~ CMMECiA IOTEL FOR ýSIX YEARS, John G. Pilafas Pas. $12.000 jor the Lease, Accordlng to- the Transiers. IJAANY DEALS DURING.WEEI( By A. K. BOWEIl. 1,Asi.,taTit S91retr Y Secuaity TiLle snd Trust ComnpeiY.) ofc flusiness ofthtie recordera ffco ý1or thee week ening FebrurY 14, 1 0 N ui:ber 0f convyee, 92.s N:11 ]bor cof cilattetS. 16.- 1 r my discharttes, 3.C Niniiitr ot, trust deedsa nd mort- jI otal rmber of instruments filet!. :i-1iis I al rly bri laiwith loansl- rh iTie average'. Tjle 1l1]lotifg are the more, inpQtt tint sicals: in Waukegafl. F.41stsrds property with twentv-twfl fet trIantage on vo:-t id , WaAh ng- ton Street, occupied by M'ashinglofl ,"~tindry office anîd A S. Kennedy for Indicai id $I,0(' a"i. gave baaik trust 4etaifor ,,0.j j Tl- ieConireiadiilctoel at Wasbtflg- ton aînd SPrnng Sirceets was ieîsed1. * oh- - piafas for six yeare for (1'2, - E Sten boohtnu o!th Due o heîiseB on euist ide Poplai i*'S 1 teet, nolt of Sc ward Street frOin Elmri ,Huk~.fo& îindiSxtd $.S aq1biKItetoene'nbiaase. h~a r1îs Noreikua bought the HaIIs * Anderson place on neî(fh aide Ravine «sziie ltsie (Caroline Place fot indicated $4600, suWect 1.0 encun- ,jx~rane e& Aiex Pl. Beautien hougfiit thesa aI. propssriy on nortiA aide M.ay Strerit, -wei.t of r3undezlin S.rei, for indi- cati d $2,500, adibect te encumibranai.. Elsie Goodmian and 'site bought thse Camuls plaeaon east aide Wadeiworth Avenue, nortis of Niath Stre"t for i- dleated $3000. William A. and Della r, Goldd. botight a one-third intereat lJ tihe clore building on nortieaat corner Grand Aàenue and Hlickor7 Street for Lai m aninal consideratien. onlth ln Lake Forest. * Peter W. Robertsanasd 'sua Ioughtsanta the Martin Jensens property on soeutk by Aide Eimer Street for libdated 86,600. Kan. .lttmes3. (Vain andti wfe bouxht tis era Ilsata Swennes place on sou.Lh aide prmel jikHnois Avenue jupt west ot Wasinx- Warl, ton Av enue, for nominial, comsidera- tien.- te Highland Park. Benjamin H. and Esthser W. Bell bo'îght the Oscar Larson place on!~ west aide St. Johins Avenue. justt afflib.of Vine Aenue, for $8.000. lne Derflsld 1leweahlp. Tiseodore 8clseunnann bougisi the Jacobi Levîn 61738 acres ln aoutheaat one-qtarter sctioes 27. fe inicat.dl * $6.500. subJect to.a $4.300 trust deed. p ln LlbrtyvIls. E.Atguet Nelson anid wife boughr tise Henry W. Smith place on iMrii slde Llveola Avenue for badicated lliQO, asubject ta eecumbrance. ln Aitiacis. Ar#tair W. Bokbeugai.thtie Rer- tua Bocks lot on east aide Puz River load for $1.600. inle .Villa Township. George Mattredlc bouglit 46 aMe& in aoutisweat aie-quarter oeacUon f8. nortiseat or SandLoake. tram Myrois Crepley. fer ladioeied $3.500. I Frement. rd A. (Gates bouisisi the BStev tarin of 97 acres la sections 7 ad lx for Sli.094. and gave back trust deed PAor "400. In Cuba. LorPita G. Upher bouîgit 20 acres in non heaci oua-quarter aection trin Gertrude Riee for 14».0. NOTICE- etf sa]e tIf lands andi lots fer Staa. (tuurîy, city. Generai and i seciah. laXea State ot lîlinoise,Couaty et Iie-as. TAX PURORASM1'S NOTICE. Tu thue unkusowu ownems snd to &Il v-a tereoted ln the following