Paosire iffht LA L1 VU . h 8.J..x~ LJi. NJi.. .. 8-'...8-- IYDE JUROR STILL LONG LEAP T O DEAI KING 68OE Vy MISSING; MAY BAVE Chicago Man Plunges fromn ACCEPTS CROWN IN COMMITTED SUICIDE Nineteenth Floor. BRILLIANT SCENEL Rtemevec Al Hia CiothIsngBfore lie Fact that Fleeing Member of Hurlae Hhlself from HelgisI George Fifth of England la Panel Cannot be Found in Maaonlc Temple. Formally Macle mperor Causes Theory. ChcI Des- 13.-A maniane leapîti of Indita by Rulers. frein tise nlntaen th stor>' of thse Masonic temple ahortt>' after f000. Juror Who Disappeared lis Hia bodyy îtrus-ktan men, who rare Delhi Macle Capital City of Saidto hve ben 'nder standing near tise cigar stand In tisa efm iey igi the Said to ave bee tJnder rotonde aprey.Iniu a 0Great Mental Strain. Tise mentle w as killeti and thse two Pace of Calcutta. _______________ môn rare serlounîl>' njnred. The tragedy occurrati rbeo Lie corrl- Beveral Policemen have been durs ofthtie big building rare thronged 100,000 Persona Represent- Detaied ti Iok fo the ith. tenants leavlng for tise lunch 3 0 O Million Subjects, Detaied Lok forthe iour. The lobbisy dowastaîri vras full Man on River Bank. ot people. Panles preai throught the Cher Gorgeons Rites. building followtng thse tragedy antid_________ Kansas City', Mo, Dec. Il - Harry tayyruors rre m rcleed rala the « Deihi, fondia, Dec. 13-India's vassal ý W. Waidron. abo disappeared troam a "raIl of deatis. aga ta Great Britain vas agate toi, 1 ytlasileasrlng ay mmeruisa The MasonPl.c temple long bas beau mair Prociaimeti ta tise wrnd. risen jur tatle ryagDrB. Clarkse Hys, favoie lce ton suicides riso rus ln thse preseuca of i00,000 pasons. rep- ,o a charge utofmrtering Colonel to eaestut destruction. Mant, trag- rèsating anme 300,000,M00sublecta, Thoismas H .Sautat, bas flot heeun ound. atlas simlar te this one have occurredr'2 Scores ot f fluera searcbad ln vain for there. 150 native rulers knalt in homage te àIss.Net a single s-tan. titse or ther- h edo h le os fHn .',_regardirig tisbsra s -civ(d. CHICAGO GElS LAKE FRONT aven and Baxa-Coburg. r ________ ashlsFI I l]Amid sconses atbarbaric pomp anti mlgh onthe aldo e n te Ilinisl Central Rallroad ielda Up the magnificence, uneuuaied n thea btor lusigiso t ad nissa elve 'aln lgt.oftilla, ln tise great anena hae hotakînis ut teibv ' t h e hou"Riala Rgst.Quaan Victoria mas proclaimati em- Ja tisa tarknass %M V ',,Idron snd Chicego, Dee. 13,-.Ciîcagos project pras ahna inaEdraord mas pro-877 ton a s-t>' beautiful Isacama a step neer n- hr igEdadwspo ber five chistdren sta!. ýi l la,. liriing er risen at tise meeting ufthtis cit>' cllmati b> Vicero>' lard Curnzon ln ,bu might rturo. A brtght iigli mes coancîl announicament mas madetieha 1903. Kug George V.-tlse Inrat reigu I - àpt buruins- ln ont'of ut U front rouma tise South Park buard bas acquiredth ie Ing sovèeregs ta visit tise fer eeut- emt tise hostuse anIs-elorne btise fie- riparlan rigista of tiseIllinois Central annaunei bi& oW ma cu inta tise Ing man. but it disi nos attraàt hlm. alîoati tram Trelfthtbta itty-finst ImPerial tisrone. So peiede was King George aitl i, Sevanal policeman wmm titaladteLa treets. r ,watcisfor Wldrun along tisa Missouri Wlitiste tnrnIng over of tis akebise he rcaPtion haoreLiat ha announced river bank, Tisa btai tram abîishafront lteLise people of Chicago Il isasn iaraoa o iateia o o .dIsappaarad Is near tisa river man y boea agreeti b> the cIl>' anti Souths trom Calcutta ta Delhsi. di I eeha ilîl commit suicide îifise Park cOmmisIoi et buildtheis Fletd Tise tact tt ven' weok mors tisan ýlm et dune att already. He is koownum"seum aet Traiftis treat, near the .f naieardygfouplu, ta ho on tise veget nervos prastra-psetieotiePakRatto, that iundreds of thosisands ara on tise tien, If nt mentall>' deranged. ricis nIl ha reatin its place a ner eg tsavto.awta iaaib Thse court realbzas tisat Waldron bas $1,W,00station nil ha constructed ti etitian &IIoadln tisa landila ne been oking under a great train ha- hi' the Illinois Central. îrassad ont b>' Englanda strttng dis-s caus of_____rierusiessentres play of forces mis apparantl>' forgot- caus o!rom' avn bsinss vntues.tan ton tise moment. laver sine ha vras accepteti as a jurer. WILSON CAMPAIGN BEGUN Tise ioomlng ut an impenlal saluts Jutige Porlaniielti bas dounemus-b ta aid nocdtie procs ttsem la aaingWadro'sdam' uibasluVice Prealdent of Trust Company' le paror anti empreas. Tisa royal canniage li SIae Chaîrman of Commttea. tram b> four magailcent bouses mas t SIsoulti Waltmon returo on punis- - aImaiosît iden tram vew b>' the gayly 1 fllutmols hainustai usobm e- Chiscsago, Dec. 13.-Governor Wood- capanisoneti escort.T fora thea Hydie Meal Is finishesi. Evan on Wison'@ presideittial caupaiga Carrlage afttr carniage witis meto- If tise extremae penalty for is ast nanaras baguael lnois aben friendis an- bars ofthlie suite followad tise impenial assaeeti ha ould ha subiest oni>'ta nouneti a committea ais organîzation pair. Thse guard presenteti arma andti a fine o $50 or a tan days' jal san- anti praparedte t open heatiquartans tbe banda burit lotoetise royal antisam,, tans-e. bire ln a tan tisys. Tise comisineti processions piruceatietie . Sanator James A. Reed. acting as William C. Niblacis. vice presidant lowly to tise great central tane aan laialosecuotor b sHyntia a saon f a trust comp any sciairmanut tise tiseir majeaties stand Loe nas-Lv e isos- la nxius a g taWasingon s son organlxation commltea anti Frank H. age anti congratulatioof thte gasern- as possile, ant illeisr cases on tise jones, tonner assistant potmuater ors. rullng princes anti otiser epre- criminel dos-ket are crowding tisa pros- generai, ls t tise heati ot the linane-, îentativa ut Brtis indus ecutor's office. t la certain, iowevar, committee. Tise committeal. ilislaWien Ibis gorgeousl>' unitormeti that Proses-uton Conkling il not saad, urge a prealdential prImer> lanlUne a ia filer] pat tise Imperial andi abandon tisa prosas-ution, regardiesa of tiîs tate. vic-regal parties appeaned bietora tise tisefimie or tise tonne>'Involvati. tbeatar. Wisen tise> tool thiaîgse Tisa abte of tise molsing juron tlId SAETX RT SRIE on tise crisascu daisetise stratns ut tise tisapoice tisat ona ofthtie titre harnses SAETX RT SRIE national antliam mena board sand tbs Indte a>' niat, abl tis iappa a- rg aFle i 5Cnt n people arase as oaa personan ad itood lua giseaoutstabe isae aed Charel. ldn 5Cnt n$0 u profounsi silence. trons aes-spa. A boardi rlth rhicis for This Yser. I vas a pretî>' gnoup aroandtihie tise stable tonr am faitanet se dis- tour tbrones ofthtie empernr. tise em covered several feet ara>' ahen Bile Springfield, Il., Dec. 12.-The state pnoe,. the viceroy ant i vceraîne. ai mient taLie stable 1n tise mornng ta tax commission, compsaI of Governor tisa bas-k of rhIsclitise Importai and feedthtia iorsea. Stata Audtot reMs-Csl Michellbasntxd vîce-regal ataffs and tise Impenial sadet EtateAdtrMClogbsfidcorps.,sians-ionsof prIncai>' famillea. CHINSE EAC FAROFF thestate tax rate at 25 cents on tisa tarmad ln ranir. CIIINSE PECE FA OFF bumdras dollar valuation. TisefInt formaI ast of tis es-ramon>' This o aninr a tt f 5cents aven ý No Encourageniurst taco Anyonetali an b'isla sd ra perfortisat by tisa foreigu socre- forEalySeteeen. leontiatlonaseds bisaathe lagiesiau.etari', misaadvanced 1te edais and Hope frEry8timn rpiton ytesaelg ltr.aske permission ofthtie emparor te Tise tex rate ln 1909 ras 35 cents, in pentise durbar. At is signai a long Pakin, Dec. 13.