Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Dec 1911, p. 9

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGANýàWEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 10. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLIE, ILL., FRJDAY, 1)ECEMB4EI1 1911. FOUR PAGES. $1.50 PER~ YEAR IN ADVAINOE. Ma.hcfld ailded the IlimX to a PAUL MÀ UFI known criminal record of threle tenusAC 4UFI DAVD AW IO D S YS11 lAS ser n twhhe k( g1h, rUgS e', DÀVI ài WHO D SA S H HA , arv for a hol. d-ui, for worklrtg aiNE STRAIN POLIIICS"ý E.H.Fam tMasahuetaQU ASH INDICTMENTS and Hia Broh rCnnîrsaman Fose, OFAI I1ERI TflIFY 8 I . ~lJ2 1 nmddefor the maktng of courter- Have An Interview With Preisident On.Tail f Oters. Lake County Fair Association Atre o aho n Ianiterview test igbt States W ashinigton, D. C, Dec. 6.--Oover-Atre o aho m CekadColdwater, Nil c h, tomorrow Chicago, thse former a democrat and DURI Q Y AR UST CLO INQ nigt, ccopanid b CaainSteh- he attr arepublieSu, ralled upon DURINIII VEAR PIUST CLISIIv.n .1 For the First lime ln Its tise r et :a aa Th w Men Plead Gulity tothefi ___________tNatta and Sergealtt Ni Suitivan of respects. ThsePose brothers. who Idits started omaking thse figures with tisicago, tL make frhrarsso oyTeeWsN evdi ogeatoyasaoo hre w la o Ikbu lshdu ihapni.Tethse gang of savon, three ot whomarFo Any Office opposite sides of thse bouse, an- GuiIty to Charge police secured thne frdoasSimportant e stod~y, owbeieedta have b-eu nounced ihemselves txlay sa aconi _________ Says he Stole O ne f rom Sen- ink. b sýut ined t ith rdas Ipotnct eimplicated in thse murder of Wenner-h Iut e bontbif l estiof lttiesubet. Wdnsayandga:tonab eedence when they gotlposession bnto 0rttano a o B a r o ole , n of thse machine. Captain Halpin bc- strom.TeLk onyFiasoito o dlndteieueheube, Wdrsa vnngmtew b- taes tnlmark n thile sisoan te accordlng ta a statemeut made by lies of ottiers at libertyv tue Vdnes !IY te be mentioned before thse demo- 1ln the rase of David Mawbood and O thers Clwae f-trdy lel M any !Oi-s rom Varuous tntise mrson fIhe card and thebroevthe tri oe ses the i sday and for tise first titie mt he)is- cratic national convention next year FrsKnpalgdbsetev, umbliprsion f tse ittiahennes ,le dt-e1ie n olh oiors of the association there was no eltlser for president or vice-president Publica t e St te ei- e tionoof tise sct that tie con tataorctteKltaitp, alieged barge -fssing bondits sent Sheriff Green for t(tltfrah offices. Thr ticket j agaluot s hom nctetl eer- Sèctions of the State, Seul ~ ~ ~ le sald thiit with tt% arrst he h pta 1,~a,.d îtrisefiteld isas un.ORtrd yisDeebrg Ju. coc ntebsmn fSesnBo uidsmo pea rn uyBvrty-niellosuer RJue . l aholding cu ln i o lgh P i e ,B -ter'sloSxt-3vnhadliai- at Wodsiock taeiear te esldece Ccas t and of ibis number oint were DEROFnCPTAngerbretzeu, William Malles Ing A l fo U-Igh P ices - t ersstonbas ,tlSethe sud of antîforce eari$t triais. 