Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jan 1920, p. 2

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$0 ~pwWOODi WH fOU OPE IT ISN7 A WASHff ALGOIIL POISON. O WORK, DOES 1% UARtRFPRTED. NOT1IAT IN ZION - Waukegan Iýy'* ians loin in Hobo Finds Rule is Enforced Extending Warning against in Voliva's Town and En- "Kick" Drinks. forced to -the-Letter. T' bo danger of jrinklug Wood acootîWORK? N'O!1FREEZE FIEST" ._ U~r the *'ltîk" Il. centains, -, practice- 'Wliehbahs resulted i scores af deatha lbwogboî te cornr ng to enton 'Tho, Sripural quotatlon: "He that hZ.ulrabe cutyn t eto casog. fthblndass.and will not work nether shah be eat," la wblcb bas led to the laiancing of a Strlctly entorced IZMon. A, bobé ea.spalgn tui curb the growing menace, ropeinw aithtée tire station at bai bresented itse].f In Waukogan and iight and lnquired for a placeIc a nuaiber of csesSof polsoning have Blefp. The nue ia that a tramap has doeoe. I1 t ttesiutin u bchop enough f irewood tg at leaist Oufflcietlyr seilous bers for physîciîans warm bTmnself, and ihis rate watt sd- ta eall attention to a é to point her'ed ta lamt niglit by Offîcer. Tom Mut tIte danger wblcb the ma)ority do Galagher. ,le ta nf0realize.i was 10 o'clack and in walked a ~ ~ . 80 tr as known oniy onle vci fbb b aethe firO'station. bopital and he was save4. but there tilt bobo- beheon many c!ose calta. Thus fsr «"Certainly,' ans wered (lie officier, Waukegasi bas escaped fatalties on, and be escorte'i the bobo to the Dlin th!* score but wili net continue mo for- Itouse. Offieer (;allaghèr brought Çtanate If the practIre ts képi up. a n ax and t'orne ood and put theni In.aitlity ta obtain drinks containnîg on -the fleo ithi,. Bum flouse go grain aheohol bias led td'the concoctian that the tramup would flot bave tô gooc»Mi et mixtures containing wood &Ieoh.,.otl.o to thp icoidd oghbtair tu cbott C . e.Waukegan physicians assert, that in fthe* wood. Te woo ws not tough. -"Mn ass where a sufficient quantity of1eliher accordieg ta the officer, for r*qÇ wood alcobol is nlot auffiient. te ; il %as t'one aid bridge planking. eau". deatb that there la a srong 1' wouldn't chiop wood tao keep p1'obability that it wiii cause bltnd* i Wra". Fid walk titi beil l roze o% e lkess. They say that any wbskey that 1 ire - i'IIt _cUn[WjÂuDE North chIicaxu. la sold nov is open te the strongest 1 lt YOU ontO t choap tood ya OW ML A N L~uL'.IJu IE Decemrber il, 1919. suspicion for iilml apt ta contain wood ,get out of bere ai fat a kun GA Wiîîet iet .F alcobol wbîcb fa a duadly poison. howsai th te poliemn.GA.Wihan fetC.F Boy Drnk oobain cao ~ i lie s'ME TIN i ~ IN Wrigkt. Warranty deed, $1. Lot 3, As an. exemple of' the extreême to i tétiobo. Writ's ,ii Iu.o atL tt Dock 6, - vhicb may villit e o taina!'No; We dont allow lhýpbod'f. tu RlAL II *ick" it is asserItcd hat.several bar- I lee!p Ibere," aaid the aiier, a lit 5TE Y SCL.M t A.Wlh nwfe1 . rois of shellac arc disappearlag aithte' tlle bobo iîobbied off andi vas lasi hein. Warrany ed$1 lot2 Bal station. The' remin la prtfp- e-5"Ini t 'iî:to ta t.t: a nap In iTue Salebii NWrîxht',a pU6. Ut part Lot 3, fltack-0, ,itated bY tbe addition ot vater. This Street eleieîst