B O ILIBERTYVILLE.LAKE COUr<iY.IUos JSAY. MRH419M0. t 4r ndependent! A ave .1IAmerican Legion News Itepis vct -. ..>~ it.-.~' Waukegan Weekly SunIl________________________ ian s Office Tolephonz Nurn,r 1, Libcrtyviiie Exchane.. Entered s; the Iimotnfflce etLbry Illii., as Second Claes Mail Matter. Official Publication for the Village of Libertyvilie. ÔMeclai Publication for Lake County Board of Supervisorsl Proceedinge leauqi ~ei7 bursa~. Adyprtising R1aies Mald»Jnown opA.uico. OU 98CRIPTION PRICE-.41.50 PER YEAR, STRICTLV IN AOVANCE. W. J. saliTm ............................. ------- ---- Editor P. LISMITH ............................................... . Manager CH*A.D. NALLEY .... .. ...................... Local Manager Chicago, lil., Marchi> .-BilI Rob is i feeling for Lheir hiaudkercbiefs, 1 Iked dead. 1 a j fith. stage ,itil ta hl,,,nwl«...t BilL did not serve during the Great asked us if we thoui;ht the sang went WVar. He tried ta enlist, but was re- over. U ke a milliion dollars, Jack. jected. He was too young. Dut Bili dîed for, his country Just as Monsieur Frazelle. the erstwhile h aJ"-any ar the ~a..o~± beard and cranîum niechanic, lias sold F'rance' onoilp a rior ta Comr lde Smith, The story of Bill Rabb reaclied the and wIlI now become a warklng man State Headquarters of the American 'wItb the Chicagtq Hardware Foundry Legion 'foilowing a militsry funerai Ca. Ha .rd Unes, Bill. with ail honora, accordeti the lad by Sekn !Sih nIwnb the J.' Ivan Dappert Post No. 73 of chance. an Illinoisan by choice. He bas Taylorvil le, 111. trasferred to the best post ln the beat He succeedeti ln enliating last SeP- state in the union. tember and was sent to Camp Grant al Rackford. Then came the viait Of! Gen. -Morris, you have bier bey- il the. place beside gold stripara, turned oui for inspection. The weatlser was baiow zero and Rabb's squad was fer down the end A REMINDER FOR LAKE COUMr A-balf holft passed. Bi's tact be- An C icag Cie JstceCr ewofthe Criminal Court cs.en utb.l didnds comraanA: An fir eeeNt tBilaiWafun ha n metafthpclen vofybotniofcils eteml Hr ofbi e le d bn rmoe ana the deandinWhoarremeen te r een couts and s h enlisînl hm îeînd Bffie J. han bndsurnydeaulte pasomethngen u thellyMapenwuerted the liand s ahe utadis hie Chief Justiae Crowhas asked theeGradnJury to infeste an d i acti or an GriagdoJuryajr LsndeCin Lake o u o ltro g tîîîiîîîy in is ail tioeln urei' sinsilar actio and collect teY.ounty'sthea dues in this eîdbfi lnad ame.rin Hevet lii.'d f n bnd eig AI inLae Ai ob la mbîhiintu ego Co rta whlyetheefe toanh&da of dIr*avala-e ro- lA t ren si-eue>', asurie that e tub sorceandthemc-'- ... iparrts 1fi .ibtinis oyufeL hedcol& ay odhamegthe y been asoer Cohe oî oertrthe outhe. intirai.s ing cra fetharnî ant Thfendnt ernautig naldapr *at isgîbi a frmîer liuteate Nowin akeCouty herComny ha. raiesrta nefpun-. leon, acaîrd St.aetnntander0 priceane-haifocentrapngmetawrtigApnienstthat mabsnd fivenisito neJ. Farmnian 'the AJ.