Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jan 1920, p. 3

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LIB ERTY VILLENEPEN r. T HURSDAY.JANUARY I.,t1920., U s a- o ~.1e hi î 1,â ly ya.. it. YOU can~-he:p c4tting loose joy'ûs remars eey time you flush your smokespot with Printe Albert-it hits you so fair and square. It's a scuttie full of jirmy pipe and cigarette makin's sunshine andi as satlsf- -~irg as it is delightful every hour of the twýenty-fourl It's neyer too late to hop into the Price Albert pleasure- Pasture 1 For,' P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tQbacca fun than you, ever had in your sinokecareer. That's because ithlas the quality. - - Quick as you know.Prince Albert you'Ul write it down ffa .A. did.not bite your tonguoe or parch your throat. Ulnd it ne ver wifi! For, our exclusive patentod praces cpta out bite and parch. Try~ it for wh4 tab»o yo<?r tongiiel TeW30 esd letts.-bm4d om isa, >oeaadonsspeaimd igf powud t4um à ui r-.;4. t"t cMmrer mOctispouadzsy-fd a" Amuier sth Wou*gc aetmsr top fatdhaupotA. robmecoÇa amh P«&« c cudtion. Ro.oIdsT4b oCOmhi"Y. Winot.mualuN, N.C. 5ni iW~lrmftudV BVu~1Viginf. HÂýTVWI-IbIUN9G IF .-ccih: -'-<i. ~1 -"-i - s,. j ~~~j s'> r; ~ÊC(e-¶l M in the prospect,» now lbeing clrculat- &U 19 -FS N UKE <iRANT SAYS ced with aulscrptinblankté are. IIilE B MRTORANT SUS guit&ble snd attréotive qIiyad &It moderate cent. LI LE U LJ A (UIOMt ON BOOM wh.ý .- ' 1 d THIS COLLECTION __The plans.0 the compaiy, are te ___- buitd bouss liell on the eRasy par- tuent ,plMj or ta rient, as irciun- Wbtr of North Shore P-ubica- stances warrant. The sellng prîce HoWard L. '0iî8flu has Long - tII enIops Spread the , wvill be cont, plus . return ltmit.ed to est Head in Waukegan, Eo nsm Idea. th sockofte cmpny inhe coiin Says Veteran Hatter. pany will be, mauaged bisa board o la su<Id uylitetuai ars en directors and-ill lbe authorized fM'ho fla the Ioinuihaddmni audr Is cartr tnCqtAroace P0PWaukcgan? T. E. Gray, wlio has been asfoloa:Bostand boe, creste obligations in the form1 measuring Iieads n Waukegan (or -1;w:boosta vith you.-whlch can erty. aula4vde t build. oeil and rent o reti a meure of years, says that _Ilago. Athough orne people (lîscretion of the drectors. Iad Whiîi, Holland vears only a I.«kïpw IAt t. tWO eciem h ave lth h'tihebuilding company 'wIll,7/ itshg l"omiealylne lcIgthelr borni nAlhpersistent.e cnsderbllogw persstet lotebdirectly connected with the tiu year- outsilders hv h be fCmec. tlaeigf rom forehead te the back of the skuil -;M" f buying horns ,ackd by that body. 