LIBERTYVI LLE LAKCE COUNTY INDEPENI)EN« INDEPEDENT VOUJME XXVII-NQ. 3. TEV PAGES UIBERTYVILLE. L.AKE COUNTY. IWNS. THURSAY. JANUARY 15, 1920. OUESTIESIDENTS èhir, Mary Rawson, a Former Resident of. Waukegan, CAME HERE IN "FORTIES" Sunday. Jaauary 11, marked thé! pae4aing of N. Mary Rsvson. per-. bape the nidert rpofdent pf [Lak-E Countlr Mrs. iùiw.,aons' deatti lookt place at Liberiyville at the age el W9-@m ~OTBShe lied.bpen a residtnt of Wuenupta six Years ago. iving2 oZ theesi Sut ide. M.Nrs. iawson vas ope o ftie cariy 1pUe;w ln lAite Conýy.coyiing 10 lauconda In tt eerly fortien. $he I9 ived 1in[lietcouniy # ,r mice. luse knos n o hundredm of peoa * pi. Par yearesotrn ears she weis ---pomtnM wwkoi w -iL» MaLtbL- l speleO f ber advitncing age Mr. itaveon rpmained in fairiy good -beaitis Up ta recenilv Il vas flti Outtli a fecc' ontmaxe thai 1hp in .firlles 0f oried nge CXi f:ore The only aurvivtng relative of tice aged womnan la a graliddatughter.. Nr.> laura MGrath of Wi ukpgan. PaMnerai Tuesday ifiernoon ai 2, Y Oioci Kt Paul iiAy v cnderlaking parlor@ et libcrtyviile. 1.terrnent In [lic Jj[aond iLakec enictery. CAPTRE ARED FOX AT,-FOX LAKE; WII1RE WAS IT FROM? sJ Vdin Trap Fniday Morning )P, Lter Being Seen Frolick- ing ini Nearby Field. pr44ae tmrng Arthur Alvlli *t le i## iraps near [hoeIROOi Paroi g4 mgiatlibe, Fô% Lake.,ait feunit a beant"flrosi fox. The preity animal t hd evidantly gai caugbtin tisetrait lui & abent lime bafora for l vas sti11 kbkint.lis legesva-re lnjured un sncb a vy Utat it vas necessarY t1 ili it. 1 The animgi la sali to te one of the ft t pecimens o! red> fox evepr cap- tureit la Lalia Caunty.i veighed &bouti Il pounits and its fur vas lîght rosi. vti dan under-color and insu visera tise fox carne frois nohdy seenis [c kmev but [te le a rumon as fol- A yean ega lait spring nom, irfenits aent ta Peter Johîs-on vio rail Ihe Lip pîncoit Hotel. s pair of reit fises le lied theni aI huaplace for a ime, but flaly one got evay. The other fox vas lied outmide the place in the hopet, [bat Ilrnigbi attract the runavaY. folx [o tisa botel but il proved unavailing. At leist the fox vhich rernaineditn oattvlty serned ta ,ine avay Ico rh aent ht lwast noe(.ssarY te 4È hm11i. Mr. Jolingon tuffngIlnite * thAtiai ure off andt on diferent pgteeuahave scen a reit foi runnIng É. ümnd tiése aegbborhood andt the he- f'Iam been al htisame liat the fox se 11VI o Mn. Johnson. h vwas ouly a Tvd e'as ga tirKïa iumber o!fiffer- est people eav a red fox not tacrf rani vbere tise aiipsal vas cauglit Frits>', monai- The bellt ov lahal il va4s the sane fox vblch M. Johinsan penniited- te aacaP. Tins for a year and a haIT tlieanimai apparenthy lias hadit, *f rcs dote bud.seemosi ta lirke l iOelity. IL somes a cauple af boys recaîl na'. mug peen tie fox in the held nsc lthe, Hçoi lace on Tisuraita>'.They saY>' t vla jumping about tho ground as if It vstollciiiandi onjoybug itacîf uns- BROTHER 0F LOCAL hN -~DIEI AT EVASTO FRIDAY James Viii, e brother ai Robert Lil i of Llbrtyville.dihd Frite>'. Jan. 9, a! blu one n Evansian. alter a lingernn,c lilueis. Mr. LII as 77 