu tir, 1ir'luiine milidi-ru al il- il i f ;ui aifut ii il, rii ~rtiilirld t ii It7 "l i liiThe nDanger Zone. ,.i ,r.r r 'intrai ivt"i-eO 7 -m Ft n i'rir isui t it 0, l irl iihitiiIIl 1t "'uni' h'. minp i noii i pliîî ,' v il rm i '4,-. 'it' and t' " U-t ir if t -iiii. . i "t t r i ,)ra i t u , i f ' q'h 1i' fi"t t. Il' lii iii t 'i liii v -i t 'i i'l i 'i îimî-rî'fîîrc 'i 'liii i îr~ rer fmi. i ta '-'tii ii'ie'titii i iii i iii '- i t fuit .i" i r t' . "i t il t i fi i.."i't liii' 1, 1 a ritý iri.'. i-- a r' ini ' tý mr 'tit' i t i i ...... nuderi i f'; il ,titi t i '!cc.)i1 'i f' i't- 1 P o i i I i n b ru t f- t t t1i1 'i i . ' ilig 'oi Lenigi, Valley Knew. Tlr rît rt ' i litutu th,,' t i i t .n¾'î lý"it iiirr'raî knies' un c i ail it'fr'iii r î oit ît' iti 'mur i i if t'i 'i..~'hi kre s ht. ittiil e îr itii en, iont fia te, cîni " ' ii rrttt'.- lii itrlil~ t t gu i, i, rîn tiunt.'m t fo tri dtein - ' i t'.~mli irr i -'o 'le i r tiera Tho' î' Iirail iii titi ians cil t ift' h t 'is IT.i lt*ýi a ig hi-t'a rigi f . 'î~i' r-., it ti lin>',, t , ti l r urIuci!t, br i '1' i it r 'ni hum unimli 1 errei omît nilatrimcnut shrt-n l t" "i i'iiit i' ar. iliO er îmde' liitti-wrr -tri i that 's lienu te' rail f n ile C-tuSe, cnft tira simmiter teaith tthfdfect 1fi-lt 'iirm'atmn rlv. - 7 41 vaas ilr ' i pimatmtîi oljhtave hi-en i ' - l ii rithî.e-'.tt, sbire lii.itnovcccil "'ii t' r s' orIi lt tim'fOctr', The ceitini le mien pnuthabl.t y ,It l lit a iium 5 lii tirgirtlie- n ce,'imirnd te rongresa tliat tii. "'-"rît hi , au1ht C e ;I)t viol- at6lme ho trîtm oi frtire- iciestgalion i b 'iti theti,-it rer anm] )]rit rof igeee 1 a1r, thmr,fîeo. rthlie opinio pcaTtmnslvntaineatte ttitt l ait<uss Wr I-e er s atsj netireatre. Thîss-sday atternoon, CIl CýIn casiaîî, Wttetiure th ir acci-30; tiret mntestaimsnt at 2:36>. Potatioms, Api.,Oaber- ries and Otenuto be 8old by the. Pound.. Other Oftles are Entorcing Rule, and One' Merchant Here SensB that Wgay. Enforvement of thre atatute whlct' be Sold by welght wll Ce ecom- Mended by cîtizena and nienchajots. A few Merchants have already endeav- ored ta aperate their business se- Cordlng to th. etlimremeate of the etattilte wCichbCecame effective in Jtsly. Tire Pnoblem la ta Ce caaled ta h. attention of h rity commlissioners with thre view of bar ing thre lasa en. farced In Elgin, beginning witir the dawn Of tise new year. COther ClUBes Entorce Rule&. Other ciles have enfarced thse raie and citizens and memchants express themacivea as heing Weil plesaed. 