'The tentative than ns<u r rseil- ai -. ba.lie theeuse measurelnspoydetht isn -lpvin bem. W alog owe u'vdhha lave $76000 'of The biageaqt bead hi- ver-measiured .hidAidi-$0 ii Yy fpesoia l,- capital stocli shah ble subscrlbed vas htof"A Mk"of Mre ~'b~~me onf look lil<ç-fa1lurpe,.1I'r»lefoie actual operatlons heglu. but 0atrethC o "B ig ie l Meti hBve peraonaiity- file minute %I, Hllister aye there viii be no te wo or-dathwi ml itmmemr-n-y -ý"tra- -î-B rlsnghieanut e s-may J5P5f ;kýslm" F" au- -esuccemm.' T'here i lnyurunyInte.heipcs ike usualiy ordJreiil(o Wgkgnand North ('bicago have Ivin criB PlitY O!an te bus iesh . eesat atlime so h(' wouid hie WbUhf<gn coimuitie mdthe usîesasure te have an extra one, hulng una- itt"nlAto the personallty class. Pr(- men are developing a fine cumpunuity lteg aedynd. leotekei alilover the coutry are Iearn- spirit. They are te maki ie gat arac- hebgu 1udynau te kno* of tjie bri4ul4ng. peppy, n- rive ubattliets lationwtlilibe doubl- Thière are al lot of pleasant men ln zxa, suceSul peruanality lit theze cl in the nen rir. au -n ho have "big hi-ad,.. r Thsse men are Ridling up te _________mong tiem bping Toma Tyrruli, Mike bette acquainted, much n the - ltusi. y, William A. Don-ne,.M'alter tie ou'Ild eultivate the ac-i INDS ICU t Taylor. Dr. Arnbroau, and Arhur ÏâUamncsof a mnu ho has succeed IiUJ V Simpson. Tti-ir muar rfli-inî-' are as M -, follove: TUs requit lias been obtained by ilhefTrel7;Dap 12 thepegoalty f her nq AUTOS fiELP MUClI JTudgi Tal'>or, 7 r. % IMus-ey, 7% m nupIug iesnly ohii aro-An llIlDr. AMnbrosu, 7'-; Mr. Simpson, etiie: organliastion, (h, Çhamherý 7 NIA I 1A1 ý 2. m~inirWlurBlîaz h unzirce, wbose Influence As *i11soerWlc ilirM E L HS A U .h isaifeeting itself In man v aisThe - i ir- a 7'. hat, and (lujf Tyî ruI Soete rd the rciontim Msay naît 1a1,1 d wn lns Ve thii deveiontmeni due te the fact4 Less Dirt In Streets As WeII As .i;i-rfîi- cu,-' bat tltsY are tro cIa'.- tri Otl.,i'ie Ç f< ('i-roii -ai.Jug Vin l,.- -arîje ho tranisformation. but It lta vsihle!' tIsi(.f, H. P. Bran- 7 4* a l;.-J'i- wh'is ii- -o,-a p the outsIder. The folowlng le what stettes Decares. W*e Grant. êditor of the North Shore, _A__- ,i.'iný to Mr <ray iheiz-,»,of ai julletin _ias te aay In his fi-nimber, . 'i?"f i-lu i iii acii? îýîl.--noi capeernîng luuise conditions: - prominent doctor bas declarul 1,îî. t' 'hinrg Io do vith thi sýize ofi «Wukpgan and North Chiriago are ihai Iliî inciI.îng nuîîîbî-r ofit o011 h- h-t dJuilze C C. fdilaru lwh *hoW ilsi iver the Middlu e e"a- a' Il-t- and the -ducreasing tiuiii. i ma-snich ireti- 10study aaod legal %W teustrial cflter. Manufaceturers <ilsuil on the sitreets today flot onI> ruý-arrh vork. tlîough short in Ia- rImiting tiiere rit lounb uie, ukî a city 5t) per cent cleaner, but jr-, weari i a.WîuJdr a" of the gresut advantages offered in a big &id te the publiehiiaitii.« Whi;ne-y. a-ho was much larger. w vr- a-I"ia of: < rail and water trans- saI il. P. Iranstetter of a motor car And Pru-sident McKinley wîîrc osatiom fmi-Vf' u- the ,iiiusanu guru hat as Judge kdwards, T"e grovAny, indui3trial actvites wmgn hat thie big thorouxlh rhough s omewhat larger lu stature, *we -caust a. erjous houaing prb tares and avenues ln thie neirepoliý and rugarded by Intimates as heiutg (an cîties -ouid look like f ail auto ouo i otsuîu e h bmi viIcb he Chamber of Commercemeneote s tulsmnwh u»M, t. Volve. A scarcity of ulable mbiles snd niotoer trUcis were ru- ever occupled the preaidentWa chair. 