Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jan 1920, p. 4

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t ________________________ - LIBERTYVLLE .NPEPNDEN T-RSAJNUARYI,190 BEST FRIEND 1 T IULEML OIi*Ylpsond.Numiber 1, Libertyville Exchgnge. Uj8Wrrd. et i Vett.t Iil .t¶k. HI a. tr, 'h- 111 ter, OffcluPUbicatonbrThée Village oet~Ue OffcIlea PuMfoWtî i>fr Lake Couaty Board of Supervlmors, ProcoedingI lsompd E..ery Tburgdiiv, - i î A t' mit .d 1 .l. owa n BUBSCRIPTION .PICE. 81.50 PER VýAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE, W.J. SMITH ! .. . . ...-....---------- - -----Editor F.- SM8fITH ... ... ... ... .... . .. ------ .m Manager CHAS. P. NALLÈY -------- --- -- - --- Local Manager1 T . Y FINE TUIM $250 IN BEER CASES And,, Would You, Believe it, Some caf the -Beer lias. Sour- ed and is NowtOutdoors. Fin(.,. and icosts, lotaliiîg aalg $1 000t, were coiiected froni Io Chi. cage telooukeeler4 and Ire truck drivers by Judge Barnes inathe Me- IHenry ceunty court t Woodastock Set- urday. Pleading guilty, the saookeepers wer-e fined $50 and thte drivý,rs iv,1 a.nd coaits. 'Te aaloonkèepers were M. c. Dugan aid Johin Hickey. The drivers are SAutMarodlck, 1Harry .aona"d. Ray Tryon. Under lte ruling by lte suprenie - -g -- ,..o1rt it at rîÇ uil~ figi',iiu itntuei 2 beer cannot be destroyed. -WALUKEG(AI#DDSol.I Neither Satem Attorncey Lunley or G3ov. Frank 0. Louden of inoius in New York oil Judge flarnes. have deelded what dis- ~YaPPea1ed 10all-CftieS and t1*"n th1e United States te_ PrePare themaivea 1 enforce Iaw and order in their C4zrch tcrvtie: wuF commuities that the. weil being of, thq state and na . tion may be.preaerved. Self-government must begin in MEM'rîulîînT El'ISCOPAL th1e sinallest unita, ho aaid. or it cannot exist in the larger Sunday sthoil at10 n.-mi. en1ng. flot only itseif, but the fabric cQf the whole nation. 1 E riting orshîp t 1100a. etig T h e G o er or w d : i ng6:30 1)t.:1(p. m.Amr. "Successful self-government in eVen the SImallest11 vngwosipa7:0..Air- priate Nea Yî art . nssagits hnth poli4alunit is 1the only guaranty of successful self-gov- Tht. W tgek il n i i ,, lsr ernment -i a great country such as ours. There are many, T We k ýntçP' w. % %ilipLe Aservda evidences that this type off griverument is breaking on hy cîîtag-o pray î'.,revet îg.'1w rhurch "Ti i neo tegrv. smtosofte i. Ihas been di% iet in tt. ttn ui.tis, with a ia oe 0 tn grves syptQB o th liesleader for eau h unit. Each unite wulli' Whenever a town permt Aidu n relypoessr s ae MCutcheoRaleigh of Chicago. who baa chieved have a nltîng in S 'meirt1,1e wthinî of government 10 be interrupted by a mou. liaI- town is no*i doll factoryrMrs. Raeigh turnaout ouga ,nde of Christmas edons ta îî.Tn ul n nIt iae 3oinger an asiet. but becomes a lability o h eulc each case xieightîurâ and friends are! -1adTe puiis 10 ky oee ypolitical division. no gm pn h-rinviter! t.)participiate. own ouasin oder.Menhoneyrnoon, patronize the cab.crets, etc.