1513N0 a Lait County ii esalonk tbis mot the iaât. ailvsyr 'Augtild, II. Tise idJanuary 21-98 la lis titat eily. The oi eb compoee& se., cotinty cierki. stalinmin o! îLe onm îittee of i, 't of auperîvsoe. Il. counity saierin- Lys. . pomnîltteea ont many oite" La. tLe piarîtoe Lt-- Lo. exteeolve n, àitiidIng -la ta bo y tomeitt.e nul )ut tioy i»ucl of clv. nil b in r oats titis yoai -thal fuliy. twntI tit-is ottty m'ulti tiut tiei faci tbiai rtpt tnit-ni - hae -iroad 1'uiltingc - t iuitty (.iiiU -rit ioit fit 1 "*aI *l andrtu i iiiÉ liil faill r' h- tu ri il- It i ÎES ALL LOW IN 6i TIIINiS an. 16. ,(Sîmerfl.) tint tonight, Dr. C. te ire4cor (i! tLe b., urges cooipera- nutes of ILh- atate tht- recurronce of .0 aiso urges or- t ciasing schools vwe. ant ti-ciares an LestsaeuIt Izîna asti cootrib- ai heaitit enruti'- col lotlily devoiti for f rom ai gîtar- ,e that thse disasse titan a Ym a <. lias beau relatve- neumconia cui- île proporslf of cally neglgible." and 'n-e-s--- )MPANY LES 8 DWORKING lucts er F'inishu rHY!s OHM ,rdson * e 4I LI]BERTYVILLE lINDEPENDENT VOL. XXVIII-NO, 4-. LAU LCOUNTY INDEPENDENT PART TWO Lake Coury>s Big Weekly çwaOm Gfl w mbaWuhu - Càcala UBEI9TYVILLE INDEPENDEN T. JAýNV IlY ,22, 1M20. WAUKEGAN WEMKY SUN FOUR IPAGES8 si.io )PERt YEAR IN 4DVANOL Sonand Mother WhoMINEWSPPER SOLI< ~Jn Ii ElHEALTII BARD ÀND-He Cis udee TORDIÀM ER BS;iS bI tatU T Hat ED CROSSARE BUSY H.-A. H. for SoliLitoOIforîLake figg~j~jj~ OIJNTY TEACIIERS' IPREPAREIDNESS INLAESDUTLCE%& Io4 1I3 Il fg~u~ I O FAc 'TOF LU~ . HE E Frn H..solicitor fo'theéRLake î out RegserUtlbertyille? n u l t er, Who la sald ta have advanced Ô I Sohools BrowtoabChEcago 903ib Authorities Decide to Keep the Local Branch of Red Cross wryi a es 10 o Mblm said a o îa I<U I Waukegan ShosOpen-un- ndsAppeal t hcaoeord'illtofwom er la ad owe a de edcl ueviin.u s Rs bo o lr ad taIofove ld other a geho yCounty Treas. of Lake County - - erMedca IsRepGnedBrown but whicb bear the batik nota- Says Court Ruling Would Theninharttl h brealà"ng u 300. CASES 0F 'FLU' IN ilCITY LINE H L IHESfndî are teoe chiefly intere$ted Werk Hardshio. ebooZe maiing gaUP p-in is sudden departure. erated alan gtbe forth bLore.wa. madei by aberlf Green Tueaday aler-. Dr S. S. WInner, State board of, 'r bENWCSS Irw etLbrsrîl apoel COULDN'T PAY CLERK HIRE nooni at Fort Sheridan when he ar-, 1 bealîh officer hlid a conferenee wiîlî Waukegan, Jan. 21.'bnund for Walukegan ta solicit adver- timing lisat week Thursday. Sine ihat gesteti Brgeant Howe u Juitas Le Dr. J. C. Foiey. Waukegan'a lth i t U t0. 3 o'clock lion àafterii0' i ntmn asbenLerd0 hm Thé fllowing dlepaich ta thé Sua eMeat "- -- e'- ~ f.~mnballa netbea r Lebordolitîty-ie ne flOwcases of "filu"hali lmreported that Brown Lad been froto 'e II,i raises an lmn- furlouab édcation, county and City achotol been reporte i n -Waukegan see~ '-fI ntaged -f late in !collecilng accountsd t the Wlsea confronted by the colonel a e~t at ît1onîisonrTus 'cIeo4cyeste,,ay: Two phy.