LIBERTYVILLE INDEPIfNDýNT, TJIURSDAYi. .JANUARX 22, 1I;uMýJ2O ýWAUfI3fNTO TAKE KAPW*RE FOUNDRY O IINTiiiIE SY TE EWA M4D >or onet IBRMN-V '09Mem S M# HERSAY TUE - Ë 'WÂ PO:hP> abeer at ZMon City ws~ized PAT IN'B AL W N I T A ERI- LS f2ýg-CENT ..,Oseh a aa 1 szue law UV~ fh~ " YA Et U"1YI PEPIE191C P SINfi VI 1_Q DB EI S TO BÉER AT ZDON t bs eor mte i te ba t on 41N>ItNE _ -the hands of the Zion City people. 4ýmlmPru ae.Meanwhile watcbmen are ,eing kepr SixCoutis, ncudi'Fake ile 'L bas ita nwnl>e>ofIfar - No Longer Do.,Young Madêns J \E< htAtono rI Pae hir. tI\be.tI led Daa~tpweinuv qlieL bard, il was learned te Wait.Bfr They ask ealed Io the supreme court ln order 0": a'freezDtl Ma t aPat. anilh reelen gvra S Flowed Here. If lte action of Officiais i liuor- j.j. le te (,ktg,,-Inrdwi-e F-otn(tr conty n th stte. it t belegs]aI fproablyknwn n Waukegan « 4 4 MARC 5 I OPEINGDATEFohury offlany.n ywiu ie fuudtbat the federal calndidate for delogatô to tht Noi t Chicago coflcerti lailod o sowîng uilon isi rireai>, lbut tthe oN- P ýaeCoufly gays tAlat ha, JUke ail EE ATNO ~Ieaa fre iuiDithdst ucédettionktandCthentiat ie De lnrbaktlltu a-th' elployes who huve abened ideas ôcfeilpyear ltit be nothiug basing is riglit on an opino -Otl t flo ofiicatedlbe iZo men payOnMach6 nd6, ssre tenseves rot wrý aeA i A t'l an ha destroyed bv*. thé fedetal cerconyrpeurl q- Ela on cb 5 atvnd 6f.lissurd es "fi nu"the k are wttb * of Oerv -fourtl,. *ociation 0fIlilinois by Attorney Cengoserunlnt unaèer tr So h Jchould Be Gy dofmka lfitcleto e stgd eEn.f t id~ C. \load, ecmpoî;nen manageyearf erai E. J. Brundage. fnational prohibition. l aOIX be@mW-giy T-ihe i-vïïY-lbgw nre-tnokln- thora bas been ordered to appear h.«ore ç0fr ~-- -- 49rnRokf1d iarit aiteClicago liai uwa re Foiiiidrî Te nid order 0f things bag; vrcetbas 'been flsed tta a no excuse.for Jack belong ndui boy 4=e caRt u> aaik tîfoftrood tichige 0 e4tiyrte.atfe Itis 2vr etas a result. of the drastic action b4p,. -Stock tibih week t10 s %h e McenyndIke- coutnties baie lhbc oflice force o flue cpsmpany ha.6 eastisat every year seçms like a1& iecekbr um fiead5laa8 okadalpy5~b0l tb ai' m.dfuon rh* -drel be neuded in thse Rock- been bit Ilite lardest y I e leap yoar. No longer do thse yeugiso te pay the salaries -or thé deipa- îgtkni NwV_ 't, ,bî eiucr 0uyt.New Orleans u tie Ut iJr ieoltc nployelie- lamanoxarY or f et aes--M.B'yerrad.'Au beau seired wltb a view te de. ________ district basketball. __________ semsate ethe accepteti tiung for. hesurplus was turmed bacik Into the stroYing Atîan so 'o s An'Uire FAnilyRow. The a ddition cft these counnues teo unY reueY, ur ne s w, lqtOne nigisî *"Ut Il o'cloek1 Ib 'lintoramntwIIudoubted- YMAI? oeihem 1V14 AI iiof h vie tttn 5 rai South .hmerica. fft8ktigPrePakrmtOur lied and bhr ly bting the entry 1iget in te big few th1dAh Irills and blusises and bashful Wsatows$8.o000o. ~jib wr trted brdy nteaore0f 20 lesas gigELEpares.ln 1920 wben a leap, year wsaotS.0.visions of guterohbuindelite pn 8te î ut n o atIse outaide worid. fhrway.1amdyW i anàr ThsmFe-'hý h orne iay.