îrcian cnts a poudforew spapehr pape l h a wn hr h ,pe th Post05 binan(hd duî ter po dape f ete slvs hadouButheof pr c mpanesthe n eie d t ousabzand t irannd nurses. Chief JustineCosw utshasae the GranrnJuy tediinetbe saee catheraninfathey havnetobl etigh e i, ey estngAnilgcap oui- taxlra. gthe ad nmelyrau a stnkes, th y ave hakan e nda fo inreasd ho wrnt fYofail om underesdiecto iimwasat.n Bnd, whe yurnth ae r unysop dus in ng ta you e-Ind in iithe Anî nd ic Rd Cross4 res'Ailthe w Iomnnibers 0f in the lnagiy tt eain ththearephlathoistes oflolr viable akep o s "as enstd upn tuecei'eai tesathe ingy oa schmeetingmte .r.csal ithot beigpeai fr the film in se ranchsoff he rVicea 9 .1 n%are fcuseligible. 15 muapiten TIf ternaotionwhlis aed uopany hasboazse-prs epin a-erslo-detha ibisaies ommaear nîRned aîj ibefo eguingonhe uai telet wnould swab thefoteyhavs throtlewith aan smtin ng t, h aeuigps wiromen m ies. ad hoaid eve numwose, tesw woenhave ade anjoke ofand othcaefd lw fo t canfusedrthoen'diructio- whg ou ctualy wted mad eeded the tboenwould gor it. The d nc- airs.' dociaredoCal.eFoeevan e tors can aid or impair tins ederal law. The fact it, it is up ta them absolutely to play fair or unfair. Wre recrîi good subiFlactin do nul ion Icoîn l'aui iRay ta bnlp us defray "Government ruies". and "Government indifference" will soon thie expense of aur Wasbingtan'a Birth- b., a thing of the past as regards railroad operation, express busi- day memoriai service. We thank yau, a ,etc. Vlhat a. relief it will be ta be able ta fix responsibilities sincereiy, Mr. Ray, and want yau ta and e ale o tae i upwithsoreboy wh laintrestd ad wntsknow that we appreciate your support. aad . ale a tke i Upwit soebod wh isintrestd ad wntsMr. Rtay refers taus as 'our local ta work. for his employer's interest. Iîs. That is riabt. We want you ta use "aur" lnt preference ta "tbe," be- cause we belong to you, and want yau Medielne Prom Stag Horn& Icebergs. la feel thai we do. Giad yoa liked the &39g8 re bred lç Coafor their Icettergs de oflo om i nf, but are inm.Paul. born. tbe bnrns hring euciii iu tt 1 masssdetached froiniîthe gaciers îaik' odu eev ilpo o . b " ear and us. d ini tihe îîiiîîîîircture wbich formn on the Iiiilii and îroirct itkesRno eer w)pob inmedicine. Int,. the ses,îlire grinntuocksbra ai, show up ai the next meeting in off anîd loat oui 10 a"i. 'hern e lad anâsv.er ta aur cail for replacements. b' ny lirnîttlii tle ,*Izp'of these Our depuf y adjutant wants someoile 1 iitise aud l., asIre ligliler than wa- 1to tll bim the addreas of one Edward OrIglu of "The Fourth Estat.." ter ;îîît ,îîîîy fbirt a long time wltb a 1 IlFcanzen, a comrade in gondi stand Burke, 11ritih stateinian. gave h lainrgf,îpart of lîî'îr lîlk beneath tbe îng h.iepresthe deslgîintD 1h,..four, irsuraand inhilng gruduaiiy by cou. Ing 'tate.' tact N'Il Ili s"rîit r wu 1 ter. Bradford, with halt the audience Fabric, ait sures, iaranteed-- Cord. ail