Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Dec 1911, p. 2

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fIVAflHOE I Lre. trpha Hardiung and dauighter Dt)rrrrthv, returned tri their homnei Sioux City, Iowa, Mrreday aftor r pend. ing Peveral mouthm with thre formrer s parents. Mi. anid LIrH. Willard lierrh enter- taiti thir twrr eons aud famiîlles Thaukgving. Bert Chabauhrlîii ar. a %ý'auktga-l calter lMonday. Mises Elizabeth M'irtz, Avis Payne, Daisy VariPlr.w aird Ada Kueltker were home for th e Thankogis ig olidayfs. The Ladres renieter.s Society sent a loati o! vegtablý ie(,alîr abox o I cour- forters auj clothrig to tire Lake Buff orphariage last week Wedneeday. Ed Joues kidly took the load for the ladies. Prof. Blarnchard of Wheatorr courge, preacbed tn thîs chut-ch last Suriday nornrng anid everiieg Lire. Krtoinger vsited lier son ard fainrly in Chicago retentît. Mrt. andi i-. Heniry Kuebker andi littie son of Graystake. were Thanksgîvinir veiforsat the bomte of MLr. anid rs Wm Kuehker. Lites Dora Dorfer, was a Round Lake caller last week. The Ladies' Cemetery SocitY will lbold their regular ail day meeýtinjg at the home of Miss Mary Paynre, Thursday, Dec. 14. FREMONT- W * ~ ffMr. anti Lre CJ. Fretricks;.spent a few ay. lt eek in the e ..~,a Lir. WIII Hugelet o! Chicago, @peut faut week witb ber parente, Lit. anti Lre. Gao. Tract. t Bennie Wagner anti Clareuceof Wauke- g;an» spet over Tbankoglvirig withi Pbitip Wagner anti farurl4. - Elizabeth SertIe returnedt faLtberty- ville aler spediug a week at home. Miss Trulie Settir, abo bas bren qette siek in inprovieg. A fareweîl patty was, giveLr.anti BuyingLir. Philip Wagerlast Suetiayevening. The eveetng seas speet rn playieg c- ,rds good anti sveryorie hat an erjryabte fins. Alf are erry to barseLit- anti Lr@. jewel ry Wagner nove aaay. jGrandrua Masser r- rîrirfe jck. 1e@a&sensible. a sale &a res iivetierit -purchastig fthe cheap kid ie a waste Pmtting a reasecuallranîunt jta a DI.AMOTID LAK.E seally goond ringc, for irsfandr-. te amsre_________ M pendlng il for rira lothrug. The Dianrrd Lake Suuai icrol te The ring iasiteta prîrdue Ihat gpn, preparing for a Christeras Iree. Tht- s*rai appearaure of ireli-to n-ies ir iti supetriftet eutis an rexttfrn tri 1t alîl pay amy man or iroîran tii rult-Il that reilto ta b nr the Crrtmas Ami o ai fi therîeaery.pragram. And o wth oherjqwery.The Ladies Atd Sxijety seilruret witîr Wel. bers is e tar.- that bas abîsolutu- IV iohing irbatever ta do wilh quert-MLire Robert il, St-, Thursday after- locnabfo gootie. Hire 's a sîrre trIraI ourrnDz 14th Mr@ LuIanilset-ve blies. je a 'air fi-ee for a repetidabI autoaa ic lunch. Everybody je tard>- artile.,aty iriviedt taconte. Bartla astore thaf gzive yrrea square IA urnrber frî>eîhere atteuierdLt. "sa ever day inte ie ar r Follettes sale Salut-day. TensKainvits-ti A. HIUSS JEWELER Tbertyville fI S. L.Tri»l Preside lest Sunday. tarir andi hean htrn. Mdisse Gertrude anti Evaline Towmee s pert lset Sueoay inu Lrbetv lie wnlh their isitet-. Ut-s. Wheeler. Et-rd Kierire bas çürthased a ara -hretidieg outfit. )P RF. Rouae, rvîngE. et. Vice Pt-cardent. Ca THEW CI IZEN'S' BANK 7Payne, astrier. ROCKEFELL!R, ILL.. Ths Basa tas... Criiatei of Depooji drawing threv perct- interet Daak Dafts, thi e ot conrent and econooical oeana of r.. mittig7niait,-31are procrirablohemo.Yossr Savis ad Cbeckinc amc "nase aenvied. W. offer a-ile Socmrity, Couvemi«bco anid reliablity. