Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jan 1920, p. 5

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LIBRTYVILLE, LAKE CÔUNTY ILUNOLS, THiURSAY. JANUARY 15ý, 1920. I lu' * antl 1t 0' Oes. ta of -.0-ma RUDY MOIST AIR FURNACES THE RUDY DIVING RJJE FURtiACE- PIPES AND PIPELIESS A Cood, Furnace. Installed Right, It la a GCsod Heating -Plant We Çnow How to Do This Shanck Hardware Co@ *0 w~~s If we coulil retluce buildi-is coits.we wonld -cult them fifty per cent.' We can make more mnoney ivhen prices are low. But wliat ind:.caî ion j> îhc.e that prices m-111 be lower? None thiat we knaw. It is our advicc tu build now what you need. £ M E C À- EE We* AN 'E N * p *50 An i>. Rnouncement! Effective january 12, 1920, die undersigned becomes man- ager and proprietor of the -Really Clean Barber Shop,' con- cute d foY sanie time past by W. C. Frazel, It wilI be the endea'.or of die new management to conduct ît in the âame thoroughly clean and courteous manner so ivell iked by its many patrons. Mr. Frazell will remain at die shop for same time. FRED H. SMIrtiI "THE REALLY CLEAN, BARBER SIlOP" Libertyvi lie * - Illinois 100 MEN Wai nted to Cut lcè at Ingeaide, 111. Soc pier, hour. - TELEPHONE FOX LAKE 2. RUJH. ICE CO. INGLESIDE, ILL. - :CAKfD 0F THANKS ' d -lo Our kinti neiglhors anti- frieni .'Wqwlsbt to- extenti aur sincere thankiS 1*Ïb lb yanptlfy sôxw'us -ini the ick- 190M ànd -deatb ol aur dear wife and Mýtber4.oalso ta the singeýr.santi those 'vlbo fornisheti iloitieis. i. - C.J. KEItL. Trinity IEpiscopai ahurceh, a Soutît Side la.nmark 1a Chicag., vas. re. ,dured to rubng WQUsaêslay uilht tuY lJ Ïic h sept the dburch etru.c- ture proper. part 0f thse Snda>" 4ehool annex and Otbeaiened lte par. lsh housé, Only tilte stan. wals e lrt i staindiang. -- TH4E INDEPENDENT atwaysý puts ~j Mr. and Mca. Frank Just were Chi-, ffgo dgitors Tuesday. 0 Mrs. Er»Set McDonald and Mrs. Wili- l.~ b ir> iie iiiIlew s wreIni Chiicago Tues. QThe Ladies' Ruebre C'lub met aitihe i home oft Ers.,Leslie Cox t tMisna ise Ratike of Chicago spenti Neis Steffenberg andi family, or Lakte ernoo n. four tables being ocualed. the week endi t home. 1 Foresit, drove over ln iheir car, Sun- Light irefreshmnîenîs werù sere cil Mca. S. P. Evitaizor was the'guest day afternoon. for a brief v isi Lih At the regular neetWl'ng of the of relatives ln Waukegaa Sunday, Libertyvlleý relatives and frientis. MysîýýVorker.t Tuestiay evenin;g. five Mrs, Mary E. Boyes was ai Waükeý Peter Petges tlaln Morris, la. help- ne%\ members were iniiated. -tfeshb gan Monday vlsiting ber son. lerbon lj.~f, Frank Peté;e., l in 1hc',ennnî wre served anti a social e- Mca, C. G. Elwel Of Highland Park ing of new hardware store, fo bc con nng eiJoyed. was the guesi of relatives here Sun-tiucied by the' latter ar that place. The Sharyl Girls aMi gise iheir an- day. James Egan of Chicago was 1i. Lib- nuai "Cotton Bail" in the Auditoriu .m MissesEFloen andi Anna- Anderson of ectyville, Sunday visiting bis frienti toniorrow <Frida>-) evening. Over fixe Wa)legan. ,viisited Utbertyville friends W, W. Carrol. andi famiiy. Mr. Egan hundred Invitations have been issueti Sunday. l.a a salesman for Marshall Field and andi It will deuitiea be a most cnjoy I 'M ad Mise Lillian Kon Compîany. able af fait. bohut are among Ibe laie vcMr. o i - andti Mc.--m hitro Iauegan 184 Ra*sle9ati-h fluenza itm fi n r n r.FakEfne by xhich the Infant son of Mr. and1 za. and Mr. AeadKici Fand Efinr n MauieSvreo Cincianafi. 