LIBERTWVML INDEPENDM, T HURSDAY, JANUARY t.-90, [I-M te New Year ieý pullcau 1 the. nsa 4dIn e Natti malS ud this .a 8 for *h we t give Ou Dendable ei-vice' toi tTESY lion. 38, A, ILLP 1920' Catte 1yrs. ou, ins. ln pr3 iCandies Ice Cream' lit~ M ~ l-':,renco n-sd MablCi 'b4ever - III ~~~~~s w iii tit"ir fed. i* Thljui Fanli L :lit..i, hvie frîm! i"bertyi3' N w , oa, iisitinghnýr parent s, Mr nd Mrs. Frank Lig.htbody. J Mr aiL - M .d M Bert Hall and Mr. andl4 ilit~l un -wi rt-i. I i nai n'it0,' . i~ icnrý- haker' iterein l'alatine V,"a,,g;'î ~'tî-i' iMiwaukee. Tt.i,t"y 't', att nd the, funefal otf Nîcb hi>fititit ti M i ~li Ci l iti Mît AusBakr.- - -it, '.IakrantiMr. i l> loglei llMrs AnaKelner w a t i1lý*'it of tiHall. ~ ~i. lt ~ ~undsî. u'ii , is iii tîclînîoii Siiiofitî NN'iuî. Ninn., mtis, EI,ie Rtadke of Chilcago sileli %fi-. ad 'Mis. E. Ainotd n ,,and Miss Lwlu Mathwig of Dunnill, the w t-t-k end at boule. i',ul.Werelin Chbiago NMondiy. Min., spent Christmnas he re with their uncIn, Herman Schultz and family. The Ladies' Eurchre club aili niect Harold uiitckman 'otif *cî.g A is at au'dyemun today wth Mrs. .fohn Whtney. e' Ille 'gucat or tir, -. L . Tyr a ntan trt a i, liri'iiiOti a evainuIn Mis. Esther Tboîuîas, ut nî,riinw,-,,i il> Cbistmas day. lhtuor Or thizc e 32hoa tr asin Fren Int Oft owfl i hotte iii W llii ileurisiy. Warren Flood, ut CurneetvMiLsi towit iilît ho "- ,i làds.,eip II-eoti i W, E. liecler hisa been suCIfeîng foi it-rl y'ille .Monday% isiting filon nihti-ltle worid war' About 300 persoa ~atx#al l niti.t s.ieie cli. jtr , Mrt.i:Izabeth ~Whitnev we1tre pesnt and p4i1tlo0kte c ili ltt caucie u ~ Misset Ruth andi Jessie Du .tad ig01 dibuer and sddress of welcome iMarlr> n re l[ueàa wasdlie1ed by Rev. E. C. Morgan of MNrgi, rred i'arkiuist, itaIIwith plincU liriBow erinAe"uda Munia vtiiiîig ilèir sont, Mrs. ic... flouse.,,LbertyvilIe, whospoke in place üt'CaL A. V. Smith, who was absent on account sd M rsud Mrs. Fred Croker were ai .of illnjis. Music was furnished by the 8 iiui(ia Wai îEer tut i ra le g Volo iront i'hqrsday untit Saturday Hapke orchestra. After the prograni irs Cli -t ,Wi t tgiadvisiting their tiuater. Mrs. Lebu ne asÏriuzvt-yliesat> u t. i i lt.'ut- o ' îî ti, îere Lambtetrt Keier f ('liie ai-) spinit e prised Saturday night tU a few ut hia f urntî~iy iererkci ft MaMt t i 'u~htIrripltig in tîn hini mIn hit- (immrti itii ciifor t i lt. : birîfidiiii. Itit,- ý prt'-.cnt v.îre: M r. V. ..,%irs.M 'J k ,iI.\. n sn, flir. and Mis Ti' X llli'e<~ti iii . tai I-Ii.'i1:. . nsandtbiglr.i it . .. - 1 .. 'NL' a i..,naîtAlh.~nrîla':t- g ' lirittt' ' 'n f 2 '- .n 'n. ..*.0 et'.,,. ve»I MSu, M t ai t..i.bidti M,' :'nn i Msu . Aile l'i c, '.Mi,.îî i l un înuda>. Mr . Ld MIiE I-dDIc,er. l fil Cigars ', .i întiritnt _______________ ;ie L Vai ncii. and i.îniliy r~n_ Tne Prestayterian Ladies' Aid socety 'willnneetT1hursdayastternoon.JaintlaryS, at the hume of Mrs. George Wright. ati(i;i; a) S i , 1-i a' t i 'o t id 1Ioclose ufi nii,1-,r th:, t. nuit IL A. i "ii .nti Miss A't'iîa At- t. .. , i i ', . ' I - 'îi'g ltilctlt MI e Uiiliii i ai t" i( %Vi. tti'ii 1i,,, xtle i (lit, tiwii.i of uthe dug store 'fknown in Ltbertyville, was recently Ali. ..t i Tf., t> i t-;i% ' ' , appitin cn budtIgrcoin liaioner of tIlie %,tili malle tieir home. ' , t , 'Itt I.,,' al .1 11,1 iY'0 i Mi mi ii ta s it-u'iri ni per yeai-. Par some Umne paut Mi-. 