Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jan 1920, p. 2

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Page Two. LIBERTYVILLE. LAKE COUNTY, MiNOIS, TI-ITJRSDAY. .IANUARY 15. 1920. arimusnîhaclasa condition. $200 Per acre. DDflDLPINO. 3. 20ar-Smiles tram towfl. on IIDIUDQgravel rosi; 2Q0 acres bit quality [AiffIWLIt)biack ,olaànrd. a-l2tilod sud'cultlvated. ex- cepi 20 acres of pasture land; 40 VIE WORLD ,NÉEIDS FOOD acresfine timber pastue;- 0ro m af tbem nov; conailete aiidA.1»tiret No DecIimne lé Prieu of Farm'clau condition; accilpied by the-p. PrêdUCts c'nt owuer for the puat 30 yoara. $176 par acre. Rioyal )Kookor, United 'States Cac '6 are- NO. 4. -ihlaslonir of LAbor Statistica aU oUfI- 6 cr 2miles tram towu; on& 1 cWia eeper -of records beariig hait mile fraca acheou, ou gravol rond;: prices and coets, docerait reoatly la best qulity black prairie sali; ait g4 initervieir hast ho côuîd no prospect thoixugh1y tuait snd cultivatei, ex. af an y consldatable ail ln pricas of copt 15 acres of pagturo. land; well faimrw lUcte tfur severai rosis o tenced; new and complote set aI dalr> éome.buildings. $200 par acre the rive ror mothuada varfaro NO. 5. t- no-aly- xhustea ir food pIy-u- -, - -â 7m1,Aê.1s 11>0 warld, but Inlurope the. live stock rade trou ship*Iug station; ane-hait and impîoments , s % yte he ro»mil. ta school, onrock rond; 7 acres duetion o fod h-Pb.~ eudestro - a.fine large timber. bardoring on the ta such an extont YhtI ii .sieshores af a boa utful lakes; ail tirai Urne, evan under avorabia conditions, cisas land, tied and cultivateit, excopt -bafare tis caunup-y WIIîI beîn a pol-15 acres ila the pasture; exten sive snd tiean torestitue 4ànomal foo pr camet.estet aidairy-buildings: niet- duction. tiactiVo location. 8200 Der acre. This l no i~ for the, developmant. NO. 6. Of nov land. T e demazid la for farine 120 acres-Ood land, àlightly raIl fully inproi'sdJwhere a-erop 1h15 year, log. mil 1Used and' cultivated; 4 miles 1920, acm *ouced. fr(n oin . va, no.balt mile tar sciiool; In tuis olumn 1 arn,tohîriug far » 7-rombopse;, 1rge coxabiuatlaa1 ade a Hlat af generai purposfe , horse and daiî-ba hu; brick silo; vat. Paosession of Which mny be bad in er systin. 8175 par acre. Urne for a crap ths i ngia otNO.. i ftii..for»s are ovuoqi gud occ. 220 acres-I mil. f ram tavu, 28 Piedt by mon vll>o. ou atccunt of age Miles tram Chicago. ou gravai road; snd ailier naturai Conditions. wÈhtobeut o aCIbLacPrairie landý 20 acras retire. Tbey c'msititUte remarkable fine timber pature; sarviceable huild- boteas for ci-oP Production aud are 19W,5 a uiolaited fmi-rn; neada tillu mmreta incre.tse rgpidly Iî>vaîua bo aand otharwiso Improvlng; surrouadod c041» the.quanty aof $0i, ciaacçt«r <Ofbyhigh nriced forma: $130 par acre.. ImPniauets nid nesinasate, ciA. ÀlittIO attonutiosayl Put titis ftarIn go, TME GEATBST PRODUCÇýMAR- theo $200 cas. KET TsriEM WOUIu. NO.L NO. 1. 