Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Jan 1920, p. 10

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.-r--r r - -a---~ -w-- - PÀGT~U LS0j1 jtj 1nt o0. fCap and Scaz-var o bclor coen- bIls46tlQng Veilles range tsp taý $6.00. Tahe Your 29 cboice gt set..... (MaIn Fil.o-) IA vSwouti vem'ety o! cot- ior cSblbmloSB Just the mule at. Cap ......98C (main Fluor) N*W ~ôr noter. IN OVR CAMPAIGN 1UI Wome AreGtâtting Values I They Little Dreamed of li This Sale of C_ Dress,es Just Thlok of the Cla .S n Smsrtest Fur Coats to be Found Anywhe re at These Pirkes These are stunnipg Co&tas ail thse smart new modela. Borne have fur collars and smre are full lined. Oome int.ilUied and smre baff-liIld. "fhey come ne umot nted materlk at 1 319 824 5 liéu L need for f ith French eciate this re in these At ST ilm. tlisy am,. amd abaims - d mSel with ter am. Issee on o( tue big- eteens, V 1el- and Nutria, Beautiful new bauses ln ins t ,yles, each .... . SExquiite new blauaes worth up tu 14,16. «ch......u aIl voal fabri . ... . of patterns. ecd ....... - Al vool sweaters, for wg- 398 men àâd mima ... ... FuIlneletialmocas. lu __S& vreglta ait .. ln the popular Field Mouse. shade. Laëèe styles mith cloth ,,tops'and high heels. 4535 AUI sizes, $8 values atý 3 CHIL.DREN'S SHOES of p&tent and kid. DuiI and ciatb toiia Band turned tales. 16 -.sxj si o i r fit . ...... Chilre'n's Coats inaýtariovs Sieécial eac_ y$398 of exceptional ulit$ very ' o ~~able each srie 69 Pretty littie 4Wite coa±s foi" * . Wouderful Values at. .. j " od all WO-Qi ats fo ték ids fiomn 2 2679* to 6 ye r old at, CHIL.ORSN's DESSCM'ILOREN'S KIMONAS Pretty littie dressesa for. I Verywa1m, .ariety of de- 7 girls 6 to 14 Yearm -. JUO apa ai sch . ........ iia ret'range of pat- terne 6 to 14 year sîss atUsM ,to' 870 t.each- 'AD m'LÎ N CIiILDREN'S BLEEPERS Ë-mr boh" ianlete 12 Ver> apecieat a........2 CH419RENIO PLANL-t - ~e-~l at sr ...... 39 The New OretonÈes BthE Be maketa, 0 -ood weight cretonnes ln-Comnplets batb robe blan-, a large range o colorad FI]~Wt odat ath i deoigna. c Pecialy -Pred 'r4.98 Special at yard -IeJanuar.y sale at.. (Main Floor) (Main Floor) 8at' urde.6y f J The Globe and Baàve MoueY' -t Main' Floor T.he.Men Are -Comin sp.ecis Scores and 5cores-'For These id them al They Suits and Overcoats- show how it pays' to 'shop at The (Globe. And They're,.Oettlflg the Clothing d WOeM1nion îhùb~- Valus of - Thlr-Llfre% Conte in all styles and al sizcs. Good w arm weiglits. For Saturdoy We, Featture Suits and $pecial 1à6 uvercoats at '45 ~t suit q'h a lt nrgulalv UD te $60. Flened stockings l alee sizes.Thy'spcialyi al!riets. ysae 35c pired ....le, 35 pairPlor Neweut Wool Drosa Gooda Several good colors to sel- eet from and thev al îuîake up beautifully at, 1.19 yard........-- - (MÏain Floor) Oharming New 811k. Taffetas, satins and mnes- salines in aIl the newv hades. Special 14 at the, y rd ............ Plain tgFlannel PWhtcouting flnnel o Whtod uity; aextofu vodqale ty; 181aori th ve airdi (Me ard n--,l-o>* ) Fancy Outing lUnnel Cornes in al colors in stripes and eheeks. Special for thissale at 21 the yard .--.