ation. ' OdtmrRcista a Ly b. M vLlet.aitTerita. .,rsta then is lii'îed off. andi alcobol l-inrR alsta al ILMLee t.ltoH ret - romains. It ta saiti that t acte SaitWAUu Emigrants were Mostly Legler. Warraaty de4,d, $1. Lot 3, Mir wkeBACmone1Da andwoIdB.cks ,Suh. 0f Lot 54and 55, Ra- 1Vbat bas hecome of ail bis tellacMsuAad U 60vui Irish and German. va, DÇ Peter Rohr, Jr,, ta Peter 1bàhr and' y0fi E Inlooing ver lmot an lis ofwite. Warraaty -deed, $ri. East 56' GWay Believes Saken WILL IBE VOOfUE kga frs lai n h'ete, Norbh 150 feet. Lot ai, McDai- Ship Had Local M aili r lnitressçd wlith tbe vide rangeéai' à-is Sub.. Highland Park. Bl êoinn ot m fiatt art of I F fiH R E I N 1.920 O es nnunce tterWas a and wife..,Warranty deed$5. Lots Parci l a t mrgatterf omale . lm ee hnPmtalya thosa 2 adM ot4 icadsSub.. In dWif o em Noveuibr and- not cîassed as Yankees vert' eithe Sec. 36, West Ajtoch. Q"otlaedtr Gemay, nerg and Women's Skirts to Be Shorter German or Irish. That was forty o1, ec. 10, 1919. ilston oimse Than Ever, Paris De6ee , more years agi). Mary J. Durkln ta E. M. Keirnan. j resil A It W"s only wben the tfîtorles be. veat 12 lads, lot 36, school tuýtü , W4~ docared toda.y... Word biat; been Says Expert ci Return.- gan springing tp bere that the va- su hdivisian ot section 16, Waukegaa; I0011 br the. PoStmaster 2,110 B5cI<kmesta Erp ugnwranyde,1320 0« Prcei pool for those countrioesloNevfreimorkom nroe cga27.ranP'red,$3,50 mmmi vil lthe steamshlp Kerwoîi, NwYok ie. 7 -tf!(býrr ' ,-) - ~ ~'<iVto tetaltiejobs in C.A. Sankiewiez andi wite to E. 'wh"ieleftNov York, for IIarnburg gowns, Lut ilatî ii i. a1:011f1 i the isihp iidiii. Gradually tbey be-t. ),Icad and vite, lofa 36 ahd 37 14er.oWer l1t, and truck namine ain rmpuis andti ii> kirita reaching gan alroading ta ailtlUnes of lnduatryCico;1.Wsbîr ak ot In barelY past tie knes Wiltho the style 1and bi ness wttilitoday ibey are ta hcs;vrat et,$0 3a outmpca ges. ot0*1115 ftis for fasliioaahltvChicago andi New York jhofround Ila t caly very eal,-. Jane Kirk et ai ta N. B. Smith aad 'ýW8 eltinti1i u ood.Rs m i n1920, vben Auerîcans beng aping prKti2aly , If.lot 2. Kirk's subdlivlow In1 3~siao~luto laNev orkParias tarbiona for lthe sesson, sald a 1a.ite caiy daya the major portion bhock 14, MoKay's addition, Waube' ________ u ad 1 n oted fashion expert Who returned of lte Wezt @iide rea.dents vere Inisuian aray ed 200 X a2mM0 >or u itit milS roth Fenh apta oday. and tho vicilty of Market Street bec. 12, 1919. a ee <> ios a Iflebenldrsnof this city fol. Vas aiment entlrcly a Germen set. Alice P. Duranti antI busband te lowtheoxtemePisinmodis, site tleuîent. The variousar is ut nnH.Welrpatot27Lis -19 ve argosall nt ndta aey siteywl1s nto Ucha-hadti ebir ick-naaaes. Thoie who oct irnyde,$0 10lIe agoliI et a avylest of nalieup'but vli coal Ibeir ilved undp.r tho ]bIIl townrd thie :akc %%., P. Oltlrn taJohn S.9 .22 hoeker. As tue local pestait- rmens houlders, hachis andti ironla s han ore koaa at as.T eatsl rI ,one -lait. nortiteat one *»OtlS< DTeOl pont 01>17 Eai witb hronze powder, Wear *slave*' vt iv. n urch i1etw quarter-.. ection 7. Newport township: r*, giecl bsssmueta e WodesionBugaaStee wr by the, sonder. 