140 acred-On Milwaukee avenue, 25 80 are-Bast a lack levai land: miles fram thea Loop, Chicago, beat of tb0roogly tiloit asidcu3vatod, ezeept blak l ovai lm&, al thoroughly tit 3 acres li Ibe çutul-e close r t shuad cultivatedt: Dos Plaines aiver flava ban n altilod ou accouaI f it. acrosa ana end t i ata, rie xtonsive 111l1. for patUre; 2 miles tram t<>n; buildings, Inludinsg a 10-room modern 90 rode ram cornant roed; complote honse; complota syswmeof aiater estofadairy buildings, montGr temvarka: beautilul ror&...255par acre. aev. 1225 Dparar.. Alilthffl ferme sre locaa* In Lakea NO. 2. CountY, wlthin 45 miles of Chicago. 140 acres-3 miles tram towvu.on Al are occupiad by thoir ownai*5, ox- mnvol rosi; oxcllaut sali. an lval OÇpt No. 7. Alilln good. productive filod snd cultivatesi, except 5 acres at condition. GREAT BARGAINS. fine tImber posture; gad sMd com- F. M. HARDING Plota etot aiary buldlings l initPho** 14-J ARE A, LL FOR'S A LE WinueikmSpecial Assssent Bonds Fimt Mortgage6% Bonds, on Lake County' RI Estte. GE"ORGE ANDERSN Anderson B!ock LAKE FOREST, ILL. DLLING, your own tigarttes wth Prince Albert 4 just about as joy!s. a sIoline nY=u ever carriod voutid in yçw gripi For, tk t" U y nle m moegtsuch qualty, fiavOsrfragae n d McocOns. in a nmldcgartte in your iffe m ery ". A& home-ade" wml reotyowi Prince Alb.rt pute ,naw Enaokunotlons unio your bonnt eg tli80 ..del4hbfuroffai nto e cgrett.-snd, mo eesy ta raU 1 And. yoU ingaltobe.- te à e hiksyo b.odoing lauiscswMY back Yoinsec, P. A. la crie» eu rni acicb a enieI I sayu-6 J ndY POu dsi 't Jo se loy=wdu 70 - reffl icwlý, tt I-iech a- cut ont by outexclusve pe$onto peonea. *ou b" wp.i -Wehi toiencoth« tmb..ld thrée mon to ugnok Pilip wm ap w« ïwa s*okd efore. .s s« ir, erincs Albej-t blagdthei wa,4 Aal. u-mér, 1Wlu~bf si ai)V" aOf mn ewimu ppi. 'ou wm EhaO . rs.AIpti IL J.n RE.4L ESTATE TRANSFERS lot 4. bIq\k 1130, North ÇChicaga.Q.C S Janusry 3, 1920 F H. Bartlett aud, vite ta P. j. E. H. Slmith ta W. B. Leawis. lot ýI, 'Grady, .N 1-4. block 78, North Shore K> îck 2$, Highiand Park., W. D., Acres. WlntWrap Harbor, Deat,, $350. 412bfl0. - - .k H. 'Kuebler and vite..ta PhJllip A. F. Smith aud vife ta WB . T ,LWIs Young, lots 5 to 1 sud 10 and. N 1.2, lot 15, blacliý 24, Hlghlinoi Park, G. C. lot 16, block 1, Clarken Basl. Shore $1.00. Sub, ÏAke Zurich, Q C Ot. P, H. -Barlott sud vile Io1.U N. Biil. Northvester4 Terra Cott. Ca. ta inga. lot 86, block 4, firstadd. tea.t-hbrman 'Taylor et -' 21 acres InS E vinia IHighlaands, deed $395.'. N W 1-4 sac. 27, Deerffoll Tvp.. W.. C. G. Kiug sud vite te J. P. Johnson X). $10.1 5 1-4 acre. in I3W 1-4 section 24, W. E. C. Hovard sud vils e taSws Antioch tvP.. W. D. $2.300. Svaasont, lot Iu'S 1-4 Sac. 8. Grant Sara: E. OHare ta J. L. OHare, 120 Jlvî.. W D 10 I. acres in section 29. Newport Tvp., W. Elizabeth Wailin sud huabsand ta D. 1'D. $10. C. HOrning. W 150 t. lots 6 and 7, Januai-y 2,'1920 -Bock 43, Highland Park, W D $1.* 'Claus Bressan 1t0 P. W. Scbar snd BiiOM, Dair.a-04 busaitdtaT. 1IL vife, lot . bock 2, Lloyds Resnb Shetidan. loC b, Sub. of part block 77, liigbvoai .. .$2.500. Hitbiand Park, W 1)810. A. P. Bémubien and vife ta C. G. Mary Brinkor ta Clame Jorome, 20 Deicke sud vite, lots 4 sud , block 1 acres la N E Sec. 1-4. Cuba Tp-p.. W B Orvis zub. Waukoaan, W. D. Il. ',$4000. -Jessie A. Cramsaiteta4. IF. Beuhien, add. Waukogan, W. D. $1. .