1 îîratciîes. There titre atot otne F L M NItedossy ree hs.idint artede ctiseAM APPROVED ses, Emil Johsion and Audrew How- doubleoscrnss"id istdtrChflotgospolece iundred in atteudance, tiseotailtet sides lB eing lm plicated ui aouâth,, cos'itt te (iau te police tisthre e-en now stîght lmsItentdance bietozattrtbuted te the tact ad, tise four men rharged wtth lar, at eas TweMu der , te cr r~ t1icZs fo(Ciao be «%lnze Jhnyc h ~I and George ee asno comutetititi: for the Nw Aid: Laid Oown by ewC env were arraigned tin court tofty. a e s w u d r , t e lvaetawinolicn f hadwirc ed pol Cic ga nd(îtl at e ai01d t is ceTh fed ts e tl andat tNaval Scisool M".tu Tis e n îae charged witis bavIng bto- cage awtibl ginformation. hr ie oie tC 'trad nj,1 oý.Ott ivh hm ot : With Approvai of the United States ken I tto treigist cars belot5Eifgte t» Fnd Borne Evidences ln Coucis. lattie Creek te arretit tisem on siaist. lr le ilPatti acCuffin, Lilberty- Gvrmn.(bcg ndNrhetrsmled Victlm In one Case B eing Thestory as told in the formatis atm departure .ss detaved ho vittle, 72 votes. oen ntChcg adNrhwsr air& report of taptun litaltin ta Inspector Badbcvs ebsntytrele is iepeiftIe nBcTite cars were standing on tbe trac"i an A ged M an of Coldw ater, Hunt olois epei n m t rankeri attiseof e siorns f tsta - p sud76 oteest, of Waukegan. When icature vater om Ge s a ed aintosearri ken at h o nfI 1 es' ions f Itat lard-.Bumt h Nv eateth ppoe emnaeal-e ebvhdcr c d lie h erea If t be of Je l a uzkearr t e nifceuke au tea tc es ak n r m th c rs o Machi anffie aiondasment oai hurlaitrcigfWuea,7 oe.o eomnaInb a .F M ic h ig a n . th~~~~~~~~de s ulo o sa ent foutau bot front a pthe lke a fo o da e tiia itti Secretar s ay lubbard, L iberty- F tîlam as o lo s I' beg teo rcom - a n a tc e a e r m L i a s o diesuposd e ontbisot foco nf, ieinlasest e d ia tet ville. 74 votes. mentd that chewintg gîim be stricken hipesn.EgretnadMo Chicag rohbey. A plicema a( hiTrenfesioncrstîloa telightT.'Liberty. froîi tise list of articles to bc soid ln ieuey eutered a pIes of gulty,.vident- If anyofle beieved tram tise Opera- iSheriff (Green of tiis ceunty w Cbcusorothe. iceman atesAtre olntaichl "rrlo rgt h kn egtalgtrsÙeeb Davd awoo ad orat trt netoconet tsehosethevs nmpn e ts ieriff, ht thsepolice-Sae ionyJalntsih sdsil, 76 votes shistî stores lu the Navs, asisore and tytiikutgtalite utneb tioqs 01 tavdecei'.ed ad Fotter ffrotonehtescintttltherhett aileat. aTise th - ttdtaflecieewiuginguii attheislu l i brthemseiveael onstisehemerrcyo! Vnaisp. l thse horsemaling episode titis tiseWennectroin cage. He Mau remaineti ln tise otter room, aud tu wtîcistiselttln-he i îret tot sFret lattersisali Grava- fot h ai fceiggnI h latMciy tisatIl was thse first 'Job" satchet tise men closeiy ard allowed hnothiriz ut bitgainpretenteile ake, 76;Freentan Ctlew Gîruet 7.6;tereti a pieaes t nulguiity and wiU aisine thtmn.oacopa the ied Williamimagainisefoe sie ' 'deidediy objectionaisif for aiii o! tisaI ind tise had eve engagedthem ta be togetiser ln tise iopes tisat asirititv euhacoma69;is ofts idta Mawbd ie y re ae te .ud pa aecioie tvisiiors sud loanetitithm myatomo- dedresns, sud it leadss10constant stre-ral bil. Te Istattary nteel iisertyqaliiedhiee.nal7byportsetutrbessing gurni iuirauke, at lu the case of Willliam Gllnuly,& badly uistaken. snie ut'tiser frmer epteodes. bl. Ts nasttyetedthte .ater be t Jamife tanbs e ndate ty laeinAtt, Liierstille, 7 , tue 'to eieofsdesc m asmemrtte policemanrrtiehed t is attg bt aesNane at ut WE. %itier rettrtig iresîdeut of iluarters and at other timea wbtn IL il Fort