sizes, guaranteed.. These Are Hanuci Made, Quaiy 'Tires. ------- - - 7.500 mites 10000 miles Adjusîments Ail Mavle By Us. We are dealers for ChEVROLET CARS an&~ Price $1,275 at Libertyvilie. COMEIN AND) have severai of thï'iatest models an display in LOOK IT OVER BEFORE YOU BUT. To Le our show room in the Boehmn building. Have sure of spring delivery, order .aow. just received one of the iatest inodel Sedans. We do ganemal repanmnng, Prompt service -and satisfaction guaranteed DIETZ MOTOR COMPANY TeSeptione 89. DISTRIBIJTORS FOR LAKE COUNTY. Lîbertyville, 111. tram InYoD naw. Why not steal a couple bhours orne nigbt and came ta a meet. ld ng. Mduehike is on the job, redecoratng Swede JIobnson says bis base'ball kOutflt is Bd gaod Il deserves a spring ?training trip in the soutb. Now. witli some aid time rootlng nractice, eh?, Et Kennedy bais an idesa up bies aeeve nthat bide weil to be the biggest featare eao the year. Looka goad ta sec Suydam around again. B IBarnes la Operating s garagç. cel rtue point, Pretty good. wbat? Frank IStoerp i15 he îr red antitras ty fram Ares. Dring the test of lbnm in tsanie nigbt. 0 Dennîs Liibeî u h -s sel bis lînal- aun seeing oui- office ti Ted wihicirs, rf lie lias ta buv -Ibeîni lîîîîîsrl. lie do- naied anotber tii-e1;asi %%eek. 'rwo halls, two oicliestias. Wr aitu tu sui[ lie lasies ai youîîg and aid. Beauilfully dpeoaated halls, uniseata- S0f7- 1t 04 a summer camp at one of thea 8wbere Legion men coulti go for don or lac vnrk end trips. The 1 sounds good. We wiii biave niore later. 1. A report'off the dance comimittee shows everytbing conîing in gcnat shbape. Several features were moin tioned and turiied over ta entertain- Ment CaMmmîuee for action. .it wiii hi' a featissa dance., witb severik .thngg, iaever sean at dances in Libartyvilie bel are. Mr. MacGuffn took ativantage of aVr apen invitation for siiyone to at- tend obr meetings and suggeqted a way In Whicb, we côuld be orf cancrete assistance iii'helping a teilow in town wina la in rather bard luck.' A com- mIttea was a.pdlInted ta consider the details .and pugh tbe matter throLgh tu, a auccesul conclusion. LACE wonIs SUR. RENDIRSCIL&TI3R; IT MEANS NOTII VARON ArN WHITEI Maroon Loses' b.7T. I, S. lasi il des perately fotight gamte la irake 'orest academy on %Wed- nnssy ,iliciie1in. A 'desperate spart on the ploin f.thie aradein).boy§ ye.iv ifiem the' gaine. 4 - The excellent guarding of Lake For est kept the basket-shotiig down. Olut ofl thý'manyinissed tabats, the Maroons aucceeded iln maklng two bas. kets in the firat quarter. The second quarter broagbt forth one basket for Lakte Forest ln the iaat few minutes. The tbird quarter lally was three bas- ,kets for Lakte Forest and twa for L. T. Il. Sl. Threin the last quarter gave Lake Forest the game. Accard. ing ta aur aide of tbeestory. the refere seemeti ta Oalahof aur fouis and none Of theirs. He called ont on their 414e. Tbeei.oeet the d ttma-ftm- hait was 4 to 2 ln favor o! L, . . Fi. The ganie wss exceptionally fast. Lait. Forest (14) 1 McKay The fOilowîng telegram was sent out iStone ....... ....... 