Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jan 1920, p. 7

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UIBÇRLLE £INDFPENF. T HURSDAY. JANUA-PY, L, 1920. "'OUT U~ JRLAND oîng Te Mortt, )Make Pur-,- er Mother.7 actai wtil a n.w- iiing on the North hlidren who vie- by 'their iiarëul naklng purchaiea., cl their molney br oto more thau 10 r two ago Holma ter of Dorr Dake, as ment bo a lia! 1 40 cents in a y accomteti ber Md. )u dolng?" or@," repli tbh. . mach. te boy tois thse cis.tbook aMt 4W ted smimlar «mt- Mia Md now eber dudJ ma, mq ~t U Uceut. Peanis 3. t Wauisea on tc sblp waa de- ,@-e, sol os isarriedti he 6.ty Mle brohul theb wither tbat tii. otupieted to ahy monummatoL ler>' vas et&- t andi Va. Iriu- nes about titre. 1.hai-ge oi thse tie Davy Yard lat, t Miss Robisg arasa the conud- îlem. tNT. P-LAS ying good n -and how s'ou haile ýirosl tac pape, i Mayor of Gary Roquests 00000000000000000 0 fternioottait "ofst Wthdrawal of troops 0 LA K E VI LLA 0 Mr. and Nies. Morrisio andedaugit Gry, md., Dtc. -L -dpra1 troops i 0'0 0 oo. 0 0 00000000 0 ter oo o eeb tItdy.t tst week wit so ostrtill duty her alince October 6 Mra. E. L. j3radley Watt a Chicago r.itcao i be wfthdrawn the tirai <f' titi' vittor lait veek. »«6. tMay&or H1odges basaient a mes- OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOO am 0 tGn.Leonard Woodi asklng .,JK. 'f -eri ng and ii e-entertained 00 it«t that--fMoval af the troop4. The several Chicatgefrienîlý tîteir oltti-ANT IO C H O - î~~-eIowdeou o 4. h~&Q tarauttyi-rfî ialta. 000000000000000000u 4 hate betwe(ta civiisas and soldlers : r&W. #--es ý t -lilas.ekIi -~.Ri ~n uua niMna Ila a lomial poolroom Chrisutas nighf., .1etrll a ckfl- elsetSLdyadMna titi ttoc, lu,%a , lot-îî a coîuplie w at hi bore lit St. Charles. weeiowitbrelatves;Mrs.Johcnot .t and daughter, Marie of -tint] aIra . G. îulton antd Mi. Waukegan, spent Christmas with Mr.1 ~ f. ttLOLBRA i and Mrs. Oscar Deugla ,eiut Fruday anti Mca. Getorge Kuhaupt antd daughter. v Ot- t.lit' a' lii ti i -rItitsaa Word watt ceceived here Monday lty DRU~IGGISTNorth Prairie. relatives tif th afe arrivai of Mr. and] Nsr. and. Nîrti tati erand C('iitMrs. Joseph ý»ndéc in Florida whece ~entiittittînsiti-i it t ii1tiuringil-.ti i- iti Misý. they wecit tu a ildthe winter. H~1OLIDAY GiOODS NItus.î.irart] ittl iliittîai Margaret Kruckman, the ltte six aniMt ti îî- i lbyear aid ddughterefM' -andi Mrs. "~oa Fany Stationery ltt-lWuood, .4 nîîii tir as withl Mr. 'Frank Kruckman of Wilmct, passed- t tt ry Toilet Articles -, ttl 1 , , . :S1- t Mbontiay at the We-sley hospital ti Pu~m.7 D.ihiand Toy a - MmHwiay -- i j ,Mu- itla iy i-_i wi.tsnithe ciiy !Chicago. Mer deathwas dueitomarh - phiattehor is.d tics 5PP'b ld-it week trou, t 'Ilîcrsda> titi Sunday i trouble. amit fanllty. Christmasa t the ttr'rs hume ini PtYSICIANs' PRESCRIPTIONS 'liei.E. f îwitîianti N, lurnett Chicago. Câretuilly ComFounded fliiiiii-a sj,ýt Ci tuas atti-ti firs" Emmett Webt, son of Chaste Webb, t...