Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Jan 1920, p. 4

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Pour LIBERTYVMLLE, LAKE. COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUA.Y 22, 1920. iprty iIIc Ee ndependent - .-.~. [ -Waahegan Weekly Sun O ff ice Tetephone Number 1, Leuertyville Exchange. Batered -at ieil'oatoic<- at llbertyvillie, Ill., a-q Second Claa.s Mail Mater. Official Publicattonfo heVae of Libertyvil le. Officiel Publication for L ake County Board of 8upervisors' Proceedinge lsltatd Every' Tluisday. - \i Raiiihaes Mad& Knovr on ApîlIcatiori. SUI38CRIPTION 'PfICE-$1.50 PERI VEAR, S-.tRICTLY-- IN ADVANCE, ---------------------Editor . .......Manager ...............Local Manager LABOR'S POSITION IN THIE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE The. pruent social distunbances wbicb bave resulted from1 thme sbock of a great war, bave brougbt to an acute stage the. consuidration of many questions wbicb beretofore bave been diseusaedl seriously only in academic circles. These questions , lave developed m issues wbieb niust b. settled in a pricti- cal way, unies.we are to experience great distreas as, soon as production lma restored a normal, quanity of goods in the. stock, of the. prodtàcers and- distributoars. Unfortunately, in the.pust, j.pactcal men bave given itti. study or thouglit to the. tbeorefical discussion of .icononiic questions, and the. conse- quence is tbat the public bas been fed on a large amnount of pseudoeonom-ic theory, turned out by mien wiio bave no con- ception of the. fundainental working of social and economic forces; mn whose knowledge of tiie subject la based on tbeories proanulgated a bundred and tbirty years ago by sucii men as Adami Smithi, or ih more recent times by potential anarchebMse1kKarl Marx. Fmoonii* conditions have completely changd in thi. lut bunéred years. Simple phrases 1k, "Capital and Labor"'no longer suilice;, yet they are repeated on every band and serve to completely rloud the. issue. Otiier elements are quit._ as important'i the. consideration of nidustrial and economic questions 'as eitiier Capital or Labor. As a practical matter, tbere la todey comparatively itti. issue between Capita and Labo. Tii.entrepreneur, i. e., the M-n nW14C t--kes the wii,.eI.% go round, Procures tue c~r.'al 0.1 t iu il--' th.. iîaLr. on the otuer, co-ordinates thi. two, and in proportion to bis f«r«algt teica knowl.dge, intenive personal effort, coni- merd a ai i d capacity for dealint witb tii. human factor, "Wt.urs et a greater or leus extent, or becmes on. of Omt lare dis. who fail and wlom we usually forget ithe iscussion of indusniu and econoinic questions. Usually ths mm-tii. esarpr.neu-.risks is wbol.lif e and ail isow capital. He sts everytbing on sutS., or faiure. The rdo&s W. t"am r greater or leu. accordng te tth. nature of the. e»- terprat. wiicb le attenipts to estabiaiij REAL PROHIBITION. Prohibition became effective in th~e Uniked States at midnight Priday, -as a remit of the 1lth amnudment to the. National Constitution having beeis. put into effeot. Under titis amenciment the federal lau now makes it UN. To buy, or seil. a drink anywhere except for au- ramneutal or medicinal purposea. , To glve. or takè, a drink anywhere except in the. hoeof