5 ftor working men In feittevery- inoved and thie saine number of horse Mr. Gray on ce worked n a Chicago dmir -bu et overe ln uhe situation drawn vobiclea rcplaced thein. lm- store vhen McKinley bought a bat ~e~~'isuagieseretheving :: dust and confusion. thera a rap ate tate building caliicity 0f the hlorse-dran vehjivleavery sm vcllag ed ear1nz b«»«ket vae wt . he compared viiihie commercial a No. 7%. Rooaevelt vore 7%. la PUSultle and tic long cas.,. Nearly aIl the uatuona ezecutives bad S~ f aventrssu buldng A reeort o fthe board of healtAi ot large heada mthougi a cumber vers Wo5.a st ma uladglauSta islaid, New York, atates minai n tature.1 t'ia wwm«lu umerae that in 1910. 12S434 homai es esn-,M'~ r. Gray once sol da bat te a mare 40,bi o merce<of W..- pl<i7e d as Sa ulti 75000n boy vbo required a gase8. This vas1 miNetbCbcsp . . ue1919 snd <bat w»ithtc hange to alibc- the biggest *'ld" b.e ever oud. Thec suft uhWtacklcd ttri poste on thelitreM r 1",umnsleat rail 801d t a =MIn Who bad ~Nm k i. Agi va- w <~~.mors, tban 100.000 bora.. toit their s 6%. Bert Plouien probabrfýoý- e la aelteY ic ausowlQUoi-js. <i- alicst bond n thcelty. Hé Wear@ vire suMd & natural, b-- ooM "la tact, Ana afremit mnuy citiez in a 6%k. Statsla Attorney Jamnes -C. je wwi.. iaoy ngsaed tAe oeuiythec AucreeIn Au oline Welcb bas a vsry vide forebead, obus- ~ tc e-gaimtou t ild- propeiisd vehides bas icen ab great Aug one 1< beileve bis bead As usually e »blyisiev st -ia t he bo05BdmMEibid nubei- large but lie veiraonly a 7% bat. s l 0tiCAsa>nv r OUc5liUost a tbins et tice Çst, ex- Thec atioualty of a peracu ibs. b" twsu Ofet tiir ais.lauthe copt for bormbaek riding lu Parka mucb to do viii the shape «f tic Ma.tes a"dbilt sntilsmn bu and au country cituis." lwsd. For instance tlic besi <of a mmeu.ot*s until the>' aIl be- Japanese as very vide fromi esr to eMr. mm hmsn ay sud are vIlAing to Dbillom" ells.Tic biada <of Idianalvbo stmap thc fte t e ati .1 grester. Utcig a l I.o«. a?,i" pappoose ou a board, are v.zY fiat &aL "» Mong n - s Building sceeU&t have inventei, apparatua fer the bock snd do not -extend baci of bougy laste be o,'ganlacd under the umpe of fie neck. fl.~ cfBlAaisvitia cplti u'tng 1ratiomo f bureau bcs- ,The reporter via vm'otc lhii. be- n-f i.0u dvided auctoao. is"tienes vlti vbch amoug 01M came nterested vien hlcauied bUs W- m a oe f $100 çsch. Tie j 1i 305.15à5parguai'5PUh OW head vas tie exact duPlics4e of for- Mmff. et tic ompany, as net forth 'aocuustely thààbit fi" mer President BenjmiAn Harson's I IERE CAUSES MUCII TALK, PRO AND CON Milwaukee Authorities Perpiex- Y ed Over Status 0f The Law 0f Two States. Wdikugan. fiee. 26. - Miwaukee. Dêe. 26 -Rerent tnvés- tt ligationa of mari-lagu conditions in Wault gan, [IlI.,hringing 10 liglijIque,- el tionable medical examiuiationsansd the w ignorin g of the five-day -notification 1I iaw, 1bruce-s thouuids of Milwau;kee