î- --t..iteawho has heen ill wjth pneusnonia sine~ Mi. - ita L t-l-i- entt-tibe ir Chrîttas iii a great deal better. Ai THIEREX L TOR tj:il iins from ni-arIli-r ilt titi-r honte trained nurse- has been atteutding hlm. GIAYSLKFe ILINOIS 1Inialiim, lait Ssturd.ay lu honor et M 1W-aratchîlsnifauk- - I ~iter lirthdaY. - - Mi t iara WVi nibs sttt il] ith pot-unI on thetti1 I1.Y'IINlA J1~ ak-s, butW lii tottace iii i .R.:W N L N Iiltuti Mt'tS-Jattt-a Ici- la CROCERY AND MARKET ttitChrit,,, ihîand DEAILRIN t-k ot-l-Jate iti tL.k, General Merchandise J.î- NIrtt.- and Nfrm, t] STAPLE AND FANCY GI(OCERIES M îîtM -, ti-tÀ, DqtY G00.SNO1UONS- iMttt i.ttii - BOOTS AND SIIÔES ti iiAI-iiai.Iiiiti t V MIATS AND CAPS -rt aiato fii titiiîît t- Counr1y Produoce Bought end Sold fliai tîtti jantt-xs-ni the-fit Pho et17- i-i-wf k wl tii l-aît-ton fii-ot]', r itn.iIr antI Mrtt J iîniNatîr (-ni LAJCE VILLA - ILLINOIS t-;e iraiW tjýatta hltr itîtî i ~0f'I t= afflei a «k M. -i» . le hkb. t ui. attime . ,,:tMy ditts>'.ti.,Ji- n .pm.d iiot- ,.bt t. b. - dut.d ip t1 .. - ,4 u'-, - - ~~teui.tu uit i d . titi- u. sd t. epi t . I .i &àq«w5.y ski- it-n-ud ii- t-t.«b W-ork mre- Produce more- Save more- But we can't continue increasing ou production unless we continue increasinl Our railroad faciities. -~-The farms,, mines and f.actories cannc -- increase their'oùlput beyorid the capacitý i f t he railroads to haul tlîeir prodûcets. Railroads are now îîear the peak of thel carryng capacity. .-- Without T' airoa& e xpa nso n-more en minakà--there' can be Iikte increase ii production. ltthis onrof j og t pright on growiîî---t.{h aira must grow with it. 1'Ôlcommand in tut' -,nt nmarket: the flo* of 'new cal,-;.Id radroai failities -and so Pu, .. .xuCtion - S there must be pubi;, uce in tbg f~ute earning powei -- di-As. -The nation's -busiî -fa# as ihe railroadsg 1 w-fowoflly a t- ~- >/edbyltu aiea M« "bins l*enuru titirii.ta La4 ao80g 4j As4%wyu Eme, fa< i Brwofsq, NW e&.r~ Railro'ad Problem flirt et mail and olLer frns of adver-I! nli zit eai ihl.t-b-toly wheal) il Ito i îl antd it : 'he-new-ipaj)f-r -h ido üd tlie ad-vp-rti. d M are i hç kintio ositoIlit a re- Ca:zet O C N U o seil.i-la - eud an not h ti hrough udt t lt-tOC 'and ionei .t-t nt tThal Msor t fit dvising ig A RSIS llt îîg ItU('1-t hL tr epLafspent 1 o l ai', r t ý'iii nii to (12--- cft h t o r ; Pîur t i c t r,- r i m o urM a rs h a l. - mitil i n adi ii ite *son t wboni you aiteeitiiig t tuat ait. Wttu'î woutii Wien the censot 'e-nnueraîjo be iii ýiy face lu face wt-.liiitthe irsen :gin werk tu Vtauktcgan and I*k, lu s.11iltit aticltet flt i.,N rpy County on January '. -t wilU