'itlr. îîîd Mrm W . .Carr of Iteerîîeît. . iwIms '~ti.n .nîdntlsetre- n t-re gue.is0!e' ie hletof Mir. ý an' a. iii1t11, tî ofîiIi v il., ater ,tate M r, Jostplhi i CUi iii.sii. Tht and is l nit lîposi tion ('ttiles n Illtti W ison bolne vwat ao-tlie acîîcof a a' of a tpromlotion. îsiîîi> eunin tht da. jThe Round Lake Golf Club, recentty Another reai dauce given by the'ora iiz-t anti nadle up of golf en- Libertyville band St Round Lake Operai thusiass o Rourid J.ake snd Grays- f ~-- aliîn Ellis of Chicago, was tint- Hîtuse, Saturday niglft, January 1th. lak iî,,,tr guet al a dinuari naiy anilnGuaranteed repeated the- aame goud time tlb ('11iiniia. tal, by relIàtInes andt rientis as before and musical selections giveu Ne betweeu numbers. Ladies frel gents! ,i 1 i lcd Cfia'd of î;age'S CorueLs, la fil 1()) V.iflpcýii Cai. Chasi' ibr> Te Ruhe i'acking conîîîauy seunt iî hi firoiMs.CieChr o ibryiq ii mîîaen i loint 'hiczgo t 1 l ;iic'pi ~~t~ttri~~~ ide Sunda> c neniug tu e ht-ii tî, t,.,,,2 ULLIIL I?~ ~Liiiit mnhiirIe) Tuuilas. daugiter o e ci îing hir lar'ge tclieuse ti ti 'Mr and IrMs. IL E. Tionas, îs recon Luck Lake. Other men came outIlati",mni vVp Ui IIoo aniè !eurrrooi erîng Iltu fer receut attatk of pneu- and the work of filiiug the timmense mouta. tuUse tiîenw wetl uudei way. ~ .e~kMr. and Mrs.0. E. Churchill ara lu For the paut montb ?&r. and Mrs. Cil I~A44Chicago for New N cars da) '.îsttîfli. Robert Etîts. of Ljbel'tyvilttt. have b en t-e their datzghter, Mrs. Nola McCuaig. t makiug a tour through the sauthern eOl andi famtly. ousates. They are now ut Jacksonvile, gi% Mr. nd m. . Y Wels adsn, Fia, where they will ramain for the cia 9r %~ ~ i< or e <a < <,M. suofMm. in Y. V.ten udasureat of thé wiuter. Mr. Eiiis le cou- L Cahman o!Elgn i>et te hiidyntemplatiug the purchase of a wlnter An here vith thar parents, Mr. sud Mrs. home there. maii O>Ed Wls "rs nnaPryt reunne tqWau Nîcholas Hansen, living near Grays-bl Megn.SAtunda llrîer etundita Wau-lake. hadl the mtsfartune to have part in - kegn Saurds~ siar sendig 8 ofatone of hie thumbe toi-n sway whie ea-a daya ut tha unie of bar brother,, butchering a big porker recently. Mi-. F. P. is-Sd.Hog-bjected strenuouaiy ta the pi- be The Ladies' Aid Socety of ýthe M. casaor b.lng coniverteg Into tender-be for a.chuch wil meet Tuasday. Jan. 61 lotus, bains, etc., and ning bis beail la imest ish or a G la w e authe oo Mrs. O. A. Newsame, 1weapot sank hie teath lot Hansen's t on Caok avenue. thuinb. pi en Mrs. Aun Frencli ta spending the The Illinois statutes, Chap. 38, Par. ci N ew Y e "holiday season in Militauket, with bier t 221 and 222. pi-avide: "lb in a public tit granddaughter, Mrs. Eari Loveisnýd, t nuisance to causa or sntfer the carcassathe aud Mm-..Flolyd Ree. of any animal or auy offal. filîcl or Pol s 0 V M ~ m ii. a nuisance substance te be cotlected, de- su A Y N e SM ITHAA AA A number at yaung' peaple tram bere' posîted, or ta ramfain lu any place ta hi: b.Ile7D~us -ui..,iu. ~ii~ dovetoLeigbton Mouday ngtt the prejudlee of aiher@." Eaeh cont surprîsePaity n huar of Oral Buesch- t eau efot-ca the law.a If local ________________________________________________ *izg, of that place. Bùtuhoiities do nattm"t, caîl an thte Mi-. and Mrs. Iri Andrews o! Chicas 'ate's attorney. UnII. Law 8chsnck wAs a Waukegaa Mn-. George Fi-nier or Orsyslake; go spent a faw days tast week witil wu&.va the guet a? ber &luler, Mi-..JOB- theo formerarensMr. snd is., M.