the mam uho ovus it. To keep aîy liquor lu -storage anywhere but in mo uihome. To -trY to get auch reserves out of stoirage. To carry -a pocket flsk To have more titan two drlnkiug reidences-One in the~ country and oninluthe city. To restock vour home aupnlv ubnanit wnn out. is far beaithier and warnier inbis ittie mansion if> snow tIi.» he could be in any other. "T7heir igloo serve& as a home f -or two or tbree weeks,"' said explorer Steffanson. "Then tbey build a new one. Be- cauise it àa new it is dean and sanitary. It is as warm and coni- fortable as yoôir ibrary. - A conie gives as mucli illumination astiiree electric ligbts, because of the. intense wbiteness of the. snow. The snowbouse wiII stand under any conditions. In ail, the igloo is as conifortable a bonme as a mnia could wish. 'Ii. concret. but, 11k. the. wooden but, muet be uncom- fortable and unsanitary. Wberever the natives bave cbajiged froni thiisnow to the. Wooden home there bas foliowed pneu- monia and typboid and a tremendous increase ithe. deatb rate. "ii.' Eskimos are a' migratory race. Contact with civili- zation bas affected tiien and tiiey are dying off. They must soon be extinct and the. concret. but bastens tbat extinction. i i"Â1*Dr-z- ne like the gypsies. Try to keep a gypsy ,in a bous. of concret. and se. wbat bappens." WHERE, OH WHERE ARE THEY? Wbat hias become of the. old fasliioned neizhbor or friend Who always found time to drop. in wben niembersof your famuily were il? That's a question easier to answer than to aak They liv. right ber. 1* Waukegan. Occassioauly.we bear it said people of the. present day are chasing the. dollar so bard tii.y bave no tde to "visit" like tkey used to, and this s undoutedly true in rega" to tdm social intercbanîe, of minor importance. And tis isas itshouldbe, sfar asthe averge riait us 1cobcerned. But wben tiiere is axiy real need of frenda you'l find the. people of Waukegan rigbt tiiere to, do wbatever tbey poassbly can. example, a Waukegan womzan Who iiasn't lived ber. long bas a sid nieniber ot.tbe family. At firste thougiit seriously of tuking thi emi-1-nvaj7l to ber former honie wiiere she bas many friends wbo wouldlselp ber in case of necessity. Bu~t as soon "s ber nelgbors and friends, in Wauktegmn eard of the case tii.y humediatlybeseiged ber with flowers, appe- tizing dii.., fruit and everytbng a sic person coulti wiaii The neigbbors carne i n mrning, afternoon and nigb to see wbat tbeycould dr>and to give. ber a cancettae U arest wbile tii.y loed after t&e.àic perso.m Ahougb a compara- tive stranger, "ahas corne t. ok upouithe. people of Wau- kegan tbst ite work To manufacure aytii bv -haiïof1er WATERIWAY MAIII cent in your home. To move your home supply from one bouse to WAUKEGAN AN OCEAN anoter ithut oUbdg apermit, and t get titis. you mut proie tli>t you caa>e by PORT IS "APPROVEb the supplybefore July 1, 1919. To display any liquor signe- or advertiseinenta on 'Baker' 0. K. Rushes Wjork on your premises. Proposed Lakes to t he To buy, sel!, or use a home still,"or aiy other de- Gi r et vice for malng liquor in the. home: To buy. or selU, any formulas. or receipta for Governnar runk O. Lovden bas re- home-mnade liquor, ceived fruni Seeretary>'of- War Baker To inake a prebeit of, a bottie of -liquor te a friend. ia permt for the construction of tht Illinois vatervay, vbthin c ýonneet To reçoive such a promeut front a frieîd. up and niake servîceable for vater- We tbn- everybody, la unduly excited for the 'coun-1 borne commîtrce 15,000 miles afi n- -try hbu bÏe practically dry for a long 'Urne-.