Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Feb 1920, p. 9

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vmoUt wil have suu, and all la D 14 SfltiCfjatcdj ai yôur calondar 1 attend, III you grain, potatoos, k t#&( you 10.1 the content anid Oépie.,ft particulars. '0'WINAÀ NT ItERE ontract Made Store Was fing. 1 toi. $2 IG dn o'r stw*,' ut 'Zon rlý.l uturt rr e - im1r, tit i 'lh '2- r ,ont. ,if a1sd Iriuiu- t11.- io olg t o t) ,rrit- tt'y ai d ii Soi od pursued andi i ý il, Iqt't li- ri l~"tt Fred -I. anrd ('titîle' 009>. Seic ndependent. and IANY WORU<G1 Y'S tore. )M dson e e I~irir "y k ) UN > 41 V là ~l £aA 4lLOPL 1là 1 -P à £ LAKE COUNU I!NDEPENDENT GLakmelbàun Big WeeklWAUKEGAN W'EKLY SUN~ t 4* XXVhI1.-NO~ 6. w - -~---- - -'- - - ---- - - - - - -- -t- - PAl»- IN ýILLNOISi ~Ony Cuny I StteWhere J -IIgh Waes re aid, to $c~ooITeaerslaCook. 'AVEA O -SALARY $869-63 *OAI9. tmo aboiteutrhars of taito êobotymay féel that hey are uxder tC% lb1'raIr baie no cause -for 1~l a Lke cotîxty are compare okrcougite of th state. ThéEdu- hlonai llsllhl the officli organ of -b tte* sIle dmrmeturof publie lI- srcinIluil s Febrîiary nuffier, qustaings ome .lxtreoting data wth rlg te salaries of toschiera. #WolowlUaiiJÉ the data for leite Niarbe.- of mon teadliers. 50. NUasimber of vomes teachens. 343. >tdCW rahasy earned by the mten teuciitP- SUla"2. TOtel«far: t euaiby thé. vOuux tqaçb.n, -875915. - Avuuesatar7 or meni teachers, rd1.iAvem» psomary cfwomaxi leacheo., * "À'Y'ts" slan cof bolh mensu ad *Qeiuea eftnkas. $86963. ,Net te 0 ,uok CSuutY. w-bre 1h.f sary lu 812.20,9. jiso voeisutoaSt *» _»fL i*keCiunty are t1he abeat pald la the. alate. lAte cunty la ec- .d euly ItelOnk okeulty lu thm aven' » saary peit tomesud vomexi, a*me We Ienl Cookt County bo. tut 813328,whIShlth libheat lu luaU MSesiqS çaid te men ioaohý eos sinue Lake CountY doesa Dot rsut qult o sehtgt, bétel; shoutt î'wirth lu lb. itate, There et. Sire. counties In the. mate., »Moly Cisýy. PU: ail Way wheru ithé avme . alarypald toa mal sud wamn t.aobei'rs le Ua $4001 W ry~,r.liee ligureru t 1e.. couxi- tias beinu: Clay otuty, $387.83. Pope Cousit>. $36494. Wsyno Cuunt>. Iô 1 In Iamnilton and Hlardîn Counte thore are more <Male tIbm temule teachera. ltardtn icadaiihe tate w-th theé ialleut of t=aciirs. lai'. bx u at te iy-thi'PO IUJRAL INSTITUE MIe progransr et l. armerg insul-ý tate. vbi liq I te b. bld at Wads- verbi sbrsry10, in heng gotten nut t thuha office. and persans con- teuupiating attèndins lthe éent are auaured the prograxn vîlI b. first elasa aund fun t I gnformation and lu-ý Probably l wûuld b. bard te finit s l>otor bahasud progminuor me able fipeakérs sud oteutaiueru thit.. la tei he o Çudnitthis progrsn. whxciité asa goidi n Progrum Aîtdreu of vit coma by TouI. (Cun- ningham, teacher at Wadswort-S scbool. . Op@lng song. *'Anerlca." led hy Mr&. sMry I-ochkîs% Love. of Wauke- usa Cocurvalorv of munie. ..Siate lusntitute speaker, L. C. 