a5 couples fai ii face with a aew in- ' hi rpreILion on0 the leallty of, their b marrIs e-s. Jugsbtr hn eflin o nSeverai rulinurs have no-nu from 0 nulmiiefits and diorces have hi-en Il Picardi. bot wuten the circuit jùdges of L - - Wisconin-r -gmtrer hure iîlonday, fori their annual me-etinig, a definite poli- fi cy is expucted tu bu threshed out.. - J New ressort for quesuioniag the le- i galiry of the '*inarrîagr iinlll" unions lias corne through the reveatlIon ot a i 91iiucTY"~poker" clause in the IllitolamarrnageA ot PitY aatutus . This inturpreustion of the îaw makes.narriages of Wisconsin ti couples under flue Watllegan style of i -cerumuny illegal avenuin hlinoJma. TAie Il sI-stute- providus that marriages of al à non-resident sta(utes of the' state un t, - wbich they ceaide. The Wisconsinv and linbt ti, aineas hai i C RUR Llaw pruvîdes tur a liveuday publica- t Land'as. l. ai s(a ~ li lino f the grantîng ou tiru llcenst bu- l'residi-nt Crhj i-ait da pi-i <i'? Iîad. R RA4 OTOR tore thue cremùony can bu î,ur-fori-ud jr wa, uille . -iîIui icaI i ùan î et cIl -4and a niedical curtification. i an>yn inn ii ci <r >ai li iiis-~lî' EK I l~ tlty. Winire-<lC. Zabul ha.s'dp- Il S R IE BEATS <âi cd (lia' lail ofl lb-ci- umarrnages arec ho..;.î i iii ia itiiiiî i <1hgal u lvalîid il Il.~aie counI or cl- . 1 .-o u nil. : UAJ - Ii .îcîciiin <an effici t iusad le iiWis- I -a u -Iha iici- Il, FiE-HTI RAIII IIIiN'ii,în arriageI- awic ci .hî h îac,<i a. iin.hj t< -<j 4 Cirui, Jug,-laa 3c . lials-y a.Mîo ., l acI-li, r agu e-;ltr and i--ar" tha!i Ilie ila- Express CompanyGives Some jorîly c f thiui re 11<gal. in îlîiîtit the CO MrOBPIESýj Statistics 0f General 1îiolle bvutluth,- 1<tîcccncîui andthe CO NCO IP SInterest. C ircuit( Judge Gusta% Gi-hia statuai CiIMI fi RA E Ilai Cicr> case de-îendc un ils own ÀK COMI6 BACK 1; fa- a i<Or,--d&au vain jtacts sud lilial uach must be deciuled ARE ~VYIIi1 UIt ,l iand olalf days Io maki- thi;jlas lit arises. A fi-w vueks ago a Sun repuorer triic 10 Lake Villa. That ts, f the nTire other four circuit judges havet shocked lbis frienda uit appearing on dd not get Juto, any trouble. Thosu'(iflot 'sdoccasion le, puta on the quett- the streers viti a cor-s-cob ) ipeinvere the so-caîed 'goud!oui iiayq.' tion. and vili nol commqnt upon t for is bcad. Tiey ldtithlmtu, ditchi And In spots AVas not so goodrighu Publication. that Missourilmeerchaumu, .as Ailvwsnov Thesu s'Ped" nsrrlages hring 850,- ;lot in good taste. But ho bas icSi '«Do aou knov il takes aucun days 000 s yeur Ato the hovu of Waukegan inicatei. A Mci. faglij ma"~ or mrîe tu get afreight car of for- alone At AO setlnmted.É zine ha. aine coule t he Uic efeuse niture throuith frotta Milwaukee, snd "Tic prospective busaud maid vite Of tAi 0od d deen n tAie fel- on top of tha t lt samore than sliip- are met au hie station by taxicai lowing iumierping by truck? i go empty. load and driver-, Who have beconue lBo expert lovug usaerreturn. or vice versa. TAie furniture liat thoy are mble We pick out the Blstory xmovties in cycles. gothl;I n uhe cusomcr's homo n tweuty- avectbearts on algial. %ch of! lie COrn00ob pipe. It'. Comtant hati ta six lbouts. 