ChU DIUeCTRTEACIIE Oounty supt.. of Bchools 8tmpISoi th OU3ar 4iected te a&H teacheof tho count] redors teMInq them about the la* coverhq Old Glory aid Incideptally he itèl he ut la the "aHus echools of! keCollinty.J âb howngof th.e chools follows. This is the paragraph of the sehool law regarding the- displaying of the flag: 4'11e direetors shall provide a Unit- ed States National flag of. not less than * for-r by eight feet in size, 'vhieh shal be floated froin flag staff -or pote dur- ing" thé' schunt houvs of siîe.hï -lays as thev naydeteriint<t Provided, that the flvg shall not be hoisted any day wl'hen inclement weathcr would mrater- ially injure the flag." 1 have given below, in brief, the re- plies that wvere madle by t e. teaciiers about November first to a axeqn est for a statement as to whether or not the law~ had been complied with in the sev'cral districts. Teaehers cannot he 'expected to piro- cure a flag, staff or pole or to put in a rope; the law particularly provides that these are duties of the board o! direct- ors. Tbese things are not attendedý to, I trust, because directors do not ivant to obey the law but beeause 1f neglect' and, a spirit of irîdifference., On several occasions 1 have called the attention of the teachers to thiis n- mtter and suggested that, in iny opin- ion, a good staff, ten or twelve feet lôàg, a#tached,,to the building> or a pogt iu the ygrd, is a better means - of dis ptayixg, tie flag than a tlu pole. If a tanl poe us used, there ejould he soute means of lowering il when the rop4Q or cable is pulled out. The. teaehers have niot been able to get satisfaetorv results as the staternonts below will indicate. BENTON Winthl'oi Harbor-Flag dlsplayed but ane day. Nortb Prarie-Nat dispiayed; pale needa' repaira. Hove-Not dispiayed.' ýJIM Bouton-Net dispayed; pale need repaira. ZR-.-Pia sdlsplayed on good days. Wti41roXb-IM'ag nat displayed. no paie. Trova .Lino--No flag or pale. * - Rdklocore-îlag nat displayeti; ple troken. RUiiol-No fla or pole Eoe.rau Peéaplesd- ffag batily tara. Euoa-lla« Pràvidcd but no paie or staff liet IEewurt-rg povîed.but no pole or staff. i~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~i - Wlh.ZFa.ry~bupleneeds repaire. I"àWoroY"4'lag Provtded but Do staff ot pole. r. Obklad-lMg. provldod but no staff or pole, GCrbb-FpIa ~rovde&~ but no staff or pole. ý»Mmic-lag dLsplayed on good days. -4~atoch-Fag 41played on - iood day.. Chsimel Laie-FIna" rovlfdî[but no staif or pole. QWM Ocam Ii-Ztg dlspiayed on rood daYs. *CIOsld-Flag 'provideti bu no staff or Pole. Iii hioiUov-lliag proy.ded but no staff or paie. 1Wstk-No fiot or pole. Fe.%m oPla displayed on gooa dsys. AVON UlmaoQvlfl-llagdisPlaYed o on d dmyà. I*Aa VIll-Yfihgdispjaed buat ton dayo. Us1aeeth~-1agprolided but no staff or pole. URu4 LA&*--No rap. ln polo, na' la Pour conditIori. Part HIl-PU!g provlded but nlot a sultable staff. h~7aIbe-4m flfIa SUd staff. ý .4v.. Ileak-Tlaa' dlplayàod o 'dday.. q6ud l*k-ÈbW 'Provtded but no staff or ptAe. U&0*-ýk lag Prôvlded but -ple cahinot b. tiqe4 a 4ae-~ Ug boded but Do pole. *.go*IaIs. diaPqýlayed ouna'ood days. ck Mg--et»Weyd-on pol d da.3. lugwdpliedtsplyed en .goadda. eIr-No f or staff lXîS~~v~4. ua' or staff. I THfR8AY.JAàIJW 8Y13 *y A. -K. sBers, Aeiitant eooetary 2,= 1 et ai w e.Wtzeor dipetun, Pilte £& Trust Cmen.. fldtkig liiomh.Tii-.. un Business01 the RoeOrdot'OffIce for dm n*ere ti.