- Love WU!I find a way; T AN~NE PSOA t1, op prone, in these daya., when disorder threalens, 10 and if -it'doesn't fnul it in Waukegan it wil fid it som e On S E ,ftr Crtt AL -«11 for solier8.. Soldiers will always be needed and risc. Lake County's ist is being added to rathfttr fuhil- January 4. M" b. ýuned, if they are the only means to maintain th lie n htsen oL hr h so spnhM hrc col94 .M I&W. For. at whatever cont, thie îaw must remain c osad htsem o .whr hesoii ichn. Choral Eschario l 4a.m.There wîiI RADIALS TRU CHRÂCTR PCTURD. e apecial music by the choir anld Mrs. RADCAL' TUE RARCTE PITURD E S.Whito wl sing a solo. "1.1 il 1» remembered, hoyever, that every time"out- Those 249 avarebist.s *ho were deported froen El lis ECShoir practice Saturday et 8 ocok -ide force, in any community, àu employed. 1118s a confes- Island th1e other day 10 lussis, on the. soviet Ark said O&M of weaââtees ln lie foundations of our intbiou e' h'gmnth7c"dtiin > l'îthe United PRESBYTERIAN Ib, mnlcpa1y -mutI learu 10 govera itseif when iaw- S iaomyeî th y aed11kleething1of . 'apet ld 0Sabhath, J.nuary 4, 1920. týmbmsAPjpeS. Its chamber Of commerce and othor lbave and even proMlged they WoUld b. back. If ]RUsnas Sunday school 10 a. m. i*IorminsiUte?4o eeigtejadeOUlfl ichU ~ja1.1,.~~Preaching Il a. nm Topie of the ul !? OfmeeingtO aur»OutinB hic tà rai l vO eOl au a Ol of a lLiberty sermon, "The PrRyer of Samison. Ung orf trofpa, .hèd organis thenuoelves 110 de- and justice, la such a good country those deported RaedaSpeial u ic. $0 eforonmd offer their bervcs 101the peace officers should b. tickled 10 deathh 1 go back there 10 live, and sPreaehingc7:30 p. m. Topie 'of the the* chy -te lphold 11the l1m. free tran rtaion bèsides. sermon, 'What Shahi do with Jesus?' 'L4 nation In secure apuatfrgfo oe na we Lu 1 kI11e U"ake ncerhemusic-tlk 5<~~ 10 put e el hn, c yki h üwue udrhrif hotl-Christian Endeavor et 6:45 p. nm., Uyahi boledmmmwitlu ts ordr, s wfllg Wukea a few weeks ago at a meeting of the steel topic. -jI Piteve in * lsâcwtry' unlform. A nation la socure againat trikers, heid Up luisis as an examp o ha er-Donont ftrget the. Wateh parts. Wed- fr~wlcen~ila ony *uiovr evry itiznhwiliig, garded as an ideaI goverament.Yet Russia la 10day in:. neaday, Decemnber 31, aithtîe church j re"e obecun a p"c officer of bis cOnnnulgtY. sucha deplorabie cniinta ,rbe ot 1cns Boy Scouts and Camp Flre Gîta ttis Ilàl teleso tePigbo![tuh.1 before the war, now gom beong ai one and a fourth week, each ni ght excep, Wedne.qday for' Andas Waukegm foika rend vhat Miunois, govern- cents. A New York bank the other day sold $13.000 play, practice.1 utld Jla thé.em" they could net heip but feui that Wau- worth of rubies for $M4. If "money tlks'" Ruseia bua Men'. Bothtehod wiIl meet Thur&- bs 41did actIy1 wha1 XrLowd.a urgm-the business be efsddm n.he"ra eouin us day, January 8, et the churcit basement. 1i~~ee deafhdul dand enudacr1b "ceitatiner outoiltheuSane important business ito b. tran- "redm orators desught 10 dil upon. aacted. Ail membera are requested ta _______________ b. present. ~ ÂE OTEES 111E501.0H BGITThe ruling of JudgeE rmd that the slrike-riOtert Prayer meeting. Wednesday. Jan. 7. oA uI IEMM'IMBm OumgM I bas E R£ fouad J &fuinr triali la&dkeo n an. and wel tak- Tapie for diseusclio. What do New y 11epeolecharge ulth h is offensie ought 1to ~ ettaM? f M bnma t « V bLL4 M t.