Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jan 1920, p. 12

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: ~Àà~ L1~EWrYvuL~ nmrn*~r i jr nu Li I R~~LL2L L ~ -. 1920. 5». Our Page Ad.- ,io-r Art - Of mea .ceci UPON. TONgWsNNVETRPSIIL IIM OA H NAOEAS 1 BASIS FOR' DUES 9EAT FEAT CRMlEFACES FOR-, BE _PRSIU IMIOVIN IHAMEUR ER LOCAL SAILO Wm. Yagerjtedealrnspwtor, Frank F. Loyd, Formedly of Is Going Over the Recoràs Geat Laks, Une rs in Waukegan..a Rookfod SPRING DREDOINO PLAMNdED HE'MAY B A SRE William 'Fagor, a fédéral lngigelt Rockford, Ili.. jan. »-Francis lu tbe iAnorS'sudrIvra ouat.-Frit kLloyd. imarrlod hurs on Now ngam. bs arive In aukYca'sdey te MIS&* Luello Evolyn 1Rol- metba arledInWakgan inlister, vas orulerod Iockçd up lu t-he comile a report - 0fr t-b barbor Ion- -0iiflty joli lot* yetorday. nage t-o be bond ' a béieaIfor lm-i eChiot Dargion sael tLloyd coufeasoi proi ements tithe(thebegovermmet-Px, t-bat-liomarriail Molon Rit-bardmon pecte t-o- niait.-bai e durlng tinov lvlaglaa Canton., 0.,ad tbath camlug year., I ROf if l i r e *oo. .Nlr. yg £r n g t hegi- toqted fl bitmasif luthoecaao -gie tion thoroUhblY. cb<l'lukg up Ou aili.te =iElloyled bonbase arried Jbore sh uc u and, otgolng tonnaeounovTesdy Tilts intludes t-he coar bonte. ss -.iLlord diqulountil 'nursday t-bt boatà, flab tugo. te 1111 Lne sigoomtholied evot-r Mlded lunbt-on and atil er andl thébbit- arrtvlug vît-h mît is htborne vas ln St-. LouIs. He sald eellenoous cargo".s. t-le»t-ory clrelatod about- bîm *as 'Fbe amount of tonnabe durng7lt 4ýthe o vof,*! former su!tor of tua s lantI yer. vliéb éOmpsrBd vit-h t-blrile baudisil doriug provînt-ta yormaait .etimais on vbicb 10Du»b acete ~ a>- o WAIJKRGAIdLOCALS. gMwho uieshm-- 1%ajke, ha plloted t-be four-mauterlMs ue 4 GI sw at usuos ora. nt the bocoe Jea .Soii [ rvilefrom abave' inade formaI doclarat-l Jsabasst-reoritate -. iecaar slad o tme rîlleMr. -%FdMl13-.Goodman bave dldacy for t-be Presldeney kegaut barbor aro sot- kuovu but ý naltt. tie first woman It la believed itteddth v>l ,,ui.go rgs tve o Stl e e-y' of St-stel il be leved luis vîli dép-end IlrenaI. ver ploted a shilp aeros3ttA ti"ttwjdng(arlaie h crtyo ti au t-be report- of tonnage. -,if t-be fIg %tiînttc. Sbe encountered lteavv ~ .l-iltn rtbrl-a !bta h tnso n ure show t-btt t-he volumie o! buâ. toi-ms ail t-be way o' oer; ber htîsband MB C. D. ODel Of 119 Belvîdere platform.' Say it yourse neosa don bar. la lacreatig stedil. , . S~u aytby et~ tret, aud 14cme.LTalle, a alster oi emoke 'oni. fi le Oelleved "t-at th* o vefQl .a. Camary Illnda.e. man lV id4m- Mng.are visîtorset- t-be wlli do more t-lil t la;t U eown t-lu Ad Cook b > »r(tbs sip at-bhat- O9Il oleu.ItS RI teer litt-le or uo lucrooae '. p ot. Mer lisbstd dled., Abs on- Work 0f euttlug downi t-Ot- quractioIly !aOsred tiAt thre W!' almed h bod y. m&e e"c0m5fortt-ue- com t=-ructlcu dP ho th-antit drodzxngt O-,e-CitoS Ht itoulige ai nuvîgaîîon w, lihe nev Maoulcteimple han at-rtei. tiis illrtug. 