îciana oithe- Register. An effort lm heing ipsto ~îe2p- etclett tb -otHoelibroke dowii ant cn- day evening lat Dr. Foinys office re- a t work n the cty echoolatC - ___ ________________an n9 a dtr ia hte r- L iut r u,,on ai l esA Lkf« is part la the hblage belta garding the Flu' situation ln Wau- maaede ppia e oer ,nowt a e rmne Ls betrnea m id n. ioffice: ig lier 1the rs. rs. rene Crilcon, asd-Ta ot l teronna a en t uitef ain. shore. It vas decideti ai his conférence ta Ur. Pangrii, new pyo.cialiB eofIthe'arah Tabor. 80 a, nid, kiled ber 1 ier. uncovereti in the earoîechkshnLeadofudlet4ISebml-nadcaon and Hoyau admiitéd bis guilt but fom caofftn -hLeeutvTacr'community. Tabor home ai L.awtokian irofl-bound-1 bank to bacfilerablmiUp camp ta ligbt down in tLe Shelby CGunty court. the Wbat the offîcera atthîe pS Iand covetion vhich wvas lu bis heldd ' le t1w oruraes, have arrived froew daughter, Maud. by ad-iiiili%.,rin g truflk ontaîning the mummifletibody oniy a ahort tiime ago. He purchamed ctsunty tresaurer la not entitled te à. vas merely a victirn of yieldfing ta ThursadyFriday and Saturday ati. Chicago te 55,51 n the local stu&- chloroforn. because silo di. - ws5l fMuiTbradtebd fa n ayawitwtblsWuea utîecsnayfeo ircn o- Park. haforLee aF ort -atd aan tiotn. Maudis prospective child ta shareIn:lu, orn infant. Ibtfore Christmas. givinga acheck for erly pald ta the township tax cAlbect- &et the r-eervation's tF-ucks outsille keganrseciey. County itSuperin- The present epidtemic of colds anditaTbrett.Tecekrsmteoio r.btma îr L nîeai the grounds and une them for tLeilii- tmdn o coosT AS on "a Flu' bas it 01e factorsa preti If Walter 'abor'a statement la sub- tLe Lake County National Bank of collecledl intq, tbe treaaury.. Suit ras ttpurtain. The off icers réel sorry ieditath e "Flu" bas ot apreat i Ihard The National Evlpecu- A igned statement ta this effect'stantiaieti, Joseph Vîrgo, aecrethus- Libertyville., This check came back recentlyfiled by tbe staie's aitornçy * for hi 'mas le haqa a >ung elfe and oe h -ir oni aytat htrpany nuss miîy'about 20 non nop- a sut ee ailtf ater bandi of %faud Tabor. lm clemired of con-narked "N. S. F." The accouant ILen -0f Sbelby County agaînat E. R. Itoel amîtei tatLetii 01able tof hold tLe meeting as it migi ye-trday nitoa.If the auna charge is icorrect, itLt-tn tiader arrest mie arly Décent- lion agency at Waukegan andtai I -cision nas againgt the treasurer. It abare in the profits from the theft ofLeLe enio!prangt nu bringa ta solution the Iiîy-try which ber. cbargeti with cauaing tile deail Th tbc bonne. that lie airoly vas paiti Iam qppoaed tn closing tLe Lac !tt e rs snt1mbTO for i services in tuming the truck. 