'bruva. tf a Grange,.filI., ouneceo with-isornge-Judd Farmer, an agrt' eglural publication, en the suhjei-t of' Psane sole, Mi1ss Melba Bron. ti Wadgw-enib. Blat spaker iIeLÂ-W'. Otie, of ~M a lij., sent oui by Cla i nttirttt Igtnilatiu. subJecI. "on.uut uoudcd. Vocal solo.,Athield Sînitherg, Wau- 't're pcdmh1y wil) 1»' serni olit 'Cr nuabers if tInte pernits. Afternoon and Eveving Program 1MlUslc, li^s juilàla<iug. of W.suke- Ilon. Rotiney B. Swvift. cf LriberiY- ville. atelo fnator. subject: "Pione flaiys-« aite Écuptv." -. MUSIC, Mis, Lçrt'. -sr. .Bertha ,Marris, of Chicago, subjecLt- 'hloaeie tc ctce -and how to Deduce tlb, ligh Cet of Livi ng." Mueic. Miss Dorîha Stelger. Wa.- rtlilsthëiortckeiibactiteather of - Ithutlty cheoél. Subleel. "Ileport oc diOstaiTa air Scbool." RecitallOit, Mies Lucilie Doyle. itecitatou'u Miss Helen sweenoy. speech by J. . :Barret et Liberty- ville. prealident Oethe' LaIe CcUUti Istitule. on the mrles of lusttute * osrg as . ti lap"ograaoing, lu the CcUftiy.' - Addres by Judgo P. LL. Persïýosji A. V. Smithcf Waiikegaib, stidreet. Coffl & Eriekgon, lasi re ut" -.fropi WaUkeiax i gh schqoh. - ,~'efadjacent sebotidistrictu. ID .clpdiuuithe Wadivortb. .SchIInlY. Da W l'aIieit sndBrove bdlOl ave gîveà é7.betr'teachers sntl aChOlatu. a -fl .*OlMa fer te day se tbeY Mar ai- &"- «Bsd' sd ariiliate l inte IntItute iMýi'oy Bues. sahaphoile quartettl fThésê esaaallt .ttrdge and 1 t.kWim ne rrua 1p~5eue i PART TWO UBERTYVILLE INDEPENI)ENTII-E10'.'\RX' ~. t~t2O. FOI.7I~ 1>AO 1>S ~,i .5'> P I~R YEA.R IX ADVA.NCE. - .~.*s, ~ ,aasqw assu!5W550 5.i~U1 h.~eruI~VW1A l5fVi"i~5'1IIt fli~flflI'fl DAYILL LMONTI &ILLILIW iW rAYLUWA J'YLIUUBL NAMELESS .6R ÀyV-t - ~ Relatives of -Arthur Prett, Negro Burlar, Fait to Guar-. $antee Funora Expenses. [S IN A CEMETERY VAULT Unles relatives or frienti r coni q foirwnrd anid pal tht. fur,"-rll ct rPenliesArthuur Prewett, 'it'% 'atî berie.s in Waukegaln. viii belatid tway 1.tht Pottors field. l'roeiti dtath Jaruary Il, resuP :nz firoui of the lived.- A féN ey. <, Ie, fore hie dÇalii Prewétt vas t 111nII while -In the êiianbe's of <Circuit Jude.' Edwartls ert thecourt hlue. le waa removed t0e Me Laite ('-,inty generai hospital. Wtt ie Prpwett coeeteo.eed ta a %etles of hurgierfes bce ho wee tiled on a charge of havlug broken Into thre honme of Aîîguat (Cusen,ce 1117 .,,eh Street, on the. nishi of Axgusit9, 1,919.t lieiiad butnenpcJu»d up by te polce all a -uspectand noms of the stolon articles tiare toid la his posseelon. When ho aa. paced on trial ha de- nled liailng mnade a Cnfeasion. His defievas alla, however, and it tank the jury but flfleon minutes ta roture a verdict or itilit. Pre-wett died betore thie court Couir sentence lm. Anrong odier Uiags Proweu wa eh amger wit. b avlug stoien $5o lni )I4N A cash froje thte Qrlue oborne. Whon armoed h hâdbut819 tu bis Poe- UfflIL 'i session. ILator bu ettempted ta bribe AsltntOMet mb ietting . . . . . .. .. .evhlm camps. TUi police prei.ended ta onfent te eueh an arrangement Ilu-jmoeg ~a»w Bd gregter Paviowat Anirema Pavi. an a n xd Prewett #twodUcod 140 vhich ha gorge Outriinsky. 