f mm deUI i1'tie. T*. U"umod W.. Wsikur and vite te C. J. J«8 lot 10 blok 2, Ikain. uff- e biOu. Waukeun. ,W. D., i.8180 Margartisa W.ln.rtao.. LW'eld- uer, lot 15, Browns îubs41vllou lu sec- tion 13, Veruon toW'nblp, W. Di, $50. Mabeile F. liook and bastiand to IL C. Rook, oit 25 teo f lot 3 block S. êalike, W. D., $1.500. 1fIX W. Hawkint a»d viS to Çtty o! 1*fland Park. "nrtof!lot , 6"ofo lota 6'and 6. block 3t, Hlghland Park, &Dr 9t. q. C. D., $1. John., 55.50a and iA tf e tA . 3. IL &rennemau to Dr. IL Ic. Be- Sebeppera pant of lot 1. euh of lot 50, beffl% 19 lots la l*ke Bluff, M., 'I$. Lake forent, Q. C., $1. L. W. Dreacher and vIte ta Rubyl W. R. Johamon and sefe to C. ben- Ugck sd buaband. 2W fot front on ciont, part of lot 30, Highwood, W. D. Oratid avenue. vlliage or Ournee. Wj. ID., $3M. T *H «Dîrst and w1f e to Stella H. Ada D. Adams to llary la. Doud, lot Kraft. nortji part of lots 1 and 2 ln 4 1, block 70, North CiuIcago, W. D.. $1. block 1, Durts West Bide euh Wau- ilaster ln Oganoery te G. R. Thorne, kegau. Q. C.. $1. lof &>lock "À", Hghland Park. deeti 4 ,C Prles anud siftg 50C. p. D5hflt5. t7,49 7. 1 two lots lu 'Village o! Wauconda, W. Emt Bitinski teJ. A. Slepfcka ID., $1. and Joeephine Neilsen. 1 acre at Dia-I John BastieY Io Viande M. Haseley, loid iLa.ke, W. D. $40lotWlu tie eouthwest quarter of thea W W. Griffts and wlfe to John GOrtf- ortbn ea-st Quarter of section 26. Wau- ftuh, lot 98, Green Bav add làake For-* couda town8hip, W. D, 2. ff. w 1). $10. I J. Wright be<C. J. Wright, 135.66 T. I X dell and vife te A. G. Wat- aoree in section 19 and .10, Warren son, Iota 11, 12 and 13, finears sdd township, W. D.. $1. te Aitioch, W. . $1.900. Adeline S. Mlorey et ai t0 E. E. 0. A. Kropp and Wife te t. A. Kropp ,ý Kingste3 and wife. Wst 39 feo ot lot 23 and eust 10 feet of lot 24, Ed- 13, block .1. Kirk & Powelis add Wau- wards sub lu section 21, Avon towfl. kegan, Q. C., $1. aip, W. D. $L. F .W .Buck and wife te Hull Hous Htate t .J. F. Doyle. deceased, ta Asan, 75 acres known as Haines tract 0. F. Utîdahl, north 40 foot of lot 18. north of and adjacent te Waukegau, %nuderlin'a euh, Waukegan. Deeds. $1. W. D., $29,000. LecSnTis Profession Se take you from a lie of La hor and Drudiery nd - a Pro sis htI. asymd rICial1 T- * .... Superior to AU l * < Druglesa Meth. -j * ~ ods of Healing - -Maàtered by our Course ionly Four Months. The life o ua - .i. beig attbhe Lt is hort, * short years grinding outà Ffro fTA a hare exstance. deny- T 77. ing vonoael! mauy pleasures and even necesities, ruining your healih with f db'i sud confinement, when hy devoting a few short hours each day it s poasibie to learnansd enter a profession thai wîll enabie you tu caro f ront $2050» fi> 850.00 per inonth. CRIROPRATIC >,,, e -l tn. oa b l te the artea n oit..Diases 0 f ail kînd amare aIrkY ..d P-rn....oîiy rild toa shot time by flbkeraio. Suffering iope am rr mnz more and muire ever day the o1 o in iof -ens. gdte" tofet e. tofudrhe orso »u7~ mdkiamepifula prao, Thtisipdoofaon or vocaion todai, for mtom oit .nmerf bat j, not overcro.sded. W ha" bnodaforentrequeot.ouoslie for lioctor, of Chîri = .f rmail over lb. Fora=Iin iddiftio gn musthe.boata"it otetcoursaeuta m nm" alot. Our ed ndzutrfiWe boobet of Cble.uf