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS-: éi. L. Tripp. R. F. Rous. Irving E. Payne. Ben H. Mille. J. L. Taylor. J. S. Grîdley. Partiiere' Reponsiability Approxunusîely $100,000.00. F RE E To each famil!, buging and pagjing for $10 worth of goods at our store between the lOth and 25th of December we wilI give a Christmas tree suitable for gour home. Cali -and Get Your Ticket WILL A.;:RAY ROOKEFELLER, ILLINOIS w T'AKEXUNTY INENDENTs F1Rfl)ÂY, DEIJEMBER 8, 191, jROCKEFELLERDPRMN T. F. SWAN, Correspondent and Agenti IS THE BEST IN THE -WORLD - because it is made of the purest and best in- gredients, because it contains more healing, strengthenùing and up- building material than any other Ernulsion, and because it is a perfect product of a acïentific- 'dly perfect pocess. Doctora the world over recQfgnize Scot's Eniulsion tu thae Standard prepa- ration of Cod Liver OiL ALL ýDRUGGISTIS hie falher tr.tsidler and ¶ rrrhts. he Z WA L i j barng .t a-ruit aitirhe age ofI)>aurg Our vllagein Do auboed wii eletriein his rieete-nrt-b year Garvilag t uo lghtd rtbelt-filand wans ati-rrdirig sîbrial atElI lîglîte, Veduestiut evr-nrug. Nov, 29,1 hving vrrrurtrlrd the cor-otse iretr- bourg the fir.t rirrlits service. Waînota sitral ]ast N . ar. The funîral Tbe Tîtarkizrvnng ballat the Lakemidi- .ras field lt-n nthe NI E. clntrhfira paviliari laet Wedricatay eventng vtat, Wetueda , Nrr. 22. at 2o'rirlui trtr. qutte ai atteutrd and a lirîasiaut tuie' lt-v D. Il. cet affiiatrag. ant inlter- te repîrrieti m-uit a as rîrailein the famrly rît iît fice irim es rtie Ihara> @petitber Ttraukt- Waeirtiila -ruîetery. Wr extenti aur grieg vacattin ut lier bine rn rut 5@rpath: ii irtîr reaveti famniiy. village.____ ______ Lit- and MLre E. E.Grlbcranul Lit-,anti PALATINE Lire. T3ler Ciîltert auj famrly sperti 1 --- Tharakegrving w oh litr and Nfirs. %tir. NI r. and NI rs I. T. Bens atr iniertain GirIbtt anti laîuly rut 'rorth Ur> sial fig tirs éi-tr, Nies Sarah 11.use ! Lake. Cicag,, ri1 u il rnrdavr. Iesc. Father Murpît> of Chicago, . sthe A udto -sa1 ieet anti aile irere guesis Dow pator oI the Traee-figuratiau o! relatives lîcre Surrday. Caîbolir churr.tu uceeedîng 1ev. Fathet- lre ltialrh iSutherlandlai Buler, But-ke, who bati berri bere for the pasf C.lo , 1 1ritir£ relatives here. eighteen nouthe, tiurîng alîcb trine he Thre W. F. M. il. met war r Lt-. "ty made extensive impracemeole ou thre Gbbs, Werlie-day afternoarn. re cburcb anti parish bouse ahtcb aere Sarah Wdiai Mleader.. badît- needed. Arc bbiebop Quîgley M,- anti Lre. Jobn W. Kîmball, par- acr-rdtngly setectet i brutmu, the airtest r rts af,T K iiir lai ofiiPalatirne , , ctatk-t mari ta bud uji a Dowsa rnîs at Orak their goldeni wcdrng at ttreirrhomenrti Park wÊere be mil bavaê the coimplots McHttnrv . ire 17. Tbey wet-e riarried dateso! building bath churrh anti Nov. 17, Itinil Thrsis je the firte parisb housina Dow communîty. 'tireri ta cru>Ive yrars ihat ail frave met-e sort-y tuses in leave as be batl'berritogeth,. ii tbesveeiig areeptioe endeaet insell tu the cuuîre toint wa helti rutIre Wootwn- hall eriti al muaity but arsb but the lbent o! suceeseuret nent-y as tirs net-nage trelîs. in bis new parieh. 