- The big, lad river ,inthe Midde Wst. thuug now is that people who yieldte the temptation to ment a!flte Des Plaines and Illinois <tbosbefore the new law becamô operative. better [Rivera b ter ot t *eeCP01n tCh. Mal"u the seruonaiesu of 'It îow and TAXE NX CANR cgo aud,,St. Paul a'n4 Minnéapolie M8 for Uncle Sa i ow MUST enf orce the coutttonal etelished by tht permilt and vber campletedil iu aise apen nup amend3nent te the Iimit. vater coaection vlitb Pittsburgh __________________ -and Ohio River pointa. . EY'IDIrIATrvcvar~v ~nju-g Bnefit to-abuth MA ETE INTEÊSIM5& Y KINDNES Watt,. commerce entbu4water pre- The. Unltçd State bureauî of fisieies la now br>int to.put diet that the apening otf Me- route overa pln wbrebyit wli povi e cncree uts for tue s-il prove ot gytat Importancetoi éverapln whreb it dl rovie iSt. Louts. Memphis, Kansas Cityeand; .F,É imowbo .11 bi life bas used the, littie snow but as a dornii' tbe Southwest. cile mit bahuslanwered bis purpose ver) satsfactoiïy, judg- . Its opiping viii ha of Inesimable value to hefanmera af ihè.great ig foS. wbat experienced men saY about the propsition of produciug stales - of -thstreu Mis- cor Burosu of bh[ieries if the plan is carried tlirouZh it meanes slsPPI Valey and the Nortbveiut the dua& of a "elen of the ic-v iorth bni'cuse tuey could n<it tr(eight cos.. said Governor Lawdtn bouesm"dout of concret. for several treasons. yesterdey. 1 To Coeto PO000 -Ste&nso, liarctic explorer, - j very posiiei i The coul 0ftlthe wor le esAt1nated Uàti.h4aum. Wcamied o be-y ow_ Bu»5a1 ocs'vl h 06 .tlng urvm pO<y iWIp tbextetminakte the. Eskmo. The kbot vIde. a 0. d lontg, e1.0f liý6 monly la the Eskinýcm oed to bis-barge boat. carni frais 6.00W ta .i~ ong sbiblumas poclias ii. out: S..M.»-rs : ' .00 touss0f treigt., -aoW nd freu su ileabthe AdVerti%* in The indpeadet. f ON .FELLOWS ANO REIJEUAIS MI>D COUNTY MEETJNEu Wsukegan, 111.,January 2n. 1920. The Odd Felavaw and Rebekaha county association mnet Saîurday even- ing et the Odd Fellovs bell ln Wau- kegan and held Its annual electian of officers. The officers elected for tht :esulng 7051, tolbov:, P.esdent-I3red Gahger, Wauke- gem. Vie Preeldet-W. S. McClain, Secretary-Jobn Sarvelli. Wauke- Tr«açurer - William J. B3ravst High1abd Park. 1After the elecîlon an êntertainlni progrean vas Tht program consikte4 maatly 0f musical numbera. Bras. Heydecker, Hutchinsols,BS- thorne and Gallagher gave short ada- dresses on pddfelthisln generai. NEW TOOL ORKS NOW INCORPORATED Springîitld. Ill., Jan.. 1,6. Ani ot ,inrormpaahIl ave heer gri 1hy Setretirvofut Sale Eniersorl da> 1 to i WrigiuL Toavul Wuks( o! Wmîlmikgau. its ptlpoe if amanutaclune and diîail I mat aessories,etic. Tht capitý1 - Isu $70,000. 1 .. 