Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Feb 1920, p. 4

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WR~UL teâât m Idemwrint - W"ukean Weeky sm IYARDS I A DOPT DROTHV BAVER$, dtriCheW AT A D Office Tlophone Nunmber 1, Libertyville Exchane. RTS-oCnepr il. 66bri Entred et the Postoffice at -Libertyville, Iliais Second Clas Mail Matter. À LQ TSVN e dtr 7 te tausceisteSgno ocne w mCat OfiilPbiainfrthe Village of LibertyvilI. MoiidaY mOrig the thIrd hour En- sage Society camne out victoriens i 00 01111eial Publication for Lake County Board of SupervluorW Proceedinge ,, gllaB3 claïsa decided to excbange lews- bath &aines. "OR SAL-A combler ai good Lak STATE OF-ILLINOIS, OUSRPIN~IE4.OPER VEAR, TrâicTrLïïINApvA"cÏ. Ealieff in Pllngso tà En- lit themouilleaiofthe tblrd bOur interestln lecture on the oubject of session. Se. page lwa, colmatn one, )n the Circuit Court of Lakte Cuunty. joy.. .. .. ..he*- Laylifh.. c'as :wucontribute ta tlhe notes for "keeping Fit" ta heboys of the 1. T, of this Issue. F. M. 3Harding, Area. 111. MarchTerm A. D. 1920. .- Os n hicagos wqrld meut They decidedt tatry this out for aine Mine Beau. returnedt ta@Choof. tW arrEyMort ale-oti uten; Ukvs. ,l a a o evse CHAS. 0. NALLEY ---------.--.--.--------------..... Local Manager. packing ofter may have daylxght sav. woeks andi then If it dos not prOve FrldaY, Zth-lu the girls' basket 1 ar u ~e rnbsnet.Ukonhisa a rtofe. Ing rient summet de2sîte the iact that sattirfectery thoy will again oxchange. balgiebtenteSgmon Sage apply at Iide.oëndent office. 0f Silas Stephens, deceaseti". Frank Ç congreas repeaied, the daylight sav - Owîng ta the resignation of the' and the Atlmaeurn Sacleties, the Ath- MitRhelLE-Choylce resîtience lotHelon meg aure.heredocks a te atimo merediler, a néw editar-in-chief naetum Socilety caine oât victarlous ln FRSL-h ersdnelt nJennle 1B. Hinton, Mami e B. Holst BEila weer moved forward one hour ln the Wes elected ta lake chafge of the news. both gaines. lIKiniey Ave. Mr«. Grimes. Z ut Doi HalIs, andti.unknown owners'o springtinie anti kept flthte tit lfaîL. Dorotby Sayers was electe oillf11AI- A Junior Party was announee o) 1 O AECeamdmsvn otPersuaterfseion 9»at on- Louis F. Swift, président oi Swift ima Churchill" place The aher a!fi- hmoeern oneev.u-th. & Iha l tokcea remaînédi the saineas before. This woek tVe Nautilus is on sale ta n o us, nrtlctd dslilp 43 north, range 1l cant af the 3r.i yards -workersgi ~.oka Our TenwOfcestiaeL.T .S tuet ny rens.OWner, Box 455. 2-tf enriier ln the morning and quît sa h e fîesnwar iL .H .suenaal- ________________fPrincipal Meridia, tiescribeti as fol- muherirl h feno. Daiothy Sayers-Etiitor-in-Chief. Raymond Goulti, '21. lw:Bgnlga h ot~etcr muoh arlir Intue -dteroon.FOR SL-Èlive lheatini orkbcars ______________________Logislation Je Not Neçoasar>'. Aban Lindroth-Àssociate Editor ____- er of t adiquarter- soerttmn e wn tlg 5 ecsaîv, sii r.Swi t- iIo-'Sdiety Editor. . wagon. kihans au 2650ari lcxjcculv tin Je necssaii aid Mr Swift e- H*rld MaCatithSte îdetE. wago.pCaceetanheaadr plce on aiecteoof secionr9 ao;em