'When dry mneasures are uaed ln selling appiee. potatoes, totnatoes, turnipe or th. 1ke that cannot Cie Packed elasely, the quantlty soid la determlined more by gues. han Me«. are,' sa-id a Merchant Coday. An bOneat Man trying with the aid of a peck sanasure ta meamire out peck. of potatoes. If lie portosrats the operatlon ten imes il la @aie to say that ire wili flot attaîn thre same restit twice. Appies,'Fitty. Pounds n Bushel. *With cranhenries he c'auld cme closes tu, the mairk.tI somethingi Stril filer lime' rire h. mouId obtaini even liciter rsI.itti, it e'%en iiet. ill tua i kages îî iiîld no i ofthlie saine weighr lirmeas ires arepnt actrate. Tise scrtpuiousIY hobest Neko"a uts, Milatbu&, aeme dealel cannot give wtth a dry meas- aesd rye meai. Bxty Polud$ là tir us- e XSCUtlh. marne &Mount which staxdard for beau, 010ver 5OèË tire purcham ham requued. pomatoes au wbeat. Theut~4* -TMe state law ffovides standard weigirts per bumissi for Oiit- te wIgistb.. Par buabel, If sm 4b y w.lgIU of ."3'. aie m r4 ireluta anommer Sn re guaratgej.Pounds; bissegnme&aun.14; m o r BY .A 1ev sra bi utorapie la reqtis'shorts, 20; eout.sat 0; bdl.u Od to veig i lftY Pounde. It la obvions coru, 4 , ebeirlsm, t36;7 tisa, lare appis n am an appies pies. 25: ' dslea Uchew, U;aji wMi pack dltaautly tu a YuenuMU.5; iuped 4; En e~ In mins le ia et y wyOt APPlos s.ed.48. IUa beass, 5 MWN e, 0 - tise lntertlob are jager in thre mes». cats, 82; o%4otis, 57; pamùape, 4t; ure tisa-n heh a ailler vasletY la Plaaterlng hair, 8; redtop semi 14; laured. rougis o, 48,. rutabagas, r» mW F'ifty pomde la these atie standard tomtato.., 56; un Islasd cottos. suif, Per buasel not only for apples, but 44; swet potatos, 54; turnsisa. 42ý $0 r boots, Cuckwbest., casrota. cr*ualce na, 80 and-ad n fiottox meel. fine sait, . green cucîsmiers, seed, 30 pounda. STEWART Stoves and Ranges, Base Burners HOT BLASTS, OAKS. THERE ARE NONE BETTER. Right Pricis. Corn and Seis SCIIANUK Rose p WIN TER T1111E At t liis >-B îtî i i î mli k minit 1 i gr. fr tr i c art!ý,. it! gî v' ii iig ;. T m'l t e'rni trt-h lit tii l i n ri, i i r r,i t-ij irrmsii-iip'-r.i> if ltijlmis'-- iimtl \- l'. e-ail ÇiIeî'cs ndaim l iiiItî m Y()":liii' t i i t-.-j-k di lrm ijltjisi î-aiîm arcîî m rîîïnu t-igsriîiki rglie'amt: und tlie t îmtîit'm"o.i mks'a siimcalr-. 'l lie gru i h. Viiii1er-yiky mîii.'ckîm lier' tretasiimem': tii'pimt î a-'n îd wliteiits, am-ndi ç;, aîsd beauiiîî loat gt'ttiy cinwn ipii bos mththeti.' sviIl mtmi Ille- gmmmrc. 'T'es"ftriIlt- imuoiksm over hisi fielsis îe'kini îîg omlieven -ir c"-'trojis îI-xt veslm ttan tiI(ise that filled bis granari-li :1 iiauy I fie- littt.ittlîsiiii. lt-iri- r- Pit heu llmmimclts o <f orehard, field ianti gard.'-îiandmifrdlnsg mmm Illei. >1.