1ev. and riLts. Robeson @penit Tbatiks- Doe't fail fa attend "lire. Jariryso givieg wth frirrLide n lu tie, 111. Wax i tý-r Show,"iriost monderfal Chao. Deauntrade a business trip tu wax aorte ever exhibiteti. Ever figure New York iecrctly. fe srze andIllliflke. Given untier the auspices ot the Ladies' Aid soctety o! the A borwling eue e berng fot-medtiei M. E. chut-ch ai Lakeside pavillion. werk. Sortre lîr rit tirnes are 1rornîsed Thnrsday evering, Dec 141h. Admission ailtiebraulýthîe, rtridn aniet C.N er adulte 25c, r.-iltrn l5w idbii-mpeidrtadC.Seer aetrtary. 700 LÂTE FOR i.AST 'aEi Mrt. anti Lits. V. 1). Kîmbal@pnt FRYU lI Tuesday lu the cty.FO URBI Misses IcIazel anti Grace lot-nalmetr Elgtn vietors Miorday. Here are Facto We Want You Mitre Celia Freund, aha la naking ber to Prove at Our Rlsk home mith ber mstee, speet Satcrday andtiSuntiav wltb frierids lu irar village. Wrberiterirais a. f tire batr are eni- R. C. Kent atfeudedti he railroat i treiy tirait andilttire pires of tire scalp dirrutorr meeting at Palatine lasi are glatuti nier, % e doa rit brlieve that aru tiiiig eauri istore trait- groatti. Saturday and reparte that flue prirei»s ut. %a tinrhe iait- ot-itretati any tii lrenrrg matironu the railrnat. Thre lice îile, ire We e trest in rlitgthat anti tails are riow latt iatîhiri tworit,>î wait so suri 1, I rorîrte int- g osetbas o! Lakie Zurich autd the surire rîrad i edti .will Ituirili1q3- Hir Tonne. To pt-nvo tr. at t etier-ri, c .ptrtie ti r tonpll ballasitd as fain ascrrruplrfrrf If tIie-rtut-ir ail i lr. rri yiru plit> us frt weathet- renatme favorable ftne t-cat i rin ti mu iS ' Iflairi Touitr eirruldritntt Lic eraipîtet tuti L.ake Zurich andthtrPlis08e You. bridge neries the E J. & E lraels a rîr g itx.ý, i :1' flaie Trite rlretro> e tire ger p. aIrirlà are n rua ly rei erîrv trIfior Le bruît hi' Jani1, 1912 ant if ! a a, raîdnîes. It ler iraes tri lr rîrî an open a iter tire eitire roadti tirf tire rlrîrr -rrirafiganti uv pt- WaurnîtirliLe oinîpleteti hi'Ifarel' ririirtg cr tilaiir' n, uutiglirit thtm 1,1912. Rxal . r,)IS r[ifrir lTrie hnps fa ~. 1912. iclr,ecalv rrriitriou. tri reurrîve iarit-. Dlean riItooks, the eldet sori o! H .L ,rîf, tir pîcceît lre hait- rcInnfallirrg Broatsq. tiletiof the lyphoti fever ai ont. andtito ri rirteariinteeed gbtw th St Joeep'a bospîtal at Elgin,_ Suntiay. '1 t har.nt errîsit tri euei,-, ptired Nov 21, lte athtseasea lînse Bit irc, ant $1 10) Rurenler you cen Noir 29,alte a treeweek illýs r w taie it arr> r rt ont- stare-Thp Bexali tieath crmes as a niit lever. .hock ta fStore. Difflui & Holi». Ltetiille. 11k DEERFIELD Mise Isabel tiedertatit of Bighlaud Park, wae the guest of ber parents aver Sunday. Bre Hole or London. Canada, wamas visitor tinIeerfleld Sunday. Lire. ole and rbildreri have epent the part two weeke vietitiug wîtb relatives je Illintrîs andi Wisconsin. Nit-. andi mmr. Fred 8ep ruade- a trip to Palatines Tesday. J ohn 1). Fiuk warr a Cbtcago visîtor Moutiay. FI. L. Prebm and inr. Tank are puttiung te a 1team heat plant lu thre Lakeside boletlor Hermau fHelfer. E. 1). llrautilg bougbt a flue black drivîig irtse of Wen. 1Hapkeof Fremorit. Miss Beatrice Duffy was a viitar i Emnett Brautireg commeicr-d bis. Rocktoe, Viis , sevsral dayS laot aeek.1 course