be Up t % if,. Tii-a i-cat-iet -t niaking Iteolti t bans-wer' thoir quimitian or tii îrîsr i tandi]a l i-rati mton~ hefl go te jail. Ex er ti nnumerator lSm? ii- ritîte i îile, geiting il mb obet- given power te ut iiearrestsi ma pOt- tt o-ttiic iig thtinliteri't.try, monit isdiuseourteîîtm or- -rammte rut1i t-i n g àsit ii ak iniv b i- -titi iuc11. rt siian s We r q ues to n s leothe beet ofýb a curn b# întprovi IT hi-n to.nd il te abliity. The- ennirator. may aithar ih1h i -wral inake the arrn-si. ir if for personol r - ri'ti.ons lie duc-a ýit desltre to do sq, tir notity the hi'- -o and a Uàlttd - -LOOT f R*OM LA itX o r-1h1if. l~1 FOR EST HOMES IN 'usdr aigt >s4gqolo - ~ r 4itics i)urî gthtelas-t Ceitsug EXCESS ur $15 tin y altent- w.r reluctant about 5, ing the tuforinati, n. belivlng 1t ljb. be turnet] nier t , lt- ,goverumenta 0f ber),gan, spent Christmas with Mns. Isabelle' Ç3 ~Ex-cdnvicts are lamed for the Many arit-t iront lai e n tle "coInS. b-- e>Chinn. The children t-ilt ci-main here RepTeuOtatIve Johis J. 9sh. NueosTefs ee duty and dii nuti watn the- officis or titarNi-w Year-. This Republîcan stateaman, of Wlscocn lelchaîrman ofQi - tIétd S1vr.iouta.tii-ie iFl.,-o rt'lcîne b ihiei tDr. S i'-th if ChcLo, gtpsentilthe week Rous» Commtte. on lntsrstate and ]Foreign Commerce. andi author G _____ - t-. IOt, i ttiury ol, I iit,-l t-ae in gl- luî il, r-.t of the measure returnîng the ralîroadu te tbeir owners. ial speech -igl stro.eLIO oendi with George Joîhnsoîn.I là ,pla»noathé présent railroad i stuation. in whlch ho deciareti TljititaMi-Giirs'ettti' Mdbttiirg & Stam. înî~un-ttci h nfra A burglar alarm itahi-ltg instalteti in Ibat "iqveërnÏeflt ownerahlP andtheL.Plîtmb plan .are impossble" azî-ttictv g-iy n(tt io. %î% -t- it yId . (îin, n ronithetia1 th ta»b tikofAntjcch. bas bee nounedoneofthemat nt4l and convln~clug argu. t-ilioci ihstwîi'î0 îiployed îb> atiro- it-\akeati-n.r-dlCo- i Û Fo o -ir-itidh-uMents Madie ta Congres lumany Yean. I- -laittitiini is- t-'îîr--slt andtt \akgi iesraiycM >ci(oli or]wsrci-, eeTut-sday Jttlted 'itu tti-flui-t- tae tennuin- j(jeîîîcît n i,-ring tfltlt.-u aii o i-t-tiltJon s-tii ii ittiitt'M." lir- AltIiti -- hi w ai resta were in ttthitagti00 0000 00 0000000000 ju>i-d.t-v l' I;ýitî .t ti-rpain rth,-xi(, tttoflvýosreeos e- au Ilulit .1ntiNi.r i -hiat .>- rc orkngn iý .ani(li--e t-on- (aite ast i bvoie tht-y reacb- A - u n ii ut-t- itt-,g tah(wtioyn ar woA L L r. and Ira. Atex iurî- t-pent l;I-leiîttî- i t h- ,t-ii-îlft;tri etttintsa îd titi' tocit uî otnitîrteii,sri if thé t-l. t-t-' 0unhO MtO OIL O OOOo itt- i riNîit tt l-i 0t The te St.P.trt chuct Mtst-!1l t of tIt i - - 11iiMeltI Galdandti Stver 'c lc i-t- l. v iiht-lit a a ary a d dat-ce N w îîîtt> --l) l M ro i. I i t -- - ., -- i t t.