Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Feb 1920, p. 4

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- LBMRYVLL. LAKE COUNT. WIS. THURSDAY. nfWaUARY 19,1920. oerytillt ndependent MROAN.WHT,-. DOROTHY SAYERS, EditorinCihle f tr a "Ç 1 oîfic i i~fï1a» III., as Second Clasa Mlail Mti ..AiNLSE i (d agoriîw adh -a ___________________________________________________ L.T. H. _S. lat îwo gantes to Wat- t rw-u rsi. agnHigh. School ai w'aukegan- laat "Gae, it must be great et beho High Official Publication for thme Village cf Libertyville., Thursday niglît. L. *T. H. S.,umade aSbo.Wilt 1 get if douiliai stuf Officiai Publication for Lake County.Board of Supervisera' Proceedlngs ,prteafr t i ruiWuka-lex yarvhe Iga j-H S? #,iseued Every ThÛersda y. Advertising Rates Made Knom-n on Apî.iicaiion.1 gan. We.iar nuielassetl ihemi, in fanc> xSure."» Maigaret Eger '21. 8USRPIN PRICE-41.50& PER VEAR. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. basket slooîiog. .Waukegan'a c lose uarding maîde short and u derbasket- MAROON LOSES TO DEERFIELOý siiots pi-acticallyimispossible for our ~ T. HL S. loai two desperately -W. J. SMITH - ------- -.- - - -- Editor forwards. Our polnis were al made ilydgmam Defedo us F2 G 8UTH----------------------. -Msn~er on long and spetaciîlar abois, the day, and also lbat a banana split treat 0NS . NALLEV .......- .............----------.. Local1 Manager guarda outdoing the forwards In point- twlich was5tu he un Wuilliami Decker. -- L. T. H. S. isopes aise cao ieTbailkt i M. Decker, for ihe-ganerous be revenged on our- own- f loor ad offer; we aresure i counted for some ought to stand an excellent chance, as pointa for us and some tisey dlan't one mn gets neariy aIl Waukegan'sgai, altlsough we did fot get the atore- Pointa for lier. The final score wyaas 3lŽaià aptits.' - t-- 24; score ai haift ime w as 31 -to 19. '-The ttrgf-Tg-ffgame vWas frâ it Thse second ieam was hopelesaly ont- L. T. 14. 1. "Sure did" play bard. Kit- classed. Waukegan's guarding wis Ch«n starred for. L. T. H. S. wiih 8 of Impregnable. Our only basTiet Ahat the JO Pointa. Bmxirefield IaaIýed enly waa m*k waa fïonm a long shôt by a few minutes because of a'diilocated _____Hook in tl~ lasit ew minutes of ihe. shouider. A desterate rally in the lait THERE'S CONSOLATION IN THIS. game. The final score was 23 to 2. haIt nearly tied the score, but the Nufsed" Lineup: Whibstie blew too soon, leaving the final tAs anowleage me conveyed t theUictà-payers of Lake County On the extent af tl<ir taxes this ycar and as furthcr facta are brought out siiowing how tic Waukegan City Park Board -is lývishly spend- îng money to acquire ' residential property to bc used forp<ARK muocLake County people day after day have rusas- t<> feel - grateful to think that the Forcst Preserve 'Mavement did flot carry in Lake County a few monthi aga. Had that movement carricd the tl*es wauld have becs much --greater, this coming year. than they now arc.