Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Feb 1920, p. 16

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PAGE EIGEIT. MODERN WOODMEN -AND -R. N. INSTÂLL TIEIR OFFICERS Joint Pu blic Inttt~ilntInn 'In of Lodges HeId at Lake Villa Last Night. SERVED REFRESHMENTS Thse Lake Villa Roy'al NeigNi Losige No, 360 and Modern Wbod No. 1348, last ngbt relsi a jointp nec instllation. followlng utsic bountiful supper wmo sctrved. Ait ney C. T. Heydecke' of W4uke w» -thse estautan gofficer for Woodnven andi J. Oillstmof ]E @ton instoiled tihe Royal NeIghb The oflfS% mInstalled th ithse R ,,Neiglbor, Kre: EU&a Tabot oras Gallger, liat oracle: Edith 95:.pIw son, ch&ncellor;' Ma*sel Wuld, reco 'or:- Cors. HainUn, recelver; G..r Avery, mambla; Annsa Martin. la sentinel: VijeUsIa Pitmaasoutera tinel; Florence iKerr manaçer; C. W. Tabot, physiclan; Ida Mil Faits; Florence Kerr. Couraqe;1 Wolfe, Modesty. Mante Kapple,1 selflaisnoaa; Oa BaFiUtAsle, End anc.. ansi Hannali Pester, saui&a narshl. Thse M. W A. officerq inuaited u C. B. Hamlln, V. C.; C. W. Tli W. A.; . M. Hamlù, bater; E tibelardson, E.; G. P. Massler, ali J. Koists» sentry; A.: ltOePP yatch: i. Ptter. trustee; C. W.T bot and H. E. Jemlaon. physiclAfli FAMILES 0F "GOODSTARs, Mesnbers of Gold Star familles« will be presentesi vitisFrench Mem lai Ceruficates Sunday afterno IW1ther by the Amarini Legios Wikukegan or at Libertyvilie, are follows: H. W. Dabringer, 723 North GC eeee street, Waukegan. Marna Zoromsky, R. . D. No. Gurnee. R. B. Strang, R. F. D. No. 1, Ci nee., Elia Willams Gndfrey. Libertyvl Mrs. Catharine Gorman, Haixi ville. . Jans Sorenson, R F D No. 1, La Villa. Mrm. C. F. Casey, Librtyrvllle. Mm. Rose Busch, Libertyville. William I. lope. Wadsworth. Mrs. E. G. Dulmage, 2513 ElizabE Ave., Zion. ' Pantinan, Antiocb. Mrn. L. P. Shipler, Uibertyvitte. Mnrs. Minnrîa Hocli. It F D No Lake Villa. 13,m Boote, R F Dl Na. 2, Graysla! Emma B. flavens8. Xc F D No. Gr&yslake. J. W. Main, Antiocb. lira. Anna Stahi Dicksisot, Eighth treet. WN'aukeg&n. Gorge Larsen, 420 Grand a Waukegan. Mrý. Len Simon, 406 lelvidere E Waukegan. 1Mn ,tInnie Basel. ]lodget Av -Lake Bluff. i i i i i. I i Iv ibots. liman. pub- ehlia ,ton- Dran bons. oyal 'C'teM )ara- Dr.' Iler-., Eva Un- dur. ForeI iott. LT ýpen, T'ai-I . LIIBERTYVILtE INDIEPENDÉNT, THU RSD.A Y, FEI3RUARY 39, Y920. TiWINS OumEAu ILRECORDS NE1W T0ltK-Thia ct hgsa coppe ionf tie prise for healthy abes, visicli aaf6tmorly- lsidby 011 OtY, Pa., vhero a'i11- rundi ciilsi wuarecently.reportesi. Dirs. -Rose lmpellixerl 0f BDrook- .y Cave bîrtis ot wIn boys viiolieigises 10 pouinss euch, thug beatini 011 City by 2 1-2 pounda. Picture shows tise prend mothe vitis ber twlas. Llvesi WiU, NoedIai ln Ilear HURL D FR N ÀA womnn pisylcian tndor treeb TRAIN; ASKS DAN >i e, faluie neaylua lnr gan: nurse tounsi wbuft seamesito b. twe ~ GE F 299simple pin ps.bdks aven thebeatTh M ES F $999WOnan dlasi in Augasst, and an, au. topey -reee.Ied twt> asedies attching Graysiake WorMn Brings suit'- tutu tese hurt Against .th e Chicago and The noest W.. St. Paul Railroad. IfU of anytising betod tfe anythlns. 