-- i 0! je <ter I ltri lig futis Ilnprod Ilq fit'. Mto Iltiî- whi;iIi wer-e-i-m . ii trielîi KU , rI (i ' i'. (jII .NA"(lTURm 1-NIll-, %'>R 'HAN 'l îlE 1"KiUF EfANI)s Nio ONK;t KN(>mS B'[ER 'IIA.N lE IE '1 Nm p['i-. ýl , î i'i1,Pm.'I>N(GFOR 'l'HE b't" it Rt'. i.l "i li-'. m)i lton e miîumil kîmiw bettmî' thiîtiil i tile 4.emrit4' o_ iayimn., iî îîI ili,- producîmtir-vete'rs mîiî-ic-it e'torei, -t. i rt Iiii m iel;îîîl use'-de- il,t'.t Lî il I t i di1iiig tIle lattet' rr ltrs'fmî hi> li-v, W !iti ili ase luit thH mainliu ettm-îgy tii wmiîk a>-;iiow. A rax'i hg. bar k tIaniaifi-i inillmatîre ioiicy ;Imm' el iite arst iiu-etsaî'y loiihit a-,,iuoftsi fulli mft'ha\, :atnliles of ctmil rî'îanîd iati ;iid r.e'- fo<l l'r t heri st - namotl. Vmmth u;î i:î)ijt, if lit.'-tlirrt rlt-'ttlittit tii liii ] tlis amils. trilie-p a li-aitltVtiilîg-m ik Ilti1. titid lth si a î-mtfitxtabi v large lite' ilitllraTwue potiiiir. .a t'tillîiî' mail I<mu iltltrlivtu-rtii'-wthlîitedrm'ad. Il" - jilowse w- mil iîac't-bvi rzesoit it it t i iii- ri po îmîrm w'liîeîi ls samiuîg liiit m ilt tle'ti, mi i 1 ir tri li-hi h11 1 r mi i it t'Ili iii ill i 1.. a ldii w ilitl bis keerite- it sil rtîn 1t-y il%-. i e'-uit tii- ti liiitI-te hom%%to(ti î'e'" ti-Ille r-til-tl m titit Vi Iii ýt ie'wli)e olu tofti îl, îrînllirîrgi e le ttîttîte ttt t l ýýLii ti i-' 01t i l iît i î îl)kliît taîm a r îîv tit- ,î' ie'-it i i lr(ithil il' lit ToIi hi il ll te' totiimitionîîandtî -lîergv rti i rk. .'îîîIltri iîî ii i, basa, Imrei;iglit i-liril l bé,given -îî iint ,rt in lisi- iiirg x'e:îr, The in- tîe r're' îîimtîgmir btizzitii iîle' m'Iovh'm'l'.te' titi r-lilt iîg ;111(i<>1 n-Iîiiîîg inIllhe oic] n-wintnhîtg hit-. lbm stlitier'l' witti its-'jiiy -amîi u iti - e i,- oî. lalipy the' iliail 'mliii ;iîl 'ok lipoit r-tlllllU i t mil tî mî îsîîrrtxed w il hi re-ad for thetiîitttmtitt îîl eday s tiititiloti LIFE INSURANCE: ANY OTHER BUSINESS CAN BETTER AFFORD TO WAIT. WRITE TO YOUR MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE AGENT TO-DAY. Organized 18617 Tmtalii tî(lîrt t Ipid te) policîy Iîl(den- r-lit' iiîgattil.atiîiiplits the anî 110w lielIcifortt itrir tir-utfit e' - 2,41,331:î .6-2 A record if attisai re',islte siîe peie-ais o- fts~re'lf. SIle'-ial attr-îtimîu le' amengit tii to thIlIi H tHA RACT '1E OF TII E ASSETs ot tiee tit-iiigail Mutttî, wiim- UNSLUitASSEI> [lx'A1NI 1IN S R N C' 11, lA N Y 1N T1H E 1[IN " E1) ST A' E S -îAîînuai lstate-. mtentt fiîmîirlie-d ihpi r e-q itst.) If yoîtiwII lt toii rlure-. 'mitte' ime alid fitîd onit abolitoulrite-w TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE OPTION POLICY [lest ev-tr <ltvisec] for thet Poliiy HolcI.'r. TlotaI amoisut of I>s-e'iîlîe'n jiaimi guaraîitet-d retttî-î.'d at endt!of twt-nty ye-are-. Present Chicago Addres 431 S. Dearborn St. JOHN HODGE, District Manager RO« 'L. HUBBARO a r>' 1= Mi 'w- ~(j j ~l + * * * - * .~ h i~B1 + m Li~ I e Wf 1 ý 1 b 1 Ili f, ýlo 1 ool, i)1:i( (ý, an il

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