thencec -À a SuiEB "I believe a qitajorit>' ithe MathildeMasan-Athetl ioghe. THE.NEW-CQIJNCILLQRS Street. S. Mann. 6-lt South alang the eatlne oi'the Souths Under the above heading theLos Angeles 1Times re. vorkers ai the city bis e t get away MahdaHu-tngpo. Tuesday, JanuarÏ 27, each clans met _______________ centy pintd th folowng eitoial theapparace f ram their labors, wh!le there la yet Tt la the wisii ofthe olitgoing'editar ta eleci now coulnillors ta aeto O AE-n oltl o, Wil est quarter ai sait section 9, 2603.81 -cenly pinte thefonoingéditrial theapperanc of ta Inhave saine outdodir irreatian that the'new editor bave the*.saie ca- Place of the ones who bave erveti- Le fresh in April; four heifers com- feet ta an trou stake ln tbe conter ine * which on the weat coast shows how Lowden-for-President turing tbe sumrmer menthe. oea 0adltra htbsbenfrtefrtsmse.lgt"yasod n ro o u f tebiwy3. etnr*o h setmn ssraigoe h onr:Dose Not Favor An>' Law. oeainat neottbtbsbe o h istsmse. .Igtoyar looebot u Lthay 30orn7rfoote nth a t enlinti pra«'ovrteIonry 1dooi faver action Ly any local shown b>' readers anti cotribUtors. Fivé af tLe aId councillors werp re- ta farrow in Marceb one colt olng urerj ecin9 ibene nartb 59 * !l'h1ose wbo are dem~anding à business man for ]Preoi- or state law-making bady, as that Alma M. C hurchilI * '21. electeti. Tbe 'resbmaeloctod Lee fMur ymars 014 This stock Wil b* ure Otsra ln L * dntmibtbesaisie wih ov Fan O Lwdn.He would simply makeé.a double iime Walroird, Donald Fitzgeraldi, Mancel foun 1% l3~mles eaut of Deerfielti. Her-coegretne 0fmintaehigwtay 7 fothta dientm'-tbes---ie wthGo. rak . iie satdrd eesar : nd. ai course., MAROON WIN8 Wiglitman anti Barnel Casey. mcLdl, erili II eeh ne n ine otaioe; huga or7>742 egesci vas a wonderiuy succeuaful buasiness executive before shanple fsetoint Ieea n whe aur 0h . emsieuld-Te ohmrseett CralPr lgan dIg Par 890-Y11. -lt 8 u..wst tio one ln embrkd i taesanb.p idbi bndba fotfo- ehîevcd wilî appeai ta man>', us t e apa Aîo u ter 1 1rPiteous, L. D. McLaln. Maybello SheT- 1 of.,aldhlhJ Lseo 0 nia gotten its cunning. Prom the finanlcial standpoint he the edocks alone anti .îtoiel>-begin -venteti this by closing le' roatt is Wl Bdon anti Marie FUpebî*. (ET. OURt PRIÇEei for Loring ahatino. Idk,-. ht- Mrîh 4 t e en l4 ion -,I TV* 4i. ~~work one Lotir esrie1r, lnitîi e dy. driftiflg siîow. First faitur. I'ndaufll- The Jnor representatives are Paul v..lls. Tiiesee .lta are saitar>'anti u.- lit-,along tlle centrn at hal maeMios h ost s.ccssfuuI-u1flU1stered com- "i-Ilier woitis. ifa a. nugoes ~ b'tiw îeifra an ihKhules lsn,*t Rk.silbefreîe s osni, nîuI, n112t ieI. Ir ou monweair.n in the Umog. In the face of two years of awv i . l.andiMuis ai 5, tllet1]th refAiAniuttt-efilofthi 1inl0îtiuih nd14ynod outi o lrstck Godsevregu'iaucti-,-tî-htnt-nati421igt. ,4)mn war-time expenditures and increased costs in several de- 1' ýr t7 aa. i. anti quieat, 4. players were aîck sii ithe fiii. ;econd1 The Senior coimcilurs are Prilnces llires reasonabte. filioe t 49. Zion ites'.Iaton 9 th, lenter fine of salit partments be bas reduced tbe State tax rate fromn 90 cents Could Include Wholo City. failuire. StITltermineii, ste got LaItevan Zundt 1-lenr% Casev. ELîîîn Building lndtiiy. Zin, Mlîinis. 