Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Dec 1911, p. 8

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p ~LAKE COUINTY INDEPENDENT, FRILDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1911____ News of Waukegan and the North Shore COUNTY aIfl~~ TAFT DECLINES TO ~ the diao h sent.ftheChiago laly FRANK SULLIVA14 HURT ]&er bis body ws polsed ln i mdair;T eld îlo e.2 INTW N ID RON Y A DS T F ECOIIMEND O NE ews Wedneeday. Hoe aidhowover thon it began hurtling toward the T B-Md - - pDe. 7 DIN M an R.fua D In UicP~ RE O M N O E that the preuidente answer te Mrsground. Hoe truck on Whie eManReude.ln heFnlç Keougix was theOonly posIbone Falls Thirty-fi-ve Feet and 10w iworkrnen rushod ulit sie lm iector W.W. Love of Christ churcix ers' Hearlng Whon CalI.d for Jr [NW R IY Says Action Must Come From which wa to be expected, due te the Sustains Serious Injuries An anmbulancewas suruxfloned and the SundaY announced that the consecra AfOJury.akegn ae State Legslature frt that uiess Cxýni,,esa woe peti- ni red maxi wasaremoved tethe Jane flOof Archde&axn William E. Toitls AobrWuea a a en Uuperviao Cails Atention -tioned to rivatfthe question ln a na-MA te opia.A1hscinwS j'ffragan blahop of the Chicago d>Io Peremptoriy chailexged a a inryma. of1 Board to lUnusual Case Astaff correspiondent of fixe Chicago tional wsy, te IliInois legislature Fxixk Sullivan, marriedail m- auipmoned and it was fonnd thet thoeeeof the hpeeclpal churchx will lake fl t he packerstriai ln Chlongo. use Bide. Newus, Wed, Dec. 14, telegraphed would ho the only body bavixig inria 'PlOYeOfo the ChiCaCx Te ephoxie coin manxise inuris were ment serious. Place on )ece¶nber 27 lni Grace churcixawa h eor-eadsl e on South bke is paper the mnesage beiow, one diction over the situation. , PauJY In Wskukefii5 su eàe a coilé-Feare for bi% recovery are enter- nCiao adn .p idraapxsc wblch viifally InA erettse'ery renfldent When asked as te his opinion of ffrcueifthxe lc boe tied ikets or dmlission are nocessarY I before the u tnsel: Docare Pauper a. Family of Wauiegan and Lake county ho- action whicix wlll 110W be takeul by log and probably Interna]Iinjuries Somie are of the opinion that Sului and "persenos adestring to attexxd tixe George L. Wilder, retlred farxx>s lot4 Lues inHouse Pee, aud cause o!fihe fact that theo movount Mrs. Kesoxgix. Fatber GavIxi emled and when ho etl hrty-live feet toeixe f ro- vans fixigers s cre so numnbed from'Ceremcny were told they couid gtWuos adh x4tknpttl fer establiahing a five mile dry zone said hoe thought it best te wait fer theu zOxiground from a telephone pole in workixig lni the open air that ho them hy making application to a__n oru*Oelby, M 0'ner Sha.res Food. aotalg}e-mnfrsrthxalireoto lei~eviww.c llu ie rear tof the Socurlty Savings bank fixougit ho lhaitadjusted thei'catch 1 te e a udy îi ntkon ~ ~ 41tf discuntoau5w Illinois was tarted rigit bore in Wau h=odY he foxtboing from the TuosdaY Mtonng. Ho lies at fixe Jane bis helt uhexi lnireality oiyfx dehon many admiission tickets ca e hotriust progecutioxiseand the right affect he new aval 4rinlng sation Wlliam Dnnecrrticdeltcondietions auonticaiicwa. cndieipn Sullcvndwlî aemanerlargd crowan lrgrorrod from hrouththoth d - nenaos cas o OwsH ue at North Chicago: ReaiLiqiior fDealers association The falixra Of thxe catch on bis lire -end wusaby no mienxe, an amateurfilnccnse, but an effort willlho Madetf0 I've ('orne te the conclusioni tu and Gives Them Renlt. Waitn D . e. 3-r. wlinskEnd for he vows on fixe mat- boit te fasten lI the iroxi ring uhîixb the une ôetfthe lite boit. gel soate for ail tboqe froi ere uwho tbey siould net