45500 dinetbr$s81191r«1110, caire sucb lla th*cast had Milidon ln the Blai of ie un- Aad the.girl 10t geimle Ala MnasLdmila. the star of 70 dalitêfu derw«er. wbo gambot etthSe RugsiaSdir«oto' 5out.hz Hav (Min.) dance <W glace hie dos1b 0véiadefforts bhave Our. No one b" s lt5 1.3me i04Sliporfa girl in dance action lèecepi brenmade to locale relatives or Itce. who reuide t the colony. but PaTio? and Oukrainuki Prodeit ft'd nti eifltIta i a rWtnsfuture for the girl whea$buh.'te@ br er tlà% c-JII fs ithegivel ha ât(theui hrll pT)t h reasebt tlie tiemeeefforts have b6een 'Oittxmit avail and the S N Cchances a uI Preweti w II Ir ouiri4udli a namelesa grave, EACIIPERSO CÂNLAST SHIPMENT 0F CARS The lae shiliment tif th, new SafetY Cars foi- Waukesan wati re- celved at the Iighwoodyards of the lNorth Shrore Lno yesterdav andilt is QTSe O BOOZE expecteid thal actual operation will ________ and conductor3 front the local linos IRIaELECT fU LT AÀS internai Revenue Department re eintrtin 1 lgheood lif1 Permits SaleIl der Doc. th cara, which are saad ta be as IIEAD I TU_M.ILK tor's esrPin can inaukouhe.n. o -t4- 0 that the peopleofWuea Às Waukegan f ik4 wbo muatIlhave a May have an opportunlty ta 80. the 1 PROD CERS &IN6 1d trink l sai e0 their Ises, rr whc new type of car lu operation arrange- ýail"* a littie occaslonaliy and need a mentéi haveetisen made ta show a PK IIIK ip of gond o&esi hh grade wliskoy, movng plcture fllitteAcn EIeventh Annual Meetig Hetd ' the latent "d9Qpe' received hy local lu operatioi., The flim shows the 'In Chicago Tuesday Attend-I druggl:tuu, iilo are puttiflg in astock safety l:atures of thie car through a eedh radrs w Bteyaelttewr tr.Amarine. vho won ed > 800 Memnbers. anticipatlig., a croix de guerre at Chateau Thery The roivenue dopartment 4js» de- returns te bis old job as'. 2sotorman, $j~4~GES HATTW BTS tided that- the poupte-aheuid fnot b H lis operatUns the car one. day whu MO GES THA TWO ITSdenie the means cf getting whlskey *1 a girl friend entera and iréets bint --torat for medicinal purposes and He forgts vhiat hlae1 dolins ad r.- Thie eleveahh annuaI meeting Of therefore bas Made fil tmosillote gel maires bis band front the Conii'oller the M5flk.P duer'&-miU f 'at loast three quarts a month. Fuddeniy the auîomtiîc air-braites arg Nortiorn Illiois vas beld TueeaidY rlHere lit the plan: A. "patient" can cisue n t11-et ,idrt ours outior atteyBtemticaao o te bis fabtliy doctor physician and the raili and the car crmes ta a Il in otibera attendîng. "gela r"ecrlpticn for n quart of stop.