yeana of age jg4 *i ban >Einglanit. combng to0 AerleKe vitlila-s parents vhen very- goD.About eleven yeane ega hoe m440eratrin hacli te England for a viali -vti relatives, man>' o!fviom ho hait sn - 2oLdeahi brother. Robert Liii. lie ^.'tiurvived' hy hie lbe and ivo clili. "iran sd tva cuber brothers. Buriai Illonda>' t Roseile cemetery. '.Persona precjcing in[idvifecy in. ' «e i i a numben cof cases bave ~,,~~flerepots of lilrtisa itb tho clertanà ith le mpenative ,ifià" "or aietonce.. J. H. Marseeiloes ei tateit toiayts> at liese -_I , ipnt ho ld lab i fth10jui tise d<stiétml*Jase hIiett tIsir NO fEfSW F.NMTOR FOR LISERTYVLLE Tnp. C'harles Stoffol. of Cecil. Ill., super- lnien'ieni or U. S. census for 111je c4e ond !lioiadiqîct c. comprli.i.A ai of thie city of Cblcago. was ln LiberY- tille Tuesday on-officlalinbuiness. f The taking of the cenuis in the Vil- lage. of Libcrty la lun charge of iss Eliza.beth achaack. and the work la uirogresýaing aatlàfactorilY. in Rite colutry district$, hové,: tlhe work has flot beon a[arted. awIngj [a [lie Tact that ut ban been Impossiblo ta secure.any one viling [o undertake the jobi. Mr. Stoffel liad severa ili canta for the plae. but when Ille itîi'" came to go tLn work, ail dectined toi accRii Ihe repofls[blli3y. The principal reason for tliv lt.ick of ati.icantas sema 10 le the cormilen- mltion paid forile voik. The enuin eratora are paid aith[le rate of 1 cents a naine. and 30) cents for eacli Tern. a fari witin [lie meaning of ihe lav itevcrnnit[lie cenguc.@ 'consletlng of' three acresq or more. Mr. Stoffel plana ta Put one icerson ai work in the townslî. and aîpliý eanis cani secure the neceesary inforni- ati00 frornt hlm y addresaing him ici C'eil. Ill. ILINE FENCE IS 1 CAUSE 0f SUIT Western Part of Vernon Town- ship is Wrought Up over the Litigation. PRINCIPLE IS INVOLVED Waukegan. Illi., iamaeîv13. 1920. A uine fence. aog the liceplaines river in the vesterni part et Vern tovnship. er Wieellng. a malter in- velilg a principal ratiier . tien aniy meai tlîe beau # .3 mtj siarted ln circuit ~ct cdY. Thes muit là brougit is' Jauldb J. Rani agaiflet Lena and Ervîn Reidlinger. ht appears ibai tic ivoparties te 'lie suit avn fana» on opposite aides Af [the Deeipiainea river. Hank. ae- cording ta the îestimony presenicit, ;anmeriy bad a fente ai the vaïeres oitge. but because flooda and tee cauroithiis fonce to be vaoheit out and broken up lic laier moved It b4ck iome distancýe from th--- edgo. il appears that caille Trom thie ather side of tlic river grazed on the tract of land betivocoilie eitge of the vator and eHnirs fence. Then one day. flot se very long ago, Reidliiger choppeit iovn severai ireaaon ilank*a 4îde of thie river. HankIimrnedietely had hlm arresteit for trespass andt ,ued hlm for having choppeit dovo ihe trocs. Tbe case vas heard in JuP. icc court ai Waukegan and resulteil n a verdict for Reidinger. fiank aP- çeaied and [t case nov la bdlflc trîcî in circuit court. The people intMe vesternl pari ai lie lovo of Vernon are lnterestoit ln lie lttgation and several Of them have ceprn caloi ha wbtnessoa in [lie case. POERS