otose;;kth fu]o ato____ :Meodngourra 1c .Course, teronisetc We hafro a t-rof0 on embachrestio W op«rbookWotaboilutl, FMM NATIOAl. UOOL or cnuRoIRA'iC. 100owà&U nldi g mc<O .11 t- ADJUDICATION NOTIÇL. >Puiblie notice la hereby given that the Subicriber ÂdmuInItrator o f th«. estate of Sarah (0. IDue"andoeit, k ilI attend the Ccnty Court et I*be County, at a tortu thereof te b. bol. ttn ltthié C&M touie ln -Wakbesii flu Bail Ceanty on the ftrst IÇos4iy of rebruary nezt, 1912. visansd vbere au t,î~oabaving cmpt aataiRt oald NitatamirenaliSel Mdl requested te premefit the. mare te Mai Court for adjudlcstou. NENUT C. DtiRAND, Adilinitramtor. W'aukegau, Dec. 4, 1911. 1 No. 4-lu. Dec. 8-15-n229 ADJUDICATION NOTICIL Publie notice la herohy given that the Subicriber Bx.cutor of the. last WIII and Testament et Lucy Stahi, de- ceased. yull attend thse Couuty Court of Lakne County, ai a terrm thereot to ba bolden aithte Court House lu Wau- ekegan, lu sad Couuty. ou the firet 1- 'onday o!fehiéruary next, 1912, wben and where ail persons iaving clalms ,agaInet sald Estate are notified andi roqueated to present the sanie to, îaid Court for adjudication. ALBERT J. STAHI. Executor.. Wauikogau, Dec. 4. 1911. M uartin, C. Decker, Attorney. No. 3-lu. Dec. 8-16~-22-29 ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publiec notice le berehy given th*t tie Suscriber Executors o! the lIstat. o! Calvin Durand. deceased. -sell et tend the County Court of Lake Cou»u. ty. et a term. thereof to lie bolden et the Court Ùouse ln Waukegau, ln ad County, ou the fint Monday ut Fehruary next, 1912. wbeu and vhere ail persona iavfng dlama againat iaid Estate are notified and requesteit to present the aame oB aid Court for adjudication. HENRY C. DURAND and STATE BANK 0F CHICAGO Wruîîkegau, Dec. 4, 1911. Executors, No. 5-Iu. Dec. 8 15-22-29 A tdjudlication Notice. 1'tiblir notice is iereby glru tl'at Tili- iilior-rîber adliîiuistrator of flhe r rstiîre otftLillie -'. Taggart, decriased, 1. ii iiiatrtdiitTe foiinis <'oui-Io! 1,si{e Tý1ir *,, ai «i ternii theireof To be h>IdI-ti rt thý ihou i flîiotuinWaukegsu ln zu(uli orii o n the liraI ltondav or rlarth nexr. l1912.stien and where ail r r' --o. lisI tc laintos against aaid r KTali- are nri'iied anid requffestei o lîresefit fhe sue to sald Court for ail judîicaîIti t-LNIER E. WOOD. Admniltratoi of the Estate of Lilîle C. Taggart. tio<eased. SA.V. Smith, attorney for admnuir tr&tor. Waukegan, MI., Dec. 20. 1911. State of Illinois, Cotinty o! Lakne, as:- In tIse matter of the estate of Fred- erîck Hubo, au Incompetent pet-son. Near thé Post Office, Waukegan SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE SpecuilAssentiment Warrant No. à Ni i- liitiii nticc a i rety guen fliart fiýý(-mrtst'ourt nofILake County, I lliuîie l-4 ri-nderci uudgmit fuir a olpt.iaisi uni-vr tîcîtutuit tpii up-ty helie.- tihiriltyii r u- , lîwing tnuprios meut: A eOîoivi u .m% ît(if aewt'rsiwitiu fluoi-, mtuoihirles tir i houser ionnî'tîon eiiants in tir- illKjý on Lii'artsrrulle, Laie Coituii-hlr'r iot î'rc at a tuanhile lun the ienter lmn- o iivi -ionii treýet, îaid man- luiti uiig 1il(;fifrt wr-rt'rlI iu-iur afriulthii'.,-ilmterrltiin- o -idDliv'ision stlrrt Irî)r ritme wafu-rly blie,-pruîîued tiarthirlv if tu[i,) utîc Flot Asdi- iil ta ii lr're sîdiviaiuîti. accordirg ù-. tii'lplaftlererof re.