1 bs rsidn ie av rprahef hepdCrosc s it Wu ___fille___________________________in________ The aIrest of Sergeant 1Don Hoyau nedicai sî,perviaion," Dr. '. motr gnadNrhCîaowt L foliown cioaeiy the taking imb custody siated lai night. "My policy ILi no(t j rt n-sto t h hcag ito.h o! ~ ~ ~ t crvi er ons nte o-~ lote donn schools. iheatres anoi i _________________W£GIVE S. ANDOM. TRADING STAMPS, tuer et Fort Sheridan whvh as admit- 1public gatberinga of any kintia. pro- ' Infait two traineti nurses of the ted drlvlng ane o! the army trucks viîing they obcy the, instructions of 1 ed Cross reached tLe communlty usiedinle auling liquni front lthe Acherit 1cit ly elth phyaîcîan. ltim .mornirg. sent outitrrinitLe Leati- *O ElO l homne. The authoritios beileve ihat1 quarter. in Chicago. tut-jr rsence SO EIO R theaearenta fi loveil cdean- itUp the Dlr. Foley reporîtea I h ras lmf- hem lua enaLle local iRediCross off i- robbery as they eleNe hlm ta besîLe possible Io cocure any nurses ta Cain to direct theto toý homes of tLe Open 8-:10 a. ii>. .,i 83 a. 'in. lut member othîe agng. Ifin ali r handie the situation ln tLe achoole mici where îhoy rannot Lave speril i u:0pii that Hoeil ecevd three cases of The âtate LatL officer suggested atninofthîeron. Clolse 6:00)1.IlCos6: p. in. boome for ia partcpation n the tf- iat tvo local dotors he engageti ta W Len tLe fiu broka ut bore imeT e e t t r a u da s :0 p Howell andti Dnlnia rre tLe las, The men présent were unanimaus binn preparlng for tLe situation. They Stwo membera o! the gang ta be air- the opiniion filat it rouit Le îsucb u h tuhvt hcg-vdlne-_______________ rested.. Tboy hatd. egs sJveta azîow btter t ke the achooLa o~n under] diatiti> arriuîged for opest*ng ivo *-~ dayas Illve froen tLé fort anti the off î- fLEIinW r I t La 1 ould hLeameregncy Lospitals le case tLe -oers declted t0avait tbelr rettl'n to cloae tLe achoola. I)r- Hoag waa en- neet arises. The Roaenwald cottage t histore arrastlng tilleml. gageti today ta supervise conditions ln Bt Bowen Country Club anti the- Joiiy A, br ale o George W. Schubert. an operabor the sebools.' TLe city beaith pbhysi'- Tai Club on Marion sqt-et Lave Leen for hé OBrie Détctiv Age c rcan la aiso attemptina bu asocure the- offeret. Tht-y iii not Le used unleas Chicago, scomanled Shériff Green services of anotber local pLysician. necassarv. Tva cooks and..îbrte otLer antiAnaat: Tyrreli to Fort Sheridan womsinro ulchat n omen for nachL-place wil Le needeti TuedaynigI ntiasssîni is rret-safeiy McDermott inboime Iîle crity n case tht-y.are openeti as Loapitals. inig ndveil.t l arrst sd state healiL afficers bhat is de- 'lLbey nIl Le îîald itr tht-jr no-k. "The errent o! Howeilicleans Up limai tht-y uggeai. 1ILhs sort of work. tha Redi Cniss offi-L TS Ii.K IJ1- the case,. "Mi. Schubert assertedti i Officer Thomas Booh ras preaai cHwi à h as p--it iala vish those Who are tiling ta DIVIDED INT1O THREE LO SP IC D AT - afternooin. e o etels e-it service iaday to investigate Work in case tht- nnîeregncy i8i~s ber o! the gang. i have obtained à bmatîtconditions anti assist tht- cîty nîi ie tht-jr ames sa tht-v cao Le compléte Confesion friont ii.