1 -iud'ura t-ho slxteec'gears t-bat MiaeAlitCe Tlfft-, itt-o bas bien lit' ______________hto bail salled ihli er b ud.Off for t-w@ ceks ai-lber bomonluin Mau- I -N M Sb9ho taut of Florida, a st-orm csrried Wukoq. retliuod t-olber work et t-be r No r»h a l S zja thée Shi's 'riggiug. wben seePairt l- 01440today. AS IfXLPAIra lac .eueatow Into Mobile. Her bu%- Fred Vondsnlield, wbô bas beou- I4nAL W %adlbal oIt-eu bld ber Joklugly that rasnch-t near Huýt-lulusn, -iCan. andi lBen Case.. one of t-bs yaung men o. ahp c<uld navigate as Well na hoi, t-fsst-o1W' Colorado, bas returuo4 lIn lb. Volcan. L.Oîksvlle Smet-lsgCo. :ut- lItt-le d'id che tbink ofth -e t-er bis honte lut Waukegau. Ho rotent-- Wisconsin Couples bavlug servèil bis apprentle«ahlpa. tble test beti knowledgoe woîtld. hP ly eneotunt-oroi an olgbtoeu-day t-ho vorba. IosvM In s fev da"' foi brourit tto. But for t-be stonmi,Rlip anowatprot. sud decideîd le vouldn't Obstacles at -Ro t-hp Chicago office o! tho coUMru ays . ave wauid bave arlved in t-t-ne atay lté née if Ratilg vorse hep Sm lna snd t-be l"d et buylng sud scglllsg sa% oelher busbanda .ltf. penod. Sm lna "Benny" bui beon popular vIt-bilbe ________________ toury Freund wat reinaved zo lts Youug people o! Waukegau sud Nort-h homo noar eflaeb -eterday, belîtu NO LAW IN TKil Chicago, as bis Social cbarr n sd gen *peuding a few days wît-b Mr. and Igru. attuiked ilh-î appenicletis. uies irlendlinens -mains certalin, foi emrak Tiffany or Sout-b Ps-k avenue. Fto oebIturs fWu recutycel tilm i v lero h os.W e ll o- The Imaçulate Concept-ion Sodal- kegan, Griand Knigbt- John fltzgeraid county. locat-ed aet Roci t-t-Se Inclos tau h th-omi i-y or lioly Famlly Cburcb vîlI meet sd atGadKlb bmà b aesnIl te know hor, maing.roquiktvieile.tos. ot-gi teSb odalit-y bal . Tbis l.n PstGndKit1hm# tesiesnibeiw Tnvbor ek ld-ugtrqut-M.eua motn meigadalzo-Horan, bot-b 'of! Labo Porest-, ver. consîn niarriago tle, asi Tb~ voek ld daà btorecf$Mn. au lluporant- stoaingtae-idaIliment- tirs. L. IC, aSI died oyctrday. The hr should attend. esrlatulbSt-emein<l Clenk Loy Heudee of W body vas shippei to aKit Cocut-y t- - lTe evangellât-ic service" et- tlie hê KeUlab-îof Columtbus, abo litit- Rockford marriago liea asied t-vent-y candidat-es. gisudtoWatsl day for. hurli. - . f rebyt-orls.s church ver. largelY at- n sedtWicsn oujdlouday eveulng. John. Watt of 144 lt-uIt-on Avenue sainesaslu Waukgn. FIEWE L N 3»DSesure tt-nttend t-be Caibrof deitlli t-abis I:daugtelrMary. l'ho i. ollowinzîî:eji FWEWE LS M D Commuerce meeting St- t-le Progresast-eided t-be lmmaculat-o Concept-ion Rocttoi'd wviie b read i iI-VIDDIV ORTI 8 o'cîocit. eXhibitet- unmlstaibtue sympt-oms cuition lu evory dotaiL TO-SU M RTI The Notb Chicago American Loglon icarlet- foee,'r.'