LAKE ICE ~IOUSE BU'RNS; PROBE IS TO BE MDE lat' aullointies o!f[lie sMate of Ws- onsin me>' ho asiedto ta ke an ln- estigation o! a lire vhich eariy Thunvita>'manning destrayesi flicgreet cant of tho JeffermonLee company of 'hieago.on Povers laie n eKiociuiia 'oun[y Pntailigg a los vRnioushy esti- -atot et f ram 360.0410 [o 10,000. Tise mrent building. bue 0for he langeai Iee 'couses ever enectesi on auy o! tisa axtos hn KeostieCount>', va.hurneit o the graunt and [ho people in tisa ioghbacbacit vore poveniesa to figist tho lamtes. Tise hurniilg o! the bg ie bouse ne celied [o the people ln tise neiglhanr boat acîlvities of the-. W. W. un the Kenôsha ie cutthitittttit severai yearsaegoanedt i a thougit hossilse [bat tise big plant of the Jefferson campai>' ventitovn as a remuiaf in- ccniIarism. Tiscre bas heen no trou- hie ili hoheice cutonrs on the laes this year ands e fan as in inovn tisent bas heen no ditisatlsfactlon amang [bu mon empioyed. Mrs. Guy' AlYea la txperte. o meIss tonîarav af[er eaveka visit vitt net- atives hn Zaneavilie, 0h10. Miss Ann Hell ba etunnedt taler positioi< ai RoY'a Jevein>' tone after i week's illuess. Mitton LaÉrsetu, son et Nick, LàtrsoiI. harbornfasten, vhoiso aemplot s a itsys jevein>' store, [sin 0tiesick liai. -Wright Stoveason, being unahie to Ind a bouse. ln seading bist;eanu>' t ,heagolitli' uic'rai inîl a rnciuî- ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 FhI< YI~AI< 114 AUVAN..L ONVS AERO MOR.150PE EA LAVAC 0F DEER KILLE» 1INVEMMON1 E. W. Parkhursi. one of the aides merchailia or Lî6ertyvie, belleves ila knowing where hia wores corne f roix received ten deer bides frorn hie old home ln Verniant. and they are nov in the banda of a Chicagoatanner. vhere they vili bé prepared for manufacturo into buck sin lo aes. This ila an an- fluai custom or! Mr. Parkhurst. Hei lstatfes [bat the open Season fer dec in Vermont la but one veok and thal tbis year more than 4,000 door wvon kilied ln iliat length of time. Mr. Parkhurst also Cais bis yearly SUPPIY of maple sugar f rom .tbe. Groen Moun- tain State. ALLEUEDFALSE j ARREST BRINiS A S UITFR$t0oO Carl E. Ivroti aùs Big Damag- es o f Chas. Mecklenberg, a Farmer-at Antioch. JURY HEARS THE EVIDENCE, ta tic be AI ! 1 in cc CI ti ZIN L&"WI*ETHE PEASANT, TNE MILLBURN WILL11 ÉtEK.AT; ZION IS hi ELENAT~0~ITS "OEN PEASANT.MAE REAL SCOOOL; b IIANS IN EARNEST hoers once w:s àaKing, DUE TO FOLKS' VOTEd Who heard of elephants bcd; I ast Priday ai MIlIhuro an election What to do With the Beef that Ai1d a fassant paon who lived nexi 'vas hleu on tho question 'f anneling -Court Has Held Caç4not sionr. Lcetai erritory to a consolîdated 3 Be Destroyed.. And hewanied an ebphant bad. vehool district viich vas, ope Se the generous King did a fooalabout tvo monilis ega.b ccw if hu1(re ever existed a r'ýal thing The quhestion, of iie annexation of i -o6hic te ppliant" the living exemple in gîving [bat 'peasaît caie, ho ierritory undur the nov 1ev vas of ii h;fie one ciy out of ithe ntîre For the aky blue ruin ai once began vsuhinhIteit ta lice people anit the vote vont il sunis 'cur striigo bra:n* as ttien iinanimiouttl.y ln avor o! the îoldtt ensNeY tag îei.