1 have mein in atweuty- drivers vor vlhh nomne justice of lie pOplamty. Ou.fin ýfda Ait on tic tvo." Peao sud lthe e as sared," declares sttlti thle wSlksiop, beiind tic Albert ýLecarter, 1419 Rosco. Ave- Bernad C. Rolof!. siocutive secretalry Dolisiesidoors et ticelbooi directors'nue, started thie bils Packad van d <of li& IUiaois Social Itygiens lague. romn. It Asa a d trlehd. metum'Inug svung out of hi. garage on lie 100- "APPrprimately M0 couples a notati la i.raId di'05 pitlc mua.HoMe rturmsddyenbo hure core to Wsuaigaru Wloei, en5 rssson?'Jut icobstuse, « per- Ater vitlu five te»esr t 1Mw.. Otops 'aid Mr'. Itoflo. *'Uery brilsaien uap.. laoe ed-Anumald pm'Aceof < agi'egtAag tvasMd onc-bsmr oura ]aV«s trou s 01te Po n 2ti.lova&W, elgars. â.me ciarge-ýbave drlven rnsiàtle actual r.nnîng tin. elgit dependias jn tbe-apuposmaacorthle tiosallis oif clgau moiers baci te and ese- it hura, couple sud viat lie vsuiou 'mcce4. tic plie. Ansd pipe sonkeraknov Atr las64 ysasu <d. sud a sorii u .«tract. tiat (bers las noue ao Iveel as the tbluiu-t-ive Year vetera et the. mov- "Gtis under &Ses are perpltted to Mlsouiri mersebsuma In ands surffe business, lu 1911 he iyod f lisy look nid enough. lt bau Il. for' decades, hma beecuthcetisA- drove lie t«auto van on lie uortli is aidt! tat NPlegrahave b9ea il- ermaus stundi,', and tAie unterm. aide. and Dnv liasthe. argest ome lu ceuu e mar-m'ywite girls. But lie and the outdoor man's tan encraI. Chicago. doAng cross-country vwSk. a" .Infraction An tli&C lvconsLo Tu0 iriar. theie mershaumu snd pipes ýtQ Jackson, Kalamazoo, Southi Band. Wisconsin. Theic ive dyonot= of variot4a day.suad vooM -have )l'ouiamMilwauke5 sud ail points vili- Dot requlred sud.tic plymlieumn .theim' folowiug. But »y of lua aradiumoLs 0 . 1 00 miles a!etMien la i>bny ma. stioou,. votees are, glati, once An a vhile, te Chilcago, for Werner Bras.. 3219 ,'Ilega,"OSays Zabic Pick laitoneofo!Mar'k Tvain' laver- Broadway. 5Waikeg ansd creva ]point, Ili., Me. bovîs. load ber up to tAie top aud I Net So Alisile at Firit. marriages are ilicgal," deeimred DIst. Pull for lie shore, Durîn <lie rnit, i5 l many inter- Atty. Zaici, "Af tbcy are cootractcdl Thie coru-cab pipe la ctueap n estAug anecdotes of lie sailyi days An an effort ta evade the lava of the Pries, butlas vort a potentauca wb it wh as alwaya a gasuble vhether atatle o! Wisconsin. pocket. vvheu it cornes 10 mouid cmi- you broke dovu or got lier. l vas "Jusiges oftlthe circuit 'court bere, fort. Watch thIe corn-oob pipe-? 