Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jan 1920, p. 7

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,.wr-.'i'i m ers in r TM îr Ru, oe& - TAI»JI TA15. 192 i0. LJBERTlI I IL ,IJJrNutfl1, 1mlup ,-jM-un11i 7L t-ientthe wek end itb Mr..-il. sale beverages containa galcohol. AU l Yd,-d for thpsp. places j.,$25 per- ypar. erIng place-s tg needet!, lq the Opiion Lak Siurdy eeaig.whee tey t -plcesin bisclam ustpaya 1c(ýse There are also regulations concen-of 1h naIority of te aldermen. H Â P E I N B I' I tend ed t he- d an c e gven by th e L iber - G ai utîte I fyvlle bd. Mia Glays P~owakiwas euî1y' <ia îoerya.Next Friday night Janlary 16, the I (asa B includes plaresceet W iCC h4eh aive thee dry conîplete control In Keuosha-would bring a revenue tu il Saturay a BlUIs boy. 11 years oid!, et!la the Wtilaa Bruit. departutenL ulso teBdlcoeAho. . irink% whlch contain no alcohol ai-e of hs places. te citY sotewhere in te eb- J, Jhilsn Chc5Kobasket socialian progtam which wlt k ~ E - *I RANDT, e, dlatsfle. Attu the d=igatt bd quefr fîoch vîuitèr laut week. faslt f tlïe dramaltatiob o! -The- . ..... tionet! hlm for .ore-time; the boy ad-! Ben Burke and wife of Philadelphia Golden Touch," a d Snow White ani Ctordere Tken for Job-Wtet h bt!nanaWy n .1eAI m*tted heiad run a.ay front otfe'.Al-are visiting reatives in 4ntioch; the Seven Dwarts." Mr. Slrwison mli lefidale Farni. He Isutnme argumentWde- steghlod f ouree yuu po-out tiere nd wulen bli *ay to Fore~t C alesorai Hd. ome - be présent and! delver, a talk on "The ~ tt>mLibrfyill wee te gest Park. The drugis tooa hlm to ts a.Nea0 theRWaScpl. lf Xe. anelMrsJ lue Pester. An oy ter depot. secured a ticket for the boy tu A bandfit dance fol, Josph James, Pnie 8 asramAlr cey'oS. super ai er d ad aplesan ev- Lke ill, touwbere b. was faken a formet, vilage clerk of Autiocit, was PtikspriaistiiIgîve a series of ~~ ~back to Allendale. Tram w-at the lit- b*It! st thse Woo!mnen Hall Fridai' evo-- three card parties, beginin Jauuaa-y- àpenL - il antewas caled of( lie feiiow- saidthtb boys out there have n>ing, Ja. 9. Thse Roel Nelgbbori ruay-u 4. ldo an2 ndFb lg a skt U. bra eening, as the Chicago a pretiy gond,. time, and! there le no> sri'd supper. ray4 $ea~ fiie 10sho ui. 'hei-e was a i eal reason wby they sisould run sway.ThdreVnrwlsu 'eeI ,stutersanîngas u he ate Russel Kepple was a week end! vi- 0660 00 60 4900000 comed a new boy to their hone isat h r~ B ~ « r r n m4gs. I ar!din as a th betyle Itor t tihe oGistik. U .RNM EE 9 week.Bath mother and! baby are -do- Mns. George GoodWg lis Improlvng 0 9o 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 990 0o G0 u 0 eu 'ferseMJ-- eer.-e Hieiadso jk it aseli Mmd 5[>i 'B ' urday ant!scio bak-eat lt eas 'Flau-reigbf.e4 Ous.RusellMea spet 0ýuray ndi. Bartlett of Wadsworth ah iped -a w-a itre ednsdy visiling Sunday basreulisrelatives ad!friends Ms uef sibr-ai islarge nuruber of calvee lait Monday. It brot her 1 C idebad t. Fromt tise *m on t ftalk beard on i zo M rta W b f ,l l is W e are g ad f0oiear atititis wrlting ILTTi thi.tuestion oP.fixi: Up our raois, w-eSneesby o! Libertyville spent .undayà -*a1 ,i? rP 17 -Dont forgeft te basket bal gamte toe qustongt