- Mesasys t-bat- Stt-be t- 'i-3ford, lt-L-Wlsconi la maktng plans t-o glve s dance. first iiidioa.tof o!lnleî a phiysicen Whwtuvaut t-o got mari U~wig% 4 cjile<l i dt-be.cblld vS ou a uWlnnobago Caunt>1 CE'.WNJWAI<Tho 'Nortb Cbleago Proigert-7 Ovn- permit-ted t-o rot-eri t-o occbeHe de- bre,ýrvddte ers' Associatilon met- Sat-urday evoning nies aimn t-be st-atenent-t-bat- le chlld t-be ISwè of t-is -st-at-pi at- T.' M. Tomltonon's office sud bt- a Ir" t-ltifret 10 contée"do" viii t-he Bergitse ut thbee geulemi Mayor E. C. Meed of Northl Chi- enub)O.-uk vot-e t-ased sa restitution re- disons*.sylus tIvo or t-ree cbldren )onsiuntmany Couplee trui cago st-utted today t-baï: flvo elîs et- 1ta gargisg ai,ding reprosent-atlves of'tbe lunlt.énelgiborb)od od feme I ltrt-icontet-o Illinois, aocuît du~i of 10 eet-ouldb. oede àsocliiotola vrtoua public meetings ]Rex Beaeh. flol*<l -tivollat-, watta i.lcenses. are veil andloi detho t-net ul liet-ainNrt-b Chicago. velmIor lu Laka County yoset-rdsy. cilI consin. A Wisconsiu In order t-é supply t-be otire clt-y or îi vas declded t-o se'ur. reports on wasSaStl'oit Sheridan sel the guest Judge rocent-ly belld ýeti Nort-b Chicago, vît-h ire vat-er. The t-ýlit-e ihwing- meetings: Ct-t-yCouncîl, of Cal. W. N. Bipîtain. pont- coin- coup-lelo ho bal 'beeti ma Northi Chcago. maYar st-at-es t-bat- Board of Local lmprovemeiits., FOns mander. ~ - nols sud abo ret-urned t t-ers Ili a possibllt-y t-bat- foui vola. Petitboard. Library board, Nol't-ti-Loulg Blutnlirg l8 attending t-hot-o live, hadnont be, nt- the dept-l of t-be Prent test volt., Scbool board O! éducationi snd Southb triture. exposition t-n Chicagoz t.-legally. vould auffice, -but- -it -the i ot-y- en4Central R<>sd li éducationis. » day. - There le ecarcely a day woud-ho takln.g a chiance vhlcli Thée rpaso 0f sOiidî i ' esouta- A jearrage-l'cennse vas lissued more Wisconsin coui lesc miglit-prove sortons i 4-emergeoM sl to -ot-bs bove uainied MÇniptg a r15 aq, .12 et- foliet-, t-o Anna j. t-o t-ockford. socure a it and t-bat h lead neot vIse st-tci a to keep t-le membons of t-be Northl Chi- Emaunuel sud Robert- E. asyner, botb t-ficat-e. ved bore and eOltt-se cago Property Ovuers' Associat-ion' lu of vbomn gave lheir ages as 25 sud Wlscooaîn t-o lve. Whe tt-wu. loarucd today t-ltat-t-bre la close ounch vît-b ail important- mal. Wauke"gatiusthoIn -place o! rosi- marriage licenses at te a itsuadditt-oual delay làt-securtsg tors in t-e tcommunty>. douce. 