- There is no question about it. Furthcrxnore had Uic preserve mavement carricd another institution with even a gree4er scape than thc Waùkcgan City Park Board wauld havé been launchcd and the tax-payers NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY DEPLORED THE FACT could sot farcc the Forcit Prcservc Board ta rctrenchany more than THEY NOW *ARE ABLE ta plcad with the City Park Baard ta show diacre- tion in thc matter of purchascu for the park. If yau dan't believe it rcad this item fromn thc Chicago paper tellîng about the rapid expansions and expenditures of money be- -isg carried an by the Cook County Forcit Preserve: Cook countys blj forcit preserve continues ta add ta * its acreage. Sixy- acres at Oakton avenue and thc Chicago river, purchased at $1s,2So; twcflty-six acres, anc mile north of Central avenue on tl'e Chicago river, purchas- cd for $9143 froro John anmd joseph ichucsier; cîghty acres, ont quartcr of a mile north ai Bluff road, near One Hn dred and Fourth avenue, in Palos, purchased from Frank Donohue for $m6,ogo*; six acres an Uic Des Plaines river, north of Grand avenue, purchascd f rots John Schultz for - $3,278, and four_cres north of Archer avenue and wcst cf keane avenue baught f romn Newton.C. Farr for,$x,,375, are recent purchases. Now then the same condition would prevail ini Lake County as in Cook. Once the Foreit PreserveBoard WAS'created it would *go ahcad jufit like Uic Waukcgan City Park Board regardless of public senltiment, without asking the public whether they werc do- ing right or flot and ail thec tax-payers could do would be ta step upta thc tax office and pay the taxes which the Forreat Preserve Board would help impose, Accordingly isn't it a gratifying thing at this time ta tealize that the Forcit Preserve Movement did not carry in Lake Caunty? THE LATEST «'BONER.' And now Secretary of State Lansing has resigned, The Presi- -degt's officiaI cabinet is breakisg up vcry rapidly,' in fact he has hardly atybody lef t who was with hum a few montha ago and it al a ems o be due to the fact that Mr. Wilson wants this country to be a onc-mani run country. s He doesn't want anybody else ta THINK' ACT or even SUG- That is why his cabinet han gradually disintegrated until nase et tbc ahi crowd is lef t' In Europe -the practice is whes the cabinet gets lissatisfied with tlkg ruler or thc governilnent that the premier Mid ALL of the cab- Wi memxbers quit in -a bunch. In titis country if that -had becs thc practice it appears as though il wouid have been donc. now. i nstead, they have gradually diopped ont onc by ?ni probably dcsirusg ta make it look better ta the public and nat do it ail in one big wallop, such as would be Uic case if they ail resigned at once. InUic retirement of Mr. Lansing the gavertiment lames its most able mani that it ha. had in thc cabinet. It loae the anc man wham fthe non-supporters of Mr.. Lansing hie aiways thought was.a mati ai great value ffld was Uic best mas which'Mr. Wilson had callcd ta Uic standard, w he has quit; unable ta gèt along with Mr. Wilson beeause he wanted ta Uink for himicîf when'it camne to official matters and b&cause he want- cta'k the gvernment rather titan have it stand stîll whemfi Uic president was trotting overseas visiting--Uic Allies' representatives. Woodrow Wilson committcd the biggest "baser" ir b is whalc adniiaistraion-he has fircd Secretary ai State Lansing -because Waukegan-.