Shseridanoldier Indicted by thi According ta Mawhood, duing tise O. day as. see stiea ame ofsth ie coh adsu ald stme. himselfas gulty oethtie siat t if i igisîsimprorer ant i tîmiliiiry If grand jury ou a charge of maliciout year whiscbh enow rapidiy drawing tlover tiseto men antd It was whtesile . y mnenreareingfencheornecaged ie atebciortreassciIbis bilhabitte ofic scimnsaeeeciraedmotion ths'tui miquafh mttoite qishtheiut-t a claue,. eho asstoon at toast 34 they tere lnnflstacondition tisat t sing Ms' e tereThepoiean g fisc tse erneaom 1 esad Iad tort tsix sesciatittu isaitelts o ffiers on board shili, the nusy dteliteratety ument was euteced andi will b. argue herses. every ost ocf ubicis ho soitifor confessions were obtained Tise),ai ula snie iIoiemde feseed beateniefeted Ntgtt" iiri c otea cttt e tearffier p Ou Bomtblg tat a rbaby god vi-invites hlm tui tit somethiig oue min- teuîorrew Ciiiuiy. It wtlt be reeallad. bIis prce.. ringing rm$0 e$,. owitncnesinbttl ol ec fbresot faymnvdt tsi' tise latters statetnent. tti ternis lie ws not a candidateriefrwihty ab pn.ldhtldabictrogtewno 1t tsfotînd tissu wiil prove impotantsi t l,îitîugithe next. This irnît rigist tise StUN office several weeki ago. BorIM reet111 some ime ago, Maw- crime on record. dating back tomne teti dwi a"ee Frank lHunIer, s member af tise band. ýThe foiiowiug ment acted as teliers beedbas Mflotaways contented him- or twelve years. nui tis"w en tise latter repraved i hm for tise at the nieeting l iB Epker, O E. se.R wth bre. teslnglHe admit- Nilany of tise cases bave long ieen Davidi Mawisood, sef-accissetiort Wenuerstorom Itiuitri. He said Lioîn- Churchsilsud Daniel Lee. tl tistb aI o saibeen mixed rip ln a fangtten, but otisers, notabiy tiserompilytits tiige rdWn er, badiy tounddti iatibeen talcen A iehctu Ieteei t7 case over et Coldwatec. Micis * wbere Wennerstrtttt case and tise Itavinia nltccfeeite isrmrte a taicoad shanty btwee Seuthtislu tise treapury efthtie association. A IIas ItAltan tas killeti anti anotiser rebbery are sUl fresh ist ithtecis dorsain iis ceIlilntise jail ot Wauke Ciicage sud Whiting, tisere ise died tmore cenillete report ofthtie finsmcial For C histm as IiIfts wounded. ai e lwItlen ftise peuple. gan yserday. ater a fet days aud that bts brui*s condition ssili be rotund iit anetiser col- dais Sewlt.tiai.Knapp Denies Shanting at Park. . Whbite Chicago Itetîce w&e 'esearcis isbdit ee e igtetei itis a rail andutI tti. to the family, you willlflnd Tbree years ago this sumrmer aboeultI regard to tise Rasinia Park rob-tng Soutis ide div's tftr cen believed tiscosu toto tise lake. Scn nuiBnut oueisat mile est of the depot ai According te (ief ut Polie At r S c n n u lB n u t Ooldwater. Midi, tise bodiy of an Ital brKaî iaeita ebdbent aebeimm4eso ahosbery ef Waîikegau, Jameastilsu/er s Foiglt ii a.eeiithe Christmias Store tan ha aimd ÈvMayccsatib n kte tise park on lisat nigist, andt iat ise tise Chicago chasuffeuîr near Cary, Ill.ka" iutistae s Jeaes mdelîn u, ittiers t ite uîiiuer of aboutt sîxty e d to h l y u te avecasatifio ~cheks n hiad iouri th ie waicismuattHe stateti. on Aimg,30, tise lrisener tat telliîrg ad tsettW u ie agm wetenLto teie l.isertytillelibotet siiecere d to h p yo sarad, and tas tisought t bave