1 'i.jL4Corl9tators 'are Weri wngbt, J.M Troxet1N and He Libertyville, frat. titis, JacobiJ. IRand Gets OnIy N om- inal Damages But Defend- a ant Must'.Pgy Costs. RÉ-ESTABLISH THE LUNES -Damages ut $1 for tht plairîiff vere returned Wcdnesday atternonrIn the case of Jacob J. Mark vs. Lenasand Erwin Reidlinger. Mark bad sued forý damnages for the cuttlng dovri df for- ty-one trees on a disputeul strIi ut ,snd betveen the two farrnaon the hank of tht Deaplaines River ln the vestern part of tht towr of Vernon. ut la said that thtelteilingers viii pay the dailaîni--- regardirg Ibat as a cbtap prie. for tht vood, FTe Han#i and Reidlthgerftamilltes bave llved an adjoinglar as for years. Rledliiger's_-fente vas set back tram tht hark o! tht river and it was an Ibis slrip ut lard that Hank eut dovu tb& trees. lb la said that there yl he arother suit ta bIbtle tht righttul ovntrahip of Ibis strLip. 1 Attorneys Deane and Pope repre- sented Mark; Attorney Beaubien vas counsel for tht Ruiîdlin.gers. The case vas on. of tht mont lnîerestlig tried ber. ln saineUlie. TOAMPUTATE TIIREE fiMfERS "0f- POPSKI ticu Louis Popski of Fî-x Lak:e, whui f...e bath of ihi, bandsaabout six vinz, e"ks aga, was takeri ho the L&ke C ourty hasital yesterday ta have -anputated tht tfrozen 'fingers. The S fingee vwil be laiton -off. erbriL Itwii be nmeribetd that at lte lime tbàt- Popaki trase bis banda il -vas feared Ibat lb vauld ha noces lmsrtr t1 bee oth til.- «,ti"-at-i,4 kpute1avwet-r. it !snul i i Pt i t t lii, FO Cut ALEt cue iDuroc Jersey boar, sdsgvn h asu h urn veigbt 200 Ib8.; also five glits, due nidnlh i i legth e y fth e ett ho arrov in Alîril. Chas. H. elerser, calendar ut the ttrecedlng'and suc- Phare 298. 4-2t ceeding nîolhs in siiiaiier: type, in the' -margir. Tt la a rlch and- prtia IF OR SALE-Pure bred buil calves, out piece oi work. o! good record dams and ut 30 10 4u1_____ ____ puund sires. IL Il. Schnueder, Priari antfTak Viev. IfL. 4-tf We wish to hffank the relatives, ____________________________frieuds and rcighhors. aiso tht Ladies' POT F0 ; ALEIý"tebuilî Ford îourîng car. Cenîcei-y Society ot Ivanh*oe, and lb. N.ew body; rew iie.C lr depend- Surday Schonl ciass,of tb. Preabyter-. In Office. No. 1. al! 4-f ta chch ofLibertvillefor their DELAS VER AIE DAGBR-floral otterings ig. aur'recent bereave- ous.Orde Stom Sah ealy. ur ent. Our apPreciatifin cannaI b& ex- ns.bOrd e n Sa al.Oipressed lu yards. and tht sincere sm noboigmcine enables us ta 001. bore yaur wcii cheapIy axRd qulekiy. paîhy. ot!ered wii comfort lu maay a iZion Institutiong and Industries, 1)01gb. sMe, eu. {NYVNPE t, ZMon City. lii. Phane 49, Zion 0117ý AND FAMILY. it 1 i-tf SERVICES AT THE PRESSYTERIAN HAY FOR SALE-Iriquire Mn. Adamis CIIURCH. SUN9AY, JAN.,25. at Grave! PIt. 51-4t . - ErI C. Morgai, Pastor. FOR ALE oru wouti. Jaob Wif Sunday School at 10) a, ni. Pr~airie vle, -1 Preaclîing at il a. nuý. -Tapie of tht 1________lit._sermon. 'A Weii Equi.pcëd Mari." Spe- FOR SALE-Purc bred buit calves, out cia mu.sic. 1 ot good récoiil daiis and of 30 ta 401" ChylaEtian Enulcavai- at 6: 45 p, m. - lb. aires. Hl. W. Scbroeder, Prairieý Toplc, 'The Worid's Negd uf ChrisI.ý' Vlev, Ill. - - f Leader, Miýs 13it7ircbe OMorne. Pneachiug al, 1: 2*0 p. m. Topic ft tha POR SLatniiwî d ud lust. I ell -,In -Meliiory ut John B&rI-eý.1' Elijniî Keough. casî of Hait Day. tol-n. Titias rI n ticoi>memr 3-2t lion of ou,. ale dry victoyr. Sanie un- usual featurea to this service. WANTELD--i-osîcîon as tas-m manager. Prayer Meeting Wednesday. January Lite expeýilente; grain, itock or 28. . Toffic, 'la bue World Growlng Be,- dalry catIle; nuarrled. Address Box -t1er or Warse. andi Why V' 104. Libertyville. 