ý53 Hall f . ....... -. ......... 7 0 0 O Kennedyfi....................5 0.o1 O Pester, (ýay) ce 13 2 2 1 Pester (Cliff( g..........._O O O)O Vinnadge, g _....... ......O) 0 ( B'F P T L. T. H. S.-24 porteous. f ...... _-.2 'i 1 lapief ........ 2 10 1 Youngc............. 0 12 Engleismachi g ............ --3 00(O MeMilen. g .................3 O 3 O Free throws miased-Porteous, 1; Hapke, 1: Pester (Rasy), 5. Referea, Tomoquist. Harold Mirson. '21. MOTION PICTURES IN L. T. H. S. As is xnérhapa lnown L. T. lH. S. ma on tha Point 0f Purcbasing a moving pirture machine for use lntisa Audit- Tise mach-ine now tîetog eonsid rd hy tisa authorities is tise Zenith7' of l. i-r" i- t i of NWqukpg-an is tise Tisa machsine itseif is tise last word ini the design. Both of tise film nma.a Zooes are of cast aluiuîinun.. Tisa gears of lise drîviog nieiiatsni aSiC of lîbuapher bronze. It bas an automatie ehuite- coxtrol wisic in 10iîosi cases wili totally obviate the chance o Itise film catching tire. But if tlia film is deiibam-ately set on f ire by holding tise shutter up, only an area of about a square loch wilI hum-n. The shutier and film faed are osotor driven. Airj of tise parts are suhsatiaily madej adi tisa machine hbu no intrIcate parte to get ont ot adjustinant. Besides the moving picture part the machina bas an attacisment for ahov- ing alides. Several demonairaîlons or tise ma- chine hava bean heid. sand if li sproba- hIe tisai a show wiIl be 'given on tise 4tb of Marcis. Then If the machine is satistactory, it will be accepted. If the machine is aècepted It will prove a great belp In the varomîs stu- dies. For Instance, a civica dlasa a get a tiret hiqd view cf Varions meu- bera of the goveroment; iL cia be uaed te explain var-ioue scientific ishe- nomena for tise physica or chemistry classes; f iau be used to, show botany slidea. Ih wouid alec prove heipi in thse study et phyaiology. Flis,ý are 1>0w ssroduced whicb show tise action oftie different organeaof the. body. It cao be used in manuai training and in many other ways, those mentboned be- ing merely the ,relation the machine would bave te the classes. Cer tainly the machine will b. a very good. inveslment for the achool, èrdButtertield, '21. 1920 COUN-TY FAIR Hi.therie, i'reshim'e'What#was ail the rumpus at the Htgb School Priday inight? Mike and 1 peeked' b the win- dew and wisy. wbat we saw made'us thIni we'd been drnknin'. There was a bsig fat lady sittin' 'way ut. in .the air wlllm feet as big as a meuntain." said an "aigisti grader" whc eeemed to hae ubbtiog over with. questions f0 ask. "Why, iliai was,- t ha 'Big-Footed Lady" vyon saw. The Juniors gave a soe19-16. The tally at the, end of the finit haIt was 1 5-9 in favor of the erfedfive. The "heavies" were more serioubty defeated, but neyer have tbey play'ed harderfor ihe honor of thé echoot. L. T. li.-. Swaa "game" to tise las i n- ute, strivIng enthssiastically for the few points. IJeerfield's gitarding was sminerb, making ih bard for our for- wards to get much action, although Hapka did succeed In dropping In 3 "pretty" ones. Score at hait tume was 12-8. Llneup: L. T. H. S-14 Porteous ....... Hapke -------- .Young .