- health physicien in evary manoir cliedi an in a harry. Tht-y aliulti$ psia.cati phone 2047.8s WADSWOR'TH SCHOOL GIVES l)r. Wiiner statet at ite conference i îyh osbet a rcia DELIOHTFUL ENTERIAINMENT last nlght ftiat ibeto ire about thia-rse-i ontavl9b0o9h8t pac Tir ent-iainien ani bx sçîahLîndred casesofa! Flu" isWau îegan! thtjr rnanes an file. Mra. W. G. Strong ______ ________________ Bt tLebyprhe lent tuefatho tidoihun and W. J. Sackman nere activae in______ ________________ corene incg la Wadsvrth laeg. itcly eaith physîcian. 1îî is 1a acase o! preparetine.ss WtIl ci las da eenngva agIes sroea. Conditions in Waukegan are not causeilteloa ed Cross fot,o ThiY Lad a fuili Loue. st-flus," the t-abie eaitL officer nai 1ge-t rea R eforehanti rather; Welîaý1v pepî'îd tiinse <li-resses at t1ie verY lowest figures, inifiaet at fac- "Snow Wh'ite, anti the- St-venii . t'ilesmore precautionary i aati o ecaught 4g' n emt-rgency witL l rives.I t We paîî i iiîî t i l e - tfor tliesi ddiesses akhmsst a year ago ad Darts" anti'iThi-(',aldenTou l asmeasures are taLon conditions wnuL no p 'lansmîd.'- dlafy eaeg n ogv u arn h ee drimatizeti. Tht- inli.n anti piano geos --i sorious in a short tinte, han- Mips 1<elly in Chsrg. %VilVl1 able tii sat tuolt bt V1cct gîgt ieorparn h eei Polos rentieretifi Allae Toulouse anti niai." Mi.s" Delt-n Ktiy. -a Rît Cross tof ont Iir ihte)îs-,h ý,oUi rig tiese ditesses at suihlow prices. Ilafol Eatlnger o! WVaukegan were State Director o! Heailt C. St. Clair -nurse f rom tLe Central division greabIy enjoyet by al. Drake telephonet f romt is Leatiquar- bureau, Chicago, arrivei li Waukegan: Couty Superlntendeiît siritirun. tire lu Springfiold titat every tare in taday ta taLe charge o! tLe 'Flu" itj iV d ~ a& Le e un*bet Ile présent. TLe sono! tions. Chicago. She saîma that tna nurses l * Over $150 vas reatîzeti hum tthe sal-" GreatlekaLs Trining Station re- viii Le sent hairt- front Chicago this I ot fie qîîality Percale,. Ginghianis aînd (hanbîays 'in the very latest pat- Of theo boxes. poitedt teniy new cases turing the afternaain anti that- poslbly ivo more TLýq e !oieDL rani n is f ece: lie 600 casi esth re tdfrimay Le sent bore front Miwaukela- *tin 'ics Plaids, Sti îpes and Plain ('<dois. This is positivel ail extr'a- Marh ainonDivsin.Flu Las invadeti munhcpi court- da. henuad iii okintetL *oulnai-v sale of Poreli and Ilouse Di-esses9 at prices that save.e sone.roma, anti as a resuitt ive I-dges are ,~ Tht- nurses nul visit any homes lni RadiatIon. "Wynlmmn, tlynk il ri ~absent. Waukegan anti iorth Chicago, vitere Not." Antela Decho. persans are il] nitb îLe "Fu,"i B ungalow A p on Special 1.59 . tamatizalloss, Sno%%, %Whitc- -antid 'Persans demilrmng to psy tenurses I.81êJ LiSevan DwarF4." -(Ilratr. ~ ' r can pay Iheni a nominal u. , rf aI llii hght an& daî'k patter-ns; îîeatly nuide of extra quaiity Percales.-t Sno WUlîie, tbm kirt', dtîIlr.;heRttoronuss offi eeu47. EvlnLntd;tht- qieen. )ut-r miep- CedaCfo uss offi . h e st-tii to TisiîL a îery.special valuie and if you appreciate Bargains- corne early monther. --CetLaine (îrçîozesl;i: ftht- .D.F1E ai etyu coc wieî'ehveaftî soîre queen's malt, Bassie Wallace: thetR.-OE NAMED TO RE- adgtyu hiewiew aea.fl so-rlet prince. Lee Gregozeski. thé- tiaîf, PORT.FLU IN COUNTV _______________________i___________ Tom Arhur Anisa; tbe Iueen"a3 (~ Spécial 10 The Sun.