90oa commop occurrence te &pend the differ tn their iutempretaUious of thse by. nîght sleeping la the van, vile At 1mw. but thar la :ny stand on the <resat peecefully An a mudiole. question. In recgnt dames Judgo Hal- 'Al5hf ~ A~"e the trip alvs3's," Aie saidl. sey ruled lie mrigsvl n AUbEThat tresas regardiess o! vien Judge Guhrz heid thein legmi. SÀILORSAU iILAI) John, hIy helper. and I have to suait. "To sertie the tiiing once and for uror far we have te go or how long vo ail, a test case In the state supreme art, Onrthe road. Wu have an eleven- court i ni-cessary THEY 11E PED O ihîour day. and bat at veek 1 ihadt And tis lasoinetictng tirai siouid hi, îîr PAI îigity-$iie houra overtime. ., decidud ai once. Il is vital,10 Iîun- M E M ANY i! e That's the tesson tlA i î le- <i'idre-uIcof peiscui.,living In Wisconsin'" o! livinge-dous ttorry lreuictanl hi aisey Rules '*invalld", MAu~ ~L~uI U AIJwouldnt anyonce ese il luev aouiîti Wtîukug-an :iîarriagus; by Wiscok Tfu-I llors uof Great(Lakes î-Nu gIad nu2ske the ili.. 'il thbe:need od c I <lis i. c e hiII"Iaid. h. ciuse tlaiwhî n i ie3- '.at dcan to a *nuiun i os, a lit I h.leî-îîîlmna; iouiua;u lecoîc,"'a08 a iii->i <ale nu.îi ouuhtle <hi-rfuîl C.hrlinmasi <inno,r itI1h,- lousex Irai.%-àîu id.ilSthe-o lb -e nmujeht;\iccons in btr ýIl.lii- hall- oft1h-,- Station, ir-fthi, hI"'. aii,,i-cl a rîl. a-uld hi a jn-Wh is ic,- aw ,as -wi-l<:lu iioplinionofe ntu fort .i, -ihurof knoiaine- thlt i itusluv e iais l% l loss ti-a it juCir-uiu iodei Lau reýnçe J l-taiey. 1,> u tol.î-c hl oe o;îhi un <;c'-o 1ipifcand unIr hait the Stin Thîi-iei,i.. -<<-iu eun Ile -Illinois jaur. w itlu-iiei r i.-. -fertunzî r- nei2hlbî'rui jais Il.- <e-i I founu l itr i î 10 nlsu- nage hua tw a wtr lu(, ti-stit no un -- elad bunauri-'u w1h t t fl idrit Ileii -, iiiiv ci nrne.,tcndnflue Ii, i ltour- iu ,-.hîail lilu, <;fr i.tii at satu- ltiti v- fora c-l club <of M'ztrlk - c. O. .--n g iandeliilIdll'en.-a 1-i in viiio<lattionofutIie IAasof tIi, w-ir. ahle 10 d, - thc prorfah 'li i,reu-,u. u proitabîy cine ol lch. suIiIIti-n Àahii elaflecontractiuig t o mIrit afI atn> -tonkinir rîcît hlit i hit l,. ei> v-h f igi l1 ' pti ý -l s-ide. othîeiwiqe weî'd haie huen nu z1e. îe-ifor hii«il or a u cuv-t Iltî -hic,' i .d i v-d tha.î;Ccuînl» Fie eLiiînulre-i d -. w 'erufilI u l ? icportaîi2hCi îciuls.c. -.îr> i9 lii leukiîç auiti-iofCooik icuotv lii t-j)oui and ldruh i -- , to u d îî<-i agîne- 2 11 l111i-m ac c -,ued .atiiui -r-n dutidrsa 0eah isti Iý-. Throîi4tii.-i. or UitîcsBullijilu i y .ceai. inluicense tu iconincourlis a lic P lr wr e:ie ie hnJustat Oay's Trip.hae flot cornplled îilh iî- fivi- uluy rontif euh t iflue îuîmi- whio dc l ti-ruil Th isip rît 0La kue Villia wasa-ishioru w ait - andlI fi-il hiat mie action the hoshc'l- 10 their rlesi-natiln . .(lie, luit cxpIainolJ. -The atart bi'lng sliouîiVbc l.îkcn lui u-u-sF4aîn ilic cue- Tic' tfiank- anîl bIi,--hne-s ci,,, n Oruitî fl.wifbthiu firit stop ai t> clrf< t-;k !aIe -uicly and tîtuise man> a itroge einteijrtrI -d iilnis' a\îikuega. T 'h,truçk au. ivildnt;the îcritre- i I UiriL.coutir tt.' a-ltr,- Is>ti by a sitili hi nuIt wl-o'.s stockine- the ; .