'cleilca Office'heg. t-beym pore veter for thé ct-t-y of Norlth Bobus Rause, Prenident of t-be AsS& 1 Hull i oIISla1 borecl by t-he DoKay t-is question: 'la t-bore Ch" . lis t a acemrytoadvr-affair. Tbet- maies it unanlmous, why eltit-o! t-be partiles Chlag, e I- e eeuar to1ave- at-Ion appolt-ted t-be- folovinx men . tisefqr blde blteat-te conract,,,mayt-'to represent- t-le property Ovuors St- a Dow5er5 Ie-ta y exept-od. t-ract- cannot- b. legaîlyi ho lot. Thécitty la oomiuciio4 dtal- t-be publie meetings-n North Chicago:* Mari Slnîpsqù o wi uov ssat- engl- cordiig t-o t-be lavs Of Ili voittiefor bid. e aO y «-b t- bin.té-o. W. Clok-Cty Councîl 1-b~tote Oi ans! t aiSoligiRoobueWs. Chicago va' st-At-ofront vhenoe yot coit- mono t-bau$W4. tt- wsuno#.l îlpovem dise 0 00of Jwch DMIIArt-'s at-d car- t-bts question lea aoee B«oe e'aivot-liefor bide olipoujx t-v -Bats. o ug gri..rt-nboys. flrmaet-be marniu-e l t-b, t-st-Waol, d»ueét-ohotact- t-bat- M«> Kaplilm-Park sud LUbrai'Y' ofvUt.. 4bo _t-vp y iiiOU abt4r saii. $800 or $S00vait dostatind as, P-ot-y boar.ds Mr@. F. G. Umît-l, wIý ba A. t-brare no lod* Qvuos la Norh (2dê9' t-W&du The mon alia roceived t-ho appoint- bu U 1 o -op5 u.tslv ul oiitIu1 t-he expMce of0!tho e.iL mont-a to covor t-be publie meetinigs 'bu*h lpto#ed t-eday. thle sovoral mtat-es. lit- t-n order t-o -fineot--te veil t-ttOPO cao bave te lieeo ponig Mril. QOorgLautoa. 420 Grand Ave.. taks marriago as loi Atlon a bond i1 sm W.pemdi tbr -i rvlg o pon-n hobhlas e enIat-ber borne vit-h la mariago lava e! Wl8 t-bs m ut-f t- ho 6afi e in ùgggro t- rm em bora of t-be A ssocatlion Èr W bas .Jutst r oo eroil. ot-ber ct-st-os do not- bold Ntle r 8, a I t o"tesprte %&U 'tisin. theml. ' utor Pot-t-.413 O itkS.,10lt-I vit-b Ouiy at-at-o législat-ures NotKsl»VMntb tvie TeVagbt-s of. tho qureTabIt'.pemilsueb lava, and , or cours 111- ur st-o.gteatct - otfboy mont plet-urea vii 10 540of HID va. RoWiîngor, lat-ure o! ose state canotl Howebvr, th-lisCOBOBus o! opin.ion b.e shovu t-is oveula; at t-be movi a rg S-umient- over a fonce. ilîl go for anot-bor stat-e. la t-bat t-be bond issue vili carry by show, to b. gîven by tbe boy scout-s o! t-o thqp'jyt-Is eiasoon as attoti- au oovervbot-lla ma»oIt-y, as t-be Waokegan aSpd North Chicago et- t-heom" en * gthein final aigu- s ----- »ýt-hon and mot-ber aboui sec tbis pic- à -an.55 old«taii'tn somnoli -ofa turesubatitut-efor soenot-htg vît-b an. ai- Rel ý4,TY -M ID,Çàg - Soloic kbt.t-ried ter uftie $4 IN M ITICIICAE $6 SS NTICIa drug store toigy. The druggtst- ne- Cetubà% t-mmiths-old s« of Mr. Heie's a bînt t-o 'cen AT - 'IME W RRANT d' li te.l Motto, 130 Haiutton Rotton place Xho - [t-t yusê~~~ AIUItIuer*& niriVffl«Il It tt-<». v-11sals yout- trouble i - -~ - ~ TO BE ISSUED MvWmrluiuai utiy amily church.fli.