- SJane IL Wý Kerr snd hyiaband ta J. WIUIn 11111cr, Fart Oberida 1n, 28ý J. Flsher, S 40 & .B of R. R. Of lot 1. lillon lCaeinen. Waukegam. 21. ., suli. of lot 217asd c Lakits Frdst. W. .UltsnleY E. Vaughn, Great Laites, r). 121,000.,,. '21. Gsaaloomau. Wnikegau. 18.. Janusa-y 3, 1920 ROY A.- Jast. Gleucos, 21; Frieda Clara W. Ingails and hushani tetaWenkel, . Qeucoe. 21. Bert Tampkins lot 8, block Z, Gidela AtoyW k.K aa.2:M sub. Wqukegan, W. B. $1. -Al imuOna, orlias. 16. 26;Mar Frank Rorne-aud vue tae.Joseph Gairet*Wauinauth, Chicago, 23, Karas sud vite, lot 9. Blunt Park in A-Yllne IMo. .Cieag«. 20. sec. 25W, Antiach tvp., W. B. 8$. William - H. Fetcher, Wlnthrop 0. N. Plillipsanaad vife ta G. T. Irlrbar.. 19:-, lL-f. Higglns, Win- Pushman, tract af land KW af aud ad- ikrnT .-Habor; TU- Joiulng village of Libertyville, W. ,. William P. Newman, Villa, Grave. $10.- »0_ Lys P: Risiey, Racine, 24. Ambrose Crmer at aI ta Louise Orner ltacy, Fort flht*1<hn, 28; Plucoifs, lots 34 sud' 5, Lavrauco's Mabille DeHaven. St. Paul, 20. sub. aud part' lot 22, orginal Lake Charles fritzsehe. Chicagd. 50,, Forest, W. D. $10. Helen Hettman. Chicago, 41. Louise Pîncoifs sud huabani teta116 hlosatind Pincette, part. lots 4 sud 5, ",avreuce J. Islant, Great Laites, Lavraucea sub. and part lot 22, origi- 21: Wlnifred U Hardwlck. -Milva»- nal Lake Forest. W. D. $10. kee. 23. L. K. Cunlug sud vite te Florence Eivant P. Weber, Plymouth. Win.. M. Mahlbr,,part lot 4, resub. of lots 24; Sylvia Johnson. Green Dmp-, 23. 2. 3, 4 sud c block 119, Higbland Park, William flaI. Cicago, ý21; Mildrod W. D. $10. MaîlsiZ, ciicago, la. Ernet Schnurstoln aud vite ta J. lavranca Castela, Chicago, 21; L. Axexa et aI, lot 3, Pluons LakoeegTaIra0 Chicago. 19. Catherine sub. W. B. $1500. John J. Rya, oston,4 26; l'ai. W. C. lester sudvte ta Mary C. T. Webster, iHhbvgoo, 18. Meyera, lot "B"', block 9, Wltirap IRobert Asch, Milwaukee. 29. Mlei Harbor, Q. C. $75.20. .9elifta, Iiaukee, 21. 1Anus Rtma et kI, ta R. R. Cavie. David P. Oeud, Raecta, 22; Ruth LU lot 14. block 5. Wluthrap IHarbor, W. Laig_ Raclai., 19. D. $50. Janyaary 5, 1920 B. A. Hamilton, sud vile -ta A. t. A T R E ST X Bourulqut,,,W,¶ 99 ft. lot 15, (ex. N 15 STÀ block 29. Hghland Park. W. D. 14,000. Thomas Pear4an tl- W. G. Kennedy, lots 13 and 14, block 3, Lake Bluff, W. P UIO M H.P anmet aI te E. P. SDrake HACE I.) lock 29, Highland Park, . D. USE SM JURORS part Iotas 3ta 6, block 1, Park Add. Waukegaii. Deeds $2. T. . 51>1 sad vite ta Maurice Agree to Use the Sanie Jury fo« Prindivilla, tract at land lu 5W 1-4, Trying Ail the Wire section 9, Warren Tvp., W. D. $1. January 6, 1920 ,Mill Cases. Maiimili la fanansili-e-Els beth M. PI;auntlll, tiact oflanud in States Attorney Welcb sud the at. N 1-2. NE 1-4. section 2, Freoant Twp. terne), representing the strikers lu W. D. $10. the vira uli" cmai vblcb. ana being E. A. CuumIaigsansd vite te Aile trled lu circuit court ai 'Waukegan StahI. lot 25. Cumainge and Co.?s have ontere nat m e a ltheatrang- North ave. add. Waukegau. W. D. $31Ô. est agreements