- L te G . L J' h IIE N D -- Mn Ilrry Hawikins anti mother, Monitaa , a. ~uititei otI tMi> ' Jatt ik lt-t --k ,at 1,itîi >.,!1e,; 1 .tlnt>' i iitit, be c i ) r h it4t NIrqs i4hrk e a-nttu- H anim-onl. I nd - tit -n. fîîiaî-ît>ii N i t illili i il isu mal rI i -I it. s - ..Di -it-ii î ir , tît:- tatl N itti' to attend tLe weddingotf Mca. [Hawt-in a ti-t Tliursi.d.,,l-(.4 u utj, ,lt nRsel it it t ivilt-il--t 1 rotii $Itii ufllfVN lis I tijl ' bî-tiîcr John. loin fil t-f hii Ii ii I-t u il N *x V 1 lt i-f iti. !"ootlV'.'ar-,- gsing bark - t Lii. euttiI hi-» utitii- i tfi tt-ndîý lit- J fl - fa Soninio titi-recosttritiia nutithsr out .rs - 1IVLK iTUE CIAREES t- oint--i Oo o o o 000000O OOOO-t0rJanuztrt 1 ;it tîtigîtosnîir ntani eJ . rsfuni iutt;>. l)ci -tr up ithe oltil rtîhhruesas v-i-l - HIKO Y is.ltýiti, i.' istpuiles. 'ilt-teHIKO Y ii,îtrtîuaîons. - etei l -xîtt ii eîailfi-ontuifiteen te - o o o O O00000000 O00000 -'1iisot] M: - t t il -andîtTELLS 6- î weuîy rini n ftle tv-situwns anti Says ail Wisoonsin Couples Elut-tiun tif Sunîtay tchtot officertu ni-Ct o hirtf V'ai'gan t-;-tý. tt'tat i-'tî-:irîi i Ji'nîi- Who Copie Here Have to flU! U!IU lU i!fiitt' r :titi n omy efott-te Mk nAodvt t tida fr the cqc> year. îtIt- t-titît ML.tatd Mrs. Jottn uraviord. l) n rur -i-y nyoinou -ftiontese>lîaafAfiavt ol:t1. Luf wt-Zi4 notre i the hctidays. Mra. John Iltnner ii ttirhtnnaOltttlt bl ei-n the work of aroed t-on' M "" r. Mr i I;. ouirLcttnete have ttte Mîis it Annie an-t MaT ED I11ý TC5' t ri- -t iio itisiaeit t'tottt'ntow se, Ctuniy t? --'-s 1,I dee inlenmt t- . IIiiiNtu~ cal-îlrnt uit oLttke Foret-t. roi a ,0 ) rcturnt'd frt(îi . cas. At preet-e ulive of l'eorta. atdOit.u-- i,.tt-i in mas LIR ABUS~IN1ESh~ S-vhos'lli'.e ii r t. ryti any1-buut giîe charges cas-e they are visitirgcrelatives here. t ut -e t-f littrui, lieu ntue'-. I---a ît-.atlJu tained In a Cir5îo , f!Wr» a id"i or Mc.ant Mr. tamion une anfN-. ueaPotocktutCLudit t--s twii age tpiti ett at th~e lllinol -- aubtcspntuntayatDviPctens. t'i ll 't-ollockiof4Chat-h t-ii Eprt A , .Two Other Homes Ertered k tuarirage s!,tLitt abelng' voah M.aulte nt Mca. I B Wehadure pi- t. Ext"pertt Wttiuho uîgureu îoCmlnCg T:sehome of Il-arr> K. Gibert, Laite c-'ery tite ai'iacons-in Ilcoen Wu Mr an hwn nd RIv. ebbace se iso.Here, Addressed Bloom- -FoËeil. was discevers tetohave ht-in sed b-re. i:snmueha h l aw att, Mn hiss Gr n ivertucoet Crttna At'î-tî-tntCrsntswui .- ntereti. Thte homit waa capasckedth îat a Couple- rîay fot weul la lltd AI ;ut hsii wliifl<tofl Men. ihroughctut. but apltarently nolthinz îte r areita etti~t tisGai ilt(nsetCrsm! it- in tthiüc go, rni-urting htomnt.