1iowver,- tbc bracelets a! bravy, harbarie dsg ,residonts of Rag miley. 11)iy of warraaty deeti, $1.650. r las oo Inormd lua jon their arma atnd anhIhs and carry 1 te familles képi Poutry andi pfg Inl LeRoy Detmeyer and vite ta Wit- r bubee Inorme tht'bogie fans ot ostrich fecathera dyc4 the thme baseinent of Iheir homes. liam Kuboitis andti vie, 30.acres in packages»seta 0Germauy most brlliant colora. . An old-tlmer ro'ntirkod loday that cast co-hait section 82, Newport a9 ave ait rdes-.."Paut Poiret, Paris' fashion darinni fmnOft eri townsbl:; warraniy deeti. 85200. ________and expert, vent ta Morocco lest Faitîlec10 0141 Ga Od ounty ays Saraht A Allen Io Thomaand Net- t_____Or. tleml" at]te x hv d.ptenlathe méthod apila.-leCl.le2.Cmii o- fl % iea « bzarvn ooii de al uo islfunil hiemn h nyarranty deed, $30. Ç~ ~a abur ~.ovçr -bis désimne. Sbop girls, grisette, a" exclusive, bit the. toboggan l Master la Cbancery ta Heary Ntes- dUW-«diOO ad Sciet woenL arluIt aya lueabrnk, oasa 2.84 chans, lot 6, blocki Iri_____xcetion_______ Poret 3sad loaaeboid of eotutb104 toot, lot a uree o, 1 haîf.- TYCRW'PRN ,. *and vest oas-balt lot 6. blocki 3. «Sie ter euiut A R ROý FN& Ubertyville; deed,.811,000. ýP% W d Ç ànle nsoie.thlb.omen shivringInhitheir 1151 of porsona vms. suruender for kega; varsati dedt, $00. aid ~.wêuLe slovelessbacklses, genurally abbre- trial la demmdod -by lhee rencli. ac- R. IL r.ffltttaW, W. O. iatberg, viatOd costumes.. 'Oft. IMut eunfrr crta 0-nunffcaiT at Pf art Of biack 2. Crocktt's North b. beautiful' 1a a French proverli, and ent otig eleu rtsba Id subdivision, Wnea;vr Parisiennes are living up ta it. ofiiIssd doad pan. iendeod, $10. "TIo airt a~ tam lgt t tor-under secretary for uihNry leaUCo . c. ANeveoniluJr. ta Jo. sacevila ,Ço M y «k.1-Ver t-luh« ro th grun an w TIme e-crovm prince.l i al, ai n sd *ilots 22 andI 23, block 30. hardly an exception the evenlng leeagt yt>crmnlOfu ,l.North Chicago; deed, 1300.' t)esciptI.iigavas are desîgneti vith a bouffant cuig vtigad robrCVt . l.rueger sud vite ta W .. ________ oeff tai the hupc. Mauy of ibeze are vitneintlo aFane aements. lot 1, bloci 3, Wnigbtls created vhîb a soties 0f flounices, and REL1IfD j3 fl ' addition. Libertyvilie; varranty deed, .fw er.ï, 0 ideonCo 5@11ICtc lbheunterials are m .oc IcIstUe, .aiori,*, $0 ~-d C, brocados. laces, sud tbroad laces. Sarah.1. Mills et, ai. ta CarlilIer>. lorence M. Tover sud busb)and la j I IJfl~~~ U No voman la Paris, unlessabc aIebrt. Warnanty deed, $10. S% E% T- J, Btahl, part soutbeast one-qar- IX! vanta ta lie dulsbed 'borgeois,' dures Lot 9.,locki 1, ilghlandi Park. Icr section 1. Laits Villa tovnsbip; Wear a coret Tbey ara rogarded, as Lucy Kennedy anti husbsud *bt W. wartntY ddtl $1 mflomomtypieallY Rnglisb and Americma con- 0. Hunogon. Warrsnty deeti, $10. Duh'>bia 17, 1919. ~ L T YL~ rivancea of, the pua, decade. LOU..1I sd 2, Blocki 5, Hlcte Suli., a. A. - Johnson ta Wisconlsin cout Laie FOIs. densedd 141111rCo.. lot hI soutvesi - ~ u~~ nthez m.u mosii.lioniell M. ~t ~ . R oi. , na-quarter. seetl i Avn lva 60 8 . M. IILIOISC W EIR CE bIt and vite. Warranty deed, 82.,1100. sIili: varranty deod, Ï4,700. Lots 3 sud 4, Block l14, Lake Bluff.. LelantI C. Werden sud vifta J. A. a U--udwup, opposi6t s.Amrn Nielqenansd boiraet Fred MacLoa, lot 18.Plai & LusIersa i - slim, lilmis.LEA )~j~nut~ ii Chndoba. Warrsuty decd. 150.subdivsont of TdaiPoint, roi _______'RUS______1Lt 17, Blottkt5 'and voit 43 fttLois '.tkei varunty d"l$3,000. #[ET MU CH 23. 