0 . Ael Kenan w sn rMcv. J. N. Bernardi bah been elîrisien spent the weck end) ai the W. W.Ca Chicago, were, here Sund,..y. the guest . d aehs ts if o h need Car- ent office. Montiay afternoon, aLccom- roll home. lof M r. andi Mrs. Henry Seler. anieci by bis inother. He iâ a husky isemaGoldenberg was eaeral- tMa Pal3sOfeYounitpople, waaosten- littfe feliow andi bas been galning a i d on ln Chicago Thifrsday by Dir.toaar'ofyugiepewhen pounti a wefik in xeigbt since thc date Arthur Ilevan. joyed a sieighride tu, Crayalake Friday of bis hirib, 00w tipping te se aies ai Jevening. *upper was serveti ai the11pud. Mrs. Roy Studer and littie tiaugbicr borne 0Of M'i. andi Mca. Joe Pester. o f Gurnee spent Saturtiay at the W. Fi.1 Studer home. Miss Adab Nichois ia acting as cler-It red Si ltia purchasedti he Fra- at the îîostofflee. in the 'dace of MWSt. ell barber shop on North Mlwaukee William O . laapc., ieaming con.! XI5 ho aaLnglie-anavenue, reCi nily ovoct by W. CUEra- tractor of Lakte Forest, was in Liber nual vacation Of two w'eeks. Mimsa tel. Mr Smith ta Weil known in L11h tNleMonday. Ethel Wlsceler la the 4ubatitute cleîltj. ert>ville,ý where he worked la tuie Iew Mrs. Joe Beshel of forth utof -nj. . and Mrs. Rosa MI. Ta> lo i- Flagg barber shop shortly afier tut SIent -'undlt i.>Clb er sister. r, duherEhl n wnsn.' dise-bai ee fi-ontihe i'. S. arny.about, Johin Suydani. Jr. d.g teadt0nsn ot e year ago. lie Went front heret le \ and C(harles, have returneti to Allegran lur io -<a'wer le .«-etilt l I.1eîtîandti Miss Esiier filert-' Mîilî, after a several îills' visa witli shoa MiFra e iiretaiones-it anti Mrm.Fred lemker visi;ed friends Mrs. Clarm Taylor anti other relut tiveshar.r. Sthfor azemonth oremiso tl l n Pafla'tine 'unday. M. mih ora-onh-r-o %%si .Ir and Xrs. F., W. Foulis have ce ltcrmaa Kaping. Of ingles:dc' sa 1 ee;edWord froin their daugbter, Mc.a. this city, Tuesday evening. lookine i Robert O'Brien Of Bloonington, nd, I aller businesas maltera. - thal ber chliren, Robert. Jr.. and K.- T Mr. ad Mt-s.FloytEaston of Ikîo trhhveamo recovered f Ln crs Grot e. wece guesîs Sunday of tîteir recent 8serlous Illincs 0f foui- Francis Trlpp nd fmiiy. . ýweeks.w Mrs. Rose Garwooti uf Wukegun va.. 1 The Rey. Dr. Artbur A. Hays of*Mc--m bere Suntiay visiting ber broit-,er, Wil 1 Cormick Theulogical Scrninacy, C'hi liain Wbeeler, and family. cago, wîli be the speaker ai the Pi-es- Mis, Byron (olby vas in Waukegan bytprian church Sunda>' evening. tho Tueatiay vimiting ber dauçier. >ir,, services being in charge of the hlén's Lesîte Warren, anti family. flrotherhood. The mens choir viii Mcr. and Mca. E. W. Buticrfield aie- furnisb the music. the- prout paten ts of an cîcht jîrunti J. C. Howard, of Russell.,'vas la tbis son, born Saturday, Jan. 3. ciîy Frida>' anti Saturtiay, promoting Mr. and Mca. Noel E. Isuranti of Chi the culîlvation of sugar beetr; in this> cago gîtent the veek end with theit vicinit>'. H litates that bc la laeet- intîther, Mca. Flot-a Duranti. ing wilb auccesa, several farinera bav- iîîg îîledged themacîsea as bcbng vili- Mr. anti Mm. Edwsin Austin anti Mrc n ite succulent 1'egetabie a and Mrs, Thomas Cocleit startet Sat_ triailbln te spring. urdu>' night for Pasadena, (alif. Mc. anti Mca. L. H. Scbanck enter- jMrs. Mary A. t4onneliy, £0 yeacs .if taineti their daugbiec. Mis. Gordon age, dieti Sunday ai (lit home of Fred Rayandbab so of ret la, wk.'Converse al Round Lake. The lutter, 1 Ray an bby on0f re lai eek saàbhelti Wednesday fana the Con- jMiss Vene Wheeler la nov emffioyed' verse honte, conducied by the ies. Al. as a stenographer in te Vais la Wa R. Morgan, pastair of thte Liber-tyville 1 kibs Dir-niens Mfg. Co. at Northt Presbytecian cburcb. Burial le Lake- Chicago. side ccmetcry, Libertyvil. Mlss..Kate Carroll anti Maulce 13' The many frienda of ('album S. verne sîteni Sunday afteinoon anti evec Fouida viii be gladt 10lcarn tbat be la nin 0ln %baukegan with Mca. Aîîber 00w sales manager for the Foultis MiI- Warren. 