- Englebracbt . Parcella Ritta Gibson liolan -Morgan Klimbal Glader Pree t 0 3 (0 2 DE ER~FIELD -27 - B P P T - O 0 s.. owsmissed I t Hapka, 1; Ritta, 4. ileterea Tornquis> .Timekeepar- Aeveriil. Scoreri, larel'i Mason.- Harold Mason, '21. On Frîday iuoîning, 'El Cîrcuio Es- i panol" (The Spaissi Club) etected new otticers for tis saiiestar. They are: Président, Quinta Gotti; vice Président,. Emma Titus; Secratary, Paul Kohout: treasurer., Erford Bar-. nes; parliao.entarian. Meruti Neville; sergeant ai arma, H arriet - tuhy. 'It'a. coming." What? Tise PlaY, -'here'a Helen?" given by <ha Athenaeum Society. Where? Ai the L. T.,14. S. When? Wednesday, February 26. How.mich? 15 and 25 cents, Don't tergal the date and b. sure to buy your ticket% early. Edytise Gagihardi, '21. WE THANK YOU, MRS. KENYON. The studente #zid fatacmity of tise. High Scisool are much indebted to Mra, Kenyon for her solendid work ho coetiuuing tp serve lunches ini the cafeteria during Miss Ward'a absence. It was indeed a splendid surprise wben Mus. Kenyo annousced that the caf- eteria would ha ostinued fur manY ofth tstudents depend on It for their enthre lunch, while practically aIl of those wbe remnai achool dur]n thse noon heur buy on. ar.mcre efthtie dishes otfered. Mrs. Kenyon proved herself to ha a very efficient manager. and the students, feel thai she de, serves nsuch crédit for her work. Dorothy Sayers. '21. BEG VoUR PARDON. In lest week's issue, Harold Mason'a1 naine was omitted trom bis write-Upi of the Libertyvite-Wauconda basket bail gantse., .Raymomnd (7ould was tisa writer of "Caleodar of Last Week,".-instead of] Doratisy- Sayers-The Edtor. Office Telophone Number 1. Libcrtyv!U&_ExchalicS_____ F-OISA bPretre'! b» il cati s. out I ta lle cntiil \,t;. - 1 i'Aso, iî;îttt:oftNo th t - l.t' o;M OBITUARY.j of good recordl daijis and of 30 tu 4 THR -E WELLS BEING OI'LLED o'ound sires. IL. I.Scbroadar. Priaria ' î 'r estloiîî pi'I.II t, .' îg " (Contributedi jVies,-,1wII4 if Foi.,>Thî>usa.îrt.I ttt-1 'ý,ri-'ni T Wuarren Cola Mosa-as hoi i n Bl.:-h . . u <>.1 i %idera. Ili..- May 25 1862. wisere lie liI. W ANTIt> Am.nrtfoi t.îieri> îuuie ani ed unîil i xteen yedrs of age. Tise net cunîty. (;Oeipr-opiosition wui tii- teten years heecliani in Spring Gruîc sBulenia-iatilct,,l business- îr-iîs GOUO~OR FEIO andI vicînity. returning to Beividere in experienie t-iee Seisoot $1.00 PER SHARE. 188U. On Mais 24, 1886, ha was unîted of Instruction. Address Massachusetts tuent in m<' >, us.on t > . .uiî- in hoiy matrimony to Miss lsaballe Bonding and Insurance Coimpany,.Ac- floor nos Titose ahiti >utx- io - t. t Jane Neiais.Aitishe expiration of cidenk and Ilealtis Di-mariment. Sagt- wi li ai,'tu go up iigliî. jitî, Ij aigisi year-a xesidance in tielvidare naw. Michigan. Ca.',î>ul $1,500t). i nîîisher of cliaies ai $1 .5> tisey returned te *Sprlng Grove, wisere î-21L HOMER 9 OIL COMPANY tisey lived un<11 November 1909. wben -_________ 517 Edwards St. Shreveport, La. tisey moved lto Libertyxille. Ill., ahere FOR liENT- 40 acre faris Ocar town. CLIII ANI) MA I.TItl, COUP'ON the hae snceresded Addreas Indepandent Office, 7-2t Mr. Musa spent the greater part Of FOR RENT--Housa and large harno. lsd ii isis Ilite1.armlog, butaitishe oulbreak of isuitabla for dairy business. Addrass atis Homer00 23 OIL ( r'socikn Iin~ tisa great war soughi service 1ai the [Idependent Office. 