0 o ate the fi. lie dlaappeuree quadruplet- ore ilouriuhlg. rhey are tiay e tison aa=ed Dora. DorotiiT 4%,»Qundo,&d k rjbboa. Doria aff Dom, a White BEER ENT-TO D WORLD encan Issue' Suggestion Beer. iked the Jule: With 'the'= a the 13W mays it qold. given away ,wners (becauge bhey can't get it 4ied readers to liflg rid of the .1 not.-l iuggeti- net in. ý- tornes edii%,, of "The~ officia, orpan of of 11, noiz. la saysa mugo, aJo. 21 s'stoE on what het, h.-r cart- t lw 'îpr of a Miilt and the beer uld be placed #t IliSa p~ermit- hti ervice -11,i- Avi o put a jemn bu-in8s ,l taite 1Anq çi apttuîed iv -îiî e a rîli a ads. in the IN- >ver 15,000 read- and MPANY LES )WORKING lucts r Finh tore )Hm rdson -~ IwTnrnL'w!rNLtwrr JLjU ffljý«y _ J4jM.M x0Lahst ue Big W.eeM, WAUI<FJAN WEEKLY SUN ______ -4im.m* o wew . mes <l-- PART TWO SNOW-ENÂLEDiII TO FINi> ER ýDY. tBEBTyVll~DEpE1~DgNT, JANIIARY 29, 1920. LKI 'A 29 120 .N Is8 Hali It di ft Details of Paxton àgraed at 111 Wadsworth Show H=sad-IIL UNFINISHED WELL IS-TRAP Wad»werth, Il., Jan. ý26, 1920. HA Isediof q~the un h 3, *w: Johu Hilhuza of Haf Day on Tu«.- Ibo death of Uri. Paxto. 1 voUid oq aftU'3OOfl *,ot tu the horne- tlk Ocrett*at talge W"dhgNa bloc1 frm hie home. àMr. Paxton. leavlni hI.bomU t baStla crectga tore, about 8 o'lock 8'rday moniig, sit- xi wu tradlg op a chair yotting cd fer li.% wo* at Wadswortii. Be she ha atove of vter ad ehnthe bygvre l'friands ne ar tha»,4 th alo~ mprisonmant Iiii wlnddrivea tee Cition *5~sehe ~a uatt a &bcmrrhac. Tont ho leit for bi wor. lie caootI a -the lake neti n stght or shiore, tht> v~a u ed to bli home but ded home, et about a quaner or il for ieuj,,<i.. Chicago anid )leban f r. Riman VI" 4R yeurs ouW. a SW.ts g iuw OhRe noolflbre oa n i be..and fl ui lvd s&II is lige srcunad hebrai hvepruut thei compars dock unathe ot the i.stOV. To nlcv*hewt r s e for, her aprecq-o broontvas oehoea tad utte loaacw e f e ul J o or for thautlîa drfe.*Gitod sM-a he w ti i el.. n h ee mnwomso walTURNs;"RB honUelrone t Ia i. Wi therut di hice Ia a.- oandant h IL eI.pc .aiir o .oeddl -Jh n o . *ubordoua n te, var vai. la -E I me t teohebgut an aila a d ttpay at Waukumn mmdat iaiitttedace ao ose- ois.ml hi 5 ead hgf wh EXTUNE CRR80.T1 o ds veii on bis vipry ate. tuBh*Cicg, asn& Comndn aegthol uofabie e ia* t.r. ucafllitoh0. Via Wieleof.thé tAur aile CbMatTcmyof ined. coed sa inger out. ho olevOa sttfo .eacéf hd th. et 880a. M, heO-a li Venbeile ýa ioerbillinys m nforty fbe r n e hral bdward 0. NeaaUaani lix emrt aains is.vtevas onlaea xtle oVve la. instosiMr.o- term omiles bat, aeton "a coule wbe Y.r- Pon sdtei hebainpetli~vinasteol."kyatnwwrM gre Jly 3.-Ilià, ot f irga andtratti. lcAaoton-af ie t S e a. . the porta fe h il ogltbr acc ourdin 9,0 guh Ctagrt) the pu rty><>e- sal7. "1A lbaua e a gteafgie Moud v;é. acor is nbâati Ideoepad b abo ux of WmM.Itd gInabot thouri, bcrman t 00fot a mplayùt hait o plarowig "duot vier n the boL= ttO! t T ichetâa »«trobe." "d hnuts 1 iOn t is cas ta b eîln bisnc o pertin t rte toeland allie be hmafo i te èi:g n aov;St:ofthe blidîna ate uO ormd bU .uu, la bamaet Janu 40 Ln b4a bll. lu tacthénblleyu tRt udalite I tM.lziet 2. i t Wui otr ing . The abamao ____________ O.e. Sedtheff u4amti. A..bama wka Kbst uck, of W ake d vbo rODU Te bs wu 13 calIe, d wn . o eWi lls cnd.. x ikeybien"uad a cothng astmore tbt bai beetertportetthethat Uic Net #*"al &Ieueeeeiebet. vsnmc f i l lk ueshii o t o r smaosdngbelvd #r a t o ong is » M Ydeoarda t btla a rdiv orebul mc ,ti s: ntue iheruar ipr is. é w t 8 ie.sigaa. h of wsfod tacuis wcou r sewT sya p e o on rprdcr ii abt hi ml _____ "lVb ie. 1fnr..24,taccornbelakt he heoug teiwu court , e meting h AaaamaeàetIl umea heo ot ie marrietiing Chîck ato, n th re ctingof i TheWCOafimÂg m .thé.rock."and he bsTcasd in bi ni novd. ad