« EC PE . f modern girl thiùks (bat she la not 2 prcntml undm ie operatives baaeteeetedheiAordesiued ' g D .tarted 7ursday istead of riday. Pr cent mut andtsredot 0 thhavointiasl lighorasal3eiegreIesaCedgt..gsegbels cut..eao!ht@:seusVnofrthe"snAIwflasitubd tth Ginry a fLY NorMdeSsCromTin forf lier frienda (o acicompan>' bQr bow we ylgo about lh tepsy our wlileoiter rfaderai officeri; lire thet of carnauba wvax train Brazil la llgbt ti fuund the arrot gottO glfng entrie.,.with L B.Black, state ta dance? Thare are stilisautne, it c!erk itre. as tisera is*very 11111e seoriching tcaloons., warabouseOntînof ldesrrageanandbat ut candelthe: manager of 'basket-bîallItournaneuLts. t. but tbey are becoming feivor revenue-ouî,side -of thisamaocunt" iiers for contrabad wito bas t M aJnuary 23 as the closing leHol> anti (over. n lofî Or. la.nand shunt 7 aite.oltsofHo> The Modern Msahod. 0 incilided i st of tesase wblch autIiy citurch, Nor t Chicago, lieli villri ci é iithe Elgin tourtteY its ahilnal election or Oificers Suin- 'Te goond olti-fasitioneti moler and fren henot assig'sod bere day mtorning ai te kiodalli>' hall. Tuhe Ki'iitduiotbar sit pli andi gasp* andi in hepalvrý arar H ebrun, Me. re8uit Of tihe election foliows. ivonder wshaîtthe horl àtd i. outiîg tC Ilnr.M'0,ItO. utlyand Wou- Preêldent, MartiaNeal. witen they Itear the young miss-mn- kegan. ~~~Vice Presidaîtî. Frisut.Tiffany. her-teens cail up Jacýç and wskaite l o M row i uns i Oer t- ,Gis w9ich il iipr'îbably ScretarY, Abert Schienenaun. Iotler te the Smiths' party on, o M ro sF r ihn ' a t eppaher e CysalI*e.Illob, Treasurer. Nicholas Sciteaf. Frida 'nighC . Tlie, mûre asadetta. appa idee aea. st CiLare.antavia, The Holy Namne Sodality' whicli 1. mo1tfber. bowever. is grtting quile ac- atsnuAt rreseneet Aurre, .apel cule S a le h. e, ove bat sme o ti o Nothdhiag- l a nni ng n e- le li~er iosh e ol enisdaya w aiai arFcil e gi hiy aln.a bifîs e. quliaî n d ,yue nee The hnlidebooherevrfible sbt'as in ever leors ofIbe hÉbas f a liite new order otne inek. il o e upeclai reuuctionu tomorcs. b. ft oi-cae to se o a y reg-0utîeJ. ei-îtosudrtkn olod-aîindsona ssrl evter n. fln Anbeuriory -saersfbuted a- ttîone a o un of th e alngtmeLecre beprite. eu n C 1 nte e DAHonteaNmd Iecue fhsdsî a n el ciorsnet ideas wes aliat'r tioalqqud.monithercil otil t hee, flory w ofs lnte sat basueendeti nthe o e diions-two achofi)ce cle, i ho l edy acieSasud dtricts.recountesn been s-ts n C U S aau D-n tan a eat ever oe comparesth Ce lgsor a a e n fn w1Ui s d e o c ente p s csible gotietin iaitsa topsy ga n ce an e tirl tr a liCtoer te _________th __caule______ coill n ditn s a ine or wor th. You can doe ewtoatethefehiprice ILOurroes d urn he lait edays hae bee aond ight. 1920te enntiu sabut s0 comprteeete can tndlrtouia apec th Rcfod rJoie ecioary N etel-arowned moiIjeuie d eetin of mnts a*asoveta id savuriner y o o up n .cho u". o in Not C iagder ion wil te e mov ca y et s 1 Fiften Cnter Nanad he cuse f lts dath as ucer cha f vatIler whchIremagesufler disrTcs,________vi Big Pr-ice Redheuctionsnans aaf in Suitserwoianin ieandd L SveenrFneoathe th ur assKE inetansat tpin odritiseandm ber mw ot n cai,, o OPncks dat. loevi- sanetagu.erueau dostil atfine seePtim Onu sclo es her fom thefno lasr SU.ATAIIDOU ere. n In H. Prope er'. ac y e Odvae una ut63 about haiea minu te dytist ewt lt ~rai'.Y.aap fdi.i)(,nadayimhonning t fie hom Of 1100double to wh' eklaafte FIRE viîit vs caUTi b NaorhfooI.