7- tedaarumSret3 Is m pailnri, La Great s.akes -Training Smirsu, Xivi tise last Ivo years et bis active liete tii work. being employed in tise f litr thon'deparinuent, in tis tryihg urne hea asuied th place of piarent to liondreds of honý sip4 boys 'âeparting for- France. an was aftectionately .regarded by tlie His siatriotism inspired many who ' firsi-'ere disappointed in tise lowl taIts given thornamhüd lue was ablet asow !jem the vaine 0orilueir semvic- At an eariy aie ha uolted witisti South Baptiat, téhurcis ut Bejvidarf as a member of Acnie Camip Ne. 17 .M. W. of A., and snofuthtie R. N.( A. canin at Libertyville. Afier aa vere Illoase et saverai monthîs' dur tion bis .deatis occurred 51 -bus bou Fetiruary 1. 192À.. Tisa lasi services wera lîeld ai il Sttring Grova M. E. cisurcis, xi ere targe concoursa of old friands ar naigihors gaîisered l tuay ilîair la Je-i.Pecia. TIese criptura raading was f ronti Ing 1 o ra lie ond ai ,,,y to as-. tue -e; [76, of se- ira- nme tha e a and la ai Isi thc latter tnsed 10 carry on the natian's business when he (Uic presi-, 1920 Cosntly Fair. And oh! such a Miss Ida 1<immelrelgh. HUIMi 1,1,Jhn, 4îis ciapt*àr. bis favorite cisatter. dent) was sick and rtporteld aImait dying. Mr. Wilson insits ii thale wa ail did have! hIntthe ditfereni sociaty otticar. ln Witikegao. Thora- 1ev. ileanu of Mt. Carroll ofticiaiad. letteru. to- Mr. Lànsing that 'T' wasn't able ta to n zdteeoecssroms'wietead hw.Ondysidas igtdaar'c noon le leaves <haxisdow, une daugister, Until Il' was there you had no right ta mccl and transact busi- ona cid< trip se saw a scene f rom-Be' Marktet slro.- i Tuecday afenonMrs., eorge Wrigst 0f lHighland Park. tics,." And Mn- Lansinsg juit cames back wuîh a mcek, 'I icît .Uiat numda, tise II>ie Of BurnS, a BridaI wlicie f'rsr .iidu'n ara e' tt sione and tour cons- ilaymmsttd V., Henry' l'air and it. woodertul constellation. .111ti itv 1n7,. bots theiseo1oîer and ! V., Jesse W. and l'i*e-deritk L.; tive titetrobleomematîra haiwer aniing ured he iporanc ofW<' aigo viir>'t the For-tumne TQ]rs fo > ;tt-f:li>y gisfig on-t>e1:zîantcilieî-ri anud tliéesisters-Mrs. 8OMEBODY doing SOMETHING and I am surpriaed that you and l'irenuttîgist andi hear d ail sortsut-1,11,( . foM,.-rciildreo are aliFlit- M.NinaTohyne,*Mrs. E.'N. Lincoln,. Mrs. feci that cverything îhould have been halted pendîng your ability of titings abuilt ourselvas. Inthlie gYsmi 1ttv loi. >te oldea.t chiid beinz but Annas Liliibridge; and one brotherI to do it ail." <rMî<la.astut - , olabaler knoon to , yal> ohl, 'thite leyungest là but îdo Mosa. besides a large nunîher peolle wis<îat>î'nd County Fairs-weea,-ltew montlw itl ?.sis tflmotnelreich ofut ohir relatives. tlire 'ili? >g'and 'Pink Lemonade suit', î' %Nlie l hr, îvsitigad "ew Met liailt ;tsiny prsottalse- - Thée Kansa City Railways coînpany is cuttîng expenses by the 1 c~I sodi tin, nt llit o etiti's tcurda-y quainitîite>t, a i, rtL 4s -lse of the one-zoan car, known ta the man inthestreta. le .."'kid- "ataefr f tis enio cmaaiedes-.