5 1 l _7 to 40 c nt. is S a istê,a U e +. 4 +he ,ly onol ow r it RfIinliacil lin g ti Ifmercantitle in IPuinffon ih. i, i rû.,î ii 1eV ,igeeti ta w % T I I .p III In la I(mti ianti Floren e gli sa 61o6.tIi;i n to i laken . - ...~y ne o lve it ta ,~ 1. ùa u aux oîyether (1,111erover, 1FOU ;SALE Eli lii .es 4 ltu 7 inciws flent-il i C:S. iîni. rate in meeting var conditions,-and it bas done it t'wo iii ..e.,-TiTî iati( ie itîy nîîghifbe f Si in îoîlt .T.~ .Goltienherg. ~~~l>tT .i ut eTVPi l, ii-da' years in succession. ont hlet i iTi ile ay nd.ork hakethial ilt'i sa-î nk Lake tBluff , iiEei-î.IlLîc.s,-. 6,>16.iîî kti ..-rot he îniei.,-etion Gov. Lowden made bis pledge to the people tbat be 111>oIl(U , i lil 110111eai lier IXl - ,a conmplété nou!. s. iilifing 58i(i21.'fI ecdil îieir. dlîiecs ?MondayFeb1 . -elAie.. îiîîrago, 11 liPone iii, ,f T -id. ili , ani wou]d abolish or consolidate al the State broads and o- I iu'!ii l iii. tee ont5f: 11.îUc i TiT Weait e\Telîî oic1 t,nest C.uî,ciîî,l' f'"' '0 71S2 -1-1 ,.' :!i..1 TiSt Ifii missions, including the Board of Equalization. andud onifrîîii-aaîinlit and i .-nisuItehal lme rou i l i ii..- iOni aur beal wislesi the i ir cenn t. i F(l 1: -iltFn ouigra 1o-i:h would ion 'I - - he Ii: H"eiiiiiFilgTlis iiIiilliTii) iit but tu* leu * adopt a budget system for tbe revenues and ex- and. ;il n i inion, iuii, iAîi e ,l.Igi lT.Ti obu '.;iiiia iiýl1 l -o . .înn penditures..1'bere sbould be a sinail and compact tax- 'i**ýM;Ii, ilT 4 cohil)Iinti.raLsud NMeMilian. î,urtot il i."aîd. inadei. liît Olîî -.Ni. T. iifiiit:ii it n1i fixing body witb bimself as its bead. Tbe people would ugaînstle ii-dayligiîi saving plan by lonig, sensatîionaîi iiibbis anti ATHENEUM DEFEATS o1;lAif u, h.'lbl asc. u , -cTiron 9 alî.rtid uish ii , ii la * know exactly wbere to place reapqoibilty. Bu 1re wOr ele(> I feutirvi a uniriseti apectators w i thie ld baskets . SAGAMON SAGE i f ou,dlîilTaîi-uns ai f74 Io 4-1 , .1 16 19-1101! I.iof thiiet'h T Gov. Lowden is no ~~~rii ýnowi..'. 1.11v froinli.t heritdie o lic ueiiiui'orteous pu( ors l 1 cr(dý.Pire Gov Lwdn s ovknow-n as the mai vbo keeps iteIesr-owi araleuiefrsr ioipei Friday thèliivi' tT'leaini-tsad a x i. i 9 iIîi- T* lTHO, lu , *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ir or.H bdtobek ib io oii.ebnoe h, iIîîuii. wiiiing torisii Inti rett>lietî ba'iko. itai-ke was gaîlleut !baket hait, fie gant.-itfitTeiS; r.n Tak- I ll"t I41fT barnacles in the doing bi..t bc f î-ul.t ~ t- ., i ' ii - -i t -mc' -witîî .\>i d o baskets *'î'n'a,, tacit girl stelit l 'iI i' F i 'Ai olls.o.i J.,t ii. '"hiti'stlt,ît13'-. 1. . i bis every pnuuge. T UbJ1Wherday, witntiihe co-operation îantw vo free thnowssintention oa innlinig for ler sie ,Tii. latrîî ie i, Ilii i 't. i i lili .. T *i, * of the State Treasurer and State Auditor, be fixed thÇIi u iiI i in rer>i Teih r e ir lls 5i t teiiiam r t cleteunii tTi.o.,î aue" .i *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~h f O8aetirt o h etya t4 et i hsvsC Ai f RIRROR thie gaine bat! the appeaianre of belrg Tefrs ei i tun-î:s %%Oniii %VA \ilTE 1hAlis.