-watttakÉn. Ilt s betievethe burgianarioIf theluare-arnae. rmg qg-g wi- thîe 1Ltme fu-lks. I ec oeting for lique-r.Mc Glbrt[ratibe, n le Mr. anti Mca. TheFrairsethitii tttotnin tnariî) aid elet colle ihere vu-n lit-mov- TeWiiutînnaraelvp. Citristunts aith Mir. ant] Mrg. Charles, le~Ai iitIntu Truay lute it-~ tu -- t iy Ihat hait arnseiantidfe ht ivdes for fiee days publication of a imounteti tettnyihing, thriti-ru e marriage liceuso h -ore the Itco- Griffu eof Artiecli ttStAertit îtî>u ti tUt: t- iiepot Nai-tk ctoîrtt e-ule ia i elinti -frît.Tiusitoil e .u - Fasiec lottenesk tvue cur.etir îecMcoiLi'lid iit\droe Guaci- ha.îlis "The 8sciitnit'c Lente of Eelwaci rd 1eau be Issii andi the coeoài y p holudays. scte ra tI-. î .l t-r -ate -Mua. GI. -Tituas oke NW.IH. Richatrds, of (,lIi ris Jr. ali'424 Mayflower Aient,-.i', Ilîlinlois uni 13flot eforcel huot,. There t-tata tamîly gatl-eringat MrF. I t - cazo.tittitrntent et the Itichard tkt e ttu-Foi-eut. wîattbreken tatahy Pliur e !-aaIlçriÉ o téa 1-i ofadvrtsin, J a bugias rSaurdy ad anaacked. t- - urin in thace Chicgo10 (uNi J. PleIîs îon Certlrras day. Dn ;ii.t L ot '-lrnieilft if ts --tl-- tfjitîru-îg t1natutT-hrsu oh btrdy anrrd white 1ceapacn uIoCicg t~~t -'l tw- liiiretait greira andi ilat Tt i' brîofhbefry netcic i - iý ý'nakos the transaction ilîngal .and15e i MisLois lHunier la t isittn.gherc t-tr. .-did cet-ciily. ,tl-.-Ûtîcn tlte licaIIhdn ab. cousin, Cac>t Tlteismn thias k. iTtt,- ('t-nt-ccgatiop.l lai ti tt nd ii alett tghl. "lPuhing Bua'utis cigtolatattgilaomes comt t t#'aont Mr. and MrF. Chris Peulssn calter- et] a cui toteteRev. A. H. Ferd and] fiti SVtn,-' t-t- tihîe titte of Ric-lardti's preet îti mrlbes haveg th north l cej., intp't ttbteiz - Hioce.-Sinita roierte hav boi Icouseii isouied eertouple tauvs taineti relatives frornt WVdswortli and hel.îias a ccîlteut.ltie wiît mot-c here 1id on the subi etoet Advecuslng. ai u-- ht bya.StMk "The ichia oge bs id f atuliiestnigiiiiy occuirrence l tIn d tculttarqtei1 ak nat.-t Waukegan for Xmaa dinner. ansi ettupy the pulpit in te fttuîc Wctteat.îeKnssCt Sa roua d Lake Forest. More fiiale*151)-h- aotec L >rraoaa~t Mr. untyMainani li atitiugt- Scbuyîi- Dnman et Libertyt-itte,. lismaude Kansas City andtihiLssaine tO ot tt-utlit at ieWiscons'it andti tai thi-re lt-uno bsr ter of Heitron, usiso the two Misâes apeut the wttîk uc-lt-ith home foliks; latie oethlie nhlwpapers bn many stoleD.- - Iteir gutliug marrieg bere. Reynolds of Tiopeka,.ass istde ls .H oWreck Interior of HMse. Kanasviatet atcia A.H. -~id. ibr cîtbos, Le saiti. Teroi ers obtit-lietienicance to Tire 10-i1 colistY Clark hau obMO* AutnSvgsthelatter partf Xmas Prof. Rlchard'satiddr.