hbroken upi., but thx« W. C. H. Keougli of Clicago, se- 1rtdy sl that there le litho tixat la snpposed te iotd Il in place, i o hbatn.sxudh euae. .u0."ut compaflieflby Reproseetative Geo. Ineeda hoe, aid. Hoeelad Ibat tea-lieved btehave beexi the cause of the esThe Ya enec That the poormsters of Waukegan E. ou, reetedto President «ocation bas taken no part li ox ccident. Eg Itcko,-le omrW ll.Cr i t le rv4ais d, unsoreot yaro!s fo obt bttatw sytom 1 etiir toahiPahave abardtime da apetition signefi by rontrOveray anid that ho for one, did rThe foremxan tof the crew uhicix lea Eign aerok, -heo rmrWuhit hicxhopiyfr2 eesfrma. pImdbg county aid jut wbere it is e.kgn abuwio pxtii tSdthrfr iecnertraarei. ups yuwl eoslefa @aved md lieut somelîmea Iieof- 1,200 mothera of Lake ccunty, 1111_ nol wuboher or neta fiveme ocbangîng a telephono cable was n Hut & Co, sold croked' desand o lao Iprtnc t isfrenshei4> rfth cka r etted.ete. it. i ue a lnowingly mispleced but noia, aaklng that a five mle limîit zoxne ig placed about tixe naval Scheol thbe polo et thxe ttxne Sullivan took Mos marked carda, asa sentenced te tbree 'abouts.prft"ngetdM.ile. tey colinot hlp il, wusa aiowxi con- bc placed aroundi the naval train- eand lrl Sheridlan. terrible plunge. He saYs Ibat Sexli- yeare lni the federa.l prison et even- 'Y. I woxld, but theras la a sip o luively te the supervisons Thurs- igsho tNrhCiaowt-_________ van reached about the polo to adjuet wortb, Kan., hytJusige Lexdis Satur- Fryfu er g oia IU-sôxieuhere. soune onie le repoufflé, day hen upeviao itnry eac n vich the sale of liquer should theu c ~ ~ l ix atch Ilxis ielite belt and appar- <ay. lie was charged ultix ueing fixe e!tyvtlle, ocrred the uarriage of for the uxrea8oxably bigaprie. I of Waakegan tbld oi an Instance on rhbtf.V~ U Vl eL .F eni hub x xa oes o iemaile to detraud. Giessen HI. Stafford f0 Mary McCure. dont know wixo h) le.but hoiegla miam anu th south éaide wbere the counîy The presîdent told -Mr. Kough next moment hoe straigbtexied up, ex-_________ Mr. and Mrs. Stafford live on Grand th i hua om.wbete." bu beau glvlng aid te a neeiy femîîy lhewould be glad ta accede ta the FO 259000peci ng fixe boit woujd bold hlm safos- F'rank T. iîùwler expecte te retura avene and are amoig fixe ountrys Wider afferxiaicJng thise adinW 4 m a aie to one net claseed undur lixat requet If it lay withln hie power ly. home freinfixe weet Suxiday. accord- beait known resldenta. Mis Adel Ray ilons was peremptorily chalioeugod b 1101,1.andi polited out that the order It sa a fatal miatake; for 'a second ixig te postale reeoived bore today. o! Ournee 'spent Sondait ultix fiein. tedfn Ne pays there le a famiiy wbere the aaked in a maer frthe decialon TeGnrlM ngro i besluand tend father la a consumiptîve ai the Illinois legllature alane. Company Brings Action &".dla very elck. belng uxahie lt work The petitian was Interdenomîfla- Against Overseer. ti unl lee l cutyad itn- And bore la uliat the Chicago on Ho te S ppieRepairs Long Distance Phone *"WaUkean" 213 ti haml eelp h e amil y a . I lit tlla.imsH R dArranged Suples body de-.nDd they bave reoelvod IL ga5id on ithte motter: H dSoae But thIe Point le.,fixaI whte help- 'Presidoxt Taft tlid Mre. Kough j Make a Big Purchase of lus thme eey ad wrfxy eope.that the goverusmont was powerlese li the, Zion Estate. ~r uu a Uic ouny leais bengOnuwbo thie nmotter and that tixe elate legis-V 1 E l~ I E II~ V~i ' s ' ' lit a cbarlly patient et ail, but uho Aaxr ln cudet nd Claims that Ho is En- ~I NE ~ W C .I~ ~ Ih son th. ot hand ouns Property. The Brlofly lxterperted, the message titled te Commissions asE.J rp rtiferd te la