de- icv lande andi lots or isomtihaut o Mm'e. TAKE NOTIOT That ai a Tex Salaecof Lahstiaansi Lots for deliuqueni taes for tise yeur 1917. matie by thse CoiSty Tracs- tirem anti Ceunty Clerk n tise Count.y Court mouson utise Court House lnu tse Ciy of waukeons. County of!1,1&0 ani, State of Illinois: To W. F. Hegan, R. P. Goodren ad W. N. humais, tokitsnoticetiisaion the 2*6h day or Joune,*_ D. 1919, W. B. Snttli purchsadtise sou! h 66 feet Of the isoe¶li183 feet ot tise aout oe-ý liait of lot -Sý Plat or Higluwood Ln tise. City et HIeivood. aiea thae part we.t 01 the eal 176 teet o! tise nantis 148 tert of tiese ccl 05-baU of lot tg, Plat 0f Higluvootýi, luthe Cty et lflgluwood. and thiai ie lime for re- sI devipîtlou et the aluove Ipe 'sîli ex-# Pire on lise 26t1i day o!flJsse, A. h 1920.-, . W. B. S.tT&l. TO- %V. N. Innian and ta W.P. Satan take notice, that on tisa ?7t5, day of lune, A. D. 19i6, W. N. 1tna sturchitacd Ac alseas.îgied hb certI-ý ItcHIe etfcalete nie of tle foinow$ng: the soutis 65 tact of the nortis183, 'Ieetof tis e t nos-halt of lot 48, Plat Of Htswood.,las tise City of Higis'ood, ansd tRa tisa tie of rederq ien aon tise aboya vil expire onstise 26tis day of June. 1920. W.- B. BMiTH. To Richsard W. Havkins, o. Tisorsw and isLyman W. Baird., Trua> lte Uie n*Ile stisai on tise 26tisday «! Jeu..'o A. .1918. . . mliipur- .eis" i ise teoi la tImheet 496% leet eof iii. a c i-half ai lot 24,' IL- Aol.y Ummcra ?iet.1-Hiik od. aMd 11tut a Urne et ?ede»m ini e«pre os the . Ni ayet jugloi, A. Dl . n 'o la -wyers are tise decldlng fores tha nav atate industrilcourt Kansas. Labor hia» no repre- LUe. Two mmapbers are rers. tisev»incrlty râ r5preeit- by Clyde M. Reed. et Paraous, 1a nOvcpaPenlnun. 'The law. are W. L. Huggins, Emporla. ding Judas, andGeorge M. r, Cauey. WAUKeANTO SAVI3DAYLI60IT If CIICAGO DMES Polnied out that Pian Would Not Be Practicable Unless ffi Chicago Aise,' WOUL.D'BE TOO CONFUSINO Menabera !tieciycomassiclois ln -Waa LIgan are 'watcing vOUs aoMe- 11nteet tie action that cilg la Rgtî n ote itisreard ta obcery-t !ng dcl'llght aaving tisl yeax. Iytsn tis' atIon ke. lts Chicago probellly dependa ieco etishat lo taken hers. Chicago ha. liad tisa iatier under coesederatioes for name lime anti >*te tiser.Ila nomne aMpQBtlon ta trye plant Iflere are meny Who teel thma t 5c plan aitould lie followed da.te tise tact tisattiegvnaetofç~y drozied h IseL aSr eIta liandaof -tihe cite council now and bonne action le expected i vti the' near future. Sopse citles ln ltse Eaut liste aiready adopted thse 'plan. It la pointeti out thqt it woldnot 1>. pracilcable tor Waukegan to oh- serve the Osylia t aaving plan unlees It wus tollved inli Chicago, for tisera are ce many people lucre dotas boni- ueu lis Ciîcago or inaking traquant trtll lisere that tise chanige la lime. If oucls a condition existed would lie coeifuging. Tisere ara iany ln Wasskegan Who 'sould like ta ee tise plan followed. Diirlng thse time that tise plan va. c.arz rid out résidenste of the eity. sot to like il ver, nsuch and would regret ta ce. Il abandonêd. DetermIlAlg tise S*eona. The perlade known au tise Blasons are determlned aatrouomýlcaily liy the apparent Jnoeument of tise cuns<tise real movement 0f tise eartis) listise ecliptie, or lie jotsrney around tise aun. TIse pasage of tise aun acrflaa the equator. brinpin on dayé 0f greater lIls htisai tise nghi. marks tise vernatl or spring eqisinoi for thse nortiserislenaLopiser.. and tise autura- net equluoz for tise confisons emi- opheme. tiesa eaaena la thse Ive hem. #aphere@ bains aivaya revereed. 