* *.IIU.Choirpractice eacb Friday night s.ugaiW a SUOww-wOrk e .willng to face jhe people of 1the commrlt- Mr.I he awl SUck agala ub e b ummd&no 'wiere they ve r d Vth uder direction of liMattison and ue 01b to m as .a foreful illustration10 1the ter tI1al tE~aeb1trcace *m ube ay h e.1ehabit êof 2 up on the imall- te Jidge Tlu=NIAc" O0NMITgD*C0F? irim'- Kome 118110W in1te@faO- Lake Oouty people kmiov the status of thitiga bore; resi- ALEXJ FELDMAN OfMM wa ihlatte h1158o dents of W!Innebmgo, UCHenry, Boone couaties are net 1. HO "J dQ1ný- * l~~aumilar 'Wllh the local situation and mn ail fairuesa 10 LIUTVLL, L 3VU7 oommlly bhs 9" men. Waukepaula. no bot sides il h tthe effect thelir ats Iad locafly. flot on UETVLE L biomdoàeUT, oWW m ou, o - at eighboribg comuxtes that constitutea the charge. flore 1 P&Y thse Higbst Pries. ~~wms1un mutee o UTXIa1. 'hhh.coldwas no charge tlia hbey caused trouble ina Rockford or .fer Me alaua mffe ot a& hic h coldWoodtock-the charge was 111 auaed trouble MMEIN «idOId Autois __M Ï& kif. hoe *Wbed.. 11De attack, accordlng W LIE OO0UMM .SOwhyTeua- ..trial by their Own ~; IMos1,5 mpove4-StIl 10ecS people? Il would b. a ïhame, in fact. to take tie time 121 IIs ois l. viIlu ld , ~e»of à@elgloming couaty reeldeals tb liâten to evidence Ait<ojkarsf Se An d lula -yt e l bi. imt «mm pi o - tigwhlch pertalaed ezcluaslvy ei> o:rder 'and disorders lin _______ t~ #md-U'**etbr k* onbeatugrM ouae Thy1r toobuqforhandling thei r-neigb. ,. e s b r'. lies. 1f tise defendauti cannoî gel r ifair .t.r.Ial . ~i~8~him fdattrial -dso idaogl.people, wli* whom hthey live. oher uh veI WaIf aurI.@ and 10hi-andvrordcould lbey gel one? qw miS frunorne y. h10a etumlatu a IE11101 OJfE pecil attention tw wiiuîe elovr for 0. bW0MbSd miew miitu5 Ie fae 0O:t ORGAIIZIFAIM BUREAU buIIIoi ai.fxpe irnent,4 on plumt. IL b. -. ing aoy.beans with coin for silare Wit) 'IiowààÉ .tém ifho herUo*g &Miarticeappeartng in be tested ina-3t, clair eounty. à iggs - fuà aésire it. déo eI .n thhep...smd ýe (Bond ' iptî)> itfl. ________a__ a M in be of ient t te eflenda fJ T e t e 10 lb. oaion B1. * iaJorkn, formerly a resident M cfe -rprf ov teole L*.ibertyville, and In partnerahip wlthO?Cf -èator IB. B. Swift In té farnfing busi nu, d Oabout Aa r r.5t0,3SATURAY, JAN. 3 1'IASTY WEDDINGS" leftto accept a position a« tArin a d cu~e - Drth Ge( i vu~a ~'iv linola coaities liaiseo«6i to e es.tig quite a. fuire o 0W. ed a . r FrD eett a re nii ofyohc PEPPY POLLY ' ha. bein going on fori a grca e"uuyquestions of si(ecial 'Intereet te -thïi. eyours if you w . *. - co «have conte to Wauikegin rather conmnunity. The district orgaabz'td in order by,,rt-guL-. YSUDYA.4 ~rumo.Ti. is~framoniodio Waikzin beerctngçutÂvar.13 s u Dorofhy Dalton in este~ytold nyer my awordibou SIAdyiser Charles Rebllng of cl4tg* mxr,~ inCicago cnt. eeretery-treaaurer. is smlle' l7 isa atenionj~Raa4opb -onty iiexperimeùt In tOf Wamoeiin smlqse t f à o i uy. au effort ta prodiic a chincb bug proqf -t MUàP W "bi I atm Usuw hatel o n o m a . ii ~ t.---~~-~-* .110 tiu "Utr. élity fadcbtlmr . y ..