o fixe atpot!ros net srltvsbr.that 10e Adamsh. w-ho recently pur- M ) d 1) 1Y R iJ èd llq Uaurday evening. The Chicago'Car- h b o e om .H. Mller was on be sick lisf îalt cae h oetrn ipon, *dînaig willî :je out. summor. iwe. atter beiug III for somse tinte. Firan (low- la out again atr00 0 0 00f151 0 seg I"o adwrh epe Misa Gertrude DeLaaey las ery .busy along ilinessa lit! asys he la feeling , e o oo : Aalhlid!Waswrhepe taIçina fthe ceusus. lfrou a pure»y economical stamdpolnt you ought to steli a~~let.,. LAKE VILLA * ttn0 t ieIrdLnt midn 0 . Brown heîd a meeting at F. 1).matita YIIVZRSAL rnti ystm on yaur fau. bere Friday ulght. H ?te members oi the rire departfeflî 0000000000000000007 a smple twststoreEttie utton, t willande yo are~~~~~ ~~~ hll, e-rlmtfgs0 )* .T.adJh a numbor tor It!f riands attepdedFotrsoeiatSUd>anar- thoa Os im tmcia fe utt in towld, e are oidligse.4-rtl net4ngs10 ré- F. ï Retardson on Shepard1 the ltterai of Mrs. Lawson in Wauke_ ranged for a pr<graml and entdrtain a h i>te1 c.,eafe 4t ntewoiwe pare for iil bigannuai masQucrade son were home over dGonday. Igan îast week. thesakerWaswfor theb. 13.Lituet eend'"4 luti y=weit it-ifl evoynook and canur tiPewlîi ilh il eray6 P. R. Aver-y waa lu Chicago on bus-, f9 fonethspeakers for thet jus».titute lu nere - inyou bans Tl4.i&tt r a. utai Il liug Mole. loess -ruesday. 1. - r om te p n nb r arî very goôd talk at.tLit ime aiso. o n h d fob p auc o ilfl a a iny orb ains. aleigli riding piarty went ho Rounid lra. Frank Naslr entertalned a inew -i-dIca-e theyMiss Fiorence thaitr.adycdetlyU & i ishloeer parels. Miss LUQYiSun:-tutsv hulbradmny o o vr a P.E.HLDEBRANDT1 ,. DRLIGGIST 1 HOLIDAY GOODS Ca~eetenery ToileI Articles Pewfumery DoRsa"maiToge la fsfct bu ndr cdsà of « articles appre. pria.e (r CIrisimuae Gita PIIYSICIANS ' PRESCRIPTIONSI C&rehii!% Compumded THE REXAIL STORE GRAY' L IKï1ILLINOIS R. WENDLAND' OiROCER AND MARKET L'F?ý.LEPI< N jGeneral Merchandise STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 01(Ry GOOS. N011IONS BOOTS AND SIlOES MIATS ANO CAPS IIOSIERI Country Produce Bought and Sold Phone 107-J LAKE VILLA -- ILLINOIS f. BMRSTOW MAANUFATungR 0Fp Marble and Granite Monument s Cemetery Work 'of Eveir - Description *rrespondencc 501 Icite' 16Genesee St - DR. 1. L. TAYLOR 011.. in First Neiomal Bank Duise socss:-1 10 8&0 and 7ta u8 #eeIdesu'-bu Broadway~, opposite Part LllIsftyvle, &binais. DL 0. BUDTrrRFIELD. VE TMUNABT SUMRGUON saSIfiTANT STATZ VUTUIMARIAO. EUHANAN W. COLDY uaie oab aome, Cook Av..Phono 168.J ,A.iUERTYVILLE. . ILLINOIS LYELL FL MORRIS Lîberyvtll . -Illinois -~ Lce uldlus. mbonpue -l. 0locPlnoue 1. PAUL MAC GUffIN. AI'1'RNET AT L.AW. MArT iN ~DECIER m7T W.biogon Street .ý«KEGtiAN. - -. ILLINOlA frlenisthe hon home Wnanesday ater- "i -- àt! trendlaeuplter ismoit! trlcas aatcb a T h e b a s k e t s o r til a n d d a n c e g l ye n l Ts e o i vais.ry h a th i lç c by tise Commercial Association. Salur- Te5wmntsr eli npco day eeuing wwelI atlent!ed sud was bore lust week. but his Calwas $176 realîze a o ite sale of baskets.' veiy brief. No germs inte air leà Carl aud Clarence Miller apent Sun,- ______ter day w-lih Mrs Miller at tbe Chicago tioa)Itai 'w-er. alle