*n t. Pin. the. vesi endirinç Pqr$.U, 1920. 4 try, viereot'1y wruPe lai tino Lu iasued a dir.Number c oU Um 8.YlL AmgiilqW8 1.e ta. NuMaeror f cittÇl moriage,12. 1boa'. a frlug uqpm d faor f~t 14Me Number of U. 9. disciarges, 2. I se lat the ot-nou iksm ýy aUd ichool di-~ Number of trust.deedâ, and mort Yysulng m«ui ould b brhil vilh ii tii dIpla ofgaguea1. tary ibonors. the àPla of Total numuber of linstrumentB fiied. iitu<of the flag Total 9moumnt of loans. $81,625. ~ < The follovlng are tAc More Impor. . Ms, letter anid ttitdeala:I. M vij,~1Ca iiWau.kegan-Sain& Carmiel Da"P g I s~~~~~~~ila bougbî a 30ftîotan utj . . - ..~, ar treel 4n.n WWin. Casbm ore for T. . Imue, oInt apolnom. lndîcate.d $2,,600, John C A-4ba? t.Chiceg._1 Dady-F'ieg pidc Lt ostaff i' ýpole.onbogt t M Ima Lanz lfaruiof, Jas. II. Teit"r, lle Prôgrsftle-Flg prvide lutno ree In«l.k, poe a2reIDtn sctIonB 31 'and 32 for 1J Kathr>'nl E. Kny, Vilogo,2. Nrth rhasi -Fag proled tli ep edI 'iaa le. *6316761.- -1 Donovan 8. Corlas. Riacne. 21. Norti Clcage- IagdElad ongoo- <iyanJLuIake Forest--Jobn J. 'Fischer' Adelalde 4$. Bueiiolg. pon,19. SIIELO. .bougit hh.t Wells place on Weetcrly 1Ifiibprt (4 Creaner. Madil-nn, 3 Nort.h Chicago-42entra! and Sailli Sehicos-Flags iude Illinois avenue oppaLiie Lindtn'Allca-Z. Levengellei,, MAdif-on, 24. dlspia3yed on gooti day..avenue fçr 821.0()0,.1Caril 5ru.ckner. WadsunIÈ 12S. lPke Blff-Flag displayed on good days. imoise Pîneoifs bought the Cramer' Luchle Pétûrsen, Lake Vil)àa 18. Vickerman-Fiag provide but no staff or pale. j t aI property on Woodlati and Il1- Uo ) lol ra .kî 1 LIBERTYVILLE note avenue% foar...i î;..... V ' 50. ; Marine Mllôr. St.MAne 1.. 18. Madden-No flagan staff. Wn 'igh-No flae or stalf. l.ihas'tyvitc Baone cut otf-tli flag pale. Buh- P'lag pios irtet but îple is wittiaut nope. Rondout-Flaz irrvided but no staff or paie. Hawrthorne F'rinm-Flag diaplayeti cn gaod da.ya Butterield-Flag tilîplayet an god days. Dalicsnd Lake-Wtîomt suitabl', flag; nev one or- dered FREMONT .4re-btnu-jag-nrw -me ttrtti'5. - il.anhoe-l'lag, pravideti; no staff onripole. Swan-Without flag; new one erdere.d. Frerinant Cente--Wifîijout suitabie fGag, stàff an paie. Amea-NoJ flag an pale. Murra:,-No- flag'or pale. Gould-Flag displayedj on gond daya. WAUCONOA- Rosevle-pFag Pravideti but no staff or pale. Slocumn Lakeý-Fl»g provideti but no staff or paie. ('aurtncy-pîag dIapiayed an god days. Vssey-Flag dsplayed on gond daya.' Va)lo.--.1rag provjded but no staff or pale. Glynch-F<iag provided but no staff on pale. Wauconda-F'lag dîaplayeti on eveny good day. CUBA Kelsey-Flag provtded but no nope in paie. Porter-Na fiag, staff or pale prQvîded. Drvin-Pisg dlspiayed on gond days.' Honey Lake-Fiag displayeti on gond daya Flint Creeký-Flag disPlaYe&ýten daya. Whte-Flag displayed on gaod daya. - EL^ Bennett-No flag. staff on pale. Hubbard-Flag diaplayeti on gond daya. Fatfied-l'ag pru'vhded but no staff ci pale. Oilmer-Flag dlaplayed on gooti days. I.Ake Zurich-l'tsg diaptayeti on good days. Schutz-FIag displayed on good daya. Pomneroy-No flag provided. Quentîn'a C'rners-PFlag pravided but no staff an ,Pal p. Archer-Ftlag pruvideti andi pale put up Oct, 30. VER NON. Grîdey-No ftag, staff or pale. l.Ang Grve-Fiag provideti but no stafft or pale. Half Day-No fiag, staff on poie. Aplakisic Flag provlded but no staff or pale. Tipp-Flag'dhaplayed on good days Coan-No flag, staff or pole. DEERFIELD