111.- Choir praclice each Fiday evenlng. Mr. Mattisomn hn, tr Irg uaê WANTED-Tva gaod teantsters. Mer- arganiat. 1,rltd mn Dreferred; hetween nov and Tht cburth basemert la optn "eh Mnrc- 1,';, Wages $27a a teek: stendy'Friday for ail those vho wlsh tu attend tinie. 21 Washington Circle, Laite- an bivening InI gaies ar4 oc&a recte- P iorest, Ill. Phonie 258. 1-3tilion. 'E.erybody .vekoxne. Mr. and Mrs. I Waukekan Saturi . Misa Btetz bas et the Langwortl Mrs. L. Z. Prot relatives1here M» W. W. Carrull loess lu Chicago, .Miss EdiIb St bere. iii wilh a s Mms J. L. Kohi 1- LIERYVIL MNW AN T A D S . WQRKING AT STAT'N ----- F01SALE-Property at Monavleé FO NI)--A gold set ring., Ownaer' Christian Hapke, of Lîbertyvîlle, ORa, fell dead Thuraday *hile at work as a C.ornrsî, formerly Rgese resdence, biave saine by caling ait Gullîi' ùrffl civilian fireman atiQreg.t Lak8s naval and adjoinlng lands. Altogether about identifying ring sud payiîvg charges training'station, heart disease appar-, 4 acres. This wiii b.e atfered for quick-____ ently being the caulse. He vas S50 sale. R. W. Churchill, (irayalake. 111 LOST--A gmail - hite poodie dog. years old and baill bèen a resident of 2-t Finder return 10 (lie Indépendant IAbertyville about four years. _______________ Office. 4-111 Mapke bad been emplayed at Gret FOR1 SALE--Choice residence luts on Lakea for about thbreesnionths. lIe Io Gt,ïARUIA$Ç'S SALE OF týAL, survlved by a vite and Tour ehildren. McKinley Ave. Mrs. Grimes. 2-t 1 TKTlÊIIi.. Arthur and Gertrude, of Argo. Ili., and - ST5TE 0F lliiiiNolb, Clarenée and Otto at Uàbertyvtlle. FOR I6ALE-Cheap, modern seéra. COUNT16 OF LAKFiss. ronl bouse, ceutrally l.ocated. Ad- luiiithe County Court of salit l.ake dress Owner. Bx 455. County, in Probate, January terni. WAUICEGAN MAN DROPS DEADA..190 LAK(E COVNTY FARMS FOR SALE'1 In the malter of th, applicati of r Waukegan, Jan. 17. Aui nvtptiieiit that doiis-not depre- B3yron S. Knight. as aîîardîani pt adyr- 'ciel.-.-'*-gotrm r'cnnut- -ho desý ' -l-iJhL. luau* k 3obOsni-iàd 0.o( elu~retroyed by fire. tcno vaa. and Mtldred A. Knlht, minfors, for, stret rouneddea abut :30this It l a living flot an expéfience.W leave to selI real etaais, Gent No. - morning'atthe home of a frlesid,,John baesm er eialetrata aBrtel, Préent atfreet, North Chicgc ougbt erirJablenov.aif ou Pblcnotâtaieeb ivnibt Heart fallure caîisod bis deatb. ,a a ebultrgh utnw fyu PuicS l i l b a tere Ol salen et.d are Interested v#Tlte or 'cone là and us, Osenck ailent Sunday evening atih .'v sa egadt ooe nt t aboie eld caue Iiy lb whe eot s o tb hî oaigoflieda tht malter vlth you. Countv Court Of said f'ounl.y of 1.