îannuxatiai' Tîis "'iIInov gîvo the alcoutit ho jiaced in the posit ion o! On the luckloas zfaî-of-a-guta- ittage of Milîbura, Nevpert tovnship, the peesani vho wnas gis nanee1Fr 0 lçan ,st ilngh. a raihla crge'-Citool district ans it pait hy a kinîg. and1 wto huoke dovil Aid the elePhsît sie ail day, vîtl ie ta'sbl erect. a voilc himelf n i nt f(A! lic, linge Do what lie cOuld ta furniah him cquippeuî lîîîng and maîniain s .hmefi Ifood, vushool o! hcgh tIand ing9 bpa.t oft tic for 't. 1 h cry *as st more hay; The qîlesucionu of 1 ie site- fur the nov Zion t'ccý,csuipi> ., n th, ý position Se he tore hia hair Inliiwld deapaîr schocîl and thti is4uitîf of bonde for [he of ticý peas;iiit wiiuthe 75.00(b bat- And piped hisa tachrymal glanda bidin lih.irîhupainocc îl0 of heur Whuc'iî ere sizei whi And cureed [he wîd [bei aaddled t(o tlai vîilbu cahot vwithin a short being smutggltd i rougli Zion City him tse represenuis th o leplcant or -75 thou- WîttW an eiephant on hi& han#». lie sanit elephants' as the case might ho. villirefenrec ta the CAPTURED PATIENT WHO beo'liIZion ('it'c lv he masi enigmat, ithe peasant asoith[le vbecehu SAE iowSNYR tc Ihat aile coubit povsihiy conceive. [liai you ever hearci about? ECPDM NSN RO The suprueme court recentiy lies AndIo t thini [lati ihappeici ta bu' hoit that no auhôrily to permit [lie Zion o! ail chties in lice vont icain destruction of the huer. The Supre oni ller strange feature of thse situation. TîeiaueioMalaiDS.Lr rCouirt urthcrmorc i as uiuheld the There isn't anoilior City wberc e é TedyeeigMrhl .S searcli and qeizure lev vhicb legelitE- présence of beer wouit be sucli a puz bry eeve1e cehoemes1 ed the seizure af [ho beer In qhesz hie as in Zian becauc.e Zion primfgrlly f roin Sunnylirooli Sani$iuoi, et Ingbe. itioi wlien it visa boig iraneporteit vas foundeit on thei cipal of noaite,' saylng [liaI an lnmateî o! that in ilirougi ta dry tcrritory. ThIls tho beer. no-booze, no-obacca, no-vice ofsluin ~ f'aiCve a stipremo court ruling i% thet tie boer any kînit. 4itio.nmdFrk ôluha cannot ho transponloit out of Voil Nov iagine un case that. 75.000 escaptes anti lait been seen later luitho neithen cao h bc delivereditainthe bhotles of héer liadI o csiOreýitn vIllage of Grayâlake, warnlng hlm [o avion.Wamiegai. itenosha, North Chicago, lie on [ho ooakohît for sucis a persan.t Now' ilin Zion City lis jlaced in the Racine, or Milwauke soitihe author- A1hr ii ctrrcisg iemu t omit ion viieno ies vero in e quandery ae, ta vhat Asot Ii"alr1 f'FIRST-Eceil if ia nresidenils vent- todo viuih !l1sage, Marshai Limberry Taunsi anti ap-j oi ta1 drink i bt ey coulto't do se ho:, Ail they vaulit live ta do voulit irelinie the [ariy on.,[the ptreet anti cause tle ev ays thpy ccnnots: andsi ho taslip home et oight andti lih[e Iuoon îitvice frntith[lueaaularlum helti SECOND-They idace ntla Il so - t p pesa out that t[ho uards hait [sien lins untit mninig. *lien an atta cheofa Bceuse the iav seys [hey muaitilot. off and thie reai afi t Noulttliho easy. lc niitolervi ntbi[b THIRI)-Andit