> 1 t'untsman. Chtarles Unst.edtht.L M I Springfieldi, II., Jan.22-Atilg prna àntmnEert M y:udr uhirtygane b r.Rp-C dren's Sweaters .'-Flannelette Petticoatsý six therudwafz, oderck Ares.ýIN L L A T ert inet enenral, IU. S. Public' 'h __ Paul tien. John Walieb atein Heaitit Service. Washington, D. C., Dr.-'Tiiese ire hîgh grade Swe aters in eolors and Ilere rs a î ery remarkable value. 'Ihse warm Réiaio,"rotàSwe -Atl todlay-appointet au assistant cllab-1 barigin, heî'e they are. While.the lot lassaemd av er godqulit na i and io Siser" ortloRiidn.oratlng epitimrmologis'm for oach Couin- i e- WjU scl hm peilat................... 2a8iee IiILlGIof a l fer>'gou h L nale ................. Recitâtion. "Puilitta a Bas;ting S I O N t y ID the tale, nhose duty shahL ehens cila .pcdî'-ys calfrtscle t,. 7%freadt.' Janmes Wallaca. to Lqep Dr. Draise Informet Ly tiaily Piano anti vile, Arile Toulouse WLen asked iotay for a sttement teisgraum o! infllueuza deveopmieits * anti Hael Batnger. -as antht- tatus Ô 'ilu" et Gr-elt anti neets in is couinty. Dr. John C. 1 songé. i Laes. Dr. Butler sasî that, tu data, Foiey bil Walukegan,, ras appoîntet d'~I.. Réiain o'ikAmen uc aesen1css. frLkcut.A S e - Sale of vvomen's Uudt Raciation. F3aUhe L1t trt Violinanti piano. Arlia ToulouseLasve Lten foriy-veveu admnissions tu it vas fit finat Dr. Foiey. thioraugh <>. a hi igbrgi n otswl srrieyo ihe -s anid Hzel aatin<er. fuaa il Oe bospitals o! plienîts sait ta Le Lina bealtit officet' o! the IargeIsýtlY1 ik7ta.5 î higini nt vilsrpieyonn o Selecteti readng. Walterm- tet attlitedt vlth e aliment. !n te county, vas-more conversant ftleitî. These Coats ar'e made of extrai fille quality. mateî'ials -in..-styles to Bocilationi .Caherine itiortian. Is ail thete bave bot-n eleven witL conditions Iban any ot.Le,r man. sutI y iuean vr oeo hie anted. oo r -ie.Te r i solo, 9.Eveitîn LieMatit. tert~ h sa 'leBa io icethe nu t-w viii Le Dr FoIa"a tiuî>y to gel in si vr gr n vr'oeO ooBaeieue.Te Dramatlzation. "'Te Golden epitemlc rÏè ou . touch Wvus ail plbysicians in %~ '-ci-y thread-pure wool. Corne anîd -- this %%îondeî'fiulCoat bai-gain at this Toic.l'Chai-acters. Kng Mitas., .Bte ssnorteia f crCouety le carder Ibat taily. ire> speeial price. Rennas Steitr Margoit îLe littahe sstatjon and sti avtaiwhile cas Le mats. Mrcury, te messlenger o! tLe got.i-s it&ttioa einbaLntd d liebaLenunnigicntralis Everet.. Eddyy: tLe storYle' ÙIblrt- Ist-vert' casesLasnot,.Leen lion ta Lautina tLe situation in Wau- Ctaries Unaletit: tbe ing's servants, aLkemi.Lgais. ln many sections o! Lake iis , iotioriek AinsantiJoh~n Wallace. ___., tounty tht- reporta bave not ee.; irls W ool Sere D resses -C hildren's. C oats The Virgnia Réel. A marriage license ras igsued lin madeta thîe alats as requiet and i'b -V.oIiatinoAl e Touiousa-. ý - - . iate-Mondy ta .-%sk-c11.Ls1 lplsbe a ai Ly atMde of a bth i'alitv woobl Aeî'ige. trixinieil *AIl ses in the lot tmade tIf ali-wôol rnateria1 it