>IiThev t' he lit ldîri i.Nes,ttia ln1 nkess eer f is lorttuie s d n'so die car." it is about haif the size of the ordinary coach and whcn -jullus caeaar, etc.,weelitte woodajt lait t lise hsonte> of a nlighstor. Th is ctfé.Firiofrn- rx i ";.ýit botomes ciowded thtksneto?man-conductor hangà out a sign, "Full hos-ses on alîeals- Alban LhndroihHit tt<Oil-oSueiae personal fiends,,tlo tisa M. V.,ut A.. -tee, a"- teOpefoier bd. . i'a if- Kass-c-ity e«au ge« along 1.1ase-un .4rst.carrylng Jlsb ml we,'s -RN<>1 KCA theit rie depi, ofthte witli Uieal..are, surelyllWsiukegan cari and wil gladly ido so when in hie a ai; a'evertlsaless b. got tisera tisti bit-, bOalfnc salio i-,lai Noth Shoîte Lii-, andi îonî tise Main *07arrve hcya-ecf ~bcsau~c attrs s hve een j The rest of thetime was spent ihlfa%% montlîs obtl habtx-nsuualiy Poîwer îetniet' ,relt Lakes wera very 1- ;-dancing. When it was time ta go tt ntiaios-wî -h tsr h.'ieesutîful. Interment was rrizde ai. ii> Kam a ite -hm,~eyn a ie a ee rn Whie th mother and father are 1tisa Cola cassseîîy.. CIVIL SERVICE JtXAMINATIONS-1 Feb.-Marcis. Men, women, 18-60 eh] gible. I1ü nîmontb. Experuemuce unnec essarï. Fer free siarficulars. write R. Nanie Addrtas Terry (formrncly Civil Service Exam- C .WL UTO iner) 758S Continental Bidg., Waabing Tlîursday, Feti. 26. 110 oclock 4 Ni.. Ion. À. . . ' Wýoif. Iitî¶ing îlccided te quit ton D C.tainin.,. wi111 Pii ai pliuc atittion on r wN'r:ii4.oispelntgirl for gan- tise farinknown as the niod Wilinoîî Fa-u, one -mile weqt ut i)eer!<.!Id, eral housework Aîpily Ethel 43 Head of i<*Stock Whiin,iy '-414 Juilis .nSI.. \auk-egan. à hbtiof luorses- biîck mare .n îoal, or- pioîse iîA3 kxI ty 8 y rs. ai. 1500; ha> 'gelding, il i e. wt. 150o; 2 hay' colis. coming 3. 2 FOR SiALE Seau harle>, lu-ce froni 1 yeurs olO: 2 black colts, coming 3. 2 foui seed. Lee Iliuson. Rtuiund Lake, and 1 yrs. ouil; 5 choie>- cows-5 frers Illinois. 8 21 cows x't aic s y sil-s, 1i1i-,,tdu _____________________________1 Ifcîtn Apurit; Tisomo irad Hultein FOR I5ALE-Ône cané hboat, 16 teet iseifer 14 mînttîs oid. long; riba 2 ticis a -at; 2 fil1oats. 30 Fuil Blooded Poland China Hoje nj1Tobsse Hoge cao attltic Regislered. Coat $75 vien i--,- n used une C ai), ~ >li)jj- ab« idp, soxvdue <o far season. Pica $i0. Albo 3 full b1iood rosi Pcb. 2'l. sos'dte ii farmnow ini Buff Orpingion cocks. i monilia old, 1 r i. sow due ,tto lRIrrowi in May.. 2 each T CN,î~'Higtsx-oO, ii. -lt (<i>'( iti-,l. 5 'ows 5 mos. nid. wi l150 Il.tîT.;C.2Ili. 7..t ililos. ottI et. 150 Ih-.: 7- I~Gs-;bo, rs, lib.,out80 Its ; 7 shoiîtul rATD Go country prister; a bomut 40lb.,; stock h)o;tr1 5 mus. old steady job at ý$30 per week -of 17- t. M5r Mchigznery nderToo ls -('1vvoiý'ct-mtek gr, it er, 0>-t! 48 houri. The Daily Suin, Wauke- j nei- < fu -i swîu tii r ,der. ni-Ik, - j "te."i-i t t'->' 19 fi. t-irta" liay r;î>-i-. t as, II -fjna:il ise pîiî <'r izei, w u, j j 04~~nw; 16 in. John siaetrrky ri INFLUENZA Spread INFLU IIU nte<r. mianur>tie'rit .ni w ; 15-!