-ss lent niglilThelentaii e- on ILhe.propamî,g ~.ustna 0aagea e Amna Cannon ta rn)endlug a few th h -nih a aiei to-îe Morrisihonne by smiesing a sitlu bas boon itioured ibat b. la ~*t - ee.Weeke with ber brothler anti fanity et ingi-on within recsni monîha Bisa dis- wlîtdow. Thelriçreah foir lot c<'V tlaua t thiere lano"Wo c ure. courseline, wlth uhsbletéinition of ereti the bouse. Dracera were OeflP bnck"and he o 0000 OO00O ie d inyritahr tltebmnaswib esii ate r fLied of contents, cioseta rifled,. mt-______ i 0 0 0 0OE 0 00 Ms IaRnad ece ttebRielýwthb adi he as- o.itrsses i'lipiopen and even portions oCU R NE E 0oHockaday echool. la apeutiing ber va- mbouga înaîr felatof eligais b iolgwr aaoi u 00000000000000000 r--O feeing Juàtt how mucb thi.. urgiars grut %TL IN m muu Mr-n r.R .Cl fBtva suete er teacbing worlc Jan. 6. "A îew yeara ago a matîeret e I o e>dtried steMr ris tamilîy bsbe itr nCi N. Y., visiteti relatives boe during the A meeting of the sciuthBaide teleP- unaes was a bgttle ofa wits betwcou te cg. b $ap es en witocîedng lit.~ l U bomte company yviil be helti ai tLe salesman anticosumer but thal la aî.Lsai-cata"-<<td lt iEu t holidyn6u longeoririse" ho said in emtphasiz- automobile. IL la bollovedti t ha-r. The Joli>' Two gave a dance bore luttiotige achGOo Jan. 6. -ing the' evolutien of business. boni; tLe. samne liant af thieves Whto t Ftritiay night. 1 Misa Margaret, Gilbert le vislting Taîkedon ahmanship robitet many allier homi rocently. PR M E PA I .- Gurtsee anti Waukegmit basket hall lier alter Mra., Horaceo Culver etf Fox The uspeaker tievoteti a crllhierehie Chic-f Gordon andi big mon, arnieti Y teama playeti at the higli achoot ber. Laite vîclnity. - Part ai his atidresa le tbe subet et Wlitb deex' andul ietr rifles itrniabetid.~. salesmanshlp whlch hi- deelareti*ass yLlaite i-Foest r t-ttents. gave diae Atty. Ger. u al xtuw iuuq, Friday night. Miss Bertha Wbite of theo Oak Park 4,kid f j.erisngandiatmaite-r te the burfflans. tot their trail, hoati-- Pfices After New tA large crowul attendedth ie Christmas hospital cameheme Thurada>' and l1o cf tLe groatast, importance for the itg aottthward. v-sa lest on Sheridan - Dy jr entertaiimnt att(ha church Wednesday maineti untJi Saturda>'. merchant ta canslder. . Rosd. a. e. .iight.Mc. andi Mca William l3aDnner anti "Ativertislng la the blggest Invest- - Mc.,anti Mrs. H. W. Keel vuiteti son, Reý'; Mc. anti lure. Clarence Boan- truent In the wortti for the fellow Who Burgîscies In Lake Forest have W hlgton.-T.hc Amerleas irieda n Cicao tsg attr prt i nc ati augute. Jan;Mca Jo n o .t' "ho salti ant iehafoîioed -* toppeti sudteltuy. At a confereince on _balt ehe- tInfrmed i byAttosUOp - lit vein hc. oth a-eprto Blran uher, c Jet caGr a nners. Jô- wlh annber af exem-ples oi the $atuntiey hitween Mayor Iýcnry A. feralitPalmier that they MOsy t. wrong ti dofai dvertislng wbich Rumsey oet ui' titi -tibon- atiburis - deeln, it ratait foodtipaeosw - jJ. A. Bennett, of Wankegan, spent anti son, 1:oa WlimMCtocut o ai iergitnismî.anti Olt. John Anti-. -t-n. cilrmait< of i- ,c Ueaiw trs, au&. Fcdayhera ith ad irinda.andt Lucy. May, Annle anti Josepiine Rçgulartty, system, anti changes ln the Police cOmmît-e lwaîteitct iIi ineoiaaonsa ~ t~ The ladies' club met Monda> aiter- Dotigoaillent Christmias wiib the Mur- stivertielug copy, the speaker ileciareti, ta abit the leu!'