~ . n the baigement of tite So u s oa tiiA b E W dtcl:Tite'supreiýe court dec). aien said that -the, beer'eouid flot bc 61 de8treyed. It ta u vIola!Jqn tiowey0r_160. 'LQVEuIf j Attorne.,IatÏilpiy.£Mnaderable c h..-offiIe C at ôI~,m - brias aoured la .ie ludat teSweelatksotyM and lias been«s tered aitth rear of iplanning, to att;ndba, big btýq i te couribulbding. ,11li'Cotîgrpsa iotel Monday ti Jan. 5th lit. 6:30 o'elock. *'it la by tiheIllinois mnd 'Repullioai Notce af nnul Metig tentrai Conmuîîne and thei. I NOtie o Annal eetig ad liepublican Wotnen'm 1111 rTe annuel M*eeting ef the share-t 11t1 a'lfair lIs_'4nd lIn 1Ii hoiders of the Firat National .Bankt of lt * s Il. iýî Conitteof U Puhlica tion a om ean Libertyville wilb. held ut ita office , ln lvreSuicaiiS 1Libertyviie,,Illiàota, on the 13th day c'W'oreni'm Division of the Netisug aejay 90 t 8 o'cbok p. ni. for tut. I Ptubcan Wonten'a National O Ratn.o-direttors for the. ensuing i(omte.- 7year and for the. transaction of suei Ahinterestlng prograin hqa,.b« other buaineisas ln ranged and t la reported t)is i IiaY Properly corne f.,,,of the btggeat love feasta h b~fti, r.e*ing..........sot-1 ilr, ,ka, -e tm utg5t J. S. GRIDLEY, Cpahier. thi:oppôÎ.tunity to extend our thanks to, you. it is good tu~ know one's efforts bave been àppreciaed----, that the plans wehave locoked foîward to have heen> suc- For the-comning year. as in the pas t, we plan to.give .Our patrons the- beit of service, coupled with dependable goods, and are always planning Io better our serviceto- Our customere.- Uf'i.çhiit£r l'ou AMostSinccrely the ComFJplimeznts <>1flithe.Sason SE RVIC E Telephone 38 ARE A, ILL. L Y STORE N S COURTESY Telephone 38 A RFA, ILLP5 Having sold my far., 1 vil sa, at Public AuctieuonMy faml., located orne and one-Jalf miles soutiwest of Russeil, *ad one mile norti of Roseeras, on SATURQAY, JANUARY 10, 1920" commencing at 10: 30 a. M.,-Shai", the. following prqpety: 22 Head of High-B;ed Holstein Cattie Two Fresh Day of Sa!e. il Sprinters I 4 Meifers coming 2 yM. 1 Pure Bred Bug, coing2 4 Heifers, 2 1-2 yrs. eld, yrs. old (regWsered) coming fresh inw s ig i lak ar, HORSES 1 lak ue- lyears ad 1iBro arm cmug 3 weighî 1650 b.ors i 1 Bay Mnre, weigl.t 1I00 é j1iBay mmre e.hg3 1I Slck "Maewht1280 i yaou lmaek are, cimt 3 Yomrs ou-u e. lIAY-25 Tosanlfal@a Hay;lSawk Strav;1ft.S. Impem atsVddhc1esE'c 1' ClamaSwoeep Ray Leader 1i*Caiuee 1 Clam Sweep Sweep iIay 1 airDoF Se&z ba. 1 TOP iUmgy idyay 1 &BdwichS"lDeDyry 1 ses" sat BIay 1 MWae 1 Bw~reDon ay iDam WagoN, 44&. imr Raie i Ir e laoIWago. 1 'Amey càmeci ler rn . i Set Nanwrires FIato1 B ayRack 1 Jebmuie oirer, a.ady -i1,Ceea luki mm2CQom..& luterW ui- 1 DemingCumaider,ad. 16 UiCa.. meetaa 2 Seb HovyIIm,«M 1 Sedutter 1imkb1g u Mmlset Sngle umý » 2 St" e lir 00l. ltf.Se sci 1 flree ecthaDrag 30IoGsd<h1281. 1 trwouorus. Sulky ut Waié Voter IDs Cty h 1 aom Two.Horse Wal1m8Cué.free tivator IS-a.CmIeTs 1 Single Culivator I6-a. eeeT* 1 Horse, ac I May.Tag Povor wa 1 Thee-Korse HitchMahn 2 Sets of 3 horse Whipple ifour-Dururse h Trees Kromene Steve All' Terms o Sale I ndepende t Wauk.gan WHk4ison I .4- J 1; t: -#bouder of, u. bume t CL-an , 1

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