-Atiougis future de- 1910 30 cents. Tise rata mliiiha sent roll tram tise drus and a thrillina vlapments ma> belie IsImtise pras- to count>' claki ta anaisia tisasatecaîî tram tisa bugles raree uda, eut indcations do net encourage an>' ex tendthet rates on couat>' taxes, folloreti b> a triomphant peaIi o great beape for a settiemant of Chitna'* mus-c fromntishe bauds. Tisen a nota troubla as a rasat of tise coaterence STATE CUlS OFF ANTITOXIN troatisa baralda' silîver trumpets rang betreen rapresantativai af tise rabais _____ ven tisa plain. and tise governimet ln ties ouLi. Tang Chicago Stations Are NotIfied SuppII( Tisai Brigadier Genera Payton, aI> Shso is mission ta Hankor la net expiastad ta yleîti mare tisan an ar- 10 Flght Dîphtherla Mas Ceased. pointeti "DeliI enald at arma extra- ranemet fr asubelqentordinarI "for tbe occasion, iteppeti tanamet fr asubequntconfer- Springfieldi, Iul.. Der- 13,-Dr. J. A. torrard ln al i glor>' of baraltila ens-e at Sianghsai ar Nankin, miicisEa.ssrtr'u iesaahat flhiiat rplseat iiida rout ol>'pras- 'ienegotlations iseaitis, notîfieti ailtisae antitoxîn sta-silence readtheLb.kings importat proc- aThe rut adfniar.e ot barmn>. Lios iCiicago that no more ani-. amation. At the conclusion of bic Tier t eblifns areoptdisare. Tse>'toxin roulti ha turnishedte t tem b>' taikh.o ns bis phuaed bat In tbe aperta li kepatthe enb lnd ae e sâe iauntii Jli' 1, 1912. air anti calletI forchcinera for tise king- thermue ai e ep u tie abeîln tit. ,Tisalegisature appsopnated onli' emperor. a dom-ad ti sch wuaireatill>' Lise~ ais bu8l00 tooi isayear for d1prtlnaanti- comPlied nUs bII Use complais-ant ass toiln for Chiciago. This appropriatIon camblaga, anti wbite tise troopa came Kilîs Wfe; Pleads rcIly. bas leen exiaustati. avina ta an un- te tisa royal mainte.,Lb.e"liong anti Terce Haute. loti- 1),Rugene pres-adautati tiamanti. leopards of Englaati"-tbe royal tan- lin> -y alias Vrancis :s, alias dard-mas unturleti andtIhUe artiller>' Franins ash, emsîsreilr- ni a ut gultt>' aircut la Long Put off. fired a aalute of 101 gong. lisen arraigned tn i 'ltcourtl Hardîn, Ill., Dec. 13 -Thint>' yeana Tisa king tisaisread i shsort speech. for tise mander of his f. Ionie Hol ago A. D.Fonler vonedt iat not until wricisgras profl5tly tranilateiltt ley, .ly 12. 1911 l.r-tle îlet bis1tise saloons raere removasi trosa tisa Hndustani isy anu ilet Interpreter. Yvite b>' administsnnsn,. r.isoroorm. itown would ha cut bits bain or sisava ant i atar anotber tanfine tise native h i biearti. Ha kept hls van religion»- rulari ativancedti t rentier bhumas. IY outil test Thuraday nisen Hardin Preceded byhi'vceroy lertI Harding. tise Nai Prof-nît>. votat dry. Tisan ha reot ta a barber Nism oi Haldenhati as premier Uo- is e rd "dam' ia tise naine of alaboli, anti hadl a hair eut anti siava. haiOislau!power of Intiua, ativanced nsalicoin uset lu indue antiutvey fOretaetaire Use aatis of alleglisice. and -aativalue, antila isethUe rLamne y- Haide Inquet; Drapa Dead. tban ln succesiont came tisa raiera ai su b>' tiakans ta a ornaiu mati of paper Vrgnie, Ilu.,Doe.13. - Coroner tisa grat feudatar>' tates of Bardo&. Put fite a iole ln tinrara misai menti- Charles M. Comminga ot Caa count>' Mysore. Kasismir, Pitila. Jaipussr, lng it for tht ' p-Lase ut preesmtlng tropplet deati ln Beardotownoris Travancore, Bananes aad mini' mars tisa solder tram running tbro'îgh. holding an Inquait aven tise botiy'oai The Geakrar of Baroda mas ts 1Bath meansutftPlle valua. go tieacex C J. HarpIe, niso die lafter a atî. catar aiattentioni. lbte tris trlgroupi, Pression reall>' meana i'ldont car _______ _antI Soropein beboldens gaoper! mIti tise value of a daims.' Feelng Man la Killed. amaxarment aItLise amaunt o! jetreis ho Plymoutis, Ill., Dec. 13.