'espîJoasq2îux '5em.il Unol9 ot £ddv *i[ee.a d alluMpta Ce Bia tîuo £quq . inuu Il-,l O paîcua uoesad v., « 'puauwaeît.tm. *31 eun a5wl3. UOPnWIOq e10encusu i ut poeupo sîinnuus e 04-Jeoid eOJfnm 0 Bem tm e1OcU 1. 1 New Mjestic Tuesday, Feb. 24,-8P. M. *BYI>4CGDPEIýMEM9-J 1 YeAAT MAXIE EWTV%5.MNTu hIW Y J, L Seats on Sale at Box Office Friday, P:.ices -50c to.$2 Dollar-Day Bargain8 At The Rexail ,Store, Wours'80c plige of Iinmond Inn C oc"t.10 Two 15c Okas SymonO Inn Choecolate Puddtng -______.26 One pound Lady Helen Choeolatg Covered ciserrie. regulc.r prces $1.00; Dollar. Day Spactal .89 bpEiCl1-wîui every Jar of COOA BUTTER CO0W CRJL&.M- WevwitI giv. avay a box, of race Powde? FRES. The RexalSgtore DRUCF,-CLIEVELANSD -DRUG CO. L#Je Counèy r er.tot Store For Wornen and Children's Ready-to. Wvear ~2Price Coat ae Prietty Ne- a Porch r & Dresses \Very 4tratively- Priced atý -3050&'5050 Tise.nowlr arrIved pere.l dressesao et gais and nPer. ( < ale ar daldely rais a. 'clas-lokln" havleaCo> sîderablis style id tisera vifh thett liewcelagra.veatea.. l*Ide boîta. pockete and pmety ,euft% Atthe Foilowlng Redu.ced Priées 975, 175O q3475 ()490 7%"'s ln aIl probablllty l ielsa morate I otSle. ised tus iu. W.hv eî'"d a n bretaesusaudaiveo amleadthetogatie ___ Styllsh New $8- Skirts' t Specuniy Prke Irs ze$5098, Pa ama ln pretty stylas and mSct al lReular $2 CORSETS $1I59 Aà mr 'lr "tsle -Canada tisai veto made liso ontais $2 wonsh af-valse, ail aise. la vant. ed. styles at 11.69. Corsets to $5 A-at 3.69, A mmankably geai accort- meutntf icoeiluei nembera las Proîcet front lacai corcs"a $1 Brassieres -at 89C many pretty ctyles lanvisite and fle i n aIl clxé.,van anse- cially priced et 28î., -at 1.25 Bmteo eecllent qualîty Trace Mo.sab.a vl of et81k brocaded. affecta, 128. ealues to 82 in, MùSln -'Corets Cover4 9 of unu»sua"ge733at ýY -vay' lrtiy-aiyfl ai nd tmmzed. aeia et Houge-Dress --A-prons Z4c0ey mad houie s&rul nuti unt mi ddr pS s l New -Beit-9 ;b ov tisqe.neo, boit@ or gemoral cent, ies.. a oCAaester, *e. ~tIS.wUar0Waea u cvénoety WooI Plaid Sklrts For Spring to $12.50 -at $9.98 Anbtis pric4* la for tise etrtîinu~ nov plaidelis tise lateet maodelainO Other Skfrts At tise prie.. you vil find a bevil. dering aray ofetiarmlng *naor cati Scotch voolenas nDow plada, nuc eliacla and D"ala olore la box or ao- cardien pliatied-ffecta. Women à and Mlsises' Up to 10.50 at $7e98, A apeclal group lu buttes or silîo~e etyle. la practically c&H colora adOuaie 4.48 Mle Serge mat 3,98 Extra epeclal valus. aneber.ecttered tu gîrlean ca imea navy -erge .1007 blouase lis aze frora 14 te, 44. New Smocks to $4 -at 2.98 MassY attractive nev cecka lis Sprint style, have