î lt ;:i d in one hour and ing -fliAse iitn o s fia% îîîatîvun of fieir suvailori lI ped fuI) wli o bai1 l i - mut roi (yi i ve-niiiii i us lit II(.d*ouitfor Chi- Ioaru -tjI atu e cl ii? . "~ tu epeak our languagi- hufori- is iptcular-e t Ilal zda t3,itk TiOive> a-, tIipenids onu t> own enta. ng unec 8101)on ttue mturn ournoy. I facî,- and fit htl.y nuost lic pîîssui For 1 tuio. -.e Cia uII . *1luioneuplace. couing boureiue('on as îhîeycone up,lis ttire ocinionvuf' o'1f the Great-lAke Bluletinui. Wi.uu < aas a good grade, wbth li at hefn~Circuit Jridge Ciistav Ghrz. An vils- cex4ress tfle kluindeat of thanke to the gras-ld trise 1t a depthio! cussing the- sulject lue lstaifid: people of Wsek-ue-a;c ucandithie ulcinit a f outot r iioo Thle trucki tookIl u f1 dcclsinji iteDuloe*caseu is o! Great Lobes for iiiu.- many courte, (< ile-i!1-*ilafi-ndItth le ht fa ales exfi'ndcd tfo îii iid 'linl iti .hv-.t io;iriti,, ¶)'on'et-ae tri';gee, uarr'iage sla tlît un »tiii- statie thur heaansotthue'hii'comnoiiniuy nvown 10 limai powii-for, 4ytbing on ihan Wle-pncin, in wh<i- uit was con- Sappy antdI'rolseriuus New 'Fiarthiir rmn,' hechuckied -- râctt'iI,- htt iiuorts its ralidlt i nto - - .\îcîîîîîî: ifr iiir AIings, Wernecr 3ros,. thua ste li.t .iih' Iht. How- Il' l, w tl, ir( (NI('11,00a0« ver, ft fôlîca -, ili.,' i r iii- uuarriagc CLA KETOLE VE t ei Pvk-r( fee, i iki ire men s Invalutid t --;t-liii-h At isý ais rounforiablo as liossîIblu Thslà i ýcoutraéted. thîe traîu i n -alidity fol tf TP TS(( de cletîr b> theiianagsi' E. A. îows t no(flste. uenotritire tetndof the trip.'-.7c - F OR ONCiv SOONna 'cant iaur dîivers fa bai- e ise ui lie said d o wr* b,llve lit le;- FRED MILTIMORE HEADS On Taniarv 4,Aftrrney l<Iam L tlng $-,Z ta $It. 'FOr a cîosu< l ti stail AC.EXCTVECM t'.îke .h aIfhTh. lrteun fbotwee nthieni and conifort dtirinit thu A -i i -r <j. o f hn Dl Umm mou 3AT LIK3 AN ELE' PlIANT If YOU * rou Can Live to This i~gu- by Folle6wing a Sane Dr ExpertSays. - New Yrirk.-*Thueelano. UÀMite thAie feothe norma man iaestA. 4 Avis andtifhinke properly-19 le py eagi4- -attaîn hi> 50th birtidà.- fli with-a proper regi 'ne O! ite psauobu- ly ail men vho are hor eillsud vbe aru netsubjectr-d lu surain nsesi- lent beyond their contro ai mm 1ve te te over a liondred huars old.- 1'his isq the inherestîng aud décidedl," uptimislie contribution ta the curreat discussioinofît a tys .un< moans of pro-.~ noting. lone% iif y ohuuined tram Dr. Dînsialu P. Ghiali. fourti vice preà- dent ofiQ. Als-l eclAscp'- dons vf i uîerîîa and communander of' bue pioneer wine of (lue police reiservo 'air sern-ice. 'ogvyhe.says. "depffla it eating correct foot. living a crrect Ifse and thinkingcorrecçt thoogite.' "Fýor thwenty-six yearo I1 have not .y :ooched meat. fiai. eggs. te, colfec alcohol or lobacco' aud At you-Caa producé a meat-ustlug. dm'inklng and amnoking Amrneian wvialàsvorMU: - .venty hours a day. as I ami. lug oell pas middle life. I sbiual iay dlo",..c the gauntlet suhm isalvely. t Liv. More Than 100 Vsura 'Theru are luundreds of Ibousmid of min ln India who lAve according-to ny du-t. andl theru aru many lu tiat country whii. thaugh orvet 100 ycas aid, h-ave nor-malsi eeth sud valk i ti-- "ut the ii.