lAIE ve vt 0c& tbaeofani attoreyvi. teteibe nie , ad and thendeneet toa al neadr. e ancar taI ,Il firms e d iribthte y are bin.oirdver- o rset Ti adl- evrgoas t u atardt- ud e d tce ti vtthbmto a sw- Te u; ee rusld ereo II vad di srln.lngvtgbe rUçidemnteipedwîin thr bol. e - v ISbotINCriqth arENDS te~1invy r ueshyComlle testyatant suBI hi a ndet 1- 0 ________i mrnneCa brel fbrh usitad o 0.t na..puti steFerayprc.Ms atflurea ofetheAab amhan hiay oer. ibel a c se, skie PPS 3 ale po ogot tere.e cisiet vhev.cse cno hre . T>U.10c ~Jn otrhacegeuonla nd frat e ec If.br o it -h ayat e ml trs ol utfrrilea. ane adClt Wb e natl a ioe.ilfldI S:, The ebruary pnîce i e . t t rou vas galteti< i eot rn flai o uetbr t latmucb sa eafe. aika hoduset i ll mrket aa teeda.ei mlIl cakact i. ietta ie ier. said oto e r Ptbe The vapoflobedmand bonv Ta coNatd LyrveiasboLeveti bus'a ulmi me.l agd ik m ingthte t ae o b n h oait rcvry b zerybeshave lo gave. hu olndr es a s . t buayis. iVanhsega, III fa bo1e20wo weekSIfi agIor Isi hi=lc er. Haed aatitserngabe tout 1 iensl"t n h a hiort,e erh tOltt on. o locti m heiaraypiel ep lt ewaqut rtclytl EPs. eadea ber ub nd s0he leabvetteaihnafwdy n tl 'g mt h fe î the urt'@aled te.. sic. ber o p ecnsansaiIpovdan a else mail blyothohoamaad 3 orirt$3.6 bu-fen o extessvsltve.dau hter e ens ti a&tbeo h odt eoe ,Ui4uEMA. laeHOPR.a. ---b-- - ,sai f0A eg&n boIle. Jan:a3, e92 vc as oie.yR la epecli thtah boat tptent a .Wt oeay. oc ti WEriCHOngtwdtis a elT ____________t____bave___ 1lSTtM1 te aaS i RIIn rIll-SS_________________ - Bste's AttetAy WôcI bohe that l'e ytihi-bu ablete iOuhIVpaau thc enIsalodug leur --tu goqme whenthe div Pidilof ras <me!la os moru.ri I& -,8»me et iveor tried "fim ee1t, but£ as: jocit>'bave gote «ver Uuld un 111 shall enAqsvotg brag a Mli<l0 eaabtrla Mtd eO uS14 or the du<ea*aaa ca»c .*t Wdn@doyi,ý leasbw p = lev"«ne hii .4à the nmrne d e vo ip l [iâtwe ould obia0n1aesl '", Th l'tet ü11$ ho vs. able bbt ,cmvictlqa l Wcdacedar et IL iP. ofchicagevas S emr"e .,ý*.1lfaotlaa u 1te etate .attemer. Mr' twée evlfteeintht. ee ita net. na om.et lise el1.u oe#as4I.te set s1olhile. 1* . tA is cm ehbeà% --Iomtid« fe bhi#,Jm be able te do in -tbo Repafring a ji vt7ft PAGES *1.50 PEU YEAE IN ADVANOL cltec lis total1 ng 19",5. etolen tram int -sainâeastorgenitie vere s,0mmittj' WANTEt)-Ative geittienmorld UU bospîtOt ~~and inluotherm, e;,, wav raleti In ove!>tovit ahd. vtas -- bn a ieo i closaet n -o isac,- iehbfd u o unfy, 10 book ordurs for the cole In IU $v r gisalras ina - fr Saa -ci ta $92, 5f out for brated 1X, B. Fruit andgi nameettat ~~~~~~~~~$ *sat~ ~ j e oo.-u~ efrtisqdthat poole hvon n- 1A lei rmt *nd tuby have bae reammend chobs that wreodi ere -gich Tee, rose«, flvrng shrmhe amt tEIOoi I t e t thc av- -The ciiec)u ver . tagesa fronth*iiOf-' der cice uho v oult*i ' cs.sh a weekll.Apply b>' mail to N. týan9lfe, hait bblliat raLae fiecthe bospital, 1a Ch§iagow~0 bthnglvt(inly Writtéfl ehecL rat Dept. Sut. onnr Willhitms ami tine<tl6~t i.retibitthef t or (the>'werc endorile , aasbet. Insomé dld. vWueta.ii eklYil Lake Oounty's Grea test Store Por. Women 4000O Coats ........... Reducedl Long aiÏd'V5hort Models- by the -Hundreds .1 Cosa to 22.50 Coats to.27.50 coats to $0. a '.5 Long sud Short 341,5 Cloth and Fur Coats to $115 at Nrh Illilit largest assortnuts are prescuttetiila dis sale St .tartling reduclions. oass of ever>' dacciptios and ferore pockotbook. An otreinel> vide varlet>' of styles and fabrica maIket for immedilate Clearance. ý71j -- ---.--. --- _VIE_ Priday and Saturday pca Y I men'sGun Button Shoes i h~y 'Sizes31 to si$ 89 .oys' Gun -Metal, Eitton Shoes- Women's Patent Leather Button Shoesi These Shom tire. 8,$5ý and $4 Values - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coats to $75.00 in Cloth and Plushes 149,50