#-rsment vhieflcl t- Theoare four cases of typlt-ld io '1'th P. J., sigalA o.fIc uWa "h yn'bs eh $M l ortlt-Chticago e- -ea i-iI tt-en! .o oficase"vsdo lu OTtg *dsng alaonuaebc tin -U&' Île « hé u« m.Innbtaj -. f'qol i W lbio-'hr=.:uIt oas pat-niot-e sud vishe th* iso o! Tit-b enasd.he mie ofissuing au anticpe- bapitofi Whtibn t-)q vlsdo vasll h--t-hoaut-borlt-losSt- Waslii lm« wILsKy o Touth t-fots s t-I'on. vanantwva'dlscit-sed at- t-le lng t-totd. k vIlIuot uPsrd o! tis; -0ô -on bsbiSoanit 1~ex -tssevhebluêlct-o tbet-rsgljr 'meeting of t-l isCt-y Coutcil i uto. tt-e iitdov. - alion aft-et' he Suae-rsi t-boy ameUmomethulIke1y due t-é lue Moiay ey'oes-g. Mot-iou vas Mide .,T.lN. ,,Hu oli' ofot-ho queet-lan* t-be' tlt-Uplady" "0 fUM O! -t-he t-Ypiioî14, pt-tu- n octddt-S-- iotiiuli odn I h abta lut-oty t-IL1su"Are yon dega! and dunîl - ~disue Up providtàu fite, 1 »'tins ! ries- 01It tl or s»OMIetlln much -for hint. He. repl MaryLaskrieh 101 t-suci ave. ansticiation Wanrant- for $#.M---- sour ..act-u .1 "i 131vool I -lîO téoturaîng a iaita: o-Mr.-Vail, a t-t-opent-y ovue ltlte get lut-oot-ber humi*pa lgu11et-bat-." "Yen. maean sin.ce chf boaut- o!t-ho businss edistictt lu Not't-ha ie&aI..t-odeay t- vas t-be-mont- tas- - rb,13 W »rhÀleChitcago vais prenantt t-t-ho meeting claatblg ,I Ioe d." -. I 103 enx Avnuesudinfonmod thbe cauncîil tbaLt?'e va- Wbi te bvifse ot . A. Jensen', tho WosflOk1t 122Lm1745' nue. t-r mat-n.on Short-des ftnd va'Suuh fdvoet-1lnt mas, voke bîintup - Vetil s. - A. u4 -Semurfr n. Hrt-hococrt-eadt-btt-obhebvs el dt- oi-t i uSsacil'y leMi'o elk. siderble ioonvononcat-b ti lsiddl'e oh io et oanld oi CalA.1 Nleoi G.* 1* eh. Oh See Howm the Men Profit: in- Our Campaign -for, $2 5,000.00 Increasel ______ IJanüary A -Lot of Men WiII Sa' i a Lotof Dollars In thîs Reëmarkable. Clothing Sa le Hu "Sae Winl1» the * aof 'TNoth Shors--it'. a woudoe &W when ve teil-yoth" mmaof thé best known makeraocf mon'. c0oth ini America are represSeted inl th@ u, yoù'fl know what t* o.xpect. MENS SMA T]NEW, BUMTSà OVECRCOATS THAT BELL EZGU- LARLY AT UP TO $60, NOW Thoy're t-n t-he clasicat nov stylos for port-leu. lar men. The fabrice, t-het-aîiort-nq, t-he leeka are t-ho boit- t-o befound anywhers. - The Ovote mle clude t-hobt-g beit-oti stylos se populsr-rlght ne05W _o t-he sutt- are t-n t-he wmnt-gd waist--Iin aoffet-a as a. ener-aivo Whu-mile &lah meu-ka a1:0s are hors thor. are only s few etomch lId b. prompt end you4l q agetmalue. youli1 remeniber for mont-ha et.. $45 . T h Stylish New Suite til, thpet-'îott .