at the Waukegau Buoinepssirllege Lin. andi ire. R. L. Haskiu epet %tiie wwsk, Thaukegivirig de.y aitb thre latter'@ parents. Thoe ungladies ilorlitîl Club met at the bons of Marre Krebs, Friday ight. A kitchen sfrawer aas gireri Miss Jacob@ Saturtiay night at ber bone. Friede front Sermerllle andi l>ert-leld wet-e preseut. i B. F. Schwernîan receivedtiîrce tlîat bo had won a 1610 acre fat-m le Idaho at the lanti show ie Chcago. Henry went Tueeday 10 file bis dlaimu. J. Ellisori anti famlly have etc ced reto the George Klepper plaeu Ibis week. Wrn. 'ianre bat hie@la-ad rut ant i bs eollar bons brclaed whtls gratilng fort fthi new railroat. Dr. Stark was calleti idre. Fisher o! Iowa, was the gueslt o! anti treset the aoiinda. ber sister, Lits. Gibsoe during the frt Sxtasaebatgain esfr week. tis ste truare blb s biig boii rrfo C. W. Pettis bas returriet front North the E. J. & E. ratlroad ta the new rail- Dakota. roati 'hilfip Young bas the i-tît-at Mm-s C. J. Davis im enetatng bier for theire i. Iier. Lre. Wm.,Trimue antiLires Ella Fedilr .laseph Pvle Is vere ti] at prettorri matiea choppieZ trip to ('biLagoi Mon- A. Lt, Brzhoru anti Ira Dgolittle of Mabel andVeraRurlrîlpbspertThariks- Chiaga ent Thanksgiviug bere wittl giving at tiroir brnein Riverview. tirir paents. Ahtert andi W. H. Kiigice ruade a cail Lri. MNi iaeh- and lanîlv Isît Friday ou frieuds ru Waueorida Nouday. for a visit witîb rlatives at Basette, Barr-y F. Boue passeti away ai 1:30 WiÙ3. Wedeesdai afternoar intrthe LicAliotter L. A. Xurrie* and i stl aie at Round tosiptal at Waukegari. He bail bee "le and i fraolake 4at Thut-sday. Rirk for a long tinte and îiderwent an1 Frank Savay of Chirago, js vriting operattori Inat surnier whicb rtenmed to thiâ aeek wttb Wn Fitzgerald et the Improve bis condition for a tinte but the Caneron hotoi. cure waae rot permeanerit andi he wa Arthur Neuriih, alto te emrployed in agrate taken ta f ie hispital andi another ",heng cae hme o mendThak@.Otrration perforneri fron abich heo Ii gibicgocamhbifometokse. t haik-not rally. He leaves a a ife. forur sons givin wiîhhis lîke.ant a daugbter, teide a father, two Mf te. Wm. Richards anti ber saon. 0. A brOthers anidfilve ettere. Mr. Rouse bas Rchardis andi wlfe of Janeevilte, Wrs.. speet &a i bis Intri Iroality abýd ailI @peut several tiayo tlîis aret at the bW gratly mlseed. home o! S. L. Tripp. NMrs. Caldwell at ber home aet of Wm. Nehrith took i ths fat stock town etertaiueri her arid club, "The show in Chicago Tuesdav.. Jrilly Tacîve" Iront thicago onie day Mr@. Mary Swani anti Bernard speet last aeek. The laàdies cane out entmasse Tbaekirgivleg with Mr. anr@Li-. E. B. andi a traveling mariw ho came on the fiferint Chicago. Rame train tbongbt they were a dele. Mrt- anti it-. J. B. ttiyoley rent to gaton of srîffrragttes andi was ail Chicago Sueday for a short tat aiitt raty to taire to the wiods aben beo their dauitbter, LMt-. t3ecoRose anditi ti Iarue is i instake. ses their grautison Ayiîley, ahi bas Mrt. Caldwell onthe aid Earl fat-mno>w bee quite sicK. knoiru as the Swift frr, hbas bat je Mrt. andi its. S. L. Trtpp andiguests prrbaps the Biset lot et blooded crattîs attendeti the stcck show Tnesday. arrd poultry lu theme parte. Biq fat-m is Lits. Kathrine Ftzgerald, Who bas stocked with registereti Polo Duthan bSn