Àke vbeineo fetling maIln. ho con- 5 AcreFaim I on ie l2th day of Jariuary. A. D.. pisne 0ffelig II.Hoever ho 5 acre tarin, good bouge. barn poult 1920 tht underaigned, Byron , ate breakfast and tbld bls trlend that ' ope ei albac o.2 lcsKaîglit. as guardian of Ilyrtie i.t. be vat s bting d ut t o n ndem loymnt.tram Washington St.. ear Unis. Termis Knight. Margaret L. lKnig4it and %lit- H. futbrbtheo.And fosat ad t r y- cii be aanged anid immédiate po- ilXetlA. Kniglîl, iliqrkl, viii ou tb, ed orth dor A h saredb a session. l4th day Ot Ft'bniary, A. D, 1920, et theta bou isede te raled t anste mo .10 Acre Foin the hour of 2 o'clock ln îbe ai lerftSn Whi vas adeied tu detunabe,10 acres locaed on the electrît road Of 'nid day. ai flie El,sî fl:nt door, 0: ~blcb b declde ta do.and vithin 2 blocks of tb. electrie t s.1th-ile Court ilouau, la -the (,y 1 au Barlel vent out te telephone for a àa.aI ycksl.god8rombue.ogn.faidCuu , ou.aksl doctor and upon bis return tound bis ombue eai ad(oll fjae e trlend dead. barri, vell and other aut buildings, lflie tendue tO fihe highesî and ____________abundance oi fruit, apples. pears and best hiddeî for cash ail the right. piunl 40creFanititie, interest and .-taî,' of sailue i %TUlYr4,le 1Fa-mKfrIght, MarLarci L.Knigbf - f401 acre fataicar ibe purchased villa Ni . lude,î A Knluhi, iiifnors. ot. ln 1l[enir) Van Iiqw. for more >Itian 3o1 stocks.feed snd imîpléentns.close and tb th hbol. or Ilue followiug de- years arTesident of 1% anhot. Ili., passed range of Gurnee, good 6 roona bouse . crit,vd rpa a i,. o-vît: Lot away ai 6 a. mn. Wednesday, Jariuary, barri, silo, veil, granary and poulrry 5îSu1(Pifni)i S lii-aliettî Addl- 14, at lois hoinein Libeily%*lle, li the bouse, ail under 11gh state of cuiti va- lion il, Elin, a Stîbliv lu:',n. th. îplaî age o 76 on. f h Ich mrecorîieîlin if;t. Reord- aeu 6Yeats and 7 days. 60n S Acre Farm ci ., utli e Of file (1 sof Kline ii, Ilenry lVan Pi- w was born inl Lin 60 acre far:n. gond .7 room bouse: l ie Stalfe Ofl liiole.iin lbook 4 ef coirishire,. Erigland, Januftrà,7, 1841. barri, s ilia garage. tool bouse arid Malîs, oh P'age X2. sîiual-d in thc and vas afilîated with (lie 9Vui>an granary. fine orcliard. cibse range ofioinly oi Kane in the. Stat r ufl!,i Metbodist chuicli î,f Boston. Linicoln- Libertycile and under a bigb CIMe uof noi. -aidihibîmois ng alur îrundf- cultivation. Ovrier wiii consider sel,.i idei(l one ii tli('I ini ilrf-,î in sa!]J sbire. Englanrd. ing herd of IUalHein cattie afld con- aîîiîs 55 lîaul., iniciio .Ncr Vani 1iew camse lu Aiieîîc. in; piete farrm equipmeot il purchasur !î il-t 11îîcvl. 1920 the yëmr 1871 and iocated in Chicago,; desires. liYitt)N S. KNU;[IIT. where i aS873 lie vas marrled t0 Sarahu 75 Acre Farm Asi G uardian 3, Af.ire.s,i',I 1Il J D1.D19. Atiorrîi Arn Aimond, wbo survives bîii. To 7 5 acres ini close range ci Gurrice, ,8kyJn .2 'Pb ? [hua Union vert borri four cbildrela.,ail rew8 onilî1s.cenetaemti.-~ bol -waler beâtîng plsnt, in tact ruo11-, NOTICC 0F SPECIAL MEETING TO living. Jantes Wright Van I'lew , uf cm tbroughouî, good barri and gerierai ISLEClPRTO Chicaîgo; Johni iieriry Vari Plew of ont buildings, aIl black soul andi under DISLECRP ATO lieloit. Wis. Ane Elizabethri, igan,!. bîgh statu of cultitation. This is pos- SPlecil inotice tin lîereby iren Ibat n of Yucca, N. 1)ak., and l)aisy Matid:î Itiveiy orie of the bout fuirasve bat, e liing of the stockh.îldvrs ut the Brelle of W8est ()range, N. J. AIso Iwo ever bad to ofler. First corne, filst Merchiinîs [liliering Cortipany of Lib- sitr n he ,rte9 onserv '(l. ertylville. Illinois, wyul bi- hilî on, the sistrs rd lîrt 'b,,rfbes: ohn125 Acre Farrm Rouse Van Plev. Garfield. Kanisas; 125 acre faim in close range af Wall 101h da) ot February A. 1). 