00 O te ram Springfield Tbursday- Milton 1~- o -o. 1"'Mie Zion Lace industries at Z()%, iebes 0O i0 I dCity, Thomas S. Eddy presideritCatchpoie .'....Y .... ....6 0Il( and Pred il. Reynolds. Oak Thomas __ _. i.i.l_ il Park, seçreiîy, rertifled ta iýh c L. T. H. S. (10) 4secretar. of ntate toeiay ta il,. 13-î'~îi. F.Il. Tý tl-îssoitiion of Ille Zitut -fLc Wý,-ks 'i t 13 à o raris0aaian aud surndered îus char- .Iir -IiIo stock Of!$1,00,0.u11."Ennbnltrii- 'The aboya teàk'isi', i [îv.rNl ri -fc.%ii îitn iisîi iîl n i something i .îiîi,l ial.,1 ài-il 11.. r icannection n in- wc.îii . - I McK,ý. ir, Lac S..ri r 'r -ad i S' . li 1.1 i-ro ie r ion ia'îirb was liliid so-nycars ago Ma:iS' li'r lnliîlh N2. E ddy -ai ii,,(irg ifii l.still iii-s,.l. iir(il i~Ç,li. know. I don'l knaa 1aybe 1iiî.,î betteront till vou." Otualia. iflý vnînaîli 1 cWawlq-i tel îu aill Ilî,i..Cri*ts * ','l .know,buti-'tiis î- iver) , î . An 18j in'l i ns-i-êýc-. ofe Ba illînis iut I îi'înit ra re. Keep your fciii-ct .Nohoîl>'s Jni 'restrd but yiîîî sf>wzi)" "Oh. now yoiîte --i' WMIil. -I you i bis Oluli'. 1 ,. M".'r îg Waiknr'q going :il -1e. (A ;VCl!usîr grand! Just wsut fii ",,u .r. -Whatig it a c. i s ir li.irîîi'înv "SiIly' 'îs a' a:tiîr+oî that? Guess al4zi'î!" "Thempis he goiné 'o ing uDa tjillu" rigbt. You'd d' gemî., o'oil :el! YOD -just ta be 'ni'"ý. Iu- s:ys 'liai sametIm e - M e - 'i, e wsire-1 an opera hem.>' "An opera' 0Oh Il* ' iody good-. thing nice if M:-. W.ik.'r ,%i:;îl,îi il" On Ttiurad,-. ,'î i l-'i îe i,19h Bni sl ud tI 111 a nir.',î 'n loti arp show wiil h' b 'e !Tlie wnt, m .1tua play ta be given lis 'Jiio.t fir 'Iliîî:î Adiis.iion Io(:âps"')7 The' slow i% tlu bh- gîî.n si-lbth-#tI- Machine may becîu lif ;.t. anrd 'îifilie mîachine is satisfac-iif ;Il 11l h j'ri, champîl if It lB 'loti ., lgf;tctoi,, ;-n other one wiij be, imî-î;îe n fli r neai fiture, % -: (l INi îl. ' . i ,' l n ýD i.ls', i r i n ihio ehi-.îlici illi iw i tini- T' Il .1 wai 1.7,'luni- ls Il-'îlid f i n 'li iil- hl. îiî ii ' ,r bIl rouîste..tire kind yîîu hi-ar only once 'n, ol'îi lot-cri ,îeiî>li n -,rii ii l cha l i ii. l, 1 1iicul, - M:i ,5 I hrl i.s sn li, l il in a liiîtinie, wsrd uncanny, jazz ci, i lef,tîî li. i tTIil h vai i a , v. Tuesday:-'Ili. r.. iîitiiIa. , , W i. roi r fIi, strains. l In theuperuhall, i ai at zes taho!iiiîîîi'-aiilrt ril iiilriiriiiuuliisitrShrihil r iiîli, t i liii%,11t-irrr.'