mkinga extnded le I breiago catlle and Berkshire bogs anti bis Whits L eh>en akganetedti1t Hollandti trkeye anti Plymouth Rock . It is obviouâlY impossible for one tu chrekens at-e ezcsptionally fine. keep In toucb ail h ail thalte happening C U) .andti as aityoer cooperation ile making Cou0tcil Proceedingit 1this department complets. Item@ Of Tbtrty-thivti regular meetng o! the lnterest ajîl be thankfelly received sîther board o! trustes, o! the village of Ara -direct or tbrocgb our able asitant an the village haill Linday, Dec 4th. Gleu HaoldKnige.Preaunt Sdmith, Pr"sîterit; trustees. Glentn alti n gRo. aT. lRoues, Wellrs. tiuailer, NWatson anti NeitSundy nrruîn Ber Car- aiI Zrsei; absent Thate-lier redeliver by requset tile sermon on Tihemitntes o! ibe previous meeting "Growtîrije(]race" ant intethe e ast-r w readi andiapproveti on motion of 1 bc wevreteg on atson and Roue .boe. wrlsea n Gode Wonie rous The treafacrerreati bis reglar monthly Love." rpart andti itu-mare aeas udrfed lîy a Mrs. Wnt CropleY sPent Sat-rday andtiheb liraucu eomrriîýiet i ias ettvetiby Scnday ath rb.r S. J. Crurpey seltle %Well anti Z-rtn ihbat it bu acrepted as S. J tok atripto hicgo.rend. LMotron carrtrd. S J ooka tp taChiagoTbe ollowiuig bille read. NIrs. Lydia Rhrdtts of Kirwti, Kano-, S L1 Trip ...._.....................*$ 2 20> rs spunding tbea inter wtth lier Fstier. Lake Ca ludvjle.tderit. 1uibiiug 1 Si) MIns . P. W ilcox. Wn Caya. teaurirg ...............44-73 Rev.aqdMrsCar am ntetaiingPublic ;.-tvielCo., mitretlight.. . 3;,42 Bey qd Lt-sCarrareenurrtantri fMrved trv Vi elle ard Zcrts-rithat ail their daugbter andid unband, Mrt. andtibis b.- allrrwe 1fnd arrintranIs drawit Lire H W.Whetnoot f Gida. 111. trcaeiret- for imwir. Motiortrarried. Mmr. Knedier rît Prairie Vica, %riteti M rîedtri ii n-e t-anti Roî-e ta adjtrrî rritriitiorariied audtii tirig Tttcsday e, tIr ber tiaugîter, Lits M il sand.adjrr r Rtay. T. F. SwAi. Clerk. juath ik Paoprty an Mare St. .loîiuHiruaandi !amily have. reoved injtîr thejr rne- home. H. Wueteuberg ilîl rrrr-upy the bouevar-ateti L Ic rt. Hlmr. An Alarm et Night That strikem terror ta the entjre bouse- holt inl the font; hoarse anti metalîte coegb oI croup. No mltakingr it andi forturiate then the lucky parente awho Lfeep Fgley*ioney andTerut-Compound on baud. H. W. Gasselman. Canton, N. Y.,smye: -t in aortb its aeiaht ini gotti Our lîttîs chilîdren are trouhieti wtth croup anti hoarieues anti ai] we give thera is Foisys Honoy and Te, Compoundt. falways have abottI o! if in the bouse." Fur sale b &aIl Druggiats. TO CORRESPOiNbXNT.' 1 deuire te apesk porsonally te floh of the lndependent'à #err.iii@n45e» in the varloua fecaltios 'of Lakte- county: It fa My carmait hope that the. ta&, &nt rulattona ,xlatflg botw..n ns pre- decoaser, Mr. Juut, and hie cd4s or able correspondante wlll b. contiagied wlth just au much intereat on thre pM ef the cerrospondeertsaua they have shean In th. peut. PractIcalfy ne chanpes have bom made lu the plans for condtuotlng U», Intimpendent or- the Delly SUN1 houes..- wlth'the exception ef theo wneso, 4wj relations exit toward the maine fove- that they dld prevîcua It hhe Ng In ewnershlp. 