Page Six LAKE COUNTY INDEPEN'DENJT, FRIDA!. IJECEMBER_15, 1911. Drases N-ear Pest Gfl., Wauksgan, MI. GREA CHRSTMAS SALE! Gxive lier a.Coat or Set of Furs for Christmas, Since the tendency of the holiday gift has turned toward the useful, as well as the orna- ) mental, why not inspect our magnlfkent dif play of things women Mie best? No matter how particular you mother, wife, sister, or sweétheart may be you are bound to please her if you make your selections ai IIEINS' Coats $3e98 #orth $10.00 Women's, misses' and juniers' heavy, long, win- ter coats, in the fashion- able styles, good selection of colors and ail sizes, Imported Plush Car- acul Coats Undoubtedly the handsom- est garment produced this sea- son; deep silk plush collar, guaranteed silk lining, worth $40.00. - fif Christmu %FU_ Sale _____ SUITS Any Suft li Our Stock FormarJy uld fhem 12.50 to 10.00, now WTe make this sacrifice suit offer in order to radically re- duce our stock and make room for our immense stock of holi- day goods now arriving Any Suit in our stock that forormerly sold at 20.00 127 1o 25.00, now ... .... Side and Backl Combs Beautiful assortment of side and back combs, settings, gold inlaid, plain or Rhice stone, $2.50 down to 50c Barrettes BaIl bearing barrettes, light or dark shades, plain or with settings, 50c and 25c Beautiful Kimonas Flannellette kimonas full length, neat pat- terns, 1.98 down to 79c Children's Bonnets Children's Bonnets, plush, caracul or velvet 25c Beautiful near silk ki' monas, Persian de- signs, satin trimmed 1,098 Nandiçerchiefs Ladies' Swiss embrol- dered handkerchlefs, some scalloped, oth- ers hemstitched, and there is a variety of patterns, in fancy holiday boxe s, loc 35c down to .. Coats $8-00 WargEI$5.0 Women's and Misses' ele- gant, full length winter coats, in black, ail colors and fancy mixtures, sizes 16 to 46 6.00 junior Coaia Misses' and Junior,08 $10 Coats, spec la t @j= Goods made of allwool cheviots full length, semiufitted mnodel, rolling collar, extra well tailored Ait WooI Serge Dresses High Waist effect, neatly trimmed, somne with silk waists, worth upto $15.00 8,715 & M am&4@9 Scarfs Auto scarfs and veils, chiffon, ice wool, pongee, silk, etc., $1.98 çlown to 39c Jeweliy Large variety of bet pns, Veil pins, pins for jabots, uckles, real cloesonne enameled pearl brooches, La Vallieres, at 98c" 50CI, 35C and 25C Coats 12-00 Worth $20 A grand lot of full Iength winter coats for woment misses, and little women; AI colors and sizes, do not miss this 12.00 Chlldren's» Coats 16.00 Woolt.10.50 Magnificent double fac- ed coats, also mixtures, p 1 a i n broadcloths and kerseyr, - a tremenduus variety. 16.00 Cool as Children's Caracul Coats quilted satin linlig, ex~trai well made warm coats, $3.50 value,I 9 for Chrisimnas sale 189- Children's tweed, plush, cheviot and fancy weave coats, velvet collars, no finer garments made for litt1e ones. $6.75, $5, and Auto Caps Auto caps, made of heavy eider- down wool, 98C Night Gowns Flannelette gowns, made from heavy goods, extra large, 79c and 39c Seal Plush Coats Full rolling collars, siceves finished with deep cuff, ae lin- ed with fine qualitv yarn dyed satin and interlined. Christmas Sale $16.98 and FUR SETS Nice Warm Fur Sets, satin lined scarf and muff, in either brown or black, for Christmas, 2.98 and 1.98 Beautiful near Lynx Fur Sets, rich satin lining, large shawl collar and pfllow muff, 8.75, 5.00 and 3.98 Ilandsome Coney Marten and Riac- coon Fur Sets, beautifully lined and finished, 10.00 and 15.00 Elegant Black Fox Squlrre,Jap Mink, Marmot, Gray Fox, Beaver fur Sets, the finest made at [rom 75.00 down to 25.00 Aprons White aprons, a complete assort- ment for ail purposes, sma!l and large sizes, made of fine lawns, etc, 50c and 25c An Ideal Gifi Plush and velvet bags in great var- iety, at prices ranging from $3.50 down to 69c Ail Wool Sweaters Ladies' end Misses' all wool sweater coats, white, gray, red, wlth and wlthout beits, just the thlng for these cold days 2 .8<19 ail colors, 98 79c Underwe ar Lady's heavy ribbed Ladies' e, union suits, perfect, grade unior fitting, 75c kind bed, light Christmas sale fleece, 1.2, 49c xtra fi!ne m suits, rnb. or heavy 25 quatity 8c Ube Store U3hat seIlr WooIter ad a i.L ",y 'ou light Lobe if hi ln t an' wor, lieu that tou*1 kick UÇI 1 i wa, der fat eia; ta 1 chai mal girl dow "t are roui of 1 coul nib. Wei, hou thot Et-I "I'. W h( ami pitU c Ho "ad hon bal hog thi. thix 'are trio ig pat ani anÀ É% JE oya