f)r.feled Fag displayeci on gaoat tayn. ,Wilnflt-Plag îaovlded butna staffor,. pale. ulighvood-Flag dispîsycti every Monday. Everet--Flàg diaplayeti on gooti days.. 1i r.Ake this statprnent, ansudp enet think anyone-who thinks serioîîsW *Mil dispute me, that right 'now or yug peoprle nieed the inspiration of the flag mind the elevating example of, patriotic mn and w'orneîn more than any tirne sine -thc ,Civil IWar. Sini§teit influ- ences--are at work tD w'eaken our g' ernment an-d break up aur tro 'asured in-, stititionis; a gretit war W"a fought to niake the world safc for Deni.ocracy,. now wue need to be sure that DeUnocracy is safe, fur the world., Iask ail boards of directors ta eorn- puy with the law and ta the end that t is appeal ahait not ho in vain 4amn sendixug copies of this * paniphlet W'0IÎth a special appeal to the patriotie Oripn- izati-Cmns o! thoe ounty and, ta indïvid-. akntthope that local influences nuiy be brought to bear on"those boardo whielharé deréliet in this important duty. -T. -A. SIMPSON,' X:6p. m. Tuesday nuit that aome- uo fro aue oe mprovling about tuc pren4i.ea", àra£ei tlga>ubma- Polloopmon h spq Hd icha er W an tonSur blauwffà ina .tI Jg ~~ datîtcbo th i.eno. Thcfound j ' bto t4bou. ad follovbd these tu ftt iabout It " W.y itpom t"f Sbeida .N. Ii. traka .turnid-t.o UiU tboeo re 27OlIB.gO4i t W r.Gofltt &»uùo andl liance. baodc îbell bellevo yeu. bu# 1<.a igaiao Dmp *"th Aéptuae. .qetii tr» vg? &%bidae' moi uWt bo t wttb. fand re-aold pari, ta Rosallnd Pin. G B.v oII ari 1 cofs for Olîlîcateti $1,500 and te Win, Gnoiy ot ý ak jA. andi Ella 14. Yag, n for indîc?,td :.Tleo. D)ubrici, . Dclroit. 29. $5,00.Mary claaper, Scolîui'il Mbciî.. jJohn Griffith binaglt lat 5I-Ier.e 'Ter- 1 A NTEIk -Man sud vifk- ta- ipie race front îAltret Cficnenveet- n- i~ sinal fai i ale ruunvi diuaed *,500 ..owner. Ilint f ree. Ormner ta bi ln ltiphv2,Od I'rank W. anti Ei .1. vlih tenant. Farm four mnile'sf Schar boughit the Clans lîrpasen place Waukegan on car lIne. For par an south aide LeweUyn, avenue for- lara apply taelira. W. 0l. Stron,, $2,500. PI 'eridan Road. WVaîakegalnIli. Pl - la, Iiiand Park--Wm. iB_ 476. 464 bougtfit>theEdvard If. 5 li place on- __ aool-eI. 4aoce -aean-Oppoaitbe 4- -5.mdit, Jannauy lithua 'be6 lAie avenue fat 1112.000.5-i'h<Id, bytiti, American section af laI Lbertyvlle-Henry W. Schroed. Wold Presby-ierian alliance aq a jeer bougit the Robtrtn Lyons bouse of prayer and Intercea on "for on nonfl i ade McKinley avenue fer sifferîng brethren of thé refôrt $4,000. 1faillion lhe continent or itl rappt' Garîîbed T.1 Pushman bouRht the fi s tiunatil tat fie Presbyte Owen N. itîflipg holdings la sections noUUijatian bas lat' 100 elsurcbem 16, 17. 20 and 21 an Iiutlers Lake for 1 1i<nace and Begluin alarie and Indicated $44.000 subject te encum- value Of pnoperty datroyed thens branco. 1he van exceeda $3.000.000. Gi la flarrlngton-Andrev Hoiirzee j sufferina' amaag membera of bougit, fhe Fred Wiseman praperby taU is t1 a reported In itung, ,n north aIde. Main sireet. beiveen Lithsanla .Paisnd and the Ba Harrison and Garfield tri IrcI from IProince". Maaterln Chancery for $1,625. MIra. George R. 