îordrd in Bo<ok Coit Pinta page 31;, and roui 1ig titenue - .oiitl.rly I 1-t alttîg a lins deerrit'..u as ijlrilwe htginting aisa point in the ceer m ini "f iri-Ion iitreet, wiich la 114; 1.et ncnterly frunî the weateffy Ilin pro d ui eilnr rtheirly o! Lot lt intutolier'. Ficol Adulîtîi ii Butler. stubdivision mtisii.ad tiience rurtîing lu a muiUtIwirry diliration tuia pioint <su the f5irtl i le uofPark Ave., wnhhnla401 fout wemte'cir rruîtheit'uhn et c-rnmer tof lAt 1iii mi d Ilutter' Frst Addition- to Butler. aibîdivisiou. As wihi more lilli. appui roui the certitied copy of tihe judimetuît on file In My uoffice; Shat lhe iSSiTiSttflorthe cilieptiuoî ofl eci amers rient j. lu the banda uof the under- migîied tII ferootsti oareiil.-d areherp- iiy nutified t,, c-i and pay thes aniuunt aeeelod rnt the rillecfor'î attielute 11,-ti lildut -,au, called, lu te village of llibatyvil'e sithin thirty dayî front the aIot'lâ-ru-id. Dafesi Ulba21 nt day of Decenter, A. D» T -i NSiniAtlitLE (ollector. i Oummserva*jrgelé or teRm AtQ. publie il la 10herby siff en b b~viiti d; ocretal ordier of the Couaty Coilt qt Lakne Ootity, td if lln4ls, »nW&#od at fthe Deceoupafi ?nrmtf ld court, A. Ix 1911, on th! 1 Vator 0f r deqt Ilubui, an nof. tent p'ersan. ta s»M the wbole of tie ltomesiated 1tiWaof tbp ;ai-i Iree erlek Ituba lu the. folowlug dmerlb. et le îos ete. toêit: AUl tlat part of the North hal! of section 31, Týownhip 43 North, Range 12 Bu.t or the Third Principal Marld. lan. in'Lake County, lîlInola, deAbail au -tolovi; tavît: Commxnciftg on the West lias 0f saad North West Quarter 43 roda and 16 lin ks South of the North West corner thereof; stbee Faut paraliel with the North line of saià Section 248 roda sud.'14 links, thence South 43 roda anct 16 links; thenoe West 160 roda: thenDA' South 4 rode; thence West to the West ineo o!said North West Quaur- ter: theuce North 47 roda auj 16 links foo the place of heglnniug. Also the South bal! of the NortbhEast Quar- ter o! the North East Quarter of Sec- tion 36, Township 43 VJorth, Range 11 East o! the Third l'riuclpai Me-fdiau, lu Lakne County Illinois. 1 ahail on the 3tb day of Decemijer. A. D. 1911, Bt the East. Main otrance to the Court Housesof!salid Lakne ,Couuty lu the City of Wiukegs.n, County of Lakne andi State of Illinois, at the hour of 1 o'cloci P. NI.oel ail the honiestead Intereot <t! said Fred. orick Huh lu and to the sald rma estate at public vendue b ftho higheat and hait ltdfer for cash. Waukegan, DL,. Dec. 5th, A. D. 19)11 WILLIAM HIUHN, Conervator of Fredericb f ihn. an In- competent'Pean. MfarfIn C. Decker, Atty. for petitionir, No.7-Dec. 8-15-22. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Specisi Assesoment Warrant No. 5 Notice: Publiec li irs ierebîv gîsea that the Couot * Court ot Lake Coîuty, Illinois lias înieeijuigieft for a 8pec-s ia s8efenfieit upn piîrolerty tii-ue ftesi bv tilt' iiliiwiuiri)roveuieut:A coîî,-s-ta-d stet, iiin f ewerd wn îfh lushes. iuanhlesa and l i-icoi ifiitiiido , ini th, "fl r- t lisrt3 firle.Lake CouTt, llmIiiiV tîiiif - gi t i lie itti.ioo,t in of ti'. ücuito i-r i i iTiirot i'tre.