1920. et James Van Plcw, Wbheaton. lit.; kegan. goulu 8 room bouse,'ba n torhe Luee Building, Liberlyt ilII.,liii. George Van Plew, Lincolnshire, Erg 30 bcad of catlle. silo, milk bue-nais, et 4:00 o'clock p, m.t, for the isuui' Mad r11ls. John Porteous. Ai.ea, Illsuad gond velI. granaiý and toolsIed. pose of! suhmitting tolutid stockbolders « lad:Thtis iarm Is POsitively being sacri- the question ot surrender u the charl L and Mis. Georglana Bell. Lin colnshire.I ficeti ai $125 per acre. Owned by non- tradcroaecaii fsk opr England. tesiderîl. 1radcrurt im tai ap Mr. Van Plew bad lived on thetfurif 158 Acre Farm ati. R9 3 RG near Ivanhot sjrce leasing Chicago 158 acres in close range of Wauke- 269S IIG mor Iho tiry eas go uti lsigar, aver 100 acres under bigb state! WMý WALRI<NI) moeti.ut y er go ui ls fcultivation. balance tituber and pais- KR. .'ORET October, vhen lbe move<l t0 Llberty l use, new 8 rouai bouse, 2 gonod haras. 1 nas i Ajrit u H. toaRd af1>1 ville. Banie lime ago he sustained a silo and ttler out buildings and laIon eîroke ut paralysis vhicb ultimately itlveiy known as anc of the hest (armaj redtors of saigi Company. 4-M caused is death. ini Ibis vicinitY. Ovried by non-regi- At RS Iacftbosrwna Tht furierai services were bu-Id ]atr dent lanit ve are positively authorized PRESFny-a osgoni lu seil Ibis choice farmai at$135 per n'y counlty. 4c lier flb NOW. High FrIday atternoon at 1.120 at thé boni,, acre, grade Htereford steers and albers. 3c a sUter which the remairia were baker tO 240 Acre Forin a Ilbl.Cr. aifalta and other staples s' Ivanhot, where a service vas aiso beld 240 acre farm localed. in tht corn aclualit iowest production cet la US8. In tht Cangregationai church, cariduct- bell af Indiana in close range or Chi- Tis counly fanions for blg .monty ed by tht Rcv. E. C. Morgan, pastoirtargo. ,,This.larm in posilively being sacrif e iandavrer viii conKider croîts: deligbîfui limale; bank depos- of tht Libertyvilie PreshyleianWaukcgan reai estate as part payaient [ils surlPrising. SEEING viii convince cburcb. Burial tonk place in thetlisa. balance as rentaI. ifletails f rotiH1. H. Edwards. care of ban cemetery. Possession oftrmai ut these farma li dez)ndent. . 4l _____________ -cari be gîter March Ist or sonner If sold vîthin the SsiI 30 days. For Tho Veuth's Companion Home Colon- fâtrîher information ase. $1 IJAMAIIL~ Eu VT. J. STAML& COMPAWY rfr119 Lake County's Lfrgellt RealiEfsiat. The Publishers, uf the Yoth'a Coni- 226 Waypshvis iOperations. panion viii. as ;always ai Ibis Besison, EN PLÀINTIF22IN.asbington SI., Waukegan, 111. present ta every subsenîher woesb j Phanes Privais Exchange, 237, 238,. strîpliori la paid for 1920 a caleffdar FE C A E or 83. . 14 3t vkl. Ilt aforth' new vea. Thet alt ar LIN E NE .S --- -.---- printed lu red snd dark bluet, and he.- NATIJIAL Our buy9*i the equal It "iI mei in theend Effecii ager and r: ducted for -It-willi it in the sa liked by it! Mr. Fr, - Libertyl . 8 S ITI- . CHAS8. D. NALLEY .. ........ that Whe other kinu to fit tfly Graham f 5Spoual Rice. Flo Rye Flowr 5 POURC SWandow per paci Purina Wl 5 poUDI Buckwheai 5 pourn Large Facl for . Sbre4lded 3 nacka Spedial Janu

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