1 amn sure@ ai-t 1e et r ANOTHER SUIT IS FILED fer wisy duo aig u diumble, or becauaee, he.(ialma h gOnd in obave sisci Suit for 82998 danvages W1as a QuallîY aa ho protonda toi Vor te broeugbht aana ie hcgo fWa, oistefelt anid aEnmblo la to put en 7difgeUb or fGrffyske lna asuit beny. o 1 isear beator wes i texvend bronglit 107cicuit court (cd". 7ThIeYNort-b wylth*ri Pla'ntIff fla rcureentesi by Attorneys 1 or a mans to :em (o L. snytblng. la Docker and si y>really t o bewbat ho would aeern tohb.. Il la OhargeA that a& thse plaintifi -Tuîotasis. eqtartad ta get Off a train viîcit s "Iýpyqm&t-t&tetion etai ubke. tbrowlng lMer ta the pladîorm . Mid iates Do Rffa pirtea t oc. cauing lier io cuatain injurie. eof a mnthRi% presOalce PemrLn nature.. The accid"or Ce the women do ail tise grculturel curred December 4,.1918. snd other bard work. visilo tise n. i lI danage cuite wbare $3.000 or when Kt home, do thse cooklng andi moreQ la dewMandstise ralîrnasi com- mend tise cloths.. neluctlng tb. wom. punies have thse dt (io f hevlng hem es trazsferred t* tise federatl courts andi lt -a iau eu0for(bis.ft at dam- ailes oft.2.999 worm askes. i. l SOa dollar undor lise litt but mos» It certain thse case wviiib. trlcd ln the local court.ý AnOther Damegle Cage. Charles Feinatalis. Lirough Ator- ncs Breaublen'ans-idty bhaà brougbr suit for $2,000 sianiagea agaisatA Samuel Sdbwarts and the Puisai Brew- lng Company: Tise suit was fled hore.- & today. Who W ord 10 (hi Woinen. non- Tl may 'ont beget* utdue attention, LOnD, 1Mn. Elle E. Snydar. 2201 Enocla Mr. andi Mna. Sizhotanus., R F D, but 240,162,943l nerdîrs iîcre made lai U n Ave..Zion. . Watikegan. the nitedStateW lent yeîir. ltwouid s a Mrs. Mary 1. Jackson, Inglasîde. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Demoreat. 638 lepcsn etlrceto o Cornlck Beken"en, Waukegan. George Ave., Waukegan.11. epesnmntlrcniofrà leu- John Loissen, Round Lake , Tise ceremony ot the Wakegais long eveninng ta figuare baw nany bours Ens. Gertrude Butns, 603 Madison post wlll begin at 2:80 oclock ansi: of lîthor. ba4ed on tise proveris (bat a à1t, Wakean yl le hels at tise Parlsh House. Ail stit<ih ln "ma o aves nlne. wouid 1havi William J. Smith,. Waukegisn. Golsi Star familles andtise general, been save4i the women of the nation Ur. Mn. andi Ens. E. W. Erb, 814 Wash- public ara asked ta attend. If ail tbese needles a b ben applled ingtan St., Waukegan. (RaId star famlles vbose nain are antithe psychalogli ni ojmnt. rlUe. Mr. ansi Ers. J. Vernais Baer, 620 oui on this lst sbouid ncommunicate se- Madslon street. Waukogan. vus thB. H. Morey. 206 Wasington S Mr. and MMn. John Stadit. 414 Street, Waukegan, or Mr. Maffat of îlesmodic Strîts Starter. alle Sauth Park Ave.. Waukegan. Llbcrtyviîle Post, as the American When a man irts lits wtfe pick ont Mr. ansi Mm. Sami H. BradburY. 916 Leglan dasîres to get every name lalits neckties ansi shirts It la an indice- Washington Si. Waukegan. ibtis section. t ion Ilsat tisey are soulmar-or aise Mr. ansi Mn. John Sisanvin, 168 Thse preftentatiais of Memorial Car- ise Inienper-ed.