ou record bore. W. IH. Ichumnaher sud vite ta A. E. Pherc arc ten of these strikecese Psurnann and vite, lot 21, county ti dtie attorueys have agreoi tet try clerks dlv., aBrrington, W. D. $2.100. aIl bu the same Jury. F. H. Bartlett sud vile ta Herman lu s vay il vas a gamblers chance Popper, lot 4,. l>lock 1, Fîrst aid ta 'ri neither the prosacutor nor the Ravinia Highlands, Deait $360. attorney for the defepodants kuav viat E. H. Purdy sud vite ta C. W. the attitude ai the Jurai-s voulit ho. Clturch sud vite, S 50 t. lot 7, block The agreement wsý&iuade before the 29, Highland Park, W. 1D. $10. firat case, that of Mie Stephanick, .lsnuary 7, 1920 was plaeoi on trial. Il vas Reeu liai F. N. Toulinson te C. A, Newcomb, because the vire milI stnike trouble _________________________ as kuovu no geairally that il DAO CIPID DOFS RUSIIINi BUSINESS DEPITE REVERSES Wisconsin couples seeking mer- )iage lconses, refusa to b. detei-red bot thie OPIDiÔ of aiWlsasl jtsdgas that marriago. perfarli lu ilIfuois are lllegat, or by tIi.- stement ap- l>oiing la thi Ie Dai ft%, Bdger stute tu the aff ect tbmt counfty-clorlçs ln Illinois are Droliubited by a slow lev fram ismulng licenses te couplesi f rein. W4ssonaiz, aid a.ý a remuit, are Il eklg eho eâan.oas a-persisteutly "Smem eillues ilaMiwaukee, Racin. and Keuosha paperui, tatlng thst County ~Clork Loy f[endeeo af Waulsaegau. an velau ather «nanti ta Issue marriae. cepes ta couples Buv- a <0v.veuturesarnocouples&cMme from Wisconsin'.kçipt thé niarriage- lieeking couples away for a fev diys. here and foufli tber0 'wem ~neOba stacles ln tbeir path. Tii.y quickly zpread the, good nows a"4 the result la that couples began thu4r ptlplm. mages hors. An average of fîve or six lieumes a day are being. issued to Wisconsln couples. Blm orne romn Milwau- ke, some fro Racine, 800 fro Ply- outhsud ather cilles. »Itl W quip notîcoable ao.that more c,uplea are coming haro frrat Chicago, due tô the advëetlinq Waukegan has reeeived through thé prossa a Gretna Green. In contlnulu te issue licenses te Wisconsin, couples 2the deputieg- la theoeffice, afthe oouuf y clerk laite the stand -thnt they are vrotected lu case of any eoosabana* Irougli the' affldavlts tàken by the. coupnles saek- lug licenses. Couipies takinz oui Ilicous. are required te avear that thor,, la no bar ta uder marriage Iru iiinais. Wlseonaln la àblectlag te -the mer- rnagletaicouples bora because it la clnlrned that the Wiscousin law re- qulsing couples ta serve fire days' notion, befafe taking ont the. heaumes ta net followed lit UU.i&q il 18K~T it.r IlteZLste 4i 11b .7 i 23 2 z» s 2»%,t iFie. Dark 28;Ii* t "bMNS~5. Usa SKUNKb 1m"l b Lt ' ire m S» 18»bqTIckeiM' 'Sw »1 6»W SA R zb W .75MA Le YW4»b ad M M Me MPb2.0 175leLIENGVÀbW "iIdpendent Classdled Ads Paq. Ask cou user 09 Ss - lu_ 7 - , styG*êodi aIouto liuad voneio the, teacilàg seipti pe CI L nmnbeo f; le, il ,prof. sion la Ftii eahice af 11, of public 7unauber ai test ,rdata rear, ion lu tfie sta bi September, Il 1tal îlartate et roitai- ùîmiif0 zdard, U97 ai-S p rotât shortage. j ce etandard, .1,1 r-ae informnation e tate superintq qj ire. 