24,,ànd 25, Blocki17, 1Àke.Bluff. Katie M. Pliannen .tiHl and Iuband rwiID1CH --Dec.miir is, 1919.teP.1. iserIon lo 2 béck2, Wil- MI3 IIDLRri JlvI r IY L isuad vIte te il. C. Gril- mhigton's ieeoati subdivision, Round fi-n if. rW deeti. Northb'skes; warranTy dftd, $10. a assma. 'lexinî ofrno easai.50 feet, Lot 88, Gree. ay Ad',Lae W.. si gn and _ vite ta, eslie '4.IlU11nte. Oors of lb.e'Mehodist chureh i' Ta oos.Kcley and- vite, lot 37.Wshinto sunouents colloctoed for thé ceatenary. Minai., G.'Stubba et, al.. ta MerIo Cirele, Lake Fiorest; vurranty desti, fon roàmd ràcntribution$, for ChUrcbW sud vif. Deeds, tY,2000. 815. f,. y < c jm SU pusiluoseacordlag lta a tutemeai Lot . Black 50, Highland Park. 10.A. Nevcomb- Jr. 1ta OStanley - ~et~wYsterday by Dr. OImosge M. roq si, emie Roman hti Antan Tvete sud Wanielesba and i vie,' lots 8, 9 sud metreourer ofrlthe contatoryh*Mnd I vire. Warranty d.i'd. Illo Lots 1 10, 4b>lock 40. Wasbburn Park, North a$ eôk ve.Pbo1«4 Illboi cotriutid $,41fis sud 2. 919ek 12, Washburn Pari, ChICa"; ;vaanMy deeti $450. tauBesuoreo f a 1total for Uthe Northu Chicugo, .. Dscombsr 1 19.I. le -Mnieilseso 784.8,N . o~1zd vite ta C. A. Turk. WIlUasn Blutne sud vif, taJ. 0. The Rock Riiver omermee, vbtcb Wurraity deed. 1224. Lot 8. Belmoat Jacobsen, four lotshI morbvest cor- ' . îIL MO= 1 , inides Chloca sud tl. eonortiiera dWudga e fseto 1Verdon- avTp S«finr wih atoal f j@ A Yoe.Warraaty dee1600So. Lot 1Nottie C. Kenner ant d band t laVillage orLibohrtie.W 8et. -. ho uilMulg dshusens.sit ueî ~D embr 18, 1919. Long Lako sedtiyii<>a; arraty. WORJT A lAW oad0feuieio,$1702tesrt.o-s.Qutlan, 40.Lt rnl ood , $10. lo 91 ha, ~~ IIWIJ~~YIDS ~ ~ Th odb tdbrel e mU.5K<-Boi1,lnasScn d.,Wu .W slbsdvt e8 . total -kagàM.In fila - - 1 te124, tnavns.Lo à..*- e dadi- 1. 1920; Neale et al, lot 10< blottit.3, j sa subdivision, itke Foresl, ar=aal 1, J. Page ta Qakella 0. Moonoy, h c r scuth 60 foot lot S, block 1. Shermaas * subdivision, Waukqun,;,."Mlüyïe ' Tdeeti, $6.000. '8 j V. H. Bertlebl sud vite 1 f). 1P. JCurson. narhbvest co-quarter iloci i40, Byrtlett's Nortb Bia.Ârs j Winthrop. lianbor;, deeti. 87.4j.6 Lake Stiore aIs ate»k tb MU7 l Beland lot 6, sud vest nI a-all lot 4, blocki 2, Lonox subdivisio, On li Chichgo; vrMrany dee, 10. N EtlïërIt. EloUel[m ansd bU*sumd to . . Blct, lot 1 sud part lot S. LUad- -4 gr@na subidivision of lot 63, ltavila; wurranty deeti. 812,60o., Chicago 'TIe anti Trust Companxy to C-.1- Watsonansd vite, northosl" 24 Acres of vest one-half niuosasa -nOqUuter section 35.' Deerfield ,- fownahip; deod, $10. GeMo keLlaib ta John Roherba, 20 acres la northueesl part northvesl one-quarter, section 3, cuba tovnsipi, asd essaI 80 acres sOutbwesî eue-quar- ter section 34 Wanconds oy"i- Mary Jenkinson in Fred Bitba, Ika 1 and eaat on-bait of lot 2. block 4, ns - Kirk & Plovels addition, Wauke- SIu e8 . w aurs i gan; varraaty deeti, $10. .1 o a IL- H.