-angota. Who n rliganrwnc tanous cmbustionbrokeyoutet t onthh1e mu n stne vne otsCacg olHi r rnys d ar serounlghranthe $35 VALereS ailafn eeto fcohshr rmEl Wfa aa o'l ookINa e ang e rtu-, Ourlal l dry- b ousi s wiIikeepe sîlv 'e'k i ian ati esd peaie t ar nately. iSthlistoveI Orcola n«seer. w ieron prielystls;cosrvtvetye frassew cree tom n al egned F1 beor I gt uc o a op n'u nity go longecemlang motit-eanthen.r. $0 aLUE A ireti ot scause esdamauso-fo.W sigo tr taneous combustin bruite out et he Moth Kill$45 V A LU ES .. . .= 2 w V L E . . . . . . . .$ 07 Tite tôatFrau ite ferultetilompanyTRS litWaVs ORSeetybe iRovEre h abut7 le k etnesit quatn. FOrk- Bra ndyforwl epsle ilattemt gsadpeettr bo e orgs ct.u ache o! Esaoteut e'A U S ... . . . . . 3 .5" A U S .. . . . . . . 5 2 Stentssret norlthebuCiîsa ie d 'turited ln tise alerte. 4Big Savings on iur'nlshings ithe Anhydrous plant so immedi. Shirts. thewelldress'! neds t thi sal' fo a*e- notMfedthUe rire. tepartment quick clearanice. adtisen vent over te (ha plant t contuet an Investigation. e w le 'D L T O R O O L R .......... . ... .9 1 IS. . ..e. 1....................t.. - roni thse entîre plant sitouting. in OD OT0FAROWCOLAS s bp8 tattaetion tfietio t aysc- OLASSES. DELIVEREO INI TWO HOIAS TJME '250 TUES.........6.5 I .. ......................... ceansatnto, u itot <Ysu- $.0TIES------------------------...----.-------------. .28RDUCED PRICE8 ON ALL DRESS SHIRTS. Uptitstise arrlvsi of thte rire tapant- -$150 TUES----------------------------------------............*ROK<ENUNES 0F KUD OLO VIS, ETC. mentBfi Investigation vas umade frnm the Cterlor ofthtie plant,Tise rine obet- did niet orter is men to baéei ntteslant imtadit 1- -Exceptio)nal Shoe Values b. q» of the opinion as vere a.ofes saiao*nder vas burning Wti te rooniU WE m IL "u ntacs smch pr o sn asnu qUestiorcenn. sefmi* Aa broken linos and Atfr Otbe gartmentbail nen a fOLLU sve, thee adane tor a tev minutes Chier fdicntuedsyles are to be closed Out rgrlsoD e eutose every shein stock. Police Hemmlck diacoverili tise vatcbntun Waikingaurouunti klsurely IIIN t Lot 1-Women's Patent Luither Vamp, Duil Top,' ButO»,. ,.0Wmn u OILc la thsehuanset andi orgered, hlm te ..V.ue.........o.Ue buS.......... --.a .oon as tise door vas oi,',eiiIdd I OlgPE TLot 2-Weotgeq I&apI Kid Lace, MilUtry HoaI, ...........o.. joug ir dchiarthe no dtscvçdIEh AG$IIN .- au .0 t........................9.00 Men's Russian CuIt Buchsr Chou., 1mbvasstatiagta -Yn Dolr A l M NIS G _VM, Lt3-Wmen'o aen ouehr Cot, Top, Lce or Uuùon 675 cRiemlcis. - rT 5 Wom.n7g Grey Kid Lace Boots, width A te C, t 5/,lit.......... ... i "Y;aI tise firevs startt b> 'spont.n A finoua lklngBI o. l.................................. ....... ......55 W 0osta cmso. Tieaour 0ftie2,.., tOso bail been oued Saturdyhed lisee t1MtIuced Norths calgo riyheru.osvate Spcial Hat Values o ts n~~~~Cl Lacv#aonttieram ntçis .Tôwqme Spe. cialth itceb Ora5e a vitan tbmso wlcb ':.- ewomen$00a Bn Mit,, VEOmRS- T . e . 491 $120te Our ad OoSAav@ s................ a*9s oton. Th f65.0f0te AneO 7. ATS AT...................-ohsre hiot ia beln ed tayendaîcteAO60 AS T................ 80 O400 OT.................- 2 7rtes a.leslKlet oJn WW uà"SpfOZOl*Oialt Hat VaTlues.~ Jrsy t . albovel V bfpesgresa foreteCoor M#tý Osun intslonger Matore tifine '4 P] E - b * b t - t4- i. V -