65 superl ta 1ýsupplu t b àve ta, dc rWe reported ith os bi Increased ria.v ti ler ltOluthe ne fPsali#es hm iti to ta lia.coa MtIBl>' report lorty-aeveu a ter 01 teachero egej ip increesir A couiparisan ho .t.ehers and xt for atncertain e esteiv t Bi Wait thle bott> ri a -Girl at t of Judge Judga and fMir. te'parents t ia 1 ty et ths'ir houti re-et- Judg'f- Fi~ ouCed isfamil> %Mt licite Mon ldi"lhly kua' n of aithr'-e su."d a boy. it vouait ho extremely dificuit ta 'blain a Jury. To axpadite maltera the states -atorney suggested.lateite at-1 torney for the. defeuse tiat theu laIte ail theetinta necesssry itaoblaiu a jury lu the finst case, sud thon use the same jury te lry the ulue romain-. ing cases. The suggestion vas agreaabla te lie defensa, If the jury acqulltod lhe tiraItiteteudant il vould augur weau for t'ho renl ot tie dotaudanîs for lb would ludicale Ihat lie jurrors vera tncllned ta ha Ioulent. Ou lie otier baud, If thora Ws a' conviction it ldid d- este thatt he Jury didtldulinteudtetabh svwayqd by a tecbfllcnt dotos.. lu orne vays Il vas a, "heada or tale" arrangement, but bath attomnoîis vene*'gme." The jury raturudais verdict af "guiity" ln the caeaoa Stephanlch. a. sealoit verdict bins oponeit Weduasday aft ' rnoan. The. attorney for the. strikers vas as goci as bis word sud accepti tue saen Juryteta iy thoe se.a of U-bfes tia second defeuitant ta be Pla.ced ou trial -, If the Rame Jury la qaimai&Ili the. ay through t Il ili axpadit. tii. triala for 11>8 eluctt"f-, r8epte Jurien la eea eevauld conume muci lime anit expanse. Waukgsu111.Jasair13, 1920. Au uuidentfl dhiivy robber Ibis alteruoorn shot &id ses-iol ea»updçdý MÉik e Vocilo while the. »Ungs -as valklug aloug the Nortuvestorai rail. rand tracits Just narth. of VWieaun 100k $40 tram his poOkotbookanid thoen iled. -Vochia, wvi a i.auIteil andutabout, 25 yonrs nid, vas muahed tthelb. MA lote r bhoal.,Ho vs shBitaIIrulau the, abdomenanid tiie mtent ofthilsin- juries eauot ba delarinai. Attbir shaotig Vachia, tie rabr lied lu te iadrection 0f LaIte Mîchigan. sud lhe Wsukogaa poliee are scourlug tiec uountry lu an e«Mor-iaMonatéoi avmee; Chicago. Aftor taklnag Vocbla's vailet. the rahber rovtd -the moue>' sud tbrow lhe Pocketboal aWaY. TI-S iOEUNO4Talwsys epuis CON VENIEN CE North Shoire trains pro-vicie rapici, convenîcut, comfortable transportation to Chicago, bringiaig you rigbîta the heart of the city's activities; no efreet cars or taxis needeci. TRAINS TO CICAGO Trains leaving Libertm'ville connect at, Lake Bluff with lim- ited and express trains direct ta ýthe door of Chicagos Hotels,Theatres and Business Houses. Savefitoney-bypirchasling 10-ride tickets betwèen Llber*yvllle and Chicago. MILW.AUKEE SERVIC1e Trains leave. Lityville, connetting at Lake Bluff. with' limitd trains ta the center cf IWIMliDWaukeBusines CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. RL *Libertyville Ticket Office Phone- LibertvIlle 74 12:45 14:25 12:45 :05 2:45 shlp tAIbW*mdlef'tUSfTI 1~@ýw Prie« Everf.w UBERTYVRM, LAKE COUNTY,' MINOIS, THURSDAY. JANUARY 15, 1920. Fum Twe.

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