« The Wiscan Mlk, campany anid Me- aiie )TIIyJ fflAadiewe',inti ii.City Cansif smChave recentiy dis- N.WlUim Volkmaa ot Ares was Ad posad of ail Interes tt the Nes- AS bertyville Saturday. Misr i. sud MraPeter P<cite3gr5. wba 1tieFoad any of New York City, Mis»osCucilof Chicago live on te ftonner trNeîî tairm, nortiî- and la lat tro'npayasescrg ,M :Ieyar, the8 hWeiletyvlle verSuuay vuitas est a! towu, iecalved a Oýbiatinasittîs week. Among the plants Involvedt buiiliar u Foi Lke, and Fred Schuoltz igbrprns.M.adMs . gift of a fine baby sont ' Inluthe deal la the condensing plent at ofibeeg wr lbetvaevistai-s Churchi ' .ýan oeaI o we~~ bOi-tYV - Miand. sd i. NoelIL . Durnd retumrui Grayalake. awned sdoasa o Satt'dtIY ~~~~B. 'W. Boeiing, of' .Chicago, con- ailManàday ta thefr haine la Cbittiio, zmny esiyti.WcolnMk cowLa ,ke vote»l-&tai peclal nected vit-b t-b.State Police Auxiîai-y a!tei- spending Bvera day# with theu-CDliBIY ree* c e~y elnied tiiemmlves Coininttea. vas I Libei-tyviUle pi-t' iother. .Mrs. ira U 'Durtinti. jM-s. Leslie E. Warren af Waukegsan '~' of a ooiCit ighglOOlday. Mi. Baering l a rkîng i the is hm wahn 'assioleil Wednesday af lest week lu dtit.Of titi',voiè mat. only 27 Intres1t a stàle vide paliça lav for sP,,,,,,thse ChristmsS holida»B W the W. W. Cari-oll store. lira. Warrc-., Wer Opasd t te pàalo.ot Ii.'llinois, *atîai-ned snmewhat afbai- the' b wîl eaie, etMna'~,- as tai- sameine a avalued employe - "~ ~' ' - Siata' Constaiulay af Pannsylvania. ofer h i etb ithe stare sud viien, durlng thbe Valparaî;u. feu., weesb s t Other lstte bavtng sifillar ai-gauiza- . ' rush of Christmnas business, Mi-. Car- t vFnal not a -ýtïï onegilýÏgent phyEicI &nstons ai-a Taxas, Nev York aiç Tcni" rol lsent ber'tbe S. O. S- cal. sha ,m lio-' e beau 4WIOed, ~ >1 acat ul oiesyatem Mrs- 'Frank W. Fouldis ia'viaiýîin, lupramplly respaudeil, snd sbowed 1ha1 1È0tig that furthtei- IBiutre l ttu inluibis isate vas dteated t. the san-, BlooIsigton. Inti., with lier dauzlter,' ahe had flot faigottan bow ta giva ser- ,meu 17,i--1 i will ha referreil tollie lu'last m inig of tbe general'hMma. Ttobrt OBien, whose childî'eu, ivice lu haýnouuai efficient nianuer- 'Atoà )a>t. I1fr. legal enforce- assamhly._ cbiefly on « cnnic lc'tbr.J. niIauIi iiebe metcl e.'uoiypoIin, Iopito afogizdah. i <Ui*.. An automobile or ti-uck bel__ln t - st Q fognzd ao.Nr J.M. Pattai-son, andl sald te bavae en ri 5-y i a i rveyors were in\2ubaJ Poeiifl'.business in LilerlyilIn r, 1wa' Misa Helen fB. Clark, wha je teach--. divein b>' uen ptoy af the ee Mottîor ..o8b ~ aksureeying fa(tfuti e t tre Senator Rodftey B. qSwlfl b 1 ingtt:uo& t .a ituuMoud, lu., spent comioSY, tuck a -ydrant near thej e cmeant r,îad ta be know i thbe 5ddi-a a meeting af tbe Stilte rai-mi theChristmas'vacation bei-a wlth berJ Cilty Hall Fi-ida> evening, dainagitfi t igiva>' Supe!visaKi4scb erat Association taeho e ltid ttPeorla gi-andinothu't-, lraC. M.' Fulle'r, and the iiydfat, but ndtbIeùIBg t l r tK 6idesarlng ta bava tiie Wgu. onJanuar>' l4and le. Senatal' Swift. tiier relatives. 