-t lpri du(-ail vo rt41l-iv i y thIre rota-r Ime ofi lr,îuil way.sUd rqîîitîii r T c iýi- - uttlîî rl aloutW h.cen'i.r hue iii Pirpt sfrct a ilsotasuce ni 7!j7. fret, ns nl imore fulli, appear from the v- ertit. il î-opy orT ti, judguient o I1. lii n uiY office; fiat thie warrant for the collection of aueh aseo- ment i in the lbande of the umdersgîed. AIl persoos iut,'restrd are hereI.ynîîoliOed to rail andl psy tiie- uontlultn,-oed at the i .rt raoftfice in the Heatih 13dg.. sum lld uti titi'village of Lihertyville, witi thlrty da3 a fronit te date hereol. Datesi this 21st dut of D)eember, A. D. 1911. SPEC9AL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Speclal Aaaosam.oit Warrant No. 6 Nagis:Public notice i@ hi î'eioy, iven tbaIiste C'urtjy Court of l4ke (upnu Illinis, aies renderisd judgutft>r opecitil aa»*».OelOcft upon priJpeitý7 hepe-. fitesi by the iulioit i urov , elî: A' ciouurcted omiteiuiof sewers wii aheei nialitioit.o anîiiiiii( î-onuetfon aIa iu the v iiilau. :,,[ Libirtyville, Lake Criunty. lîlinoîs, i 'omrpeuc-iîîg aut heientersectio utthe r-enter fine (il Third sireet in said village pioduccd n'rtiierly iry tii,- 1enter fne of <reiîird tt,t ,and iminàur tiiette soutiieri' uirig teii, -nter iii,- utThird etr rt î îi'iuo.-ii I- 49 5feet. as ivili fi le juigilerît îîî file ini uîy otile; that t fie a frraiT fior tii, - îliei-tioti of ,i tcli oigni-i l Xr- itutu.-rateil ait, hrr- ty iuutiiîî i ni iii frî îov ti,- antount arésed ai iit,-u,,lrfiu'uîilice inth fe I--tii Mig s) ai iled fin thle village of Libeurty wir iiiîfttirfy liifroffithe ilu'Lie PAE T!The Boit Xmas Gift for a I &boy lin .retr- ood raîdinu To Veo it aeod 8 conta today fer lesdint boy, nionthlmaifo f Aumorfci. 151gb (Usa. %tort«.. ouato a nluy. avos, laes. eectreiia. meehmieïl. eirtwy, sirele,.. vi- rLpotcY. Paie. eAiplut<. Si aIO d r ondeps. Keepa 0CMboys lsterem"é now. 8Sent t tbreebonne a wole yenr for $1. in HE ATINALY<)tYH. Radais y i satvf !ev o!fthebotelabels wblch bave long beena tih particular prillOf tout-its. TiLe rémion givua la that the Nuropean batela propris tat are nov abaiudoulus thse bagaf label aà s forni of advertiismeat, lat favor o! pîcturo cards, vith wvieis Slîey supply tudr gueta.-Youth'n t2ompanLou. J"7 IL voit r women Tia. Spublie ao 14 I brepI- 'è*,la- th~*i funy eftote& j@0,KDaiy Du fer s ArToo10»dlu d a tecio.y oju ta nlvu iel Thoiarmet der uofkldnY routisoe _ robeeoaeitl an-d jý aahtgw oisesSt bold beonUn, -4h. m@ lu g, lu einal7ttnbloi, dro« e.., whe nt pile th e telmy ", ,, BoiIoD. DONSeea er snply ipes o w ad asaIDvs ounées, atil aJo res, dro 'A fie .l andtitisle lltg. - esa, nortbrly <> tsl or t ate'oi" ui- mes upy ln.~ . ll. Do3 l pIe, Wo" Lot 01B 8 ioFit Ad.t4j', ay: iweInpo ialthfor n"M Butong @sudlv aliteouringter i rweea ii e new vitav plat thelru-crly lu B o CéofPlas ge tari6suwie Ai! eeileal vo kg on~~~~~ ~ pag 11. teuc runlnueoSbslj u 1"1. . . aotoryt ttalhe 60.r et b a peintYp aJét F.iaMe o é el1< i b tit Buter'* saldivcmili trou ntsu ~ the l The eaut; ezetikow w tIrI nien AS@e nw hii an cutrnee1Pt, mi e trengtb andi en.rg laiS. As 1 hal l béI A"o ith ein4ie t @batl ou »Idolten board about Ilt>an'a Kldner. PlUs. I.n.a point arl lin1, produesoterly othe 1I lnslly began uaing titeu. 