-Indlanapoiis Star. Fouteenth s.. North Chicago. lificates viii taire place limmediately etb Mr. ansi Mn. Hanny Totterdet, West afiar the public services. lrîpaIS. Washingtan St., Waukegan. __________nt____ Mr. ghdsi Es. Spoonboitz, Antiorb. If tise macler o! a ]Britiesh bp con. Ena. Fannie R. Wolfe. 3J03î Elim Humais Discontent. eidera (bat the cîrcumstances warrant 01, Ave., Zton. How (Ines t happen, Marr nai bt it, lie vati coiemtiîte a marrlage on Arthu E.sdlEns. Wiam on ai. 3 lin one ls content with tiîit loi In lire board, andi (hae ernîony wMli bitcoer aize Mr an Mr. Wllim luskn. 111 hIichlie basCchntan, or îvicb chance 1de'red qulîr legsl unit hlnduic. 0. ~ Enocb Ave.. Zion.ha bnnI i%7ybuprle En.H .Norton. 43G îulîau stnevi, tbonubi'aybtprie Waukegao.tiiote who follow a <tîterent coire?-, 718 Hary Nint. lonare. Two Doctors Two Heur Service ve., 2Mn,. and C'harles Leriawlcz, 42 Finit Cotton Expert. 2nd et., North <Cicago. Tise esrlleat exporta of rotton t-t'e ROYS O St., lins. W. A. Etchell, 11 bah. street, Anserica wer. made lis 1785. lns whiclsCh Adam Eîrbeijevlrb. Waukegan. yëar ana bag Meas cent tram Charleston vE.. Maaa Waukegan. ta Lverpool.,'-bile 12 were sont tram f1l11 N. Genesoe St. . Wsuk*gaii E0.MNaaa auea. Philadeilphieanmd one tram New York. * *~ PROFITEERING AT - ITS WORST IN EU» ROPE, SAYS BLOWS -Waukeg4an Man Maklng Tour of Principal European Coun- tries on Business- ÊUROPE STILL .UNSETTLED. Wlbur lU Blow@ of tise Blatchlord Caif Moal factory of Waukegan lim just comipletasi a trip tisrougis (ho principal Pluropean countries in thse lateresta of his firm ansi planat oesali for home thse qarly part of Match ao- cordlng to a card receivesi by tise Sun today. Tise card was wltten ai Chris- taisa, Norway. It .ia datesi Janiiary Tlhe, card folloe t: "TYous se. 1 sud not escape vin ter by lesving Waukegan. Have had an ln- terçeting but exceedlagty, strenuous trip no fat. "Europe la stili very unsetttesiand profiteering la ai Ias vorsi. "Ilave visitesi Englansi,- Sctani. Holland, Balgium, France ani sua Ieaving for Swedris andi Beinmark. lI sail for bonis on Marcb 6 on tisé Mauretanla. "Old Waukegan vilI loah good. Mails are slow. My last booalai. lers-were dated Ju'Uary O. Kinti regards, W. L. 1LMWS. Tisa card- oh visicis Er. lows wrote eontainasi the *pictura ofa 8ct'w-, bounitrain. Snow là banked bilih about tise passenger coachses. Mr.' Blows referresi ta this-wben be saisi b. basi nat ascaped vînter veatiser. zarth Clivée. Lght t. Moon. EvorythIng rellacts lgbt mare or lesa. Sun'@ lgisi shning on earth la refIectedsi 10 moon. cxactly -st mun's lgisI isl0ngon oa, là refleclesi 1 =art te routuce moonsiie. Th!s Il iiscie ICg e hobxherved on the daTor pr of moon whda condiutlou 'Ilt oon'Werk out. Peopîi vue ngure out isow'~a sal 1.ncoma a:»j bemado te 'support s Ta'rge tamlly gensrally know a grent sical More abdUt srlttle el tisisUey do about-humais ncturo. 4466444444444444444444444éêééééâé~â Cominigl Thursday, Februajry 2.6 "DOL ýL'AIR ___'n Waukegan. DAY" Lake County's Greatest Bargain Event Don t Miss iti / Remember Ihe Da I i _______ i. 'i I i tel I "'s WE GIVE S. & H-. STAMPS. o' UPERVISO (Continued fot Pagé FI' .Weiz-l - -ant. --. Total._ ............