- ut uy far Chiefai ed chear lb the ul0 noonWithMre Bron. s the onl>' auccassful way to ativar- Of police James Gorio-n lccm day i0 ment will atiticiteer ;t th W fan ih ca fo1 ray family et Rusell. tise. nlght. celebratian. Mr. anti Mrs. Fraok Hock leit Wed- ______ Pointe on Sumînesa Chièf 1er-Ion wvt-on dut>' st» sigbt Rt--tai food ipon oriwly 11111111111 neany for St. Petersburg, FIa., wbece 00000 o 0 OO 000 0 .Ho contlnued: Sat.srtity audoi i p'e automobile -dawnWard trendi durliaa-tlu dcm. CiArenceCrawfordofW&tukega', 0R S EL > 0aprospective cmaterner Ie the store. burglacîlelhut bu,--ri it ortoti tip te an palmer explaWd enflait lisl th'y will penti the000000000000R0US0S LLLb-s'onsaa tivery. tient ba brtheparllittiIilort p.nuusY No- anth ai -ayaar. tteho ih v*ted fiedherthe latter part of O O O ooO O OoOi bsdn t u>. ttrIa ie-enyluu ii tr 1"isIlsatet llb I .t eek *I kt-.titJ~ ~a.. osIdeend uan alamasbp. ao iSema t-nie agi-. t. slburgiaries be - iIs yeer hi the capalmn at I t titi.a ..ama.eslemnbl aîe os noyacame fiuiti' couti. tCh- tordon chang- lt ýgaoenmint wbbcb la jat t IWilWinters ofKenosha péritChrist- 'ibll etu st- mahantenla t--e otatieem a yfp.:et i hiitt1 luunet a bur- getttng ivoitondeiray.5 i - erings in ibis tit-tLt tietslg ut otisism bp, tglar>' occu i'i't, the -'eek. iPrimm7r' fdasînove a S mas with relatives hrbovra.ig n oo aemnt hni, '-e idp.t-sou. of aote-l ts s The grade ad ai chools M-Oen Nirantd lu i - vj ý> u:utv Iuthe sane uannar la god-ativertis- f hi wn'h t,-Indsof ai lving. whIsîeila aireadi »« i d agasve next -onant hg p M anti ou. .- .~ I.-iing. For If a cualomar ls pleased i wth h ett--et- it'.u- ni-trol. tise attorney' génoralmil, M Mh W oda>'.n i-beante o 'ýns-.te reatmeul Le recelvas anti la sat- tht' rail- crri ttcreesetproduction, the Umo Oim - Te oodanpln t gve nohe ciftuiatt. .~J .at.-.J -uithIîetiwlîh the goads ho purehases -extravagant buying andti séie sofa card parties aiterJan. 1. Wr. tn-Jdr .i . ti-ài lie la a custotuer for Ilue, or for as un un t d itaint d sows cf rtp4 CMc. anti Mus. L. J. McClure spant Ctm it.fta u Btlruis. tuat Long a poclidas sallaflati anti pl'asetiIU I~XL I*f ee u h"118110Il Sanda>' witb fi'ends at Rusasîl. tÂheîr tîniuai gaierii-uc. uyr îwenî>- wîth îLhe service.'"