-,. i.îoîmr Ili1 iioln fritnsiake; taience aî,tiîh "1 de- 43tte ax ateforthenex yer it 0 cntsandthi wa 1 l rcc for-ait "seîap. but iras'checki.i by i scrof li17 Tt 5. Il v. ai, a lri n eetry tasu and s ilag. . ift..ik- gret-s 64 minutes woat 1112.1 led ta fithe face of an. increased appropriation of $2,0O00 for ~lspUAlJj b'- Itie sportsinanahip a( if ie ot,.tonenî ' ate. Thie fic.t-(i,iid e.i. .ii oi orinistyî, booik ..idltrmfor lit- cele- t!t. im esîtfint- oi mal& tkit- i i Tri ion: the public scbools. There bas been a reduction of 40 per IS FIILSI YYRNIlNU Q escore ai l'ailtîîîf inie s6. by ascore of 15 Ia 13, *liaIt*;it.tK. B.Finit anti Ornaiental Iheure south on thie wcst Ilin. of aid Dotinte s ..Le2. nbills inythin ese L+ThHoS+(8),baso t.iiii, iH itl.îî i .. c: rseflowering areadquarter section 335 2 feet thie place centinbeStattaxbiisinvw'years ii ~ . T. H S. <8_ . Ailteneuin i ltilIS U'tini, ei% 'îIss i,r% tlfilns.Commnision pai utî-i îiitt n-.glh,eir.ii i DosaUbdy3Uwo lltiUesetatbscome - 3ù J HOU > j0 alefDE fBoF. PhT dowii? iaike. -i 6 2LI 1 o0 Viniinia tCoins. t; E ct'.n Millet, i. .%I)kol%.S.î tui '.Iait IoN. Laumtulîu. li ,i .(il ;l if tlIt .t.u-wa Cadonanolae iead ecutd.ItMi. - ar iln nîePorteou.-, fi ..... 9 0oil Jaîte Webb. g;Ilieultb Heberîing, g. tirî,î. Suoil .ctir. Williamis andi Masse- Pliliad-iS'uill T ,iî lia - - - .-- ns plea-e rra and ti ou.ted. il Sagaman Sage--Ethel Titus, c; Flan nsase.,NV ukigin. i.6-t.1 . .îI,î,aný ,'io. o,J I-i l' Il u iirî.ia 1. >ee-brt1917.-Tne 1 YrStya e.LWdenitssakcnctj froîî, aa sundstseep tl'iFEnglehrecht, rg oi 1t1) eue Luce, t; Mabel Johnson, f; Eiwida Wuo --- li i-rai Clta> u ýl,ie administration. there vasa balance in the revenue fuxid Iîîî ai :t; clock alien a microi' MeMittan, îg -qs l) Weaky, g; Liilian Kiepper g. tOntlAit (lllisifin i (w ' ill be t-îIir,-îior, er17. t 8>5. u a,-i. W of $5.027.523. This balance grée'ini1918 to $12,919,.526. ia c rash )IIttiioeli h la lue ttisLAKE BLUFF (1) ITire piaycrs af the second teaul wen.ùe fresh las Alîît; four hiîfeis comme îîa-îî 7266inltoôk >17 of îed ac-s. Nll, o e hshe flor thslis w. o '.ians otl; ,une' hi îol w. itdui-t 65 Nov it reaches'$16131348 and tbe total balance fithe incidlent, for le fbunrt-iLie boltist, as B F P T -asAi[;i:of. iluti ijii iii' a if <ut lji 'i..'! tresuy n al unis ora he agifcen ttaiof$2.- andîl fanes wcrc bursTin.g Bssen. ni (0 (:o o Kaîlinîili tattin, c; fîî io mi.Maii fi;, eue tcoltiaîiuing tout trasryi al unsfomsth agifcettOa f 2--thouhthe mails oi hîs rouai. The Garrity,.If ..... 1 1Caroline Butterfietl, f; Edt h Goud. f: Years One antioanc half miles east af wid-,- el,-o-Tittî. *.n.c4taui"i 128384. And al the time the taxes bave been regularly cari holig up îthéuinnarrhad Lurneti Millenrc1Tl alad gVeoc Itg, lerio.IiiiaiLdw, erik.AMtsnbil0tl- ., lessned Meawbie th Goerio isveiluidr ~a~ lrough. attowIjng it to crash t i.