juat arrived On a vide va>. lety of coloriliga ands materfalu. Children's New Knit Sleepers 1.19 'à 1.29 Cbildreu&a lit cieffu vitest »4 dravW airlu lalncuti. aO.s2"an . $1» values, *1U; asas 4 in 10, $171; valsai ai 81.29. And'Now the "NE W"- Spring Dresses', In Silk and Wool Motractvely Priced dte 16.50-22.75-.34.5- 0 Dosena of beauitui modela are liera gaihered lie oOn. great ensemble la vhcs you v i nd Woai Serges., Woal Jerg5eya, Trlcetnec. Taffetas., SatIns. Georgette Crepea and vrenoue captlvatisg comblnaiione. Mauy wvh thue newip drapas. Baiera and-Mlon affecta, elaborate beadlng accordïon pleateti akîrta. embroidemai tunlic vus new ltsan in sabes. ..- StIlI Other Dresses ' Are -Priced at 19.75 27.50--47.50 27d50- 50 Dresses. -to -6.50 mat . 12,é75' a relet a da and end@ lu Berge. Panam a ndi$filkPop l. lced ,for qulc leaMACe Oltut 5very- 10v prIce. 's If flic t. VOLLMuE XXVIII-- SIURTLEFF I RACE *FOR 5 THE u.' sa flersntative-f ro District Throws- F~ Ring for Sherm niamber ofthtie Legisîs the. Sthit enatocial iËi jPars. bac thrown lii! UIlhted States Senatitri Mr. ShuteS in mal atnnounrernent upon race, sertis oui a note FPebruary 21st tu hi& p visicis readsasai ollava M9y Seat fri.nd: -1 amn droppe you say thait My name w Repiablican prlmary September for Unitec dIor. 1 *hall b.e omewe for upwarda of a moi îi9 Up my busineasa b athail try and Siva mj te the ceevaca. A il *hallrmoka cean a a platferae. Wlth boat voahca p 1 arn Sincemely, EOWAROD D SesRuinersaa Fun s.iî* uie tii fs rusîlos ~ttalNir.Shurt nilnr - tet,- ac, . ts, ibs i~ c, zotliing tîsduIsi m unt il nois Last 'sek Congr, a. LcKnl-,y ot Champs entered the race ant ii rismor came out tisat 'sou Id no?' 1-, an oliliiit il owv v r, il -et luiS ; iticiana wlist irewil)ti has flot conl;ulted the ~f oft iii liuus.e 'sio ai ;'Ipasine hi, phanis lu .Nr. Shurtl.,ff liii.. ai H-enry County. and bas sùnfatiti tfros i te il'dit field fomrsatiat flisfl prosv- , o f dthte big etate ansi alwavy. fia, rredit o isti i s itrict He isas speaker of Ib ntinîlser or y> arsansd lv cilent preaidîng office. 'wung the gavel. Mr Sltlteff'.ientre rice- uhanKes iith. roi ;Iotpilun the seqatonia ?o futi . Mr Mci rongresmian troi tIi litletthai been t he 1, foruually announcc Major Clslpperfield la ai flnsated Ihat te proluah tisa race, and reports *have bPrun that Co large. Wni. E. Mason candidate. liard Battit in Mr. Shurfleff's entra race preripitates a si belveen luI.-s and Con Kisiey for tise latter lia luis campaigis quietl, niantS. and bas analy tion very tbarougisly. F hurtleffre acquaintancs aind the prestige wvhl tlneS lis legialative mi Yaceu limedlately pis ix*etÈoe et adiranfag 00euutcitracîtisae progren 'IKm#already hbc -ing ta friands et Mm. i Mir. Sburtleif lias bei erner Lovdals'a closmi sac thse man vie.o,M body diae. la calS le vils tise gevenuor hla admWaitraien piaea ckaaEe-tu- adm1atrais broillots» ma*eSWo vifth piaete "F. 1, "e set W"vS Mr. Mr.' UeKIILP aelte *0e ou »e bolS. S .1..T. S ý heo b. t eS vilam e ba cedUi ln etemW tama ngli Mcd acmais If reecis -rlfem twaukegaa' a. NcrulMd ami e qwMaêY by mm .At Ul&um. 15110e A