. oui time square dances., One admis-hrli :îidî-iiiii i i fluiOf il.opnsboh ortot.Fo-.henisraildiarter inpaxî srit eto %iti] ;I nn XII IîlirîIIn as prcisunes aggiregai îg fi fty dotaiii FriS',;\ LI II li i..ii1;I hara in goid. Refreshînuents? Weil. tri %*F I.1 & C . n ti tii ,, .ii11i1. i- pi Ir irri r i .15 iow. if 3ou miss ibat danci yu missa Wiould continue with îî aiC. r r iii i . i , i r..I1"i1: the opportunity o! a lifetrnlnr aratr a is'aisurrei' ti*.i b'Irî ~ ri ~ uin uf i.h s, r 'ia>~in. l i J i t! ..lr tIil u i I5'aI ,i \..i,.o-, nîglit. We are leaving nio atone ILu), -ltvas jiast a cs' i.i~Si-~ ii riiliri i-- r tuî-ned to show yau Ia good finile- a, ii.' ipi%. aipnil ouiti'Tf,( rt'- ani k.s PolfN-nl,ýr- nld 'nIlNMiS , 1iii good fimie hb cienn dancing only. i .i,-i eii '),p iorîîitni . -i liei Ille i. t, lin 5, rril Iln.,i pin -[ r 'NVe has e sold tickets ttilre snrN elt.' W'uks;.i - a.i'.î,- i n ln 'ir il ro, ui.....- I i ý ' ýi i'1 eaf tue cominxnity. and ail the hast 'itNIli ii,5.ir -,.- us - il.lIjilIý I i 'uni, . h, .iih rr il r'i n i "iolks in tas n -li li e thete. Aire you cagei vZo as iliad.1 V conîî SN% , *rllr ii'- ~25 aone off thein? Ail ex-soidinra himis pliI r Mitn r "'ýterin Thursday- N ln.il, ii i - cr r. iiir r-ri thnir imîess kits. (liuw - caîl ;al IL Ifi r- - ii,.,.iii'rh r . I ý i .iiir i iihi icon r r 5 ,rS ni - , ' -, >r-i, I. .~ - r - ti yi ni uof tht' iinulî i. I- i rJ l i O IIiê' rrli-ni V Oak Park Post featurnd hlusku tIOr- iiirii i l irlili .i55%m% l iîiW' i rda : '1r-S111-1F .. r 'il i ti' iihii Ir W. I chestia in hieir afieirtisrm.-iis iornDing it as the « v'!)a%. in te thre a "lii.1 bî. rIiS iii- I. e the (lance tiiey heid lasi SaturdaY 1 INIir. Eddy h;s ,. kc-d fui ifii iiiivri lu ili îfg klu Il 1).1n, i , n lnight. Tlîey Ibouisht thai the morne iiether anyhody iiad a;,lmulans lor- r T il. ;lin,1 5 r, i'I,,nnc.,. i. i1-1ii rmention of "'Husk' sias raout-h nIan i expasonTutb.ii IL, ii-r , zh -l criiraIln. ii-u1,FfnîNITii nhr1.tiii S 1ad',ertiseniint. I aoî bsIi, Ileîn~-ri1~ ni.--. i,,,l nohting aogIa i.aiiiileri h l 1.-od gri L. T. H. Sý 45 DsPansI (Our-bowling team ',îîl i ieent ire besl i n iv lt tit' ulhm SoTinp.if l- %%sii- '1" i.) Tii rirri,, r ii itane I In the vesl t aI.effings-eu's sIlens in ,tiout as hur-y as ut iiiiSi lie N i h teri , 2, .,12 Iioth liIInI.. .r, Ill-V IIT pi il' Chicago in the near future. j- iriDifac-îîiîrr. .,- 1 n. T. Ilr.iii S " hF r r1. 2r it's a gooiiiîîing Ihier' is no i mimai 'iiuiinliiCI-2 itlt, 7ni7l.iue ( uorde n his post. We wonk îintii B YSO T NGrslaktBi ae M M li îiiit nîidnîgbt four timesa a seek. i Gs i rlsdnBaskît lhi ae i pa I-i t"-ilri l Il s.l. Menlýililoa0.1 0 We cannai îaa strongiy urge anyane VoffPADM WA n iilitrl-r ri tfe cdis,-all. ganîrs .S iilîl.4:ihin.-ning. 1i;Liiuge, 3 entild ta comnpensation ta get IL YUNGIU tIIIILIU The -nioîi,- .iacithe fri SI)m SECOND TEAM Camne ta us sud lai us tell you how. ifI 1 Thesniîors sion b> .