îtl t-<vtcit:i , inktchèin OP c President Fmunk T. HIot of Kenu- whi-ilit'y. Tiis musttisat '10 dey,, eratlng an old eri tr aud htavak. ..oha tias reectod and 'W. 1 Kittie but the paienit cao get three. 'quarts "ned front i lus trani e hy an urchli of eSri'ataILatko r as rç-elc.cted sec .aELumenih Jy'getng thréeoprescrIP- 'houting at hilm to cu t ut Iand star rotary. lions.< A u<w iprescription muai be oh- the car. (arlI S. fPlier of Elii'n u l ainetl earh ine. The rnpw i-ar c i hellevcd uracti uth,'ttse; o tantfatoer foi Waniliegau drugi îiare ardente rally will eliuat- accidenla. Beini l'gher prices. notltessatitan a barrel of 42 gallons ini rî a mtuch lgl"ro trtruction thia Wl ets flit, extra îw-bitt;? Ei cases and ninîauy are getting a the otd carl;, it-.ut ,'st;pped ait Tltt nomnOt iIrI!iWa5oru..-he- n t qii' 0<iut naithiion- *0 uiiJ$ f't&d y-h t leIongilt'cieteai luoni"rtf th Ii 'n i Whelesalera FuIlOrders lu" <car ranntri , Iwncisiud untilfit1 berst. -troîght tIo il [fuot sI ,îî ,nehilier C 1n Ntlenîiers, ,p.'rt, u9iiu: ' he 5:hol2zale dis;tilleries art' bith, 'tnrtel itrut l ietr- <oor bas bitu * bilqtt¶ ntn t ri.' bot Ir ti: ig the orders wiih w-at they guar-rl Trri rtirt ,ust ronvtlaiitlý terinue îwo-bita. a'tee ai 100 ptrt- battled in bond kep 'his binil u ai ttislnv i uî't~i nonl:' -ad..ttskey cf issell inowu igli grade treeticar t ruit-tilii as Itie"deni itnh*'s; S, W legite, brandq.It 1 taso -iiarJrnte-dl Io he iaitbadit-" or jer.'.a bîitOn wtt j 'eprosent,.ig tht' i.';îil.rlnunIban, ,I, ntvott'r tansi- e'rs I i 1>14 te tie ifh llii. lo lUd lhe relena Ion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u ai tcgo : t)ahrdt' )tt 7 'containerswlich are a guaran- hils halaon ih,. iran'i-,. uaie3s lie ba -for Or înik', TW3miti l.rh se aI"cul e,,ta iWi"cu:;to.ier that fi bas unot bis ftee on the ie t, (îihe alr-brakt riown * a 1$.:l5 Ia'ecdfor* t_"t 5<5 bsen tarsupere-d wiîhin lu an>way and art"uOmit'ti)arlied afid th tescas as mweolinl Febr'uary ai a- h1 lurefore lis purity fa saffeguarded b>, trarks sandpd. !r january, and fnt utnlthtu <<><4 9 < ho d-'.ene partienl. Teetalad-i r aho oit toagrasvii ltett feed catit tl But the reaî senFation, especlallytheTiironranci-d xI ar.e otu h1any jees. Theicpu'$, ia't Ieneitin::cr thpsé,w-ho have beau ümpeîr.4'se l rondra or ilsîrn-'ina oinho p v ae oangla 'iscn. l co-psy as bigla as $15 a quart fcrvbl ri e%ter rsfiii oin hi: w' as I1Pintr mjt2dealars erg luat n~.:i;key duing the last few moathsIsla ni aond usctiux and lîe orti ibT et s la rft" the price for vbîch il dan bc obtalned. osondeuncontc io nd uldorbc a r Tht' e oir am, lut thklr bohai-l'uTe, dvance dope ia that Il viii hosuelo a an o, i' ti volbee i a lit is .aitl, tuat .:1,5 2dent rédUcilo'-sold hythue druggtst for $4.510 ta 5 uaerlouWs s at . tbel f 1 ls net enough ta admit et a rtcanVl? quart: Ta Iis liowever&ugt b. add- 111901L. On erreat;e in tic epri-ce PIer quart of milIt ad thue rosi ofthae prescription if the The