-WalLer De -mare. Rellahîse etimitas ofthtis valne garmie as, abat. anti aimost nstantl) of tisa gems aported bhi'thia pasrnta Plumber Rt. killet ahlte leelng tram tise seiffis Mairatta cblattalss piaced tise figure at Àn lti tory uamatetago iround o posia abluis bat cana te arreat bim on 11lm 0. Ob plomber who kapt Ia lot of rata tui a s-arge of stealîng a hanse. Then atter mare fanfares thse king bbisabois lu atraos, anti aien bhoihal .._____anti qnaenmatie tiseirva>'te tise a cii alaya 00k ne aong.Tis Ceihratsi 12d Dnthdy ,iied llatorm. mitin rien of tise EMERRO~.FflGlfI7 KigGog .o nln A Penylaia ' Oman 1" ysez üd la recovering tram an operation or appendIcitis. Perbapi she haî Led en long that ber table ot con, tst la aumcient without a.ny appen dix.-Troy TImes SUICIDE MAY BE SLAYER "d>' Found Answeri Deacription 0' Mysterlous "Fred" In Kauf man Case. Lombard, Ill, Dec. 13-The body o ayoung man found in a field na aere, ii b.llived t tcb t t ofmY trlous *Fred," one of the alaYers0 irs. Edmund Kautman ln thicagc Tha Otan haticommltted suicide 1b tking carbollc acid. The description of the' poison vi( tim la almoat identical with thatc one ofthtie three bandits wliom ROI ert Channeil. 1n hls confession ta th poice, says he drove to the Eceue the crime. 627 Roacoe street. AN EXTRA LOT 0f CLERKS SEUN IN THE STORES. Many Local Stores Nearly Double Their Forces as Christmas Draws Near. Shopping RuaStarted ln Dead Earnest, Âccordiig to Local Business Men. PORTER CHARLTON. JU6EPERSONS Whse#%pélte Supreme Court EXPLAINS NEW ACT May' Nt Sa Heiid Until191 TO SUPERYISÔ«S Says New Poor Act of Stafs Places Handlinq of Peur'. lIn Courts' Haeds But Urges Supervisèe ?t là# Counfy to Co-Opirits WIth Hlm lni Ail Cases Stor Aimto W e Godi-Today Judge Prons ent b.aarql Stoea Im o akeConi-the supervisera and explainedto t W tion8 Such that Uual Uthe workinga of te ner «foie Il a itv. Horror is ElIminated. efing aid te poor ln the nhatureeta mothari,' îpension joct. ILla necesow' 1-neChrstma 'rah"for he er-for thes upervisors of varous cotti ch at Crcist a s 'rub h"t orths( e e r- lo uv r such a n Item In, tïa h ntsmoreticail onhg n lait e nxta i y appropriations and Lake, It clr s en o t o r tun red extra th 6lr counties,, la gettng ready .o , dent ran ondutyfor Isereman-.plan for fi when thse next apffppWO lng two reeks before Christmas huai- fliou ta made. nous. Nexi week wnu îseaboutliltty oin odts or bs more axtras' for tbhO final waak shoti- . tie e r reall akethe ar, of pins.thse ljir ontut oftse babts of thse amii Extra Cierke Large Force. p'~ tervisors and places it undeç the ccunty Jutige, but ho stated iat b r The number of extra clarks in ail Tig Antiquit>' 01 Mon, fait dte poormaater of ai] townshps the stores te much lurger than last t fh anbeen known durIna a lo08 ehoultd work witb the indge lns doter- year that shopping msy ho more lime that in western Europe man ex mîoîng the manite ot applicaiiona. H.e quickly sinea and may be more ot a Iited duiig thse glacil epocis We icnow ugse htwuvraCselu, pleasura than a borroir. that thse great tee nga consiited of di -t- ugtdth atrisenr awthtejel . Wltb tIsa comhtnaUion of steelailliferotgacial ies 1 s-laaitisoos la, >t'<aise hooftentiniem basdata At psy night and the lrai evaning Wan- anar lino droppad 3000 te, 4.000 e1 I aud