tie fther o!rfthe ulfe statee tiaf President Taft feels fixaI Resuit of Same. et tic aid man. And fte family Ives e cannot fInd Il coxvoniext te go toou h Sh ri a R a lthe bousa owned by Uic father-in- fixeIllinis logilature and sali: tiat19 12 So t Sh rd n R aU law. The latter works at the foun- body tei crote a fivo mll dry zone Wilhur Glenn Volive. successoor to dr. but axenda hie carninge for whls- about Il governuxonit resorvathuns lui John Alexaunder Dowie et Zion City, N ky Uaeaie whie ho site down t inlinos but leaves la up 10efthe legisia- was sned for $26.000 lxi tie suxerior LIV ERY, SUPPLY A D REPAIR CAR ky abahc th u cuny raiy e te lef te decide whevixer f fa- court lxi Chicago Erlday by George T. the tableh la ntha oountychre and e vro sucix-a course or not.. He "ttes Toengee for roai estaeocommisilons. A E C O aaquldi flt be made onu. fixa personaliy ha would ha glad lxi Toenges, who wae generel Manager The point la. that ho gives fixe feni- grant lhe request were it ln he power, O! the Herrutix Core 011 Company et ay the bouse ront free because bis but aise plairly -taId Mrs. eitonghi fiat Zo I> e oîaliNvmei S u e a e ln es2 daUotber cannot pay runt, but bu doseuho would take no stop lxi the matter 1909, and lter arraxigud ulli hlm t tu10erF a de s2 aotbjg toard eyln forthe rod- niy skcdHI. nflunce. acquiro fixe properfy ubicix uae helng tu e ar .F.In1 hobn ow hepeal. Sorte re- oe ho i Ifuec. eld hy Gus D. rThomas, recoîver tof S u e a ç rE. MV. F.30 ei t ios lebep atSm persons bore miconstrued the Dowle estate. The roal estete «We have talked and Plcgded wlfh bite purpose o! the petttioni ulilcixMms. firixio! Coixe & McKinnon eequired S u e a e kt*. ha»e sent hlm ta the Keoicy cure Keongix ook te Wahington' SiViOd fixe property and issued bonds, accord- DU C d C M&~ have donc everytlilfg possible. by iundrods of Lae count>' te Tounges, lbe property 15er ho- A t mb l sS u e a erG ror UpclauDeacon, contlnnlng wth: on Uicenatter and hie action wonld ing $nid lte Voive for $676,000. superisorAccordlng te Attorney William S. ik hlm oul bodalise hao nse Ui ve mile dry zone about govruieunt le for commissionse due te hie Client ' boule and lts thaefarlly lIve fiera; recervetona. Thâtt usanet, dixa could for services rexidered te Vlîva li con is C&Wt go li kid fell hlm ho heu ha the plan or the. ouf oiS- nection wth bie acquisition o! bbe me rlght te cet et Uic table witi bis The purpoi o!fixue petition merelY Zion proportion. daugter altiougli the county le pay- w» o t show fixe preosi eut fxte pe -________ Ocau uluS r drink, but. besîdes own- and th" >asked ftic preident se otSHO O T DR. ilg Uic horna be aise ouns stock i ifluenice wth fixe Illinos legisia- North Chlcago factory. Tixe iusand bure te Indue the members ta e as O E9 - oraheou se ho aednforven Bleottâhntlosu leasiaTue Mn wtha h doIrtedDG WND VD.T.HHP, ins snd ned help rght along. Heup-edot would recommend t ieh GoW E BYO.TH.OP,* sboldbecaedfo eenboterthn llnos efisltue ha h doied RUNNING LOOSE FOR PAST4 ..,c xow le, but fixe county la dolng al sncb e law operaflve. the lefisliaturi TIWO OR THREE DAVS. lt ceau for lmti; bis ciildren nued w uld accordîngi> pose e lau nov- ' - food and te fathcr-lfl-law afseemsn- erlng tf. In tact, Ilh usa fot b> fixePOIE FICR AN WER concernait hou tue> gel 1h se long as promoboca thaf tie ondoueeinf < T OICEP OFFCES TWARN OWN.R be el he hee.What can we do the prenidett sa ail fhat us e nces- more thaxiue rcdlraery te maku certain fixe lau wouid TLMTE SSTLD- One of tixe supervisera euggeted bu enacfed. ieHp o hcxuarp~e t the icfaher-in-iLu ho given thirtY Up 1Ô Legislature Now. Theopemd