î sei-ai iiiixSta 6. L. T. H. S. 26 Des Plaines t1 is your naturai duty tu, yaurseîf. If ITier une lii. iii',-ri PP TIl F ilT yoresrning capacity ls impaired, the Stranaest Troop of Ail in Con. rIlt'IgrIii Co-Gf.in' We'bbahîn'n lhi 8 1 il2O Q in or llÀO government is anxlaas to brhp yen.r stantinopl Being Made Into a ig y I î i-b Khhu os5.br 3Oof) Let theni. , .pie r ýCollins, F Mc1h>w 0li-es IIlO -M.dswa O O 0 1 P h ,Cmmria is urrsefrGood Citizens.ir - Lace p i Lani 1 8s Wiziltman23i Il 0 ,'Ijubf'rt i1O0f0 0 >-u.The Canîeca liasfausuris ne rii ina Tito,îs E in t x'tliîiii, 'ii 01Il t mg Oi. 1 0 us Thy eta e o U i 0 te Amenîcan Boy Scout training la aid I_ itlrIer - G K. Moi-si'e 0.lndr')ic jl il Isecret. AI] ouitamorthe llth off Mal'cl.Iing pronuhnentiy iD the rehabllittion 'Tunsýityniglnit lie si-rond off lie .Si' -- ,iasuir-ihirI. Iok-1.Stili r Invitations bave been sentito every ex- of inutidrpds of ,Iliiie Armenlaq, boci .o I' eservice mn t hose namureand addreas rafugees tram the Tnrklah massacres Sae auis wosffrtaed.hnorsao? niinth iguîînI Ctf;Rfee- o, Icouîd be obtained, and they bave aalted wbo hava bern orisanizail into s scaî icurt Ilof ichonr to hbil- mîiics-. Sciiizi. iti-frrer. :Tri r 1us'ta announice that any vbo did nost troop in Constititopia as the solution giaines sîti a score off 13 1toisil"for tbluh -it-ii-i. lailiMsn ii receve a invtaton souldDotfeel i- -fna of the imolli troubiesorne prob irs m and15tus10 fcior ici h.ie- Attf reev nIniainshudnt lems that confrontef the Near Est Re, The gitmes wer fast andcls:A liaroId Mi an,21. esligbted, bht lis cordially lnvlled tati Uef werkers In that City. îbhemeldtif tht' il-si baises,bahtiu ' »Comne. A coinplete list of names and Heunded an Ildriven for four yaara off the Suigies were shnid lb.- scores adireases s. almosi Impossible ta ob- bavIU. seen ilIir parents antd relativessbig7I l ietr tain. slangbtered or 5-lrse hy Turkîs erredof jii g -. l',e ing7h ' u lrst u - ~~~~~Kurde ant rnd rSi,îfîîrc-ei to hb . bihi i li tir,-n-sireih".,ilC zr>S r ie Witb the coumncil o! tive iaokîng for steal ordo iniiiIni-u nytlrig-t eke ouI S iiiIl i nlitid: iTri 111i ilo-lei assistance and guidance, the Con, the barest existence, tinsse boys hait S Sagies ilit un.b fi:'-1.,;, hi . tilil 11 SERVICES AT THE PRESBVTERIAN maner-.cpiiîlouiTuady igt mIcompietellyostt Teir moraîl senat' wher 1 lionsi, i CHURCH SUNDAV, MAACH . lefI us to shiîft for ourselves. MWe wonh-Ithay fInnily liiînri l 'efuge In tire Nai -A i rril;,Sit.%\iiiii iil i EarI C. Morgan, Pator - ider vliere he vent, and s-boni be îiok. IRaThebit'! hallrulin c I nrorsfi li.Ti u r -'i lh iibT riitiis îrî !1 n î The inryibal î'eî clal in raglloi --',-i S ncioiri5n- -i>xdiiii, 21 fori-%n--iaî es.TiciIil>- bam b too.» long flinttîhî'y ball foreiiiin hluov tc ; A Il bis agalnst the American Le- taencame i.! ciii lus. 'Rbl ls 0î.î, i;.icsushoi.-J1,alou reciiinc"Tet h a . 'rSaisfc0ftoe gion stuoiuîd lie presanted not laterwbn ofNiî st elied f led erd O (s.uiit.r Irrlile îîîîI-nr, il îuî ti'oial lnuitiî. AI tIis service %-ioe than the tirai and third Mondays In cc.tesfr e boys constnntiy Con' oiîîe; bing y oui iiiîîaks, iiay or cii o i-iilaiaion andI ordination tuf avery nîontb. Action wili then Ile tak- ing In. usîglt, or any lime cise thaî'sient! KiIci-as en on theni the following nilht. atnd Then the boys were orgaqitzed esi 1 Chrit. tbey viilIe paiti immediately. B> cusat ie uu iufiî S (.ri 'ul nis. Juioîrs. aotihomtins; and IilE11hI>aij'vor if6-46 p. t. 