la belng trelt! GURNEE Miusslary Kerisas returnedta f ber ,Miss ladeline Titoiiuerseu return, homo hore aftor n au otended Kday w-tis1et! Tiurat!aY fnom KenositS, w-iere site bier sisten, lin. Sping. t liillburn. spent tise bolldays. At lite annual meeting of tue stock- Richard Hook recelvet! tw-o cars 01 i holt!erg o! the Lako Villa Trust sait soft coal thse atter latter part of lait Savîngs Bak lut fw-ek tise toilowiug week, officers ucro electeai: Proideut, P. TeWome iIgve41tI ing:Sertary, Vc. Heid. Jra K.on- Cashseries of card oarties Ibis wInter. the ing;Secetay,,C H.Stratio; Csh-tiret One being beld lait Fritlay night, ler, A. L Dewar; directors, E. UL Wald Jnay9 and R. Weet!uaad. Tise banik 1la u a splendid condition sndi aeposts havP Tise Royal neighbors and Woodmen doublets durlnlise Put year. wilisolai a joint intallation of officierse lins. John Nelson of Chcago. who I Fniay eveuing. Jan. 16.--1 will be remembereai as liaude Day- lrwo gainses of basket bail were playd ment. leaspenidlng te weok ulit tise et!at tise higis chant Thursday ulgisl t MI 1.9. Muller and F M. Hamnfea- . Mrnsd Mrs. h. J. MicClure returned hies. ta Chicago ltest unday. .M-a. E Bartlett spent %fonday wlti: Mms Blanche Cali returnedta li er frieuda in Antiocis. home iu Batavia. N. Y., lait Saturd-iy liouday evenlng Charles Hamlln w-a nigitt. -aer ploasantly surprlsea wheu a nom- Mr. and lire. Et! Potter entertainet! ber o!> friands came Iu fa help cele- a tew- frienda New- ears eve. L brute hiei bi rthday. ElgitI ables of! Mrad! lir. J. W. Gray visited Kea progressive bunco were tlayot!. ro- uosha fleut!s Tbursdar.c tresimeufs served and! ail aient a very Mr. and! Mm. T. E. Gray and famllyc ploasanit evenlng sud wisbed hlm mauy o! Waukegafl wen. iere Wednest!ayC htappy returns ofthéb day. eveulua visiting Mr-. Helen MicClure, Frlday o! tasf week whue te car- Mri. ad Mlis, h. H. Miler entertaln Peerà w-ýre worklng on a acaffold oanset! a numben of trleudsa ttheir houmet iie JL K. Deerlua exercizlng pavillon, New- Tears eve, the scattoit! gave w-ny and! Frank Mrs. helgit Vincent eterialued te Nat!r fell on bis aide. breakiug one Girls' Club Baturday atterrinort. t bouie lu lils wrist and! bruin onue of J. W. Gray le busy et te court his hips, whlch w-lîi give thim au en- bouse again itis week -1 tnrced rest. Tise others escapedt! -U- Guy li'rnum vlslted friendq lu Oh;, out tnjury. The mten fell1welve feet cago lest week.E -Mrs. IR. W. Citltendén eptrtàined *o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[11 the Bridge Club Wednesday affer- o ANTIOCH _0______ Ioooooou..s.*.eoo (pecelvesi Too Late for hAst Week> 00O000 00000 .0 0 0 Mrs- Jeonie OBryan and son John 0 R US S EL L 9 sPeut lIsSIw-cu it eh ber sister inu0009600 900O O00 Cîicago. Tite ice harvest is about comîl,)etet!, Tise Misses Anita liticker .and Pit&12 The ice la o! goond quai.butlaa iftie Morley sitendet! s îarly ai Wftukegsu f o lhlck for easy taudlug. lit IWedu esday., E . J, urrie la clenklitg.iu the R .L. Mrs. laude Brogan wet tu lîeiiNellas store. LWednesday to spent! a tew-day.. si't> Tho sage o! John Benettwas well ber si6telr, lira, Clair Kelly. attendet ant! everything soIt! brought lIma Anoinette Smart returne.1lutîf gond! pricos. 