1linci'> Comsiany, with offices ln Chi- Mrs. Elizabeth Whitney> anti Mrcago. He expecta 10 bcbng bis fartîily Aimta liit ury acre ai Ares Tueatiay, back front Cincinnati about April Ist, vsittng the foi neras sister, Mca. Et ant i -lî laIte up their cesidence ln ima Iouse, on0e of the suburba near Chicago. rMra. W. E. Davis lias resigneti lie-j Claus Junge Sr.. a cesident of Round position utaite Lester Novelty Store. Lake for 77 >-ar., died Tuestia> andtiMca . Nornman Matiole bas taken mornlng al bis bomne. He ls the father lier plat-c of one of tbe own,-rs anti muîageca of> MisHazel Sotale, of te Jane Me- the Forest Glî'n 'r(-amery &L Round Alisier Ilospiial, Waukegan,. j spenîl Lake. Funpcal service *1ii be beit ing a weckts tacation sith home foks front hi-. laie ihîote at Round Lake tu- in Lîhertyvilie. liiorre%-a' atecnouîî fluriai Thurstiay Mrts G. F. Jones relurneti Sa(urîti ai Rosehall ceiiet.iry. tu lier hontein Onmaha, Neb, alt a Henry Van Plexa, whu recentiy ntos- two wceks' visit s-ah ber.lister. Mis. et IotaLîbertYvilie [ram bis tarm fleur Charles F. Gresenvootl. lsaahhoe dîcti Weîinesday tuocnlng at Mca. Ana French has returaed front six oclock. fleauli was the reault Or a it tisit or threc veeks in Milw-aukee itroke o! paralysta. atiffereti'Boute lt lirgrantcicldren. Mcs a. l- tinte ago. Mr. Van PIes- va 76 years Lovelanti anti Mca. Floyti lie. - of-age. He vag he le Eï-nglant anti Mc. anti Mis. Walter Smith have ce- caine to Anterica ta 1871, resitiing foc turnedti 1 their bornein Leale, Northt'a short time in Chicago, then coming Diakota, after ax visis itlî their uncle. Io Lakte couaty. Funeral arrange- H. J. Hagerty, anti famil>'. menta bave ont yet been madie. s:::amma-:î... Buy Now and Save Moôney After -invoicing,' we find that we V have tome gooda that we can offer, you at prices that you can save money on by BuyingNow. W. are havmng tanned ton. very fine Deer Skuius4 which wilI h. made intoi Gkves and Mittens by the Ç. D. Ouborne Gove Co. taïe your order for a pair. Give us- your size and we wMl uvé them for 70U. E. W.PARKIIRST lSbeboygan, Wîsq.-John R. Kennedy and Pt-ter Odenbriet of Forest, Ill., wpre arraigned beforr, Justice Hlar-y Wolterq bere and fined $60O cd and cost'tý for flmisht n Sheboygsti lÀale without a licen se. Tbey bad six pickerpi antd two black basa wbich werý ronflmcated by the game warden. Liberty Theatre SATURDAY, JAN. 17 DOROTHY DALTON in "The Hocme Breaker" SUNDAY. JAN. 18- CHAS. RAYi la "Greased Lightning"_ Money to. Loan on Iniproved Fanns and Village Property If you wish to buy or improve Fami or Village Property if you havée bans faPing due which y-ou Wish to refinance; or if you are olherw"*i i eed-of piopey for 4. ,terni of years which you wou!d, wt.:2 to - -borrowurr R 1lstiéSecrityjcallon us for our ternis on MORTGAGE LOANS. We are ini a position to handie lbans in in large amounts promptly and on reason- able ternis. The Ffrst NatiQnal, Batik of Librtyvile, Illinois RESOURCES OF MORE TItAN UALF A MILLION DOLLAIRS ISPISCJ-ALS! >THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JANUARY 15,16 AND 17 Smail park loin rat 1i per lb . . -....... r......t........ 9 - Pot roast of native 25C Bacon squares, per IL--------.......... Tollet paper, I 9-OL tdi rail, 5 rails for-.......$.0 Toqet paper. Al i Amelican brand, SO 7 rolîs for ........ Jiffy-Jel. assorted i flavora, per pkg .......... l Round steak per IL -3c Boibing beef, per lb. . ..........20e sud L Sift Waol Soap Flaks Q per pkg. _ý.......... ( Swift-Hard Water Toilet Soap, per bar Swift's Hard Water Fancy Grapefruit, eadi .... ......... ...... Caaod cooking or eat- ing apples, perlb... ile BULK COFFEE, Per Pound- ...38c E. H. CORLETT Automobile Parts-fer Sale Libertyville, 111. .4 Phonea 339 and 340 Ir~ lts orau- n nova ta». YOM Brî ut a ltu é Ubenyvil ajoaju J UST A RRIVN Our-SpringLUne of Children's Rompers, Slipovers, Dresses' and* Suits The Best Assortment We Have Ever Shown See them while tfw,- aelectiQn is t at its- best -W.- W. CARRL SONS CO Phono 29Labt fil i. ----------- L .ül MMCM=b=u 0009000000M wbeeee« 1 1 -

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