'Pionne of lite1 la Newport-Jamés L. Olilare est bas announced tliet aie vi bouil the Sarah E. OHare fanai of finance the btaidipg of an addition 120 acreshIn section 29 for indicatetijtie Alice Hosa, inflrmary aaz :11 600 and gave back trust deed for marial ,ta bier daughtor, La $75600.t 'ftorne ponueiley. Mma. Pionne fi la West &ntioci-Jaies p. ajhns01, she vould maie an onnual contrI bougit & 1-4 aciWs la S. W. 1-4 sect ion flaon of $1,000 for leu yoars te I 24 fromu Cîsyton G. King fon $2,300. defray the* operatlna expensea tbisniemorlal. t lest lu kII Angerlea This is a" boldi,bi statement and no <Ireaum ither. Come ne !and let i d'a itî it to b)e. TFhis Rlange lîas 1(x) excellenit featîîîes. Buy an Aleazar once, you wiil use none othe. -A $10,M0O coîîitraet «iti thte ALCA~ZAR 11, & l,(., pýlaettis us i i a pîositionî to sae v> a 1 wenty dollar bill on your.Ncew Range.- Bi- Reductions on Eeed- Baby Carriages. 35 Patterns to select Promù. M ALEX HIN00 -Whet W. .Advertiae IW. What We .e.11AdvertiaeaV. Three Sensational Pr! ces Announced for the- jan. Sale of- Long "& Short Coats- ; l e. ir ...-...rr......14 Preeminently Waukega's GreaetSl vn ¶lVarleties BeYond Comparison- Values Byn uicto Cosîs up ie.22.50, a:l Coutsup- o $35 at I Coats ce'<o 54 1. The great bargalua represet.dby lie. extrerae l10V picos botdave. are beyond'doubi. Wlt-aîPara7la lu yo hiinld. c«oe voryn* very styla foi every ocabo,in-evorydu a adcaer. At I0Otlige rrol n430thIra are long aéct short taodois la olotb 'andj pilshesplaiai"d fur lrhnuued. Uhy-h omm gt mor haveu pasile. .- -a- -- -%r 2.50 a ils f- -1--i -àr. VOLUE XXVII-I- OI F COum, Um,.,Mary Rawson, Resident of. Wai ~ lEAa Liberti -~CAME HERE IN Sunday. January 11, pasming ofrN%. Mary1 bap. the nldait rpsfdel Coaty, Mrs. lùlw.,afl place ai lAbertyvilie a Wsaea p to six y'a Z@l fieesît S ide. Mi.a taw soit vasoné ~pUer in lAke Coint 5ucoitda In ttle early ladilved in the coui r. ws krînwn to hun plie. Par years andiY, lb -peuneni workal« -n dit eburci. la spite of ber advitn. Itiv n mainet i n -bualuh hp ta recentli Outil a few minttFlhlI <I *fmirlls for ed ngr 1 maarked. *Tihe only turviviltO r mgetlwon aillaagrandi latura MoGrath of W11 Punorai Tuesday sf1 * OcIack At Paul RAY ri parlors at ilbcrtyville" tiheJjaanond ]-Rie <et, FOX AT, fox ljW1d inl TrapFrid WBte eing ee ing ln. Nearbý Yr4~ Mornlng A *t le bfg tris nrar 04nt nlie, Po% Lais IbMt"fI red fox. The bod ovyldentlY gai caug bot a short limp before klkar. lis legs -ère lin Wy that h vas necessa 1 The animal la sald 1< Out . peelmens of ree iured lu Laits Count. about il paunds and l rod. viii dark ufder- vhere the fox came f rc ta ev obut thCela s lova: A year &go ]&at aprin sent to Peter Johnsonv plncott Hôtel, a pair of had them ea imsplace flnally one gotaIaya. vas lied autmide the plaI uhal Il mlght attraef il to the hotel but it pro At lasi the fox whi( ogttyseemed ta ,tin an, exrtatthat it vaS hmli'. Mr. Johnrin *" t5CO ilme off s 5d50fl1 bave sapa a r ,-uAed the melgiborbal 'bas been ail the il sa ti o Mr. Johnson. Týadys ago -that a n, qat people sav a red if wbero lb. anipal vas Itorataig. " The. bellét nov l s"me fox vhich Mr. Jo to..sC8pO. Thus for a tIhe auImal apparently dom ebd seemed lxa fi IL serna acouple. 0' -. nggsn the fox lnth llçk place où Thuradi VU vsjumping about th( vus frollcklng and en. -BROTHER 0F LO SDIBI AT EVaN james LI, a brothe of Libertyville, died 1 Illeorne in Evanston. lUnese. Mn. LII as 1ma * a brn )n Eng Muorea vttila par ~ou.About elevel m44a&tria, El *wltb relatives, nuanY or soon. Bosîdes hieibrother 'taurvivesi bbIshie «*naid tva other 1 Ilonday at Roseile ce P. ý ý Il