'Vii tainro a vl<:t wit h-r;un. hý. N. Oskins spent Suiiday withblits Mie. tii-rie Whlfusorc-, et O!tuniira,' famliy. r'-.. lra, It. G. Murrie and Mlre, E. J. Mrfi Mallon Chin anait son, Wi.lart!, Mur-le were Keunssa viiors Fiday. le 'ere (iicago pamselcr% elesa. mrs. Laura Corris bai neturnet! troin Pa:y Ed!dy retu. ise'1ta0hi-a hîonte luWatertow-n. Wis.. uhere se visitet! C. O-hio. t! 01 là ifret a' - -o sa-k, lierdasugitor. i.: . visif with clt Ienl Vli,,Ii lreWenàt entertaluet!liter daugb- r4iitU FOea .&i,*iliSI ' f Ctiicag,) fer asut! ollldfeu Suaay. 4 - hbae m a Yaur savingu amm grow te sizable propor- \ tions if deposits aie mide in a systematic i manner. This bank extandba.11l the conveh- jences reeded for the safe-keeping af your funds. Start an account at this bank and make Regular Deposits.j ..duringthe .commgya. The Citizmns State -Bati of Atea [ Phone 243 Aiea, Uinols &1» wss hume over SundaY>- William pope la vlsifiag linftie souili L'YPIIOID lEVER EPIDEMKIIr IS RA4i INEi IN NO. CICÀ60 ren Case Withîn Period of Two Weeks in North Chica- go: 4 Cases in Waukegan.- IMPURE MATER PROBABLE CAUSE Withln the lasttwa weeks fourteen cases of typholid fever broke outinl Waukegafl andi NortisCiticago and! to date bas causet! three deaths lu the 1w-o cilles. tw-o In North Citicago and! .,e In Waukegan. Waiakegan bas been more tortunate titan North Chicago havina itad but tour typhold cases w-hile Norths Chi- cago has had len witbiu a periot! of tw-o w-eeks. The condition in North Chsicago tg qulte serlouts as ten cases ,)f lyphoit! tever la an exceedlngiY large number for a cOmmuulty such se NortitCisicago. ~impure w-ater la tt.ougli to bielthe cause o!fite :najoritY of lte lyphoit cases, both lunWaukegs auandNorths Citicago. Dr. E. A.- Weternitagen, ~iyhealîli physician in Nortit Cica- go, states titat einelaofthtie opinion tisat tise origin o!fS#me of the cases in te vlciuîly o! Teutit Strcet wua .mpure milit, Typitoid tever caused the deatit ni the toliowing persous w-ltin the Ist tw-o weeks: MI1ss Nellie Merrimain, 175 Yortis Park avenue, Waukegau. Josepht Wohte. 1131 licAlister av- enue, North Cicago. Mrs. Peter Pescit, 117 Morrow av- situe, Northt Chicago. Tise tolow-lng Waukeai and Northt Chticago people are ili with tYPitoid at tise present limte William Cherry. 18137 South 1ar avenue, North Chicago. lirs. jeannette Vehkavei-k. 1022 heu- ox avenue, Norths Chicago. Ernea Gustafsori. 405 S. 1.tica 1 street, Waukegau.11 (harles Vreadlcka, 2110 Hervey avenue, Northb Chicagu. josephs paulic. 6-h Twenly-seco!ld street. Nortis Chicagu. Frnk Lltw-eller. 2ù7 hincoîn avenue. Waukgau' S Mis;s Cora Walsht, 213 Wale : streef, Waukegsai. j. Penche, 11$7 Wadswoith avenue, Northt Chicago. J. Zekanecis, 1022 Lenox avenue. Northt Chicago. .Mary Lakovicit, 1016 Lenoitavenue, Norths Chicago. 