- '6 te h aaniotag; erara is~ eii'i 11 iehn l i. îîî ark 890g.Yieenfc1u1,A99.'u, u lilî&n i 4 1 ii T.l Hati Il nat bel th Gonr frir eibisde wsctitSmith, ................. .. . Ou.HdT ntbe oflefc SasGao aga),f ri. ehn.i- i.Tleiin.lilunan 90 Y4 1f .slitîî.ii:,9,7.2 tî.h12' vitb a road-building programme vbicb cailsa for the ex- Miler probabty a'auld not thave aasaiDfunand. tg - ,~ Sai aiw> rn ~nli. PRESBYTER-IAN CUCHSRVC-i îi r,__I- , T i f nduntit if was fou, filte. As it vas Burritigo, ng .. i io 0 inia Viiikuian. g; ElizabethliLehlii. C U C E VC A c razi (f1 i n penditure of $60«00000 aid that vithout adding a penny ;""hi"' , ugt lil- Freet' ztbîov.s mi1rsird Liassen. 1.ilone o te i)ili-istqurf-ri IeAbnel.iLeshapbfil bisn'2lit Soilnd yoo Februar>' lone.ownhip 43 tluaitl Ii .îl, to the tax burdens of the people. - ng T tîn ee-.Mille nshLkeiB4ff. SurT i. a.Il h h aeo etn Tdtin-oiialadfn lh,, etact chus"if nthe ti .flt R$î îiraILaneetluff - -lnil i l'ota am. . S ifti eofo h r rnia irda Intefctfetn odtie pltcladfn nw u tiin i belle'. ci > îestar' Hraroldi Mason. '21. SAGAMON SAGE vst. ATHENAEUM. - ai oosil ani 'o in î i .usl i a lhe 3nti l'nlititîtMiniai ancial, the record of Gov. Lowden fiabsolutely unique. tdi rani spai all îing on treuc .O moida f amekM. Ra,__ jIjl Sel ilui.sic. lsltîoi l.îrbcla oIss Beinnr' TirneWeinesdar-edidhast sceknMnheLGIRLStît,. Ti eclaTHmu1i1.liTe îurtluiast carnrto fsaîi quit 7' He is nov making oie more cut of over $4«000O i the Temr i-e onbts'cntoIGRSHL OCTTEannounet in "ssembly that afier ('hristian Endeason at 6:45 p. tu Isection, tilenepv-cal 54.1 feetil, i tai bîis ofbis pople ~nd plfig .p inney i the ank of thc house an,.burned .HINCOST 0F CLOTHES" ýscîiooîlinoursthie Loya af the two so- Tpc A'VnhVultt1.i'ed-radto tk n u eirln u tax bills of his people and piling u through ~~thr platt.r lboardi walt, SThet'i .t. edrOdbrnsael iecne ieo vbile dMing it. enture bu.usc - wbidh 1., a amati affair. TeigbctailaesLsl.ceties wautt inluay ta-o basket hall Miss Myrile SIiale.1 highway; Ibetiec sautticastprI il Y, s i. Tlsrt<iaua.. Si T Il .seic ssnte gis r he usnes le lo lînnath nced that on ri e ac'h e G oaI7 op. .Toca i h hioi-rerunilei o isnealti hIr"Q e(Iil err frtegrl rte rmq, f loanoicd htohwayeigai73o1) i oteo h ir etr ieo 'î'ih a 7 .-1 If Gev. Imowden is wortb $4.000,000 a year to the peo- m'1..'-lis ~uo.L Ta4 S cwm las - I0daftowu -u luI. i l 'rser'mon, 'r. - titf baam, lsaaî tu the intenspeioîn o P litechli 1 :1, pie lit Mlinois wbat migbt be not be vortb to ail tbe citi- The Obousesas Weillas al tano- Ten girls ai the sowlng vIssahase cielles tsouiti pIas. w[md Jacob." Speciat music. u atI ulili'îsay itLnthe catIt lufle I zens of. America? insurac w 'arid.M .Miller eagi s f 81.erg rls s j T humpred ottia he61crsitueteidnt l.'rPse etigWtnsi Fbù,stqaortheersction;sall qaer u ~ And this considers side of theinan only. 1r.'. eLnetila b- iwiyLita oag csio!p1.Th grlnsarea arti Msiaiiieatdesseedet-'am 1, i :3 p i1f1t.' uetTitt7:t30csili.pisa.iqurtr.- ils, ut s usjert0tuedngT to ws.k on the dresses tast October tlîaugIIt the talutes wauii ni Tulmunt 'metEot cv e"tî.