_ (Not allowed>-. ....... Aolr wbich lu reapectitu tted. CONRADliIOLLATZIN. Ci Tr. V.'MURPHY. SJ. NONAHU. 1SgO@4ot LVerCo. inovesi i be accepted and adoPt carriesi. leur Crapo. Chimrmal * zespi Wauxegafleh, Id, subisittui t»0efolio teof Ililiole. ty of Lais,, M: of suIaerviUoU.Déembu Chairnsàs Snd GéntTtini Bd et a up.rrhoto: Tour Couinittes on Polir cet tWauega. SoieIlds ai Id, would beg ave to rw. y bave .ieiall AJ ttbefore ilions ad'rec aLilie. ffoIûaLXa *Clerk 15e directd to isu tise ivermiai ount& *tush Nfei For What BINTON N. Bove, tut Erriekwz4m. d.. dor Sept. More lame J. Hotnhunrai. nie. R. gim, board....... C. ilsoupsol, transpOrtatiS8 ou Inattaioa Industrie* burlii................ ..... fl àuitiltions & Induistrie D. Ptatet. mdi-se .----- eydocker & Co.,marne.. mCs am, ou.fuel uney & Weber, fuel W endlgAsi. mdae.------ - ToW __-- ----. GRANT P. Grenter. groceriel - JustIn. burla] bu PaulI Milk -. ------ u s torno&.digaint graves F. OhAffer, . M.X. mrvicea E. Satiters, M.D., furnîgi bu )_ Plmer. M. I, servie, 0s. Stration, servie«aJa trarwilonlatiofl AVON yla.e Realty Co.en n iM. Plmer, M11., servici L. Carfield. udas. Total -- . LISERTY VILLE irlIl !CorleUi. î...t it,rt~vlle Lumber Co.i. fuel. ,gge à, ooorîln wdâeý WaV,,,ronîl, ndee Ttl.WAUCONDA ward Lusk mdse belle Uarneroli Co, fuelý-. 't CUBA buite L Hager. fuel W. Mey' r, niise. 1K.& ci-uit ni@i Waal.ek. reit - ------ rtI ELA - <JKrelp. ami ires Al .Fice k:ne ... Total_ VERNON A. A ock. atidre (1maether. smrn si Holsteinl, diggilig grave n.Knilgge, hurili TotIal Grand Total Alof «which ,î tpectti Itied CItAS 1H.<'RAPO Cha b 1 Il IîiG*ER. 1', Ni( l.AIt mu,erviîsîr loldridire moyes port be uccellted a&"iadopt ncarried. pupervi ;or iClark. <'bairman ltee ons Mutailti, eubniittdi wing report: ate of lîlinols. nty of talle. aW rdi oftSuper'i&um le 1ctflb' r. Cisairrnan end (».ntlemfl Board 0flSnleriilOnl: yoQr commutter on rd, la swould beg Irave ta Tel bave euainl&@HeIIcWa before tbem ansd rec payment of thse claerk be anatruciesi to issu r LkL several amonitsto It tta. t-tt: uanes for What orner Cook, en iced truaJ officer....... ........------- L. Brooks, OatinlsaStg pair Ochool ... .......... bhua Charles Co. regalrs etingfltOfl Typewlitet CO.. repaire....... ..... .A Simpsoni, e4pelisCS nivergity pub. Co.. plan bool * .M. Welch a. ,CO. plf ,Total.-- I... All or wh ich lisrespecift t e. T. M. CLARK. Chu 'A. g. BURGI. 0. T.. MeCULL-OUG SuprN.iso,, ThomIiolimo report be accetitesi ansi a 0ecarriesi. viYsor Stratton movet s5until tnmrrowmoral! * oc, for cpmitt00 W«?&' Wasegan, Ili., Deceflbêt DidMet pursualit tou àia us C airii Fiche preal4 ninouncemen t! We wlsh te announce that we bave purchased the business forrnerly owned by Richard Hook and Park Smith at Gurnee, and we will continue sarne- We willl however, enlarge the buaineas and wilI carry a ful and corn- plete line of Goal, Lum ber, Building Material, Stock Feed and Cernent .-and wilI be able te take care ef'ail your needa. _ Gurnee Lumber, Coal & Feed Co. J, *1

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