wais i i e a vluable Lo tii. *kegan merchants kept their stores belor Its present level ln the Allie. court in ;4.sSftg on appllceiaesi. '111 nopen for tise evenior tisera ras s hisk whera ln Intergtsclai times fit lI&hbard gleaneti maay fieLs tram thes La business tisat catsed storalceepaesto about 1,000 teet biglier than ai Prai- judgas tetLk regardlng thia ner ct rejoice. enLa Ts te ise eferat ure cassats 10 ahis-i e ot ganermlly unde<toOd lit isyean higiser In thea intergial*mithea Mate. Tisa jewelry stores practicaly itart- perioda than lt fi rua. Tsr _________________ ed thair extra ruaht work tisa firet ut la abundint evIdence. lu tish pî- lthe montit, sud thara haa bean a grad- i on Out P nck. that mnu exIsted ual growtb ln thea sales sinca tisen r durnsg the beginving of the lisil gis Tise toy stores and tisese tepartasentieliai ch-hTsere ltanme 11r1h tt sa5CoiW thinlcing btiss t 1ast 20,00 OMarae C o ti )fof tisa big stores annually requira 8ev h ave elàpued asine the lait glaCiatiCo 239 Madison Strett eral extra cterks as thse numiar outné-e;ad tisaI tise ,sn risose jawbonevasi Waulcegan, ili. chanis-al sud other tuys iiicreasa tii )Ytofun I n 1909 near Heidelberg lUved f tise score,.r1208.000 yras go scierstifle Amer. Itnerii ircctole [Ir -ýr Uceri6eb lemUaimc< of Women as jewelet*e. VrI a mbiilanCe Women as ilivaramitha anti Jewel-1 Malte Right Us. 01 MonO>'. ar: re0.rsl a0nunsn d Monai la sublime or rldiculosa, PHONE 21. DAY or NIGlIt Many are abc ing beautitul wurk cording *9 tise -m-ilou as 1l., lMiss BrookOe Clarkie ut Londion bas_________________ of doue ronderful work ln thie treas.ment )-of crystais a.nd ln mouaiting ametissU itafir aid Florentine deaigna. Miss of Vyes andI Misa Remington ibowed tu London recentl>' remarkabie desivna in neckace, pendants and id cilver. Sn i l n 1By BUYING FURNITURE yrou are tiot onW making the individtsal happy for whom you purc Mà,- the article but the art1ett' le a pleasure to trhie whole home. Buy a M orris Chair Give lier Phoenix Mufflers Make Fine Glfts - - They coma ln a neat littie box, aIl ready ta senti. Tbay araeIsot par fecti>', go tiat thieabcahaguaran- 1usd. For ladie tise mutilera ara of rool anti of sis, sand range ln pris-a frein Mec to $1.60. For men thse offerings are about tise samie and rangs f0 $1t60. Phoenix Mufflers came In ail shadas. A ver>' comploeshaownna of muff loers, knit, silk anti moL inready for Gift ASuker@. You cao ise sure Liat a muffior iii ho Vary acceptable. he B IwTea Cbftlre jý77,E(.af UTO <N for the home, we carry 20 distinct styles in oak, mahogany or early Eng- lish finish, the famous ROYAL PUSH BUT- TON KInD, at $975~ SPECIAL THIS WEEK A 9xl2Genuine Ax. Rug, ini floral, orientail or medallion design, $1890 A Beautiful Princeas Dresser. We have just purchas.d a carload of cane goods ftrom a New York con- cern and you now haver the advantage of a largec selection as Wel asa low,% price since Vo purobas. ed these dresiseraaAt- 33 1-3% dlaolunt.. clal this weekc, a Biu'4la- oye Maple Dresser, 8 drawers, a. lare mirrori., a regalar 22.0 v" t: special $ * yt ..s v-c Get lier Gloves Tati may not ha qulte-aura of tise si.e h. wears, yet glovea are the ana hait gift. Get a itt Cartificata .and write on it just abat klnd of giavas yau rs ber ta hava, and sha can coma iln &.y time baefore or after Christmas andi pick tisam 0"t. Gloves andi Certificates cao beha a on first filor, rigst aisa. b - 1 1 T,Àvlql VnTrKirv lInnirrrýjnlrwT- VRTDI&'V. T)-VýCEMBER 15.1911. 1 jQlaio wM be flat t a*oidi eng lu - wltoan enoffl enrChe am Mfr. opne eU oWe' es tha Th Doub veret UDI~ Qtain * pull Chtar tber1 nt The~ utieN &go.t