'Thay bezn tÏoai'h careful of' tlelil iiiiiy lilcsuiit'îi, trio; T<iS.lf-li-rS-Fîîii'hokii rAnybody who vanta atieket forthe acholclotbes ,as vaîl as of theîr uni Di l'.itIo n.illIle Nautiius ibai ivero% iciti1a- .-îi.i-Mfkl-m. .nni dance, or thinks ha can sell one, cail forme. mill smii'iis yau! rearliiig' ai 7:1'wM i, .T.îî.lc-of rfite iSn nîîhen a oceani e il ty Th.y>' lid been so aflan hungry thI,-asemlon, The Iov.rof One." Specish1 ta :ieciîiiodate yo. bdcm a5aIwt'utConiiunc- O1.1iiocki- iiilik camerîa snnuîs. ha! cmatie. tien. WhuVhentiy irst CD tei i e..ie or.T-,- l'.Mo', i flîfil li,tlio',Il ii h iin eT Yr The mrtlng uesdaynigbtvas a phanages thury ..iîininiii)statenl.-~Inn DE esi Th.eImeti tn c. Commniathoasaboy stolea spurse frm is Aniericaii 1h. .îuiiks'l kudaks; caftera iunaîus; la! n 3. ,March III.-;il 8 1 in., ilaIle r-ýyilvetn n.Cmuiain teacher. For twa or threa îveeks lte, Ih' cburch baseunent. An inietilanti firt ilIl.t:ii 115 xila pay for service men liebecame s Boy Scout he h-as obviaus We h>ifiihe ic uiuss; nOnil 'eni had; - I i..'ct.. n ani- rcoosiderabie dis- 1>' îneasy. One niay he came ta bei Every one that caun hbad. > - Ii '-iriii 'tn'uaMaich, c-liainonthe t' Ajîiiiiîi as insiructed Io,! -witb, thle-ptIrI'e Inibis iîand. 1,i ieClrhadtru.Tpc inriniiroiiiin..ioIllue îepurnsenîa- "I dnn1t ,'ant ta gîve Ilbac-k," he D., M.S., 21, 10-. i iau-eisliluudtm. .'ic tilt-s hfiuni flis iiieiciin éongressasnid Scutîanly " u aet.You Can't Guess What! 3YScusalteChrhTueàday'. tIi-gin., tii,nu in support during this ses- Tofoi-ni mari' scout tmiooptrita rans -P', h' bu'ttli anybotiy! " Badges. Coi F- urt ' io ih e rs . sinin l lIn' iongrss tie bill nos'pend- tomtu tbre h ittie iintfoctiihi'(sinir aii.Ct- ieGih i h att r s in nlnsanju cod compensation Igoo. i ttirNîlle ai'o!ft'u'nh iire :go l' Whiis ail? I loue se Choir practici' ersch Fmiday eveaing for' Tnhe1e r î. fic ilitary train- vlîy the Nmn.r Jin.ils 'oiirf, W r sncrls snrbdig..t th lp M r.cMattison,c-foiister; Mrs. )unand, ing bihlîhîs alan discussed, but no avenue. News Y'.rk-.-ity, isumnnkîusg ltuîb5ve a nev dress? u'm just dyleg 10 organlat. defilis iacition iaken I a ppeal for fluide., kflîr - Tell nie qaick!" ______ %',Ilif vîîîîil kerp salhilong enoagh Want for sai, etc. ada. In the IN- rAc0uhnnliin-of tir,, i-inhern las nRead Lakte County's Most influen- h viii. 'Only yoti niut prIlomiise fat lt EEoNTrac vr 500pn j piniil i) nn onk ninu the qis-stn 0f liai weekly-The IndependeSt. teillanybody'.Nohodi- issuppaîrd to11. ons each week. S ATIS you CIothinl Order your anJ bye. Pc Prieed fru- '$3 SE£ OUR NEV AND CHILDRI J RA 1BukIey Bul Many a mnan w~ iater an. Waitinri lose-. We are in clost ýto your advant * We havg sizes and are The piices of = secuare tis loi tomeFs.' If yu :G. Te LT.- T 9 ADNM LY le 't- a 'il 4