îi . KILL THE C LD AThesc. roir,'tît'rs> 4e- inn . nitîl ONCE ÏWITH ,wiwon. I;i.' v itttt iriut uck wagîl xi îilâti -yi:O>t iltk, lit îtiugit>breakç ing cair>t.h x1> ti-clitper, ha>'ý fO-t. , ilt<'i t, .1;>(i f i itî'. isea" v fil mtadte îhîntIs'lit>r n tanil made rCASCARA Q I N e;Lsigv buczgy tsaîsess - Feed- 50 b. tit. 91 '-(1 b trIey, 250 0 bu.'ýeojrn Wrrih, 4 tit white .seed corn, &taadtd aod n.4 lot e yssa -12ha 'eIliw Laed £ mu, -1. Loirahiedd 1 -in tablet tni.ale, mut e. d bateil. osia i- break. op a cold in 24 I Qod luràils sari-ai ci ot. hous--reieves grip in 3 dui Money bsck if it fallm. M T rns-Ovcr $25, 6 mos, 6 Par cent. gsuple box béïa e C. A. Wolf ProPrietor. toP wîtb Wl.eHuM ýJoint J, Wick. Auctionlear. AIWV.,jý a cIminke, CIe*. IWe When a .suJof p fiefrrct 'w it.W Whem >-ou hav Io M. ýW. -.tei We realî;e diai vice, save you if we are to nit The prc, - t futii' of thv--t.i WE ALSOC We Do Gen, Di] TELEPIION 1-3 ---------------------------- --- ------------------ cYerzuoes WASNT AID)S' Eari C. Morgan, Paster. jRATE-5-10Cents pr Liene, Esà lusertion. -Sund Wht1cmr~1 - 0~nsNmiu his Prenchlng at il a. m: TpeOte *0 S8 e O e S * ~ u e m see *e.s sermon,. "There. ia nothf, -reliifFOR SALE--A number Of goOd Làkoà PreTacng ai :30 m. Tpic ourfiY f*ius, wilh iminediat ps-WANTE" oo0d press feeder;. Prechig lt 730 l. . Tlit ofsession. See pagfe-wo, colun n 0e, the sermOn, 'Partial Exiclusion oftf i Issue. F. M. Harding, Area. 111.o ctimke ray~ God." one o.. FOR SALE Clîric Christian Endeavor ai 6:453.ti O residence lois 0o1 cylinder preferred. An ail arouiîd Topic, "Christian Principles in Inulu- McKinley Ave. Mis. Grimes. «'i tf1 try." Leader, Jack Austin. - Icountry -man. The DaJy Sun, Choir practilct each Prida.l Mi-f FOR 6ALE--Chesp. modern s.venl Mattison chorisier; Mrs. I)urand , or' romît house, centeaIly locsied.' Ad vvaltegafl, ai. B gantat. dress Owner, Box 455. 2-tf ______ B. S. A. ai churcb Tuesday e% eni. ADJUDICATION______NOTICE_ Corne prepared i odo FOR SALE-Three, Ifarma In Lake ADUIAON ÇTC work. C. F. G. ai Manse,. CotntY; 20 acres, witbout improve, jiPUBLIC NOTICE fi; berehu> given Prayer meeting Wednesday, lFûbî mente excepi fences: 75 acres wibh that the Subscriber, Admnsitratrix of lçpyy26.57T6pié. Wlmai Do IMean by tlhe hiouae, hot wvate-r beat. g-'oodà '.te asiate of Oscar E. Warner, de- Co-ppeating With the. Church?"I weli fenced, Lake Irontage; 92 actres. ceased, Will attend tie Couniy ,Court Ifruatees' meeting ai Manne Monday.. large bouse, barn, silo, welI fenced lof Lake Couniy at a terni thereof to Session meeting Wednesday ai tr fhi Laie- frontage. Immediate *pomss- be boiden ai. tbe Court Blouse in Wau. Prayer service, sion. McCulloch, McCnlloch & Dun kegaft. In sait! couni5'. on the tirsi bar, 112 W. Adains sireet, Chieago. Mondait of April next. 1920, when and METHODIST EPISCOPAL WkIY. 2t 36 Il wbere ail piersona bas ing claims The FýrIday nlght cottage mi*etings A Ç7' - againsi saidl estàte are notfied and re- wIl be ld as follows: L. H. Whlt .OR îLFFne residence in Liber- queaîed to present the saIsieý to sald ney'tyvB.lH.aIl madern.JAdnress 1'inl neya B. H -ilaer'smooennWelbd, CarlCourt for adjudication. 'É alOffice Box 201, Libertyville 111. 