hotever. tisa It tas ntheoha adWauke-au officiait ut sisootlig toh hesatqiarlota in a saloon on tire te ersrvd hafiebnu, about $400 on hieispersan. shot tise tcisman, statiug tsat nue tiser cen near oidsater, suir . SouthtisSde. a Irer wtici tacets oodijsutof Wall-U1li,1k outtîr iiiftt iotantd se oildetiver It sny day thuamontis. AI isa tu aothr Ialan.S ofettise ther membersttt tise gang L.attc ha e1îiitiattd bols centes- keganu asttnredtht task ut toastcas 'i oi tii leste a crhaeIsaiitdotro lt)ilt i a holiy box, anti on tise TaiRet, ta.. arceteti but evidence tas comi tied thissed, sIRLSwt RIOTies, ItNn iveY.gtiCOURT - day>tOit ta> IL W Il te deiivecel. (*omne anti do sotîrshopping NOW deed. as tise tatpossanlsiens, butRau investigation tiltTieter and calle i tlttise cariois sîîeak sretressrtiî are lient.The etrlier heurs ofthtie day wll ne« strang atnigb te warrant iholding ssttt edtrre.i osbe ieetc. rntrodictig ecdiwitiî fittiug te- %biletast rt ien im anti ho tag releaseti Mawhoutla suridfesoritie its u iro!adeurteoftrisvru Ifi liees Mi f 300 Attacke Owners of Burned i nairks.Tise variots talks sisoteti cls codd sald te bave cosfese t iat ha and bravade, and renounceti ln the next NMathouti anti bisg irutiser-fin-lat, Factory When Arraigned. tisatI nterest la keen utritie astoria- two othors tere tise ones tise perpre- breatis, fil1 every conversation titit Forest Knapp, coufessedth ie Lourder- tien andthie atter-dinner tlts puroveti tratod tise crime. lise cen. Tiey tilI admit tilet tisev o! Weunerstroru. itualtît aiti iresisut New Yark, Dec 6-A mois of 800veltiot politica thicis characterizeti Stol* 34 Hors*in Vear. base cruttttet ail crimes on tie secltise chauffeur. Tiseir statementa tometi, survit ors ufthtie Trtangele misit taat ytars banquitet. Ameug those tise du-ing tise year pust waa .given te t Ise ekuandtise abot tattthe a .seciseforr tisaosedra onadattackedIlasae Barris andi Mai Blsnck. Juat Wm e iss, e:W.JE.tîitii . 1H . siserlofif cunt fyNIbisd.kncauntyg aou th ytte eaai.isarh fr heproprietorsorsof hewai t mheywhe a us, WncWeispaV.1ySithD A Innceo heee ddawod Knapp Known as "Big Jsw." Develupments ufthtie day atidetinewth mo perdl court te stand G1rady, F1. G. Srits, 'W, B.Smitis. know tise names ut those troc whuc Etitard Allen, tisa bas bean ln tise complications to a cane of routes- trial for alleged manslaugister. Tionta Graaiat, W. E.liasis. Il. B. tto berses were stoloni, or ta tim Woodetock )ail since Suriday, admtitteti sions anti repudiatior t tiat bave puz- Ail tise coutefficers ltutise building 1 ger, J. B. Miorse Tisey ail apake ter sot. tintnigbt ft tiet sItics that bhe niitise police ot Cook, Lake sud 'sic and tise police reserves tere caileti feetingly ut tise soîk oftirte couuty they wrurld Ieciosed ingthe we b-Hnr onte.out ta chseck tise assailanta. With tora1 faic association anti iredIcteti greater He clalmet that he stîrie a brs. tas une duig se n eny cluthitrianti disieveled issir, tise d&lai ,orte frture tissu tie pta bas irons a lîvry stable. under conditions tare Labar day. Tise admissions t'as Teits ai Kiling Two. tendants were finaily releaiseti ant s-Ittarfoh @Wmtar ta thse case bore, aI sycamare, a Assistoant Sen uaes Ateies Natood Madie is statement po corted undar heavy