- - iioduce hi. ulmmt 9iftissW"as 1 NaruaffBrowioh ban purchaseti a naw, igit sat IUwn te a suitittuouis itcei. "Nucmete.Illa lgWomistake a fn ad osur1t1 M t-r "Nobot.s mandltlla b knsaws bte te GR1VOK 'ewVIII 5e.and 9 *AU s adcnbu.Tlose Jrefent a-une Mt. antd Mca. John i tus-it ativecuslng cosîs a lot of. mono>'. * 4111ih h The scbool board met Monda>' aven- Bote,aud son IRobert,-i.. r r. i n t- fact . hILcesîs ana cent Ibere la ing at-Use bigh 5allool. . E bionîuteîsudi îaut4ter. lMit. and] somethlug wcong wltlt IL. When prop- -Heom-- ut f heen granted boer4ibtg" thé euect af 07b4 Min Dorothy Caraîl lait Wadflesday, iMeS. W,.M. Donner anti sai, Mr'. sud t cl>'doueéI Pays ail btLis W ibieaa tilvotit'. s- 't act (bat hIei. 'O4eha doolareti forWaaintanwhré iti~îitg Ms. . . Banr at- so, în.Mçanti profits hegîdea. Te ha properly wife tii" e1 rc anti bu boon fe Waoieg. teèî h% at Glie re j0f o erad o, u;M ldone,'mene tiat there aboulti b. a fîghtiiost- t- it'î Lke Co att alatoqo Mrs. ele - uiurreteianei MlIbura. Mns.. Laurea Cernai.;tefîntie îysieem anget aomething. jcircuit c trit i - i, at Harriaburg, uain fProp«WiY s- number of youtfg people e erhmeadMca. Gachy of Chica~go, teMisses hn an.Arlga oif i is muitionmia ta heair nil - -ing 'houie i-fled iber-att-a l ru'dtbtTBe erhmaWt at LuaCon u usel M.T'-t -otesusiotIe iliba rn II fii tu-tiirt iihlnsvr IlnolRisdOv' Wednestiay night. atiani tole gbatifiIl'ia 1,Il M --,- '-tburg. nmtng. Springfield,.III., 1bec, 26.- - 'lotge of Peoriand . kolsof exactly whàt-ffe aima at. Bo in k4& an affhlty. andti liMs. Tafloy ha4 tho total .loezd Yaut e, -1iRuissell,,Ail h.od a vcrym> mmi> Xmau.i vcrtisitg a definiteOabject and a dofi- flieti a cri,-q -bl In l ,e samoe court.o 1y Is&lnl. at s Agreai ildo ofuettigratiu S we- Mlssois at ad duuyGUyGasitInf7 -rite plan are necessarite10 UCCess. ihereforo the' Lakex eouity procood.- teta cmiit lu ot t-lstn, Ilenetiby the- -Tho local nowsapapor -by Itsasystet- Juge vere drsippou. S. H.- Biock *-aof 4 05.700.3880for 1h. t- covItin ba (ru-a B'Ian vI Mimases Alice anti Mittred BtrG illnireflrvîstver Lovrtont> o Tle' e t taHati4aing clpor-ed i VIth ; ota f ahactly accopt a mandate fur tbe Holy.j1Iver apent Ciristinurnet home. -t.rho 1iita tise sme .bpmos offfi-us Vort'-Adivorce Vas obtainoti for thse.for 1918. This t lia L i Lad anti that -the tiream aif a natlanel Ast Conuis s:-nt Chriaimas, itt illthobést pqýsibIe pianifor systomnatic cllout , wbo- &a ainthtie cuatodi 0of Itat tock of corpMoe-ti * h- omne landi for tiseJava s about telale utisaiTruesdialo. 1 ndvertlalng. Prestito and,,Confidence thier chilti. a Kiri. Tise Mtlgbter orpc..of vbis are liaIrFm bu realizoti, accordlng tacablo ativIcos -hc eaae i uI u frssino h bl ou oteJvn oa Q recelveti b>'the Voulat arganlzattlnof Quito za aumbîn' attendeti the achool yvhricha oappor ae bas uit-sp -fr 1sessconuaitisfLe ço uty, aie n-»al iai qis orv3&ti Amorica todV.t -e l-apaslttercounqst esaoa.ys. - Tne cablo messaai *iîrogram. whileb vas ver>' mach ou-n-'ytad tnuILapprerl te lr uaug ysil. urt a Lisst-uftysati Va. an ureaeo 1lg 1. 1* , ri

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