telavsasys they Caln- But flot No io Zion. beisiuinarîe n*okhn B flot gîve t avay. Thse guards atîll oî'îînue ta guaritbtkd neie caperi ah iFOt'RTI-H-And the lavas says iliey anit tiseheer stillri rn,ithe stan. auffering ftrouisaemid tormlof dpemen- * are flot carl it ave>' beceuse that age bouse vhble Zion officietls, unvili- lia. t voulit ho contu tilig iltirougli dry lng ta îompt iti cour, .by pourilg il _______ territory. out. givbng h ave', selling i[t or fuira- FIFTH-Th'Y itare not ituilver fil tiiing I aoer to thoeo ouri re nî'ruciy *the persaeofivia a i a because thej ittg icl.unable ta figueouot CT FK N SI ta 00 ise = m turn I n [o hem coulit viosei.mevo h les. The checiors havu-CT YO N SR j be si'r-esti-for doi.& aadnioe tistaital fdu ba p andi[u if e hadit [tIn ha possession could alliohaue tÏiaitîba can't tel'ý?aso îé turnl a AI. ftýV i arreatoit. ta m aie a move. iifhIR 6 iVV-UIÂ V SIXTH-Next- the count>' boartiIn In thia coînection with [ha' Zien i- Lake Ceuniy bas. refuseit ta af' [theCity' beer situation, aaelng [b h o qj I( fith.flII siorage tlhe en in question and alsoi Sun fouod se mni'expressiotn& as tai O.55fiE55D H0ISJ "refuses ta pey [lie guarta vbo have "whoter [be oeuntry a eg te hall" " heen guantinf [le beer. thé thought arias that It wou4d I e a Nov h 'Iif llîe>c aliulit bave tise &ocd fuan [ebave Laie Countu' 0 The balance a! the City O e oah tadons of the Moirage bouse opeli lucre Pie effen suggestions as te what tbey in[lie hais of tise ecii? bishon la- j-awutit'be no danger of Zion people thiîk ought tei b. don. or ecttid e * creaseit by nearly $500 f«[he reeilt rushiog in andt qteaiblin he er andt dons wbth [ho hoeur no hnnd of the saleofa!ten hagafrottatisetilt>' ýr thus en abllng the Zion offîcitais ta Zie.n Cit$i . taxi,. Thoe oten.hiogs wveo ed on- a get rit of fi hecan'-" Zionioes do flot What la your opinion? ý- irelyop> nthe garbege' co]liaci tramn drink beer. 140w can the beer at ZMon City bki homos [n iKenosba. Thor Ivero ton et Sl. e- what1a [a be doe atiout t?- disgossi 0f flegelrbhfW~lae'i5? - tse.fttmOqt hugeve.Ue.. o , a 4t ;Whene i atbheer poing [o and The- taCilusthatt he beoýr >lea haro, 1In Keosha. là , additibao toéue in t. how wibb ZVon ever go[ndo h obd e al iZo oa' oga said.thtsaofficieso ut et tise City Ln -iwhitaeephant?" weit it-othOl'a nay viant ih but thqtfam fattenoti tounteen' hega vluti l Wuiho court ruiing [bis or ihat bave ne right te get IL. vore usaitton tise muai supply ai tie t' ntid si theOit ianbdis.q dopan't Ziona Sa drop us a lina 'cd express wbat )ult ujnitueadforb r tunniali thé Mbstiforeeful examspieoi ahould lha dons. vo e oer. till avaltingsaile,.c faise arrefitwami malicloa .proSeci- tion are aska4d .orChrls ios M*eut- berg, a wealtisy fermer liv4W gur Anich, by Carl E. JyOob of Petite Pi he Woe> of obtatninit a jury1 in the case vas sisrted in circutit On Dec. 27, 1117. accarding to the charga Of attorneys for the, plain- tlft. a son of tlie voman eho acivii hs bouâekouler toi o-l[nbr 'Went aitllg on -Ic ltin oO lyrr>b'shouse. Jyrcisi daZ ram out on tie ice. harkng aetibo boy. The. lad [à