poltcesprotection lîr tic. ireto ise ntatsin teron dov iebr.tocbaiie tradatifotac tauthJ. tuuovau WThe n questieneti droe t erere at ga > b c olnatts rvotIlotet Chiai af Police Carl Atterbery and As tatisocortroc aiotisote r on n i tR-b r.Jsy tteBeor, sitant Ciief Thomas Tyrreti otrIteen summonetias ttriases foc tisemmbriat teuiot SudyatronAlleu iriisteti beA trumiie et IbeAsîeakeca praiseti cm0115. anti drava ta DeKats, wtioser, ua ttronWaukegan. Be deJ.aredt tisIfise or Irsctin eriiî>pe'iiu iilr o ieefr ho naya, ha sais!tise out fit toc about hati net arent an bile day lu mnthe.six yeaara ago is e utre t h ceai efo h efr Heaiasoetieniad kowlng ettier Knapp Be LEWIS FRAUO CASE FAILS ire bas pt fiti in liristeck ln boom- W a ' ' 'A $175. ad sakmr rcloat rMawhaod, tuile as a malter o fctdenca of an agati coupie, those tame _____I»g the talc n ise tieveit yesrs lie hd htit Could ue More Appropru- a ti ot l bacomrebot I. Frolt r e ie gave as Truastieli, near Coltitatar, 1Indicmn ginttfS.Loi u.b a rsttt tt i octtitsIae T a ls Ind, ad oldItforabut 10. FOM tse teaerelateti. Micis., witb ttc comparions. l isher s Qusst he. Lu isPb-be Ilrti an ave lbesu ore iter- Weodsâtcck, ha obtaineti a sorrel iherse Captain Haipin of tise detective bu- Biudnt hetiantianti tifs te furni Iserl uah esttha n ift isave iseenamreoutven- a eT a u ls ans! drive tithi ilIraugis Baminglon resu digcoverati Knapp, nUttti as tise tura ini tise s-oc, tise tria ransacked St Louis, Dec. 6. - Unitedi Statuelimre. lits retirenietut, voîunîary on bis selling t tea afermes- tisceamiles test saluaI stayer of ln the confessions, has tis eieîng for coueY anti, nat finti District Jutige Trieber quashedth ie ini- )art, catiset inuv 1expresfeelings gTaershin ary ttit Gqise o r ieriramn prt. ul Tf hiay are eft ta village for $100. a police record hisiden untier the alias îng any. Mayhood saiise turneti Ou dicment againat E. 0. Lewis, tht pub- f regret,îîbrt îiey adirititti he retîreti practical aricles, anti are titre to delugist any womais. One Fs-cm Senalor Bacc. otf ig Jet," anti bas tise reputation the man anti aobaicn. isher, ciargitizbhen titis using tise0 Thse flueat barne ofthe numnber, ha ai siscoting on tisa ligiteet pravoca- Âfterwardthe botidy was carrnedte male ta defrauti. sis colora. Itesutuful Trimbiers for 2(k tea5e chii. gay, ho sIdae frun thsa home of Sen&- tion. naarby raitroadti tacks, ise saîi, anti Lewis' properties, tncluding saverai Water Bottîts froc $1.65 antiouit r reelt is dn lceitrr t a o vr s aîpubicationis, have iseen tise subject cf Pensions. Bwsi ayszsadsaepia pfon$.0 tas- Barr, six uiles ftram Joliet. This Wben tise captai eili tedn-padwhrILasu vr afatlitigatian toc several years. The first pension@ tere granteti te Dtl ucu ie nissuasrct pfa 21 posMwod lis csl o iyo rico de npetr ut rin ittobeshd Indivtduels for grat Vases un cauy stylesta t are beautifut addtions ta ans homa. theiese of $300. tisa latter directeti William N. Evansris pthsfotClwtrsaeeFlteMnMn.Y vcsfedrdtesalastte 1 mt cauettieFcotnerioftAr-tofMthcueas auWaofkagentiiatioWntistpck-tiat Wallace Trestel tan killet Nnv. Milwaukee, Dec. 6. - Supporters if dukesof Greffon. Richmcond, MBi Candile Sticks, beairtitlis' catie, scis $1.95. mour venu andFiftith sreet Maw.coedte