cars are bult to sent twcnty STbey i&y tal Oftn tiraisotieY havi physlclauq maires hie usual chargei elght pasq(,ngr% liiut hody of th 'ienf(rcerltaditributo tihe iiiilii wh lxii many cases la expetted t; car snd tvo, on lIre rear pluttorai.1 -a a alois ud -bey aru taki«il Iis OP- je -"cverloaktl",-as tatla extirew la iprops et rnipariît. iner r-prtunity cf retteupito Ibir loaeut vthrxi the jurisdlctlen and maocd etOf.eligit nMinuJa t rt ltc' - Ly pooij>ly, afler amdmir redasetiox Irl dtogîve a muchl mort' frecjuont iiEpvl Oite h wbokusle.,isce of udlI. a Cel; h d6 . orit. rpnug than nov.. Aithougithue nov cars ru u0nay b.o tnloff l14e rotai Pui<'e Walikegaxi drug--lstriarepfpi rîno ue oe e ni l to apertie lau -Lb Ibn Wmdfflrm, nevertboeea, f!-ta be handle lbhevlsiskey îmmxedlately. pn tlt i uIiYSvi o .y te sibow _jublati ,on r the 1335 Pi't ,dont of thom baye- alreadY- plusted their jobs. T 'lit eItiiuy fis malSt lînsdret peuude.' 'uab or e. t7'hedrugglsts are ru ",ngeasnts ta laIte car. cf ail Iti n0 .e~n~>City<people gel thisezdor Ju.d ta pay cash î' adrance.fer thlb. opdyes n n the.1a.rvt o ru <bt ermenu qvoexoufa livil twhlskeY, -and- the reor;. thxe uIttte Atnng th'ý-îat carik la thpo Mss. IM. V. Louia et BatriaUtouCea- conumner probable,,w-lU ,not ho able ta nMertn oi ht" notPw cf uir .i ters. 4tld. "W.!e got- te ble andl "have It chargod,.' assui aue a acre:nl lo whp#.i base. whitch logther w-lt *educate air *Slidreu the same- au coualil net ho legfallY colhctel. thie cantîlever c ecnstrtit'itii eliminat 0 tUmy do. Wo ant makng a cw O iie wlit ba noe hace for«ciiest- lbth e a-tiS' iovenlot 11 mliiiprocductionsand stîi -they id. na b otras -eIecasoi thi oti t ixe t "' r ~~prescrIption 'n triplicate. 'Oie tbj' truck t iroé as n htST u' f*~* S~ati~. docler hepe b er he muet s*ld Car.the pasieniret'rid ssmo : ..L guxatau s hn4uatiedn. ~tuluegi- m&,Revenue deiqtrmefit aly ashia e ultunÔ"Oaof the Ilkrg wlulei~-and ~the b*tg é lled-by tire d"Wglt- ule-truxck i$ars. WILSO?1?S NEW STENP !lESAJ EL@I 'fgl 35dV of Mrs. Anna Kiserv f['1Q iHighwood is Being FteId atII Ithe Hospital for Insane. ICHILDREN IN WAUKEqANAideC ldo gin v La'i for r mityn n coiiiity (-oui t at % i t. u ý l.t Sa - sa% e in i e v.a c indleIn Iatly. -A dirpatrh jutLl a'nî,iiua rat t sit ase fi 1iveI5f dealli nccirrîd there ' the oficlals of the i >1v irar holding lier body subjec SutsnffWLIegc Gan Itions f noiinrelatives. ht of WakgnG nd "I But Ihat le abere -tri fcut 1son bf Eccentric Rogers arises. The wornanm ho banwasI akRa saeMn court wlien his _wtt.' Pak ReauEstaeoMan isane. He even accompanle e 4us o the szate 1îospItal. Afte, tiî lh ilropped oui t of ght a nîl ii,,11 t rtsMAY TRY TO BREAK WILL $/BE9T>~tL S~ to jocafi, hlm' asb.,1 ein wltîo. nas C4 OS-- p te0thé presetit tjme. R Mi n w a"1 Hopeoro recelving a large liortion WAHNOOI- lbaa F gfritihen :ae10; Ia rl.of the e , estate of bis