1 hal Dot stats e weeeri fieprouce sothrlytu -etakon thoin log belon i louaI relief. vatebei poet staer iupplY d O otiS1 lu An 1continuel the use tof titisreluedy. wuig .id Butler's liraS Ad Ition tutoButler'@i fbge r stesduls y u..andntth p umt Wbl Subdilslon ail lu the vif lageot Liberty- tinte.1 mprjyugm ovlatt e hslipa hef h ville. Lake Uounty. Illinote. as willi mor tn r e ommend batte? Kineallons mU fully appear frotu tho- rertitfd elopy of ilt otgîy rey mmeusVe. Kl ti un t ha judgmant on file li [Dy office; that Ftr sale h &ldue er."50cot"ILmoBn the warrant for the ecollectiono uo . F aite 1 ilde C. fal o Nenok e o i amesoouuent le in thbanade of te uoer- -le stntIorBh, Un O.io Ntvates , avnd lgned i.-ýl penionelntrosted areherehy o<ile get.fr te UolSe-doSae.. ud coi notîllol tu cali ond pay the amnoeuntaReoember.te nm-oni-u r r aggegéed ai the collectora Office on tk tht.12-2 bave ftr Mlvaubseý Ave,, lu aafd village witbtn lions, i 80 day. fron thle date itereof. throngeî Dated this. fth day of Dereuthber. A. 1). Pasilng of the Label. lee re 1911. e-il-il mut caes.and trunka of returning b. endu AUSTIN &-cnSAaeLELE, Colleetor. Ilaysies a re pastel! «ver titis yva.1 tmmi. à Look for the Name of Tha>ý, Cable Company en thé- Piano You Buyý- When you see the name of THE #CABIL3 COMPANY on the frontboard of a piano, you ca1u b. sure that it is the kind of an instrument youwant. The Cable Çompany bis i fthe- cld established institutions ln the- piano btisinespc, anîd lias hit its repîîtation on the merits of its productions. Lt gives its writteiî guarafîtte- witlie,% ery one- of itui pianfos, thîîs assuring buyer., of absolttê satisfac-tioni. Th'Ie productions cf the (Cm panyv are iin use in trvery community iui the UDited States. andl are praised hy the n iîost prominent intihicaiis and muh;ical collegtus. The Cable Company is a respionsible inîstitutiuun. It is in a Ire4ition to fuifilil its guararîtees. and always ha. for its aim' the satisfaction ofthie buîyer- facts prcved by nicre than thlrtyI y cars of making anîd selling pianos. Ask your baitker about this Compatny. 'IThest and iîîaîîy other rea8orîs inake it tii yuur advantagu- tc purehase au] inatrni- ment oni whieh The Cable Companys ninme appears. Yoil tati seec tiiese pianos at Ingall's Jewelry Store, Waukega, n P ay's Furniture Store, Libertyville We have more than 70 designs, woods and finiahea for you to choose fro m in thet Cono ver, Cable, Kingsbury Wellington and Inner.-Player Piano Pianos ta Rent -If you are not qîtite ready to btîy you tan rent a good instre. ment froîn lis. If yoti purchase withiiî a year, what yoîî have paid iu rentâ~ will he applied cln the- price. SPECIAL I3ARGAINS IN USED PIANOS We always batte a number of pianos wbicti have boom rented for a time or taken in exchange whioh wO mark et very 10W prices and seli on very liberal terms. CHICAGO I. I+IA ~b. BAI limuep. womULi. influs vne 0 tq Mu boyth*avo Tlat Inetii gf flse o. tibe ye r po:A.7e out mer.thererrs et Ue theu e vvig morteu vllhtnlyrelg 6 l the jur up .Nf Do not miss the Great Sale at IWINS eFiday and Saturday Dcc. 22 and 23 Ail prices cut away down *flpar tatu -adegding fon *0t 1 golgrettail 'WOuidr. *l4d * Preto Bei-onu ter noai et about mode hy cffe t h ily wbkc 4ta prevet Idt - writi 1 1 T. P. DURKIN, Spècial Rqn««"-*