-:Neabit fa L. R. Saokman, py ci..Eta 1 nolttîteat corner .block, 2, Crçcktf'ï, A hs rri North Side subdivision, Waulcegnn; GET A SflIPMENT (o wau',rantiy deeti. $10. Mlalilda M. Aler ta C7. L. Ilubbchl . tîft ARGE [ ARE Ni MEI et ai. forth 25 ett'etait 50 teet block " 05Mf'nOaMtnpr* i. Shad3' Nook sub diviTslon on laqk, Marie; quitctalut, $10. A.jt I 'f S K f C. E. l-allstt-oin anti vifete f y AI Sttyke. artlos 2 andi , addlitionN W inter 4.50 te 4 0013.50 à 3.00n 2.75 i.Ï to erid;qtielim, $1. F ail 13.5010 .00 2.85 te 2315 2.25 (0] Hetnry Schnoedt'r ant ifî, ta tC. Aodelson. casaft 80actes nortlitaca I. 1 ont' quarter sect ion 20, Fremntnitvn ship; warranty Oed, $1u.. Fineý, Dark 20t1.O1.0a30 10 H. 1). Hulat anti s-ttc1.oAthur Van Usual Colon. (V0 1.01 .0 I0 Eckert, lot in northlart Laike Fotr,t ai 1101 .00l',to9700 .0l wârranty deed, $10., PlI -n,9.0 i 0t .0 ,3i MARRIAGE LICENSES-lSCu N Trtin Scagori.-Cîaa Mati ___________________ TrsehSaa Ctio. I Mlau,6,:Ljý Black I15.001012.00 11.010 9.0 1 à -;0 Jsitt e bolskN&41wa akpe. .El Short 0loo .501 9.00 lo7.0il 6.A tê >.itrt'd H. Jt'nnlngs, Fan 1),u lai. N rw 8411ô î.006.5t5550V 25l %lnitîekJohnson, a eta.3,0o3O" 251. Finait' W.hKer, Mtaukinrta.Boz ,t0ib.i3.Ot300250l N.Fednn. MW. ker.,Wuea;tt Ha. l Vin. Wakt ega sntcii hIll...,,-e, t D.Calra Po.ntalo, el. Ii d tt'n*5. th t,..t t., L D.u Cotie P etîse El ad cIL' >,.: t't an . Ff' il] rt n it, Cornei atu'ecoPadet.Waukga n: A . u e41- 20 "SIIIIBE RT'rsDil Cornerh W.Ja Lebter,(WunesMit n511 P:!tY'R Ut i(' ~ 'tit Paukner, Gurae. j.-tg, 1~I 1E Jerome C. Jerneit, ttacis, 1.lîlard THEZA?,CZ-STfiO&SE /NE/v -toRiD 42; Marguenit, P. HStetr, 1Hlghland u * m Park. 27. A M r '~ ' ,niH. itauer. 13, Nliiwatik,(:Àr-I A N '" let ,-n lc. 25, Miwukee. 25-17 WAustir Ave. Dopt.54 10"ac Jackson, .12, Wauke;ý-in.; Uary Ua BelT. 29, Waukegaa.- - Hýerbet Q. Dmon, 2,-MIlauIerý Muigart oIs 1, MI'Ouke. I ndependenfl Classified AdS Poq. Pi. ~tÔo. :bT 2.0A251T.0117 1.85 1. 75 .5 î.f a 1 tO te 8 .00io 6.0 L , 6.50 6(1Q te 5.00 6.00 io 3.00 I5.00 1.50 to4.00 4.50 te750 8.01) 7.50 i. 6.50 7.00 lea~ 6.00 * 75 te S.0 5.00 ta 2' 10luore îse"l -j-iâ eERT,vc. OEA'NG rxcluslviz'y IN kW PFURS M4LChrU.S.A. Ask ong user of Convenient for Shoppers The North Shore Trains mae Chi- cago shopigeasy. l'ast frqun dependable traing bring you riglit to the'very doors of the depýartment stores. No crowded streets-.--No elianging to street cars or taxis. U t I Train&oChag raie [rom Libei'tyvilil, hicK coeruiecî aLake BWO fwith I,î1i'ed anà- express trains-into and arourud the Loop, stop- mi. ,, At convernent 'L' stations. 10-Ride Tickets Mween Libertyviffe and (ihieago Now on Sale at Reduced Rates Milwaukee Service C Ubertyville from 7-.02 a., M 1002 p. m., connect. L Lake Bluff with lîmited trains hourly from 7;23 a. m.' 123 p M.. For further information, apply b the" GO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKE.R Libertyvîie Ticket ce. Phione: 1Libertyvule cue tienlie ttt th -bte ue "e havei litn la tt( taal ove gueesogl Thèese bte ac 7 Us recuit itbd t'je orgs rd fthe' ety are t.lisousder ias t o. t* he g T"s growil lu. vc iet bt or vor ofl « cau cf -, = 0108 s bthe elafl et the t. tAT G OY M

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