grant ,Close -je Preuident Wiluone'i flU Milwaiukce asrt ilà asish tare father. John H. Hewitt. vent glint. chiot steziographer. me. 5,010.48 tise>s the nering today for Frank C. flewitt, Charlesi L Swom. wrbo bau beeau anhl toýlee cbýild en or the 72S North County street. formter gov- atai ! ointe oua.: le*# Kimerg rs igc td for a te De- errment employe and now employéd the hit Roue.,tention Home on the west IdeIn at 16e A:nericafl Steel& Wire coi. gn. They wer co ed ta ay _______________ that In ielin until t fat oujd1 The Waukegan man., a son-In-lai HENRV JCHUENEMANN mire .sum iins ffrfM n r E edce.i DuS LAT NIr.îb_. ta x i D f îhree grand-childrefi of the e* appeae tl lt known wh 1 lbe cent ric Rogers Park pioncer real es- Waukegan.Fb. 4. dune witb Ibem. tate man, whose recent.death causes He rShuenemanfl. 134 South 'a etIr ln deniestic and fOnancial dr- Sheridan road died last night'at bis t des andti tarted a search -foi; a i' home after an illnesof about a iriear. roxnnunlty. Beaides bis widow hie shovingi s disposition, of the hi Hie was siricken wlth paralysie Sun- teaves one daughter. Mrs. 1 oxinas frt day wbich hastened bis death. Murphy to survie"isdmath.. IlyTreGadC de Mir. Schuenemafn vas 71 yeaxs of Funeral il iii ho hlà F1 %ïorno ýId &go. eH vas borninlxiChicago Imouini ing at 10 'clocIt froin 8t..Tseph d%,haro are oly hree grand-cid boe from Chicago about thirty-t'wo I church. Burial at St. Mar 's cerne i.. 1 years ago. Ho in veiliknown lInlb.e, tery. cmi»edon Fou eFOtTU 114 Genesce Str t Regrouping and Repairing Our Entire Stoc1k,*.of Misses' and WVbnwWns- Distinctive Wint& Coats Our entire stock of beautiful Fur Trixnmned aiwl plain tailored Coats have becs regrouped andI repriced, offering still greater reductions, in or- der to insure tinmediate disposai. Materials of Ve lq9ur, our. Suede, Crystai CI ,0.190 Cloth, Tinseltone, SiIv Bolivia. ~13.s0 $850 $z4-SO COts no ..... $37-50 Coaita 'now. , . $65.oo C::t:,n w..... $32.50 $.oo CoatsflOW. ...$45-00 Final 'Clearance of. Dresses AIk otr lDresses nt )îcd isji.îscd týfiif j4îîttely Vto i îî:kerot rttfor spriîîg hues 10oîuiîg iii' évery dIàv. Materials of 'Serge, 'irie 'tg, iicI, t.îîrc eanti trepes. $2x.5e Dresses, 50w. .. $i3.5o $27.5a Dresscp, now....$1i6.So GEORGETTE WAISTS $4 .05 soid Geotette watats. for- qulic clearance - $4.25 Dalnty new_ French Volt. wiI,- new Sprinq tylem. $2-48 and $2.98 J. a $37.5Ô DrmesA $23-50 BARGAINS IN SI(IRTS. BARGAINS IN 1 . 1 ý1.ý- 'PETTICOATS. titi cii-tre stock ofSkirts, \VWih Serges. Plaids, Tricotiuies A large aàîsonimiut antd loplins'- have been rcm rk- Or plain black, or - fash alit flux-ai cd ij)rqttiick' écatraicC,- $io.Se Skirts, now .........4-75 <004qualtyiUtOi -cottoti taffota. Ï 'Shirtsi, now ..........$6.8 16.50 Sirt, 110 ".. " *.5 $11 -e FOUR IJACJE,ýS z,4.50 PER YEAR IN A-DVANCE. mot 4

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