î 58." mccltin thte luface ai begirtiu. t ,hlir husband was piacti untier tile supervision of Miss Gladys tefanmchi because there - scie ont%>il Sînuts anti Camîp Fine Girls: Get sîtuatetilnnfltc Town of Verndt. in tlii, The job of beling king of Hungary seems to be going Ward. ie%,ing instructan. Each after- tem, sta>'cd. ý. tur instructions ton- nexi Tu-iuiu'.s 'Caut fLk n tt fIlni. a-begging because nobody beieves tbat kinging theste .l>sW ontie okdd itrorS i h tayswesevny ath liellig fri î.îîiiOrticri> antiSecre lin Chaiuce.-y. OÇeral No. 10245. is profitàble or safe. Yet rigbt bere in Waukegai Uiere W ITE TO SO. DAIR0TA their garmnnts. cd lindt hi-îewii lne lus ci>fitnte. Tirei ry -!Thé aigL - 1 ~-Msti.Ward iiispeeted the wOrkefltthh fIlet hall cuticif Ut a tic,.In the second 'tahr patcerah . u) vn gifi1t Ttisofice affîutire C ln e f -ni are'a of folkx wuuu h i -hw'lq Riow enough t un day aitm!unisseeveraîsiîcuu as le.hi aiC awn nwthted-Nrtion atîchi- -tm Fria t'. en nirTiii uT iif ietft îlrIteN the job of king of Hungary-witb very littie effort-even keepr RLW E ec lma tle u ndsice vrtlmntlnt i rke ieflo raitgnt ir ro-nie éedn as a aide issue to their présent job. We kîlow a iber mt>a!îhîg UV J etsas i kn .tani ailhtoer tring.The qowiuon Sagefiwron adajuistwnrsaorsa wbo likely vould take tbe job.-providing they vere first Thouandis1of ilîlnais peule have The ,trinciples anti technique ofl by sasdcure of 18 ta 17. METHODIST EPISCOPAL 'i. hu.-nrit aîtînn mrt tefientis, rltvsanti squalintances. diresa îtîaking sere carefuily analyzeti The seronn etieniFarte also sas 1 fore iir!is ll hof ('aint satisfied 'with tepay-and nvrturi hair as they nayo br)former réident. iii n îîtnt > h s. onfttach-T'fle laslan suIt accutîs hie fulltitsaiti Court nheCac's sise ii L te fra t 18oi anc mmn itéedna th irlsiietntita uake i lose, the Sagamon Sage winning b> y onIirun uî 'uii ud> sd ii t.î,alltte haciý ste ped to the tbroîe and began swining tbe scepter. ;iite. naw iiving lu South Dakota. one in idcies luwcmpéentoreartiela .coelali6 a 1. oi îauneveing SFna' roîide irti.hlereofti -tu. at iisi N.terenot modest-ust- confident of tbeir kiow- péietelpeeetialprma ohler ou ardrisse, aî peerenfor parareso On idajr the girls playet. The otgpl nienzFdafrt11,0Sileilo sîri Otof5ýJ ledge of things. liai eh, 3.aGvr ma Fran a.ggre ane ouigcse War. Tving, abwtieitis w flont quitis sr) esenly match- cour ~10t againaL the abave namet défend- dnsfientiaemknnags h ih eto vnadarsa s Inthi.boys' ginies, but nover- uc! Schluti a, Ili nt'> returnabie an the first day ai sive carriaign i lus 1behalf In Soutirls n onagon xepin helesa flic girls batia ltofaispunk jManning vamsliip et 41.Iheoh-mmofairOe Circuit Court o ak ule The ne-ws about the ik jump in taxes this year bringsa ashock JDakota anti haro cscny resorta lie c grl udvaemaod xanîl u lE'wanuli L au'.i- uit .Ii. ta ±apayera' nrvee--but, they ought to be, used toi it by this tinte; lieve. that ,sewiL.. .boelp oafi lu e elam.andti îe>' slawed If.The>' shawed Esening5'aishi tipai7:80. j t'uity, le be uId ai tiue Court Bouse gian ai