- of a cane. ol<I aiee. he.-aii-e lhueyare 80 dltfiiot of digestiont« *fTh- laitge ansoont Of wastu ptîiducAs fhey contain puistau unduc airain on fluetire-ans of elintAn- alion. a earlîîg tlum oui. long butore their turne. Ojr vaste remalus lu the body, causiasg auto-Anfoxicatiefi mm là-, directly resulting lu artero-sclerSifl hardening of tic artories--the preisde- ta old mgo. - "Manx la not norumallY a camuLyvor-- animal. Man lsas frslltvorous sud i»r- hAvorous animal. I can prove, tbila l many vaa. lu thse firat place, tice0. skIn of uo 'carnîvorous animai l P« c spires, as does lie skin ofmals. Tisa1, mn'a tehiare like the. teeth Of a mooiey-frulvo'ous. The ào-eOW, canine test Auli te humna» meuh lm mcm'cly long Ancisor.Tic'fer o. UI. la neyer cioved propsrly by t»c 3W man baing. An X-ray 0et te eate vould show <bat roast haf st'orWbff goin l iteAn an u pmepfl7 bimff Mud rnstcated conditllis tliSté placing anu ifair berdsU ou-wd& gestIve Jle u raa Coftie woumm wf9l -As for Mceoe, ti csftuk- m b- on. ap etstroas coffqi mieSia me"diesid!SSet effeln*ao vea tic m*ge et *0 .besrtaum*a «> suits A la butmnlm fetigtbe kilal Vanis. Tesl,liec»» oflet Isfme iu sautent. bards» anmiltic MM»nesMue brane» alm nus <ianIlotbstAb Cobol sud tebaccoI oium ,4sua1 vichie ahesytem dose mai à".' OU "IWiaht ooda." Dr. Giad"li Wae scd, "do you coasider moeums.aftu a long pad healliy lite? aio much of tioem sould o»u..t?" Rat Votaubiues amiFimit "Am mRaMay est ail <ho vsict@ahk, ail the truite, ail tic nuls, ail t» coi-cl, ail tic mvoet dieam aau butter clieesc,,mlii, aud ocoe" il replled. 'Tha'care fotir food ste monts ess.uti.l tolte-beat, ais protein. sud albumen. Usaicf li-gU can be obta>aed treum lie diet 1 bM, suggestted. sud meat la absoéâtdb Ift necessiry for tui1uising tica. 'AS lato t mumber o!futesasMd th* quauhity etf !ood at ech meal, "sa mîan's appehite sluld i. Ails Judge _I-1 .do not belleve Aiowever. tliat any MM neuts more tha tunIlrcu rtals a,*. Asý,ide frpni diet, the euntial-te attiuing Iringuvity are tiat 5.aMM .-luouid lue a clean lite. kccpng eyatl part o! hic, body exerclsed@-us. keya are -always brigit,' ile M n5~~' --ad Ihat ho ahould t.iink i ceWA17 wlth conceuil ration abnd wvtiturAa.,a'd- >rdfnce of a-î<l y.. . -If :îîen -alalu te prou6g thelr UIl i ct Ilusîtifoilow the dîeleiehflpànu Af nature'-,;noat lvîng-hived antupi*-'- the rhinocercs. Wh tioAves 3»Q Yesa and fi -epluantado survives ua year or lotïgur STEAL AN AUTO- FROM IN FRONT Of_ Frank.Ahigrin of GraYalake. re- potsHs L s t the Waukegan PoHoce1 aukegan; Deceuihor 23. [l"riÏnlW Abgr<n <of Graystake mM is -fllvver 1< Wankeff - U# Inîgisud left il l4 front <t <the 'Ircéàter. wlîfle lueo attended lit ev jWbèn lie lefItAthe th4xiier .at o'cloek lAis car évaiule loFhw ,suifld besambe cOuivli<ted tw m'ébe etheff t'ticQ1& sun liead, tle isp-oceeffl pam n.

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