'wateu' main. The damsage vas repaiîe j'pad frram the-A, W. Meyer oi- bafi Pi-0Dii8àl.te st-tend tth. 'meeting and th'Ibielbu ssent ta th ii.gaae o uwve11~u 'r~eatiu ~ An addrass vill alun ha delvared bv y J. T. Davis, tb. vail kuav Li4ber-t; tise e onpan>', 'vsaie It- was pit' vî ill» ontue-a. mizasber of thb Bao oic inville tranator uan, a4famil>' rew1»m- t ya.juoe it vu %Mo lI tgli keiOn@ e qrtieastalag mentioned, ar paraI- 1etqhome Frida>', hfter ill~>ning briat' clo.ed wfi*eth l. lcîdent van cii- e' bby, 'r *ofthe, CastIlan '1 CIcgu.vflh lira. Davlse&Wi- Flesnssen tlbapart of thei. driver or' a ~ ~o.àtaiPa~àcg. term a.Dn U ed»'ssii fmil'. j4G~_tu là * iiasr. athe. cr. ke. is ont in nialce the c1lÜb one of he hast la ihlese parts, says Peter W. gewhouse lunteGrayalaka mies. Be- ides rcntinz a very anitable Itiete of ount i lîrid tiacing saule in Unevery )st of jnIayiing condition, the club aiseo ans Hlie erettitînof s club bouse io by 30 feed. work ou which is 10 he jist as, soon as weaiiier per- ifs naxt sorlng. 'I,.;rsiav, Jan. 8, at 8 jo. M.. a joint netiug of t)ia .Parent-Tache:aAsi- 4ations of the vJelplty wiii ha hehdItn be Deerfleld-Shalda high ichool. A te attltplay and folk dancing wtll ba nen hi, aludenis of the school. SPe- ai music wili lie furi'nshad froni the Àike Forest Conservaiory Of Mugie. Nn exhibition of the work done by thte nanual training atudents wiill sa b. )n dtsp!ayi A splebdid pi-agi-arbas mon ai-Taiged and all lntereted are ivlled to b. presant. li'fty ci.qe.t of yphotd faver bave beu rprte lu lb. citY Of Joliet and Jliet township. An investigation bai; taen made anul ha source of lInction tced t0 shallaw wells ourrounded by miv les. The çisideinic Ot typhaid lever euphasizes the. tact ltatIindividualft tunbit bt, eponded il90fl 10Protect îemselves. To save a ?aw dollars, tenu'- 'i ii rinltlug watertraint plluted wells whutn the ' publie water îppty, gtitidintiii;ilit> -innear it sund. We extend to- ail the Complirnents8 of t'hé Season and Best Wiàhes forý. the Coming Year, Yenewmng to our: friends and, to the- commwiity Our pledge of Service and Filelity. To-those whoým we already serve, those whom we do flot now servelwe, extend a cordial invitation to makc use of. our services. The First National Bank of Li.)Krtyville, Illinois RE!SOURCES O0FN10RE 11AN H,~A MILI I.k\ I)OLLARS Thanking my many friends for the patrmp generousiy bestowed upon niiein the" pus-,a patrQflage that lias made my business Urne most extensive of its kind in: the commu1 - nity,, 1 respectfuliy soliit a eontnuuiC of your custom and wish one anidiah- Frst M«4"-* 4 % B.,,"s Là. eCouaty Ruai £statii;. - Anderson flock LAKE FOREST, IU. FOR -the NEW YEAR Noinsooks 38c and 48e Muslis 35c.and 38c Unbl ached.-Muili4. 28c Sheeig9-4, at 75c' .Large'Bath IT"wels e$1,00 W., w CARROLL & SONS~0 Phono 29 for ail of o ur customers be one of Peace. and Prosperity C. GOTTI & CO. il- 1 R