lest Sond wa eot ~plled.b> Chie! Atterhury anid Assistant Tyr <ayalije'Wi, tbut wSuderv un 5rzoe Tewprootor o! l t vemlter 'Wll ha oudcoI11 0 onaau davr.ulint s e11, near Gurneo, at abou t 2 O'clock ona dy addltlonal if bu boerded preldexile refusai ta formally endoe Tuesday affernooxi. in the county jeU," and bthe supervis fixhe plan interfru utix their determ - W ewrd he e re qu te a um er ofpe pledat aratte dipolice bead-le f r he co in ors drolaped the matter, for il won tb nation he ses ubal fixeIllinois logs- W.knw hee requte nmbr i eoletht ae nttdng teolictombeesfbotend-in àeccpfor title. lafure uil do. If la shated thexpo, qutie Mlluauikee rha luIvout nofso motera utîl confine their efforts only teMlakern taotno foday taefixe effect fixt a dos enuOre- W epct to seil some or these IE-M-f "30" or fianders cars but unless theu get their order in Venjr'f4,i they wili diredescriptionthetllineiHope dog May Get Trained Nuise Iho> utîl direefui the desatipion ofUteoHopexig soon it WilI hbe impossible [or us te guarantee deliveries at a certain date. 1ý Thxe service o! e tralied nurse for legisiture ratixer tianIbbagi ixele just passed tiat place, gotng oemontix o! next year ame fref0e preaidouxl and the governimef h e South and hadl bitten the Grahami dog. The thing te do is te ordif r gour Car and put up a deposit as good Iaith and ijou will get Vour cmr tunelvo rîlne l Ixe S Oae O then ashWxeino' l e b heS The police officere at once tarted tollinetho li-gte tuerof Illin ix relenout asdcind 0 andI axcoeoed dlin traclng fixe dog, derivered to gou at ti.t e p ifdote ie ouae abe eledsppie. A wrd oti. ie ('osa ngtheufristmaa uais er ofpRed chie acf ole ptîTtioand b>Wae- u hicix, upon comtng te Grand. avenue. is suficent. yoa_ý ristmasipisent ind caithis îgan uomn iand carried ta hlm by had xuxued uest. He uas ovurtaken is al ad txtfixi-re laeverIndrcaton ItM, i. Kuougii, prui-ang fixat a five mile Jmet uesb of Gurneexnd prompaly tglnthalbtIs r portvd that oniaodog ba îha~Watuega uli bu ~ftemperanticQ one ho estfsbed about'eti biefitnlecle Alrilslitebotix the naval trauning acixool anidfixe 1I e e htti o a theforunae iies Al ciiesIn ne ort Sheridan reeervation, and raid bittren i soa; doge ulfbin tue pat tate wlihsa populuation o! over Oive ta n to oadtefirat ionx tuo or tbree daya, and tue warnlng of thous.nd anud nel exceeding ir ty Assistanbt hief Tyrrl lte fer ail per- xhnusrîîd are echu bic The unules Of te Ilnssur t ate legialtu5~ranet mson. owxilng doge .10 lueop fien lied th, cnc-'are netot ic iie malsIng fixe lioritialorltulstr nd n o!utili sufficlent time bas elapse te en- diý irgi t Baes bt thaitmaxi kingho bas hucn a leader itfie able the officers te capture an> doge fiexe ft-'cîsusalesper cta There a'v'in . wirirfimay have hecoue ne feced. ix fsrr . edifferen-r cs a gi-exti tlxto s-tuni-e lie .aider reilien _ An esamnination th ie tomacix o! effo -rrt iu, y a clty f ,)ruzoe ecllcr 'haicll tht r he dcug kiled was commenced Imme- Isuo r - Jiia pri-re de'" 'c 'hTu at, lliîon is bt1 uc-at tin diaielv upon hi, iwing rohtueri here tactth: l d lnt ssii sesmini, -a5 înuixg piricu¶uîavi upi . t liraafrernon lniorder ho determine IL, ououi ,rriy wiih a larger fur sure wbether If la a case o! rables. I ifs v Fr uqvin of xbe Chrircix o!f____________ talionthiiv-mnacuaie Ci e îrîru.n,niex hohi en ritrac wt ider Bishop Tol Entertamns______ Mrm 1Botsford Recovernni 'rrrived frein 'xc iSUN bi, Iri 1 lAisi Moids fixe nurrfh shore Par-, r- tiia rr s\ l.ýolrI o! Wlnano, 14V i. r 'ruri irai lie preîdent had rie-sosxi nciuing ail tbe clergy o!fix e

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