1 trust that evçfy ogs 4_ respondent wlll continue. doir4 ti. faltirfui work ho ha&s hown ln the fl through whlch th. Indopendent hb" been bulit up te the hîgh standard It new boit-s. We aIme r.qua.t o«chrcorepondenst to e maêe that we depond on hm» or her ln the respective localkIy whsu they lîve to furnîi tiré Dally IlIIN Me Wsukogan wlth 810 NEWS In tIme for tire dafly odiétlens. In cse w9oo timing 810 happens ln yosup,toeuIIUr. PHONE THE LISERTYVILLE 1 1PENDENT OFFICE, gV ie'aS and they wll phone thom to thre IÜN at Waukmgan. If ail co-operate fln " Iregard, Our sysrtom et gegotllt'"s throughout Lake county wlll JW si- Most faultîose. -.1 W. J. SMITH, Edt. Adjudication Natice. ~, ?.iinieNation fa iaemlîy gla" tirai im~-î scribe,- E.eciata01 thre lad WIU itiTOIU o! tbornas tatue,. riebsee. aS wm 4 O0usi Corrt . ae(mnta s u 10 be bolieatire court i ii.hà aeea BLaid Cont! an Uthe rit ondai'olmee nez L 1912. we aneS d ware B ilporose l dIÈai. mrmal adgat usno*dunee qiteseni to pressas thrse"malemi ou n- Iunicatiou. LuOT RTAMLEY. Eouem Waukerao. fiii Novemuer 27. 1911> P-lS ,Make Christmas no i 0n your Home with a New Piano HITS is the time of year when you are thinkilng Sof what you shall buy for holiday glits Can you imagine anything which would give more pleasure to anyone tlian a fi»e new piano? Wouldn't an instrument in your home mnake flot only Christmas but ail other days more cheerful than they ever have beenP We have provided for your needs by bringing a choice collection of The Cable Companiy&s pianos where you can examine then, and make a selection easily and wîth satisfaction. You can see them at t INGALL'S JEWELRY STORE, WAUKEGAN RAY'S FURNITURE STORE, LIBERTYVILLE While you are lookîng for gift articles be sure to see the splendid desgns we offer inI Conjover, Gable, Kingsbury, Welngo and Inner=Player Pianos " You cou ldn't buy to better advantage if you made a trip to Chicago than you can in your home city. Fair Prices and Easy Ter-ms You will find that these instruments are the kind that give satisfaction, and that at their prices they give you the full value of your money. tYou can btiy on- easy terms. Small payments monthly. Buy now and we will hold the piano for delivery until Christmas day if you desire. t Special Bargains Ini Used Pianos M We always have a number of pianos which have been rented for a time or taken in >exehango which we mark at very low prices and sell on very liberal terms. CHICAGO LT. P. DURKJN, - - - Speciai Reprsetatjy 'a E' - a rttirg. Lirs. Pbllip Rommel relebrnted lier birtbiday Saturday. A large numbet- of l)eet-fleld people bave attendeti the land show during the paat assk. S. P. liutebisori andi famîf y ertertaîneti Lir, anti Lre. Will Dutchison trfiaruke- gan on Thankogtslng de3. Lire L. P. Totit entprtaineti a party o! twenty et Tbankegtving dfniier. J anus Gallowayr anti daugbter S1adîs. ete Tbanireglving dînner ln Wlmette. Richard Adams visited with hie mother lest week. The Rleadtng Club met witît Misa Case, Montay evenlng. The Lad Thuroday tbrdially i E. A. We Wauksgal Uit-. L. <laya ie W Tirs eau abeliîristr Wifl l ý 8aturday, The chu tisa ang>e D*'W orgrst There w Itou Ilail zîornleig m The Carý the MeNa; Myrils ( Anna Cal Tliauksglý Barbare ia Milwarr Ir. and the weddl Mr. Borge lir. an( MWlla Edili sios City. la Waahe Muies Bi md an- r au. àmoud-Zan v 'j ----------- d 0 d it .. 1 - 1

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