sald tet bave ikow-n a stick. hitting the dos and aise, sorne docksa belenging to Jyreh. Jvrrb cailedot tteiillaithe bq nat te tlcrow ailymareatiCka ai bis dog or duckm. viieroupon tihe boy tW aiiegei tetabave abcute ad e&tiai iIf ho vouid cernte oui on tha lese i could ilcrow sticks ua i. lmaise. Wiih a rat spear la bis band lyrcli started afior tie boy. Tise boy iu. ailf-eotetahave struck at bime and Jyrcb couiitered vitlt bis rat &;)oui. breaking.the boy's club. Thie boy fell to the ico. on January .,1918.,Ntackionbere iworeoeut a warrant for Jyrch's ar rosi and ho vas taken beforo Justice Harry Iseacs. A changeo f vernie was tsien te Justice James' court After bearlng the teitirany Ihm court d1arnsseeth[le charge of amBauli anit bitiery. bolintliheat Jyrcli va' neot gSiit>'. .jyrch thon st;nteit suit for $10.000' damagos charglng Ii.e[ hie arresi wasi maliciaus procti bn. Attornecys J. IL. Porkioson etf Ch:- cago .anit 'fK.J. Herduka of aiWaukp fgan roPrasnt Jyrdis. Attorney P'. N[i. Runyard represofliti Mockienierg. ILLINOIS FARMR TO IIOLD ANNUAL MEET TRtIS MONTII Il ho Illilnois AgrhniimrclAsBacuation. lie business atUied o!015000 !rmions. viii bd*W its If ilannuel 'neettui '»a- -PQW aet- [h. C-olaenM. Januar>' 13 andi 14. Tisa i. A: ý A. 10 compascit o! [ho meiniers etthe 76 Couoiy Farm Bureaus intthe lIste. rhe big- main vorn o! tiose Farui Buneaufir n tise pasi eght Yesrs bas- heen officicncy on the fan ans Inbi creasoit production. Thia la boIig voriesi oui in rmanysifferont vayP rauglng trorn soli totilitY prohiema te )rëeoilng bigb ylding seesi corn., Nov Illinoie fanmersamarstuityiai brinr husienas and eecoemc Pnbbleni as vOeil as thein productiont PrOtilOiii. Tliey sa>' ILae t as.impottant foi fanonrs te maie merketlng andl dis- tibution ,efficent as IL. taproduction, Tboy se>' that fermera ire, a large clase of people vho have dei»nànairS ed that [bey arc éonseérvative. patit idle. tining citiieits ansi thut tisey chouie horanexoit e gricuuticen '.dt eon upeating ter*s vitis e.ters* The meeting.ii lait the fuitlvc 'isys. On [ho évenîns ot Jaguar? 1& i. Il. Hoards. Prealtent ai tis A m enican Farte Bisrs Faierai0uel. ii 'oul about ith e *rk f Ittoual Olfgan izaionl.Mr. Hevdbaig u sePneaiien .)f the Ilaa tage Associationwvil camps.iip aud bas 10,Q0 oôegit mun E. avonisant wvitIl sp **cnea -'venins. Ail other =1=1i11 bvii r stgifléess oi he orrncisalioil. ipport »u Secretar>' and ailt omitteOO5. t ANYFIRMdSIS ASKED IT STATI3 Attosmy General Would -Dis- solvé M any Firms, Several Defunot, n-iLake County." , SUITS FILEDHERE TODAY a, bold, 4,3 Sand ýno p and let IIi TT 19 DAYLI1T TiIIEF MÂI(S AJIEMPT TO' SELZION BEER Ju . et a davu tcday a bti'lt a ai vou' ai tise garage onr wuy qcvonth Steet. Ziu. Iaeac. Psu'y vasW dri ilgisatcam itovu TvutY-. - l is re ei v e n e sa v a b c 1e an tisasidevali andi a MMndraar ,lng ialang vith a lbat on Il-. WIffl ho man hanlins it eav tise leam colin- Ing dovn te[ho ith ed aeroaa a lot -nit don 'an aile>'. Parry astoa-- aboi et [ho man's actiofli. fotaiW-. )actinig for a moment tisat [ha saisie tait heen iuglaieb. ansi verni «er a sec visai the cargo vas. a. Ho founsi vo cases et Pabet b Me ebici hait - been siéloti frei tise Sa- * ago. Ho bmmeuiatelY Inapfotesi thé ýiuiliing ansi tauni tisaitishe loci b#4 sen tancetb. He,.ious b lu iOi c-nd aise pickesi up tise tapie vbibl The- police vore lnfornues Andb olP 'nGeorge Stiesi bossa au ny.sttga. ion. lne emiies tise alewidfeqi4d ha naniee! ar àportOfnlivig u M *nana avenue. Thé officer vent te t>i bouse iii Quetioni and Uasesi POvagal qutIitons. ; Liter the voman caile.i ber iuabued ci tic Lace iecterY ansi infcrm.IkO lm» [la_ ispce bait tound stir R - ansi thatitfi-boon ssêt .iC '- inentiy o! base'r. _- Thse lacéteahi vontta te opolica siattoi ansi eb4autti about the affai. lHe deulid al,111 'anytbing ta do vi[h 11. and, grue0- funiber Invstgaton it SPpesfl [bAt ho tiief bal flot Oniy stol-i the leerbu hum i;oi etn tise aleti se ai o tbrov tise lame On aftOthèr P MU , Tie police examined l tpr'inta la «M nov andi [ooik m enO lrOIOflt s. cr e d ate r i h e dsi t ae u , M -h W if possible c lase Parny le [ho watebàa &t. lose watcish Amtise .iqr. am rei [nho s[orpa [bat u b9.-, ' lot freffle usu d [bo 11 n uvetlga[to baupsi-. a8 vell prsaatva.. Lake County',-,eBig Weekly CsaiIado Sa~I qtaaWiei.csaIDOiUty COObiflc WAUKEG-AN -WEEKLY SUN y corPorStIofls.sevorai cf [hem de- fndc for a number of ear. ilakod v Attoney GnAral Edvard .1 .ýMn- datée In bfllsf iled, in clreui c court ai ýwa,*ega"iodai:, The bille vere fiiedby Aitornoy A. V. Simiths. in acmrdance, vllîi nstructione fromn the attrney generlbr. Smith erved a tbcriy-day notice onite va- ous concerna. givingthoin ho op- p ,rtnity ef cmlng tînder tic terme ori a roentiy pasacit 1ev iy Paying a Tee of 120. paiure t o ti nto gond stadig agalnaicaeod bsade, cf [bese concerna tan hecoma defendànts n thie suite fîle tdiY. Te cal vili ho tried ai [b. Marcb ternucf' court. Rolcietaternent eau ho o- taiii e nly by [te PaYinent Of a 1) Under te etato 15w a corortiOo must pay a yerly fee te tho stat. and maie annuai relurni. Fliovin; la a liet or concerna agaînat viei suis have heen tiled bora and hib will ha disoved unie$& reintate- mente ate Place: Thmas BrOa. Herdvare Camper. headuiMOarterai GrayalaiS. ýsuldel Clotblng Cmpany. fnrmrly, ai Wanieon. Wei*ogan aittry COunpany. forte- oriy of WtLuiegas. Pearce Tranafer ,Comlreny. Wauke- Besboys Wauke&D Browling Coni- pshy, formeriy of 'Wamegi». Wauiegsn y. )M. C. A., tho nid (flot [ho utevi aocl«atOu W orki g Meu% A saocationl f wtgilaad. . 1 W ukege o aiW hist sd Ath- -wc club. Watelan M RlotrioRallvay Coin- pany ifpri y paanod ti, Waùke- Sylan Houe CoUWaaY, Alitiocli. Sout Wauegaulcîrie ltelIWOY op.omff y. tcvnship, of bleidi. -' Naional Camp Children of A.m.ri. Ma. formely f Wuliffa. iIhta of te Golden 'Rosi. Deer- field. port Sheridan Otticers' Moa8. Part tShoridani.0 i C.errnla Niaennerhor cf Waiike- Cooper Baking Pcv'ier ComPany, 1Wa'uiegafl. Ares institutsetof »usinesa Tecli- nolagy, Area. Dcorpats Garage. Lakee Fereit. Lake Foreat 1Ice Compuany. lidvard M. lAng Cmpany, Higi- k' t an di Par. none other. ALC AZAR ange. - wooat - -v ~14 IA p im 'V