8 4t is LZ ANR Grsff's. Tihe meeting that was !0 hav __________________________ beeni helti ai J. W. Cole%'asa been FOR SALE >tock bulleis-i Durham, Waukegan, Ill., Fehruary 9, 1920. pohtponed on iacount Off ile flu In the gond breeding; 1 itoîstein, weil feb 12 19 2t.; home. mnarlced. B. T. ttooley%, iear Gtranige Sunday School ai 10 a. mi. The Meal's Hall Corners. it ADJUDICATION NOTICE Bible Clans,. with B. H. Miller as lead- PUB~-LIuî.C NOTICE .is liîaeb gi er, la Increaning In intereet and ittend- ïvANzTED )TO Bt'Y »-10 o2< acrea. eb anre. Let father lie presient nexi Sun with sorte frontage on good iniand i bat the Subscriber. Effectifx1.or Il.,- exste of Frederick fC. Sîîrinr, deceed day in honoir of Faiher and Son Va). lake. Muai have Sousil bouse on i. Morning worsBip at Il O'clock. gel, C.A. EllMngsou, 1-22 N Caliioinia Avv<,vit. wil aitend the County Court oi mon ikame, "Washington and Li oIn: Chicago, 11.m JLake CounfS, it a ferro ilîreof ti te Their Contribution < herosi FRRET 14 ce ain octd iien it thseCourt ilourse in Waucc D)ay." rsn O ET--5 cefrt otidgan, ' sI id (ouf>, onlthe firi lon Enwortb Leaigua DexvotIna I a tc ~sAntioch, Ilîlinois. building In trét (a), of Aî'ri next. 1924j.,a lien tiI ai 6:30 p. ni. MissGaf ca1vcnito . d toî 'rii ibi ilî< osliai Il( ltl demnstatig hr ailty o Iteles tSehool and % nijlo front îowflshij against 'aid eiate are rotified 'tiite ». snd Instruci the beginnera In the stuoî> Higt -i chl. Iu va-si n ai tc ha:; huested t,, piescri 1wine fi)Toc of "New Lite Currants in China." tise 1.t of' Maie!>. Write or, phono CîîUr for adjudication. Beginning with iSunday nigbt i7-30Joseptî corne-r ti~sae lîii.AI.CE t. Sl'ltlN<. for for ucesivkiydy v2!n1 ýExeiuli, of ithe Estai, uit F-.,< fh psor uccessive a undaes f leI ii . CSpring. îieceased. the~~~~~~~ Gatrwl îaasris<fs'i. CT OURt PICES for borlng sliaiiow \auein II-liiiary 9, 1!4" sermons. iimely and helpful. Sutii.ii illà. Tiiese wells are 8aniiary and t-.1îed-- ly.> 4,,- the tberne xill heJo"Is te Footatei Iofsuitable for eitUêr ibouse cons Uumpiiomi E .1f l'h î' ity ï; 26i the 1Faiher.' Fei. 29e Can a Sue . -'îb-or fori- .ock. Gotniservice guargnieed, Ib1,1.2 f i Business Iian tic a Christian?"' l'rires. reasonable. Phone 31-49. Zion Mari-h 7, "Cao the Cisurois Survive the Btuildting Indusîji-ý, Zion. ilinoisi New- Wtld IDay?" Mai-ch 11,-'ui YOUR OPPORTUNITY Shoîld Smit h Go lu Ctiurr-ch Il' h V(F1, -iLEElin Irîî,-< 4 thi lucilies, s the- bat ttnîig of out- Gto20 t(, t t, (Il on Lancast er lita t c, one'mi le a cciOIL [S K.ING cafililaignfrnti woni ttii)l il i Eo-r.of Exer,-!t Il. Lanca-s'ter. 660'9 Si> Eer-f is'-nbr and 'iînî.titf f il(' mt'iiieid Aie. Chicago, 111. Phone 'ii . >. t ! ' cistîrh is asked i) lisihI, 1 he c> lexet7182. .5 4t î.la-ta<ini. t. a -'!. ti vires. New song huîî,k'> a,>! tii- ci n jIfi, 5 LI oui, and the coir attioi t-i nfoiticdFOIt SALjE Itebuilt Ford tuuring ritl. JOIN WITH U_ anI itenderI-rtciii iisîc ai cx <r 5Crel New ibody; ner files.Ca'i l ndeî,en-ni ln I,- udt tiiiiît,l,itt'," vi J.ack fradlfiotî lu>, -rMfiscnt Office. No t1.41ft t..> îîzt ,w nWi ARE MEMBERS ,We hav stor.' and dis - and cans.d - We hav - mci, and are = he rimuces ol M securz this le Stomers. If y !Go T FUiR' 1

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