frientis. wilIlcarry tise stale Evelyn iMilher, '21. quite Ilbit af teatit1storit. The ganiles Go ingn.S hjimsi yI in Wukegan in sait Lakte Count', aot the shock lias been increasing yearly-and there lu no assurgnCe fui ier in o trinuar>'ta>'., The>' w 1nî utite oxcittng,. th.le Athençaum -celn cor.Adurýw icomo ttîe irst Monda>'ocf Mamch A. fi. 19*2. that it in g0ing ta let up. ,Iî's a cinvh ia wonît let uif ilthey<re cs aunce ai ; hlvee.Ifî aelpb liaîsriand T.3reone'lay las requimeti ant ich Sid .r ing ta boan the allies ýsever&Il hundred 'millions of dollars and permit o f Govemuor towten anti wgnt ta ms Big basket hall gakre! L. T. H.' S I'), a score ai 17, ta 15 anti the secondln, nti MuaXxi iew Sdinisig, Mm ~turnes5a ti'nt tie irext president. faite the tinte, va. Wauonani tLibentyville ihI b;- aancac ai 15 ta13 LEWIS O BROCKMAss Russia and other nations toabroatethe lbans t<.y - ka **.fr..this To (drap)a line otacseny friént yoî hiave, svhoal gym, Frida>' evening, Feb. 6. Tt is sald that the saciets-vIuas'ng t î Le ni Ms il. 'Neoltsonlnasot, SCietl * cauntry. If this democratic administrstian was ta last much long- liing ln South fDakoa. bath rien and Fridamy. Feb. 13, Junior Part>'. Al Turgest numberotf lponts fîor tire, yesn ar iu:~ -i lNiiuat ao Waikegan.tIlinois, January 28. I1921) erted'b unngorcunr lve o- s 0sovresj suawnn. for 'botb vote on the presi- atudei bi e sure talle pregeni. Yeu WITTiget a poulnant. EnteituLaLsH.'uiaMORRIreS,î. er they' Le îurnng aur aunîny o er ta tose wops o-people.uat r onc» In the pnlloiy in21a. sint I Compaluant'sSoîXito because they eed sorry for thenri that they were sshQnoŽJI h<anti urge theai ta do ail within hel ir' ecsane er' alventt ~epe rdItlne-verti, '21. rnit't edi r fhilti> hein aJanE. 2I8MO fiS,!5129 as ta bring on a wam which thcy kepi us oui of" until afier hus îîr,0.cnorwîn s adi- AisoresandehIg~lever eyersenuât._________OFi,' iunie ii1haOTICEsîîOFRas>g 5IA.28Lî'EETING 1> * tion and then put us ia. Taxes high? They'll neyer timon. il'.. t. tii Su-he antieioniNarch 23daihf:uuts L ouivescLayan,. Dnt AD FTHssARa 0F THANKS NTC FSEILMEIGT Tfitutsiti ! thé riî ati vo eton tar2. isois Lyon, '21. W munhtttexpress aur sincnt1'DISSOLVE CORPPOJRATION i. ~~1~ t. resili ~' îiu~pnmni~r>- ('tilT ~ lu 1 ihanketo-boum tîieniis anti neighbors Xy 'an a lak u is>',iends - gîetii,' Tbey anc tal.king now cf aending a fcw hundred million 'dol- .tt,îtlwi'rng on îe the îullu-stnSIALHPENNS0file hersmat~ ni epd rîntnt neigliorf toetitein ssistanertuie ~ brsto Autna a el oi he peole wh afe nonha ag w reI1 : ,tt- i T'ii iintt-t, T ')X2tT-E PA ST r W Er K l ciis anittuiai ur ahe, gteit-b lin n.. Id icati0far uahelîcll aaii Ev perity itable As tand yc condît Fcre 16-I Lai 5-M- Unt Gr; Twv 5-F Tvw Col TsA Fou 16. Th rate FR] Jo' waq'here T NIr. and M ter Edlth Mr. andi Cari spent relatives. MiSs Eu npi.ka waa Henry1Dier The Lad L. church' if, et'thUeel Mrs. Byr. * tack of ln J. J. POr been boreI qlves andi f 'Mr. andi kegan wer andi Mrs. 1 M isses Il inInlliglia. or Misa lb<

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