-aitted styles for men and liotlîîg lt- I rvn.ltded are those popular w aî-tiîîe effetts and both singlead d1(tile -'l>rt .sted tyt xîdt-ls. The fabries ~t- k,, :and t.îîhîrîîg are ahsolitely (pend- a4 ,abler. Two great lqts for this sa e at 39 75 à S W A G G. E :Qv ERG 0A-T S It willpay you to secure an'Ove"coaLtfor futurý,needs at thissale. These ar-e. those big, warm models and inelude*tbe' wanted belted styles. They. ar-e .flr dressy, serviceabIe-.a1d,-excep»itn al» sainart. . --,Pa lot mrore money for the saftîe captelsewbete. Ch a e 34*7 MuW hit-e ShIrts mît-h $ I NN'a T#OUBER8. PiosiBi frontO...u E'8 1?8 In nld. ,,,ez nd Monm Light Weight Paja ls-~ m et ber eau- Cy of thie Unt-t ir applIcatlon ýof South Da- 'anti-cigarette le1, cause vo tRIAIES CLERK iMeet no Here. S STATE XWinn"iago iford, takeii F f -t-be wit- edosCotinty Vsukegaut. At ffsea are bo- ncouples, thie fftcb f ron vltb lâtereai sl local ýitu»- Muân couplet' luage lj!enaeo will neot be subscribe t-o ln doing #o. lav ln Wls- cm that atate Èe- mar?îage eturn [o Wl.- circuit cort ta Wisconsin îrriéd in 1111- to WWsOn&î, cn rnarried ày t-batmo#O do not couie narrlage cer. nd ret-uru ru 'be Uiey iget the county muet answer eafly reasoît es t-o tbl, con- r tàrrled ae- Illinois or the eu smo'"If id lu the at- licous. la ,Ile oral marrlage ,del.gated to 018 eau oiexly rIllinois; the isofleluand Id gend ber. auçamake ie t-le legis- atmako laws mes. 't-skrs. !liftb Quiestioni idtrîe aftret. It and the sit t-o ii certain tor. cquestoed ld t-e ploso ietou 4iy et. ia3atlon. -but dtwouty-four y ackod hlm: b?" t-t vas toc plIed vitheut ,l-ldhood: 97m. Mu-' Pmnoit--. - $1.35 slIp-0 color ai si 2.95 eud 485 * , Mo y warm $74 - NUN'ilbUOliot goMI' tair ...55C 1JMGN SuITS Mon$Weoi Se ire PA1 t .ss"S- SptOcliry prled for t-lt mltfor 51*0 or qulr -P -..3esaï' ......t-h ....4,75 Mens Triangle linén col- Ioc -d sttl ' -. lare, splal emeh . ...1 ... c-a ( Main Pleor) We're Femous. Ouf*itterà for the Boysý-nnùdSoenHuw BoYs'Suits-and 'coàts Theuo aito olohgomn-.Tho suite OarelI. Imice> ixture., lrtaem.e-. n Just t-hoatille a boy vonts. Tho Ovffemats are In-Fsne>t' sportodU tt-ut and ot-her wenteU fubrîca lu newoët; stylos. liq es Ici ta 0 te 8pa- ai - $FVIW 2 1 7 5 Ovpote fur t-hofitté,fWipvm <poni 4 t-o 10 years eh. They'vre Ihjffil~lICU Cit lWW0IUfi-uEUyleA utlsu id aul-vool swaessla t-ae >evor style, aud vanbo.m Dr 8.45aton; A titttully ut-ado vitb oith r Lor at-ltfet-tif ai C bed, specla t 1.6o 4i Ci A lÏnint Ca 27 tnIiL- tirlît c' ai t i i l v.- t'. t t 0. 't t il t- .1.1 t lt' Itunt 't l',l:ud~ deiliui v WHITI il"'uIl- a%.t itn sut t-nt-ii St- . . NainsOt- sewt'r value; -widt-iis BID .9 It-ert-. Alilare voIt tilono &ad are dIrt- cbaplu t-bss- t-vo.lot-s St1 ,AL 9 \I"W.

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