------------- (Main Floor) Bock Yarn Good -wcight yarn for knitting so-x. Markcct spe- cial at5c skein ....................5 C (Main Floor> Thev're ili the classiest new styles for particular Dieu. The fabri(-s, the tailoring, the looks are the best to be found anywhere. The Overcoats include the big belted styles so p6pular right now and the suits arelu the Wsed ,faigt- hile effeets as Wehl as conservative models. While ahl the înost wanted sizes are here there are only a few tf a kind so be prompt Swagger New Su'Its in tihe Most wanted styles for Men and Younlg m'e Included are thome popular waisi Une et- tects and both single and double breamied mod- els The tabriceanad tmilring are absolutel>' de. pendable. Two gpeat lota, for il"mle at $25--& $34ib75ý -It wyul pay yau ta secure an Overcoat for futture needsata thia aalç. Theme at those big, WarinniodWis and Inohide the waiited belisd astyles Fhey are aIl dreay, aorviceabie and ezcepi.loSaly amart. Yoiulll pa>' a lot mare money for the aalne coats eliewhere. Cbaaae nov Men's Sweaters Men's Trousets atiana, ail apecially priced 8.451 at.................. ...... Mena heavy.wool aox5c are priced ai, pair ... 5 Xfes , uo! old union 74 suit&, narced .... 74 Mens dresahiria maiti or stiff s'uffa ...... 5 collars, Mens lia stilt bloci mena scal at the p andi higlitocs. 49 Mll sizes at ............. lt POYG-SH8M01 Gf 4un metal. Laàce styles pih in e structible solea. Sizea 1 ta 5% ai .. ....... S'r 1- ç--k %à 51, tlDIgweJi £~adt~Rament. New-% R PHONE ORDERS 9N TAES I1EMS Ameiall n ýjhýFarnliiy BP& gpecai ai 5 îgre for ... .... 8 c Eita-m 1Ware Fuil aime catton llanketa wlth tripe border, $6 value eai.. ..9 coiaiorters gllkaline cavered. full aise 4 cof,,.tem 6.00Ua lue. .... 8 NO> MAIL Oa .W&h Boilers Large sise b .lier- i 'copper 29 'botiam. $4.00vau......29 Wash Ttsbs Large_aise, ho vy aavalaizd tuba.;z.uovalu at - -~ Our entirs tacie , tmIl bue ecuanel- ~- ear tnuat be mal i durlu* ibis sale 94lvmio~dPil Wssh Boardcl ..sîaiàu<ie.tare tea-ketties, preaervlng Medîmu size inc llned board~s A.Ê ttles, coavex ketties. double balhe 55rtie vaer>a t ...... .. 39 . .en t v a ..è . . . . . .C. .5.1 M n d c fe e p t s . 9 8 C h 5 al e a v m-h e $ 1 . 7 5 v a l u e s . . . . . . . . . X o p s CIJ~~ ~ou, l Inow the aieTh4 Clotesa Uàs. 81-s0 volue ' !~ 8ld u 0 CI.Ilut& i bOWIa ýo! r.lOWttvsrheuvar'e. to in- AIl are Weil taiiarsd and ara dirt cheap ln iheas two iota ai gpecial .................. I Nlght Shirts, a.......... ck s f r.... ..8.... M eîî's W hite P le te avas giovea 10e hirtsated-ý-$ ir .... - ... hrs $3 value Here's the WVa'y the Béye Sa've' Bo0ys' Overcolta and plain baeks. Conie iin faiicy nixttîres. Broken lots in sizes 1010o 18 years. Values to $12.50 tO FTor tlîîs sale ................ UvenUe Ov.Cat Broken tots of- fancy mixtures in -izes froni,4 to 9 years. Valu a g to $0. Wilethey last 4 a t - .... ........... ... .. I leavy ined chincillas and fanCF mift-f. I tures in ý to 10 yoar aie..G o jS o $1W.50 vaines. SpeCiai for thia s ~ January Sale.......... ... A al ln fanecy mixtures and 4orduraya Shzea froîn 13 ta 18 yehrm. JusitheWOsuitesa boy 4dloigi la wear. $9.98 ta 112.50 values ai suit.1.............................95U Regular 20e aidà 26é- values ai . Boyst Bweaters tadeusW»hrOp hwl or Byrý-o oU u >egisr50 N Corm in gra-y ganutm Orpa l at -- aie4Ui Ail Our Furs Are Réduced 0 Away (je theHigfher Prlced Coats $MW.0 Iur Triemne,6 Cot f"'~ 06&W00pFar Tridc b# Spaciaill'pric.d ait.149.75 W 'â ~t>iaiimodel et ... rifYNUO51 $89.50 Fur Tri med Got .97,e $86,w0Fur Trimnmd C0t. Abeaut>' ai onl'. . WII de"hfl piyat a... $55. $6750 Fur TrimIned Cnt $».00 F., Trlmed Cot $49.75 Io marked ei only ..... 49.75 WiII go ln a hurrt ... 9100 Fur Trifftided Coat..j ..g 100 Fur TrImmd Couail Goes. inthis aai, et . U.V la .educed te only fipUU.5 Charming Ne* Dresses Inlue ar Daiçlug-?xàckâ and Dressesfor evenng or tret ier. liare beautlfuly tailored in sinartest modes. 9,-95 i- 1595u 24,85 t,. 13 t, 'w leather viSi Ilere Are Real Shoes Vle Waums,"s tylah Bhoea Fn~jmen',s Bhoes o. igww% v L- ---7--' -'-- - - 'l ý . -- .- 1 , .1pâl bûà.bM4 W i)tW WJ-4 4 -1 7«à 1 - jý

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