1 victoria Wenynski, 1745 Seymour avenue, Norths Chicago. LK1ENSE SOIT DRINe, SALES IN -FUTURE Copies of tise MI)waukce orailnan providing for te licensliig o! Vptdez of ot drinks hua beon received lu IÇe- nosisa andl it lN being carefully studlèO by tiseîmembers o! tise license commit- tee of tise couimn couneîl with tise Un- aientanailug thsat whou vOnstitutioI-l prohibition becomes effective a wee front today tisafItIlwiIl be consdered by tise councîl as a meaus Of prnvIduit revenuées faite cre et tise bas of revenues causot! by losne dow-n of thse Ilquon traffic, A jt ai thse siembera f thse K8- nouba counceil are RoI favorable ta t»o lîcensng of sucs Places andl tisene i s n e tl ou b t ey tin th e r ig ts o ! a y ct i f0 provide foj asucit icensets5 Kenogba meaneW daim thk.o. 0f tisa zodrpk places shoulai be regu1týd s e h lAsN saloons and! that tise only waY to e lAte theli l%,l tise licence rouft ' e, The Xil*aukee 'ardinggce dîvidek tise-pîacpB w-bIaiscoma under ta Irovi- maous lu tw-o differeut lasses. anal pro- vides for differeut lcense tees: Under Clm a» saeluluded aul plc.wob maAUfatm,. or *tfer for S AVES LABOR MONEY TIME HARRY H. WIGHTMAN Highland Park, Illinuois- Phone 958 Highland Park in the year end prov e oef the bèst dividend invest. mmnt.Yeuz5Vmerode. It roducea the danger of fie; Iimbtoe honawrk, lmcrems e ouproduction, main- tains hoaihadds ichtily ta the pleasure of living -and bringa cit7 ccnvniemcea ta the faim. And the cot--for the sme mount of illumination- is les than amy othor artiOical light kmown; mot even houts ia vii oeiFou te doenme wo.k with s. Us. UshUumi ehm.em ea *Wtusneblb. Invoatigat tu adwantagm today. Bee the UI- VERBAL duct or write ws direct. Aïk fer coma- plota dtailld spodifcatioaa cof the tJNIVE4UL- the etacticatomerating mtem Bacimd By a 20 Yser Pedigree. UNIVERSAL PRODUCTS COMPAN'Y SANDUSICY, 0OHIO - .itTraamacaeu - 9-W--~ - a SPIECIAL 7-DAY SALE I JANUARY 10 to 17 BIG REDUCTIONS IN EVERY LINE We have received a new and extensive une Of furni- ture, most of which is speciallyprioed for qtuck sale A FEW ITEMS-.WILL SHOW THE REDUCTIONS: Wool Blankots, regular price $7.00; specal price for tliis sale...................... . ...$5........ Wool Blankets, regular price $9.00; ~ 7 f ipecial price for tdus sale ............ ......4 Wool Blankets, regular price $5.50; 4 5 spciaifCto thissal.-.- $4.-I50 Wool Blankets, regular pricel$4.50; '$37I spocal price for Jessl..---.--P' Woo-Blnkes, egiarprico$6.00;$5 - d lpiefrtissl ........ ........ . ...... $...O.40 0 Wool Diankets, regular egce $7.00;$60 special price fophis sale. Wool Blantcets, rogular price $800; 7 fl 4 special #nce foriii.s.. .............-... - $7.00 LIDAR!TA 39--i.a hnsoede! ' 1American Oak, vithone draweregurat $9.50; otiil.- -- ..4 À hmudmomo five-piece Library or Den Set-Table ad Fiu,$« ~ lf Cai,m fumaeak,menin $23.00; foi this $ig. 00 REAýH VY COXFO1RTES, $7.00 value, for thi Sal.. ..-..................... .....4l HEAVY COMFORTERS, $8.00 value, for dais sale .................., -. ...... A LARGE LOT 0F NEW DRESSEIRS, RUiGS, ,ýTc., A4Dý MORE COM[NG EYERY DAY___ weather. W. have a large quintlty cf dais mixtue on ha ready for doerY Go .LC SON SPhse 27 AD-EL-ITE 0f U1j~plo ugkr dTiict- sa.~ Every'- gmt sialar, if tise bees ion.. - . i es' too i is a doubt e alice- n sub. Toast. Iyoiil ie real menta e Co. I w s-i A Bmtk Accowit Makes Foi a" Sense of I I - I - t :1 ýê -d - -0 - efuoq-me" 'Ood- 1, - P 1- 1 pdý ýli il , ý fýi LIBERtYVILLE

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