Wukega andWoodtock29, 1904. whie croseluz tisa raiiroati UnitediStates Seriatar LaFalaette gt-bruhadohr.l h eete becs! says be aitaineti a herse anti anti take finger prit Iumpressions, Bec- tracks. Bisant! Green ai Lake cetunt y eret Iin Miwaukee ta attend a contre Roui u tes nts esîai wagon tisici ha sls!. trllon ceasurentents sud photographbe bliavas tisat Trostel ta tisa Tcuesdell erofaitise Wsconsîi branch 68îs' uland b ati afired pension ist Toyland and the He toe ou hrss ro. olettae prisoners. National Progressàive league anti a i cfumany names snt Involvitt aua ex- frn Ho astre, e teus- horses feroc ertolihoni Maywood refarreti ahodbanquetpenditu r over £1o,WO. tI anctent L v e h~ frnsa asur, adei ise b iI epodJc FngrPrints. r tisa sanie stateman t oith ie ides ,o!t provitiing for tisoce ie P tS o Chicago,tises-e ha soidthetistt a Evans tilt -repraduce tise finger tld ai holting orp anti siooting an wluo h baIl suiferas! for tiesaste or tisu horne <deler, namati E. A. Kaufman. print impressions today. anti compare Italian faracan, haita c l'e Out a' bal cortributeil ta Its telfare ton la ot surcia nerest tatise Cfi dren There iaaomethIng newtot These Iter, h, tagether titis Manzes-the impressions t thie fingar marks Cltitater, to get tise caney bisebatl prsct.icasy urknotn. IL being theu an èccd every day Tise isîpmeenft ofo ehat are not on dlsplay as-a tise gang, siippedtetaSt. Louis, anti usatias tiseir licensa plate ater tisa- section cen. A cocîsan ou ai this - cLIAbelongedtetatise state, serves! star bY spen i n Tos' and ti 5 Ls a mgtbec in t-morruw. icconspaniedt ihe rses lisera. posung ofthtisaoriginal plate foliating ticntas batty wud.rigist antidsl a d at cel oagainatd hert spthforla o dla orte itl LocalSealngdClmax. the murtier. Plate Na. 4284 tas car- A Massage froc Coldwtit a serts A sper al t spatch tram Chicage tise siple thtng of titio! bis Ment- ginls. Tisera s every kidor oitcmginaisle. Tise tant herse s.allng apisode tas ries! iy Wennerstrom's machinaes'hen tisat an Italien laborer tas kilIed JuIy W etiesday afternoan tiaclaret John - fast il ty.Net Yack Amttaican. tise taking of tihe rsa anti nîg troc IL lait Cicago on tisa fàtai trip, but a 2, 1908, onansiading tes o! tise Laka Glasa!fHighlandtiPark insloaI es utncora tvrdav lcee atiirbernto.11ehaeyrs ieaar nI tttcveu rc tsetsIa esu TiaWdt- usos o ref h te Kenosha anti thon turneti test. was attachedt th ie machIn in ut n Isooti mate ie bsstatecent îî tas ire-as pneumonia ofthle knoeajaintTh isle r i tb tartare la al Ils varloos Christmas Chrhtmaq-.n, Tetes-o ecaptures at Bulfrez Inn, . auntiusear Algonquin savecaltIeveat sItise can bail beau klIlat itiseasse s ont of tisa Most rare knean forma major' à roadhouae by Chie! of Police OHare taystatas-, by fllut ceuntrynten ln a fla t oecedlrai scieuce antiln pr a v ly TisaMajor-Not ail, Mm; nert ail. Store WuliiÎ.,tset..assssaStore O!.Koemia ntireus-es hee.This improviseti plate tas matie MsPio etva y case tiberaIt iras been fta ndIL 1sm stlin te bachelor raîka -Ex- ~u*f-a~n Connom aWfth Murdter. in thpSe uchy ecii ooiisouse. Tise ban- la maklng Ibis double confession bas travan fatal,.mchange. lFtRaTHFR% TO "RF. ý lor.IIIC MWrMNI Iril

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